From 2f59ea488b283f6847a8c344fc241cbc86bab079 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kaetemi Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 16:33:46 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Some cleanup of uxt --- translation/work/wk.uxt | 619 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 349 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-) diff --git a/translation/work/wk.uxt b/translation/work/wk.uxt index 86bc8b9..c783588 100644 --- a/translation/work/wk.uxt +++ b/translation/work/wk.uxt @@ -1,12 +1,7 @@ -LanguageName [English] + +// Application basics +LanguageName [English] TheSagaOfRyzom [Ryzom Core] -Whisper [Whisper: ] -Say [Say: ] -Shout [Shout: ] -NoCastOnMount [Impossible to cast a spell when mounted.] -NoCreateOnMount [Impossible to create a spell when mounted.] -NoTeleportOnMount [Impossible to teleport a player when mounted.] -NoMountWhenSpell [Impossible to mount when creating or casting a spell.] PropertyNotFound [Property not found.] uittQuitRyzom [Quit Ryzom Core] uittQuitGame [Character Selection] @@ -16,241 +11,7 @@ uittLaunchEditor [Scenario Editor] uittLeaveEditor [Leave Editor] uittOK [OK] uittCancel [Cancel] -uiDistanceto [Distance to Compass Target] -uiRange [Range] -uittLead [Team Leader] -uittSuccessor [Team Successor] -agp_trouble [The driver has failed to allocate AGP memory. This may result in performance and display issues.\n - Do you want to know more?] -can_t_load_the_display_driver [Cannot load the display driver] -can_t_initialise_the_mouse [Cannot initialize the mouse] -can_t_initialise_the_keyboard [Cannot initialize the keyboard] -can_t_create_a_window_display [Cannot create a window display] -can_t_create_a_fullscreen_display [Cannot create a fullscreen display] -bits [bits] -___faber_skill_sep___ [--------------------------------] Misc [Misc] -ifARMOR [Armor] -ifMELEE_WEAPON [Melee weapon] -ifRANGE_WEAPON [Range weapon] -ifAMMO [Ammo] -ifRAW_MATERIAL [Raw Material] -ifSHIELD [Shield] -ifCRAFTING_TOOL [Crafting Tool] -ifHARVEST_TOOL [Harvesting Tool] -ifTAMING_TOOL [Taming Tool] -ifTRAINING_TOOL [Training Tool] -ifAI [AI] -ifBRICK [Stanza] -ifCORPSE [Corpse] -ifCARRION [Carrion] -ifBAG [Bag] -ifSTACK [Stack] -ifLIVING_SEED [Living Seed] -ifDEAD_SEED [Dead Seed] -ifFOOD [Food] -ifJEWELRY [Jewelry] -ifTELEPORT [Teleport] -ifUNDEFINED [Undefined] -ioUnknown [Unknown] -ioCommon [Common] -ioFyros [Fyros] -ioMatis [Matis] -ioTryker [Tryker] -ioZorai [Zoraï] -ioTribe [Tribe] -ioRefugee [Refugee] -ioKaravan [Karavan] -ioKami [Kami] -atUNKNOWN [Unknown] -atHEAVY [Heavy] -atMEDIUM [Medium] -atLIGHT [Light] -wtLIGHT [Light] -wtMEDIUM [Medium] -wtHEAVY [Heavy] -wtHANDS [Hands] -wtLIGHT_GUN [Light gun] -wtMEDIUM_GUN [Medium gun] -wtHEAVY_GUN [Heavy gun] -wtUNKNOWN [Unknown] -stNONE [None] -stSMALL_SHIELD [Small shield] -stLARGE_SHIELD [Large shield] -dtSLASHING [Slashing] -dtPIERCING [Piercing] -dtBLUNT [Smashing] -dtROT [Rot] -dtACID [Acid] -dtCOLD [Cold] -dtFIRE [Fire] -dtPOISON [Poison] -dtELECTRICITY [Electricity] -dtSHOCK [Shockwave] -dtUNDEFINED [Undefined] -ecosysUnknown [Unknown] -ecosysCommonEcosystem [Common] -ecosysDesert [Desert] -ecosysForest [Forest] -ecosysLacustre [Lakes] -ecosysJungle [Jungle] -ecosysGoo [Goo] -ecosysPrimaryRoot [Prime