// Application basics LanguageName [English] TheSagaOfRyzom [Khanat] PropertyNotFound [Property not found.] uittQuitRyzom [Quit Khanat] uittQuitGame [Character Selection] uittQuitCancel [Back to Game] uittQuitCancelEditor [Back to Editor] uittLaunchEditor [Scenario Editor] uittLeaveEditor [Leave Editor] uittOK [OK] uittCancel [Cancel] Misc [Misc] uiExitLogin [EXIT] uiCheckPasword [ENTER LOGIN AND PASSWORD] uiLogin [Login] uiUsername [Username] uiPassword [Password] uiConfirmPassword [Confirm Password] uiEmail [Email Address] uiOnLogin [LOGIN] uiShardDisp [CHOOSE YOUR SHARD] uiLoginQuit [QUIT] uiOnline [ONLINE] uiOffline [OFFLINE] uiOnConnect [CONNECT] uiOnStatus [STATUS] uiOnVersion [VERSION] uiOnChecking [CHECKING FILES FOR PATCH...] uiOnRelease [RELEASE NOTES] uiGameConfiguration [GAME CONFIGURATION] uiCreateAccount [CREATE ACCOUNT] uiEditAccount [EDIT ACCOUNT] uiBetaAccount [UPGRADE BETA ACCOUNT] uiForgetPwd [FORGOTTEN PASSWORD] uiFreeTrial [CREATE YOUR FREE TRIAL ACCOUNT] uiLoginSupport [SUPPORT] uiReleaseNote [READ NOTES] uiNoteClose [CLOSE] uiOnPatch [PATCH] uiOnPatchDetail [PATCH DETAILS] uiOnPatchOpt [OPTIONAL: Add/Remove Files From Patch] uiErrOffLineShard [Error: You cannot connect to an offline shard (error code 15).] uiErrCantPatch [Error: You cannot patch because the PatchURL isn't setup in database (error code 16).] uiNeedToPatch [Information: You need to patch to access to this shard.] uiErrServerLost [Error: Lost server during patching.] uiPatching [PATCHING PLEASE WAIT] uiErrPatchApply [Error: Patch process ended but the patch has not been successfully applied.] uiErrChecking [Error: Patch files failed - checking.] uiKb [KB] uiMb [MB] uiLoginGetFile [Getting File:] uiDLFailed [Download from emergency server failed, patching is aborted] uiDLURIFailed [Download from URI failed (will try again):] uiNoMoreURI [No more patch URI, try emergency patch server] uiDLWithCurl [Downloading File With Curl:] uiDecompressing [Decompressing File:] uiCheckInt [Checking Integrity:] uiNoVersionFound [No Version Found] uiVersionFound [Version Found:] uiApplyingDelta [Applying Delta:] uiClientVersion [Client Version] uiServerVersion [Server Version] uiCheckingFile [Checking File] uiNeededPatches [Required Patches:] uiCheckInBNP [Checking inside BNP:] uiSHA1Diff [Force BNP Unpacking: checksums do not correspond:] uiCheckEndNoErr [Checking file ended with no errors] uiCheckEndWithErr [Checking file ended with errors:] uiPatchEndNoErr [Patching file ended with no errors] uiPatchEndWithErr [Patch failed!] uiPatchDiskFull [Disk full!] uiPatchWriteError [Disk write error! (disk full?)] uiUnpack [BNP Unpacking:] uiUnpackErrHead [Cannot read bnp header:] uiRebootConfirm [Khanat will now relaunch. Please wait until Khanat is fully restarted.] uiRebootBut [CLICK HERE TO RELAUNCH] uiChangeDate [Changing the mod date:] uiChgDateErr [Cannot change file time:] uiNowDate [Now the date is:] uiSetAttrib [Set file attributes:] uiAttribErr [Cannot have read/write access:] uiDelFile [Delete file:] uiDelErr [Cannot delete file:] uiDelNoFile [Delete file (no file)] uiRenameFile [Rename File:] uiRenameErr [Cannot rename file:] uiNext [NEXT] uiSkip [SKIP] uiConnecting [CONNECTING...] uiCrashing1 [Connection failed.] uiCrashing2 [If you have just left the game then please wait 30 seconds] uiCrashing3 [for your previous character to be disconnected and try again.] uiFirewallAlert [Please grant firewall permission for Khanat] uiFirewallFail [Connection failed] uiWarningPeople [Race not available in this version] uiWarningCareer [Career not available in this version] uiQuit [Quit Game] uiQuitGameWithoutWarning [Quit Game to Main Menu Without Warning] uiQuitRyzomWithoutWarning [Quit the Game Without Warning] uiHome [Home] uiHOME [HOME] uiHelp [Help] uiHelpTitle [HELP] uiBack [Back] uiPrevStep [Previous Step] uiNextStep [Next Step] uiSkipIntro [Skip Intro] uiClose [Close] // Technical agp_trouble [The driver has failed to allocate AGP memory. This may result in performance and display issues.\n Do you want to know more?] can_t_load_the_display_driver [Cannot load the display driver] can_t_initialise_the_mouse [Cannot initialize the mouse] can_t_initialise_the_keyboard [Cannot initialize the keyboard] can_t_create_a_window_display [Cannot create a window display] can_t_create_a_fullscreen_display [Cannot create a fullscreen display] bits [bits] // Chat Whisper [Whisper: ] Say [Say: ] Shout [Shout: ] // Mount NoCastOnMount [Impossible to cast a spell when mounted.] NoCreateOnMount [Impossible to create a spell when mounted.] NoTeleportOnMount [Impossible to teleport a player when mounted.] NoMountWhenSpell [Impossible to mount when creating or casting a spell.] // Compass uiDistanceto [Distance to Compass Target] uiRange [Range] // Team uittLead [Team Leader] uittSuccessor [Team Successor] ___faber_skill_sep___ [--------------------------------] // Item types ifARMOR [Armor] ifMELEE_WEAPON [Melee weapon] ifRANGE_WEAPON [Range weapon] ifAMMO [Ammo] ifRAW_MATERIAL [Raw Material] ifSHIELD [Shield] ifCRAFTING_TOOL [Crafting Tool] ifHARVEST_TOOL [Harvesting Tool] ifTAMING_TOOL [Taming Tool] ifTRAINING_TOOL [Training Tool] ifAI [AI] ifBRICK [Stanza] ifCORPSE [Corpse] ifCARRION [Carrion] ifBAG [Bag] ifSTACK [Stack] ifLIVING_SEED [Living Seed] ifDEAD_SEED [Dead Seed] ifFOOD [Food] ifJEWELRY [Jewelry] ifTELEPORT [Teleport] ifUNDEFINED [Undefined] // Item origins ioUnknown [Unknown] ioCommon [Common] ioFyros [Ucikara] ioMatis [Tcara] ioTryker [Tryker] ioZorai [Zoraï] ioTribe [Tribe] ioRefugee [Refugee] ioKaravan [Karavan] ioKami [Kami] // Armor classifiers atUNKNOWN [Unknown] atHEAVY [Heavy] atMEDIUM [Medium] atLIGHT [Light] // Weapon classifiers wtLIGHT [Light] wtMEDIUM [Medium] wtHEAVY [Heavy] wtHANDS [Hands] wtLIGHT_GUN [Light gun] wtMEDIUM_GUN [Medium gun] wtHEAVY_GUN [Heavy gun] wtUNKNOWN [Unknown] // Shield classifiers stNONE [None] stSMALL_SHIELD [Small shield] stLARGE_SHIELD [Large shield] // Damage types dtSLASHING [Slashing] dtPIERCING [Piercing] dtBLUNT [Smashing] dtROT [Rot] dtACID [Acid] dtCOLD [Cold] dtFIRE [Fire] dtPOISON [Poison] dtELECTRICITY [Electricity] dtSHOCK [Shockwave] dtUNDEFINED [Undefined] // Ecosystems ecosysUnknown [Unknown] ecosysCommonEcosystem [Common] ecosysDesert [Desert] ecosysForest [Forest] ecosysLacustre [Lakes] ecosysJungle [Jungle] ecosysGoo [Goo] ecosysPrimaryRoot [Prime Roots] // Raw material categories (UnuseD mpcatUndefined [Undefined] mpcatExotic [Exotic] mpcatFaber [Crafter] mpcatUpgrade [Upgrade] // Player stats scoreHitPoints [Trauma] scoreSap [Oblivion] scoreStamina [Pain] scoreWeight [Weight] scoreDiseaseResist [Disease resistance] scoreMagicResist [Magic resistance] scoreTechnoResist [Techno resistance] scoreImpactResist [Impact resistance] scoreFearResist [Fear resistance] scoreUnknown [Unknown] // Brick types bricktMAGIC [Magic] bricktCOMBAT [Combat] bricktFABER [Crafter] bricktHARVEST [Ranger] bricktTRACKING [Tracking] bricktSHOPKEEPER [Shopkeeper] bricktMISCELLANEOUS [Miscellaneous] bricktUNKNOWN [Unknown] // Tool types toolNone [Unknown] toolArmorTool [Armor Crafting Tool] toolJewelryTool [Jewelry Crafting Tool] toolAmmoTool [Ammo Crafting Tool] toolRangeWeaponTool [Range Weapon Crafting Tool] toolToolMaker [Tool Crafting Tool] toolMeleeWeaponTool [Melee Weapon Crafting Tool] // Raw material targets mpftMpL [Blade] mpftMpH [Hammer] mpftMpP [Point] mpftMpM [Shaft] mpftMpG [Grip] mpftMpC [Counterweight] mpftMpGA [Trigger] mpftMpPE [Firing Pin] mpftMpCA [Barrel] mpftMpE [Explosive] mpftMpEN [Ammo Jacket] mpftMpPR [Ammo Bullet] mpftMpCR [Armor Shell] mpftMpRI [Lining] mpftMpRE [Stuffing] mpftMpAT [Armor Clip] mpftMpSU [Jewel Setting] mpftMpED [Jewel] mpftMpBT [Blacksmith Tool] mpftMpPES [Pestle] mpftMpSH [Sharpening Tool] mpftMpTK [Tunneling Knife] mpftMpJH [Jewelry Hammer] mpftMpCF [Campfire] mpftMpVE [Clothes] mpftMpMF [Magic Focus] mpft [Undefined Raw Material Target] // Raw material qualities mpfqSlightly [Mediocre %p] mpfqModerately [Average %p] mpfq [Good %p] mpfqQuite [Very Good %p] mpfqExtremely [Excellent %p] // Raw material colors mpcolRed [Red] mpcolBeige [Beige] mpcolGreen [Green] mpcolTurquoise [Turquoise] mpcolBlue [Blue] mpcolPurple [Purple] mpcolWhite [White] mpcolBlack [Black] // Raw material sap load mpsapload0 [Low] mpsapload1 [Medium] mpsapload2 [High] mpsapload3 [Very High] // Raw material stats mpstat0 [Durability] mpstat1 [Lightness] mpstat2 [Sap Load] mpstat3 [Damage] mpstat4 [Speed] mpstat5 [Range] mpstat6 [Dodge Modifier] mpstat7 [Parry Modifier] mpstat8 [Adversary Dodge Modifier] mpstat9 [Adversary Parry Modifier] mpstat10 [Protection Factor] mpstat11 [Max. Slashing Protection] mpstat12 [Max. Smashing Protection] mpstat13 [Max. Piercing Protection] mpstat14 [Acid Protection] mpstat15 [Cold Protection] mpstat16 [Rot Protection] mpstat17 [Fire Protection] mpstat18 [Shockwave Protection] mpstat19 [Poison Protection] mpstat20 [Electricity Protection] mpstat21 [Desert Resistance] mpstat22 [Forest Resistance] mpstat23 [Lakes Resistance] mpstat24 [Jungle Resistance] mpstat25 [Prime Roots Resistance] mpstat26 [Elemental Cast Speed] mpstat27 [Elemental Power] mpstat28 [Off. Affliction Cast Speed] mpstat29 [Off. Affliction Power] mpstat30 [Def. Affliction Cast Speed] mpstat31 [Def. Affliction Power] mpstat32 [Healing Cast Speed] mpstat33 [Healing Power] // Raw material qualifiers mpstatItemQualifier0 [of Durability] mpstatItemQualifier1 [of Lightness] mpstatItemQualifier2 [of Sap Load] mpstatItemQualifier3 [of Damage] mpstatItemQualifier4 [of Speed] mpstatItemQualifier5 [with Range] mpstatItemQualifier6 [with Dodge Modifier] mpstatItemQualifier7 [with Parry Modifier] mpstatItemQualifier8 [with Adversary Dodge Modifier] mpstatItemQualifier9 [with Adversary Parry Modifier] mpstatItemQualifier10 [with Protection Factor] mpstatItemQualifier11 [of Slashing Protection] mpstatItemQualifier12 [of Smashing Protection] mpstatItemQualifier13 [of Piercing Protection] mpstatItemQualifier14 [of Acid Protection] mpstatItemQualifier15 [of Cold Protection] mpstatItemQualifier16 [of Rot Protection] mpstatItemQualifier17 [of Fire Protection] mpstatItemQualifier18 [of Shockwave Protection] mpstatItemQualifier19 [of Poison Protection] mpstatItemQualifier20 [of Electricity Protection] mpstatItemQualifier21 [of Desert Resistance] mpstatItemQualifier22 [of Forest Resistance] mpstatItemQualifier23 [of Lakes Resistance] mpstatItemQualifier24 [of Jungle Resistance] mpstatItemQualifier25 [of Primary Roots Resistance] mpstatItemQualifier26 [of Elemental Cast Speed] mpstatItemQualifier27 [of Elemental Power] mpstatItemQualifier28 [of Offensive Affliction Cast Speed] mpstatItemQualifier29 [of Offensive Affliction Power] mpstatItemQualifier30 [of Defensive Affliction Cast Speed] mpstatItemQualifier31 [of Defensive Affliction Power] mpstatItemQualifier32 [of Healing Cast Speed] mpstatItemQualifier33 [of Healing Power] // Spell types ptCold [Cold] ptAcid [Acid] ptRot [Rot] ptFire [Fire] ptShockwave [ShockWave] ptPoison [Poison] ptElectricity [Electricity] ptNone [None] // Regions rsDesert [Desert] rsForest [Forest] rsLacustre [Lakes] rsJungle [Jungle] rsPrimaryRoot [Prime Roots] rsNone [None] // Emotes uiEmoteTitle [EMOTES] uiStandardEmotes [STANDARD EMOTES] uiEmote0 [afk] uiEmote1 [agree] uiEmote2 [angry] uiEmote3 [apologize] uiEmote4 [applaud] uiEmote5 [blush] uiEmote6 [bow] uiEmote7 [bye] uiEmote8 [calm] uiEmote9 [cheer] uiEmote10 [cry] uiEmote11 [dance] uiEmote12 [disagree] uiEmote13 [follow] uiEmote14 [gesture] uiEmote15 [giggle] uiEmote16 [go away] uiEmote17 [impatient] uiEmote18 [kiss] uiEmote19 [kneel] uiEmote20 [laugh] uiEmote21 [lol] uiEmote22 [point] uiEmote23 [roar] uiEmote24 [sad] uiEmote25 [smile] uiEmote26 [thanks] uiEmote27 [unhappy] uiEmote28 [victory] uiEmote29 [wave] uiEM_Emotes [EMOTES] uiEM_Pos [POSITIVE] uiEM_Neu [NEUTRAL] uiEM_Neg [NEGATIVE] uiEM_Opi [OPINION] uiEM_Att [ATTITUDE] uiEM_Ges [GESTURE] uiEM_PosOpi [POSITIVE OPINION] uiEM_NeuOpi [NEUTRAL OPINION] uiEM_NegOpi [NEGATIVE OPINION] uiEM_PosAtt [POSITIVE ATTITUDE] uiEM_NeuAtt [NEUTRAL ATTITUDE] uiEM_NegAtt [NEGATIVE ATTITUDE] uiEM_PosGes [POSITIVE GESTURE] uiEM_NeuGes [NEUTRAL GESTURE] uiEM_NegGes [NEGATIVE GESTURE] uiEM_Absentminded [ABSENTMINDED] uiEM_Adventurous [ADVENTUROUS] uiEM_Aggressive [AGGRESSIVE] uiEM_Agree [AGREE] uiEM_Alert [ALERT] uiEM_Altruist [ALTRUIST] uiEM_Amazed [AMAZED] uiEM_Ambivalent [AMBIVALENT] uiEM_Amused [AMUSED] uiEM_Angry [ANGRY] uiEM_Annoyed [ANNOYED] uiEM_Apathetic [APATHETIC] uiEM_Approve [APPROVE] uiEM_Arrogant [ARROGANT] uiEM_Ashamed [ASHAMED] uiEM_Belligerent [BELLIGERENT] uiEM_Bitter [BITTER] uiEM_Bloodthirsty [BLOODTHIRSTY] uiEM_Bored [BORED] uiEM_Bow [BOW] uiEM_Brave [BRAVE] uiEM_Bubbly [BUBBLY] uiEM_Burp [BURP] uiEM_Calm [CALM] uiEM_Calmdown [CALM DOWN] uiEM_Careful [CAREFUL] uiEM_Careless [CARELESS] uiEM_Casual [CASUAL] uiEM_Chaotic [CHAOTIC] uiEM_Cheer [CHEER] uiEM_Clinical [CLINICAL] uiEM_Cold [COLD] uiEM_Compassionate [COMPASSIONATE] uiEM_Condescending [CONDESCENDING] uiEM_Confident [CONFIDENT] uiEM_Confused [CONFUSED] uiEM_Contemptuous [CONTEMPTUOUS] uiEM_Content [CONTENT] uiEM_Courageous [COURAGEOUS] uiEM_Courtly [COURTLY] uiEM_Coward [COWARD] uiEM_Crazy [CRAZY] uiEM_Crude [CRUDE] uiEM_Cruel [CRUEL] uiEM_Curious [CURIOUS] uiEM_Cynical [CYNICAL] uiEM_Dainty [DAINTY] uiEM_Dance [DANCE] uiEM_Defensive [DEFENSIVE] uiEM_Depressed [DEPRESSED] uiEM_Desire [DESIRE] uiEM_Despaired [DESPAIRED] uiEM_Destructive [DESTRUCTIVE] uiEM_Die [DIE] uiEM_Dignified [DIGNIFIED] uiEM_Diplomatic [DIPLOMATIC] uiEM_Disappointed [DISAPPOINTED] uiEM_Discreet [DISCREET] uiEM_Disdainful [DISDAINFUL] uiEM_Disgruntled [DISGRUNTLED] uiEM_Disgusted [DISGUSTED] uiEM_Disillusioned [DISILLUSIONED] uiEM_Dismayed [DISMAYED] uiEM_Disoriented [DISORIENTED] uiEM_Distracted [DISTRACTED] uiEM_Doubtful [DOUBTFUL] uiEM_Dramatic [DRAMATIC] uiEM_Dreamy [DREAMY] uiEM_Drink [DRINK] uiEM_Drunk [DRUNK] uiEM_Dutiful [DUTIFUL] uiEM_Eager [EAGER] uiEM_Earnest [EARNEST] uiEM_Ecstatic [ECSTATIC] uiEM_Egoistic [EGOISTIC] uiEM_Embarrassed [EMBARRASSED] uiEM_Emotional [EMOTIONAL] uiEM_Emotionless [EMOTIONLESS] uiEM_Emphatic [EMPHATIC] uiEM_Encouraging [ENCOURAGING] uiEM_Enraged [ENRAGED] uiEM_Enthusiastic [ENTHUSIASTIC] uiEM_Envious [ENVIOUS] uiEM_Evil [EVIL] uiEM_Excited [EXCITED] uiEM_Exercise [EXERCISE] uiEM_Exhausted [EXHAUSTED] uiEM_Exuberant [EXUBERANT] uiEM_Faithful [FAITHFUL] uiEM_Fanatical [FANATICAL] uiEM_Fastidious [FASTIDIOUS] uiEM_Fearful [FEARFUL] uiEM_Firm [FIRM] uiEM_FBT [FBT] uiEM_Forgive [FORGIVE] uiEM_Fraternal [FRATERNAL] uiEM_Friendly [FRIENDLY] uiEM_Frustrated [FRUSTRATED] uiEM_Funny [FUNNY] uiEM_Generous [GENEROUS] uiEM_Gimme5 [GIMME5] uiEM_Gloomy [GLOOMY] uiEM_Goofy [GOOFY] uiEM_Great [GREAT] uiEM_Grin [GRIN] uiEM_Grumpy [GRUMPY] uiEM_Guilty [GUILTY] uiEM_Happy [HAPPY] uiEM_Hardsilence [HARD SILENCE] uiEM_Haughty [HAUGHTY] uiEM_Helpful [HELPFUL] uiEM_Heroic [HEROIC] uiEM_Hiha [HIHA] uiEM_Honest [HONEST] uiEM_Hopeful [HOPEFUL] uiEM_Hopeless [HOPELESS] uiEM_Humble [HUMBLE] uiEM_Hungry [HUNGRY] uiEM_Hurried [HURRIED] uiEM_Hurry [HURRY] uiEM_Hysterical [HYSTERICAL] uiEM_Imploring [IMPLORING] uiEM_Indifferent [INDIFFERENT] uiEM_Indignant [INDIGNANT] uiEM_Indulgent [INDULGENT] uiEM_Innocent [INNOCENT] uiEM_Insecure [INSECURE] uiEM_Interested [INTERESTED] uiEM_Jealous [JEALOUS] uiEM_Joyful [JOYFUL] uiEM_Kind [KIND] uiEM_Lazy [LAZY] uiEM_Loathing [LOATHING] uiEM_Logical [LOGICAL] uiEM_Lonely [LONELY] uiEM_Loud [LOUD] uiEM_Love [LOVE] uiEM_Loyal [LOYAL] uiEM_Lustful [LUSTFUL] uiEM_Malevolent [MALEVOLENT] uiEM_Malicious [MALICIOUS] uiEM_Mean [MEAN] uiEM_Megalomaniac [MEGALOMANIAC] uiEM_Merciful [MERCIFUL] uiEM_Mischievous [MISCHIEVOUS] uiEM_Mocking [MOCKING] uiEM_Nervous [NERVOUS] uiEM_Neutral [NEUTRAL] uiEM_Nice [NICE] uiEM_Noclue [NO CLUE] uiEM_None [NONE] uiEM_Nostalgic [NOSTALGIC] uiEM_Obnoxious [OBNOXIOUS] uiEM_Obscure [OBSCURE] uiEM_Obsessed [OBSESSED] uiEM_Offended [OFFENDED] uiEM_Optimistic [OPTIMISTIC] uiEM_Over [OVER] uiEM_Pacific [PACIFIC] uiEM_Painful [PAINFUL] uiEM_Panick [PANIC] uiEM_Patient [PATIENT] uiEM_Patriotic [PATRIOTIC] uiEM_Pedantic [PEDANTIC] uiEM_Perturbed [PERTURBED] uiEM_Pessimistic [PESSIMISTIC] uiEM_Petulant [PETULANT] uiEM_Philosophical [PHILOSOPHICAL] uiEM_Pitying [PITYING] uiEM_Playful [PLAYFUL] uiEM_Pleased [PLEASED] uiEM_Point [POINT] uiEM_Pointback [POINT BACK] uiEM_Pointfront [POINT FRONT] uiEM_Pointleft [POINT LEFT] uiEM_Pointright [POINT RIGHT] uiEM_Polite [POLITE] uiEM_Pompous [POMPOUS] uiEM_Powerful [POWERFUL] uiEM_Praying [PRAYING] uiEM_Proud [PROUD] uiEM_Provocative [PROVOCATIVE] uiEM_Puzzled [PUZZLED] uiEM_Quiet [QUIET] uiEM_Ready [READY] uiEM_Reassured [REASSURED] uiEM_Rebellious [REBELLIOUS] uiEM_Reckless [RECKLESS] uiEM_Regretful [REGRETFUL] uiEM_Relaxed [RELAXED] uiEM_Relieved [RELIEVED] uiEM_Reluctant [RELUCTANT] uiEM_Remorseful [REMORSEFUL] uiEM_Resigned [RESIGNED] uiEM_Respectful [RESPECTFUL] uiEM_Revengeful [REVENGEFUL] uiEM_Rice [RICE] uiEM_Ridicule [RIDICULE] uiEM_Righteous [RIGHTEOUS] uiEM_Romantic [ROMANTIC] uiEM_Rude [RUDE] uiEM_Sad [SAD] uiEM_Sarcastic [SARCASTIC] uiEM_Scared [SCARED] uiEM_Scolding [SCOLDING] uiEM_Sedate [SEDATE] uiEM_Selfish [SELFISH] uiEM_Serious [SERIOUS] uiEM_Shameless [SHAMELESS] uiEM_Sheepish [SHEEPISH] uiEM_Shifty [SHIFTY] uiEM_Shocked [SHOCKED] uiEM_Shutup [SHUT UP] uiEM_Shy [SHY] uiEM_Sigh [SIGH] uiEM_Silence [SILENCE] uiEM_Silly [SILLY] uiEM_Sincerely [SINCERELY] uiEM_Sleepy [SLEEPY] uiEM_Sly [SLY] uiEM_Smack [SMACK] uiEM_Smug [SMUG] uiEM_Sorry [SORRY] uiEM_Spiteful [SPITEFUL] uiEM_Squeamish [SQUEAMISH] uiEM_Stop [HOLD ON] uiEM_Strong [STRONG] uiEM_Stubborn [STUBBORN] uiEM_Suffering [SUFFERING] uiEM_Surprised [SURPRISED] uiEM_Suspicious [SUSPICIOUS] uiEM_Taunting [TAUNTING] uiEM_Terrified [TERRIFIED] uiEM_Thankful [THANKFUL] uiEM_Thirsty [THIRSTY] uiEM_Thoughtful [THOUGHTFUL] uiEM_Tired [TIRED] uiEM_Tolerant [TOLERANT] uiEM_Troubled [TROUBLED] uiEM_Uncertain [UNCERTAIN] uiEM_Unhappy [UNHAPPY] uiEM_Unwilling [UNWILLING] uiEM_Vengeful [VENGEFUL] uiEM_Wait [WAIT] uiEM_Warm [WARM] uiEM_Wary [WARY] uiEM_Wave [WAVE] uiEM_Whine [WHINE] uiEM_Wicked [WICKED] uiEM_Wise [WISE] uiEM_Wistful [WISTFUL] uiEM_Worried [WORRIED] uiEM_Wounded [WOUNDED] uiEM_Yawn [YAWN] uiEM_Youandme [YOU AND ME] uimInfos [Info] uiCombatTitle [COMBAT] uiDesertRawMats [Desert Exotic Raw Materials] uiForestRawMats [Forest Exotic Raw Materials] uiJungleRawMats [Jungle Exotic Raw Materials] uiLakeRawMats [Lakes Exotic Raw Materials] uiComStaminaCost [Pain Cost:] uiCommerceTitle [COMMERCE] uittEval [Evaluate raw material price] // Wind directions uiW [W] uiWSW [WSW] uiSW [SW] uiSSW [SSW] uiS [S] uiSSE [SSE] uiSE [SE] uiESE [ESE] uiE [E] uiENE [ENE] uiNE [NE] uiNNE [NNE] uiN [N] uiNNW [NNW] uiNW [NW] uiWNW [WNW] uiRadarZoom0 [25m] uiRadarZoom1 [50m] uiRadarZoom2 [125m] uiRadarZoom3 [250m] uimZoomIn [Zoom in] uimZoomOut [Zoom out] uiNotReceived [NOT RECEIVED] uiTypeOfObject [TYPE OF OBJECT] uiDesign [DESIGN] uiOptionals [OPTIONS] uiQuantity [QUANTITY] uiTool [TOOL] uiMaterials [Materials] uiDifficulty [DIFFICULTY] uiStaminaCost [PAIN COST] uiResult [RESULT] uiInventoryFull [INVENTORY FULL] uiBonusURInAWorkshop [Bonus: You are in a Workshop!] uiSourceObject [SOURCE OBJECT] uiFaberCreateTitle [CRAFTER CREATING] uiFaberPlanSel [PLAN SELECTION] uiFaberRepairTitle [CRAFTER REPAIRING] uiFaberRefineTitle [CRAFTER REFINING] uimFaInfos [Info] uimFaReset [Reset to Default] uimFaClear [Clear] uiItem1to5 [Item level from 1 to 5] uiItem6to10 [Item level from 6 to 10] uiItem11to15 [Item level from 11 to 15] uiItem16to20 [Item level from 16 to 20] uiItem21to25 [Item level from 21 to 25] uittClickSelMat [Click to select raw material from your inventory] uittDropPlan [Drop a Craft plan here to create an item] uittClickSelTool [Click to select a tool from your sheaths] uittDefComp [Default composition] uittClearComp [Clear composition] uittStartFaComp [Start Crafter creation] uittDropItem [Drop an item here to repair] uittClickTool [Click to select a tool from your sheaths] uittStartFaRepair [Start Crafter repair] uittDropItRef [Drop an item here to refine] uittStartFaRefine [Start Crafter refine] // User Interface Game Configuration uigcUnitMeters [ m] uigcUnitChar [ characters] uigcUnitPercent [%] uigcPreSet [Preset: ] uigcPreSetLow [LOW] uigcPreSetMedium [MEDIUM] uigcPreSetNormal [NORMAL] uigcPreSetHigh [HIGH] uigcPreSetCustom [CUSTOM] uittGCValid [APPLY] uittGCCancel [CANCEL] uiGCCancel [CANCEL] uiGCApply [APPLY] uiGCOk [OK] uigcTextureMode [Texture:] uigcLowTextureMode [LOW (32 MB)] uigcNormalTextureMode [NORMAL (64 MB)] uigcHighTextureMode [HIGH (128 MB)] uigcScreenRatio [Screen Ratio:] uigcScreenRatio43 [4:3] uigcScreenRatio169 [16:9] uigcScreenRatioCustom [Custom] uigcttScreenRatio [The @{6F6F}Aspect Ratio@{FFFF} of your monitor.\n Change this if you don't have a standard 4:3 monitor.\n Note: There is no need to worry about the pixel resolution (even if you have adjusted the size of your window). Khanat will take care of it.] uigcGraph [GRAPHICS] uigcGeneral [GENERAL] uigcLandscape [LANDSCAPE] uigcSpecialFX [SPECIAL EFFECTS] uigcCharacter [CHARACTERS] uigcLanguage [LANGUAGE] uigcInterface [INTERFACE] uigcHUD [HUD] uigcAlphaColor [WINDOWS] uigcWinColor [HEADING COLORS] uigcWinColorR2 [RING HEADERS] uigcChatColor [CHAT] uigcEnglish [ENGLISH] uigcFrancais [FRANCAIS] uigcDeutch [DEUTSCH] uigcRussian [RUSSIAN] uigcSpanish [SPANISH] uigcRequestReboot [Khanat needs to be restarted to apply the changes. Restart now?] uigcInput [INPUT] uigcMouse [MOUSE] uigcKeyboard [KEYBOARD] uigcSound [SOUND] uigcLandmarkColor [LANDMARKS] uiFPS [FPS:] uiGeneralColor [General Options] uiScreen [Screen Control] uiContrast [Contrast] uiLuminosity [Luminosity] uiGamma [Gamma] uiDivideTxBy2 [Low Resolution Textures] uiWaitVBL [VBL Sync] uiFullscreen [Fullscreen] uiLandGeneral [Landscape Options] uiLand [Landscape] uiVision [Far Clip] uiTileNear [Tile Near Clip] uiThreshold [Quality] uiMicroVeget [Micro-Vegetation] uiMicroVegetDensity [Density] uiFXGeneral [Special Effects] uiFxLimitations [Limitations] uiFxMaxPoly [Max. Polygons] uiFxCloud [Enable Clouds] uiFxCloudQuality [Quality] uiFxCloudUpdate [Update Frequency] uiFxShadow [Enable Shadows] uiFxBloom [Enable Bloom] uiFxSquareBloom [Square Filter] uiFxDensityBloom [Density] uiFxTooltipBloom [Your configuration does not support the Bloom effect. Try to update your drivers.] uiCharPoly [Character Options] uiCharModel [Models] uiCharMaxPoly [Max. Polygons] uiCharMaxNotCLod [Max. High Def.] uiCharFarClip [Far Clip] uiEnableRacialAnimation [Enable Racial Animations] uiHDTexture [High Resolution Texture] uiHud [HUD] uiHardwareCursor [Hardware Cursor] uiActivateHardwareCursor [Do you want to activate the Hardware cursor?] uiShowUnderCursor [Show Under Cursor] uiShowTargeted [Show Targeted] uiSelectWithRClick [Right-Clicking Also Selects] uiFollowOnAtk [Follow the Attacked Target] uiAtkOnSelect [Attack the Target As Soon As Selected] uiCharFade [User Character Fading] uiCharOpacityMin [Opacity] uiCurrentActionOut [Dynamic Display of Current Action] uittCurrentActionOut [If checked, the @{6F6F}current action@{FFFF} is displayed beneath/above the action bar when needed.\n If unchecked, the @{6F6F}current action@{FFFF} is displayed in the player window.] uiGlobalColor [Windows Options] uiUIColor [User Interface Background Colors] uiGlobalOpacity [Global Opacity] uiMouseOverOpacity [Mouse-Over Opacity] uiColorD [Daytime] uiColorN [Nighttime] uiDefDayCol [Define Daytime UI Color] uiDefNightCol [Define Nighttime UI Color] uittColDay [Choose Daytime UI Color] uittColNight [Choose Nighttime UI Color] uiAlphaBG [Background] uiAlphaContent [Contents] uiAlphaRolloverBG [Background] uiAlphaRolloverContent [Contents] uiRolloverAlphaSpeed [Fading Speed] uiContainer [Container] uiChatColors [Chat Colors and Options] uiGuildColor [Guild] uittChooseGuildColor [Choose color for guild messages] uiCCDGuild [Choose Guild Message Color] uiTeamColor [Team] uittChooseTeamColor [Choose color for team messages] uiCCDTeam [Choose Team Message Color] uiSayColor [Say] uittChooseSayColor [Choose color for 'say' messages] uiCCDSay [Choose 'Say' Message Color] uiShoutColor [Shout] uittChooseShoutColor [Choose color for 'shout' messages] uiCCDShout [Choose 'Shout' Message Color] uiTellColor [Tell] uittChooseTellColor [Choose color for 'tell' messages] uiCCDTell [Choose 'Tell' Message Color] uiNpcColor [NPC] uittChooseNpcColor [Choose color for NPC messages] uiCCDNpc [Choose NPC Message Color] uiCiviColor [Civilization] uittChooseCiviColor [Choose color for civilization messages] uiCCDCivi [Choose Civilization Message Color] uiTerriColor [Territory] uittChooseTerriColor [Choose color for territory messages] uiCCDTerri [Choose Territory Message Color] uiUnivColor [Universe] uittChooseUnivColor [Choose color for 'universe' messages] uiCCDUniv [Choose 'Universe' Message Color] uiRegionColor [Region] uittChooseRegionColor [Choose color for region messages] uittChatEnter [If you check this box, you will not leave the chat after sending a message.\n You can also use the @{6F6F}/chat @{FFFF}command to go from one mode to another.] uiCCDRegion [Choose Region Message color] uiWinColors [Heading Colors] uiPlaColor [Player Windows] uiAniColor [Animal Windows] uiComColor [Communication Window] uiInvColor [Action Progression Window] uiOptColor [Configuration Windows] uiLabColor [Orientation Windows] uiMemColor [Guild, Team and Chat Windows] uiHelColor [Help Windows] uiInfColor [Information Windows] uiTraColor [Trade Windows] uiBotColor [NPC Windows] uiCCDPla [Choose Player Window Heading Color] uiCCDAni [Choose Animals Window Header color] uiCCDCom [Choose Communication Window Heading Color] uiCCDInv [Choose Action Window Heading Color] uiCCDOpt [Choose Configuration Window Heading Color] uiCCDLab [Choose Orientation Windows Heading Color] uiCCDMem [Choose Guild, Team and Chat Window Heading Color] uiCCDHel [Choose Help Window Heading Color] uiCCDInf [Choose Information Window Heading Color] uiCCDTra [Choose Trade Window Heading Color] uiCCDBot [Choose NPC Window Heading Color] uittChoosePlaColor [Choose color for the player windows headings] uittChooseAniColor [Choose color for the animals window headings] uittChooseComColor [Choose color for the communication window headings] uittChooseInvColor [Choose color for the action window headings] uittChooseOptColor [Choose color for the configuration window headings] uittChooseLabColor [Choose color for the map window headings] uittChooseMemColor [Choose color for the guild, team and chat window headings] uittChooseHelColor [Choose color for the help window headings] uittChooseInfColor [Choose color for the information window headings] uittChooseTraColor [Choose color for the trading window headings] uittChooseBotColor [Choose color for the NPC window headings] uiLandmarkColors [Landmark Colors] uiLMMiscColor [Miscellaneous] uiLMTribeColor [Tribe] uiLMBanditColor [Bandit] uiLMCitizenColor [Citizen] uiLMFaunaColor [Fauna] uiLMFaunaExcelColor [Named Creature] uiLMFaunaSupColor [Boss Creature] uiLMForageColor [Forage] uiLMForageExcelColor [Excellent Materials] uiLMForageSupColor [Supreme Materials] uiLMSapColor [Sap] uiLMAmberColor [Amber] uiLMNodeColor [Node] uiLMFiberColor [Fiber] uiLMBarkColor [Bark] uiLMSeedColor [Seed] uiLMShellColor [Shell] uiLMResinColor [Resin] uiLMWoodColor [Wood] uiLMOilColor [Oil] uiLMMissionColor [Mission] uiLMFoodColor [Food] uiLMConstructionColor [Construction] uiLMGooColor [Goo] uiLMInsectColor [Insect] uiLMKitinColor [Kitin] uiLMNociveColor [Harmful] uiLMPreservativeColor [Preservative] uiLMPassageColor [Portal] uiLMTeleporterColor [Teleporter] uiCCDLMMisc [Choose Miscellaneous Landmark Color] uiCCDLMTribe [Choose Tribe Landmark Color] uiCCDLMBandit [Choose Bandit Landmark Color] uiCCDLMCitizen [Choose Citizen Landmark Color] uiCCDLMFauna [Choose Fauna Landmark Color] uiCCDLMFaunaExcel [Choose Named Creature Landmark Color] uiCCDLMFaunaSup [Choose Boss Creature Landmark Color] uiCCDLMForage [Choose Forage Landmark Color] uiCCDLMForageExcel [Choose Excellent Materials Landmark Color] uiCCDLMForageSup [Choose Supreme Materials Landmark Color] uiCCDLMSap [Choose Sap Landmark Color] uiCCDLMAmber [Choose Amber Landmark Color] uiCCDLMNode [Choose Node Landmark Color] uiCCDLMFiber [Choose Fiber Landmark Color] uiCCDLMBark [Choose Bark Landmark Color] uiCCDLMSeed [Choose Seed Landmark Color] uiCCDLMShell [Choose Shell Landmark Color] uiCCDLMResin [Choose Resin Landmark Color] uiCCDLMWood [Choose Wood Landmark Color] uiCCDLMOil [Choose Oil Landmark Color] uiCCDLMMission [Choose Mission Landmark Color] uiCCDLMFood [Choose Food Landmark Color] uiCCDLMConstruction [Choose Construction Landmark Color] uiCCDLMGoo [Choose Goo Landmark Color] uiCCDLMInsect [Choose Insect Landmark Color] uiCCDLMKitin [Choose Kitin Landmark Color] uiCCDLMNocive [Choose Harmful Landmark Color] uiCCDLMPreservative [Choose Preservative Landmark Color] uiCCDLMPassage [Choose Portal Landmark Color] uiCCDLMTeleporter [Choose Teleporter Landmark Color] uittChooseLMMiscColor [Choose color for 'Miscellaneous' landmarks] uittChooseLMTribeColor [Choose color for 'Tribe' landmarks] uittChooseLMBanditColor [Choose color for 'Bandit' landmarks] uittChooseLMCitizenColor [Choose color for 'Citizen' landmarks] uittChooseLMFaunaColor [Choose color for 'Fauna' landmarks] uittChooseLMFaunaExcelColor [Choose color for 'Named Creature' landmarks] uittChooseLMFaunaSupColor [Choose color for 'Boss Creature' landmarks] uittChooseLMForageColor [Choose color for 'Forage' landmarks] uittChooseLMForageExcelColor [Choose color for 'Excellent Materials' landmarks] uittChooseLMForageSupColor [Choose color for 'Supreme Materials' landmarks] uittChooseLMSapColor [Choose color for 'Sap' landmarks] uittChooseLMAmberColor [Choose color for 'Amber' landmarks] uittChooseLMNodeColor [Choose color for 'Node' landmarks] uittChooseLMBarkColor [Choose color for 'Bark' landmarks] uittChooseLMSeedColor [Choose color for 'Seed' landmarks] uittChooseLMShellColor [Choose color for 'Shell' landmark] uittChooseLMResinColor [Choose color for 'Resin' landmarks] uittChooseLMWoodColor [Choose color for 'Wood' landmarks] uittChooseLMOilColor [Choose color for 'Oil' landmarks] uittChooseLMMissionColor [Choose color for 'Mission' landmarks] uittChooseLMFoodColor [Choose color for 'Food' landmarks] uittChooseLMConstructionColor [Choose color for 'Construction' landmarks] uittChooseLMGooColor [Choose color for 'Goo' landmarks] uittChooseLMInsectColor [Choose color for 'Insect' landmarks] uittChooseLMKitinColor [Choose color for 'Kitin' landmarks] uittChooseLMNociveColor [Choose color for 'Harmful' landmarks] uittChooseLMPreservativeColor [Choose color for 'Preservative' landmarks] uittChooseLMPassageColor [Choose color for 'Portal' landmarks] uittChooseLMTeleporterColor [Choose color for 'Teleporter' landmarks] uiMouseOptions [Mouse Options] uiMouseInterface [Interface] uiDoubleClickSpeed [Double-Click Speed] uiCursorSpeed [Cursor Speed] uiCursorAccel [Cursor Acceleration] uiMouseHead [Free Look] uiHeadSpeed [Head Speed] uiHeadAccel [Head Acceleration] uiKeybOptions [Keyboard Options] uiKeybCamera [Camera Speed] uiKeybCamSpeedMax [Maximum] uiKeybCamSpeedMin [Minimum] uiSoundGeneral [Sound Options] uiSoundOnOff [Enable Sound] uiUseEax [Use EAX] uiMaxTracks [Max. Tracks] uiSoundFSB [Soft Buffer (may increase FPS)] uiSoundSFXVolume [SFX Volume] uiSoundGameMusicVolume [Music Volume] uiSoundPerf [Performance] uiSoundVolume [Volume] uigcVR [VIRTUAL REALITY] uiVRGeneral [Virtual Reality Options] uiVREnable [Enable VR] // Context menu uimGcmMove [Move] uimGcmStopMove [STOP MOVING] uimGcmTalk [TALK] uimGcmNews [NEWS] uimGcmUse [USE] uimGcmLift [LIFT] uimGcmLook [LOOK] uimGcmAttack [ATTACK] uimGcmDuel [PROPOSE DUEL] uimGcmUnDuel [ABANDON DUEL] uimGcmPvpChallenge [PROPOSE PVP CHALLENGE] uimGcmUnPvpChanllenge [ABANDON PVP CHALLENGE] uimGcmInvit [TEAM INVITE] uimGcmGuildInvit [GUILD INVITE] uimGcmLoot [LOOT] uimGcmHarvest [SHEARING] uimGcmExtractRM [EXTRACT RAW MATERIALS] uimGcmDigging [DIG] uimGcmHarvesting [SHEAR] uimGcmDiving [DIVE] uimGcmFishing [FISH] uimGcmQuartering [QUARTER] uimGcmExchange [EXCHANGE] uimGcmMount [MOUNT] uimGcmDisengage [DISENGAGE] uimGcmQuitTeam [Leave Team] uimGcmQuitGuild [Leave Guild] uimGcmInfo [INFO] uimFollowMe [FOLLOW ME] uimGcmStop [Stop] uimGcmFree [Free] uimGcmEnterStable [Enter stable] // Guild uiQuitGuild [Leave Guild] uiGuildInfoTitle [Icon & Name] uiGuildInfoDes [Description: ] uiGuildInfoAge [days] uiGuildInfoEff [members] uiGuildInfoHead [Headquarters: ] uiGuildInfoHead2 [Borea] uiGuildInfoFame [Fame: ] uiGuildInfoScore [Guild Points: ] uiGuildInfoCharge [Outpost: ] uiGuildViewOutposts [View Outposts] uiGuildInfoCharge2 [None] uiGuildChargeState [Under Control] uiGuildInfoBuilding [BUILDINGS] uiBuildingType1 [STABLE] uiBuildingType2 [GRANGE] uiBuildingType3 [APARTMENT] uiBuildingType4 [DANCING CLUB] uiBuildingType5 [PUB] uiEmptyBuilding [Empty] uiBuidingState1 [In Progress] uiBuidingState2 [Completed] uiGuildMembers [MEMBERS] uiGuildMemberScore [Score] uiGuildMemberRank [Rank] uiGuildMemberOnline [Online] uimGuildLeader [Set rank to Leader] uimGuildHighOfficer [Set rank to High Officer] uimGuildOfficer [Set rank to Officer] uimGuildRecruiter [Set rank to Recruiter] uimGuildBearer [Set rank to Bearer] uimGuildMember [Set rank to Member] uimGuildKick [Kick member from Guild] uiGuildLeader [Leader] uiGuildHighOfficer [High Officer] uiGuildOfficer [Officer] uiGuildRecruiter [Recruiter] uiGuildBearer [Bearer] uiGuildMember [Member] uiQQuitGuild [Do you really want to leave your guild?] uiXpGuild [Guild XP: ] uiGuildChargeState1 [Charge applied] uiGuildChargeState2 [Charge elected] uiBuildingWorkshop [Workshop] uiBuildingStabe [Stable] uiBuildingSilo [Silo] uiBuildingRuins [Ruins] uiBuildingKamiDestroyer [Kami Destroyer] uiBuildingKamiAltar [Kami Altar] uiBuildingInn [Inn] uiBuildingHouse [House] uiBuildingGuardTower [Guard Tower] uiBuildingClaimsFlag [Ownership Flag] uiBuildingCaravanDestroyer [Karavan Destroyer] uiBuildingTradingPost [Trading Post] uiBuildingSchool [School] uiBuildingEmpty [No building] uiBuildingState0 [In Progress] uiBuildingState1 [Completed] uittPutMoney [GIVE] uittGetMoney [TAKE] uiMoneyFromGuild [TAKE MONEY FROM GUILD BANK] uiMoneyToGuild [GIVE MONEY TO GUILD BANK] uiOutpostManagerTitle [OUTPOST MANAGER] uiOutpostTitleNameOwned [Outposts Owned] uiOutpostTitleStatus [Status] uiOutpostTitleCost [Cost] uiOutpostTitleTime [Time] uiOutpostTitleTotal [Total] uiOutpostTitleNameChallenged [Outposts Attacking] uiOutpostPeace [Peace] uiOutpostWarDeclaration [War Declared] uiOutpostAttackBefore [Before Attack] uiOutpostAttackRound [Attack Phase] uiOutpostAttackAfter [After Attack] uiOutpostDefenseBefore [Before Defense] uiOutpostDefenseRound [Defense Phase] uiOutpostDefenseAfter [After Defense] uittOutpostPeace [@{6F6F}Peace@{FFFF}\n No Guild has challenged the outpost.] uittOutpostWarDeclaration [@{6F6F}War Declared@{FFFF}\n An enemy Guild has declared war. The defending Guild has approximately 1 day to change the time of its @{6F6F}Defense Phase@{FFFF} if it wishes to do so.] uittOutpostWarDeclarationMyGuildAttack [@{6F6F}War Declared@{FFFF}\n Your guild has declared war. The defending guild has approximately 1 day to change its @{6F6F}Defense Round@{FFFF} if it wishes to do so.] uittOutpostWarDeclarationMyGuildDefend [@{6F6F}War Declared@{FFFF}\n An enemy guild has declared war. Your guild has approximately 1 day to change its @{6F6F}Defense Round@{FFFF} if it wishes to do so.] uittOutpostAttackBefore [@{6F6F}Before Attack@{FFFF}\n The war has started! Players may already fight at the outpost but the outpost squads will only appear during the @{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF} time chosen by the attackers.