
1413 lines
46 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_LOAD_FORM_H
#define NL_LOAD_FORM_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "nel/misc/sheet_id.h"
#include "nel/misc/algo.h"
#include "u_form_loader.h"
#include "u_form.h"
/** This function is used to load values from georges sheet in a quick way.
* The first time it loads the sheet and parse it with the readGeorges function
* provided by the user to read the value he wants. It'll generate a packed file
* that contains this values (using serialCont). The next launch, the function will
* only load the packed file and if some sheet have changed, it'll automatically regenerate
* the packed file.
* To use the loadForm(), you first have to create a class that will contains values for one sheet.
* This class must also implements 2 functions (readGeorges() and serial()) and 1 static function (getVersion())
* Extension file name for the packedFilename must be ".packed_sheets"
* Classical use (copy/paste this in your code):
// For each sheet in the packed sheet, an instance of this class
// is created and stored into an stl container.
// This class must be default and copy constructable.
class CContainerEntry
CContainerEntry () : WalkSpeed(1.3f), RunSpeed(6.0f) {}
float WalkSpeed, RunSpeed;
// load the values using the george sheet
void readGeorges (const NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> &form, const NLMISC::CSheetId &sheetId)
// the form was found so read the true values from George
form->getRootNode ().getValueByName (WalkSpeed, "Basics.MovementSpeeds.WalkSpeed");
form->getRootNode ().getValueByName (RunSpeed, "Basics.MovementSpeeds.RunSpeed");
// load/save the values using the serial system
void serial (NLMISC::IStream &s)
s.serial (WalkSpeed, RunSpeed);
// Event to implement any action when the sheet no longer exist.
// This method is called when a sheet have been read from the packed sheet
// and the associated sheet file no more exist in the directories.
void removed()
// any action that is needed if the sheet no more exist.
// return the version of this class, increments this value when the content of this class changed
static uint getVersion () { return 1; }
// this structure is filled by the loadForm() function and will contain all you need
std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId,CContainerEntry> Container;
void init ()
// load the values using the george sheet or packed file and fill the container
loadForm(".creature", "test.packed_sheets", Container);
* Now you can access the Container (using the CSheedId) to know the WalkSpeed and RunSpeed of all creatures.
/// Dictionnary entry for dependency information.
struct TLoadFormDicoEntry
std::string Filename;
uint32 ModificationDate;
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &s)
const uint32 PACKED_SHEET_VERSION = 5;
// This Version may be used if you want to use the serialVersion() system in loadForm()
// ***************************************************************************
/** This function is used to load values from georges sheet in a quick way.
* \param sheetFilter a vector of string to filter the sheet in the case you need more than one filter
* \param packedFilename the name of the file that this function will generate (extension must be "packed_sheets")
* \param container the map that will be filled by this function
template <class T>
void loadForm (const std::vector<std::string> &sheetFilters, const std::string &packedFilename, std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, T> &container, bool updatePackedSheet=true, bool errorIfPackedSheetNotGood=true)
std::vector<std::string> dictionnary;
std::map<std::string, uint> dictionnaryIndex;
std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, std::vector<uint32> > dependencies;
std::vector<uint32> dependencyDates;
// check the extension (i know that file like "foo.packed_sheetsbar" will be accepted but this check is enough...)
nlassert (packedFilename.find (".packed_sheets") != std::string::npos);
std::string packedFilenamePath = NLMISC::CPath::lookup(NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(packedFilename), false, false);
if (packedFilenamePath.empty())
packedFilenamePath = packedFilename;
// make sure the CSheetId singleton has been properly initialised
// load the packed sheet if exists
NLMISC::CIFile ifile;
if (! (packedFilenamePath))
throw NLMISC::Exception("can't open PackedSheet %s", packedFilenamePath.c_str());
// an exception will be launch if the file is not the good version or if the file is not found
//nlinfo ("loadForm(): Loading packed file '%s'", packedFilename.c_str());
// read the header
// Read depend block size
uint32 dependBlockSize;
// Read the dependencies only if update packed sheet
// read the dictionnary
// read the dependency data
uint32 depSize;
for (uint i=0; i<depSize; ++i)
NLMISC::CSheetId sheetId;
// Avoid copy, use []
// else dummy read one big block => no heavy reallocation / free
else if(dependBlockSize>0)
std::vector<uint8> bigBlock;
ifile.serialBuffer(&bigBlock[0], dependBlockSize);
// read the packed sheet data
uint32 nbEntries;
uint32 ver;
ifile.serial (nbEntries);
ifile.serial (ver);
if(ver != T::getVersion ())
throw NLMISC::Exception("The packed sheet version in stream is different of the code");
ifile.serialCont (container);
ifile.close ();
catch (const NLMISC::Exception &e)
// clear the container because it can contains partially loaded sheet so we must clean it before continue
container.clear ();
if (!updatePackedSheet)
if (errorIfPackedSheetNotGood)
nlerror ("loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (%s)", e.what());
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (%s)", e.what());
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file, I'll reconstruct it (%s)", e.what());
// if we don't want to update packed sheet, we have nothing more to do
if (!updatePackedSheet)
//nlinfo ("Don't update the packed sheet with real sheet");
// retreive the date of all dependency file
for (uint i=0; i<dictionnary.size(); ++i)
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (dictionnary[i], false, false);
if (!p.empty())
uint32 d = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(p);
// file not found !
