kaetemi 96935c5be2 Added: #929 Generators for ecosystem projects, all four ecosystem projects, generators for max exporter scripts, rbank cmb export.
Changed: #929 Improved skipping of exported max files, corrected search paths for some tools configurations.
2010-09-03 12:37:35 +02:00

113 lines
2.3 KiB

-- Some globals
NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
-- "0" = export me
-- "1" = DONT export me
NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE = 1423062580 -- "undefined" = not vegetable
-- "0" = not vegetable
-- "1" = vegetable
-- Must export this node ?
fn isToBeExported node =
if (classof node == nel_ps) then
return false
doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT
if (doNotExport != undefined) then
if (doNotExport == "1") then
return false
vegetable = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE
if (vegetable != undefined) then
if (vegetable == "1") then
return true
-- Do not export
return false
fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
tagThisFile = true
-- Unhide category
-- Unhide
max unhide all
-- unselect
max select none
-- Exported object count
exported = 0
-- For each node
for node in geometry do
-- It is root ?
if (node.parent == undefined) then
-- Is not a skeleton ?
if ( != "Bip01") then
-- Can be exported ?
if (isToBeExported node == true) then
-- Output directory
outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + ( + ".veget")
-- Compare file date
if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
-- Export the veget
if (NelExportVegetable node outputNelFile false) == true then
nlerror("OK "+outputNelFile)
exported = exported+1
-- Error
nlerror("ERROR exporting veget " + + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
tagThisFile = false
-- Error
nlerror("ERROR fata error exporting veget " + + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
tagThisFile = false
-- Error
nlerror("SKIPPED " + outputNelFile)
exported = exported + 1
-- Something exported
if exported == 0 then
-- Error
nlerror("WARNING no veget exported from the file " + inputMaxFile)
return tagThisFile