\n During this period, the attackers will try to go beyond the @{6F6F}Minimum Threshold@{FFFF} set by the defenders.] uittOutpostAttackRound [@{6F6F}Attack@{FFFF}\n Attackers must reach the highest possible @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF}.\n They must at least exceed the @{6F6F}Minimum Threshold@{FFFF} set by the defenders during the countdown period.\n For each round won, the @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} and the number of squads to be eliminated will increase.\n For each round lost, the @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} and the number of squads to be eliminated will decrease.\n ] uittOutpostAttackAfterWin [@{6F6F}After Attack@{FFFF}\n The war goes on! \n During the @{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF}, the attackers have managed to exceed the @{6F6F}Minimum Threshold@{FFFF} set by the defenders.\n Everyone has to wait until the end of the attack phase for the attackers to take over the Outpost.\n ] uittOutpostAttackAfterLoose [@{6F6F}After Attack@{FFFF}\n The attackers have not managed to go over the @{6F6F}Minimum Threshold@{FFFF} set by the defenders during the @{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF}.\n So they have lost.\n The outpost will be liberated completely at the end of the attack phase.\n ] uittOutpostDefenseBefore [@{6F6F}Before Defense@{FFFF}\n The war continues! \n During the @{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF}, the attackers have managed to go beyond the @{6F6F}Minimum Threshold@{FFFF} set by the defenders.\n They have temporary control of the outpost squads now.\n These squads will only appear during the @{6F6F}Defense Phase@{FFFF}.\n During this period, the defenders will try to reach the maximum @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} set by the attackers.] uittOutpostDefenseRound [@{6F6F}Defense Round!@{FFFF}\n The defenders must reach the @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} set by the attackers during their @{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF}.\n If they don't reach this level, the defending Guild will lose the outpost.\n For each round won, the @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} and the number of squads to be eliminated will increase.\n For each round lost, the @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} and the number of squads to be eliminated will decrease.\n ] uittOutpostDefenseAfter [@{6F6F}After Defense@{FFFF}\n You have to wait until 24 hours after the end of the @{6F6F}Defense Phase@{FFFF} before learning who won.] uiOutpostDescription [Description: ] uittOutpostDescription [Outpost Description] uiOutpostLevel [Level: ] uittOutpostLevel [@{6F6F}Outpost Level@{FFFF}\n The higher the Level of the Outpost, the higher the level of the defending squads and the highter the level of any produced materials.] uiOutpostOwner [Owner: ] uittOutpostOwner [The Guild owning the Outpost] uiOutpostTribe [The Outpost is owned by a Marauding Tribe.] uiOutpostAttacker [Attacker: ] uittOutpostAttacker [The Guild currently attacking the Oupost] uiOutpostStatus [Status: ] uittOutpostStatus [Current state of the Outpost] uiOutpostCrash [A server crash during the Attack or Defense Phase has canceled the Outpost war.\n Any money spent on this war has been reimbursed to the guilds (i.e. the cost for declaring, for buying squads, etc.)] uiOutpostWarStatus [WAR STATUS] uiOutpostLvlThreshold [Minimum Threshold: ] uittOutpostLvlThreshold [The @{6F6F}Minimum Threshold@{FFFF} is the @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} that the attackers have to go beyond during their @{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF}.\n This threshold is calculated from the highest @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} reached in the @{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF} of the last Outpost takeover.\n From that time, this threshold will decrease at a fairly slow rate.] uiOutpostLvlMaxAttacker [Max. Attacker Round Level: ] uittOutpostLvlMaxAttacker [Maximum @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} reached by the Attackers.\n This is the @{6F6F}Maximum Round@{FFFF} level that the Attackers were able to achieve during their @{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF}.\n ] uiOutpostLvlMaxDefender [Max. Defender Round Level: ] uittOutpostLvlMaxDefender [Maximum @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} reached by the Defenders.\n This is the Maximum @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} that the Defenders were able to achieve during their @{6F6F}Defense Phase@{FFFF}.\n ] uiOutpostLvlCurrent [Current Round Level: ] uittOutpostLvlCurrent [Current @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF}\n During an Attack or Defense Phase, it is the @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} currently reached by the side which is attacking the squads.\n ] uiOutpostRoundCur [Current Round: ] uittOutpostRoundCur [Current @{6F6F}Round@{FFFF} \n During an Attack or Defense Phase, this is the round currently in progress.\n ] uiOutpostWarSchedule [WAR SCHEDULE] uiOutpostDefHour [Defense Time: ] uittOutpostDefHour [@{6F6F}Defense Time@{FFFF}\n Time at which the guild wants to defend its outpost (@{6F6F}LOCAL@{FFFF} time in selected time zone).] uittOutpostDefHourError [@{6F6F}Defense Time@{FFFF}\n Start of the 2 hour time period during which the guild wants to defend its outpost (@{6F6F}LOCAL@{FFFF} time in selected time zone).\n @{F80F}The chosen start time has been modified as it was not at least 2 hours before the end of the Defense Phase.] uittOutpostDefHourCannotEdit [You can only edit the Defense time if:\n - You are an Officer of the Guild defending the Outpost.\n - The status of the outpost is @{6F6F}Peace@{FFFF} or @{6F6F}War Declared@{FFFF}.\n ] uiOutpostDefPeriod [Defense Phase: ] uittOutpostDefPeriod [@{6F6F}Defense Phase@{FFFF}\n Time at which the guild will really defend its outpost (@{6F6F}LOCAL@{FFFF} time in selected time zone).] uiOutpostAttPeriod [Attack Phase: ] uittOutpostAttPeriod [@{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF}\n Time at which the attacking guild is really going to attack this outpost (@{6F6F}LOCAL@{FFFF} time in selected time zone).] uiOutpostPeriodFormat [%dayname %daynumber %month from %timestart to %timeend] uiOutpostPeriodEnded [Attack Ended] uiOutpostTimeZone [Time Zone: ] uittOutpostTimeZone [Select your time zone to display the time properly.\n @{6F6F}Caution!@{FFFF} You have to take daylight saving time into account, if applicable.\n It is the same for the @{6F6F}automatic mode@{FFFF}. For example, in France, during daylight saving time, the displayed mode will be GMT+2 (whereas France is normally GMT+1).] uiOutpostDeclareWar [DECLARE WAR] uittOutpostDeclareWar [Declare war on this Outpost\n If your Guild wins, it will then own the Outpost.\n ] uiOutpostWarCost [COST OF DECLARING: ] uiOutpostWarCostDesc [Declaring war on an outpost costs the guild money (For example the squads have to be paid during the Defense rounds).\n \n The amount will be deducted from your Guild's coffers, or from your own purse.\n ] uiOutpostAttHour [Attack Time: ] uittOutpostAttHour [@{6F6F}Attack Time@{FFFF}\n Time at which the guild wants to attack the outpost (@{6F6F}LOCAL@{FFFF} time in selected time zone).] uittOutpostAttHourError [@{6F6F}Attack Time@{FFFF}\n Start of the 2 hour time period during which the Guild wants to attack the outpost (@{6F6F}LOCAL@{FFFF} time in selected time zone).\n @{F80F}The chosen start time has been modified as it was not at least 2 hours before the end of the Attack Phase.] uittOutpostSquadDesc [Description of the selected Squad] uiOutpostSetSquad [RECRUIT] uittOutpostSetSquad [Recruit this squad instead of the selected one] uiOutpostRemoveSquad [Remove] uiOutpostInsertSquad [Insert] uittOutpostRemoveSquad [Remove selected squad] uittOutpostInsertSquad [Insert this squad before the selected one] uittOutpostSquadLvl [This squad will only appear at a @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF} of @{6F6F}%lvl@{FFFF}.] uitabOutpostStatus [STATUS] uitabOutpostSquads [SQUADS] uitabOutpostBuildings [BUILDINGS] uiOutpostBuildingInfoOwned [Buildings in your Outpost: ] uiOutpostBuildingInfoNotOwned [You cannot obtain more information about the enemy buildings.] uiOutpostSSquad [ACTIVE SQUADS] uittOutpostSSquad [Squads out and defending the outpost.\n The number of squads out directly depends on the @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF}.\n ] uiOutpostTSquad [READY SQUADS] uittOutpostTSquad [Squads ready to fight and waiting for the next Round.\n Depending on the @{6F6F}Round Level@{FFFF}, only the first 'X' will come out.\n ] uiOutpostSSquadStart [Start of Round] uittOutpostSSquadStart [Squads which appeared at the beginning of the Round] uiOutpostSSquadDuring [During Round] uittOutpostSSquadDuring [Squads which appeared one by one during the Round] uiOutpostTSquadStart [Start of Round] uittOutpostTSquadStart [Squads which will appear at beginning of the Round] uiOutpostTSquadDuring [During the Round] uittOutpostTSquadDuring [Squads which will appear one by one during the Round] uiOutpostSquadEditDef [You are defending this Outpost.\n During the @{6F6F}Attack Phase@{FFFF}, squads will come to defend this Outpost.\n In this window you can see the squads already out as well as change the squads about to come out.\n Note: Only High Officers and the Guild Leader can edit squads.] uiOutpostSquadEditAtt [You are attacking this Outpost.\n During the @{6F6F}Defense Phase@{FFFF}, squads will come out to attack the defenders who are trying to retain the Outpost.\n In this window you can see the squads already out as well as change the squads about to come out.\n Note: Only High Officers and the Guild Leader can edit squads.] uiOutpostCapital [WAR COFFER] uiOutpostCapitalDoc [The squads that you edit here do not cost the guild any money right away.\n It only costs money when the squads come out for a round.\n Nonetheless, if the guild does not have enough money to pay for a @{6F6F}squad spawn@{FFFF}, a default squad (much less powerful) will be used.\n You also can limit squad expenses @{6F6F}via Outpost@{FFFF} by changing the @{6F6F}Coffers@{FFFF} below.\n Every time there is a @{6F6F}squad spawn@{FFFF}, both the Guild's and the Outpost's (if possible) @{6F6F}Coffers@{FFFF} decrease.\n Every time a @{6F6F}squad@{FFFF} comes back alive (even if only partially), the Guild's and the Outpost's @{6F6F}Coffers@{FFFF} increase.\n ] uiOutpostCapitalHeader [Coffer: ] uiOutpostCapitalEditOK [Click to edit the Outpost's war @{6F6F}Coffer@{FFFF}.] uiOutpostCapitalEditKO [Only a Guild Leader or High Officer can edit an Outpost's @{6F6F}Coffer@{FFFF}.] uiOutpostChangeCapital [Change Coffer.] uittPvpOutpostOutOfZone [You are taking part in an Outpost PvP conflict.\n You got out of the zone, you will remain flagged PvP for a while longer. If you perform one of the following actions, the timer will start again:\n @{T4}- Heal an ally.\n @{T4}- Attack an enemy.\n @{T4}- Return to the Outpost zone.] uittPvpOutpostOn [You are taking part in an Outpost PvP conflict.\n The Attack or Defense Phase has not begun yet but you can already fight with your enemies.] uittPvpOutpostInRound [You are taking part in an Outpost PvP conflict.\n A Combat Phase is taking place.\n The current round is displayed in the icon.\n The time remaining till the end of the round is displayed beneath the icon.] uiOutpostJoinPVPProposalTitle [Outpost PvP] uiOutpostJoinPVPProposalDesc [You are in an Outpost zone.\n You can participate in the battle to take over or defend the Outpost.\n If your Guild participates, you cannot fight against it (but you can remain neutral).\n ] uiOutpostJoinPVPAttack [ATTACK] uiOutpostJoinPVPDefend [DEFEND] uiOutpostJoinPVPNeutral [NEUTRAL] uiOutpostJoinPVPAttHeader [Attacker: ] uiOutpostJoinPVPDefHeader [Defender: ] uiOutpostJoinPVPDefMarauder [Marauding Tribe] uiOutpostJoinPVPTimer [@{FFFA}You will be automatically declared neutral in @{FFFF}%time@{FFFA} seconds.] uimGcmOutpostBanishPlayer [Ban Player] uimGcmOutpostBanishGuild [Ban Guild] uiQConfirmOutpostBanPlayer [Do you really want to ban this player from the Outpost war?] uiQConfirmOutpostBanGuild [Do you really want to ban this player's entire Guild from the Outpost war?] uiOutpostAutoTimeZone [Auto] uiOutpostDel [DEL] uiOutpostTitle [OUTPOST] uiOutpostSpawnZone [Zone] uittOutpostSpawn [Squad spawn position] uittOutpostDel0 [Abandon attack of this outpost] uittOutpostDel1 [Abandon the outpost] uittOutpostSquadCost [Squad recruitment cost] uittOutpostSS [Squads that can be recruited] uiSquadSpawnTitle [SQUAD SPAWN POSITION] uiOutpostSquadShopTitle [SQUAD RECRUITMENT] uiOutpostSS [Squads] uiQConfirmGiveupOutpost [Do you really want to abandon this outpost?] uiRespawnMapTitle [RESPAWN MAP] uiRespawn [RESPAWN] uiRespawnPoint [Respawn Point] uiSquadSpawnPoint [Squad Spawn Position] uiStable [Stable] uittBack [Back] // Spell links uiLinksTitle [ACTIVE LINKS] uiLinksCosts [COSTS] uiStopLinkSpell [STOP SPELL] uiLinkInfo [Details] // Looting uiTIWaitLoot [Looting, wait...] uiTIWaitQuartering [Quartering, wait...] uiTIWaitForaging [Forage Progress...] uiTIWaitBagFull [Bag full, wait...] uiTIWaitCraft [Crafting, wait...] uiTIWaitMissionItem [Mission: Wait...] uiTIWaitCrystallize [Crystallizing, wait...] uiTIForaging [%qt item(s) of quality %ql] uiTILoot [Looted Items] uiTIQuartering [Quartered Materials] uiTIForageResult [Foraged Materials] uiTIBagFull [Bag Full] uiTICraft [Crafted Items] uiTIMissionItem [Received Items] uiTICrystallize [Crystallized Spell] uiTIError [Items] // Help uihIntro [INTRODUCTION] uihInterfaces [INTERFACES] uihTutorial [TUTORIAL] uihHowTo [HOW TO] uihCreateNewChar [Create character] uihManageChar [Manage character] uihTalkToBot [Talk to a bot] uihBuySellBot [Buy/Sell] uihFight [Fight] uihUseSpell [Use spell] uihWhatIs [WHAT IS?] uihAbilitiesItem [Abilities/Items] uihMaps [MAPS] uihMatisGenMap [Tcara General] uihHowToCraft [Craft] uihHowToSelfHeal [Heal yourself] uihHowToHealOther [Heal Others] uihHowToCastOffensiveSpells [Cast Offensive Spells] uihHowToChangeItemsInHand [Change Items in Hand] uihHowToFindRMSources [Find Raw Materials] uihHowToExtractRMFromASource [Extract Raw MaterialS] uihHowToResurectADeadFriend [Resurrect a Dead Friend] uihWhatIsSkillPoints [Skill points] uihWhatIsYourStatsAndCharac [Your stats and characteristics] uihGameInfo [GAME INFO] uihItem [Items] uihPhrase [Actions] uihBrick [Stanzas] uihMission [Missions] uihPact [Pacts] uihJewelry [Jewelry] uihIdentity [My Statistics] uihGauges [My Gauges] uihTarget [Target] uihHands [Action Bar] uihMainChat [Main Chat] uihCompas [Compass] uihPA [Animals] uihActionBook [Actions] uihTradeNPC [NPC Trade] uihCredits [GAME CREDITS] uihArmor [Armor] uihShield [Shields] uihMWeapon [Melee Weapons] uihRWeapon [Range Weapons] uihAmmo [Ammo] uihRawMat [Raw Materials] uihCraftTool [Crafting Tools] uihHarvestTool [Harvesting Tools] uihItemMisc [Miscellaneous] // Stats uiLife [Trauma] uiSap [Oblivion] uiStamina [Pain] uiFocus [Focus] uiActionProgression [Action Progress] uiCurrentAction [Current Action] uiHunger [Hunger] uiActionStatus [Current Action Progress] uiSapBarDisplay [Oblivion DISPLAY] uiStaBarDisplay [Pain DISPLAY] uiFocBarDisplay [FOCUS DISPLAY] uiXpBonusInfo [XP Bonus: Level @{6F6F}%lvl@{FFFF} x @{6F6F}%count@{FFFF}] uittXpBonus [An experience catalyzer is active; you receive a bonus to any XP you set using skills lower than the quality of the catalyzer.\n Click here to deactivate it.] uittDeathPenalty [@{6F6F}You have a Death Penalty\n @{FFFF}Each time you die and are resurrected by the Kami or Karavan,\n the value of the Death Penalty increases.\n From now on all XP that you earn will be used to reduce the penalty.\n When the penalty reaches 0 you will start to gain XP normally.\n Your Death Penalty is currently @{6F6F}%dp@{FFFF}%.] uiHpMax [Trauma Max] uiHpReg [Trauma Reg] uiStaMax [Pain Max] uiStaReg [Pain Reg] uiSapMax [Oblivion Max] uiSapReg [Oblivion Reg] uiWishMax [Focus Max] uiWishReg [Focus Reg] // Fame uitabFameYou [YOU] uitabFameGuild [GUILD] uitabFameTribes [TRIBES] uitabFamePvp [PVP] uiFameKami [khan] uiFameKaravan [Khan] uiFameTryton [khan] uiFameFyros [Ucikara] uiFameMatis [Tcara] uiFameTryker [Child] uiFameZorai [Zoraï] uiFameHominists [Hominist] uiFameMarauders [PvP] uiFameAgnos [Atheist] uiFameUrasies [Theist] uiFameAllegianceCult [Cult allegiance: ] uiFameAllegianceCiv [Civilization allegiance: ] uiFameAllegiance0 [Undetermined] uiFameAllegiance1 [Neutral] uiFameAllegiance2 [Khan] uiFameAllegiance3 [Khan] uiFameAllegiance4 [Ucikara] uiFameAllegiance5 [Tcara] uiFameAllegiance6 [Child] uiFameAllegiance7 [Zoraï] uittFameAllegianceCiv0 [Your civilization allegiance is @{2F2F}undetermined@{FFFF}.\n This can happen for instance if your guild lost its allegiance due to low fame.\n When you are in this state you cannot gain fame anymore. You can:\n @{T4}- become neutral\n @{T4}- leave your guild and go see a @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in the capital city of a civilization, if you want to swear allegiance to it (fame of @{2F2F}30@{FFFF} required).\n @{T4}- wait till your guild can declare its allegiance again, to declare yours.] uittFameAllegianceCiv1 [You are a @{2F2F}stateless person@{FFFF}.\n You are limited in your civilization fames but you can join any guild.\n To swear allegiance to a civilization, you have to go and see the @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in the appropriate capital city.\n You must have at least @{2F2F}30@{FFFF} fame for that civilization.] uittFameAllegianceCiv4 [You have sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Ucikara@{FFFF}.\n This enables you to have a higher Ucikara fame, but any guild you want to join also has to have a Ucikara allegiance.\n To renounce your allegiance, you can go see a @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in one of the capital cities.\n You automatically lose your allegiance if your @{2F2F}Ucikara@{FFFF} fame reaches 0.] uittFameAllegianceCiv5 [You have sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Tcara@{FFFF}.\n This enables you to have a higher Tcara fame, but your guild also has to have a Tcara allegiance.\n To renounce your allegiance, you can go see a @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in one of the capital cities.\n You automatically lose your allegiance if your @{2F2F}Tcara@{FFFF} fame reaches 0.] uittFameAllegianceCiv6 [You have sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Trykers@{FFFF}.\n This enables you to have a higher Tryker fame, but your guild also has to have a Tryker allegiance.\n To renounce your allegiance, you can go see a @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in one of the capital cities.\n You automatically lose your allegiance if your @{2F2F}Tryker@{FFFF} fame reaches 0.] uittFameAllegianceCiv7 [You have sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Zoraïs@{FFFF}.\n This enables you to have a higher Zoraï fame, but your guild also has to have a Zoraï allegiance.\n To renounce your allegiance, you can go see a @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in one of the capital cities.\n You automatically lose your allegiance if your @{2F2F}Zoraï@{FFFF} fame reaches 0.] uittFameAllegianceCult0 [Your cult allegiance is @{2F2F}undetermined@{FFFF}.\n This can happen for instance if your guild lost its allegiance due to low fame.\n In this state you cannot gain fame anymore. You can:\n @{T4}- become neutral\n @{T4}- leave your guild and go see a @{2F2F}bonze@{FFFF} or a @{2F2F}priest@{FFFF} in the temple of a cult, if you want to swear allegiance to it (fame of @{2F2F}30@{FFFF} required).\n @{T4}- wait till your guild can declare its allegiance again, to declare yours.] uittFameAllegianceCult1 [You are an @{2F2F}unbeliever@{FFFF}.\n You are limited in your cult fames but you can join any guild.\n To swear allegiance to a cult, you have to go see the @{2F2F}priest@{FFFF} or the @{2F2F}bonze@{FFFF} in the appropriate temple.\n You must have at least @{2F2F}30@{FFFF} fame for that cult.] uittFameAllegianceCult2 [You have sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Kami@{FFFF}.\n This enables you to have a higher Kami fame, but your guild also has to have a Kami allegiance.\n To renounce your allegiance, you can go see a @{2F2F}priest@{FFFF} or a @{2F2F}bonze@{FFFF} in a temple.\n You automatically lose your allegiance if your @{2F2F}Kami@{FFFF} fame reaches 0.] uittFameAllegianceCult3 [You have sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Karavan@{FFFF}.\n This enables you to have a higher Karavan fame, but your guild also has to have a Karavan allegiance.\n To renounce your allegiance, you can go see a @{2F2F}priest@{FFFF} or a @{2F2F}bonze@{FFFF} in a temple.\n You automatically lose your allegiance if your @{2F2F}Karavan@{FFFF} fame reaches 0.] uittFameAllegianceCivGuild0 [The civilization allegiance of your guild is @{2F2F}undetermined@{FFFF}.\n Your guild cannot gain fame at this time. The guild leader can:\n @{T4}- make the allegiance of the guild neutral\n @{T4}- swear allegiance to a civilization by going to a guild @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in the appropriate capital city (No minimum fame required).] uittFameAllegianceCivGuild1 [Your guild is @{2F2F}stateless@{FFFF}.\n It is limited in its civilization fames and can only enrole members with a Neutral allegiance.\n To swear allegiance to a civilization, The guild leader has to go see the guild @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in the appropriate capital city.\n The guild must have at least @{2F2F}30@{FFFF} fame for that civilization.] uittFameAllegianceCivGuild4 [Your guild has sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Ucikara@{FFFF}.\n This enables it to have a higher Ucikara fame, and to enrole members who have Ucikara or Neutral allegiances.\n To renounce allegiance, the leader of the guild can go see a guild @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in one of the capital cities.\n Your guild automatically loses its allegiance if its @{2F2F}Ucikara@{FFFF} fame reaches 0. The members then have an undetermined allegiance.] uittFameAllegianceCivGuild5 [Your guild has sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Tcara@{FFFF}.\n This enables it to have a higher Tcara fame, and to enrole members who have Tcara or Neutral allegiances.\n To renounce allegiance, the leader of the guild can go see a guild @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in one of the capital cities.\n Your guild automatically loses its allegiance if its @{2F2F}Tcara@{FFFF} fame reaches 0. The members then have an undetermined allegiance.] uittFameAllegianceCivGuild6 [Your guild has sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Trykers@{FFFF}.\n This enables it to have a higher Tryker fame, and to enrole members who have Tryker or Neutral allegiances.\n To renounce allegiance, the leader of the guild can go see a guild @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in one of the capital cities.\n Your guild automatically loses its allegiance if its @{2F2F}Tryker@{FFFF} fame reaches 0. The members then have an undetermined allegiance.] uittFameAllegianceCivGuild7 [Your guild has sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Zoraïs@{FFFF}.\n This enables it to have a higher Zoraï fame, and to enrole members who have Zoraï or Neutral allegiances.\n To renounce allegiance, the leader of the guild can go see a guild @{2F2F}magistrate@{FFFF} in one of the capital cities.\n Your guild automatically loses its allegiance if its @{2F2F}Zoraï@{FFFF} fame reaches 0. The members then have an undetermined allegiance.] uittFameAllegianceCultGuild0 [The cult allegiance of your guild is @{2F2F}undetermined@{FFFF}.\n Your guild cannot gain any more fame. The guild leader can:\n @{T4}- make the allegiance of the guild neutral\n @{T4}- swear allegiance to a cult by going to a guild @{2F2F}priest@{FFFF} or a guild @{2F2F}bonze@{FFFF} in an appropriate temple (No minimum fame required).] uittFameAllegianceCultGuild1 [Your guild is @{2F2F}unbelieving@{FFFF}.\n It is limited in its cult fames and can only enrole members with a Neutral allegiance.\n To swear allegiance to a cult, the guild leader has to go see a guild @{2F2F}bonze@{FFFF} or @{2F2F}priest@{FFFF} in an appropriate temple.\n The guild must have at least @{2F2F}30@{FFFF} in the corresponding cult fame.] uittFameAllegianceCultGuild2 [Your guild has sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Kami@{FFFF}.\n This enables it to have a higher Kami fame, and to enrole members who have Kami or Neutral allegiances.\n To renounce allegiance, the leader of the guild can go see a guild @{2F2F}bonze@{FFFF} or a guild @{2F2F}priest@{FFFF} in a temple.\n Your guild automatically loses its allegiance if its @{2F2F}Kami@{FFFF} fame reaches 0. The members then have an undetermined allegiance.] uittFameAllegianceCultGuild3 [Your guild has sworn allegiance to the @{2F2F}Karavan@{FFFF}.\n This enables it to have a higher Karavan fame, and to enrole members who have Karavan or Neutral allegiances.\n To renounce allegiance, the leader of the guild can go see a guild @{2F2F}bonze@{FFFF} or a guild @{2F2F}priest@{FFFF} in a temple.\n Your guild automatically loses its allegiance if its @{2F2F}Karavan@{FFFF} fame reaches 0. The members then have an undetermined allegiance.] uiFameAllegianceCivSetNeutral [Become Neutral] uiFameAllegianceCultSetNeutral [Become Neutral] uiFameAllegianceCivSetNeutralTT [Set Civilization Allegiance to Neutral] uiFameAllegianceCultSetNeutralTT [Set Cult Allegiance to Neutral] uiFameAllegianceCivSetNeutralWarning [Be careful! By becoming Neutral you may lose civilization fame (Ucikara/Tcara/Tryker/Zoraï) if you have any above the maximum possible for Neutrals.] uiFameAllegianceCultSetNeutralWarning [Be careful! By becoming Neutral you may lose cult fame (Kami/Karavan) if you have any above the maximum possible for Neutrals.] uiFameAllegianceCivSetNeutralGuildTT [By becoming Neutral your guild will become nationless,\n it won't have any Civilization Allegiance.\n Only the Guild Leader can do this.] uiFameAllegianceCultSetNeutralGuildTT [By becoming Neutral your guild will become unbelievers,\n it won't have any Cult Allegiance.\n Only the Guild Leader can do this.] uiFameAllegianceCivSetNeutralGuildWarning [Be careful! By becoming Neutral your Guild may lose cult fame (Kami/Karavan) if you have any above the maximum possible for Neutral Guilds.] uiFameAllegianceCultSetNeutralGuildWarning [Be careful! By becoming Neutral your Guild may lose cult fame (Kami/Karavan) if you have any above the maximum possible for Neutral Guilds.] uiFame_tribe_ancient_dryads [Ancient Dryads] uiFame_tribe_antikamis [Anti-Kamis] uiFame_tribe_barkers [Barkers] uiFame_tribe_beachcombers [Beach Combers] uiFame_tribe_black_circle [Black Circle] uiFame_tribe_cholorogoos [Cholorogoos] uiFame_tribe_cockroaches [Cockroaches] uiFame_tribe_company_of_the_eternal_tree [Company of the Eternal Tree] uiFame_tribe_corsair [Corsairs] uiFame_tribe_cute [Cuzans] uiFame_tribe_darkening_sap [Darkening Sap] uiFame_tribe_dune_riders [Dune Riders] uiFame_tribe_ecowarriors [Ecowarriors] uiFame_tribe_firebrands [Firebrands] uiFame_tribe_first_deserter [First Deserters] uiFame_tribe_frahar [Fraiders] uiFame_tribe_frahar_hunters [Frahar Hunters] uiFame_tribe_gibbay [Gibads] uiFame_tribe_goo_heads [Goo Heads] uiFame_tribe_green_seed [Green Seed] uiFame_tribe_hamazans_of_the_dead_seed [Hamazans of the Dead Seed] uiFame_tribe_icon_workshipers [Icon Worshippers] uiFame_tribe_keepers [Keepers] uiFame_tribe_kitin_gatheres [Kitin Gatherers] uiFame_tribe_lagoon_brothers [Lagoon Brothers] uiFame_tribe_lawless [Lawless] uiFame_tribe_leviers [Leviers] uiFame_tribe_master_of_the_goo [Masters of the Goo] uiFame_tribe_matisian_border_guards [Tcaraian Border Guards] uiFame_tribe_night_turners [Night Turners] uiFame_tribe_oasis_diggers [Oasis Diggers] uiFame_tribe_pyromancers [Pyromancers] uiFame_tribe_recoverers [Recoverers] uiFame_tribe_renegades [Renegades] uiFame_tribe_restorers [Restorers] uiFame_tribe_root_tappers [Root Tappers] uiFame_tribe_sacred_sap [Sacred Sap] uiFame_tribe_sap_gleaners [Sap Gleaners] uiFame_tribe_sap_slaves [Sap Slaves] uiFame_tribe_scorchers [Scorchers] uiFame_tribe_shadow_runners [Shadow Runners] uiFame_tribe_siblings_of_the_weeds [Siblings of the Weeds] uiFame_tribe_silt_sculptors [Silt Sculptors] uiFame_tribe_slavers [Slavers] uiFame_tribe_smuglers [Smugglers] uiFame_tribe_the_arid_matis [Arid Tcara] uiFame_tribe_the_kuilde [Kuilde] uiFame_tribe_the_slash_and_burn [Slash and Burn] uiFame_tribe_tutors [Tutors] uiFame_tribe_water_breakers [Water Breakers] uiFame_tribe_woven_bridles [Woven Bridles] uittFameKOS [Guards can kill you on sight.] uittFameNoTrade [No trading possible] uittFameWeakTrade [Weak trading] uittFameNormal [Normal trading] uittFameMaxPossible [Max. Possible Fame: %famemax] uiPvpFameAllegiance [Allegiances:] uiPvpFameNoCultAllegiance [You have not pledged allegiance to a cult.] uiPvpFameNoCivAllegiance [You have not pledged allegiance to a civilization.] uiPvpFameAllegiancePoints [Points of faction @{FE7F}%faction@{2F2F}: %points] uittPvpFameInfo [You can activate your @{2F2F}PvP Tag@{FFFF} by clicking on the sword icon in the Player window.