// write a future date to invalidate any file dependent on it
nldebug("Can't find dependent file %s !", dictionnary[i].c_str());
// build a vector of the sheetFilters sheet ids (ie: "item")
std::vector<NLMISC::CSheetId> sheetIds;
std::vector<std::string> filenames;
for (uint i = 0; i < sheetFilters.size(); i++)
NLMISC::CSheetId::buildIdVector(sheetIds, filenames, sheetFilters[i]);
// if there's no file, nothing to do
if (sheetIds.empty())
// set up the current sheet in container to remove sheet that are in the container and not in the directory anymore
std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, bool> sheetToRemove;
for (typename std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, T>::iterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); it++)
sheetToRemove.insert (std::make_pair((*it).first, true));
// check if we need to create a new .pitems or just read it
uint32 packedFiledate = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(packedFilenamePath);
bool containerChanged = false;
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader *formLoader = NULL;
std::vector<uint> NeededToRecompute;
for (uint k = 0; k < filenames.size(); k++)
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (filenames[k], false, false);
if (p.empty()) continue;
uint32 d = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(p);
// no need to remove this sheet
sheetToRemove[sheetIds[k]] = false;
if( d > packedFiledate || container.find (sheetIds[k]) == container.end())
// check the date of each parent
nlassert(dependencies.find(sheetIds[k]) != dependencies.end());
std::vector<uint32> &depends = dependencies[sheetIds[k]];
for (uint i=0; i<depends.size(); ++i)
if (dependencyDates[depends[i]] > packedFiledate)
nldebug("Dependency on %s for %s not up to date !",
dictionnary[depends[i]].c_str(), sheetIds[k].toString().c_str());
nlinfo ("%d sheets checked, %d need to be recomputed", filenames.size(), NeededToRecompute.size());
NLMISC::TTime last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLMISC::TTime start = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> form;
std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> > cacheFormList;
for (uint j = 0; j < NeededToRecompute.size(); j++)
if(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime () > last + 5000)
last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
nlinfo ("%.0f%% completed (%d/%d), %d seconds remaining", (float)j*100.0/NeededToRecompute.size(),j,NeededToRecompute.size(), (NeededToRecompute.size()-j)*(last-start)/j/1000);
// create the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader == NULL)
NLMISC::WarningLog->addNegativeFilter("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
formLoader = NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::createLoader ();
// cache used to retain information (to optimize time).
if (form)
cacheFormList.push_back (form);
// Load the form with given sheet id
form = formLoader->loadForm (sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]].toString().c_str ());
if (form)
// build the dependency data
std::vector<uint32> depends;
std::set<std::string> dependFiles;
form->getDependencies (dependFiles);
nlassert(dependFiles.find(sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]].toString()) != dependFiles.end());
// remove the sheet itself from the container
std::set<std::string>::iterator first(dependFiles.begin()), last(dependFiles.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
const std::string filename = NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(*first);
std::map<std::string,uint>::iterator findDicIt=dictionnaryIndex.find(filename);
if (findDicIt!=dictionnaryIndex.end())
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (*first, false, false);
if (!p.empty())
uint dicIndex;
// add a new dictionnary entry
dicIndex = (uint)dictionnary.size();
dictionnaryIndex.insert(std::make_pair(filename, (uint)dictionnary.size()));
// add the dependecy index
// store the dependency list with the sheet ID
dependencies[sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]]] = depends;
// add the new creature, it could be already loaded by the packed sheets but will be overwritten with the new one
typedef typename std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, T>::iterator TType1;
typedef typename std::pair<TType1, bool> TType2;
TType2 res = container.insert(std::make_pair(sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]],T()));
(*res.first).second.readGeorges (form, sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]]);
containerChanged = true;
if(NeededToRecompute.size() > 0)
nlinfo ("%d seconds to recompute %d sheets", (uint32)(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime()-start)/1000, NeededToRecompute.size());
// free the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader != NULL)
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::releaseLoader (formLoader);
NLMISC::WarningLog->removeFilter ("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
// we have now to remove sheets that are in the container and not exist anymore in the sheet directories
for (std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, bool>::iterator it2 = sheetToRemove.begin(); it2 != sheetToRemove.end(); it2++)
nlinfo ("the sheet '%s' is not in the directory, remove it from container", (*it2).first.toString().c_str());
containerChanged = true;
// now, save the new container in the packedfile
NLMISC::COFile ofile;;
// write the header.