Roots] -mpcatUndefined [Undefined] -mpcatExotic [Exotic] -mpcatFaber [Crafter] -mpcatUpgrade [Upgrade] -scoreHitPoints [Hit Points] -scoreSap [Sap] -scoreStamina [Stamina] -scoreWeight [Weight] -scoreDiseaseResist [Disease resistance] -scoreMagicResist [Magic resistance] -scoreTechnoResist [Techno resistance] -scoreImpactResist [Impact resistance] -scoreFearResist [Fear resistance] -scoreUnknown [Unknown] -bricktMAGIC [Magic] -bricktCOMBAT [Combat] -bricktFABER [Crafter] -bricktHARVEST [Ranger] -bricktTRACKING [Tracking] -bricktSHOPKEEPER [Shopkeeper] -bricktMISCELLANEOUS [Miscellaneous] -bricktUNKNOWN [Unknown] -toolNone [Unknown] -toolArmorTool [Armor Crafting Tool] -toolJewelryTool [Jewelry Crafting Tool] -toolAmmoTool [Ammo Crafting Tool] -toolRangeWeaponTool [Range Weapon Crafting Tool] -toolToolMaker [Tool Crafting Tool] -toolMeleeWeaponTool [Melee Weapon Crafting Tool] -mpftMpL [Blade] -mpftMpH [Hammer] -mpftMpP [Point] -mpftMpM [Shaft] -mpftMpG [Grip] -mpftMpC [Counterweight] -mpftMpGA [Trigger] -mpftMpPE [Firing Pin] -mpftMpCA [Barrel] -mpftMpE [Explosive] -mpftMpEN [Ammo Jacket] -mpftMpPR [Ammo Bullet] -mpftMpCR [Armor Shell] -mpftMpRI [Lining] -mpftMpRE [Stuffing] -mpftMpAT [Armor Clip] -mpftMpSU [Jewel Setting] -mpftMpED [Jewel] -mpftMpBT [Blacksmith Tool] -mpftMpPES [Pestle] -mpftMpSH [Sharpening Tool] -mpftMpTK [Tunneling Knife] -mpftMpJH [Jewelry Hammer] -mpftMpCF [Campfire] -mpftMpVE [Clothes] -mpftMpMF [Magic Focus] -mpft [Undefined Raw Material Target] -mpfqSlightly [Mediocre %p] -mpfqModerately [Average %p] -mpfq [Good %p] -mpfqQuite [Very Good %p] -mpfqExtremely [Excellent %p] -mpcolRed [Red] -mpcolBeige [Beige] -mpcolGreen [Green] -mpcolTurquoise [Turquoise] -mpcolBlue [Blue] -mpcolPurple [Purple] -mpcolWhite [White] -mpcolBlack [Black] -mpsapload0 [Low] -mpsapload1 [Medium] -mpsapload2 [High] -mpsapload3 [Very High] -mpstat0 [Durability] -mpstat1 [Lightness] -mpstat2 [Sap Load] -mpstat3 [Damage] -mpstat4 [Speed] -mpstat5 [Range] -mpstat6 [Dodge Modifier] -mpstat7 [Parry Modifier] -mpstat8 [Adversary Dodge Modifier] -mpstat9 [Adversary Parry Modifier] -mpstat10 [Protection Factor] -mpstat11 [Max. Slashing Protection] -mpstat12 [Max. Smashing Protection] -mpstat13 [Max. Piercing Protection] -mpstat14 [Acid Protection] -mpstat15 [Cold Protection] -mpstat16 [Rot Protection] -mpstat17 [Fire Protection] -mpstat18 [Shockwave Protection] -mpstat19 [Poison Protection] -mpstat20 [Electricity Protection] -mpstat21 [Desert Resistance] -mpstat22 [Forest Resistance] -mpstat23 [Lakes Resistance] -mpstat24 [Jungle Resistance] -mpstat25 [Prime Roots Resistance] -mpstat26 [Elemental Cast Speed] -mpstat27 [Elemental Power] -mpstat28 [Off. Affliction Cast Speed] -mpstat29 [Off. Affliction Power] -mpstat30 [Def. Affliction Cast Speed] -mpstat31 [Def. Affliction Power] -mpstat32 [Healing Cast Speed] -mpstat33 [Healing Power] -mpstatItemQualifier0 [of Durability] -mpstatItemQualifier1 [of Lightness] -mpstatItemQualifier2 [of Sap Load] -mpstatItemQualifier3 [of Damage] -mpstatItemQualifier4 [of Speed] -mpstatItemQualifier5 [with Range] -mpstatItemQualifier6 [with Dodge Modifier] -mpstatItemQualifier7 [with Parry Modifier] -mpstatItemQualifier8 [with Adversary Dodge Modifier] -mpstatItemQualifier9 [with Adversary Parry