\n You will get @{2F2F}bonus@{FFFF} if you happen to be in an area controlled by your faction.\n You will get @{2F2F}malus@{FFFF} if you happen to be in an area controlled by the opposing faction.] uittPvpFameAllegianceInfo [You gain points when you kill a member of the opposing @{2F2F}faction@{FFFF} or when you destroy an enemy @{2F2F}spire@{FFFF}.] uiPvpEffectInfo [\n Effects of the spires:] uiPvpEffectBonus [@{FFFF}Bonus:] uiPvpEffectMalus [@{FFFF}Malus:] uiPvPEffect_region_imperialdunes_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Imperial Dunes @{FFFF}:\n Increases craftsmen's chances of success by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_imperialdunes_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Imperial Dunes @{FFFF}:\n Reduces craftsmen's chances of success by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_oflovaksoasis_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Oflovak's Oasis @{FFFF}:\n Increases balance by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_oflovaksoasis_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Oflovak's Oasis @{FFFF}:\n Reduces balance by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_frahartowers_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Frahar Towers @{FFFF}:\n Increases strength by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_frahartowers_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Frahar Towers @{FFFF}:\n Reduces strength by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_dunesofexil_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Dunes of Exile @{FFFF}:\n Increases critical hit damage by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_dunesofexil_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Dunes of Exile @{FFFF}:\n Reduces critical hit damage by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_outlawcanyon_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Outlaw Canyon @{FFFF}:\n Reduces aggressivity of extractions by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_outlawcanyon_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Outlaw Canyon @{FFFF}:\n Increases agressivity of extractions by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_sawdustmines_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Sawdust Mines @{FFFF}:\n Increases constitution by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_sawdustmines_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Sawdust mines @{FFFF}:\n Reduces constitution by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_thesavagedunes_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Savage Dunes @{FFFF}:\n Increases armors protection by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_thesavagedunes_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Savage Dunes @{FFFF}:\n Reduces armors protection by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_thescorchedcorridor_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Scorched Corridor @{FFFF}:\n Increases metabolism by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_thescorchedcorridor_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Scorched Corridor @{FFFF}:\n Reduces metabolism by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_knotofdementia_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Knot of Dementia @{FFFF}:\n Increases magic resistance by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_knotofdementia_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Knot of Dementia @{FFFF}:\n Reduces magic resistance by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_havenofpurity_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Haven of Purity @{FFFF}:\n Increases wisdom by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_havenofpurity_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Haven of Purity @{FFFF}:\n Reduces wisdom by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_thevoid_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Void @{FFFF}:\n Increases intelligence by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_thevoid_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Void @{FFFF}:\n Reduces intelligence by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_citiesofintuition_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Cities of Intuition @{FFFF}:\n Increases craftsmen's chances of success by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_citiesofintuition_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Cities of Intuition @{FFFF}:\n Reduces craftsmen's chances of success by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_maidengrove_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Maiden Grove @{FFFF}:\n Increases the quantity of foraged raw materials by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_maidengrove_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Maiden Grove @{FFFF}:\n Reduces the quantity of foraged raw materials by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_groveofumbra_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Grove of Umbra @{FFFF}:\n Increases offensive spells damage by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_groveofumbra_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Grove of Umbra @{FFFF}:\n Reduces offensive spells damage by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_libertylake_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Liberty Lake @{FFFF}:\n Increases craftsmen's chances of success by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_libertylake_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Liberty Lake @{FFFF}:\n Reduces craftsmen's chances of success by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_restingwater_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Resting Water @{FFFF}:\n Gives a protection in the form of a thorny shield which returns @{2F2F}%p @{FFFF}of damage] uiPvPEffect_region_restingwater_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Resting Water @{FFFF}:\n No effect] uiPvPEffect_region_dewdrops_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Dew Drops @{FFFF}:\n Increases will by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_dewdrops_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Dew Drops @{FFFF}:\n Reduces will by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_enchantedisle_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Enchanted Isle @{FFFF}:\n Increases wisdom by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_enchantedisle_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Enchanted Isle @{FFFF}:\n Reduces wisdom by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_thefount_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Fount @{FFFF}:\n Increases dexterity by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_thefount_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Fount @{FFFF}:\n Reduces dexterity by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_lagoonsofloria_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Lagoons of Loria @{FFFF}:\n Increases the regeneration of raw materials in all the sources by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_lagoonsofloria_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Lagoons of Loria @{FFFF}:\n No effect] uiPvPEffect_region_bountybeaches_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Bounty Beaches @{FFFF}:\n Increases concentration during the casting of a spell by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_bountybeaches_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Bounty Beaches @{FFFF}:\n Reduces concentration during the casting of a spell by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_windsofmuse_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Winds of Muse @{FFFF}:\n Increases constitution by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_windsofmuse_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Winds of Muse @{FFFF}:\n Reduces constitution by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_majesticgarden_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Majestic Garden @{FFFF}:\n Increases craftsmen's chances of success by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_majesticgarden_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Majestic Garden @{FFFF}:\n Reduces craftsmen's chances of success by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_groveofconfusion_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Grove of Confusion @{FFFF}:\n Increases the intensity of the links created by afflicting spells like the effects of healing spells by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_groveofconfusion_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Grove of Confusion @{FFFF}:\n Reduces the intensity of the links created by afflicting spells like the effects of healing spells by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_knollofdissent_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Knoll of Dissent @{FFFF}:\n Increases balance by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_knollofdissent_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Knoll of Dissent @{FFFF}:\n Reduces balance by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_fleetinggarden_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Fleeting Garden @{FFFF}:\n Increases intelligence by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_fleetinggarden_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Fleeting Garden @{FFFF}:\n Reduces intelligence by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_upperbog_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Upper Bog @{FFFF}:\n Reduces aggressivity of extractions by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_upperbog_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Upper Bog @{FFFF}:\n Increases aggressivity of extractions by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_hiddensource_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Hidden Source @{FFFF}:\n Increases parry and dodge by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_hiddensource_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Hidden Source @{FFFF}:\n Reduces parry and dodge by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_hereticshovel_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Heretic's Hovel @{FFFF}:\n Increases metabolism by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_hereticshovel_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Heretic's Hovel @{FFFF}:\n Reduces metabolism by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_the_abyss_of_ichor_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Abyss of Ichor @{FFFF}:\n Increases strength by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_the_abyss_of_ichor_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Abyss of Ichor @{FFFF}:\n Reduces strength by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_the_windy_gate_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Windy Gate @{FFFF}:\n Increases dexterity by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_the_windy_gate_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Windy Gate @{FFFF}:\n Reduces dexterity by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_the_elusive_forest_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Elusive Forest @{FFFF}:\n Increases will by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_the_elusive_forest_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Elusive Forest @{FFFF}:\n Reduces will by @{2F2F}%n] uiPvPEffect_region_gate_of_obscurity_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Gate of Obscurity @{FFFF}:\n Increases moving speed by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_gate_of_obscurity_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Gate of Obscurity @{FFFF}:\n Reduces moving speed by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_the_trench_of_trials_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Trench of Trials @{FFFF}:\n Increases melee weapons damage by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_the_trench_of_trials_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Trench of Trials @{FFFF}:\n Reduces melee weapons damage by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_the_land_of_continuty_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Land of Continuity @{FFFF}:\n Increases the quantity of foraged raw materials by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_the_land_of_continuty_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Land of Continuity @{FFFF}:\n Reduces the quantity of foraged raw materials by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_forbidden_depths_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Forbidden Depths @{FFFF}:\n Increases moving speed by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_forbidden_depths_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Forbidden Depths @{FFFF}:\n Reduces moving speed by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_the_sunken_city_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Sunken City @{FFFF}:\n Increases the regeneration of raw materials in all the sources by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_the_sunken_city_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Sunken City @{FFFF}:\n No effect] uiPvPEffect_region_the_under_spring_Bonus [@{FE7F}Base of Under Spring @{FFFF}:\n Increases the rate of fire of throwing weapons by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_the_under_spring_Malus [@{FE7F}Base of Under Spring @{FFFF}:\n Reduces the rate of fire of throwing weapons by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_nexus_Bonus [@{FE7F}Nexus @{FFFF}:\n Increases the regeneration of raw materials in all the sources by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_nexus_Malus [@{FE7F}Nexus @{FFFF}:\n No effect] // Stats uiHPDesc [@{6F6F}Trauma@{FFFF}, \n Trauma measure the amount of damage a character can take before going into a coma.] uiStaDesc [@{6F6F}Pain@{FFFF}, \n used by physical combat actions, pain measures a character's current state of fatigue.] uiSapDesc [@{6F6F}Oblivion@{FFFF}, \n the energy that allows a character to channel magical power.] uiFocDesc [@{6F6F}Focus@{FFFF}, \n measure the character's ability to concentrate.] uiConsDesc [@{6F6F}Trauma@{FFFF}, \n measure the character's ability to engage in long-term periods of strenuous physical activity.] uiIntDesc [@{6F6F}Oblivion@{FFFF}, \n a measure of how well a character can focus their mental abilities.] uiStrDesc [@{6F6F}Pain@{FFFF}, \n statistic measures the physical strength a character possess.] uiDexDesc [@{6F6F}Dexterity@{FFFF}, \n measure how skilled a character is at doing fine work with their hands.] uiMetaDesc [@{6F6F}Metabolism@{FFFF}, \n measure the rate at which a character's body can recover from injury.] uiWisDesc [@{6F6F}Wisdom@{FFFF}, \n is a measure of mental control. Wisdom is essential for any that wish to use Magic.] uiWBDesc [@{6F6F}Balance@{FFFF}, \n characters that have a greater control over their physical state will have high Balance scores.] uiWillDesc [@{6F6F}Will@{FFFF} \n the ability to maintain a high level of concentration over longer periods of time.] uiValues [VALUES] uiRegeneration [REGENERATION] uiCarac_HpMax [Trauma] uiCarac_HpReg [Metabolism] uiCarac_StaMax [Pain] uiCarac_StaReg [Balance] uiCarac_SapMax [Oblivion] uiCarac_SapReg [Wisdom] uiCarac_WishMax [Dexterity] uiCarac_WishReg [Will] uiCaracId0 [Trauma] uiCaracId1 [Metabolism] uiCaracId2 [Oblivion] uiCaracId3 [Wisdom] uiCaracId4 [Pain] uiCaracId5 [Balance] uiCaracId6 [Dexterity] uiCaracId7 [Will] uiScoreMax [Maximum Score Values] uiScoreRegen [Score Regeneration Values] uiDisease [Disease] uiTechno [Techno] uiImpact [Impact] uiFear [Fear] uiMagicResist [Magic] uiScores [STATS] uiCaracs [CHARACTERISTICS] uiResistances [RESISTANCES] uiLVL [Level] uiLevel [Level] uiCap [CAP] uiSkillJobLVL [Level: ] uiStatusTitle [STATUS] uiCareers [CAREERS] uiSkillsTitle [IDENTITY] uiJournalTitle [MISSIONS] uiCurMissions [CURRENT MISSIONS] uiComMissions [COMPLETED MISSIONS] uiPacts [PACTS] uiMissionTimerSecond [s] uiMissionTimerMinute [m] uiMissionTimerHour [h] uiMissionTimerDay [d] uiMissionDetails [MISSION DETAILS] uiAbilitiesTitle [ABILITIES] uiFaberTitle [RANGER] uiMagicSuffixTitle [MAGIC SUFFIXES] uiFaberSuffixTitle [RANGER SUFFIXES] uittMissionAbandon [Abandon] uittMissionFinished [Finished] uiFameDetail [Details] uiGuildFameProgress [Guild Fame Progress: ] uiInfo [INFO] uiPeopleAdd [ADD] uiJoinChatQuestion [Do you want to join party chat?] uiColorR [R] uiColorG [G] uiColorB [B] uiColorT [T] uiJoinGuildProposal [GUILD INVITATION] uiJoinDuelProposal [WARNING - DUEL PROPOSAL] uiJoinClanProposalTitle [PvP Clan] uiPvpClanNeutral [Neutral] uiJoinClanProposalDesc [You enter a Clan PvP area. Choose a Clan or stay Neutral. Warning: choosing a Clan may impact your fame! ] uiInfosSystem [MY INFO SYSTEM] uiAscensorTeleportList [DESTINATIONS] uiTeleportLocation [TELEPORT LOCACTIONS] uimNewPartyChat [NEW PARTY CHAT] uimNewUserChat [NEW USER CHAT] uimRemoveUserChat [REMOVE USER CHAT] uimDismiss [Dismiss] uimSetSuccesor [Set Successor] uimTarget [Target] uimTeamCompass [Compass Target] uimEmotes [EMOTES] uimEmote1 [Emote 1] uimEmote2 [Emote 2] uimEmote3 [Emote 3] uimEmote4 [Emote 4] uimEmote5 [Emote 5] uimEmote6 [Emote 6] uimEmote7 [Emote 7] uimCommands [COMMANDS] uimCommand1 [COMMAND 1] uimCommand2 [COMMAND 2] uimCommand3 [COMMAND 3] uimCommand4 [COMMAND 4] uimCommand5 [COMMAND 5] uimCommand6 [COMMAND 6] uimQuitTeam [Leave Team] uimSeedsSharing [SHARING SEEDS] uimRemove [REMOVE] uimMoveTo [MOVE TO] uimIgnoreList [IGNORE LIST] uimMoveToIgnoreList [MOVE TO IGNORE LIST] uimMoveToFriendList [MOVE TO FRIENDS LIST] uimBlock [BLOCK] uimTell [TELL] uimUnBlock [UNBLOCK] uimFriendList [FRIENDS LIST] uimSort [Sort] uimRemovePartyChat [REMOVE PARTY CHAT] uimInvite [Team Invite] uimAddAllGM [ADD ALL GUILD MEMBERS] uimRemoveAllGM [REMOVE ALL GUILD MEMBERS] uimAddAllTM [ADD ALL TEAM MEMBERS] uimRemoveAllTM [REMOVE ALL TEAM MEMBERS] uitabChatAround [AROUND] uitabChatUniverse [UNIVERSE] uitabChatRegion [REGION] uitabChatTeam [TEAM] uitabChatGuild [GUILD] uitabChatSysInfo [SYS. INFO] uitabChatUser [USER] uiFilterAround [AROUND] uiFilterUniverse [UNIVERSE] uiFilterRegion [REGION] uiFilterTeam [TEAM] uiFilterGuild [GUILD] uiFilterMenuAround [AROUND @{T8}/s] uiFilterMenuUniverse [UNIVERSE @{T8}/u] uiFilterMenuRegion [REGION @{T8}/r] uiFilterMenuTeam [TEAM @{T8}/p] uiFilterMenuGuild [GUILD @{T8}/g] uittFilterChat [Click to set chat mode] uittEmote [Click to select and perform an emote] uittTell [Tell a friend] uiTempMemory [TEMP BAG] uittTakeAll [Take All] uittDropAll [Drop All] uiIcons [Icons] uiTeamShareTitle [TEAM SHARE] uiValidate [VALID] uiTeamShareItems [ITEMS] uiTeamShareAsks [x] uiTeamShareChance [%] uiTeamShareValid [VALIDATIONS] uiTS_Select [The selection of your item] uiTS_Items [Item descriptions] uiTS_Times [Number of players who want this item] uiTS_Chances [Percentage of chance of getting this item] uiTS_Valids [Players that validate the share] uitabInvEquip [EQUIP] uitabInvBag [BAG] uitabInvSteed [STEED] uitabInvPAMount0 [MOUNT 1] uitabInvPAPacker0 [PACK 1] uitabInvPADemon0 [DEMON 1] uitabInvPAMount1 [MOUNT 2] uitabInvPAPacker1 [PACK 2] uitabInvPADemon1 [DEMON 2] uitabInvPAMount2 [MOUNT 3] uitabInvPAPacker2 [PACK 3] uitabInvPADemon2 [DEMON 3] uitabInvPAMount3 [MOUNT 4] uitabInvPAPacker3 [PACK 4] uitabInvPADemon3 [DEMON 4] uitabInvGuild [GUILD] uitabInvRoom [ROOM] uiDetail [DETAILS] uittDetail [Toggles the list between detailed and compact mode] uittFilterArmor [Filter @{6F6F}Armor\n @{FFFF}Right click to select only @{6F6F}Armor@{FFFF}.] uittFilterWeapon [Filter @{6F6F}Weapons\n @{FFFF}Right click to select only @{6F6F}Weapons@{FFFF}.] uittFilterTool [Filter @{6F6F}Tools\n @{FFFF}Right click to select only @{6F6F}Tools@{FFFF}.] uittFilterMP [Filter @{6F6F}Materials\n @{FFFF}Right click to select only @{6F6F}Materials@{FFFF}.] uittFilterMissMP [Filter @{6F6F}Mission Items or Mission Materials\n @{FFFF}Right click to select only @{6F6F}Mission Items or Mission Materials@{FFFF}.] uittDragToMacro [Drag this stanza to compose a macro] uittDropCmd [Drop command stanza here] uittMacroMemorize [Memorize current macro] uittMacroUserDefIcon [Click to define an icon] uiMacroNone [Not assigned] uittNewKeyShortcut [New Key] uiEditKey [EDIT KEY] uiEditCmdNone [Not assigned] uiNewKey [NEW KEY] uiNewCmd [NEW COMMAND] uiEditCmd [EDIT COMMAND] uiMacroExec [EXEC MACRO] uiMacroCat [MACRO] uimMacErase [ERASE] uimMacInfos [INFO] uimMacroExec [EXECUTE] uimMacroEdit [EDIT] uimMacroDel [DELETE] uimMCMoveUp [MOVE UP] uimMCMoveDown [MOVE DOWN] uimMCEdit [EDIT] uimMCDel [DELETE] uiKeysPlayerTitle [PLAYER KEYS] uiKeysMovementTitle [MOVE KEYS] uiKeysActionsTitle [ACTION KEYS] uiKeysChatTitle [CHAT KEYS] uiKeysViewTitle [VIEW KEYS] uiKeysWindowsTitle [WINDOWS KEYS] uiKeysSystemTitle [SYSTEM KEYS] uiKeysEditTitle [EDIT KEYS] uiKeysDebugTitle [DEBUG KEYS] uiKeysTitle [KEYS] uiKey0 [0] uiKey1 [1] uiKey2 [2] uiKey3 [3] uiKey4 [4] uiKey5 [5] uiKey6 [6] uiKey7 [7] uiKey8 [8] uiKey9 [9] uiKeyA [A] uiKeyB [B] uiKeyC [C] uiKeyD [D] uiKeyE [E] uiKeyF [F] uiKeyG [G] uiKeyH [H] uiKeyI [I] uiKeyJ [J] uiKeyK [K] uiKeyL [L] uiKeyM [M] uiKeyN [N] uiKeyO [O] uiKeyP [P] uiKeyQ [Q] uiKeyR [R] uiKeyS [S] uiKeyT [T] uiKeyU [U] uiKeyV [V] uiKeyW [W] uiKeyX [X] uiKeyY [Y] uiKeyZ [Z] uiKeyLBUTTON [LBUTTON] uiKeyRBUTTON [RBUTTON] uiKeyCANCEL [CANCEL] uiKeyMBUTTON [MBUTTON] uiKeyBACK [BACKSPACE] uiKeyTAB [TAB] uiKeyCLEAR [CLEAR] uiKeyRETURN [RETURN] uiKeySHIFT [SHIFT] uiKeyCONTROL [CTRL] uiKeyMENU [ALT] uiKeyPAUSE [PAUSE] uiKeyCAPITAL [CAPITAL] uiKeyKANA [KANA] uiKeyHANGEUL [HANGEUL] uiKeyHANGUL [HANGUL] uiKeyJUNJA [JUNJA] uiKeyFINAL [FINAL] uiKeyHANJA [HANJA] uiKeyKANJI [KANJI] uiKeyESCAPE [ESCAPE] uiKeyCONVERT [CONVERT] uiKeyNONCONVERT [NONCONVERT] uiKeyACCEPT [ACCEPT] uiKeyMODECHANGE [MODECHANGE] uiKeySPACE [SPACE] uiKeyPRIOR [PAGE UP] uiKeyNEXT [PAGE DOWN] uiKeyEND [END] uiKeyHOME [HOME] uiKeyLEFT [LEFT] uiKeyUP [UP] uiKeyRIGHT [RIGHT] uiKeyDOWN [DOWN] uiKeySELECT [SELECT] uiKeyPRINT [PRINT] uiKeyEXECUTE [EXECUTE] uiKeySNAPSHOT [PRINT SCREEN] uiKeyINSERT [INSERT] uiKeyDELETE [DELETE] uiKeyHELP [HELP] uiKeyLWIN [LWIN] uiKeyRWIN [RWIN] uiKeyAPPS [APPS] uiKeyNUMPAD0 [NUMPAD 0] uiKeyNUMPAD1 [NUMPAD 1] uiKeyNUMPAD2 [NUMPAD 2] uiKeyNUMPAD3 [NUMPAD 3] uiKeyNUMPAD4 [NUMPAD 4] uiKeyNUMPAD5 [NUMPAD 5] uiKeyNUMPAD6 [NUMPAD 6] uiKeyNUMPAD7 [NUMPAD 7] uiKeyNUMPAD8 [NUMPAD 8] uiKeyNUMPAD9 [NUMPAD 9] uiKeyMULTIPLY [MULTIPLY] uiKeyADD [ADD] uiKeySEPARATOR [SEPARATOR] uiKeySUBTRACT [SUBTRACT] uiKeyDECIMAL [DECIMAL] uiKeyDIVIDE [DIVIDE] uiKeyF1 [F1] uiKeyF2 [F2] uiKeyF3 [F3] uiKeyF4 [F4] uiKeyF5 [F5] uiKeyF6 [F6] uiKeyF7 [F7] uiKeyF8 [F8] uiKeyF9 [F9] uiKeyF10 [F10] uiKeyF11 [F11] uiKeyF12 [F12] uiKeyF13 [F13] uiKeyF14 [F14] uiKeyF15 [F15] uiKeyF16 [F16] uiKeyF17 [F17] uiKeyF18 [F18] uiKeyF19 [F19] uiKeyF20 [F20] uiKeyF21 [F21] uiKeyF22 [F22] uiKeyF23 [F23] uiKeyF24 [F24] uiKeyNUMLOCK [NUMLOCK] uiKeySCROLL [SCROLL] uiKeyLSHIFT [LSHIFT] uiKeyRSHIFT [RSHIFT] uiKeyLCONTROL [LCONTROL] uiKeyRCONTROL [RCONTROL] uiKeyLMENU [LMENU] uiKeyRMENU [RMENU] uiKeyPROCESSKEY [PROCESSKEY] uiKeyATTN [ATTN] uiKeyCRSEL [CRSEL] uiKeyEXSEL [EXSEL] uiKeyEREOF [EREOF] uiKeyPLAY [PLAY] uiKeyZOOM [ZOOM] uiKeyNONAME [NONAME] uiKeyPA1 [PA1] uiKeyOEM_CLEAR [OEM CLEAR] /* OLD VALUE : [,] */ /* OLD VALUE : [,] */ uiKeyCOMMA [COMMA] uiNumber00 [00] uiNumber01 [01] uiNumber02 [02] uiNumber03 [03] uiNumber04 [04] uiNumber05 [05] uiNumber06 [06] uiNumber07 [07] uiNumber08 [08] uiNumber09 [09] uiNumber10 [10] uiNumber11 [11] uiNumber12 [12] uiNumber13 [13] uiNumber14 [14] uiNumber15 [15] uiNumber16 [16] uiNumber17 [17] uiNumber18 [18] uiNumber19 [19] uiNumber20 [20] uiAssignKey [Assign Key] uimEditKey [Edit Key] uimDeleteKey [Delete Key] uimAssignKey [Assign Key] uiCategory [Category] // Debug uiDebug [Debug] uiDebugToggleHelp [Toggle Help] uiDebugDisplayInfos [Display Info] uiDebugRenderMode [Render Mode] uiDebugToggleRender [Toggle Render Mode] uiDebugToggleChat [Show/Hide the Interface] uiDebugSwitchConsoleDisplay [Switch Console Display] uiDebugChangeCompassMode [Change Compass Mode] uiDebugToggleFly [Toggle fly] uiDebugFreeMouse [Free Mouse] uiDebugScreenShot [Screenshot] uiDebugTest [Test] uiDebugSetPos [Set Pos] uiDebugPacsBorders [Pacs Borders] uiDebugClusters [Debug Clusters] uiDebugReloadLandscapeIG [Reload Landscape IG] uiDebugProfile [Profile] uiDebugProfileVbLock [Profile VB Locks] uiDebugProfileTexture [Profile Texture Usage] uiDebugMemoryReport [Memory Report] uiDebugTogglePrimitive [Toggle Primitive] uiDebugPrimitiveUp [Primitive Up] uiDebugPrimitiveDown [Primitive Down] uiDebugToggle3dFilter [Toggle 3D Filter] uiFilterNumber [Filter Number] uiDebugDrawSound [Draw Sound] uiDebugIncCameraHeight [Inc Camera Z] uiDebugDecCameraHeight [Dec Camera Z] uiDebugWeatherIncTime [Inc Time] uiDebugWeatherDecTime [Dec Time] uiDebugWeatherTogSeason [Toggle Season] uiDebugWeatherReloadSeason [Reload Season] uiDebugWeatherWindTest [Wind Test] uiDebugWeatherReelWeather [Real Weather] uiDebugWeatherUpdateClouds [Update Clouds] uiDebugWeatherTogFunction [Toggle Weather Function] uiDebugWeatherIncHour [Inc Hour] uiDebugWeatherDecHour [Dec Hour] uiDebugWeatherStats [Stats] uiDebugWeatherDecDispFactor [Dec Display Factor] uiDebugWeatherIncDispFactor [Inc Display Factor] uiGame [GAME] uiEdit [Edit] uiEditPreviousChar [Previous Char] uiEditSelectPreviousChar [Select Previous Char] uiEditPreviousWord [Previous Word] uiEditSelectPreviousWord [Select Previous Word] uiEditNextChar [Next Char] uiEditSelectNextChar [Select Next Char] uiEditNextWord [Next Word] uiEditSelectNextWord [Select Next Word] uiEditGotoLineBegin [Go to Line Begin] uiEditSelectToLineBegin [Select To Line Begin] uiEditGotoBlockBegin [Go to Block Begin] uiEditSelectToBlockBegin [Select to Block Begin] uiEditGotoLineEnd [Go to Line End] uiEditSelectToLineEnd [Select to Line End] uiEditGotoBlockEnd [Go to Block End] uiEditSelectToBlockEnd [Select to Block End] uiEditPreviousLine [Previous Line] uiEditNextLine [Next Line] uiEditDeleteChar [Delete Char] uiEditCopy [Copy] uiEditPaste [Paste] uiEditCut [Cut] uiEditSelectAll [Select All] uiEditExpand [Expand] uiEditBack [Backspace] uiMagicTitle [MAGIC] uiSpellBookTitle [SPELL BOOK] uiNewSpell [New Spell: ] uimMaClear [CLEAR] uimMaReset [RESET TO DEFAULT] uimMaInfos [INFO] uimMaDel [DELETE SENTENCE] uimMaEdit [EDIT SENTENCE] uittSelectBrick [Click here to select a Root Stanza] uittRename [Rename] uittNoteSpell [Note spell] uittCreateSpell [Create a new spell for this Job] uittIncrementRow [Increment number of row] uittDecrementRow [Decrement number of row] uiMagicCreateNewSpell [NEW SPELL: ] uiMagicEditSpell [EDIT SPELL] uiMagicEditSpellName [Spell Name] uiMagicEditSapCost [OBLIVION COST] uiMagicEditDifficulty [DIFFICULTY] uiMagicEditNotEnoughSap [Warning! Not Enough Oblivion!] uiTextHelpSelectRootBrick [<- Click on the ROOT slot to define your ACTION TYPE.] uiTextHelpSelectEffectBrick [<- Click to select EFFECT ] uiTextHelpSelectOtherBrick [Your CREDIT must be equal or greater than your ACTION COST.] uiSpellSelectSapCost [Oblivion Cost: ] uiMagicSpellIcon [Icon] uittMagicSpellNotFound [Spell Not Found in the SpellBook] uiDefenseTitle [DEFENSE] uiStyle1 [DODGE] uiStyle2 [PARRY] uiDefenseReset [ALL] uittDefenseHead [Protect your head] uittDefenseChest [Protect your chest] uittDefenseLegs [Protect your legs] uittDefenseFeet [Protect your feet] uittDefenseArms [Protect your arms] uittDefenseHands [Protect your hands] uiSetsTitle [SETS] uiSetInUseTitle [SET IN USE] uiAllSetsTitle [ALL SETS] uiAffectedTitle [AFFECTED BY] uiSteedTitle [Mount] uiInventoryTitle [INVENTORY] uiInvRoomTitle [ROOM] uiInvEquipTitle [EQUIPMENT] uiMoneyTitle [MONEY] uiBagTitle [BAG] uiBagsTitle [BAGS] uiBagTitle1 [BAG 1] uiBagTitle2 [BAG 2] uiBagTitle3 [BAG 3] uiBagTitle4 [BAG 4] uiKitTitle [KIT] uiArmorTitle [ARMOR] uiHandsTitle [HANDS] uiJewelryTitle [JEWELRY] uiMemoryTitle [MEMORY] uiMemCombatTitle [COMBAT] uiMemMagicTitle [MAGIC] uiMemSpecialTitle [SPECIAL] uiMemCombatFull [MEMORY COMBAT] uiMemMagicFull [MEMORY MAGIC] uiMemSpecialFul [SPECIAL MEMORY] uimMount [MOUNT] uimUnmount [UNMOUNT] uimFollow [Follow] uimAssist [Assist] uimStop [STOP] uimFree [FREE] uimCall [CALL] uimForgetPhrase [FORGET ACTION] uimForgetMacro [FORGET MACRO] uimCristalize [CRYSTALLIZE] uittHelmet [Helmet] uittChest [Chest covering] uittArms [Sleeves] uittHands [Gloves] uittLegs [Leg covering] uittFeet [Boots] uittHeaddress [Diadem] uittNeck [Necklace] uittEarl [Left earring] uittEarr [Right earring] uittWristl [Left bracelet] uittWristr [Right bracelet] uittFingerl [Left ring] uittFingerr [Right ring] uittAnklel [Left anklet] uittAnkler [Right anklet] uittAmmo [Ammunition] uittMemoryCombat [This is your memory for Combat Abilities] uittMemoryMagic [This is your memory for Magic Spells] uittMemorySpecial [This is your memory for Special Abilities] uittPvPModeTagOff [@{6F6F}Faction PvP@{FFFF}\n You are @{6F6F}Not PvP Tagged@{FFFF}.\n Click to change to PvP mode.] uittPvPModeTagOffChange [@{6F6F}Faction PvP@{FFFF}\n You will change to @{6F6F}PvP Tagged@{FFFF} at the end of the timer.\n Click to cancel.] uittPvPModeTagOn [@{6F6F}Faction PvP@{FFFF}\n You are @{6F6F}PvP Tagged@{FFFF}.\n You can attack, and be attacked by, players from the opposing faction.\n Click to change to PvE only mode.] uittPvPModeTagOnChange [@{6F6F}Faction PvP@{FFFF}\n You will change to @{6F6F}Not PvP Tagged@{FFFF} at the end of the timer.\n Click to cancel.] uittPvPTagTimer [\n You have %temps left before your PvP status changes.] uittPvPModeFlag [@{6F6F}Faction PvP@{FFFF}\n You are @{6F6F}PvP Tagged@{FFFF} and you have recently performed a PvP offensive action.\n You are now @{6F6F}PvP Flagged@{FFFF}. As a result you are not able to perform all PvE actions and interactions with other players. eg: you cannot group with players from the opposite facion.