// Write a dummy block size for now
sint32 posBlockSize= ofile.getPos();
uint32 dependBlockSize= 0;
// write the dictionnary
// write the dependencies data
uint32 depSize = (uint32)dependencies.size();
std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, std::vector<uint32> >::iterator first(dependencies.begin()), last(dependencies.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
NLMISC::CSheetId si = first->first;
// Then get the dictionary + dependencies size, and write it back to posBlockSize
sint32 endBlockSize= ofile.getPos();
dependBlockSize= (endBlockSize - posBlockSize) - 4;, NLMISC::IStream::begin);
ofile.serial(dependBlockSize);, NLMISC::IStream::begin);
// write the sheet data
uint32 nbEntries = (uint32)sheetIds.size();
uint32 ver = T::getVersion ();
ofile.serial (nbEntries);
ofile.serial (ver);
ofile.close ();
catch (const NLMISC::Exception &e)
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Exception during saving the packed file, it will be recreated next launch (%s)", e.what());
// housekeeping
sheetIds.clear ();
filenames.clear ();
// ***************************************************************************
/** This function is used to load values from georges sheet in a quick way.
* \param sheetFilter a string to filter the sheet (ie: ".item")
* \param packedFilename the name of the file that this function will generate (extension must be "packed_sheets")
* \param container the map that will be filled by this function
template <class T>
void loadForm (const std::string &sheetFilter, const std::string &packedFilename, std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, T> &container, bool updatePackedSheet=true, bool errorIfPackedSheetNotGood=true)
std::vector<std::string> vs;
loadForm(vs, packedFilename, container, updatePackedSheet, errorIfPackedSheetNotGood);
// ***************************************************************************
// variant with smart pointers, maintain with function above
template <class T>
void loadForm2(const std::vector<std::string> &sheetFilters, const std::string &packedFilename, std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, NLMISC::CSmartPtr<T> > &container, bool updatePackedSheet=true, bool errorIfPackedSheetNotGood=true)
std::vector<std::string> dictionnary;
std::map<std::string, uint> dictionnaryIndex;
std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, std::vector<uint32> > dependencies;
std::vector<uint32> dependencyDates;
// check the extension (i know that file like "foo.packed_sheetsbar" will be accepted but this check is enough...)
nlassert (packedFilename.find (".packed_sheets") != std::string::npos);
std::string packedFilenamePath = NLMISC::CPath::lookup(NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(packedFilename), false, false);
if (packedFilenamePath.empty())
packedFilenamePath = packedFilename;
// make sure the CSheetId singleton has been properly initialised
// load the packed sheet if exists
NLMISC::CIFile ifile;
if (! (packedFilenamePath))
throw NLMISC::Exception("can't open PackedSheet %s", packedFilenamePath.c_str());
// an exception will be launch if the file is not the good version or if the file is not found
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Loading packed file '%s'", packedFilename.c_str());
// read the header
sint loadFormVersion= ifile.serialVersion(PACKED_SHEET_VERSION_COMPATIBLE);
// Read depend block size
uint32 dependBlockSize;
// Read the dependencies only if update packed sheet
// read the dictionnary
// read the dependency data
uint32 depSize;
for (uint i=0; i<depSize; ++i)
NLMISC::CSheetId sheetId;
// Avoid copy, use []
// else dummy read one big block => no heavy reallocation / free
else if(dependBlockSize>0)
std::vector<uint8> bigBlock;
ifile.serialBuffer(&bigBlock[0], dependBlockSize);
// read the packed sheet data
uint32 nbEntries;
uint32 ver;
ifile.serial (nbEntries);
ifile.serial (ver);
if(ver != T::getVersion ())
throw NLMISC::Exception("The packed sheet version in stream is different of the code");
ifile.serialPtrCont (container);
ifile.close ();
catch (const NLMISC::Exception &e)
// clear the container because it can contains partially loaded sheet so we must clean it before continue
container.clear ();
if (!updatePackedSheet)
if (errorIfPackedSheetNotGood)
nlerror ("loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (%s)", e.what());
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (%s)", e.what());
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file, I'll reconstruct it (%s)", e.what());
// if we don't want to update packed sheet, we have nothing more to do
if (!updatePackedSheet)
nlinfo ("Don't update the packed sheet with real sheet");
// retreive the date of all dependency file
for (uint i=0; i<dictionnary.size(); ++i)
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (dictionnary[i], false, false);
if (!p.empty())
uint32 d = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(p);
// file not found !