Modifier] -mpstatItemQualifier10 [with Protection Factor] -mpstatItemQualifier11 [of Slashing Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier12 [of Smashing Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier13 [of Piercing Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier14 [of Acid Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier15 [of Cold Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier16 [of Rot Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier17 [of Fire Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier18 [of Shockwave Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier19 [of Poison Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier20 [of Electricity Protection] -mpstatItemQualifier21 [of Desert Resistance] -mpstatItemQualifier22 [of Forest Resistance] -mpstatItemQualifier23 [of Lakes Resistance] -mpstatItemQualifier24 [of Jungle Resistance] -mpstatItemQualifier25 [of Primary Roots Resistance] -mpstatItemQualifier26 [of Elemental Cast Speed] -mpstatItemQualifier27 [of Elemental Power] -mpstatItemQualifier28 [of Offensive Affliction Cast Speed] -mpstatItemQualifier29 [of Offensive Affliction Power] -mpstatItemQualifier30 [of Defensive Affliction Cast Speed] -mpstatItemQualifier31 [of Defensive Affliction Power] -mpstatItemQualifier32 [of Healing Cast Speed] -mpstatItemQualifier33 [of Healing Power] -ptCold [Cold] -ptAcid [Acid] -ptRot [Rot] -ptFire [Fire] -ptShockwave [ShockWave] -ptPoison [Poison] -ptElectricity [Electricity] -ptNone [None] -rsDesert [Desert] -rsForest [Forest] -rsLacustre [Lakes] -rsJungle [Jungle] -rsPrimaryRoot [Prime Roots] -rsNone [None] uiExitLogin [EXIT] uiCheckPasword [ENTER LOGIN AND PASSWORD] uiLogin [Login] @@ -326,6 +87,319 @@ uiDelErr [Cannot delete file:] uiDelNoFile [Delete file (no file)] uiRenameFile [Rename File:] uiRenameErr [Cannot rename file:] +uiNext [NEXT] +uiSkip [SKIP] +uiConnecting [CONNECTING...] +uiCrashing1 [Connection failed.] +uiCrashing2 [If you have just left the game then please wait 30 seconds] +uiCrashing3 [for your previous character to be disconnected and try again.] +uiFirewallAlert [Please grant firewall permission for Ryzom Core] +uiFirewallFail [Connection failed] +uiWarningPeople [Race not available in this version] +uiWarningCareer [Career not available in this version] +uiQuit [Quit Game] +uiQuitGameWithoutWarning [Quit Game to Main Menu Without Warning] +uiQuitRyzomWithoutWarning [Quit the Game Without Warning] +uiHome [Home] +uiHOME [HOME] +uiHelp [Help] +uiHelpTitle [HELP] +uiBack [Back] +uiPrevStep [Previous Step] +uiNextStep [Next Step] +uiSkipIntro [Skip Intro] +uiClose [Close] + +// Technical +agp_trouble [The driver has failed to allocate AGP memory. This may result in performance and display issues.\n + Do you want to know more?] +can_t_load_the_display_driver [Cannot load the display driver] +can_t_initialise_the_mouse [Cannot initialize the mouse] +can_t_initialise_the_keyboard [Cannot initialize the keyboard] +can_t_create_a_window_display [Cannot create a window display] +can_t_create_a_fullscreen_display [Cannot create a fullscreen display] +bits [bits] + +// Chat +Whisper [Whisper: ] +Say [Say: ] +Shout [Shout: ] + +// Mount +NoCastOnMount [Impossible to cast a spell when mounted.] +NoCreateOnMount [Impossible to create a spell when mounted.] +NoTeleportOnMount [Impossible to teleport a player when mounted.] +NoMountWhenSpell [Impossible to mount when creating or casting a spell.] + +// Compass +uiDistanceto [Distance to Compass Target] +uiRange [Range] + +// Team +uittLead [Team Leader] +uittSuccessor [Team Successor] +___faber_skill_sep___ [--------------------------------] + +// Item types +ifARMOR [Armor] +ifMELEE_WEAPON [Melee weapon] +ifRANGE_WEAPON [Range weapon] +ifAMMO [Ammo] +ifRAW_MATERIAL [Raw Material] +ifSHIELD [Shield] +ifCRAFTING_TOOL [Crafting Tool] +ifHARVEST_TOOL [Harvesting Tool] +ifTAMING_TOOL [Taming Tool] +ifTRAINING_TOOL [Training Tool] +ifAI [AI] +ifBRICK [Stanza] +ifCORPSE [Corpse] +ifCARRION [Carrion] +ifBAG [Bag] +ifSTACK [Stack] +ifLIVING_SEED [Living Seed] +ifDEAD_SEED [Dead Seed] +ifFOOD [Food] +ifJEWELRY [Jewelry] +ifTELEPORT [Teleport] +ifUNDEFINED [Undefined] + +// Item origins +ioUnknown [Unknown] +ioCommon [Common] +ioFyros [Fyros] +ioMatis [Matis] +ioTryker [Tryker] +ioZorai [Zoraï] +ioTribe [Tribe] +ioRefugee [Refugee] +ioKaravan [Karavan] +ioKami [Kami] + +// Armor classifiers +atUNKNOWN [Unknown] +atHEAVY [Heavy] +atMEDIUM [Medium] +atLIGHT [Light] + +// Weapon classifiers +wtLIGHT [Light] +wtMEDIUM [Medium] +wtHEAVY [Heavy] +wtHANDS [Hands] +wtLIGHT_GUN [Light gun] +wtMEDIUM_GUN [Medium gun] +wtHEAVY_GUN [Heavy gun] +wtUNKNOWN [Unknown] + +// Shield classifiers +stNONE [None] +stSMALL_SHIELD [Small shield] +stLARGE_SHIELD [Large shield] + +// Damage types +dtSLASHING [Slashing] +dtPIERCING [Piercing] +dtBLUNT [Smashing] +dtROT [Rot] +dtACID [Acid] +dtCOLD [Cold] +dtFIRE [Fire] +dtPOISON [Poison] +dtELECTRICITY [Electricity] +dtSHOCK [Shockwave] +dtUNDEFINED [Undefined] + +// Ecosystems +ecosysUnknown [Unknown] +ecosysCommonEcosystem [Common] +ecosysDesert [Desert] +ecosysForest [Forest] +ecosysLacustre [Lakes] +ecosysJungle [Jungle] +ecosysGoo [Goo] +ecosysPrimaryRoot [Prime Roots] + +// Raw material categories (UnuseD +mpcatUndefined [Undefined] +mpcatExotic [Exotic] +mpcatFaber [Crafter] +mpcatUpgrade [Upgrade] + +// Player stats +scoreHitPoints [Hit Points] +scoreSap [Sap] +scoreStamina [Stamina] +scoreWeight [Weight] +scoreDiseaseResist [Disease resistance] +scoreMagicResist [Magic resistance] +scoreTechnoResist [Techno resistance] +scoreImpactResist [Impact resistance] +scoreFearResist [Fear resistance] +scoreUnknown [Unknown] + +// Brick types +bricktMAGIC [Magic] +bricktCOMBAT [Combat] +bricktFABER [Crafter] +bricktHARVEST [Ranger] +bricktTRACKING [Tracking] +bricktSHOPKEEPER [Shopkeeper] +bricktMISCELLANEOUS [Miscellaneous] +bricktUNKNOWN [Unknown] + +// Tool types +toolNone [Unknown] +toolArmorTool [Armor Crafting Tool] +toolJewelryTool [Jewelry Crafting Tool] +toolAmmoTool [Ammo Crafting Tool] +toolRangeWeaponTool [Range Weapon Crafting Tool] +toolToolMaker [Tool Crafting Tool] +toolMeleeWeaponTool [Melee Weapon Crafting Tool] + +// Raw material targets +mpftMpL [Blade] +mpftMpH [Hammer] +mpftMpP [Point] +mpftMpM [Shaft] +mpftMpG [Grip] +mpftMpC [Counterweight] +mpftMpGA [Trigger] +mpftMpPE [Firing Pin] +mpftMpCA [Barrel] +mpftMpE [Explosive] +mpftMpEN [Ammo Jacket] +mpftMpPR [Ammo Bullet] +mpftMpCR [Armor Shell] +mpftMpRI [Lining] +mpftMpRE [Stuffing] +mpftMpAT [Armor Clip] +mpftMpSU [Jewel Setting] +mpftMpED [Jewel] +mpftMpBT [Blacksmith Tool] +mpftMpPES [Pestle] +mpftMpSH [Sharpening Tool] +mpftMpTK [Tunneling Knife] +mpftMpJH [Jewelry Hammer] +mpftMpCF [Campfire] +mpftMpVE [Clothes] +mpftMpMF [Magic Focus] +mpft [Undefined Raw Material Target] + +// Raw material qualities +mpfqSlightly [Mediocre %p] +mpfqModerately [Average %p] +mpfq [Good %p] +mpfqQuite [Very Good %p] +mpfqExtremely [Excellent %p] + +// Raw material colors +mpcolRed [Red] +mpcolBeige [Beige] +mpcolGreen [Green] +mpcolTurquoise [Turquoise] +mpcolBlue [Blue] +mpcolPurple [Purple] +mpcolWhite [White] +mpcolBlack [Black] + +// Raw material sap load +mpsapload0 [Low] +mpsapload1 [Medium] +mpsapload2 [High] +mpsapload3 [Very High] + +// Raw material stats +mpstat0 [Durability] +mpstat1 [Lightness] +mpstat2 [Sap Load] +mpstat3 [Damage] +mpstat4 [Speed] +mpstat5 [Range] +mpstat6 [Dodge Modifier] +mpstat7 [Parry Modifier] +mpstat8 [Adversary Dodge Modifier] +mpstat9 [Adversary Parry Modifier] +mpstat10 [Protection Factor] +mpstat11 [Max. Slashing Protection] +mpstat12 [Max. Smashing Protection] +mpstat13 [Max. Piercing Protection] +mpstat14 [Acid Protection] +mpstat15 [Cold Protection] +mpstat16 [Rot Protection] +mpstat17 [Fire Protection] +mpstat18 [Shockwave Protection] +mpstat19 [Poison Protection] +mpstat20 [Electricity Protection] +mpstat21 [Desert Resistance] +mpstat22 [Forest Resistance] +mpstat23 [Lakes Resistance] +mpstat24 [Jungle Resistance] +mpstat25 [Prime Roots Resistance] +mpstat26 [Elemental Cast Speed] +mpstat27 [Elemental Power] +mpstat28 [Off. Affliction Cast Speed] +mpstat29 [Off. Affliction Power] +mpstat30 [Def. Affliction Cast Speed] +mpstat31 [Def. Affliction Power] +mpstat32 [Healing Cast Speed] +mpstat33 [Healing Power] + +// Raw material qualifiers +mpstatItemQualifier0 [of Durability] +mpstatItemQualifier1 [of Lightness] +mpstatItemQualifier2 [of Sap Load] +mpstatItemQualifier3 [of Damage] +mpstatItemQualifier4 [of Speed] +mpstatItemQualifier5 [with Range] +mpstatItemQualifier6 [with Dodge Modifier] +mpstatItemQualifier7 [with Parry Modifier] +mpstatItemQualifier8 [with Adversary Dodge Modifier] +mpstatItemQualifier9 [with Adversary Parry Modifier] +mpstatItemQualifier10 [with Protection Factor] +mpstatItemQualifier11 [of Slashing Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier12 [of Smashing Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier13 [of Piercing Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier14 [of Acid Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier15 [of Cold Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier16 [of Rot Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier17 [of Fire Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier18 [of Shockwave Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier19 [of Poison Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier20 [of Electricity Protection] +mpstatItemQualifier21 [of Desert Resistance] +mpstatItemQualifier22 [of Forest Resistance] +mpstatItemQualifier23 [of Lakes Resistance] +mpstatItemQualifier24 [of Jungle Resistance] +mpstatItemQualifier25 [of Primary Roots Resistance] +mpstatItemQualifier26 [of Elemental Cast Speed] +mpstatItemQualifier27 [of Elemental Power] +mpstatItemQualifier28 [of Offensive Affliction Cast Speed] +mpstatItemQualifier29 [of Offensive Affliction Power] +mpstatItemQualifier30 [of Defensive Affliction Cast Speed] +mpstatItemQualifier31 [of Defensive Affliction Power] +mpstatItemQualifier32 [of Healing Cast Speed] +mpstatItemQualifier33 [of Healing Power] + +// Spell types +ptCold [Cold] +ptAcid [Acid] +ptRot [Rot] +ptFire [Fire] +ptShockwave [ShockWave] +ptPoison [Poison] +ptElectricity [Electricity] +ptNone [None] + +// Regions +rsDesert [Desert] +rsForest [Forest] +rsLacustre [Lakes] +rsJungle [Jungle] +rsPrimaryRoot [Prime Roots] +rsNone [None] + +// Emotes uiEmoteTitle [EMOTES] uiStandardEmotes [STANDARD EMOTES] uiEmote0 [afk] @@ -637,6 +711,8 @@ uiLakeRawMats [Lakes Exotic Raw Materials] uiComStaminaCost [Stamina Cost:] uiCommerceTitle [COMMERCE] uittEval [Evaluate raw material price] + +// Wind directions uiW [W] uiWSW [WSW] uiSW [SW] @@ -695,6 +771,8 @@ uittClickTool [Click to select a tool from your sheaths] uittStartFaRepair [Start Crafter repair] uittDropItRef [Drop an item here to refine] uittStartFaRefine [Start Crafter refine] + +// User Interface Game Configuration uigcUnitMeters [ m] uigcUnitChar [ characters] uigcUnitPercent [%] @@ -984,6 +1062,11 @@ uiSoundSFXVolume [SFX Volume] uiSoundGameMusicVolume [Music Volume] uiSoundPerf [Performance] uiSoundVolume [Volume] +uigcVR [VIRTUAL REALITY] +uiVRGeneral [Virtual Reality Options] +uiVREnable [Enable VR] + +// Context menu uimGcmMove [Move] uimGcmStopMove [STOP MOVING] uimGcmTalk [TALK] @@ -1016,6 +1099,8 @@ uimFollowMe [FOLLOW ME] uimGcmStop [Stop] uimGcmFree [Free] uimGcmEnterStable [Enter stable] + +// Guild uiQuitGuild [Leave Guild] uiGuildInfoTitle [Icon & Name] uiGuildInfoDes [Description: ] @@ -1303,10 +1388,14 @@ uiRespawnPoint [Respawn Point] uiSquadSpawnPoint [Squad Spawn Position] uiStable [Stable] uittBack [Back] + +// Spell links uiLinksTitle [ACTIVE LINKS] uiLinksCosts [COSTS] uiStopLinkSpell [STOP SPELL] uiLinkInfo [Details] + +// Looting uiTIWaitLoot [Looting, wait...] uiTIWaitQuartering [Quartering, wait...] uiTIWaitForaging [Forage Progress...] @@ -1323,6 +1412,8 @@ uiTICraft [Crafted Items] uiTIMissionItem [Received Items] uiTICrystallize [Crystallized Spell] uiTIError [Items] + +// Help uihIntro [INTRODUCTION] uihInterfaces [INTERFACES] uihTutorial [TUTORIAL] @@ -1373,6 +1464,8 @@ uihRawMat [Raw Materials] uihCraftTool [Crafting Tools] uihHarvestTool [Harvesting Tools] uihItemMisc [Miscellaneous] + +// Stats uiLife [Life] uiSap [Sap] uiStamina [Stamina] @@ -1401,6 +1494,8 @@ uiSapMax [Sap Max] uiSapReg [Sap Reg] uiWishMax [Focus Max] uiWishReg [Focus Reg] + +// Fame uitabFameYou [YOU] uitabFameGuild [GUILD] uitabFameTribes [TRIBES] @@ -1748,6 +1843,8 @@ uiPvPEffect_region_nexus_Bonus [@{FE7F}Nexus @{FFFF}:\n Increases the regeneration of raw materials in all the sources by @{2F2F}%p] uiPvPEffect_region_nexus_Malus [@{FE7F}Nexus @{FFFF}:\n No effect] + +// Stats uiHPDesc [@{6F6F}HP@{FFFF}, \n hit points measure the amount of damage a character can take before going into a coma.] uiStaDesc [@{6F6F}Stamina@{FFFF}, \n @@ -1843,7 +1940,6 @@ uimNewPartyChat [NEW PARTY CHAT] uimNewUserChat [NEW USER CHAT] uimRemoveUserChat [REMOVE USER CHAT] uimDismiss [Dismiss] -/* OLD VALUE : [Set Successor] */ uimSetSuccesor [Set Successor] uimTarget [Target] uimTeamCompass [Compass Target] @@ -2143,6 +2239,8 @@ uimEditKey [Edit Key] uimDeleteKey [Delete Key] uimAssignKey [Assign Key] uiCategory [Category] + +// Debug uiDebug [Debug] uiDebugToggleHelp [Toggle Help] uiDebugDisplayInfos [Display Info] @@ -2438,28 +2536,8 @@ uittSeed2 [Moldy Dead Seed] uittSeed3 [Shriveled Dead Seed] uittSeed4 [Dry Dead Seed] uiDefmcwCol [CHOOSE COLOR] -uiNext [NEXT] -uiSkip [SKIP] -uiConnecting [CONNECTING...] -uiCrashing1 [Connection failed.] -uiCrashing2 [If you have just left the game then please wait 30 seconds] -uiCrashing3 [for your previous character to be disconnected and try again.] -uiFirewallAlert [Please grant firewall permission for Ryzom Core] -uiFirewallFail [Connection failed] -uiWarningPeople [Race not available in this version] -uiWarningCareer [Career not available in this version] -uiQuit [Quit Game] -uiQuitGameWithoutWarning [Quit Game to Main Menu Without Warning] -uiQuitRyzomWithoutWarning [Quit the Game Without Warning] -uiHome [Home] -uiHOME [HOME] -uiHelp [Help] -uiHelpTitle [HELP] -uiBack [Back] -uiPrevStep [Previous Step] -uiNextStep [Next Step] -uiSkipIntro [Skip Intro] -uiClose [Close] + +// Character creation uiReturnCharSel [Return to Character Selection] uiEmptySlot [Empty Slot] uiDelChar [DELETE THIS CHARACTER?] @@ -2641,6 +2719,8 @@ uiMoreRFy [FYROS RANGER: THE SCARLET HUNTER] uiMoreRMa [MATISIAN RANGER: THE GREEN HUNTER] uiMoreRTr [TRYKER RANGER: THE SHADOW HUNTER] uiMoreRZo [ZORAÏ RANGER: THE GUARDIAN OF ATYS] + +// Chat uiTeamChatTitle [TEAM CHAT] uiFriendList [FRIENDS LIST] uiIgnoreList [IGNORE LIST] @@ -2656,6 +2736,8 @@ uiGUILD [GUILD] uiTEAM [TEAM] uiSAY [SAY] uiSHOUT [SHOUT] + +// Window uiKeepInfoButton [Keep] uittKeepInfo [@{6F6F}Pin@{FFFF} this window.\n If pinned, information for other items will be shown in a new window.\n @@ -4352,7 +4434,7 @@ uiCP_Job_C2 [1- Armor Crafting Tool\n 5- Crafting Plan for Gloves] uiCP_Name_Enter [Enter a Name\n \n - Each character in Ryzom Core has a unique name which allows you to recognize and communicate with other players. Names must follow the rules of the Naming Policy (see www.Ryzom and must be a single word composed of the letters A to Z with no accents, spaces, numbers or special characters.\n + Each character in Ryzom Core has a unique name which allows you to recognize and communicate with other players. Names must follow the rules of the Naming Policy (see and must be a single word composed of the letters A to Z with no accents, spaces, numbers or special characters.\n ] uiCP_Name_Cancel [CANCEL] uiCP_Name_Submit [SUBMIT] @@ -5597,7 +5679,7 @@ uiRingWarningFreeTrial [FREE TRIAL LIMITATIONS:\n In order to gain full access to Ryzom Core Ring you need to subscribe to Ryzom Core.\n \n To upgrade your account see \n - www.Ryzom\n +\n ] uiRingWarningInviteFreeTrial [You cannot invite this player because he has a free trial account and this scenario is not allowed for free trial players.\n ] @@ -6069,6 +6151,3 @@ uittNpcName [Show friendly NPC's name above the character] uiNpcTitle [NPC Title] uittNpcTitle [Show frienly NPC's title above the character] uiHands2 [Actions #2] -uigcVR [VIRTUAL REALITY] -uiVRGeneral [Virtual Reality Options] -uiVREnable [Enable VR]