\n The flag will be removed in %temps.] uittPvPTime [@{6F6F}%h h %m m %s s@{FFFF}] uiSelMoney2Give [SELECT MONEY TO GIVE] uiTrade2Player [EXCHANGE] uiPlayerName [PLAYER NAME] uiOtherGive [OTHER GIVES] uiItems [ITEMS] uiPlayerGive [YOU GIVE] uiInvFull [INVENTORY FULL] uiAccept [ACCEPT] uiRefuse [DECLINE] uiTradeWith [TRADE WITH?] uittSetMoney [Set amount] uittClearMoney [Clear amount] uiSpecialLaboTitle [SPECIAL] uiMacrosTitle [MACROS] uiShortCutTT [Drag a combat or magic spell here] uiQestionQuit [Where do you want to go?] uiServerStalled [Please wait...] uimPlayer [PLAYER] uimStatus [STATUS] uimCareer [CAREER] uimSkills [SKILLS] uimJournal [JOURNAL] uimGuild [GUILD] uimMagic [MAGIC] uimCombat [COMBAT] uimFaber [COLLECT] uimFaCrea [CREATE] uimFaRepa [REPAIR] uimFaRefi [REFINE] uimCommerce [TRADE] uimHarvest [COLLECT] uimMacros [MACROS] uimKeys [KEYS] uimSpecial [SPECIAL] uimClear [CLEAR] uiNotAssigned [N/A] uimHelp [HELP] uimTutorial [TUTORIAL] uimwSet [SETS] uimwHands [ACTION] uimwInventory [INVENTORY] uimwMoney [MONEY] uimwBags [BAGS] uimwArmor [ARMOR] uimwJewelry [JEWELRY] uimwPA [ANIMALS] uimwPet [PET] uimwSteed [MOUNT] uimwCompas [COMPASS] uimwRadar [RADAR] uimwMap [MAP] uimwCombat [COMBAT] uimwCommerce [COMMERCE] uimwFaberCreate [CRAFTER CREATE] uimwFaberRefine [CRAFTER REFINE] uimwFaberRepair [CRAFTER REPAIR] uimwMagic [SPELL BOOK] uimwSpecial [SPECIAL] uimwTracking [TRACKING] uimwTarget [TARGET GAUGE] uimwGuildChat [GUILD CHAT] uimwMainChat [MAIN CHAT] uimwInfoSys [SYSTEM INFO] uimwAroundMe [AROUND ME] uimwTell [TELL] uimwTeamChat [TEAM CHAT] uimwTeamList [TEAM] uimwContactList [CONTACT LIST] uimwFame [FAME] uimwBars [MY GAUGES] uimwBonusMalus [BONUS/MALUS] uimwWebIG [WEB] uimwBuff [AFFECTED BY] uimwGuild [GUILD INFO] uimwMissions [MISSONS] uimwProgression [IDENTITY] uimwProgression2 [IDENTITY] uimwStatus [STATUS] uimwAbilities [ABILITIES] uimwChatMode0 ["ESC" TO EXIT CHAT] uimwChatMode1 ["ENTER" TO EXIT CHAT] uimwMemCombat [MEMORY COMBAT] uimwMemMagic [MEMORY MAGIC] uimwMemSpecial [MEMORY SPECIAL] uimwColors [GAME CONFIGURATION] uimwConnection [CONNECTION] uimwKeys [KEYBINDINGS] uimwMacros [MACROS] uimSortUser [Sort: USER] uimSortType [Sort: TYPE] uimSortName [Sort: NAME] uimSortQuantity [Sort: QUANTITY] uimDrop [DROP] uimDestroy [DESTROY] uimQuantityDrop [QUANTITY TO DROP] uimQuantityDestroy [QUANTITY TO DESTROY] uimMtBag [BAG] uimMtSheath [SHEATH] uimMtSelf [SELF] uimGive [GIVE] uimRepair [REPAIR] uimRefine [REFINE] uimBoldInfo [INFO] uimEquip [EQUIP] uimCristalEnchant [ENCHANT RIGHT HAND] uimCristalReload [RECHARGE RIGHT HAND] uimTeleportUse [USE TELEPORT] uimItemConsume [CONSUME ITEM] uimXpCatalyserUse [ACTIVATE CATALYZER] uittClose [Close] uittSeed1 [Rotting Dead Seed] uittSeed2 [Moldy Dead Seed] uittSeed3 [Shriveled Dead Seed] uittSeed4 [Dry Dead Seed] uiDefmcwCol [CHOOSE COLOR] // Character creation uiReturnCharSel [Return to Character Selection] uiEmptySlot [Empty Slot] uiDelChar [DELETE THIS CHARACTER?] uiName [NAME] uiSurName [SURNAME] uiDeleteTitle [DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DELETE?] uiSelectTitle [WELCOME TO Khanat - Beta 2] uiSelCharTitle [SELECT A CHARACTER] uiOptTitle [OPTIONS] uiPlay [Play] uiDelete [Delete] uiManCrea [Manual creation] uiRanCrea [Random creation] uiSelLevel [ - Level ] uiPeople [PEOPLE] uiCulture [CULTURE] uiEcosystem [ECOSYSTEM] uiFyName [UCIKARA] uiMaName [TCARA] uiTrName [TRYKER] uiZoName [ZORAÏ] uiFyPeople [UCIKARA-PEOPLE] uiMaPeople [TCARA-PEOPLE] uiTrPeople [TRYKER-PEOPLE] uiZoPeople [ZORAÏ-PEOPLE] uiFyCulture [UCIKARA-CULTURE] uiMaCulture [TCARA-CULTURE] uiTrCulture [TRYKER-CULTURE] uiZoCulture [ZORAÏ-CULTURE] uiFyEco [UCIKARA-ECOSYSTEM] uiMaEco [TCARA-ECOSYSTEM] uiTrEco [TRYKER-ECOSYSTEM] uiZoEco [ZORAÏ-ECOSYSTEM] uiSelCiv [WHAT RACE DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?] uiDescMF [MELEE FIGHTER - DESCRIPTION] uiDescRF [RANGE FIGHTER - DESCRIPTION] uiDescAM [ATTACK CASTER - DESCRIPTION] uiDescHM [HEALER CASTER - DESCRIPTION] uiDescBM [BUFFER CASTER - DESCRIPTION] uiDescH [RANGER - DESCRIPTION] uiDescA [CRAFTER - DESCRIPTION] uiDescM [MERCHANT - DESCRIPTION] uiPtsLeft [POINTS LEFT:] uiCa [CHARACTERISTICS] uiCarMF [MELEE FIGHTER - CHARACTERISTICS] uiCarRF [RANGE FIGHTER - CHARACTERISTICS] uiCarAM [ATTACK CASTER - CHARACTERISTICS] uiCarHM [HEALER CASTER - CHARACTERISTICS] uiCarBM [BUFFER CASTER - CHARACTERISTICS] uiCarH [RANGER - CHARACTERISTICS] uiCarA [CRAFTER - CHARACTERISTICS] uiCarM [MERCHANT - CHARACTERISTICS] uiCaNaBoldF [FIGHTER] uiCaNaBoldM [MAGICIAN] uiCaNaBoldC [CRAFTER] uiCaNaF [Fighter] uiCaNaM [Magician] uiCaNaR [Crafter] uiCareerTitle [WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BECOME?] uiDesc [GENERAL] uiSpe [SPECIFIC] uiMore [More] uiLess [Less] uittMoreInfo [more information] uiShape [SHAPE] uiHair [HAIR] uiHaircut [HAIRCUT] uiHairColor [HAIR COLOR] uiTatoos [TATTOOS] uiEyes [EYE COLOR] uiHeight [HEIGHT] uiArms [ARMS] uiLegs [LEGS] uiBreasts [BUST] uiHelmet [HELMET] uiTorso [TORSO] uiArmpad [ARMPAD] uiGloves [GLOVES] uiTrouser [PANTS] uiFeet [FEET] uiAppearTitle [WHAT DO YOU WANT TO LOOK LIKE?] uiBody [BODY] uiFace [FACE] uiClothes [CLOTHES] uiFemale [Female] uiMale [Male] uiFace1Fy [MOUTH LEVEL] uiFace2Fy [EYE] uiFace3Fy [NOSE LEVEL] uiFace4Fy [MOUTH WIDTH] uiFace5Fy [NOSE LENGTH] uiFace6Fy [NOSE WIDTH] uiFace7Fy [EYE WIDTH / EYEBROWS] uiFace8Fy [CHIN] uiFace1Ma [EYE LEVEL] uiFace2Ma [NOSE LEVEL] uiFace3Ma [NOSE LENGTH] uiFace4Ma [NOSE WIDTH] uiFace5Ma [MOUTH WIDTH] uiFace6Ma [MOUTH LEVEL] uiFace7Ma [EAR SIZE] uiFace8Ma [CHIN] uiFace1Tr [EYE] uiFace2Tr [NOSE LEVEL] uiFace3Tr [NOSE LENGTH] uiFace4Tr [NOSE WIDTH] uiFace5Tr [MOUTH WIDTH] uiFace6Tr [MOUTH LEVEL] uiFace7Tr [EAR SIZE] uiFace8Tr [CHIN] uiFace1Zo [EYE SIZE] uiFace2Zo [HORN: BOTTOM 1] uiFace3Zo [HORN: BOTTOM 2] uiFace4Zo [HORN: MIDDLE 1] uiFace5Zo [HORN: MIDDLE 2] uiFace6Zo [HORN: TOP & RIGHT] uiFace7Zo [HORN: TOP & LEFT] uiInvalid [is not a valid name] uiValid [is a valid name] uiSummaryTitle [WHAT NAME DO YOU WANT?] uiEnterName [ENTER A NAME:] uiValidName [Test the name] uiRand [RANDOMIZE] uiRand1 [ALL] uiRand2 [CAREER] uiRand3 [CIVILIZATION] uiRand4 [GENDER] uiRand5 [BODY] uiRand6 [FACE] uiRand7 [COLORS] uiSelInfos [INFORMATION\n \n You have 5 slots to save 5 different characters.\n To create a new character, you need to select an empty slot.\n \n If there is no empty slot available then you have to delete an existing character to create a new one.] uiCultFy [] uiCultMa [] uiCultTr [] uiCultZo [] uiEcoFy [] uiEcoMa [] uiEcoTr [] uiEcoZo [] uiExplcarac [CHARACTERISTICS\n \n You have 20 points to add to your characteristics.\n \n RULES:\n -The minimum value is 20.\n -The basic value can be reduced by 5 points max.\n -The basic value can be increased by 10 points max.] uiExplF [FIGHTER EXPLANATIONS] uiExplM [MAGICIAN EXPLANATIONS] uiExplR [RANGER EXPLANATIONS] uiMoreFFy [] uiMoreFMa [] uiMoreFTr [] uiMoreFZo [] uiMoreMFy [] uiMoreMMa [] uiMoreMTr [] uiMoreMZo [] uiMoreRFy [] uiMoreRMa [] uiMoreRTr [] uiMoreRZo [] // Chat uiTeamChatTitle [TEAM CHAT] uiFriendList [FRIENDS LIST] uiIgnoreList [IGNORE LIST] uiSystemInfoTitle [SYSTEM INFO] uiAroundMeTitle [AROUND ME] uiUniverseTitle [UNIVERSE CHAT] uiRegionTitle [REGION CHAT] uiGuildChat [GUILD CHAT] uiPartyChat [PARTY CHAT] uiNewPartyChat [NEW PARTY CHAT] uiTeamTitle [TEAM] uiGUILD [GUILD] uiTEAM [TEAM] uiSAY [SAY] uiSHOUT [SHOUT] // Window uiKeepInfoButton [Keep] uittKeepInfo [@{6F6F}Pin@{FFFF} this window.\n If pinned, information for other items will be shown in a new window.\n If unpinned, this window will be reused.] uihelpItemMagicBonusAll [@{FFF9}Bonus for All Magics:\n @{T3}Cast Speed:@{T16}@{FFFF}%cs%@{FFF9}\n @{T3}Power:@{T16}@{FFFF}%mp%\n ] uihelpItemMagicBonusOffElemental [@{FFF9}Bonus For Offensive Elemental Magic:\n @{T3}Cast Speed:@{T16}@{FFFF}%cs%@{FFF9}\n @{T3}Power:@{T16}@{FFFF}%mp%\n ] uihelpItemMagicBonusOffAffliction [@{FFF9}Bonus For Offensive Affliction Magic:\n @{T3}Cast Speed:@{T16}@{FFFF}%cs%@{FFF9}\n @{T3}Power:@{T16}@{FFFF}%mp%\n ] uihelpItemMagicBonusDefHeal [@{FFF9}Bonus For Defensive Heal Magic:\n @{T3}Cast Speed:@{T16}@{FFFF}%cs%@{FFF9}\n @{T3}Power:@{T16}@{FFFF}%mp%\n ] uihelpItemMagicBonusDefAffliction [@{FFF9}Bonus For Defensive Affliction Magic:\n @{T3}Cast Speed:@{T16}@{FFFF}%cs%@{FFF9}\n @{T3}Power:@{T16}@{FFFF}%mp%\n ] uihelpItemMagicBonusHeader [\n @{FFFF}Magic Bonus@{FFF9} if the spell has a Spell Level below or equal to @{FFFF}%mglvl@{FFF9}:\n ] uihelpItemHpBonus [@{FFF9}Trauma Bonus:@{T16}@{2F2F}%val\n ] uihelpItemHpMalus [@{FFF9}Trauma Penalty:@{T16}@{F44F}%val\n ] uihelpItemSapBonus [@{FFF9}Oblivion Bonus:@{T16}@{2F2F}%val\n ] uihelpItemSapMalus [@{FFF9}Oblivion Penalty:@{T16}@{F44F}%val\n ] uihelpItemStaBonus [@{FFF9}Pain Bonus:@{T16}@{2F2F}%val\n ] uihelpItemStaMalus [@{FFF9}Pain Penalty:@{T16}@{F44F}%val\n ] uihelpItemFocusBonus [@{FFF9}Focus Bonus:@{T16}@{2F2F}%val\n ] uihelpItemFocusMalus [@{FFF9}Focus Penalty:@{T16}@{F44F}%val\n ] uihelpMagicProtectFormatHeader [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoProt}Protections:@{H}\n ] uihelpMagicProtectFormat [@{T3}@{FFF9}%t:@{T18}@{FFFF}+%v%\n ] uihelpMagicProtectMaxAbsorbFormat [@{T3}@{FFF9}Max. Absorbed:@{T18}@{FFFF}+%v\n ] uihelpMagicResistFormatHeader [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoResist}Resistance:@{H}\n ] uihelpMagicResistFormat [@{T3}@{FFF9}%t:@{T18}@{FFFF}+%v\n ] uihelpItemFaberPrefixAndSuffix [%p %n %s] uihelpItemFaberPrefix [%p %n] uiItemRMClass0 [Basic] uiItemRMClass1 [Fine] uiItemRMClass2 [Choice] uiItemRMClass3 [Excellent] uiItemRMClass4 [Supreme] uiItemFX_ISE_FIGHT_ADD_CRITICAL [@{2F2F}+%p%@{FFFF} chance of performing a critical hit.] uiItemFX_ISE_FIGHT_VAMPIRISM [@{2F2F}%p%@{FFFF} chance of stealing life from the enemy (inflicted damage is added to your own Trauma).] uiItemFX_ISE_MAGIC_DIVINE_INTERVENTION [@{2F2F}%p%@{FFFF} chance that the cast will not apply action credits.] uiItemFX_ISE_MAGIC_SHOOT_AGAIN [@{2F2F}%p%@{FFFF} chance that the next cast will not apply time credits, provided it is cast in less than @{2F2F}%r @{FFFF}sec.] uiItemFX_ISE_CRAFT_ADD_STAT_BONUS [@{2F2F}%p%@{FFFF} chance of adding a @{2F2F}%r@{FFFF} bonus, plus a bonus related to the quality of the crafted item, to one of the stats of the item.] uiItemFX_ISE_CRAFT_ADD_LIMIT [@{2F2F}%p0%@{FFFF} chance of increasing all stats of the crafted item by @{2F2F}%p1%@{FFFF}.] uiItemFX_ISE_FORAGE_ADD_RM [@{2F2F}%p0%@{FFFF} chance of increasing the quantity of foraged materials per action by @{2F2F}%p1%@{FFFF}.] uiItemFX_ISE_FORAGE_NO_RISK [@{2F2F}%p%@{FFFF} chance that one of the raw material sources of a prospect appears without explosion risk.] uihelpItemCaracReqNone [None] uihelpItemCaracReqMetFmt [\n @{FFFF}%d @{FFF9}in @{FFFF}%s] uihelpItemCaracReqNotMetFmt [\n @{F80B}%d in %s] uihelpItemCaracReqAnd [\n @{FFF9}and@{FFFF}] uihelpItemSkillReqMetFmt [\n @{FFFF}%d @{FFF9}in @{FFFF}%s] uihelpItemSkillReqNotMetFmt [\n @{F80B}%d in %s] uihelpItemAnySkillReqMetFmt [\n @{FFFF}%d @{FFF9}in @{FFFF}any skill] uihelpItemAnySkillReqNotMetFmt [\n @{F80B}%d in any skill] uihelpSkillModVsType [@{FFF9}Skill bonus: @{FFFF}+%mod @{FFF9}versus @{FFFF}%type] uihelpItemDefaultFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n \n %cansell\n @{FFFF}%desc%no_rent@{FFFF}%descnr%custom_text] uihelpItemCantSell [@{F80B}This item cannot be sold to a merchant.@{FFFF}\n ] uihelpItemCosmeticDontFit [@{F80B}This cosmetic feature cannot be applied on you, because of your race or gender@{FFFF}\n ] uihelpItemNoRent [@{F80B}Item No Rent: @{FFFF}] uihelpItemNoRentDesc [@{F80B}This item will be destroyed few minutes after disconnect.@{FFFF}\n ] uihelpItemCosmetic [\n \n %cansell\n @{FFFF}%desc] uihelpItemArmorFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoOrigin}Origin:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%origin\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoArmorQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoHP}Trauma:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%hp/%hpmax\n %cansell\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoRequirement}Requirements:@{H}@{T12}@{FFFF}%caracreq@{FFFF}%skillreq@{FFFF}%skillreq2\n \n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoArmorType}Armor Type:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%armor %armor_bonus\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoDodgeMod}Dodge Modifier:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%dodge\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoParryMod}Parry Modifier:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%parry\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoMalus}Action Malus:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}+%actmalus\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoArmorProtection}Protection:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%protect%\n @{FFF9} @{HuittInfoArmorSlash}Max. vs Slash:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%p_slash\n @{FFF9} @{HuittInfoArmorBlunt}Max. vs Smash:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%p_blunt\n @{FFF9} @{HuittInfoArmorPierc}Max. vs Pierce:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%p_pierce\n %buffs%special_effects%desc%custom_text] uihelpItemMeleeWeaponFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoOrigin}Origin:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%origin\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoHP}Trauma:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%hp/%hpmax\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponSapLoad}Sap Load:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%sap/%sapmax\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoItemSkill}Skill:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%skill\n %cansell\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoRequirement}Requirements: @{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%caracreq@{FFFF}%skillreq@{FFFF}%skillreq2\n \n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoDamageType}Damage Type:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%dmtype\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponDamage}Damage:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%dmg (@{T12}@{FFFF}%max_dmg)\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponHitMin}Hit/Minute:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%speed\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponReach}Reach:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%reach\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoDodgeMod}Dodge Modifier:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}%dodge\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoParryMod}Parry Modifier:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}%parry\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoTargetDodgeMod}Adv. Dodge Modifier:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}%adv_dodge\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoTargetParryMod}Adv. Parry Modifier:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}%adv_parry\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoMalus}Action Malus:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}+%actmalus\n %magic_bonus%buffs%special_effects%skill_mod_vs_type%desc%custom_text%enchantment] uihelpItemRangeWeaponFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoOrigin}Origin:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%origin\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoHP}Trauma:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%hp/%hpmax\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponSapLoad}Sap Load:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%sap/%sapmax\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoItemSkill}Skill:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%skill\n %cansell\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoRequirement}Requirements:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%caracreq@{FFFF}%skillreq@{FFFF}%skillreq2\n \n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponRDamage}Damage:@{H}@{T14}@{FFFF}%dmg (@{T12}@{FFFF}%max_dmg)\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponRHitMin}Hit/Minute:@{H}@{T14}@{FFFF}%speed\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponRange}Range:@{H}@{T14}@{FFFF}%range\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoDodgeMod}Dodge Modifier:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}%dodge\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoParryMod}Parry Modifier:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}%parry\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoTargetDodgeMod}Adv. Dodge Modifier:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}%adv_dodge\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoTargetParryMod}Adv. Parry Modifier:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}%adv_parry\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoMalus}Action Malus:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}+%actmalus\n %magic_bonus%buffs%special_effects%skill_mod_vs_type%desc%custom_text%enchantment] uihelpItemAmmoFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoOrigin}Origin:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%origin\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeaponQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoHP}Trauma:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%hp/%hpmax\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoItemSkill}Skill:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%skill\n %cansell\n \n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoAmmoMagazine}Magazine:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%magazine\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoDamageType}Damage Type:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%dmtype\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoAmmoDamage}Damage:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%dmg (@{T12}@{FFFF}%max_dmg)\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoAmmoHitMin}Hit/Minute:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%speed\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoAmmoRange}Range:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%range\n \n @{FFFF}%desc] uihelpItemMPFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoMpQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n %cansell\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoMpEco}Ecosystem:@{H}@{T14}@{FFFF}%ecosystem\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoMpFam}Family:@{H}@{T14}@{FFFF}%family\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoMpColor}Color:@{H}@{T14}@{FFFF}%mpcolor\n @{FFFF}%desc\n %craft] uihelpItemScroll [%custom_text] uihelpItemScrollR2 [@{ffff}%r2_description_text\n @{ffff}%r2_comment_text] uihelpItemMPCraft [@{FFF9}Can be used to Craft:\n @{FFFF}@{T2}%ip\n ] uihelpItemMPNoCraft [@{FFF9}This is a mission item and cannot be used to Craft.@{FFFF}\n ] uihelpItemMPCraftRequirement [@{FFF9}Used as a component in the crafting of special items.@{FFFF}\n ] uihelpItemMPAllCraft [All Item Parts] iompfUnknown [] iompfCommon [All Races] iompfFyros [Ucikara only] iompfMatis [Tcara only] iompfTryker [Tryker only] iompfZorai [Zoraï only] iompfTribe [Tribe only] iompfRefugee [Refugee only] iompfKaravan [Karavan only] uihelpItemShieldFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoOrigin}Origin:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%origin\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoArmorQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoHP}Trauma:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%hp/%hpmax\n %cansell\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoRequirement}Requirements:@{H}@{T12}@{FFFF}%caracreq@{FFFF}%skillreq@{FFFF}%skillreq2\n \n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoShieldCat}Category:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%cat\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoDodgeMod}Dodge Modifier:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%dodge\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoParryMod}Parry Modifier:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%parry\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoMalus}Action Malus:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}+%actmalus\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoArmorProtection}Protection:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%protect%\n @{FFF9} @{HuittInfoArmorSlash}Max. vs Slash:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%p_slash\n @{FFF9} @{HuittInfoArmorBlunt}Max. vs Smash:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%p_blunt\n @{FFF9} @{HuittInfoArmorPierc}Max. vs Pierce:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%p_pierce\n %buffs%special_effects%desc%custom_text] uihelpItemCraftingToolFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoOrigin}Origin:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%origin\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoToolQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoHP}Trauma:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%hp/%hpmax\n @{FFF9}@{HuittToolCraftType}Tool Type:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%tool\n %cansell\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoRequirement}Requirements:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%caracreq@{FFFF}%skillreq@{FFFF}%skillreq2\n %buffs\n %special_effects\n \n @{FFFF}%desc%custom_text] uihelpItemHarvestToolFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoOrigin}Origin:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%origin\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoToolQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoHP}Trauma:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%hp/%hpmax\n %cansell\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoRequirement}Requirements:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%caracreq@{FFFF}%skillreq@{FFFF}%skillreq2\n %buffs\n %special_effects\n \n @{FFFF}%desc%custom_text] uihelpItemTamingToolFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoOrigin}Origin:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%origin\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoToolQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoHP}Trauma:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%hp/%hpmax\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoItemSkill}Skill:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%skill\n %cansell\n @{FFF9}Command Range:@{T12}@{FFFF}%cmdrange\n @{FFF9}Max Packers:@{T12}@{FFFF}%maxpacker\n \n @{FFFF}%desc%custom_text] uihelpItemJewelFormat [@{FFF9}@{HuittInfoOrigin}Origin:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%origin\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoJewelryQuality}Quality:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Weight:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoHP}Trauma:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%hp/%hpmax\n %cansell\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoRequirement}Requirements:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%caracreq@{FFFF}%skillreq@{FFFF}%skillreq2\n \n %magic_protection%magic_resistance%buffs%desc%custom_text] uihelpItemCrystalSpell [This item can be used to\n enchant a weapon.\n \n Place the weapon you want to enchant in your right hand.\n \n Then right-click on this crystal, and choose "Enchant Right Hand".\n \n Note that applying a Crystallized Spell overwrites any previous enchantment on the item and sets its sap load to 0.\n \n %cansell\n %enchantment%custom_text] uihelpItemChargeSpell [@{FFF9}Sap Load:@{T10}@{FFFF}%quality\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Bulk:@{H}@{T10}@{FFFF}%bulk\n \n This item can be used\n to reload the sap of an enchanted weapon.\n \n Place the weapon you want to reload in your right hand, then right-click on the recharge and choose "Reload Right Hand".\n \n The curent sap load and maximum charge that the item can hold can be seen by clicking the right mouse button on the item and selecting 'Info'.\n \n %cansell%custom_text] uihelpItemAnimal [This item represents your\n animal #%petnumber.\n \n You can give or sell an animal through this item, but only if your animal's inventory is empty!\n \n %cansell\n %desc%custom_text] uihelpItemTeleport [To use, right-click and choose\n "USE TELEPORT"\n \n %cansell\n %desc%custom_text] uihelpBrickFormat [@{FFF9}Level:@{T10}@{FFFF}%lvl\n %ks@{FFF9}Skill:@{T10}@{FFFF}%skill\n %ks@{FFF9}%hcost:@{T10}@{FFFF}%cost\n %magicresist\n @{FFFF}%desc] uihelpBrickMagicResist [@{FFF9}Magic Domain:\n @{T4}@{FFFF}%t\n ] uihelpBrickCombatSkillSeparator [@{FFF9} or\n @{T8}@{FFFF}] uihelpSabrinaCost [Cost] uihelpSabrinaCredit [Credit] uihelpBrickFaberFormat [@{FFF9}Level:@{T10}@{FFFF}%lvl\n %ks@{FFF9}Skill:@{T10}@{FFFF}%skill\n %ks@{FFF9}%hcost:@{T10}@{FFFF}%cost\n \n @{FFF9}Tool Type:@{T10}@{FFFF}%tool\n @{FFF9}Item Parts Required:@{FFFF}\n %mpinfo@{FFF9}Specific Items Required:@{FFFF}\n %mpformula\n @{FFFF}%desc] uihelpMpNone [@{T4}None\n ] uihelpAuraDisabled [\n \n This aura is disabled.\n You may be out of the area, or you may need to wait some time to be affected again by this aura.] uittAuraDisabled [ - Aura Disabled] uihelpPhraseHeaderBricks [@{FFFF}--- Stanzas ---] uihelpPhraseCombatFormat [@{FFF9}Action Name:@{T14}@{FFFF}%name\n @{FFF9}Action Cost:@{T14}@{FFFF}%cost\n @{FFF9}Action Credit:@{T14}@{FFFF}%credit\n @{FFF9}Usable With:@{T14}@{FFFF}%wcomp\n \n %compostartThese stats depend on your equipped weapon.\n @{FFF9}@{HuittActionSuccessRateSF}Success Rate:@{H}@{T20}@{FFFF}%success%\n @{FFF9}pain Cost:@{T20}@{FFFF}%energy_cost\n @{FFF9}Trauma Cost:@{T20}@{FFFF}%hp_cost\n @{FFFF}%desc%req] uihelpPhraseMagicFormat [@{FFF9}Action Name:@{T14}@{FFFF}%name\n @{FFF9}Action Cost:@{T14}@{FFFF}%cost\n @{FFF9}Action Credit:@{T14}@{FFFF}%credit\n @{FFF9}@{HuittActionSpellLevel}Spell Level:@{H}@{T14}@{FFFF}%mglvl\n %magicresist\n %compostart@{FFF9}@{HuittActionSuccessRateSM}Success Rate:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%success%\n @{FFF9}Cast Duration:@{T16}@{FFFF}%duration sec.\n @{FFF9}Sap Cost:@{T16}@{FFFF}%energy_cost\n @{FFF9}Trauma Cost:@{T16}@{FFFF}%hp_cost\n @{FFF9}Range:@{T16}@{FFFF}%range\n @{FFFF}%desc%req] uihelpPhraseMagicResist [@{FFF9}Magic Domain:\n @{T4}@{FFFF}%t\n ] uihelpPhraseRangeMeters [%dist meters] uihelpPhraseRangeSelf [Self] uihelpPhraseCraftFormat [@{FFF9}Action Name:@{T14}@{FFFF}%name\n @{FFF9}Action Cost:@{T14}@{FFFF}%cost\n @{FFF9}Action Credit:@{T14}@{FFFF}%credit\n \n %compostart@{FFF9}@{HuittActionSuccessRateSC}Success Rate:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}Depends on item crafted.\n @{FFF9}Action Duration:@{T16}@{FFFF}%duration sec.\n @{FFF9}Focus Cost:@{T16}@{FFFF}%energy_cost\n @{FFFF}%desc%req] uihelpPhraseForageExtractionFormat [@{FFF9}Action Name:@{T14}@{FFFF}%name\n @{FFF9}Action Cost:@{T14}@{FFFF}%cost\n @{FFF9}Action Credit:@{T14}@{FFFF}%credit\n \n %compostart%suc_forage@{FFF9}Cast Duration:@{T20}@{FFFF}%duration sec.\n @{FFF9}Focus Cost:@{T20}@{FFFF}%energy_cost\n @{FFFF}%desc%req] uihelpPhraseForageSuccessAll [@{FFF9}@{HuittActionSuccessRateSH}Success Rate@{H} (Desert/Forest/Jungle/Lakes/Prime Roots):\n @{T4}@{FFFF}%suc_desert%@{FFF9} / @{FFFF}%suc_forest%@{FFF9} / @{FFFF}%suc_jungle%@{FFF9} / @{FFFF}%suc_lake%@{FFF9} / @{FFFF}%suc_prime%\n ] uihelpPhraseForageSuccessDesert [@{FFF9}@{HuittActionSuccessRateSH}Success Rate@{H} In Desert:@{T16}@{FFFF}%suc_desert\n ] uihelpPhraseForageSuccessForest [@{FFF9}@{HuittActionSuccessRateSH}Success Rate@{H} In Forest:@{T16}@{FFFF}%suc_forest\n ] uihelpPhraseForageSuccessJungle [@{FFF9}@{HuittActionSuccessRateSH}Success Rate@{H} In Jungle:@{T16}@{FFFF}%suc_jungle\n ] uihelpPhraseForageSuccessLacustre [@{FFF9}@{HuittActionSuccessRateSH}Success Rate@{H} In Lakes:@{T16}@{FFFF}%suc_lake\n ] uihelpPhraseForageSuccessPrimaryRoot [@{FFF9}@{HuittActionSuccessRateSH}Success Rate@{H} In Prime Roots:@{T16}@{FFFF}%suc_prime\n ] uihelpPhraseOtherFormat [@{FFF9}Action Name:@{T14}@{FFFF}%name\n @{FFF9}Action Cost:@{T14}@{FFFF}%cost\n @{FFF9}Action Credit:@{T14}@{FFFF}%credit\n \n %compostart@{FFF9}Success Rate:@{T16}@{FFFF}%success%\n @{FFF9}Cast Duration:@{T16}@{FFFF}%duration sec.\n @{FFF9}Focus Cost:@{T16}@{FFFF}%energy_cost\n @{FFFF}%desc%req] uihelpPhraseSpecialPowerFormat [@{FFF9}Action Name:@{T14}@{FFFF}%name\n @{FFF9}Action Cost:@{T14}@{FFFF}%cost\n @{FFF9}Action Credit:@{T14}@{FFFF}%credit\n \n %compostart@{FFF9}Range:@{T14}@{FFFF}%range\n @{FFFF}%desc%req] uihelpPhraseEnchantmentFormat [\n @{FFFF}--- Enchantment ---\n @{FFF9}This item is enchanted with this action:\n @{FFF9}Action Cost:@{T14}@{FFFF}%cost\n @{FFF9}Action Credit:@{T14}@{FFFF}%credit\n \n @{FFF9}Actions on enchanted items always succeed\n @{FFF9}Cast Duration:@{T16}@{FFFF}%duration sec.\n @{FFF9}Sap Cost:@{T16}@{FFFF}%energy_cost\n @{FFF9}HP Cost:@{T16}@{FFFF}%hp_cost\n @{FFF9}Range:@{T16}@{FFFF}%range\n ] uihelpPhraseCrystalSpellFormat [@{FFFF}--- Enchantment ---\n @{FFF9}This item can enchant a weapon with this action:\n @{FFF9}Action Cost:@{T14}@{FFFF}%cost\n @{FFF9}Action Credit:@{T14}@{FFFF}%credit\n \n @{FFF9}Actions on enchanted items always succeed\n @{FFF9}Cast Duration:@{T16}@{FFFF}%duration sec.\n @{FFF9}Sap Cost:@{T16}@{FFFF}%energy_cost\n @{FFF9}HP Cost:@{T16}@{FFFF}%hp_cost\n @{FFF9}Range:@{T16}@{FFFF}%range\n ] uihelpPhraseRequirementHeader [\n @{FFFF}--- Requirements --- \n @{FFF9}@{HuittActionSkillPoint}Skill Points Cost:@{H}@{T16}@{FFFF}%sp/%basesp\n @{FFF9}@{HuittActionSkillReq}Skills Required:@{H}\n ] uihelpPhraseRequirementLine [@{T4}@{FFFF}%s@{FFF9} at level @{FFFF}%d\n ] uihelpPhraseRequirementNotMetLine [@{T4}@{F80F}%s@{F80B} at level @{F80F}%d\n ] uihelpPhraseRequirementOR [@{FFFF}OR\n ] uihelpPhraseBrickRequirement [@{FFF9}@{HuittActionStanzaReq}Stanzas Required:@{H}@{FFFF}\n ] uihelpPhraseNotCastableFormat [@{FFFF}This is an action upgrade which teaches you some new stanzas.\n You cannot memorize or cast it.\n @{FFFF}%desc%req] uihelpPhraseCharacteristic [@{FFFF}This is an upgrade which increases some characteristics.\n You cannot memorize or cast it.\n @{FFFF}%desc%req] uihelpPhraseProcEnchantment [@{FFFF}With this action you activate the enchantment on the item in your right hand.\n \n If your right hand item is not enchanted, this action cannot be executed.\n ] uihelpPactFormat [@{FFF9}Level:@{T14}@{FFFF}%lvl\n @{FFF9}Lost trauma:@{T14}@{FFFF}%hp\n @{FFF9}Lost pain:@{T14}@{FFFF}%sta\n @{FFF9}Lost Oblivion:@{T14}@{FFFF}%sap\n @{FFF9}Lost skills:@{T14}@{FFFF}%skill\n ] uihelpOBFormat_Empty [@{FFFF}This is a building land.\n By constructing this space the current building will be destroyed.\n However, you will be able to build a new one.\n \n @{FFF9}Construction time: @{T20}@{FFFF}%costtime\n @{FFF9}Construction cost: @{T20}@{FFFF}%costdapper\n ] uihelpOBFormat_TownHall [@{FFFF}This is the Outpost hall.\n This building gives access to the guild's inventory when one is close to it.\n It is automatically acquired when the Outpost is won.\n ] uihelpOBFormat_Driller [@{FFFF}%name\n \n @{FFF9}This building is a drill, able to extract raw materials.\n \n @{FFF9}There can only be one drill per outpost.\n \n @{FFF9}Installation time: @{T20}@{FFFF}%costtime\n @{FFF9}Installation cost: @{T20}@{FFFF}%costdapper\n \n @{FFFF}--- Extracted Materials ---\n @{FFF9}This drill extracts level @{FFFF}%lvl materials] uihelpTitleInfo [INFORMATION] uiTitleCantObtain [You cannot obtain this title.] uiTitleSkillNoNeed [No skills needed to obtain this title.\n ] uiTitleBrickNoNeed [No stanzas needed to obtain this title\n ] uihelpTitleFormat [@{FFF9}Name:@{T8}@{FFFF}%name\n @{FFF9}Title:@{T8}@{FFFF}%title\n %skills%bricks] uiTitleSkillHeader [@{FFF9}Skills Needed:@{FFFF}\n ] uiTitleBrickHeader [@{FFF9}Stanzas Needed:@{FFFF}\n ] uiTitleSkillOr [or] uihelpToolType [Tool Type: ] ChildPlay [Child's play] RealEasy [Really easy] Easy [Easy] FairlyEasy [Fairly easy] Average [Average difficulty] QuiteDifficult [Quite difficult] Difficult [Difficult] ReallyDifficult [Really difficult] Harsh [Harsh] ExtremelyDifficult [Extremely difficult] FeatureUnderConstruction [Feature under construction] InvalidSentence [Invalid sentence] ErrorCreating [Error creating sentence] Uncomplete [Incomplete sentence] Cheater [Cheating is bad, you know...] uiSet [SET] uiForce [@{FFFE}Force:@{FFFF} Gives a general indication of the abilities of the target.