// write a future date to invalidate any file dependent on it
nldebug("Can't find dependent file %s !", dictionnary[i].c_str());
// build a vector of the sheetFilters sheet ids (ie: "item")
std::vector<NLMISC::CSheetId> sheetIds;
std::vector<std::string> filenames;
for (uint i = 0; i < sheetFilters.size(); i++)
NLMISC::CSheetId::buildIdVector(sheetIds, filenames, sheetFilters[i]);
// if there's no file, nothing to do
if (sheetIds.empty())
// set up the current sheet in container to remove sheets that are in the container and not in the directory anymore
std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, bool> sheetToRemove;
for (typename std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, NLMISC::CSmartPtr<T> >::iterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); it++)
sheetToRemove.insert (std::make_pair((*it).first, true));
// check if we need to create a new .pitems or just read it
uint32 packedFiledate = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(packedFilenamePath);
bool containerChanged = false;
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader *formLoader = NULL;
std::vector<uint> NeededToRecompute;
for (uint k = 0; k < filenames.size(); k++)
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (filenames[k], false, false);
if (p.empty()) continue;
uint32 d = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(p);
// no need to remove this sheet
sheetToRemove[sheetIds[k]] = false;
if( d > packedFiledate || container.find (sheetIds[k]) == container.end())
// check the date of each parent
nlassert(dependencies.find(sheetIds[k]) != dependencies.end());
std::vector<uint32> &depends = dependencies[sheetIds[k]];
for (uint i=0; i<depends.size(); ++i)
if (dependencyDates[depends[i]] > packedFiledate)
nldebug("Dependency on %s for %s not up to date !",
dictionnary[depends[i]].c_str(), sheetIds[k].toString().c_str());
nlinfo ("%d sheets checked, %d need to be recomputed", filenames.size(), NeededToRecompute.size());
NLMISC::TTime last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLMISC::TTime start = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> form;
std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> > cacheFormList;
for (uint j = 0; j < NeededToRecompute.size(); j++)
if(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime () > last + 5000)
last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
nlinfo ("%.0f%% completed (%d/%d), %d seconds remaining", (float)j*100.0/NeededToRecompute.size(),j,NeededToRecompute.size(), (NeededToRecompute.size()-j)*(last-start)/j/1000);
// create the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader == NULL)
NLMISC::WarningLog->addNegativeFilter("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
formLoader = NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::createLoader ();
// cache used to retain information (to optimize time).
if (form)
cacheFormList.push_back (form);
// Load the form with given sheet id
form = formLoader->loadForm (sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]].toString().c_str ());
if (form)
// build the dependency data
std::vector<uint32> depends;
std::set<std::string> dependFiles;
form->getDependencies (dependFiles);
nlassert(dependFiles.find(sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]].toString()) != dependFiles.end());
// remove the sheet itself from the container
std::set<std::string>::iterator first(dependFiles.begin()), last(dependFiles.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
const std::string filename = NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(*first);
std::map<std::string,uint>::iterator findDicIt=dictionnaryIndex.find(filename);
if (findDicIt!=dictionnaryIndex.end())
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (*first, false, false);
if (!p.empty())
uint dicIndex;
// add a new dictionnary entry
dicIndex = (uint)dictionnary.size();
dictionnaryIndex.insert(std::make_pair(filename, (NLMISC::TSStringId)dictionnary.size()));
// add the dependency index
// store the dependency list with the sheet ID
dependencies[sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]]] = depends;
// add the new creature, it could be already loaded by the packed sheets but will be overwritten with the new one
typedef typename std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, NLMISC::CSmartPtr<T> >::iterator TType1;
typedef typename std::pair<TType1, bool> TType2;
TType2 res = container.insert(std::make_pair(sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]], NLMISC::CSmartPtr<T>(new T())));
(*res.first).second->readGeorges (form, sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]]);
containerChanged = true;
if(NeededToRecompute.size() > 0)
nlinfo ("%d seconds to recompute %d sheets", (uint32)(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime()-start)/1000, NeededToRecompute.size());
// free the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader != NULL)
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::releaseLoader (formLoader);
NLMISC::WarningLog->removeFilter ("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
// we have now to remove sheets that are in the container and not exist anymore in the sheet directories
for (std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, bool>::iterator it2 = sheetToRemove.begin(); it2 != sheetToRemove.end(); it2++)
nlinfo ("the sheet '%s' is not in the directory, remove it from container", (*it2).first.toString().c_str());
containerChanged = true;
// now, save the new container in the packedfile
NLMISC::COFile ofile;;
// write the header.