\n The @{FFFE}background@{FFFF} color shows average level of the region where the target is located\n The @{FFFE}White stars@{FFFF} preceded by a figure indicates your strength within the region.\n @{FFFE}Black stars@{FFFF} are reserved for Named Creatures (@{FFFE}1 star@{FFFF}) or Bosses (@{FFFE}2 stars@{FFFF})\n @{FFFE}Right Click@{FFFF} and select @{FFFE}Help@{FFFF} for more help...] uiAttitude [ATTITUDE] uiProgressionTitle [MY EVOLUTION] uiOpacity [OPACITY] uimChooseUIAlpha [WINDOW OPACITY] uimLockUnlock [LOCK / UNLOCK] uiUserAlpha [USE GLOBAL SETTINGS] uiLocalAlpha [LOCAL SETTINGS] uiConnectionTitle [CONNECTION] uiUpload [UPLOAD] uiDownload [DOWNLOAD] uiPing [PING] uiPacketLost [PACKET LOSS] uiServerState [SERVER STATE] uiServerState0 [Not Initialized] uiServerState1 [Not Connected] uiServerState2 [Authenticating] uiServerState3 [Logging in] uiServerState4 [Synchronizing] uiServerState5 [Connected] uiServerState6 [Probing] uiServerState7 [Stalled] uiServerState8 [Disconnected] uiServerState9 [FS Lost] uiGlobalSettingsTitle [GAME CONFIGURATION] msgCantUseItem [&CHK&Cannot use item.] msgCantBuild [&CHK&Cannot build item.] msgCantUseBuiltItem [&CHK&Cannot use built item.] msgCantPutItemInBag [&CHK&Cannot put item in bag. Your bag is full.] msgCantFightSwim [&CHK&Cannot engage in combat while in the water.] msgCantFightSit [&CHK&Cannot engage in combat while sitting down.] msgCantFightRide [&CHK&Cannot engage in combat while mounted.] msgUserIsRunning [&SYS&You are in running mode.] msgUserIsWalking [&SYS&You are in walking mode.] msgUserModeParry [&CHKCB&You will try to parry melee attacks.] msgUserModeDodge [&CHKCB&You will try to dodge melee attacks.] msgUserIsSitting [&SYS&You sit.] msgUserIsStanding [&SYS&You stand up.] msgPermanentlyBanned [&BC&You have been permanently banned from Khanat.] uiCantUseItem [You don't have the skill to use it.] uiCantUseBuiltItem [CAN'T USE BUILT ITEM] uiCantBuildItem [CAN'T BUILD ITEM] uiBotChatPrice [Price: ] uiBotChatFactionType [Faction: ] uiBotChatFactionPointPrice [. Points: ] uiBotChatRetirePrice [. Retire Price: ] uiBotChatTime [. Time: ] uiBotChatTimeMinute [ m ] uiBotChatTimeSecond [ s.] uiBotChatResaleTimeLeft [Resale Time Left: %d days, %h hours.] uiBotChatNPCTag [(NPC item)] uiBotChatVendorTag [Seller: ] uiBotChatRefresh [Refresh] uittBotChatRefresh [Forces a @{6F6F}refresh@{FFFF} of the list of items for sale, for instance to see the objects you just sold.] uiBotChatItem [Item: ] uiBotChatFaberPlan [Craft Plan: ] uiBotChatBrick [Stanza: ] uiBotChatPact [Pact: ] uiBotChatSkill [Skill: ] uiConfirmCloseBCReward [There are items left, close anyway?] FlowerMaster [Flower Master] SapMaster [Sap Master] uiMasterFilter [Master Filter] uiSay [SAY] uiShout [SHOUT] uimToggleChatEBVis [SHOW/HIDE CHAT WINDOW] uiRenamePartyChat [Please rename this anonymous party chat by using /name!] uiAnomymousPCAlreadyCreated [An anonymous party chat is already opened. Please rename it using /name before creating a new one.] uiContactAlreadyInList [This contact is already in your list.] uiInvalidPartyChatName [Party chat name already exists or is invalid.] uiPartyChatAlreadyCreated [There's already an unnamed new party chat. Please rename it using /name.] uiBadPartyChatName [Bad party chat name.] uiCantRemovePartyChat [Couldn't remove party chat.] uiNoNewPartyChatCReated [: No new party chat has been created.] uiPartyChatCmdHelp [ one argument required: name of the party chat.] uiNameCmd [ One argument required: name of the new chat to create.] uiRemovePartyChatCmd [ one argument required: name of the party chat to remove.] uiAddPartyChatCmd [ one argument required: name of the party chat to join.] uiInviteCmd [ Two arguments required: .] uiLock [Lock] uiOpen [Open] uiRestore [Restore] uiAddMacro [Create New Macro: ] uittNewMacro [New Macro] uiNewMacro [NEW MACRO] uiEditMacro [EDIT MACRO] uiMacroIcon [Icon] uiMacroName [Name] uiMacroKey [Key] uiMacroCom [Commands] uiMacroAddCom [Add Command] uiMacroAddCmd [Add Command] uiIconCreation [Create Icon] uiIconBack [Background] uiIconFore [Foreground] uiIconPat [Pattern] uiIconTxt [Text] uiCmdKey [Key] uiAddCommand [Add Command:] uiAddKeys [Create New Key:] uiJauges [GAUGE] uiLaboratory [LABORATORY] uiTrackingTitle [TRACKING] uiCommunication [COMMUNICATION] uiOrientation [ORIENTATION] uiTargetTitle [TARGET] uiTarget [Target] uiMainChatTitle [MAIN CHAT] uiContactListTitle [CONTACT LIST] uiWinDisplay [WINDOW DISPLAYS] uiDebugConsole [DEBUG CONSOLE] uiGuildTitle [GUILD INFO] uiGuildTabGuild [GUILD] uiGuildTabOutpost [OUTPOSTS] uiGuildMembership [GUILD: ] uiNoGuild [None] uiBeast [ANIMALS] uiAggro [Aggressiveness] uiFrozenSkill [Frozen] uiInitHelp1 [These buttons represent your 4 virtual desktops.] uiInitHelp2 [You can switch between them by clicking on these buttons or by pressing the shortcut keys F1, F2, F3 and F4 respectively (by default).] uiInitHelp3 [When you click and hold the button, you display the main window menu which allows you to show/hide window on the current desktop.] uiInitHelp4 [You can also hold down the desktop shortcut key to display the main menu and keep it down while doing your window modification.] uiInitHelp5 [Or use this small window bar.] uiInitHelp6 [Now you can customize your 4 desktops.] uiPetTitle [PET] uiPet [Pet] Undefined [Undefined] uiToggleNames [Toggle Names] uiBotChatTrade [TRADE] uiBotMissionChoice [CHOOSE A MISSION] uiBotChatOffer [MAKE YOUR OFFER] uiBotChatReward [REWARD] uiBotManageJob [MANAGE JOB] uiConfirmFreezeJob [Freeze that job?] uiBotChatSelectJob [SELECT A JOB TO ACTIVATE] uiJobFreezeTime [Frozen] uittSelectJob [Select Job] uiConfirmUnfreezeJob [Confirm unfreeze job?] uiConfirmSwapJob [Confirm swap job?] uiEmptyJob [- No job activated -] uiBotCreateGuild [Create Guild] uiTell [TELL] uiShowHide [Show/Hide] uiShow [Show] uiHide [Hide] uiInvertNames [Toggle names] uiPlayer [My Gauges] uiBonusMalus [Bonus/Malus] uiGuild [Guild] uiShoot [Shout] uiBotChat [Chat] uiCompas [Compass] uiTaskbar [Taskbar] uiShowOnPress [Press to show] uiLightOnOff [Light On / Off] uiChat [Chat] uiView [View] uiActions [Actions] uiAction [Action] uiSystem [System] uiLog [Log on/off] uiLogTurnedOn [Chat logging is ON.] uiLogTurnedOff [Chat logging is OFF.] uiTalkLeave [Talk / Leave] uiCombat [Combat] uiMagic [Magic] uiFaberCreate [Crafter Creating] uiFaberRepair [Crafter Repairing] uiFaberRefine [Crafter Refining] uiCommerce [Commerce] uiSpecialLabo [Special] uiTracking [Tracking] uiStatus [Identity] uiSkills [Skills] uiJournal [Missions] uiAbilities [Abilities] uiProgression [Progression] uiSets [Sets] uiSetInUse [Set In Use] uiAllSets [All Sets] uiAffected [Affected By] uiSteed [Mount] uiInventory [Inventory] uiWorkshop [ACTIONS & INVENTORY] uiMoney [Money] uiBags [Bags] uiBag1 [Bag 1] uiBag2 [Bag 2] uiBag3 [Bag 3] uiBag4 [Bag 4] uiKit [Kit] uiArmor [Armor] uiJewelry [Jewelry] uiMemory [Memory] uiMemCombat [Combat] uiMemMagic [Magic] uiMemSpecial [Special] uiMainChat [Main Chat] uiSystemInfo [System Info] uiAroundMe [Around Me] uiTellWinAct [Tell Window] uiTeamChat [Team Chat] uiTeamList [Team List] uiContactList [Contact List] uiKeys [Keys] uiMacros [Macros] uiLinks [Active links] uiConnection [Connection] uiGlobalSettings [Global Settings] uiNextSheath [Next Sheath] uiPrevSheath [Previous Sheath] uiMovement [Move] uiMoveForward [Forward] uiMoveBackward [Backward] uiMoveTurnLeft [Turn Left] uiMoveTurnRight [Turn Right] uiMoveStrafeLeft [Strafe Left] uiMoveStrafeRight [Strafe Right] uiMoveLookUp [Look Up] uiMoveLookDown [Look Down] uiMoveToggleSitStand [Sit / Stand] uiMoveToggleAutoWalk [Auto Run] uiMoveRunWalk [Run / Walk] uiMountUnmount [Mount / Dismount] uiToggleCamera [Toggle Camera] uiNoTarget [No Target] uiTargetCmd [Target an entity] uiTargetCmdEntity [Name of entity to target] uiTargetTeammateCmd [Target Teammate #] uiTargetTeammateCmdI [Number] uiAssistCmd [Target the entity's current target] uiAssistCmdEntity [Name of entity to assist] uiAssistTargetCmd [Target the current target's target] uiTargetErrorCmd [Entity not found.] uiSelfTarget [Target Self] uiToggleCombat [Toggle Combat] uiSetDesktop [Switch to Desktop] uiCopyToDesktop [Copy Current Desktop to Desktop] uiDesktopNumber [Desktop Number] uiRunShortcut [Run Shortcut] uiShortcutNumber [Shortcut Number] uiSelectShortcutBar [Select Shortcut Bar] uiShortcutBarNumber [Shortcut Bar Number] uiScreenShot [Screenshot TGA] uiScreenShotJPG [Screenshot JPG] uiTest [Test] uiLight [Light] uiFreeMouse [Free Mouse] uiCloseHelp [Close All Help Windows] uiToggleMovieRecorder [Toggle Movie Recorder] uiReplayMovie [Replay Movie] uiSaveMovie [Save Movie] uiReplyTeller [Reply Teller] uiReplyTellerOnce [Reply Tell] uiTellWindow [Tell Window] uimFreezeJob [FREEZE JOB] uimSwapJob [SWAP JOBS] uiCameraUp [Move Camera Up] uiCameraDown [Move Camera Down] uiCameraTurnLeft [Rotate the camera to the left] uiCameraTurnRight [Rotate the camera to the right] uiCameraTurnCenter [Recenter the camera behind the player] uiCycleTell [Flip Through Last Contacts] uiTellCmd [Send a Tell Message to a Player] uiTellCmdDest [Recipient] uiTellCmdMsg [Message] uiEnterTellCmd [Enter Tell Mode With a Player] uiTalkCmd [Talk to Anybody] uiTalkCmdMode [Mode used for the talk] uiTalkCmdModeSay [Say] uiTalkCmdModeWhisper [Whisper] uiTalkCmdModeShout [Shout] uiTalkCmdModeTeam [Team] uiTalkCmdModeGuild [Guild] uiTalkCmdModeRegion [Region] uiTalkCmdModeCivilisation [Civilization] uiTalkCmdModeTerritory [Territory] uiTalkCmdModeUniverse [Universe] uiTalkCmdMsg [Message] uiEnterTalkCmd [Enter Talk Mode] uiEditExpandOrCycleTell [Expand Last Command/Cycle Contacts] uiDragToInventory [Drag and Drop Items to Your Inventory] uiWindows [Windows] uiOpenWindow [Open] uiWindowName [Name] uiCloseWindow [Close] uiToggleOpenCloseWindow [Open / Close] uiPopupWindow [Pop up the window] uiPopinWindow [Popin] uiTogglePopupPopinWindow [Popup / Popin] uiToggleInventory [Toggle Inventory] uiCantAddYourSelfInContactList [You cannot add yourself to your friends list, silly.] uimGcmAddToFriendList [ADD TO FRIENDS LIST] uiJoinTeamProposal [TEAM INVITATION] uiTradeInvitation [TRADE INVITATION] uiCreateNewPartyChat [CREATE NEW PARTY CHAT] uiChannel [CHANNEL:] youTell [You tell] tellsYou [tells you] uiUserChat [User chat] uiWindowDontAcceptPeopleAsTarget [Window does not accept people's names as a target.] uiWindowWantSayOrShout [Can only set mode to 'say' or 'shout' in this window] uiBotTalk [Talking with NPC ] uimwChat [MAIN CHAT] uimwTeam [TEAM LIST] uiUNIVERSE [Universe] uiREGION [Region] uittPeopleAdd [Friend] uiPeopleAddContact [Add contact] uiCongifExplanation [Select the configuration to change using the list on the left.\n \n - Video resolution is only changed after clicking "APPLY".\n - Texture changes will only take effect after restarting the game.\n \n - The "CANCEL" and "CLOSE" button only cancel changes that were not applied.] uiGuildBlason [Guild Symbol] uiGuildName [Guild Name] uiGuildDescription [Guild Description] uiGuildBlasonDesign [Guild Symbol Design] uiGuildBlasonBack [Back] uiGuildBlasonColor1 [Choose Color 1] uiGuildBlasonColor2 [Choose Color 2] uiGuildBlasonFore [Symbol] uiNegativeSymbol [Invert Symbol] uiGuildBlasonC1 [Back Color 1] uiGuildBlasonC2 [Back Color 2] uittGuildFlagBack [Choose Background] uittGuildFlagFore [Choose Symbol] uiConnectionTitle_short [Net] uimwWindowsBar [WINDOWS BAR] uiTestDialogue [Test!] uimGcmTrade [TRADE] uimGcmLearnSkills [LEARN SKILLS] uimGcmMissions [MISSIONS] uimGcmCreateGuild [CREATE GUILD] uimGcmTeleport [MAKE A PACT] uimGcmFaction [BUY FACTION ITEMS] uimGcmCosmetic [BUY COSMETICS] uimGcmGuildOptions [BUILDING TRADE] uimGcmOutpostBuilding [BUILDING TRADE] uimGcmGuildRoleMaster [LEARN GUILD ACTION] uimGcmAvailableMissions [AVAILABLE MISSIONS] uimGcmContinueMissions [CONTINUE MISSION] uimGcmFinishMissions [FINISH MISSION] uimGcmTradePact [TRADE PACT] uiSell [SELL] uiQuickhelpTitle [QUICK HELP] uimQuickHelp [QUICK HELP] uiInitHelp [Click on me to get help!] uiQH_1 [How to Move] uiQH_2 [How to Use Windows] uiQH_3 [How to Fight] uiQH_4 [How to Do Magic] uiQH_5 [How to Get Your Bearings] uiQH_6 [How to Change Professions] uiQH_7 [How to Find Your Instructor] uiBulkTitle [Bulk] uiPreview [Detailed List] uiGuildForumTitle [GUILD FORUM] uimwGuildForum [GUILD FORUM] uiExpandWindows [Show/Hide Desktop Buttons] uiDisconnected [You have been disconnected. Server down or network problem.] uiMailboxTitle [MAILBOX] uimwMailbox [MAILBOX] uiNorth [North] uimCompassMissions [Missions] uimCompassLandMarks [Landmarks] uimCompassTeam [Team] uimCompassAnimal [Animals] uiWebHome [Home] uiWebBack [Back] uiWebPrevious [Previous] uiWebNext [Next] uiWebSubmit [Submit] uiWebSend [Send] uiWebReply [Reply] uiWebForward [Forward] uiWebNewMessage [New Message] uiWebNewTopic [New Topic] uiWebNewPost [New Post] uiWebDelMessage [Delete Selected Messages] uiWebDelMess [Delete Message] uiWebDelTopic [Delete Selected Topics] uiWebDelPost [Delete Selected Posts] uiWebIG [Web] uiBubbleBR [BOTTOM RIGHT] uiBubbleTR [TOP RIGHT] uiBubbleBL [BOTTOM LEFT] uiBubbleTL [TOP LEFT] uiNextTryton [Next] uiBackTryton [Back] uiSkipTryton [Skip Intro] uiSumScore [Score] uiSumMax [Max] uiSumReg [Reg] uiSumHp [Trauma] uiSumSta [Pain] uiSumSap [Oblivion] uiSumWish [Focus] uiReplayIntro [Back to Intro] uiSelPos [Newbie Land] uiCaracsTable [CHARACTERISTICS] uiScoreTable [SCORES] uiSkillTable [SKILLS] uiSkillTable2 [(click on a skill to filter actions)] uiGuildTeam [GUILD & TEAM] uiPhraseBookTitle [ACTION PROGRESSION] uimPhraseDel [Delete Action] uimPhraseEdit [Edit Action] uimPhraseNew [New Action] uimPhraseInfos [Info] uittCreatePhrase [New Action] uiPhraseDisplayTextList [Detailed List] uiPhraseAutoFold [Auto Fold] uiPhraseSkillFilter [Skill Filter] uitabPhraseActions [Actions] uitabPhraseUpgrades [Upgrades] uiPhraseCreate [CREATE NEW ACTION] uiPhraseEdit [EDIT ACTION] uimPhraseRemoveOptionalBrick [Remove Stanza] uiPhraseEditIcon [Icon] uiPhraseEditName [Name] uiPhraseCOMPOSITION [Composition] uiPhraseMANDATORIES [EFFECTS:] uiPhraseCREDITS [CREDITS:] uiPhraseRESTRICTION [Weapon Compatibility: ] uittPhraseEditNewOptional [Add Option] uittPhraseEditNewCredit [Add Credit] uiPhraseEditNewOptional [Add Option: ] uiPhraseEditNewCredit [Add Credit: ] uittPhraseEditValidate [Learn the Action] uittPhraseFaberBuild [Make the item] uiPhraseEditCost [Action Cost: ] uiPhraseEditCredit [Action Credit: ] uittMemoryPhrase [Memorize Action] uittExecutingPhrase [Action in Progress.\n @{6F6F}Click here@{FFFF} to cancel the action.] uittNextExecutingPhrase [Next Action] uiCancelCast [Cancel the current action] uiBotChatPhrase [] uiPhraseFaberExecute [Craft an item: %item] uiPhraseFaberExecuteNoPlan [Craft an item.] uiTextHelpSelectFaberPlan [First select the item to craft.] uittSelectPlan [Select the plan of the item to craft] uiTextHelpSelectMp [Select the Raw Materials for each slot] uittSelectMp [Click to add a Raw Material] uiTextHelpSelectFaberPlanSlot [<- Click on the PLAN slot to select the item to craft.] uiPhraseFaberSuccessRate [@{FFF9}Success Rate:@{T16}@{FFFF}%success%] uihelpFaberMpHeader [%f] uiFaberMpRemove [Remove] uiFaberItemResultLevel [Level: ] uiFaberItemResultHeader [PREVIEW] uittFaberItemResult [Crafted Item] uiSpecialPowerFilter [Powers] uiPhraseNoFilter [All Actions] uiFaberStatGrayed [For jewels, only the three best types of magical protection and three best forms of resistance are taken.\n This one is not one of them.] uiFaberStatActive [For jewelry, only the three best protective magic spells and the three best forms of resistance are used.\n This is one of them.] uiBuyFrom [Buy from ] uiSellTo [Sell to ] uiLearnFrom [Learn from ] uiBuy [BUY] uiTeleport [TELEPORT] uiLearn [LEARN] uiBotChatTeleport [MAKE A PACT] uiBotChatFaction [FACTION ITEMS] uiBotChatCosmetic [COSMETICS] uiBotChatGuildOptions [BUILDING] uiBotChatGuildRoleMaster [GUILD ROLE MASTER] uittPlayerMoney [Your money] uittGuildMoney [Your guild's money] uiNotEnoughMoney [NOT ENOUGH MONEY] uiNotEnoughFP_Kami [NOT ENOUGH KAMI POINTS] uiNotEnoughFP_Karavan [NOT ENOUGH KARAVAN POINTS] uiNotEnoughFP_Fyros [NOT ENOUGH UCIKARA POINTS] uiNotEnoughFP_Matis [NOT ENOUGH TCARA POINTS] uiNotEnoughFP_Tryker [NOT ENOUGH TRYKER POINTS] uiNotEnoughFP_Zorai [NOT ENOUGH ZORAÏ POINTS] uittNotEnoughFP_Kami [You don't have enough Kami faction points to buy this] uittNotEnoughFP_Karavan [You don't have enough Karavan faction points to buy this] uittNotEnoughFP_Fyros [You don't have enough Ucikara faction points to buy this] uittNotEnoughFP_Matis [You don't have enough Tcara faction points to buy this] uittNotEnoughFP_Tryker [You don't have enough Tryker faction points to buy this] uittNotEnoughFP_Zorai [You don't have enough Zoraï faction points to buy this] uiBadPrice [???] uiBadQuantity [BAD QUANTITY] uiPriceNotReceived [PRICE NOT RECEIVED] uiWontBuyThis [I WON'T BUY THIS] uiWaitingChoiceFromServer [AWAITING CHOICE FROM SERVER] uiMissionOptionNotReceived [???] uiWebPageNameNotReceived [???] uiMissionRingNameNotReceived [???] uiRegenerateDM [Regenerate] uiAcceptDM [Accept] uiBotChatMissions [MISSIONS] uiSelectMission [Select a Mission] uiAcceptMission [Accept Mission?] uiBotChatNews [News] uiBotChatMissionEnd [] uiBotChatDynamicMission [DYNAMIC MISSION] uiMapTitle [MAP] uiMap [Map] uiRemove [REMOVE] uiRename [RENAME] uiCreateUserLM [CREATE LANDMARK] uiCreateUserLMAtUserPos [CREATE LANDMARK AT CURRENT LOCATION] uiTargetLM [TARGET IN COMPASS] uiNoMoreLandMarks [No more landmarks available! Please remove one of them.] uittZoomIn [Zoom in] uittZoomOut [Zoom out] uiStartPoint [Start point] uiCreateNewLandMark [Create new landmark] uitCenter [CENTER MAP ON YOURSELF] uiNameLandMark [Name] uiMenuCenter [CENTER MAP ON YOURSELF] uittCenter [Center Map] uiBotChatZCCharges [ZONE CHARGES] uiSelectZCCharge [Apply for a Zone Charge] uiAcceptZCCharge [Apply?] uiBotChatRMBuy [ROLE MASTERS] uiSelectRMBuy [Hire a Role Master] uiAcceptRMBuy [Hire Role Master?] uiBotChatRMUpgrade [ROLE MASTERS] uiSelectRMUpgrade [Upgrade a Role Master] uiAcceptRMUpgrade [Upgrade Role Master?] uiBotChatBuilding [BUILDINGS] uiSelectBuilding [Select a building] uiAcceptBuilding [Build?] uiGuildXP [GUILD XP:] uiNotEnoughGuildMoney [NOT ENOUGH GUILD MONEY] uiNotEnoughGuildXP [NOT ENOUGH GUILD XP] uiUnitValue [Unit Value] uiQtty [Quantity] uiPrice [Price] uiImmediatePrice [Base Price] uittPriceWithFameEqual [This price depends on your fame] uittPriceWithFameDiff [This price depends on your fame (the vendor will add a margin)] uiResaleHeader [Resale Price] uiResaleMargin [Resale Margin] uiUnitResalePrice [Unit Resale Price] uiBonusOnResale [Bonus On Resale] uiCantResaleCauseDamaged [This item won't be resold because it is damaged] uiCantResaleCauseTooLate [This item won't be resold because resale date has expired] uiResaleButton [Enable Resale] uiBadResalePrice [BAD RESALE PRICE] uiSellImmediately [SELL TO MERCHANT] uittDirectSellButton [Sell now at base price (Shift + ENTER)] uiLetResell [SELL ON TO OTHERS] uittResellButton [Enable resale of items (ENTER)] uitabBuyResale [Resale] uitabBuyNpc [Merchant] uitabBuyResaleAndNpc [Resale and Merchant] uitabBuyPlayer [Yours] uiRetire [RETRIEVE] uiItemSold [Item Sold] uiItemSoldColor [@{08FF}] uiItemUserSellColor [@{FF0F}] uiItemUserSellColorNotRetirable [@{FF08}] uiItemCannotUseColor [@{F80B}] uiUnitFPPrice [P.P. % Unit FAC] uiTotalFPPrice [P.P. % Total FAC] uiTipsTitle [Tips ] uiTipsEnd [Press Up or Down keys for the next or previous tip.] uiTipsTeleport [Loading continent %s, day %d, time %d. The season is %s and the weather is %s.] uiTips0 [Instead of dragging and dropping your items in an Armor/Set or Jewelry Slot,\n you can directly left-click on those slots to select the item in your bag.] uiTips1 [To learn how to use the game just click on the '?' button and select HELP] uiTips2 [Right clicking on any window allows you to lock/unlock it and to change opacity.] uiTips3 [Right clicking on the Main Chat window allows you to filter messages.] uiTips4 [Press 'F1','F2','F3' or 'F4' to change the virtual desktop\n Press and hold 'F1', 'F2', 'F3' or 'F4' to display the window selection interface] uiTips5 [Press '1', '2' ... '9' to execute your shortcuts.\n Press SHIFT + '1', '2' ... '9' to execute the second set of shortcuts.] uiTips6 [Right-Clicking on an ability or spell icon opens an info window.] uiTips7 [Press ALT + '1', '2' ... '0' to send prememorized chat sentences.\n Press ALT + SHIFT + '1', '2' ... '0' to send a second set of prememorized chat sentences.] uiTips8 [Press 'ENTER' to activate the chat box] uiTips9 [Press 'P' to show or hide the player character sheet window\n Press 'I' to show or hide the player inventory] uiTips10 [Press 'CTRL - R' to reply to last Tell once.\n Press CTRL + 'R' to chat with last player that tells you.] uiTips11 [Press SPACEBAR to select the enemies in front of you. Repeat to cycle through enemies.\n Press CTRL + SPACEBAR to select friends in front of you.] uiTips12 [Press Numpad '0' to see behind your character.] uiTips13 [Press F12 to deselect your target.] uiTips14 [Press ESCAPE to close the last information window opened.\n Press SHIFT + ESCAPE to close all the information windows at once.] uiTips15 [Press X to show or hide the main chat.\n Press W to show or hide system information.] uiTips16 [Press M to show or hide the map.\n You can place way points on the map and target them with the compass.] Combat [Combat] Craft [Craft] Dodge [Dodge] MagicDefense [Magic defense] ArmorWear [Armor wear] AutoLaunch [Auto Launch] Bowgun [Bowgun] Bowpistol [Bowpistol] Boxing [Boxing] Cure [Cure] Curse [Curse] Launcher [Launcher] Mace [Mace] Sickness [Sickness] Staff [Staff] Wrestling [Wrestling] uiShowing [Showing: ] uiSkillPoints [SKILL POINTS] uiSkillPoints0 [Available in Fight ] uiSkillPoints1 [Available in Magic ] uiSkillPoints2 [Available in Craft ] uiSkillPoints3 [Available in Harvest ] uiSkillPointsBold0 [FIGHT SKILL POINTS:] uiSkillPointsBold1 [MAGIC SKILL POINTS:] uiSkillPointsBold2 [CRAFT SKILL POINTS:] uiSkillPointsBold3 [HARVEST SKILL POINTS:] uimGcmTradePhase [DEVELOP SKILLS] uiNotEnoughSkillPoints [NOT ENOUGH SKILL POINTS] uiHP [Trauma] uittHP [Show the health points above the character] uiTeam [TEAM] uiDebugCommand [Debug command] uiDebugShowTimedFXs [Debug Show Timed FXs] sc [Craft] sd [Defense] sf [Fight] sm [Magic] uiQuestionMarks [???] uiTargetTwoPoint [Target:] uittActionIcon [Action Icon] uittActionName [Action Name] uiPhraseTotal [Total] uiBalanceCost [Cast Impossible] uiBalanceCred [Difficulty Bonus] uiBalanceEqual [Match] uiEnterDontQuitCB ["Enter" Doesn't Quit Chat Box] uiFontSize [Font Size] uigcInSceneInterface [IN SCENE] uigcInSceneInterfaceUser [PLAYER INFO] uigcInSceneInterfaceFriend [FRIEND INFO] uigcInSceneInterfaceEnemy [ENEMY INFO] uigcInSceneChatMessages [CHAT MESSAGES] uiGuildSymbol [Guild Symbol] uittGuildSymbol [Show the guild symbol above the character] uittName [Show the character's name above the character] uiTitle [Title] uittTitle [Show the character's title above the character] uigcGuildName [Guild Name] uittGuildName [Show the guild name above the character] uiSTA [Pain] uittSTA [Show the character pain bar above the character] uiSAP [Oblivion] uittSAP [Show the character oblivion bar above the character] uiFOC [Focus] uittFocus [Show the character focus bar above the character] uiActionBar [Character Action Bar] uittActionBar [Show the action bar above the character] uiPvpLogo [PvP Logo] uittPvpLogo [Display the PvP logo above the character, if applicable] uiMissionIcon [Mission Information] uittMissionIcon [Display mission information above NPCs and on the compass] uiMiniMissionIcon [Small Icons] uittMiniMissionIcon [Display small icons on the compass] uigcEntityColor [ENTITY COLORS] uiEntityColors [Entity Colors] uiUserColor [Player] uittUserColor [Color used to display your character] uiPlayerColor [Other Players] uittPlayerColor [Color used to display player characters] uiNPCColor [NPC] uittNPCColor [Color used to display Non Player Characters] uiFaunaColor [Fauna] uittFaunaColor [Color used to display Mobs] uiTargetColor [Target] uittTargetColor [Color used to display the current target] uiGroupColor [Team Members] uittGroupColor [Color used to display team members] uiGuildRadarColor [Guild Members] uittGuildRadarColor [Color used to display guild members] uiMountColor [Mount] uittMountColor [Color used to display your mount] uiBeastColor [Animals] uittBeastColor [Color used to display your animals] uiSourceColor [Sources] uittSourceColor [Color used to display your raw material sources] uiDeadColor [Corpses] uittDeadColor [Color used to display corpses] uiPvpEnemyColor [PvP Enemies] uittPvpEnemyColor [Color used to display your PvP enemies] uiPvpAllyColor [PvP allies] uittPvpAllyColor [Color used to display your PvP allies] uiPvpAllyInTeamColor [PvP Allies in Team] uittPvpAllyInTeamColor [Color used to display your PvP allies who are in your team] uiPvpAllyInGuildColor [PvP Allies in Guild] uittPvpAllyInGuildColor [Color used to display your PvP allies who are in your guild] uiPvpNeutralColor [PvP Neutrals] uittPvpNeutralColor [Color used to display neutral characters in PvP] uiUserIS [In Scene Player Information] uiFriendIS [In Scene Friend Information] uiEnemyIS [In Scene Enemy Information] uiChatIS [In Scene Chat Bubbles] uiUserMessages [Player Chat bubbles] uittUserMessages [Show your chat messages above your character] uiFriendMessages [Friend Chat Bubbles] uittFriendMessages [Show friends' chat messages above their characters] uiEnemyMessages [Enemy Chat Bubbles] uittEnemyMessages [Show enemy chat messages above their character] uiNewTitleBold [YOU WIN A NEW TITLE: ] uiHands [Actions] uiPhraseBook [Action Progression] uiMailBox [Mailbox] uiRadar [Radar] uiGuildForum [Forums] uiDragRewardToInventory [Drag and drop items] uiTalkMem [Talk Memorized] uiTalkMemMsg [Message] uiTalkMemMsg00 [Hello!] uiTalkMemMsg01 [Bye!] uiTalkMemMsg02 [Yes] uiTalkMemMsg03 [No] uiTalkMemMsg04 [Follow me] uiTalkMemMsg05 [Help me] uiTalkMemMsg06 [I need some heals] uiTalkMemMsg07 [I'm looking for a team member] uiTalkMemMsg08 [Hug] uiTalkMemMsg09 [Yeah!] uiTalkMemMsg10 [What's going on?] uiTalkMemMsg11 [Dude?] uiTalkMemMsg12 [Why not?] uiTalkMemMsg13 [On the way] uiTalkMemMsg14 [Hi, sir] uiTalkMemMsg15 [Stop talking to me] uiTalkMemMsg16 [Leave me alone!] uiTalkMemMsg17 [Are you crazy?] uiTalkMemMsg18 [Aahahahaha] uiTalkMemMsg19 [That's the way it is] uiMeterUnit [m] uiKilometerUnit [km] uiRunWalk [Run/Walk Toggle] uiNetStatus [Network status] uiBugReport [Bug report] uiActionShortcuts [Action Shortcuts] uiSetNumber [Set Number] uiShowContextHelp [Show Context Help] uiFameCiv [CIVILISATION FAME] uiFameGuild [GUILD FAME] uiFamePerso [PERSONAL FAME] uiFameRecalc [GLOBAL FAME] uihelpMission [Mission Details] uihelpZCCharge [Zone Details] uihelpRMBuy [Role Master Details] uihelpRMUpgrade [Role Master Upgrade Details] uihelpBuilding [Building Details] uihelpZCRequirement [Zone Requirement Details] uihelpBuildingRequirement [Building Requirement Details] uihelpOutpostBuilding [Building Details] uimGcmZoneCharge [REVIEW CHARGES] uimGcmCancelZoneCharge [ABANDON CHARGE] uimGcmChooseBuilding [BUILD BUILDING] uimGcmDestroyBuilding [DESTROY BUILDING] uimGcmDeclareWar [DECLARE WAR] uimGcmBuyRM [HIRE ROLE MASTER] uimGcmUpgradeRM [UPGRADE ROLE MASTER] uiQCancelZoneCharge [Do you really want to abandon the charge?] uiQDestroyBuilding [Do you really want to destroy the building?] uiQDeclareWar [Do you really want to declare war?] uiQReplaceAppartment [Buying this apartment will destroy your current one and all the items in it.\n Do you really want to do this?] uiDayBeforeNextZCDistrib [Day(s) Left Before Next Charge Attribution: ] uiRearView [Rear View] uiDecline [Decline] youShout [You shout] youSay [You say] heShout [shouts] heSays [says] uiPleaseWait [Please wait...] uiFrontSelection [Front selection] uiFrontSelectionType [Type] uiFrontSelectionFriend [Friends] uiFrontSelectionEnnemy [Enemies] uiTeamSelectNotInVision [This team member is too far to select.] Refugee [Oublieux] Homin [Ra] uiCloudy [Cloudy] uiFair [Fair] uiMisty [Misty] uiRainy [Rainy] uiSandThundery [Sand storm] uiSapThundery [Sap storm] uiSnowy [Snowy] uiThundery [Thundery] uiHumidity [Humidity] uiWind [Wind] uiTheSeasonIs [It's ] uiAndTheWeatherIs [ and the weather is ] uiSeason0 [vensa] uiSeason1 [crisa] uiSeason2 [critu] uiSeason3 [dunra] uiCommandWrongArgumentCount [Wrong argument count in the command.] uittRun [Run Mode] uittWalk [Walking Mode] uittSit [Sit Mode] uittPlayerLifeFormat [Trauma: %v/%m] uittPlayerStaminaFormat [Pain: %v/%m] uittPlayerSapFormat [Oblivion: %v/%m] uittPlayerFocusFormat [Focus: %v/%m] uittBulkFormat [@{6F6F}Bulk@{FFFF}: %v/%m] uittInvSlots [Used @{6F6F}slots@{FFFF}/maximum] uiBotChatSkillPointCost [Skill Points: ] uiBotChatSkillPointCostNotReceived [Skill Point Cost not received.] uittForageTime [Available Extraction Time] uittForageContent [Source Content] uittForageLife [Source Life] uittForageDanger [Extraction Risk] uittForageKami [Local Kami Tolerance] uittQualityAbbrev [of Qlt] uiForageToolMissing [You don't have a foraging tool.] uiExtractionPhraseMissing [There are no extraction actions available on your action bar.] uimEnterStable [Enter Stable] uimLeaveStable [Leave Stable] uiAnimals [Animals] uiAnimalsTitle [ANIMALS] uittSatiety [Red: Trauma; Orange: Bulk; White: Satiety. If this bar falls to zero, the animal is hungry.] uittAliveLandscape [The animal is alive and out of the stable.\n @{6F6F}Left click @{FFFF}to select.\n @{6F6F}Right click @{FFFF}to give an order.] uittStable [The animal is in the stable.\n @{6F6F}Left click @{FFFF}to select.\n @{6F6F}Right click @{FFFF}to give an order.] uittDead [The animal is dead.\n @{6F6F}Left click @{FFFF}to select.\n @{6F6F}Right click @{FFFF}to give an order.] uittDeathTimer [Time remaining before the dead animal vanishes] uittAnimalDeadPopupToolTip [Number of hours remaining before the first of your dead animals vanishes] uiAnimalSelectNotInVision [You cannot select this animal because it is too far away.] uiPATitlePacker1 [Packer 1] uiPATitlePacker2 [Packer 2] uiPATitlePacker3 [Packer 3] uiPATitlePacker4 [Packer 4] uiPATitleMount1 [Mount 1] uiPATitleMount2 [Mount 2] uiPATitleMount3 [Mount 3] uiPATitleMount4 [Mount 4] uiPATitleDemon1 [Demon 1] uiPATitleDemon2 [Demon 2] uiPATitleDemon3 [Demon 3] uiPATitleDemon4 [Demon 4] uiPABagTitlePacker0 [PACKER 1] uiPABagTitlePacker1 [PACKER 2] uiPABagTitlePacker2 [PACKER 3] uiPABagTitlePacker3 [PACKER 4] uiPABagTitleMount0 [MOUNT 1] uiPABagTitleMount1 [MOUNT 2] uiPABagTitleMount2 [MOUNT 3] uiPABagTitleMount3 [MOUNT 4] uiPABagTitleDemon0 [DEMON 1] uiPABagTitleDemon1 [DEMON 2] uiPABagTitleDemon2 [DEMON 3] uiPABagTitleDemon3 [DEMON 4] uiAnimalDetailedList [Detailed List] uiAnimalInStable [Your animal is in a stable] uiAnimalTooFar [Your animal is too far away] uimMtPaPacker0 [PACKER 1] uimMtPaPacker1 [PACKER 2] uimMtPaPacker2 [PACKER 3] uimMtPaPacker3 [PACKER 4] uimMtPaMount0 [MOUNT 1] uimMtPaMount1 [MOUNT 2] uimMtPaMount2 [MOUNT 3] uimMtPaMount3 [MOUNT 4] uimMtPaDemon0 [DEMON 1] uimMtPaDemon1 [DEMON 2] uimMtPaDemon2 [DEMON 3] uimMtPaDemon3 [DEMON 4] uimMtGuild [GUILD] uimMtRoom [ROOM] uittLmSteed [Mount] uittLmPA0 [Packer 1] uittLmPA1 [Packer 2] uittLmPA2 [Packer 3] uittLmPA3 [Packer 4] uittLMTeam0 [Team 0] uittLMTeam1 [Team 1] uittLMTeam2 [Team 2] uittLMTeam3 [Team 3] uittLMTeam4 [Team 4] uittLMTeam5 [Team 5] uittLMTeam6 [Team 6] uittLMTeam7 [Team 7] uiCP_Infos [INFO] uiCP_title1 [CHARACTER] uiCP_title2 [DESTINATION] uiCP_selection [SELECTION] uiCP_creation [CREATION] uiCharSel_EmptySlot [EMPTY SLOT] uiCharSel_Play [PLAY] uiCharSel_Del [DELETE] uiCharSel_CreateNew [CREATE NEW] uiCharSel_CreateRan [RANDOM] uiCharSel_Quit [QUIT] uiCharSel_DelChar [Do you really want to delete this character?] uiCP_Delete_yes [DELETE] uiCP_Delete_no [CANCEL] uiCP_Menu_1 [CIVILIZATIONS] uiCP_Menu_2 [GENDER] uiCP_Menu_3 [BODY] uiCP_Menu_4 [FACE] uiCP_Menu_5 [ACTIONS] uiCP_Specie_Fyros [UCIKARA] uiCP_Specie_Matis [TCARA] uiCP_Specie_Tryker [TRYKER] uiCP_Specie_Zorai [ZORAÏ] uiCP_Sex_Male [MALE] uiCP_Sex_Female [FEMALE] uiCP_Result [RESULT] uiCP_BP1 [Specialization: ] uiCP_BP_Des [CONTENT DETAILS:] uiCP_Items [ITEMS:] uiCP_Actions [ACTIONS:] uiCP_Finish [FINISH] uiCP_Abort [ABORT] uiCP_Abort2 [You will lose your modifications by aborting...] uiCP_Abort_yes [CONTINUE] uiCP_Abort_no [CANCEL] uiCP_Title [TITLE: ] uiCP_Pack [ACTION PACK CONTENT:] uiCP_Refugee [REFUGEE] uiCP_Fight1 [NOVICE FIGHTER] uiCP_Fight2 [APPRENTICE FIGHTER] uiCP_Magic1 [NOVICE MAGICIAN] uiCP_Magic2 [APPRENTICE MAGICIAN] uiCP_Forage1 [NOVICE FORAGER] uiCP_Forage2 [APPRENTICE FORAGER] uiCP_Craft1 [NOVICE CRAFTER] uiCP_Craft2 [APPRENTICE CRAFTER] uiCP_JOB1 [FIGHT] uiCP_JOB2 [MAGIC] uiCP_JOB3 [FORAGE] uiCP_JOB4 [CRAFT] uiCP_Res_F [- Fight Specialization] uiCP_Res_M [- Magic Specialization] uiCP_Res_G [- Forage Specialization] uiCP_Res_C [- Craft Specialization] uiCP_Job_F1 [1- Dagger\n 2- Accurate Attack 1 Action] uiCP_Job_M1 [1- Magic Amplifiers of quality 10\n 2- Acid Damage 1 Spell] uiCP_Job_G1 [1- Foraging Tool\n 2- Basic Extraction Action] uiCP_Job_C1 [1- Armor Crafting Tool\n 2- 50 Generic raw materials of quality 10\n 3- Ability to Craft Your Race's Armor\n 4- Crafting Plan for Boots] uiCP_Job_F2 [1- Dagger\n 2- Accurate Attack 1 Action\n 3- Increase Damage 1 Stanza] uiCP_Job_M2 [1- Magic Amplifiers of quality 10\n 2- Acid Damage 1 Spell\n 3- Fear 1 Spell] uiCP_Job_G2 [1- Foraging Tool\n 2- Basic Extraction Action\n 3- Basic Prospection Action] uiCP_Job_C2 [1- Armor Crafting Tool\n 2- 100 Generic raw materials of quality 10\n 3- Ability to Craft Your Race's Armor\n 4- Crafting Plan for Boots\n 5- Crafting Plan for Gloves] uiCP_Name_Enter [Enter a Name\n \n Each character in Khanat has a unique name which allows you to recognize and communicate with other players. Names must follow the rules of the Naming Policy (see www.ryzomcore.org) and must be a single word composed of the letters A to Z with no accents, spaces, numbers or special characters.\n ] uiCP_Name_Cancel [CANCEL] uiCP_Name_Submit [SUBMIT] uiCP_Name_Invalid [Invalid name, please try another] uiLocation_ [] uiLocation_Play [PLAY NOW] uiLocation_Back [PLAY LATER] uiCP_Location_Back [Are you sure you want to start with this character at the selected destination later?] uiQConfirmFreeAnimal [Do you really want to free this animal?] uiQConfirmFreeAllAnimal [Do you really want to free all your animals?] uitabBag [Bag] uitabPacker0 [Packer 1] uitabPacker1 [Packer 2] uitabPacker2 [Packer 3] uitabPacker3 [Packer 4] uiInfos_Close [CLOSE] uiCharSel_Infos1 [Character Selection Info - Not Empty] uiCharSel_Infos2 [Character Selection Info - Empty] uiLocation_Infos [Location Info] uiAppear_Infos1 [Civilization Description] uiAppear_Infos2 [Appearance Info - Gender] uiAppear_Infos3 [Appearance Info - Body] uiAppear_Infos4 [Appearance Info - Face] uiAppear_Infos5 [Appearance Info - Actions] uiWebOnQuit [FILL IN THE SURVEY] uiTaskbarTextMode [Text Mode] uiTaskbarIconMode [Icon Mode] uiTaskbarResetUI [Reset UI] uimTouchpad [PAD] uimCustomer [SUPPORT] uiMilko [PAD] uiMK_Actions [ACTIONS] uiMK_Emotes [EMOTES] uiMK_Game [GAME] uiMK_Wins [WINDOWS] uiMK_Move [STOP/MOVE TOGGLE] uiMK_Move_1 [STOP] uiMK_Move_0 [MOVE] uiMK_Sit [STAND/SIT TOGGLE] uiMK_Sit_1 [STAND] uiMK_Sit_0 [SIT] uiMK_Run [WALK/RUN TOGGLE] uiMK_Run_1 [RUN MODE] uiMK_Run_0 [WALK MODE] uiMK_Attack [ATTACK/DISENGAGE TOGGLE] uiMK_Attack_0 [ATTACK] uiMK_Attack_1 [DISENGAGE] uiMK_Defense [DODGE/PARRY TOGGLE] uiMK_Defense_0 [DODGE MODE] uiMK_Defense_1 [PARRY MODE] uiMK_Action_1 [EXTRACT] uiMK_Kick [INVITE/KICK/DISBAND] uiMK_Kick_0 [INVITE] uiMK_Kick_1 [KICK] uiMK_Action_2 [DISBAND] uiMK_Action_3 [TALK TO] uiMK_Game_1 [HELP] uiMK_Game_2 [WINDOWS] uiMK_MoreWin [MORE...] uiMK_Game_3 [1st DESKTOP] uiMK_Game_4 [2nd DESKTOP] uiMK_Game_5 [3rd DESKTOP] uiMK_Game_6 [4th DESKTOP] uiMK_Game_7 [QUIT GAME] uiMK_Game_8 [GAME CONFIGURATION] uiMK_Game_Desk [DESKTOPS] uiConfigTitle [Khanat Configuration] uiConfigLanguage [Language:] uiConfigSaveConfig [Save config file when quitting the game] uiConfigAdvanced [Advanced] uiConfigSlowDown [Slow down the game (Process Low priority)] uiConfigOK [&OK] uiConfigCancel [&Cancel] uiConfigLaunch [Play Khanat] uiConfigApply [&Apply] uiConfigDefault [&Default] uiConfigErrorReadingTheFile [Error reading the file] uiConfigErrorWritingTheFile [Error writing the file] uiConfigQuitWithoutSaving [Are you sure you want to quit without saving the configuration?] uiConfigRestaureDefault [Are you sure you want to restore the default configuration?] uiConfigGeneral [General] uiConfigDisplay [Display] uiConfigDisplayDetails [Display details] uiConfigDisplayAdvanced [Display advanced] uiConfigDisplaySysInfo [System information] uiConfigDisplayOpenGLInfo [OpenGL information] uiConfigDisplayD3DInfo [Direct3D information] uiConfigSound [Sound] uiConfigPoor [Low] uiConfigMedium [Medium] uiConfigNormal [Normal] uiConfigSuper [High] uiConfigTexturePoor [Low (32 Mb VRAM)] uiConfigTextureNormal [Normal (64 Mb VRAM)] uiConfigTextureSuper [High (128 Mb VRAM)] uiConfigBits [bits] uiConfigHz [Hz] uiConfigTracks [Tracks] uiConfigDriver [Driver] uiConfigOpenGLOrD3D [Specify if Khanat is to be run in OpenGL or Direct3D:] uiConfigParameters [Parameters] uiConfigWindowedOrFullscreen [Specify if Khanat is to be run in fullscreen or window mode:] uiConfigVideoMode [Specify a video mode:] uiConfigWidth [Width:] uiConfigHeight [Height:] uiConfigPositionX [X Position:] uiConfigPositionY [Y Position:] uiConfigFullscreen [Fullscreen] uiConfigWindowed [Windowed] uiConfigOpenGL [OpenGL] uiConfigDirect3D [Direct3d] uiConfigAuto [Auto] uiConfigLandscape [Landscape] uiConfigLOD [Level of Detail:] uiConfigCharacters [Characters] uiConfigFX [FX] uiConfigTexture [Textures] uiConfigVendor [Vendor: ] uiConfigRenderer [Renderer: ] uiConfigVersion [Version: ] uiConfigExtensions [Extensions: ] uiConfigActivateSound [Enable Sound] uiConfigSoundBuffer [Sound tracks:] uiConfigEnableEAX [Enable EAX] uiConfigEnableFMod [Use FMod mode] uiConfigSoundForceSoftware [Software Sound (may increase FPS)] uiConfigAboutRyzomConfiguration [About Khanat Configuration] uiConfigRyzomConfigurationVersion [Khanat Configuration Version 0.9] uiConfigCopyright [Copyright Winch Gate Property Limited (C) 2008] uiConfigDescription [Description: ] uiConfigDriverDesc [Driver: ] uiConfigDriverVersion [Driver version: ] uiConfigAdvancedComment [Modify these settings only if you have trouble launching the game] uiConfigDisableDXTC [Disable texture compression] uiConfigDisableVP [Disable vertex shaders] uiConfigDisableAGP [Disable AGP for vertices] uiConfigDisableTextureShader [Disable pixel shaders] uiConfigMenuAbout [&About Khanat Configuration...] uiConfigSystemInfoPhyMem [Physical memory: ] uiConfigSystemInfoOS [Operating system: ] uiConfigSystemInfoCPU [CPU: ] uiConfigSystemInfoVideo [Video device: ] uiConfigSystemInfoVideoDriver [Video driver version: ] uiCaracMisc [MISCELLANEOUS] uiTotalMalus [Total Malus ] uiBagBulk [Bag Bulk ] uiWeightSpeedFactor [Speed Factor ] uiUpdateDisplayDriversNotUpToDate [Your video drivers are not up-to-date.] uiUpdateDisplayDrivers [Do you want to upgrade your drivers?] uiUpdateDisplayDriversCurrent [Current driver version: ] uiUpdateDisplayDriversRecommanded [Recommanded driver version: ] uiUpdateDisplayDriversVendor [Vendor: ] uiUpdateDisplayDriversCard [Device: ] uiUseATID3D [You are running with an ATI under OpenGL. We strongly recommend D3D. Do you want to change to D3D?] uiDesktopNotIn32 [To run Khanat in windowed mode, the desktop must be set to 32-bit mode.] uiPhraseLevelFmt [Required Level: %d] uiPhraseSectionFmt [Required Level %min-%max:] uiSkillTree [Skill Tree] uiMessageOfTheDay [Breach Reality and Be Reborn!] uiYes [Yes] uiNo [No] uiAlwaysSendReport [Always send the report] uiStatReport [Do you want to send a statistics report?\n This report will help us to track and fix game problems.] uiSendingStatReport [Sending a statistics report...] uiDeathXPMalus [Death XP Penalty] uittPhraseCombatRestrictOK [Action compatible] uittPhraseCombatRestrictKO [Action NOT compatible] uiCSBase [Customer Support] uiBrowseUndoButton [Prev] uiBrowseRedoButton [Next] uiBrowseRefresh [Refresh] uiBrowseHome [Home] uittBrowseUndo [Browse previous page] uittBrowseRedo [Browse next page] uittBrowseRefresh [Refresh the current page] uittBrowseHome [Browse the home page] uiawrSF [All Weapons and Close-Combat] uiawrSFM [All Melee Weapons] uiawrSFM1 [One-handed Melee Weapons] uiawrSFM1B [One-handed Smashing Melee Weapons] uiawrSFM1BM [Mace] uiawrSFM1BME [Electric Mace] uiawrSFM1BMM [Mace] uiawrSFM1BS [Staff] uiawrSFM1BSM [Staff] uiawrSFM1P [One-handed Piercing Melee Weapons] uiawrSFM1PS [Spear] uiawrSFM1PSE [Electric Spear] uiawrSFM1PSL [Living Spear] uiawrSFM1PSM [Spear] uiawrSFM1S [One-handed Slashing Melee Weapons] uiawrSFM1SA [Axe] uiawrSFM1SAB [Burning Axe] uiawrSFM1SAM [Axe] uiawrSFM1SS [Sword] uiawrSFM1SSM [Sword] uiawrSFM1SSW [Waving Sword] uiawrSFM2 [Two-handed Melee Weapons] uiawrSFM2B [Two-handed Smashing Melee Weapons] uiawrSFM2BM [Two-handed Mace] uiawrSFM2BME [Two-handed Electric Mace] uiawrSFM2BMM [Two-handed Mace] uiawrSFM2P [Two-handed Piercing Melee Weapons] uiawrSFM2PP [Pike] uiawrSFM2PPL [Living Pike] uiawrSFM2PPM [Pike] uiawrSFM2S [Two-handed Slashing Melee Weapons] uiawrSFM2SA [Two-handed Axe] uiawrSFM2SAB [Two-handed Burning Axe] uiawrSFM2SAM [Two-handed Axe] uiawrSFM2SS [Two-handed Sword] uiawrSFM2SSB [Two-handed Burning Sword] uiawrSFM2SSL [Two-handed Living Sword] uiawrSFM2SSM [Two-handed Sword] uiawrSFM2SSW [Two-handed Waving Sword] uiawrSFMC [Close-Combat] uiawrSFMCA [Close-Combat] uiawrSFMCAD [Dagger] uiawrSFMCADL [Living Dagger] uiawrSFMCADM [Dagger] uiawrSFMCADW [Waving Dagger] uiawrSFMCAH [Hand-to-Hand] uiawrSFMCAHM [Hand-to-Hand] uiawrSFR [Range Weapon] uiawrSFR1 [One-handed Range Weapon] uiawrSFR1A [One-handed Range Weapon] uiawrSFR1AB [Bow-Pistol] uiawrSFR1ABM [Bow-Pistol] uiawrSFR1ABW [Waving Bow-Pistol] uiawrSFR1AP [Pistol] uiawrSFR1APL [Living Pistol] uiawrSFR1APM [Pistol] uiawrSFR2 [Two-handed Range Weapon] uiawrSFR2A [Two-handed Range Weapon] uiawrSFR2AA [Auto-Launcher] uiawrSFR2AAB [Burning Auto-Launcher] uiawrSFR2AAM [Auto-Launcher] uiawrSFR2AB [Bowrifle] uiawrSFR2ABE [Electric Bow-Rifle] uiawrSFR2ABM [Bow-Rifle] uiawrSFR2AL [Launcher] uiawrSFR2ALB [Burning Launcher] uiawrSFR2ALE [Electric Launcher] uiawrSFR2ALM [Launcher] uiawrSFR2AR [Rifle] uiawrSFR2ARL [Living Rifle] uiawrSFR2ARM [Rifle] uiawrSFM1B_SFM2B [Any Smashing Melee Weapon] uiawrSFM1S_SFM2S [Any Slashing Melee Weapon] uiawrSFM1P_SFM2P_SFMCAD [Any Piercing Melee Weapon] uiawrSFM1_SFM2_SFMCAD_SFR1_SFR2 [Any Weapon, but not Close-Combat] uiPhraseWRHeader [Usable Only with: ] uiPhraseWRSeparator [, ] uiEula [Charte de Khaganat] uiEulaContent [Khaganat est un univers, une base pour créer des histoires et des œuvres d'art (ou pas).\n C'est aussi ce MMORPG.\n C'est surtout ce que vous en ferez.\n \n La civilité est l'essence de rapports agréables\n \n - La courtoisie est de mise dans tous vos échanges.\n - Le respect de la vie privée de chacun est un élément fondamental. Aucun usage abusif ou dissimulé ne sera fait des données privées qui nous sont confiées.\n - Nous mettons en place des solutions privilégiant la transparence dans la gestion des données et leur sécurité.\n \n Nous sommes tous bénévoles\n \n - Vous ne pouvez exiger d'une autre personne qu'elle réalise un travail pour vous.\n - Comme dans tout projet libre, si vous voulez que quelque chose soit fait, c'est à vous de montrer l'exemple.\n - Nous vous encourageons à questionner, demander, participer, mais rappelez-vous que chaque participant a une vie privée, et que le temps est une ressource rare.\n \n Le plaisir de bâtir ensemble est une force motrice essentielle\n \n - Prêtez attention aux contributions des autres, en plus de motiver chaque participant, vous vous enrichirez mutuellement de ces échanges.\n - Vos contributions n'ont de sens que si les autres les apprécient, alors penchez-vous sur les remarques, elles visent à vous faire donner le meilleur de vous même.\n - Chacun peut apporter sa contribution, que ce soit corriger une virgule dans un texte ou aider à configurer un forum… Tout compte !\n - Contribuer c'est aussi un moyen d'apprendre de nouvelles choses : apprendre le lojban, à raconter des histoires, utiliser un wiki, etc.\n \n Le projet se base avant tout sur le concept de la liberté\n \n - Nous invitons chacun à privilégier des licences libres, autant pour les productions artistiques que logicielles.\n - Nous demandons à chacun de reconnaître la liberté personnelle des autres, y compris pour affirmer la paternité de certains travaux ou tirer un bénéfice personnel de ce travail commun.\n - Nous acceptons la discussion des choix fondateurs, tant qu'ils ne remettent pas en cause cette liberté de principe.\n] uiEulaAccept [I ACCEPT] uiEulaDecline [DECLINE] uimwEncyclopedia [ENCYCLOPEDIA] uiEncyclopedia [Encyclopedia] uiEncyExplanation [This is your encyclopedia.\n \n This window is used for showing the collection of knowledge you have found. The amber cube corresponds to a theme. Themes are grouped in albums.] uiThemeProgression [Progression:] uiEncyAlbum [ALBUM] uiEncyTheme [THEME] uiRite [RITE: Rite given by NPC name...] uiTask1 [Ritual Task 1: Task given by NPC name...] uiTask2 [Ritual Task 2: Task given by NPC name...] uiTask3 [Ritual Task 3: Task given by NPC name...] uiTask4 [Ritual Task 4: Task given by NPC name...] uiTask5 [Ritual Task 5: Task given by NPC name...] uiTask6 [Ritual Task 6: Task given by NPC name...] uiTask7 [Ritual Task 7: Task given by NPC name...] gn_zorai_voluteer_m [Zoraï Volunteer] uiMoveToNoMoreSlot [You have no more free slots in this inventory] uiItemMpCanCraft [Can craft: ] uiItemMpNoCraft [Cannot be used to craft] uiItemMpCraftRequirement [Required for the crafting of special items] uiQuitingRyzom [Leaving Khanat...] uiQuitingRules [Note: If you move or are hit, the exit will be canceled.\n Note: If you 'Quit Now' your avatar will still be connected for 30 seconds.] uiQuitNow [Quit Now] uiPayingAccount [For a limited time the Khanat licence is free!\n Subscribe now for full access to Khanat and pay only the monthly subscription fee.] uiTitlePayingAccount [SIGNUP NOW] uiNotYet [NOT YET] uiUpgradeNow [UPGRADE NOW] uiBCFilterPrice [Price:] uiBCFilterQuality [Quality:] uiBCFilterClass [Class:] uiBCMPItemPart [RM Item Part:] uiBCItemType [Item Type:] uiBCNoItemTypeFilter [All] uiBCTitleFilterPrice [Choose Price Range:] uiBCTitleFilterQuality [Choose Quality Range:] uiBCTitleFilterClass [Choose Class Range:] uiBCTitleMPItemPart [Choose Item Part Filter:] uiBCTitleMPItemType [Choose Item Type Filter:] uiBCFilterMin [Min:] uiBCFilterMax [Max:] uittBCNoItemPartFilter [Show All Raw Materials With No Item Part Filtering.] uiBCFilterReset [Reset] uiBCFilterClass0 [Basic (1)] uiBCFilterClass1 [Fine (2)] uiBCFilterClass2 [Choice (3)] uiBCFilterClass3 [Excellent (4)] uiBCFilterClass4 [Supreme (5)] uiBCNotAvailable [Not Available] uiBCDestroy [Destroy] uiBCAutoReset [Reset filters on opening] uittBCAutoReset [If checked, all the @{6F6F}filters@{FFFF} will be reset on when the window is opened again.\n Uncheck this option to retain the @{6F6F}Class@{FFFF}, @{6F6F}Quality@{FFFF} and @{6F6F}Price@{FFFF} filters.] uiCriticalHit [Critical Hit] uiParry [Parry] uiDodge [Dodge] uiResist [Resist] uiEvade [Evade] uiInterrupt [Interrupted!] uiFailure [Failure!] uiMP3Prev [Previous] uiMP3Play [Play] uiMP3Pause [Pause] uiMP3Next [Next] uiMP3Volume [Volume] uiMP3Open [Open] uiMP3Playlist [Playlist] uiPlaylistTitle [PLAYLIST] uimwMP3Player [MP3 Player] uimwBGDownloader [PATCHER] uimwCosmetics [COSMETICS] uiCosmColor [Change Hair Color] uiCosmTatoo [Change Tattoo] uittNotEnoughMoney [You don't have enough dins to buy this.] uittNotEnoughGuildMoney [Your guild doesn't have enough money to buy this] uittNotEnoughGuildXP [You don't have enough Guild XP to buy this.] uittNotEnoughSkillPoints [You don't have enough Skill Points to learn this action.] uittBCNotAvailable [You cannot retrieve your item from here, but you can still destroy it.] uittBadQuantity [You have entered an invalid quantity.] uittBadResalePrice [You have entered an invalid resale price. The resale price must be at least equal to the 'Basic Price'.] uittWontBuyThis [I won't buy this.] uiYuboChat [Support Chat] uitabChatYuboChat [SUPPORT] uiCreatorHeader [Crafter: ] uiMouseHardware [Hardware] uiCannotWriteDynChat [ You cannot write in this channel.] uiMagicProtectTable [PROTECTIONS] uittMagicProtectTable [The @{6F6F}magical protections@{FFFF} absorb a percentage of the magical damage sustained. The amount of absorption depends on:\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}type of damage@{FFFF} incurred by the magic\n @{T4}- characteristics of the magical protection given by the @{6F6F}jewels@{FFFF} worn\n @{T4}- the total @{6F6F}quality@{FFFF} of the jewels worn\n @{T4}- the @{6F6F}race@{FFFF} of the player.] uiProtect_Rot [Rot] uiProtect_Acid [Acid] uiProtect_Cold [Cold] uiProtect_Fire [Fire] uiProtect_Poison [Poison] uiProtect_Electricity [Electricity] uiProtect_Shockwave [Shockwave] uiProtect_MaxAbsorb [Max. Absorbed] uittProtect_Rot [Absorption of Rot damage: @{6F6F}%v%@{FFFF} %max] uittProtect_Acid [Absorption of Acid damage: @{6F6F}%v%@{FFFF} %max] uittProtect_Cold [Absorption of Cold damage: @{6F6F}%v%@{FFFF} %max] uittProtect_Fire [Absorption of Fire damage: @{6F6F}%v%@{FFFF} %max] uittProtect_Poison [Absorption of Poison damage: @{6F6F}%v%@{FFFF} %max] uittProtect_Electricity [Absorption of Electricity damage: @{6F6F}%v%@{FFFF} %max] uittProtect_Shockwave [Absorption of Shockwave damage: @{6F6F}%v%@{FFFF} %max] uittProtect_MaxReached [(maximum)] uittProtect_MaxAbsorb [Maximum Magic Damage Absorbed.\n Total of @{6F6F}maximum damage absorbed@{FFFF} by jewels + @{6F6F}maximum level@{FFFF} of the player.] uiResistsTable [RESISTANCES] uittMagicResistTable [Spells cast by creatures and players may be completely @{6F6F}resisted@{FFFF}.\n The @{6F6F}chance percentage@{FFFF} of resisting depends on:\n @{T4}- the @{6F6F}power@{FFFF} of the spell, if it is an Affliction\n @{T4}- the @{6F6F}skill level@{FFFF} of the caster, if it is an Elemental spell\n @{T4}- your @{6F6F}resistance score@{FFFF} in the @{6F6F}magic domain@{FFFF} of the spell \n \n @{T0}Your @{6F6F}resistance score@{FFFF} is the sum of:\n @{T4}- the highest level of all @{6F6F}Combat@{FFFF}, @{6F6F}Magic@{FFFF} or @{6F6F}Forage/2@{FFFF} skills minus 26 \n @{T4}- bonus @{6F6F}jewel resistances@{FFFF} in that magic domain \n @{T4}- a @{6F6F}racial bonus@{FFFF} (e.g.: +10 in Desert for Ucikara)\n @{T4}- an @{6F6F}ecosystem penalty@{FFFF} (e.g.: -10 in Desert if you are in the desert] uiResist_Desert [Desert Domain] uiResist_Forest [Forest Domain] uiResist_Lacustre [Lakes Domain] uiResist_Jungle [Jungle Domain] uiResist_PrimRoot [Prime Roots Domain] uittResist_Desert [Resistance against spells of the Desert Domain: @{6F6F}%v@{FFFF} %max\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Elemental Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%eml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%emr%@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Affliction Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%aml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%amr%@{FFFF}\n @{T0}This domain contains the following types of magic:\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Fire@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Blind@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Madness@{FFFF}\n ] uittResist_Forest [Resistance against spells of the Forest Domain: @{6F6F}%v@{FFFF} %max\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Elemental Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%eml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%emr%@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Affliction Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%aml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%amr%@{FFFF}\n @{T0}This domain consists of the following types of magic:\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Poison@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Sleep@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Slow Move@{FFFF}\n ] uittResist_Lacustre [Resistance against spells of the Lakes Domain: @{6F6F}%v@{FFFF} %max\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Elemental Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%eml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%emr%@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Affliction Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%aml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%amr%@{FFFF}\n @{T0}This domain consists of the following types of magic:\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Cold@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Shockwave@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Stun@{FFFF}\n ] uittResist_Jungle [Resistance against spells of the Jungle Domain: @{6F6F}%v@{FFFF} %max\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Elemental Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%eml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%emr%@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Affliction Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%aml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%amr%@{FFFF}\n @{T0}This domain consists of the following types of magic:\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Electricity@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Rooting@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Slow Attack@{FFFF}\n ] uittResist_PrimRoot [Resistance against spells of the Prime Roots Domain: @{6F6F}%v@{FFFF} %max\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Elemental Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%eml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%emr%@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- Chances of resisting a spell of @{6F6F}Affliction Magic@{FFFF} of level @{6F6F}%aml@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%amr%@{FFFF}\n @{T0}This domain consists of the following types of magic:\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Acid@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Rot@{FFFF}\n @{T4}- @{6F6F}Fear@{FFFF}\n ] uittResist_MaxReached [(maximum)] uiFactionPoint_Kami [Kami] uiFactionPoint_Karavan [Karavan] uiFactionPoint_Fyros [Ucikara] uiFactionPoint_Matis [Tcara] uiFactionPoint_Tryker [Tryker] uiFactionPoint_Zorai [Zoraï] uiFactionPointTable [FACTION POINTS] uiAFK [{AFK}] uiLOGResolution [Game Resolution] uiLOGLod [Level of Detail] uiResValue [1024x768] uiLodValueLow [LOW] uiLodValueMedium [MEDIUM] uiLodValueNormal [NORMAL] uiLodValueHigh [HIGH] uiLodValueCustom [CUSTOM] uiNPCGiver [GIVER: ] uiENDesc [TASK NAME: ] uiENRequired [RITUAL TASKS] uiENRite [RITE] uiENGiver [GIVER:] uiENName [TASK NAME:] uiMissionAnd [ - ] uiMissionOr [or ] uiMissionPrereq [Prerequisites:] uiMissionDesc [Description:] uiMissionTitle [Title:] uittMissionWake [Wake] uiEnterCrZoneProposal [ENTER CRITICAL ZONE PROPOSAL] uiMFPrevious [Previous] uiMFNext [Next] uiMFDeleteMailTitle [Delete mail] uiMFEraseMail [Erase mail?] uiMFEraseMailQuestion [Do you really want to delete this mail? Click on the Back or Home button to cancel] uiMFTopics [Topics] uiMFAuthor [Author] uiMFPosts [Posts] uiMFLastPost [Last Post] uiMFMessageFrom [Message from] uiMFDate [Date] uiMFSubject [Subject] uiMFMessage [Message] uiMFInbox [Inbox] uiMFFrom [From] uiMFNewMessage [New message] uiMFMailBody [Message] uiMFNewPost [New post:] uiMFNewtopic [New topic:] uiMFMessages [Messages] uiMFUndelivrableMail [Undeliverable Mail] uiMFUndelivrableMailTo [Server was unable to send mail to] uiMFUndelivrableMailCheck [Please check mail recipient name.] uiMFMailContent [Mail content:] uiMFMailServer [Mail Server] uiMFIDate [%day %month, %year] uiMonth01 [January] uiMonth02 [February] uiMonth03 [March] uiMonth04 [April] uiMonth05 [May] uiMonth06 [June] uiMonth07 [July] uiMonth08 [August] uiMonth09 [September] uiMonth10 [October] uiMonth11 [November] uiMonth12 [December] uiDay0 [Sunday] uiDay1 [Monday] uiDay2 [Tuesday] uiDay3 [Wednesday] uiDay4 [Thursday] uiDay5 [Friday] uiDay6 [Saturday] uiCancelCreateAccount [Back to login screen] uiSubmitNewAccount [Submit] /* OLD VALUE : [Congratulations! You have succeeded in creating a Khanat account A confirmation e-mail has been sent to you at the following address: ] */ /* OLD VALUE : [Congratulations! You have succeeded in creating a Khanat account. A confirmation e-mail has been sent to you at the following address: ] */ uiSubmitSucces1 [Congratulations!\n \n You have succeeded in creating a Khanat account\n An e-mail has been sent to you at the following address:\n ] /* OLD VALUE : [ Please click on the link that it contains to activate your new account. You must activate your account before you can log in.] */ /* OLD VALUE : [ Please click on the link that it contains to activate your new account. You must activate your account before you can log in.] */ uiSubmitSucces2 [\n You can now click on the CONNECT button below to log in.] uiCreateAccountWelcome [Welcome!\n Please fill in these fields to create your new Khanat account.\n ] uiAcceptTermsOfUse1 [YES, I agree to the] uiAcceptTermsOfUse2 [terms of use.] uiUpgradeAccount [UPGRADE ACCOUNT] uiScanData [CHECK DATA] uiCancelScanData [CANCEL] uiCloseScanData [CLOSE] uiCancelingScanData [Canceling Data Scan. Please wait...] uiScanDataSucess [Data Scan reported no corrupted Files.\n Press 'Close'] uiScanDataErrors [Data Scan reported %d corrupted Files. They will be entirely reloaded at next patch. Press 'Close'] uiErrDataScanning [Error: Data Scanning failed] uiOnDataScanning [CHECKING ALL FILES...] uiOnDataScanningHelp [This process verify all your data files (takes several minutes). Click cancel to abort.] uiCorruptedFile [Missing or Corrupted File: ] uimCompassDialogs [Dialogs] uiDate [The date is ] uiWinderly [Winderly] uiGerminally [Germinally] uiFolially [Folially] uiFloris [Floris] uiMedis [Medis] uiThermis [Thermis] uiHarvestor [Harvestor] uiFrutor [Frutor] uiFallenor [Fallenor] uiPluvia [Pluvia] uiMystia [Mystia] uiNivia [Nivia] uiPrima [Prima] uiDua [Dua] uiTria [Tria] uiQuarta [Quarta] uiQuinteth [Quinteth] uiHoleth [Holeth] uiAtysianCycle [AC] uiJenaYear [JY] uiRandomBadParameter [The text "%s" isn't a valid parameter for the 'random' command.] uiTextCommand1 [] uiTextCommand2 [] uiTextCommand3 [] uiTextCommand4 [] uiTextCommandFT1 [] uiTextCommandFT2 [] uiTextCommandFT3 [] uiTextCommandFT4 [] uiLoadingString0 [Avez-vous prévu de la dentelle pour Pendorid ?] uiLoadingString1 [La météo annonce des chutes de haches liriesques] uiLoadingString2 [Des champignons hallucinogènes auraient été malencontreusement mis dans le thé. Attention à vous] uiLoadingString3 [On aurait vu la Reine rouge dans les environs, gare à vous] uiLoadingString4 [Rêver, c'est bien, à plusieurs, c'est mieux] uiLoadingString5 [Avez-vous pris votre peigne à Meh-teh ?] uiLoadingString6 [Bravo de vous être porté volontaire pour entrer dans la Légion de Sel] uiLoadingString7 [Installation du logiciel d'espionnage de la Crypte] uiLoadingString8 [Avez-vous lu le forum aujourd'hui ?] uiLoadingString9 [L'Unité Mémorielle 1 n'attend que vous pour s'enrichir] uiLoadingString10 [On dirait bien que la Police des Rêves... AH non rien] uiLoadingString11 [Effacement de toutes vos données par les Brumes] uiLoadingString12 [Recherche de contrôle d'un Ra de première catégorie] uiLoadingString13 [Tirage au sort du prochain Khan, désolé pour vous : perdu] uiLoadingString14 [Distribution de balai : grand nettoyage en cours] uiLoadingString15 [Enregistrement du don de toutes vos possessions au Dispensaire. les Oublieux apprécieront] uiLoadingString16 [Transfert de votre garde-robe dans le garde-manger de pendorid] uiLoadingString17 [Excellent choix : mineur à Salargug, un métier d'avenir] uiLoadingString18 [Si ça bouge, c'est culno, si c'est froid c'est ratmidju - Proverbe d'Hoslet] uiLoadingString19 [Un petit instant, on prépare les Njébé que le repas arrive] uiLoadingString20 [Transfert des Brumes dans votre réalité pour nettoyer un peu le Khanat] uiLoadingString21 [Greffe d'un nez de branaz sur votre ra : en cours...] uiLoadingString22 [Sur IRC - Freenode/#khanat, vous pouvez vous faire kicker si vous êtes sage] uiLoadingString23 [Domptage de votre cauna'i pour votre vol prévu...dans très longtemps] uiLoadingString24 [Ce soir au menu : omelette d'oeufs de salamandre] uiLoadingString25 [Il semble qu'un certain nombre de tupas en pincent pour vous] uiLoadingString26 [Téléportation à la Baie de Givre, n'oubliez pas vore maillot] uiLoadingString27 [Affichage d'un avis de recherche à votre nom dans tout Natca] uiLoadingString28 [Mise en place des données secrètes de la Police des Rêves] uiLoadingString29 [Enregistrement de votre candidature de gladiateur des Arènes] uiLoadingString30 [Préparation des hordes de pendos sanguinaires] uiLoadingString31 [Faîtes de beaux rêves sur Khanat] uiLoadingString32 [Génération aléatoire des caractéristiques des créatures...] uiLoadingString33 [Contrôle de la Polcie des Rêves :préparez le formulaire CBX74] uiLoadingString34 [Attention, aujourd'hui Liria est de bonne humeur] uiLoadingString35 [Ce matin Zatalyz a dit... Non je n'ose pas le répéter] uiLoadingString36 [Émoussage des armes, pour ne pas vous blesser] uiLoadingString37 [Perception des coussins, des oreillers et des couettes] uiLoadingString38 [Avez-vous pensé à prendre une boisson chaude ?] uiLoadingString39 [Re-texturage des Mamelons de Suzanha] uiLoadingString40 [Concert Ophidra à Istmir bientôt] uiLoadingString41 [Avec du farespa, à pleins pots tu rêveras] uiLoadingString42 [Transformation des Plaines d'Astharie en désert] uiLoadingString43 [Graissage des portes de la Crypte] uiLoadingString44 [Installation de la lampe faisant office de soleil...] uiLoadingString45 [Installation des textures de vêtements transparents] uiLoadingString46 [Changement de texture des Krili : désormais ils seront liquides] uiLoadingString47 [Vous avez été désigne pour polir les miroirs d'obsidienne] uiLoadingString48 [Surveillance de vos pensées par la Police des Rêves] uiLoadingString49 [Installation des couloirs secrets de ratdmiju] uiLoadingString50 [Certains savants pensent que la langue sacrée a été rêvée récemment en réalité] uiLoadingString51 [Chaque matin, un nouvel Éon !] uiLoadingString52 [Débranchement des Interfacés] uiLoadingString53 [Ouverture d'une trentaine de fenra aléatoires] uiMouseInverted [Invert Mouse] uiItemTextEdition [Item text] uiItemTextMessageFromCrafter [@{FFF9}Message from the crafter:\n @{FFFF}] uimItemTextEdit [Write] uimItemTextDisplay [Read] uiTabInfo [Right Click to Separate] uiItemSpecialEffectFlyingTextISE_FIGHT_ADD_CRITICAL [] uiItemSpecialEffectFlyingTextISE_FIGHT_VAMPIRISM [Life Stealer: %param] uiItemSpecialEffectFlyingTextISE_MAGIC_DIVINE_INTERVENTION [Divine Intervention] uiItemSpecialEffectFlyingTextISE_MAGIC_SHOOT_AGAIN [Instant Cast] uiItemSpecialEffectFlyingTextISE_CRAFT_ADD_STAT_BONUS [Stat Bonus] uiItemSpecialEffectFlyingTextISE_CRAFT_ADD_LIMIT [All Stats Bonus] uiItemSpecialEffectFlyingTextISE_FORAGE_ADD_RM [Forage Bonus] uiItemSpecialEffectFlyingTextISE_FORAGE_NO_RISK [No-Risk Forage] uihelpItemConsumableFormat [%desc\n\n @{FFF9}Consommation :@{T21}@{FFFF}%consumption_time sec\n @{FFF9}Réutilisable après:@{T21}@{FFFF}%overdose_timer_min min %overdose_timer_sec\n \n @{FFFF}%consumable_effects\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoWeight}Poids :@{H}@{T12}@{FFFF}%weight Kg\n @{FFF9}@{HuittInfoBulk}Volume :@{H}@{T12}@{FFFF}%bulk\n \n %cansell@{FFFF}%custom_text] uiItemConsumableEffectDownCharac [Gives a malus of @{F22F}%bonus@{FFFF} points(s) to your @{2F2F}%charac@{FFFF}\n for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectUpCharac [Gives a bonus of @{2F2F}%bonus@{FFFF} points(s) to your @{2F2F}%charac@{FFFF}\n for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModDefenseSuccess [Modifies your Defense by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModDodgeSuccess [Modifies your Dodge by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModParrySuccess [Modifies your Parry by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModMeleeSuccess [Modifies your Melee Fight skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModRangeSuccess [Modifies your Ranged Fight skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModMagicSuccess [Modifies your Magic skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModCraftSuccess [Modifies your Craft skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModForageSuccess [Modifies your Forage skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModDesertForageSuccess [Modifies your Desert Forage skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModForestForageSuccess [Modifies your Forest Forage skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModLacustreForageSuccess [Modifies your Lakes Forage skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModJungleForageSuccess [Modifies your Jungle Forage skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectModPrimaryRootForageSuccess [Modifies your Prime Roots Forage skills by %modifier point(s) for %minutes min and %secondes sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectStaminaAura [An @{2F2F}Aura of Oblivion@{FFFF} with a bonus of @{2F2F}%modifier@{FFFF} for %minutes min and %secondes sec with a radius of %radius m.