// Write a dummy block size for now
sint32 posBlockSize= ofile.getPos();
uint32 dependBlockSize= 0;
// write the dictionnary
// write the dependencies data
uint32 depSize = (uint32)dependencies.size();
std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, std::vector<uint32> >::iterator first(dependencies.begin()), last(dependencies.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
NLMISC::CSheetId si = first->first;
// Then get the dicionary + dependencies size, and write it back to posBlockSize
sint32 endBlockSize= ofile.getPos();
dependBlockSize= (endBlockSize - posBlockSize) - 4;, NLMISC::IStream::begin);
ofile.serial(dependBlockSize);, NLMISC::IStream::begin);
// write the sheet data
uint32 nbEntries = (uint32)sheetIds.size();
uint32 ver = T::getVersion ();
ofile.serial (nbEntries);
ofile.serial (ver);
ofile.close ();
catch (const NLMISC::Exception &e)
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Exception during saving the packed file, it will be recreated next launch (%s)", e.what());
// housekeeping
sheetIds.clear ();
filenames.clear ();
// ***************************************************************************
// variant with smart pointers, maintain with function above
template <class T>
void loadForm2(const std::string &sheetFilter, const std::string &packedFilename, std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, T> &container, bool updatePackedSheet=true, bool errorIfPackedSheetNotGood=true)
std::vector<std::string> vs;
loadForm2(vs, packedFilename, container, updatePackedSheet, errorIfPackedSheetNotGood);
// ***************************************************************************
/** This function is used to load values from georges sheet in a quick way.
* \param sheetFilter a vector of string to filter the sheet in the case you need more than one filter
* \param packedFilename the name of the file that this function will generate (extension must be "packed_sheets")
* \param container the map that will be filled by this function
template <class T>
void loadForm (const std::vector<std::string> &sheetFilters, const std::string &packedFilename, std::map<std::string, T> &container, bool updatePackedSheet=true, bool errorIfPackedSheetNotGood=true)
std::vector<std::string> dictionnary;
std::map<std::string, uint> dictionnaryIndex;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint32> > dependencies;
std::vector<uint32> dependencyDates;
// check the extension (i know that file like "foo.packed_sheetsbar" will be accepted but this check is enough...)
nlassert (packedFilename.find (".packed_sheets") != std::string::npos);
std::string packedFilenamePath = NLMISC::CPath::lookup(packedFilename, false, false);
if (packedFilenamePath.empty())
packedFilenamePath = packedFilename;
// make sure the CSheetId singleton has been properly initialised
// NLMISC::CSheetId::init(updatePackedSheet);
// load the packed sheet if exists
NLMISC::CIFile ifile;
ifile.setCacheFileOnOpen(true); (packedFilenamePath);
// an exception will be launch if the file is not the good version or if the file is not found
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Loading packed file '%s'", packedFilename.c_str());
// read the header
// Read depend block size
uint32 dependBlockSize;
// Read the dependencies only if update packed sheet
// read the dictionnary
// read the dependency data
uint32 depSize;
for (uint i=0; i<depSize; ++i)
std::string sheetName;
// Avoid copy, use []
// else dummy read one big block => no heavy reallocation / free
else if(dependBlockSize>0)
std::vector<uint8> bigBlock;
ifile.serialBuffer(&bigBlock[0], dependBlockSize);
// read the packed sheet data
uint32 nbEntries;
uint32 ver;
ifile.serial (nbEntries);
ifile.serial (ver);
if(ver != T::getVersion ())
throw NLMISC::Exception("The packed sheet version in stream is different of the code");
ifile.serialCont (container);
ifile.close ();
catch (const NLMISC::Exception &e)
// clear the container because it can contains partially loaded sheet so we must clean it before continue
container.clear ();
if (!updatePackedSheet)
if (errorIfPackedSheetNotGood)
nlerror ("loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (%s)", e.what());
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (%s)", e.what());
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file, I'll reconstruct it (%s)", e.what());
// if we don't want to update packed sheet, we have nothing more to do
if (!updatePackedSheet)
nlinfo ("Don't update the packed sheet with real sheet");
// retreive the date of all dependency file
for (uint i=0; i<dictionnary.size(); ++i)
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (dictionnary[i], false, false);
if (!p.empty())
uint32 d = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(p);
// file not found !