\n Disabled for target: %targetDisableTime sec, user: %userDisableTime sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectSapAura [An @{2F2F}Aura of Oblivion@{FFFF} with a bonus of @{2F2F}%modifier@{FFFF} for %minutes min and %secondes sec with radius of %radius m.\n Disabled for target: %targetDisableTime sec, user: %userDisableTime sec.] uiItemConsumableEffectLifeAura [An @{2F2F}Aura of Trauma@{FFFF} with a bonus of @{2F2F}%modifier@{FFFF} for %minutes min and %secondes sec with radius of %radius m.\n Disabled for target: %targetDisableTime sec, user: %userDisableTime sec.] uittModMeleeSuccess [Your Melee Fight skill has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModRangeSuccess [Your Ranged Fight skill has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModCraftSuccess [Your Craft skill has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModDefenseSuccess [Your Defense has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModDodgeSuccess [Your ability to Dodge has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModParrySuccess [Your ability to Parry has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModForageSuccess [Your Forage skills have been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModDesertForageSuccess [Your Desert Forage skill has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModForestForageSuccess [Your Forest Forage skill has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModLacustreForageSuccess [Your Lakes Forage skill has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModJungleForageSuccess [Your Jungle Forage skill has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uittModPrimaryRootForageSuccess [Your Prime Roots Forage skill has been modified by %modifier point(s)] uiOnMainlandValidation [Ok] uiOnMainland [MAINLANDS] uiCP_Choose_Mainland [Choose a Community] uiCP_Mainland_Ok [OK] uiCP_Mainland_Cancel [CANCEL] uittReturnToMainland [Return to Mainland] uiLaunchEditor [SCENARIO EDITOR] uiSessionVanishedFarTP [The Ring Adventure you were in is now closed. We are teleporting you to the mainland...] uiSessionUnreachable [The server associated with this character is closed, please try again later.] uiR2EDActionCategory [KHANAT RING COMMANDS] uiRingAccessPoint [Ring Terminal] uiRingAccessPointFilter [Filter] uiScenarioLevel_Any [Any] uiScenarioOrient_Any [Any] uiScenarioOrient_NewbieTraining [Newbie training] uiScenarioOrient_StoryTelling [Story telling] uiScenarioOrient_Mistery [Mistery] uiScenarioOrient_HackSlash [Hack'n'Slash] uiScenarioOrient_GuildTraining [Guild training] uiScenarioOrient_Other [Other] uiFilterScenarioText [Select criteria for filtering the set of windows to which you have access] uiMk_mode [Change display mode] uiMk_tab1 [Windows] uiMk_tab2 [Actions] uiMk_window1 [Identity] uiMk_window2 [Inventory] uiMk_window3 [Actions] uiMk_window4 [Missions] uiMk_window5 [Map] uiMk_window6 [Communication...] uiMk_window7 [Help] uiMk_window8 [Support] uiMk_window9 [System...] uiMk_window10 [Help...] uiMk_window11 [Khanat Ring] uiMk_action1_0 [Move] uiMk_action1_0_tt [Click to @{6F6F}Move@{FFFF}.\n You can also click and hold the 2 buttons of your mouse.] uiMk_action1_1 [Stop] uiMk_action1_1_tt [Click to @{6F6F}Stop@{FFFF}.\n You can also click and release the 2 buttons of the mouse.] uiMk_action2_0 [Sitting] uiMk_action2_0_tt [You are @{6F6F}Sitting@{FFFF}.\n While you are sitting down, your trauma, pain, oblivion and focus regenerate twice as fast.\n Click to stand up.] uiMk_action2_1 [Standing] uiMk_action2_1_tt [You are @{6F6F}Standing@{FFFF}.\n Sitting regenerates your trauma, pain, oblivion and focus twice as fast.\n Click to sit down.] uiMk_action3_0 [Walking] uiMk_action3_0_tt [You are in @{6F6F}Walking@{FFFF} mode.\n Click to run] uiMk_action3_1 [Running] uiMk_action3_1_tt [You are in @{6F6F}Running@{FFFF} mode.\n Click to walk] uiMk_action4_0 [Dodge] uiMk_action4_0_tt [You are in @{6F6F}Dodge@{FFFF} mode.\n Your chances of dodging depend on your dodge score and particularly on your equipment (see @{6F6F}Identity@{FFFF} window).\n Click to switch to Parry mode.] uiMk_action4_1 [Parry] uiMk_action4_1_tt [You are in @{6F6F}Parry@{FFFF} mode.\n Your chances of parrying depend on your parry score and particularly on your equipment (see @{6F6F}Identity@{FFFF} window).\n Click to switch to Dodge mode.] uiMk_action5_0 [Attack] uiMk_action5_0_tt [Click to @{6F6F}Attack@{FFFF} the selected target.\n You can also use one of the combat actions from your action bar at the top of the screen (by default).] uiMk_action5_1 [Disengage] uiMk_action5_1_tt [Click to @{6F6F}Disengage@{FFFF}] uiMk_action6 [Extract] uiMk_action6_tt [Click to @{6F6F}Extract@{FFFF} the selected source.\n You can also use one of the extraction actions from your action bar at the top of the screen (by default).] uiMk_action7 [Invite] uiMk_action7_tt [Click to @{6F6F}Invite@{FFFF} the selected player to your team.\n You can also invite players through the context menu (right click on a character).] uiMk_action8 [Leave Team] uiMk_action8_tt [Click to @{6F6F}Leave@{FFFF} your team.\n You can also leave your team through the context menu (right click on a character).] uiMk_action9 [Talk] uiMk_action9_tt [Click to @{6F6F}Talk@{FFFF} to the selected player.\n You can also talk to player through the context menu (right click on a character).] uiMk_interaction1 [Contact List] uiMk_interaction2 [Guild] uiMk_interaction3 [Forums] uiMk_interaction4 [Fame] uiMk_interaction5 [Mailbox] uiMk_interaction5b [Web] uiMk_interaction6 [Team] uiMk_interaction7 [Animals] uiMk_interaction8 [Khanat Ring] uiMk_system1 [Game Configuration] uiMk_system2 [Keys] uiMk_system3 [Windows] uiMk_system4 [Macros] uiMk_system5 [Connection] uiMk_system6 [MP3 Player] uiMk_system8 [Patcher] uiMk_system7 [Quit] uiWelcomeTitle [Welcome to Khanat!] uiWelcomeIntro [] uiWelcomeMoveTitle [Move] uiWelcomeMove [To move about, use the arrow keys or press down both mouse buttons at the same time.] uiWelcomeWhatTitle [What is there to be done?] uiWelcomeWhat [Follow the directions in your mission journal situated on the left of the screen] uiWelcomeCSTitle [Contact Customer Support] uiWelcomeCS [A dedicated team of customer support representatives (CSRs) keep a watchful eye over Khanat day and night. They can be contacted by clicking the 'HELP' button (question mark) from the button menu (at the bottom right hand side of the screen by default), then clicking 'SUPPORT'.] uittIdentityTitle [Click on the current @{6F6F}title @{FFFF}to display the list of the @{6F6F}titles @{FFFF}you have won and select the one you are most proud of.\n As you progress in the game, you will obtain new @{6F6F}titles @{FFFF}which will automatically be added to this list.] uittIdentityInfo [Shows the requirements for having obtained your current @{6F6F}title@{FFFF}.] uittIdentityHP [@{6F6F}Trauma@{FFFF} %n\n When your Trauma reach 0, you fall into a coma and, if you are not quickly healed by your friends, you die.] uittIdentitySap [@{6F6F}Oblivion@{FFFF} %n\n When your level of oblivion is too low, you cannot cast spells.] uittIdentitySta [@{6F6F}Pain@{FFFF} %n\n When your level of pain is too low, you cannot carry out special attacks any longer and must make do with the default attack until your pain is regenerated.] uittIdentityFoc [@{6F6F}Focus@{FFFF} %n\n When your level of focus is too low, you cannot carry out foraging actions or crafting actions with boost stanzas in them.] uittIdentityHPReg [@{6F6F}Trauma Regeneration@{FFFF}: %n\n Trauma regenerated every 10 seconds.] uittIdentitySapReg [@{6F6F}Oblivion Regeneration@{FFFF}: %n\n Oblivion regenerated every 10 seconds.] uittIdentityStaReg [@{6F6F}Pain Regeneration@{FFFF}: %n\n Pain regenerated every 10 seconds.] uittIdentityFocReg [@{6F6F}Focus regeneration@{FFFF}: %n\n Focus regenerated every 10 seconds.] uittIdentityCons [Determines the maximum value of your @{6F6F}Trauma@{FFFF}] uittIdentityInt [Determines the maximum value of your @{6F6F}Oblivion@{FFFF}] uittIdentityStr [Determines the maximum value of your @{6F6F}Pain@{FFFF}] uittIdentityDex [Determines the maximum value of your @{6F6F}Focus@{FFFF}] uittIdentityMeta [Determines the @{6F6F}regeneration @{FFFF}rate of your @{6F6F}Trauma@{FFFF}] uittIdentityWis [Determines the @{6F6F}regeneration @{FFFF}rate of your @{6F6F}Oblivion@{FFFF}] uittIdentityWB [Determines the @{6F6F}regeneration @{FFFF}rate of your @{6F6F}Pain@{FFFF}] uittIdentityWill [Determines the @{6F6F}regeneration @{FFFF}rate of your @{6F6F}Focus@{FFFF}] uittIdentitySkillFight [Points for developing skills with a @{6F6F}Fighter Trainer @{FFFF}(NPC). You earn points when you level skills in the @{6F6F}Fight@{FFFF} tree.] uittIdentitySkillMagic [Points for developing skills with a @{6F6F}Magician Trainer @{FFFF}(NPC). You earn points when you level skills in the @{6F6F}Magic@{FFFF} tree.] uittIdentitySkillCraft [Points for developing skills with a @{6F6F}Crafter Trainer @{FFFF}(NPC). You earn points when you level skills in the @{6F6F}Craft@{FFFF} tree.] uittIdentitySkillHarvest [Points for learning new skills from a @{6F6F}Harvester Trainer @{FFFF}(NPC). You earn points when you level skills in the @{6F6F}Harvest@{FFFF} tree.] uittIdentityTotalMalus [Indicates the overall action penalty you get when you cast a spell, fight, forage or craft.\n A @{6F6F}high malus @{FFFF}means a high cost in energy, long casting time and smaller action range.\n This total is determined by the combined @{6F6F}Action Malus @{FFFF}of all your equipped clothes, armor and weapons.] uittIdentitBagBulk [Indicates the @{6F6F}total space @{FFFF}occupied by all the items in your inventory. When the maximum bulk is reached, you cannot add items to your inventory.] uittIdentitySpeedFactor [Indicates the impact of the items you have in your inventory, or that you are wearing or carrying, on your @{6F6F}moving speed@{FFFF}. It can also be affected by spells (negatively and positively).] uittIdentityDodge [@{6F6F}Dodge@{FFFF}: %n\n Chance to dodge a melee attack from an enemy of level @{6F6F}%l@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%p@{FFFF}%.] uittIdentityParry [@{6F6F}Parry@{FFFF}: %n\n Chance to parry a melee attack from an enemy of level @{6F6F}%l@{FFFF}: @{6F6F}%p@{FFFF}%.] uittIdentityFaction [Faction points are gained when you participate in @{6F6F}special events @{FFFF}such as the building of Kami or Karavan temples.] uittGaugesNameTitle [Your @{6F6F}name @{FFFF}followed by the @{6F6F}title @{FFFF}you have chosen to display.] uittGaugesActionBar [Indicates the progression of the @{6F6F}action @{FFFF}in execution.] uittGaugesHP [@{6F6F}Trauma@{FFFF}:\n When your Trauma reach 0, you fall into a coma and, if you are not quickly healed by your friends, you die.] uittGaugesSap [@{6F6F}Oblivion@{FFFF}:\n When your level of oblivion is too low, you cannot cast spells.] uittGaugesSta [@{6F6F}Pain@{FFFF}:\n When your level of pain is too low, you cannot carry out special attacks any longer and must make do with the default attack until your pain is regenerated.] uittGaugesFoc [@{6F6F}Focus@{FFFF}:\n When your level of focus is too low, you cannot carry out foraging actions any longer.] uittHandR [@{6F6F}Right Hand\n @{FFFF}Click to see all the objects available for this hand.] uittHandL [@{6F6F}Left Hand\n @{FFFF}Click to see all the objects available for this hand.] uittHandSet [Change the current group of actions.] uittAnimalBar [@{E42F}Life @{FFFF}- Satiety - @{EB2F}Bulk] uittAnimalWeight [Total @{6F6F}Weight @{FFFF}carried by your animal.] uittAnimalInv [The @{6F6F}inventory @{FFFF}gives access to the objects carried by this animal.] uittChatAround [@{6F6F}Around\n @{FFFF}Displays the messages to all the players situated within 25 metres around you.\n Right click to separate.] uittChatRegion [@{6F6F}Region\n @{FFFF}Displays the messages to all the players situated in your region.\n Right click to separate.] uittChatUniverse [@{6F6F}Universe\n @{FFFF}Displays the messages to all the players in game (to be used sparingly).\n Right click to separate.] uittChatUser [@{6F6F}User\n @{FFFF}Right click in the window to modify the filter of messages to display in this channel.] uittChatGuild [@{6F6F}Guild\n @{FFFF}Right click to separate.] uittChatTeam [@{6F6F}Team\n @{FFFF}Right click to separate.] uittChatYubo [@{6F6F}Support Chat\n @{FFFF}Right click to separate.] uittChatSysInfo [@{6F6F}System Information\n @{FFFF}Displays the messages relative to fight and the system information.\n Right click to separate.] uittCompassRange [@{6F6F}Range\n @{FFFF}Maximum range of the radar.\n Use the scroll button on the @{6F6F}compass @{FFFF}window or right click and choose @{6F6F}Zoom In @{FFFF}or @{6F6F}Zoom Out @{FFFF}to modify the value of the @{6F6F}range@{FFFF}.] uittCompassDistance [@{6F6F}Distance @{FFFF}between you and the object selected on the compass.] uittPhraseActions [@{6F6F}Actions @{FFFF}you can drag-and-drop in your action bar to use them easily.] uittPhraseUpgrades [Action or characteristic @{6F6F}Upgrades @{FFFF}you cannot memorize in your bars.] uittPhraseXPMalus [@{6F6F}Death Penalty\n @{FFFF}When you die, this penalty increases.\n Any XP gained will be used to refund that debt.] uittInventoryWeight [Total @{6F6F}Weight @{FFFF}of the bag] uittFriendsOnline [Connected on the same Mainland or Ring Scenario] uittFriendsOnlineAbroad [Connected on another Mainland or Ring Scenario] uittFriendsOffline [Not connected] uittGuildMemberOnline [Connected on the same Mainland or Ring Scenario] uittGuildMemberOnlineAbroad [Connected on another Mainland or Ring Scenario] uittGuildMemberOffline [Not connected] uittTargetHp [@{6F6F}Trauma @{FFFF}of the target.\n The target dies when its @{6F6F}Trauma @{FFFF}reach 0.] uittTargetUnknown [Level of the target unknown.] uittTargetLevel [Level of the target:@{6F6F} %min @{FFFF}to @{6F6F}%max] uittTargetBoss [Boss of level @{6F6F}%n] uittTargetGuardBoss [Guard or Boss of level @{6F6F}%n] uittTargetNamed [Named creature of level @{6F6F}%n] uittInfoBulk [@{6F6F}Bulk@{FFFF}:\n Space occupied by the object in your inventory. The space of each inventory is limited, which means bulky items cannot be carried in great number.] uittInfoHP [@{6F6F}Trauma@{FFFF}:\n This value will decrease when using the item. When it reaches 0, the item is destroyed.] uittInfoWeight [@{6F6F}Weight@{FFFF}:\n If the total weight is too high, your moving speed may be reduced.] uittInfoMalus [@{6F6F}Actions Malus@{FFFF}:\n Penalty added by this item to the @{6F6F}Total Malus @{FFFF}(see Identity window).] uittInfoDodgeMod [@{6F6F}Dodge Modifier@{FFFF}:\n Bonus or Malus on your @{6F6F}Dodge@{FFFF} when you carry that item.] uittInfoParryMod [@{6F6F}Parry Modifier@{FFFF}:\n Bonus or Malus on your @{6F6F}Parry@{FFFF} when you carry that item.] uittInfoProt [@{6F6F}Protections@{FFFF}:\n Bonus to absorption of sustained magic damage.] uittInfoResist [@{6F6F}Resists@{FFFF}:\n Bonus to magic resistance.] uittInfoOrigin [@{6F6F}Origin@{FFFF}:\n Determines the item's appearance.] uittInfoRequirement [@{6F6F}Requirements@{FFFF}:\n Characteristics and skills required to use this item.] uittInfoItemSkill [@{6F6F}Skill@{FFFF}:\n Skill used when using this item.] uittInfoArmorQuality [@{6F6F}Quality@{FFFF}:\n A high quality usually means more protection.] uittInfoArmorProtection [@{6F6F}Protection@{FFFF}:\n Damage inflicted by a hit is reduced by this factor, with a maximum of the values below.] uittInfoArmorSlash [@{6F6F}Max. vs Slashing blow@{FFFF}:\n Maximum Trauma absorbed for a "slashing" hit.] uittInfoArmorPierc [@{6F6F}Max. vs Piercing blow@{FFFF}:\n Maximum Trauma absorbed for a "piercing" hit.] uittInfoArmorBlunt [@{6F6F}Max. vs Smashing blow@{FFFF}:\n Maximum Trauma absorbed for a "smashing" hit.] uittInfoArmorType [@{6F6F}Armor Type@{FFFF}:\n The armor type usually affects the action malus. Medium and heavy armor give additional Trauma bonuses.] uittInfoShieldCat [@{6F6F}Category@{FFFF}:\n Shields offer additional protection.\n @{6F6F}Small shields@{FFFF} protect hands and sometimes chest and arms.\n @{6F6F}Large shields@{FFFF} protect hands, chest, arms and sometimes legs.] uittInfoWeaponQuality [@{6F6F}Quality@{FFFF}:\n Your skill level must at least be equal to this level to be able to use the item.] uittInfoWeaponSapLoad [@{6F6F}Sap Load@{FFFF}:\n @{AAAF}Current Charge/Maximum charge@{FFFF}\n The sap capacity of an item, to be @{6F6F}charged@{FFFF} by @{6F6F}sap crystals@{FFFF}.] uittInfoWeaponDamage [@{6F6F}Damage@{FFFF}:\n @{AAAF}Current damage (Maximum damage)@{FFFF}\n You inflict maximum damage if your skill level is equal to or higher than the quality of the weapon.] uittInfoWeaponHitMin [@{6F6F}Hit/Minute@{FFFF}:\n Attack speed of the weapon.] uittInfoWeaponRDamage [@{6F6F}Damage@{FFFF}:\n @{AAAF}Current damage (Maximum damage)@{FFFF}\n Bonus added to the damage of ammunition.\n You inflict maximum damage if your skill level is equal to or higher than the quality of the weapon.] uittInfoWeaponRHitMin [@{6F6F}Hit/Minute@{FFFF}:\n Rate of fire of this weapon.] uittInfoWeaponReach [@{6F6F}Range@{FFFF}:\n Reach of this weapon. The higher it is compared to that of the enemy, the higher your chances to hit your target.] uittInfoWeaponRange [@{6F6F}Range@{FFFF}:\n Maximum distance at which you can fire at your enemy.] uittInfoTargetDodgeMod [@{6F6F}Adversary Dodge Modifier@{FFFF}:\n Bonus or Malus on the @{6F6F}Dodge@{FFFF} of your enemy.] uittInfoTargetParryMod [@{6F6F}Target Parry Modifier@{FFFF}:\n Bonus or Malus on the @{6F6F}Parry@{FFFF} of your enemy.] uittInfoDamageType [@{6F6F}Damage Type@{FFFF}:\n Some enemies are more vulnerable to certain types of damage than others.] uittInfoAmmoMagazine [@{6F6F}Magazine@{FFFF}:\n @{AAAF}Current Quantity/Maximum Quantity@{FFFF}\n Available ammunition.\n Place the ammo in your left hand to use it.] uittInfoAmmoDamage [@{6F6F}Damage@{FFFF}:\n @{AAAF}Current damage (Maximum damage)@{FFFF}\n You inflict maximum damage if your skill level is equal to or higher than the quality of the ammunition.] uittInfoAmmoHitMin [@{6F6F}Hit/Minute@{FFFF}:\n Modifier to the maximum rate of fire of your weapon.] uittInfoAmmoRange [@{6F6F}Range@{FFFF}:\n Modifier to the maximum range of your weapon.] uittInfoMpQuality [@{6F6F}Quality@{FFFF}:\n The quality of the raw material affects the price and the quality of the items you may craft with it.] uittInfoMpEco [@{6F6F}Ecosystem@{FFFF}:\n Place where the raw material may be found.] uittInfoMpColor [@{6F6F}Colour@{FFFF}:\n When you create armor and clothes, the color of the raw material can influence the color of the crafted item.] uittInfoMpFam [@{6F6F}Family@{FFFF}:\n Prospectors can specialize in the prospecting of certain families of raw materials.] uittActionSpellLevel [@{6F6F}Spell level@{FFFF}:\n Calculated according to the most expensive stanza.\n If the level of the spell is higher than the @{6F6F}quality@{FFFF} of the magic amplifiers, the amplifiers' bonuses will not be applied.] uittActionSuccessRateSF [@{6F6F}Success rate@{FFFF}:\n The success rate depends on the level of the weapon that is used.] uittActionSuccessRateSM [@{6F6F}Success rate@{FFFF}:\n The success rate depends on the levels of the magic stanzas that are used.] uittActionSuccessRateSC [@{6F6F}Success Rate@{FFFF}:\n The success rate depends on your skill level for this craft.] uittActionSuccessRateSH [@{6F6F}Success rate@{FFFF}:\n The success rate depends on the location of the harvest and the used stanzas.] uittActionSkillPoint [@{6F6F}Skill points@{FFFF}:\n @{AAAF}Needed points/Total cost \n @{FFFF}When you master all the stanzas of an action, the first number is 0 and the action is unshaded in the Actions window.] uittActionSkillReq [@{6F6F}Skill requirements@{FFFF}:\n Indicates the skills and their levels you must have.\n Requirements that are not met are shown in @{F80F}Orange@{FFFF}.] uittActionStanzaReq [@{6F6F}Required Stanzas@{FFFF}:\n You must know these stanzas before being able to learn this action.\n Requirements that are not met are shown in @{F80F}Orange@{FFFF}.] uittToolCraftType [@{6F6F}Tool Type@{FFFF}:\n Before crafting, you must equip the appropriate crafting tool.] uittInfoToolQuality [@{6F6F}Quality@{FFFF}:\n The quality of tools has no influence on their use.] uittInfoJewelryQuality [@{6F6F}Quality@{FFFF}:\n A high quality usually means higher magic protections.] uiQuickEmote [/hello] uimChatTab [Tabs] uiDefaultChatInput [** Press ENTER to chat **] uimQuickChat [Quick Chat] uiToggleDodgeParry [Dodge / Parry] uiR2EDRingWindow [Ring] uiR2EDScoresWindow [Scenario Scores] uiUniverseChanelWarningTitle [Universe Channel] uiR2EDHomeButton [HOME] uiUniverseChanelWarningContent [Warning! The Universe Channel is intended for players asking for help about the game and for those giving them the information. Misuse of this channel will be dealt with by GMs.] uiUniverseChanelWarningAvoid [Do not display this message anymore.] uittBonusMalusWindow [Bonus/Malus window] uiR2EntryPoint [Entry point] uiDockUndockChat [Dock/Undock Chat] uiCP_Choose_Keyset [Select Your Key Configuration] uiCP_Keyset_Ok [OK] uiCP_Keyset_Cancel [CANCEL] uiR2EDScenario [Scenario] uiR2EDRules [Control] uiR2EDstrict [Mastered] uiR2EDliberal [Masterless] uiR2EDScenarioControl [Listing Options] uiR2EDAccessFilterForPlayers [ACCESS FILTERS FOR PLAYERS] uiR2EDInviteTeam [INVITE YOUR TEAM] uiR2EDScenarioInformation [SCENARIO INFORMATION] uiR2EdRace [Race] uiR2EDRaceFyros [Ucikara] uiR2EDRaceMatis [Tcara] uiR2EDRaceTryker [Tryker] uiR2EDRaceZorai [Zoraï] uiR2EDReligion [Religion] uiR2EDReligionKami [Kami] uiR2EDReligionKaravan [Karavan] uiR2EDReligionNeutral [Neutral] uiR2EDNonGuildPlayers [Non-guild players] uiR2EDShard [Shards:] uiR2EDCombatLevel [Combat level] uiR2EDGlobalAccess [ALLOW NEWCOMERS] uiR2EDChooseScenario [BACK] uiR2EDScenarioName [Scenario name] uiR2EDScenarioFileName [Scenario file name] uiR2EDLanguage [Language] uiR2EDType [Type] uiR2EDScenarioDescription [Description] uiR2EDScenarioLevel [Difficulty] uiR2EDRoleplay [Roleplay] uiR2EDCombat [Combat] uiR2EDFrench [French] uiR2EDEnglish [English] uiR2EDDeutsch [German] uiR2EDAutoInvite [Auto invite] uiCP_KeysetName_ [Use arrow keys to move] uiCP_KeysetTooltip_ [Move your avatar using only @{6F6F}the arrow@{FFFF} keys.] uiCP_KeysetName_bi_zqsd [Move using 'ZQSD'] uiCP_KeysetTooltip_bi_zqsd [Move your avatar using the @{6F6F}ZQSD@{FFFF} like in 'First Person Shooters'. This goes for both French and Belgian keysets.] uiCP_KeysetName_bi_wasd [Move using 'WASD'] uiCP_KeysetTooltip_bi_wasd [Move your avatar using the @{6F6F}WASD@{FFFF} like in 'First Person Shooters'. This goes for American, English and German keysets.] uiCP_KeysetImport_Game [Import this character's keyset configuration\n @{6F6F}GAME ONLY] uiCP_KeysetImport_Editor [Import this character's keyset configuration\n @{6F6F}EDITOR ONLY] uiCP_KeysetImport_Game_Editor [Import this character's keyboard configuration\n @{6F6F}GAME & EDITOR] uiRAP_Owner [Owner] uiRAP_Title [Destination Name] uiRAP_Desc [Description] uiRAP_Level [Difficulty] uiRAP_Flags [Invited/Animator] uiRAP_ScenarioType [Type] uiRAP_PlayerCount [Nb. Players] uiRAP_Join [JOIN] uiRAP_Tell [TELL] uiRAP_AskForInvite [ASK FOR INVITE] uiRAP_NewDestination [NEW DESTINATION] uiRAP_MenuJoin [Enter the scenario] uiRAP_MenuTell [Ask the scenario owner to let you in] uiRAP_Language [Language] uiRAP_LaunchDate [Launch date] uiRAP_AuthorRRPRating [Author RRP] uiRAP_OwnerRRPRating [Owner RRP] uiRAP_ScenarioRRPRating [Scenario RRP] uiRAP_RateFun [Fun] uiRAP_RateDifficulty [Difficulty] uiRAP_RateAccessibility [Accessibility] uiRAP_RateOriginality [Originality] uiRAP_RateDirection [Direction] uiRAP [Ring Terminal] uiRAP_NoSessionForLangFilter [Some scenarios were found, but not for the selected language(s)!] uiRAP_NoSessionFound [No scenario found] uiRAP_NotInvited [To join this scenario, you must have been invited by the scenario owner. Click the 'ASK FOR INVITE' button to contact them.] uiRAP_Level0 [Novice] uiRAP_Level1 [Apprentice] uiRAP_Level2 [Confirmed] uiRAP_Level3 [Advanced] uiRAP_Level4 [Expert] uiRAP_Level5 [Master] uiRAP_HowToBeInvited [You don't have an invitation for this Ring Scenario. By double clicking on the scenario or by selecting it and using the @{6F6F}'ASK FOR INVITE'@{FFFF} button in the bottom right corner of this window, you can send the scenario owner a request to join.] uiRAP_HowToJoin [You have an invitation for this Ring Scenario. You can enter the scenario by double clicking on it or by selecting it and using the @{6F6F}'join'@{FFFF} button in the bottom right corner of this window.] uiRAP_WaitMsg0 [Retrieving scenario list.] uiRAP_WaitMsg1 [Retrieving scenario list..] uiRAP_WaitMsg2 [Retrieving scenario list...] uiRAP_ConnectionFailed [Connection failed!] uiRAP_Disconnection [Disconnected!] uiRAP_ConnectionClosed [Connection closed!] uiRAP_JoinFailed [Sorry, an error occured while trying to join the scenario, please try again] uiRAP_JoinConfirm [Join this scenario?] uiRAP_WinTitle [Ring Destinations] uiRAP_Enlarge [Fit columns] uiRAP_EnlargeTooltip [Enlarge the columns so that their content is fully visible. You can use the horizontal and vertical scrollbars if content is too big.] uiRAP_FlagsTooltip [A @{6F6F}CHECK@{FFFF} is displayed when the scenario owner has invited you to join the scenario.\n An @{6F6F}EYE@{FFFF} icon indicate that the owner is present in this scenario. Click to sort by this criterion.] uiRAP_OwnerTooltip [Name of the player that created the scenario. You can send a @{6F6F}tell@{FFFF} to this player via the right mouse button menu, or via the button at the bottom right corner of that window. Double clicking on a scenario to which you have not yet been invited will send a tell to the scenario owner, asking for an invitation. Click to sort by owner.] uiRAP_TitleTooltip [Title for the scenario, as given by its creator. Click to sort by title.] uiRAP_DescTooltip [The owner's description of the scenario. Click to sort the scenarios by description.] uiRAP_LevelTooltip [Difficulty of the scenario. This level determines the type of reward points that can be earned in the scenario and also the level of the skills that you will need to use in order to earn points.\n @{6F6F}Novice@{FFFF}: Skills of all levels\n @{6F6F}Apprentice@{FFFF}: Skills of at least level 21\n @{6F6F}Confirmed@{FFFF}: Skills of at least level 51\n @{6F6F}Advanced@{FFFF}: Skills of at least level 101\n @{6F6F}Expert@{FFFF}: Skills of at least level 151\n @{6F6F}Master@{FFFF}: Skills of at least level 201\n Click to sort by this criterion.] uiRAP_PlayerCountTooltip [Number of players that are currently playing in the scenario. Click to sort the scenarios by number of connected players.] uiRAP_LanguageTooltip [Language for the scenario. Click to sort the scenarios by language.] uiRAP_LaunchDateTooltip [Time at which the scenario started. Click to sort the scenarios by start time.] uiRAP_ScenarioTypeTooltip [The Scenario Type according to its creator. Click to sort the scenarios by scenario type.] uiRAP_AuthorRRPRatingTooltip [Reward Points of the scenario's author] uiRAP_OwnerRRPRatingTooltip [Reward Points of the scenario's owner] uiRAP_ScenarioRRPRatingTooltip [Reward Points of this scenario] uiRAP_RateFunTooltip [The average rating of @{6F6F}Fun@{FFFF} given by players to this scenario.] uiRAP_RateDifficultyTooltip [The average rating of @{6F6F}Difficulty@{FFFF} given by players to this scenario.] uiRAP_RateAccessibilityTooltip [The average rating of @{6F6F}Accessibility@{FFFF} given by players to this scenario.] uiRAP_RateOriginalityTooltip [The average rating of @{6F6F}Originality@{FFFF} given by players to this scenario.] uiRAP_RateDirectionTooltip [The average rating of @{6F6F}Direction@{FFFF} given by players to this scenario.] uiRAP_NoRate [No evaluation] uiRAP_ST_0 [-] uiRAP_ST_1 [Newbie training] uiRAP_ST_2 [Story telling] uiRAP_ST_3 [Mistery] uiRAP_ST_4 [Hack'n'Slash] uiRAP_ST_5 [Guild training] uiRAP_ST_6 [Other] uiCP_InRingSession [The Ring Scenario that this character launched was left running. Click @{6F6F}'Resume Scenario' @{FFFF}to continue] uiCharSel_ResumeSession [Resume Scenario] uiRAP_NewScenario [Launch a new @{6F6F}Ring@{FFFF} scenario] uiAddTellerToFriends [Friend] uiAddTellerToFriendsToolip [Add this person to your friend list.] uiAddTellerToIgnoreList [Ignore] uiAddTellerToIgnoreListTooltip [Add this person to your ignore list. You won't receive messages from this person again.] uiInviteToRingSession [Invite] uiInviteToRingSessionTooltip [Invite the character to this Ring Scenario, allowing them to join in via a @{6F6F}Ring Terminal@{FFFF}] uiAddTellerToIgnoreListWarning [Add this player to your ignore list?] uiRAP_CharsTitle [Players tracking] uiRAP_CharFlags [Connected player] uiRAP_CharName [Player] uiRAP_CharGuild [Guild] uiRAP_CharRace [Race] uiRAP_CharReligion [Religion] uiRAP_CharShard [Shard] uiRAP_CharLevel [Combat level] uiRAP_CharRace_0 [Ucikara] uiRAP_CharRace_1 [Tcara] uiRAP_CharRace_2 [Tryker] uiRAP_CharRace_3 [Zoraï] uiRAP_CharReligion_0 [Neutral] uiRAP_CharReligion_1 [Kami] uiRAP_CharReligion_2 [Karavan] uiRAP_CharFlagsTooltip [An eye indicates that a player is present in this scenario. Click to sort by this criterion.] uiRAP_CharNameTooltip [Name of the player that has been invited. You can send a @{6F6F}tell@{FFFF} to this player, @{6F6F}kick@{FFFF} him or @{6F6F}teleport to@{FFFF} him, using the right click menu, or the button at the bottom right corner of that window. Click to sort by this criterion.] uiRAP_CharGuildTooltip [Name of the player's guild if he has one. Click to sort by this criterion.] uiRAP_CharRaceTooltip [Player race. Click to sort by this criterion.] uiRAP_CharReligionTooltip [Player religion. Click to sort by this criterion.] uiRAP_CharShardTooltip [Player shard. Click to sort by this criterion.] uiRAP_CharLevelTooltip [Best combat/magic skill level. Click to sort by this criterion.] uiRAP_TellSentTo [Request for invitation sent to:] uiRingInviteNotification [You've been invited to join a ring scenario. If you select the scenario at a Ring Terminal you will be able to join it directly.] uiRingInvitationSent [has been invited to join this Ring Scenario] uiRingPlotItemDesc [description: ] uiRingPlotItemComment [comment: ] uiRingPlotItemEmpty [ - ] uiRingAutoInviteToggle [When @{6F6F}unchecked@{FFFF}, players must ask for an invitation before being able to join this scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingGlobalAccessToggle [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF}, only invited players will see this scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterFyros [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} Ucikara players who have not been invited cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterMatis [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} Tcara players who have not been invited cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterZorai [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} Zoraï players who have not been invited cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterTryker [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} Tryker players who have not been invited cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterGuild [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players who you have not invited and who are not part of your guild cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.\n This option has no effect if you don't have a guild.] uiRingFilterCombatLevel0 [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players who you have not invited and who's best combat skill is no higher than level @{6F6F}20@{FFFF} cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterCombatLevel1 [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players who you have not invited and who's best combat skill is between levels @{6F6F}21@{FFFF} and @{6F6F}50@{FFFF} cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterCombatLevel2 [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players who you have not invited and who's best combat skill is between levels @{6F6F}51@{FFFF} and @{6F6F}100@{FFFF} cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterCombatLevel3 [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players who you have not invited and who's best combat skill is between levels @{6F6F}101@{FFFF} and @{6F6F}150@{FFFF} cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterCombatLevel4 [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players who you have not invited and who's best combat skill is between levels @{6F6F}151@{FFFF} and @{6F6F}200@{FFFF} cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterCombatLevel5 [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players who you have not invited and who's best combat skill is between levels @{6F6F}201@{FFFF} and @{6F6F}250@{FFFF} cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterReligionKami [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players with Kami allegiance cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterReligionKaravan [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players with Karavan allegiance cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterReligionNeutral [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players with no allegiance cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRingFilterShard [When @{6F6F}unchecked @{FFFF} players from this shard who you have not invited cannot see your scenario at @{6F6F}Ring Terminals@{FFFF}.] uiRAP_AskForTall [Ask for talk] uiRAP_CharLevel_0 [1-20] uiRAP_CharLevel_1 [21-50] uiRAP_CharLevel_2 [51-100] uiRAP_CharLevel_3 [101-150] uiRAP_CharLevel_4 [151-200] uiRAP_CharLevel_5 [201-250] uiRAP_Invite [INVITE] uiRAP_InvitedAndConnected [This character whom you have invited to join this scenario is currently connected. By clicking on the name and using either the right mouse button or the @{6F6F}'tell'@{FFFF} button at the bottom right of the window, you can talk to the character ; with the @{6F6F}'kick'@{FFFF} button, you can expel them ; with the @{6F6F}'teleport to'@{FFFF} button, you can teleport yourself to their current position.] uiRAP_InvitedAndNotConnected [This character whom you have invited to join this scenario is currently not connected. By clicking on the name and using either the right mouse button or the @{6F6F}'tell'@{FFFF} button at the bottom right of the window, you can talk to the character ; with the @{6F6F}'kick'@{FFFF} button, you can expel them ; with the @{6F6F}'teleport to'@{FFFF} button, you can teleport yourself to their current position.] uiRAP_Kick [KICK] uiRAP_MenuCharTell [Send a 'tell' to ] uiRAP_MenuKick [Kick ] uiRAP_MenuTeleportTo [Teleport to ] uiRAP_MenuUnkick [Unkick ] uiRAP_NoCharFound [There are currently no invited characters] uiRAP_Resize [Resize] uiRAP_ResizeTooltip [Resize columns to their content] uiRAP_TeleportTo [Teleport to] uiRAP_Unkick [UNKICK] uiRAP_WaitChars0 [Retrieving characters.] uiRAP_WaitChars1 [Retrieving characters..] uiRAP_WaitChars2 [Retrieving characters...] uiR2EDso_newbie_training [Newbie Training] uiR2EDso_story_telling [Story Telling] uiR2EDso_mistery [Mystery] uiR2EDso_hack_slash [Hack & Slash] uiR2EDso_guild_training [Guild Training] uiR2EDso_other [Other] uiR2EDfr [French] uiR2EDen [English] uiR2EDde [German] uiR2EDother_lang [Other] uiR2EDEditScenario [Resume] uiR2EDNewScenario [Reset Editor] uiR2EDNewScenarioWarning [Press OK to reset the editor and create a new scenario from scratch] uiNoAvailableMissions [Mission Journal is unavailable in the Ring] uiNoAvailableAnimals [Animals are unavailable in the Ring] uiR2EDLaunchScenario [Launch] uiR2EDApplyScenarioFilters [Apply] uiRingLaunchScenarioTooltip [Launch a session of the scenario you have chosen.] uiRingDescriptionScenarioTooltip [Describe the scenario that you will launch. It will be visible by all players at each Ring Terminal.] uiRingWarningFreeTrial [FREE TRIAL LIMITATIONS:\n \n You cannot join this Ring adventure with a free trial account.\n \n In order to gain full access to Khanat Ring you need to subscribe to Khanat.\n \n To upgrade your account see \n www.ryzomcore.org\n ] uiRingWarningInviteFreeTrial [You cannot invite this player because he has a free trial account and this scenario is not allowed for free trial players.\n ] uiRingWarningNewcomer [You cannot invite this player because one of you is a newcomer.\n ] uiRingWarningBanishedPlayer [You have been banned. You have lost the ability to launch a scenario.] uiRingLaunchScenarioError [An error occured when you tried to launch your scenario.] uiRingUpdateScenarioFiltersError [An error occured when you tried to update your scenario filters.] uiRingChooseScenario [Choose a scenario.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Name [@{6F6F}File Name\n @{FFFF}File name of the scenario to load] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Title [@{6F6F}Title\n @{FFFF} Title of the selected scenario] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Description [@{6F6F}Description\n @{FFFF} Description of the selected scenario, as provided by the author] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Rules [@{6F6F}Mastering\n @{FFFF} Mastered means that the you will be the Adventure Master in the scenario\n Masterless means that you will participate in the scenario as a player] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Level [@{6F6F}Difficulty\n @{FFFF} Difficulty of the selected scenario.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Language [@{6F6F}Language\n @{FFFF} The language of the scenario, as declared by the scenario author] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_RingPointsLevel [@{6F6F}Requirements\n @{FFFF} Indicates wether you are permitted to load this scenario. One is only permitted to load scenarios that contain content that one has access to. One gains access to additional content by exploring the mainlands of Khanat.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Author [@{6F6F}Author\n @{FFFF} Author of the selected scenario. Between brackets is the rating given by the author to its own scenario.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_NewbieTreeInfo [@{6F6F}newbieLand Scenarios \n @{FFFF} WRITE ME] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Fun [@{6F6F}Fun Rating \n @{FFFF} Fun rating for the selected scenario.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Difficulty [@{6F6F}Difficulty Rating \n @{FFFF} Difficulty rating for the selected scenario.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Accessibility [@{6F6F}Accessibility Rating \n @{FFFF} Accessibility rating for the selected scenario.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Originality [@{6F6F}Originality Rating \n @{FFFF} Originality rating for the selected scenario.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Direction [@{6F6F}Direction Rating \n @{FFFF} Direction rating for the selected scenario.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_RRPTotal [@{6F6F}Khanat Ring Points Total \n @{FFFF} Khanat Ring Points Total for the selected scenario.] uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_TreeInfo [@{6F6F}Examples\n @{FFFF}Example scenarios supplied with Khanat. These demonstrate some of the things that can be done with Khanat Ring.\n @{6F6F}Pioneer Scenarios\n @{FFFF}Provided by other players and customer support, these are not vetted.\n @{6F6F}My Files\n @{FFFF}The files that are in the 'My Scenarios' folder on your computer.] uiR2EDLoadScenarioWindow [Load Scenario] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Description [Scenario description] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Title [Title] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Author [Author] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Rules [Mastering] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Level [Difficulty] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Language [Language] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_RingPointsLevel [Requirements] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Name [File Name] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_FunRating [Fun] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_DifficultyRating [Difficulty] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_AccessibilityRating [Accessibility] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_OriginalityRating [Originality] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_DirectionRating [Direction] uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_RRPTotal [Khanat Ring Points] uiR2EDLoadScenario_InvalidFileName [Invalid file name] uiR2EDLoadScenario_Yes [You have sufficient knowledge of Khanat] uiR2EDLoadScenario_No [You have INSUFFICIENT knowledge of Khanat] uiR2EDRollout_ScenarioInfo [Scenario Information] uiR2EDRollout_Load [Load] uiR2EDRollout_Ratings [Ratings] uiR2EDValidateForm [OK] uiR2EDCancelForm [CANCEL] uiR2EDBasicSkills [Stats] uiR2EDRingSkills [Advanced Stats] uiR2EDEcosystemPointsTitle [KNOWLEDGE OF KHANAT] uiR2EDBasicsPoints [General] uiR2EDDesertPoints [Desert] uiR2EDSubtropicPoints [Lakes] uiR2EDForestPoints [Forest] uiR2EDJunglePoints [Jungle] uiR2EDPrimeRootPoints [Prime Roots] uiR2EDBasicPointsTooltip [@{6F6F}General@{FFFF}: %n/%p\n ] uiR2EDDesertPointsTooltip [@{6F6F}Desert@{FFFF}: %n/%p\n ] uiR2EDSubtropicPointsTooltip [@{6F6F}Lakes@{FFFF}: %n/%p\n ] uiR2EDForestPointsTooltip [@{6F6F}Forest@{FFFF}: %n/%p\n ] uiR2EDJunglePointsTooltip [@{6F6F}Jungle@{FFFF}: %n/%p\n ] uiR2EDPrimeRootPointsTooltip [@{6F6F}Prime Roots@{FFFF}: %n/%p\n ] uiR2EDRrpsLevelTitle [Reward Points (RRP)] uiR2EDRrpsLevel20 [Novice level] uiR2EDRrpsLevel50 [Apprentice level] uiR2EDRrpsLevel100 [Confirmed level] uiR2EDRrpsLevel150 [Advanced level] uiR2EDRrpsLevel200 [Expert level] uiR2EDRrpsLevel250 [Master level] uiR2EDRrpsLevel20Tooltip [@{6F6F}Novice level Ring Reward Points@{FFFF}: %n.\n Points gained in 'Novice' scenarios\n ] uiR2EDRrpsLevel50Tooltip [@{6F6F}Apprentice level Ring Reward Points@{FFFF}: %n.\n Points gained in 'Apprentice' scenarios (using skills of at least level 21)\n ] uiR2EDRrpsLevel100Tooltip [@{6F6F}Confirmed level Ring Reward Points@{FFFF}: %n.\n Points gained in 'Confirmed' scenarios (using skills of at least level 51)\n ] uiR2EDRrpsLevel150Tooltip [@{6F6F}Advanced level Ring Reward Points@{FFFF}: %n.\n Points gained in 'Advanced' scenarios (using skills of at least level 101)\n ] uiR2EDRrpsLevel200Tooltip [@{6F6F}Expert level Ring Reward Points@{FFFF}: %n.\n Points gained in 'Expert' scenarios (using skills of at least level 151)\n ] uiR2EDRrpsLevel250Tooltip [@{6F6F}Master level Ring Reward Points@{FFFF}: %n.\n Points gained in 'Master' scenarios (using skills of at least level 201)\n ] uiR2EDRingRatingTitle [Ring Ratings] uiR2EDAuthorRingRating [Author Rating] uiR2EDAMRingRating [AM Rating] uiR2EDMasterlessRingRating [Organizer Rating] uiR2EDAuthorRingRatingTooltip [@{6F6F}Author Rating@{FFFF}: Level: %n, Progress: %p%.\n Rating as scenario creator. This rating increases as people play in the scenarios that you have created.\n ] uiR2EDAMRingRatingTooltip [@{6F6F}AM Rating@{FFFF}: Level: %n, Progress: %p%.\n Rating as an Adventure Master. This rating increases as people play in mastered scenarios that you are running.\n ] uiR2EDMasterlessRingRatingTooltip [@{6F6F}Organizer Rating@{FFFF}: Level: %n, Progress: %p%.\n Rating as organizer of masterless scenarios. This rating increases as people play with you in masterless scenarios that you have launched.\n ] uiRingLoadingNotARoSScenario [You cannot load a Mainland scenario while you are in the Dispensary. ] uiRingNoRatings [Scenario scores are unavailable in Mainland.] uiR2EDScenarioScores [AVERAGE SCENARIO SCORES] uiR2EDMyScenarioScores [MY SCENARIO SCORES] uiClickToSelectAMission [Click here to select a mission.] uiNoAvailableMission [Your mission journal is empty.] uittExpandMissionList [Click to toggle between expanded list and dropdown menu display.] uittMissionCombo [This is your mission journal, and your current mission. Click to choose, or use @{6F6F}Mouse wheel up@{FFFF} or @{6F6F}Mouse wheel down@{FFFF} to cycle through available missions.] uittMissionJournal [This is your mission journal] uiFixedMissionEntry_Newbie [Dispensary] uiFixedMissionEntry_Newbie_R2 [Dispensary/Ring] uiFixedMissionEntry_Newbie_Trial [Dispensary/Free trial] uiFixedMissionEntry_Newbie_R2_Trial [Dispensary/Free trial/Ring] uiFixedMissionEntry_Mainland_Fyros [Main land / Ucikara] uiFixedMissionEntry_Mainland_Matis [Main land / Tcara] uiFixedMissionEntry_Mainland_Tryker [Main land / Tryker] uiFixedMissionEntry_Mainland_Zorai [Main land / Zoraï] uiFixedMissionEntry_R2 [Khanat ring] uiCaptionToggle [Title bar on/off] msgCustomizedEmoteNoAnim [&CHK&You asked to play the emote's animation only, however the emote doesn't have an animation.] uiR2WinColors [Ring Header Colors] uiR2Palette [Palette] uiR2Scenario [Scenario] uiR2Prop_window [Properties] uiR2Form [Forms] uiR2Custom_look [Customize look] uiR2Dialogs [Dialogs] uiR2Events [Events] uiR2Activities [Activities] uiR2Feature_help [Feature help] uiR2Connect [Connect] uiR2Session_browser [Session browser] uiR2Scenario_control [Scenario Filter] uiR2Player_tracking [Player Tracking] uiCCDPalette [Palette Heading Color] uiCCDScenario [Scenario Heading Color] uiCCDProp_window [Properties Heading Color] uiCCDForm [Forms Heading Color] uiCCDCustom_look [Customize Look Heading Color] uiCCDDialogs [Dialogs Heading Color] uiCCDEvents [Events Heading Color] uiCCDActivities [Activities Heading Color] uiCCDFeature_help [Feature Help Heading Color] uiCCDConnect [Connect Heading Color] uiCCDSession_browser [Session Browser Heading Color] uiCCDScenario_control [Scenario Control Heading Color] uiCCDPlayer_tracking [Player Tracking Heading Color] uittR2_Palette [Choose header color for 'Palette'] uittR2_Scenario [Choose header color for 'Scenario'] uittR2_Prop_window [Choose header color for 'Properties'] uittR2_Form [Choose header color for 'Forms'] uittR2_Custom_look [Choose header color for 'Customize look'] uittR2_Dialogs [Choose header color for 'Dialogs'] uittR2_Events [Choose header color for 'Events'] uittR2_Activities [Choose header color for 'Activities'] uittR2_Feature_help [Choose header color for 'Feature help'] uittR2_Connect [Choose header color for 'Connect'] uittR2_Session_browser [Choose header color for 'Session browser'] uittR2_Scenario_control [Choose header color for 'Scenario control'] uittR2_Player_tracking [Choose header color for 'Player Tracking'] uiBGD_RBG [Khanat Downloader] uiBGD_Exit [Exit] uiBGD_ShowHide [Show/Hide] uiBGD_CloseWarning [This action will not close the downloader, it will keep running in the background. To close the downloader, click on the tray icon and select 'Exit'.] uiBGD_DontShowAgain [Do not show this warning again.] uiBGD_OK [OK] uiBGD_PatchComplete [Patch completed succesfully!] uiBGD_CheckFailed [Error encountered while looking for files to download] uiBGD_PatchingFailed [Patch failed. Please check your disk space and internet connection and try again] uiBGD_CheckSuccess [File check finished] uiBGD_Progress [Patch progress: ] uiBGD_PatchUpToDate [Khanat is up to date] uiBGD_PatchError [Patch error, please check your disk space and system settings and try again] uiBGD_ProtocolError [Game/Downloader communication Error. Please restart Khanat or as a last resort use the Khanat Downloader to repair your installation.] uiBGD_DownloaderDisconnected [Khanat Downloader stopped, please restart Khanat] uiBGD_Launching [Launching Khanat Downloader...] uiBGD_LaunchError [Failed to launch the Khanat Downloader...] uiBGD_ShuttingDown [Shutting down the Khanat Downloader...] uiBGD_ForciblyShutdown [Khanat Downloader is still running, but is not responding, you may need to restart your computer...] uiBGD_InvalidCommandLine [Please use Khanat Downloader to repair a broken Khanat installation.] uiBGD_FullPatchNeeded [This feature can only be accessed after background patching has finished. The background patching progress is indicated by the progress bar.] uiBGD_MainlandCharFullPatchNeeded [This location that this character is at can only be accessed after background patching has finished. The background patching progress is indicated by the progress bar.] uiBGD_WindowTitle [Downloader] uiBGD_Paused [Paused] uiBGD_LowPriority [Low priority] uiBGD_NormalPriority [Normal priority] uiBGD_PriorityTooltip [Select the priority of the Khanat Downloader. You may want to @{6F6F}Pause@{FFFF} the downloader if you experience slowdown. If you have a fast machine, or want to speed up the patching process, you select choose @{6F6F}Normal Priority@{FFFF}] uiBGD_NotUsed [Not used] uiBGD_ShutdownFailed [Failed to shutdown the Khanat Downloader, you may need to restart your computer to solve the problem] uiBGD_InGamePatchIncomplete [Access to the Khanat mainland and Khanat Ring requires patching to have been finished. The patching progress is indicated in the Patch Window.] uiBGD_InGamePatchIncompleteBC [Please wait for patching to finish] uiBGD_InGamePatchCompletion [Khanat is now fully patched! You can now access Khanat Ring or be teleported to the mainland!] uiBGD_MultipleRyzomInstance [Failed to initiate patching process because another Khanat is already running. Please close the other Khanat and try again.] uiCP_KeysetName_bi_wow_alike [Other 1] uiCP_KeysetTooltip_bi_wow_alike [For those used to some other MMO Games keybinding, make a smooth transition using that keyset. Applies to the game only (Khanat Ring keyset remains the same).] uiAutomaticCamera [Automatic Camera] uiMouseDblClickMode [Double Click Mode] uiAutoEquipTool [Auto Equip Mode] msgNoCastWhileMoving [&CHK&You cannot cast a spell while moving.] uiBGD_PatchStarting [Khanat patching has started] uiBGD_BackgroundPatchStarting [Khanat background patching has started] uiBGD_Welcome [Khanat is about to be installed on your computer. You may also repair an existing version of Khanat.\n ] uiBGD_NewInstall [Install Khanat] uiBGD_Repair [Repair Khanat] uiBGD_NextStep [Next >] uiBGD_Quit [Exit] uiBGD_ChoosePackage [Please choose a package to install: ] uiBGD_MinimalInstall [Minimum installation. The free trial starting island will be installed.] uiBGD_FullInstall [Full Khanat Install] uiBGD_RyzomInstaller [Khanat Downloader] uiBGD_Torrent [Torrent Mode] uiBGD_InstallCongrat [Congratulations!] uiBGD_CongratSuccessfullInstall [Khanat has been successfully installed.\n We wish you great adventures in the Khanat!\n ] uiBGD_StartRyzomNow [Start Khanat now] uiBGD_Help [Help] uiBGD_FinishInstall [Finish] uiBGD_ResumeDownloadInfo [Note: You can resume the installation at any time by double-clicking on the installer shortcut on your desktop.] uiBGD_PackageTitle [Khanat installation\n \n ] uiBGD_Package [Please choose installation options\n ] uiBGD_TaskTypeDownload [1. Download] uiBGD_TaskTypeInstall [2. Install] uiQueued [Queued] uiChecking [Checking] uiBGD_Connecting [Connecting] uiDownloadingMetadata [Downloading meta data] uiFinished [Finishing] uiSeeding [Seeding] uiAllocating [Allocating] uiCanNotDownload [There has been an error downloading one of the Khanat installation files.\n Please make sure that you have sufficient disk space and that your internet connection is operating correctly. ] uiCanNotInstall [There has been an error installing one of the Khanat installation files.\n Please make sure that you have sufficient disk space for the installation.] uiBGD_CategoryDownload [Downloading (1/2)] uiBGD_CategoryInstall [Installing (2/2)] uiBGD_Restarting [The program will be relaunched] uiBGD_LoadTorrent [Downloading hash infos] uiBGD_LoadPackageList [Loading available package list] uiBGD_RequiredSize [Size needed: {0}] uiBGD_Download [] uiBGD_Installing [] uiBGD_ScanData [Checking integrity] uiBGD_Patch [Downloading] uiBGD_CheckData [Check data] uiBGD_InstallFinished [Installation finished.\n \n You can now play to Khanat.] uiBGD_LoadVersionError [Error: impossible to load version info. Please make sure your internet connection is operating correctly.] uiBGD_LoadVersionInfo [Loading Version Infos] uiBGD_LoadDownloadList [Updating download list] uiBGD_Hour [{0} hour] uiBGD_Hours [{0} hours] uiBGD_Minute [{0} minute] uiBGD_Minutes [{0} minutes] uiBGD_Seconde [{0} second] uiBGD_Secondes [{0} seconds] uiBGD_TimeLeft [({0} left)] uiBGD_FilenameFormat [{0}] uiBGD_RateFormat [ at {0}/s] uiSelectPackage [Package selection] uiBGD_RyzomUpdateRepair [Khanat Install and Repair] uiBGD_ContentStartProcessFullVersion [You have opted to only install the minimum files required to start playing. The remaining files will be downloaded and installed while you play.] uiBGD_ContentStartProcessInstall [You are about to download and install the latest version of Khanat.\n The complete version of Khanat requires {0} of disk space.] uiBGD_ContentStartProcessRepair [You are about to update your installation of Khanat to the latest version.\n This operation will repair any files that are damaged or missing.\n At the end of the update the game configuration options will be reset to the default values.] uiBGD_ContentStartProcessTorrent ['Torrent Mode' uses BitTorent technology to download from several servers at a time. Disabling 'Turbo Download' can fix some types of download problem.] uiBGD_TitleStartProcessInstall [Welcome to the Khanat Downloader] uiBGD_TitleInstallSuccess [Congratulations] uiBGD_ContentInstallSuccess [Khanat has been installed successfully] uiBGD_QuitInstallContent [Do your realy want to quit the installation program.] uiBGD_QuitInstallRestart [You will be able to to continue the install process where you have left it by clicking on the Khanat icon on your desktop.] uiBGD_QuitInstallTitle [Quit?] uiBGD_ErrorSupportFormat [Tips on solving common problems on the {0}] uiBGD_ErrorSupportUrl [https://lirria.khaganat.net/] uiBGD_HandShaking [Initiating communication with patcher (try %d/%d)] uiRyzomErrorMsgBoxHelp [Help] uittBrowseFaq [Help] uiUnsupportedColorDepth [The current desktop color depth is not supported by Khanat. Please launch Khanat in 16 millions color mode.] uiUnsupportedNewColorDepth [The new desktop color depth is not supported by Khanat. Please launch Khanat in 16 millions color mode.] uiDeathWarningTitle [Coma and Death] uiDeathWarningContent [You are in a coma.\n \n The timer shows your life energy ebbing away. When it runs critically low you should be resuscitated you at the point highlighted on the map.\n \n You may be healed by other players in order to avoid incurring the penalties associated with death, or press the RESPAWN button to call on the divinities immediately.] uiDeathWarningAvoid [Do not display this message anymore.] uiScreenShotPNG [Screenshot PNG] uiQDeleteAction [Do you really want to delete this action?] uiQDeleteMacro [Do you really want to delete this macro?] uiQResetUI [Do you really want to reset the UI?] uiCommandNotExists [Unknown command.] uiNightWarningTitle [Night] uiNightWarningContent [It is night.\n \n You can illuminate your surroundings by pressing 'L' (by default) on your keyboard.\n ] uitabBuyAll [All] uitabBuyAction [Actions] uitabBuyUpgrade [Upgrades] uitabBuyPower [Powers/Auras] uitabBuyCarac [Characteristics] uittConsiderTargetNoSelection [No target selected] uittConsiderTargetLevel [@{6F6F}Level@{FFFF} of the target] uittConsiderBoss [This creature is @{6F6F}guild challenging@{FFFF}.] uittConsiderBossNpc [This character is a @{6F6F}guild-level challenge@{FFFF}.] uittConsiderNamedOrMiniBoss [This creature is a @{6F6F}team-level challenge@{FFFF}.] uittConsiderUnknownLevel [The level of the target is @{F00F}too high@{FFFF} compared to your level.\n \n @{888F}Note: You can see the level of your target up to 10 levels above your own level. You get a 10 level bonus for each player in your team.] uittConsiderBothPVPToSeeLevel [@{6F6F}Tip:@{FFFF} Both you and your target must be in PvP mode for your to see your opponent's level.] uittTabBuyAll [Show all available training] uittTabBuyAction [New actions] uittTabBuyUpgrade [Upgrades for your skills] uittTabBuyPower [New powers and auras] uittTabBuyCarac [Characteristics improvements] uittSeconds [ second(s) ] uittMinutes [ minute(s) ] uittHours [ hour(s) ] uittSecondsShort [ s ] uittMinutesShort [ m ] uittHoursShort [ h ] uittMeters [ meter(s)] uiNoTrainingAvailable [No training available for this category] uittSuccessRate [Success rate: @{6F6F}] uittRegenTime [Disabled for: @{6F6F}] uittDisableTime [Reuse time: @{FFFF}] uiAtysianCycle1Ordinal [1st] uiAtysianCycle2Ordinal [2nd] uiAtysianCycle3Ordinal [3rd] uiAtysianCycle4Ordinal [4th] uiScreenshotSaved [has been saved in your Khanat folder.] uiRpjobMaxLevel [You have reached the maximum level in this occupation.] uiShowTimesInChatCB [Show Timestamps in Chat] uittShowTimesInChat [If checked, displays the current time before all chat messages.] uiEchelon [Grade: ] uiShowClock [Show Clock in Compass] uittShowClock [If checked, displays the current time in the compass.] uiUntranslatedToken [Invalid token: '%s'. No return value and no default specified.] uiShow3dItemPreview [Show 3D Item Preview] uittShow3dItemPreview [If checked, displays a 3D preview of the inspected item.] uiShowDynChannelNameInChatCB [Show Dynamic Channel Name in User Chanel] uittShowDynChannelNameInChat [If checked, the name of the dynamic chat channel is shown in front if the message is displayed in the user tab.] uiShowReticle [Show Target Reticle] uittShowReticle [If checked, show a target reticle on mouseover and selection of target.] uiCurrentLocalAndUtcTime [Current local time is %local, UTC time is %utc.] uittContactInfo [Open friend's profile] uiPlayerInfos [Info] youTellPlayer [You tell %name] uimwHands2 [ACTION #2] uiRunShortcut2 [Run Shortcut #2] uiActions2 [Actions #2] uiKeysActionsTitle2 [Action Shortcuts #2] uiThousandsSeparator [,] uiRaceBold [RACE: ] uittFilterTP [Filter @{6F6F}Teleporter Pacts\n @{FFFF}Right click to select only @{6F6F}Teleporter Pacts@{FFFF}.] uiShowOnlineOfflineNotifications [Show Online/Offline Notifications] uittShowOnlineOfflineNotifications [Show a notification when guildmembers or friends go online or offline.] uiPlayerOnline [&ISE&%s has come online.] uiPlayerOffline [&ISE&%s has gone offline.] uiDynColor0 [Dynamic Channel 0] uiCCDDyn0 ['Dynamic channel 0' messages color] uittChooseDynColor0 [Choose color for messages in dynamic chat channel 0] uiDynColor1 [Dynamic Channel 1] uiCCDDyn1 ['Dynamic channel 1' messages color] uittChooseDynColor1 [Choose color for messages in dynamic chat channel 1] uiDynColor2 [Dynamic Channel 2] uiCCDDyn2 ['Dynamic channel 2' messages color] uittChooseDynColor2 [Choose color for messages in dynamic chat channel 2] uiDynColor3 [Dynamic Channel 3] uiCCDDyn3 ['Dynamic channel 3' messages color] uittChooseDynColor3 [Choose color for messages in dynamic chat channel 3] uiDynColor4 [Dynamic Channel 4] uiCCDDyn4 ['Dynamic channel 4' messages color] uittChooseDynColor4 [Choose color for messages in dynamic chat channel 4] uiDynColor5 [Dynamic Channel 5] uiCCDDyn5 ['Dynamic channel 5' messages color] uittChooseDynColor5 [Choose color for messages in dynamic chat channel 5] uiDynColor6 [Dynamic Channel 6] uiCCDDyn6 ['Dynamic channel 6' messages color] uittChooseDynColor6 [Choose color for messages in dynamic chat channel 6] uiDynColor7 [Dynamic Channel 7] uiCCDDyn7 ['Dynamic channel 7' messages color] uittChooseDynColor7 [Choose color for messages in dynamic chat channel 7] uiQSetLeader [Are you sure you want to make this member Guild Leader?] uimLockItem [Lock] uimUnlockItem [Unlock] uimSetTeamLeader [Set Leader] uiKeyTILDE [TILDE] uiKeySLASH [SLASH] uiKeyPERIOD [PERIOD] uiKeyBACKSLASH [BACKSLASH] uiKeyAPOSTROPHE [APOSTROPHE] uiKeySEMICOLON [SEMICOLON] uiKeyRBRACKET [RBRACKET] uiKeyLBRACKET [LBRACKET] uiKeyEQUALS [EQUALS] uiKeyDASH [DASH] uiJoinLeagueProposal [LEAGUE INVITATION] uiPvpPoints [PVP POINTS] uiPvpTotal [Total] uiOrganization [ORGANIZATION] uiOrganization_5 [Marauders] uiOrganization_0 [Undefined] uiPoints [Points:] uiOrganizationStatus [Rank:] uittOrganization [You can join an @{6F6F}Organization@{FFFF} and get the advantages of belonging to that organization by passing a rite.\n \n You will need to meet the fame requirements before you do the rite. The sage (or equivalent) of the organization can give you more information.] uiRpTags [Roleplay Tags] uittRpTags [Show any Roleplay Tags above the character] uimwTaskBar [Taskbar] uiWindowNpcName [NPC Name] uittNpcName [Show friendly NPC's name above the character] uiNpcTitle [NPC Title] uittNpcTitle [Show frienly NPC's title above the character] uiHands2 [Actions #2] uiContinentNewbieland [Khanat] uiCP_Specie_Race1 [Ucikara] uiCP_Specie_Race2 [Tcara] uiCP_Name_Generator [Random name] uiCP_Name_Generate [Pick a name] uiEon [Éon de la Symbiose] uiYear [Lirri'a] uiPavdei [pavdei] uiReldei [reldei] uiCibdei [cibdei] uiVondei [vondei] uiRpJobs [Métiers] uiPlayerTitle [TITRE >] uiBewareAlpha [Jeu en pré-alpha] uiBewareAlphaText [Utilisez un email jetable et un mot de passe que vous n'utilisez pas sur d'autres comptes, la sécurité de ces informations n'est pas garantie sur nos serveurs. Votre compte peut être effacé/réinitialisé à tout moment. Venez sur IRC en cas de souci.] uiFXAA [Enable FXAA] uigcFxAnisotropicFilter [Anisotropic Filtering:] uigcFxAnisotropicFilterNone [None] uiShowClock12h [Use 12-hour clock] uittShowClock12h [If checked, use 12-hour clock in compass and in chat messages.] uiRadarUseCamera [Radar follows camera rotation] uittRadarUseCamera [If checked, use camera rotation for radar view.] uiMouseTablet [Mode tablet] uiFameTitle [FAME] uiDebugProfileFillRate [Profile Fillrate] uimwAppZone [AppZone] uiNoFiles [No Files...] uiPlayedTime [You played with this character for %time.] uiPlaylistRefresh [Refresh] uiFreeViewTablet [Tablet or touch screen]