// write a future date to invalidate any file dependent on it
nldebug("Can't find dependent file %s !", dictionnary[i].c_str());
// build a vector of the sheetFilters sheet ids (ie: "item")
std::vector<std::string> sheetNames;
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator first(sheetFilters.begin()), last(sheetFilters.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
NLMISC::CPath::getFileList(*first, sheetNames);
// if there's no file, nothing to do
if (sheetNames.empty())
// set up the current sheet in container to remove sheet that are in the container and not in the directory anymore
std::map<std::string, bool> sheetToRemove;
typename std::map<std::string, T>::iterator first(container.begin()), last(container.end());
for(; first != last; ++first)
sheetToRemove.insert (make_pair(first->first, true));
// check if we need to create a new .pitems or just read it
uint32 packedFiledate = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(packedFilenamePath);
bool containerChanged = false;
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader *formLoader = NULL;
std::vector<uint> NeededToRecompute;
for (uint k = 0; k < sheetNames.size(); k++)
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (sheetNames[k], false, false);
if (p.empty())
uint32 d = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(p);
// no need to remove this sheet
sheetToRemove[sheetNames[k]] = false;
if( d > packedFiledate || container.find (sheetNames[k]) == container.end())
// check the date of each parent
nlassert(dependencies.find(sheetNames[k]) != dependencies.end());
std::vector<uint32> &depends = dependencies[sheetNames[k]];
for (uint i=0; i<depends.size(); ++i)
if (dependencyDates[depends[i]] > packedFiledate)
nldebug("Dependency on %s for %s not up to date !",
dictionnary[depends[i]].c_str(), sheetNames[k].c_str());
nlinfo ("%d sheets checked, %d need to be recomputed", sheetNames.size(), NeededToRecompute.size());
NLMISC::TTime lastTime = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLMISC::TTime start = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> form;
for (uint j = 0; j < NeededToRecompute.size(); j++)
if(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime () > lastTime + 5000)
lastTime = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
nlinfo ("%.0f%% completed (%d/%d), %d seconds remaining", (float)j*100.0/NeededToRecompute.size(),j,NeededToRecompute.size(), (NeededToRecompute.size()-j)*(lastTime-start)/j/1000);
// create the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader == NULL)
NLMISC::WarningLog->addNegativeFilter("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
formLoader = NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::createLoader ();
// Load the form with given sheet id
form = formLoader->loadForm (sheetNames[NeededToRecompute[j]].c_str ());
if (form)
// build the dependency data
std::vector<uint32> depends;
std::set<std::string> dependFiles;
form->getDependencies (dependFiles);
nlassert(dependFiles.find(sheetNames[NeededToRecompute[j]]) != dependFiles.end());
// remove the sheet itself from the container
std::set<std::string>::iterator first(dependFiles.begin()), last(dependFiles.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (*first, false, false);
if (!p.empty())
// uint32 date = NLMISC::CFile::getFileModificationDate(p);
uint dicIndex;
std::string filename = NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(p);
if (dictionnaryIndex.find(filename) == dictionnaryIndex.end())
// add a new dictionnary entry
dicIndex = (uint)dictionnary.size();
dictionnaryIndex.insert(std::make_pair(filename, (uint)dictionnary.size()));
dicIndex = dictionnaryIndex.find(filename)->second;
// add the dependecy index
// store the dependency list with the sheet ID
dependencies[sheetNames[NeededToRecompute[j]]] = depends;
// add the new creature, it could be already loaded by the packed sheets but will be overwritten with the new one
typedef typename std::map<std::string, T>::iterator TType1;
typedef typename std::pair<TType1, bool> TType2;
TType2 res = container.insert(std::make_pair(sheetNames[NeededToRecompute[j]],T()));
(*res.first).second.readGeorges (form, sheetNames[NeededToRecompute[j]]);
containerChanged = true;
nlinfo ("%d seconds to recompute %d sheets", (uint32)(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime()-start)/1000, NeededToRecompute.size());
// free the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader != NULL)
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::releaseLoader (formLoader);
NLMISC::WarningLog->removeFilter ("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
// we have now to remove sheet that are in the container and not exist anymore in the sheet directories
for (std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator it2 = sheetToRemove.begin(); it2 != sheetToRemove.end(); it2++)
// inform the contained object that it is no more needed.
containerChanged = true;
// now, save the new container in the packedfile
NLMISC::COFile ofile;;
// write the header.
// Write a dummy block size for now
sint32 posBlockSize= ofile.getPos();
uint32 dependBlockSize= 0;
// write the dictionnary
// write the dependencies data
uint32 depSize = (uint32)dependencies.size();
std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint32> >::iterator first(dependencies.begin()), last(dependencies.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
std::string sheetName = first->first;
// Then get the dicionary + dependencies size, and write it back to posBlockSize
sint32 endBlockSize= ofile.getPos();
dependBlockSize= (endBlockSize - posBlockSize) - 4;, NLMISC::IStream::begin);
ofile.serial(dependBlockSize);, NLMISC::IStream::begin);
// write the sheet data
uint32 nbEntries = (uint32)sheetNames.size();
uint32 ver = T::getVersion ();
ofile.serial (nbEntries);
ofile.serial (ver);
ofile.close ();
catch (const NLMISC::Exception &e)
nlinfo ("loadForm(): Exception during saving the packed file, it will be recreated next launch (%s)", e.what());
// housekeeping
sheetNames.clear ();
// ***************************************************************************
/** This function is used to load values from georges sheet in a quick way.
* \param sheetFilter a string to filter the sheet (ie: ".item")
* \param packedFilename the name of the file that this function will generate (extension must be "packed_sheets")
* \param container the map that will be filled by this function
template <class T>
void loadForm (const std::string &sheetFilter, const std::string &packedFilename, std::map<std::string, T> &container, bool updatePackedSheet=true, bool errorIfPackedSheetNotGood=true)
std::vector<std::string> vs;
loadForm(vs, packedFilename, container, updatePackedSheet, errorIfPackedSheetNotGood);
// ***************************************************************************
template <class T>
void loadFormNoPackedSheet (const std::string &sheetFilter, std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, T> &container, const std::string &wildcardFilter)
std::vector<std::string> vs;
loadFormNoPackedSheet(vs, container, wildcardFilter);
// ***************************************************************************
// variant with smart pointers, maintain with function above
template <class T>
void loadFormNoPackedSheet2 (const std::string &sheetFilter, std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, T> &container, const std::string &wildcardFilter)
std::vector<std::string> vs;
loadFormNoPackedSheet2(vs, container, wildcardFilter);
// ***************************************************************************
/** This function is used to load values from georges sheet in a quick way.
* NB: no packedsheet is given for load/write
* \param sheetFilters a vector of string to filter the sheet (by extension) in the case you need more than one filter
* \param wildcardFilter an additional by sheet filter (must include the extension)
* \param container the map that will be filled by this function
template <class T>
void loadFormNoPackedSheet (const std::vector<std::string> &sheetFilters, std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, T> &container, const std::string &wildcardFilter)
// make sure the CSheetId singleton has been properly initialised
// build a vector of the sheetFilters sheet ids (ie: "item")
std::vector<NLMISC::CSheetId> sheetIds;
std::vector<std::string> filenames;
for (uint i = 0; i < sheetFilters.size(); i++)
NLMISC::CSheetId::buildIdVector(sheetIds, filenames, sheetFilters[i]);
// if there's no file, nothing to do
if (sheetIds.empty())
// compute sheets that needs to be recomputed
std::vector<uint> NeededToRecompute;
for (uint k = 0; k < filenames.size(); k++)
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (filenames[k], false, false);
if (p.empty()) continue;
// check if wildcardok
if(!wildcardFilter.empty() && !NLMISC::testWildCard(p,wildcardFilter)) continue;
nlinfo ("%d sheets checked, %d need to be recomputed", filenames.size(), NeededToRecompute.size());
NLMISC::TTime last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLMISC::TTime start = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader *formLoader = NULL;
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> form;
std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> > cacheFormList;
// For all sheets need to recompute
for (uint j = 0; j < NeededToRecompute.size(); j++)
if(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime () > last + 5000)
last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
nlinfo ("%.0f%% completed (%d/%d), %d seconds remaining", (float)j*100.0/NeededToRecompute.size(),j,NeededToRecompute.size(), (NeededToRecompute.size()-j)*(last-start)/j/1000);
// create the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader == NULL)
NLMISC::WarningLog->addNegativeFilter("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
formLoader = NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::createLoader ();
// cache used to retain information (to optimize time).
if (form)
cacheFormList.push_back (form);
// Load the form with given sheet id
form = formLoader->loadForm (sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]].toString().c_str ());
if (form)
// add the new creature, it could be already loaded by the packed sheets but will be overwritten with the new one
typedef typename std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, T>::iterator TType1;
typedef typename std::pair<TType1, bool> TType2;
TType2 res = container.insert(std::make_pair(sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]],T()));
(*res.first).second.readGeorges (form, sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]]);
if(NeededToRecompute.size() > 0)
nlinfo ("%d seconds to recompute %d sheets", (uint32)(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime()-start)/1000, NeededToRecompute.size());
// free the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader != NULL)
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::releaseLoader (formLoader);
NLMISC::WarningLog->removeFilter ("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
// housekeeping
sheetIds.clear ();
filenames.clear ();
// ***************************************************************************
// variant with smart pointers, maintain with function above
template <class T>
void loadFormNoPackedSheet2 (const std::vector<std::string> &sheetFilters, std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, NLMISC::CSmartPtr<T> > &container, const std::string &wildcardFilter)
// make sure the CSheetId singleton has been properly initialised
// build a vector of the sheetFilters sheet ids (ie: "item")
std::vector<NLMISC::CSheetId> sheetIds;
std::vector<std::string> filenames;
for (uint i = 0; i < sheetFilters.size(); i++)
NLMISC::CSheetId::buildIdVector(sheetIds, filenames, sheetFilters[i]);
// if there's no file, nothing to do
if (sheetIds.empty())
// compute sheets that needs to be recomputed
std::vector<uint> NeededToRecompute;
for (uint k = 0; k < filenames.size(); k++)
std::string p = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (filenames[k], false, false);
if (p.empty()) continue;
// check if wildcardok
if(!wildcardFilter.empty() && !NLMISC::testWildCard(p,wildcardFilter)) continue;
nlinfo ("%d sheets checked, %d need to be recomputed", filenames.size(), NeededToRecompute.size());
NLMISC::TTime last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLMISC::TTime start = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader *formLoader = NULL;
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> form;
std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NLGEORGES::UForm> > cacheFormList;
// For all sheets need to recompute
for (uint j = 0; j < NeededToRecompute.size(); j++)
if(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime () > last + 5000)
last = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime ();
nlinfo ("%.0f%% completed (%d/%d), %d seconds remaining", (float)j*100.0/NeededToRecompute.size(),j,NeededToRecompute.size(), (NeededToRecompute.size()-j)*(last-start)/j/1000);
// create the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader == NULL)
NLMISC::WarningLog->addNegativeFilter("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
formLoader = NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::createLoader ();
// cache used to retain information (to optimize time).
if (form)
cacheFormList.push_back (form);
// Load the form with given sheet id
form = formLoader->loadForm (sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]].toString().c_str ());
if (form)
// add the new creature, it could be already loaded by the packed sheets but will be overwritten with the new one
typedef typename std::map<NLMISC::CSheetId, NLMISC::CSmartPtr<T> >::iterator TType1;
typedef typename std::pair<TType1, bool> TType2;
TType2 res = container.insert(std::make_pair(sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]], NLMISC::CSmartPtr<T>(new T())));
(*res.first).second->readGeorges (form, sheetIds[NeededToRecompute[j]]);
if(NeededToRecompute.size() > 0)
nlinfo ("%d seconds to recompute %d sheets", (uint32)(NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime()-start)/1000, NeededToRecompute.size());
// free the georges loader if necessary
if (formLoader != NULL)
NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::releaseLoader (formLoader);
NLMISC::WarningLog->removeFilter ("CFormLoader: Can't open the form file");
// housekeeping
sheetIds.clear ();
filenames.clear ();
#endif // NL_LOAD_FORM_H
/* End of load_form.h */