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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Misc
#include "nel/misc/singleton.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector_2f.h"
#include "nel/misc/geom_ext.h"
// 3D
#include "nel/3d/u_material.h"
#include "nel/3d/texture.h"
namespace NL3D
class UDriver;
class UScene;
class CTextureUser;
//---------------------------------------- CBloomEffect -----------------------------------------------------
// CBloomEffect class apply a bloom effect on the whole scene. The whole scene is rendered in a
// render target (a Frame Buffer Object on OpengL, the normal back buffer in Direct3D) which is stretched
// in a 256*256 another render target.
// We apply a horizontal blur on this 256*256 render target, then a vertical blur on the result of this first pass.
// The final blurred render target is blend with the initial render target of scene, with a dest + src - dest*src
// blend operation.
class CBloomEffect : public NLMISC::CSingleton<CBloomEffect>
/// Constructor
// Destructor
// Called after the Driver initialization.
void init();
// must be called before init
void setDriver(UDriver *driver) { _Driver = driver; }
UDriver* getDriver() const { return _Driver; }
// must be called before applyBloom
void setScene(UScene *scene) { _Scene = scene; }
UScene* getScene() const { return _Scene; }
// enable or disable square bloom
void setSquareBloom(bool squareBloom) { _SquareBloom = squareBloom; }
bool getSquareBloom() const { return _SquareBloom; }
// set bloom density
void setDensityBloom(uint8 densityBloom) { _DensityBloom = densityBloom; }
uint8 getDensityBloom() const { return _DensityBloom; }
// Applies bloom to the current render target
void applyBloom();
// Called at the beginning of renderAll method in the main loop, if window has been resized,
// reinitialize bloom textures according to new window size.
// The bloom texture (_InitText attribute) which is used as render target during scene render
// is reinitialized with window dimensions.
// If window size exceeds 256*256 the textures used to apply blur are reinitialized with
// 256*256 size. If a dimension is less than 256, the texture is initialized with the nearer
// power of 2, lower than this window dimension.
// void initBloom();
// Called at the end of renderAll method in the main loop, recover stretched texture, apply
// both blur passes, and the blending operation between initial render target and the blured one.
// void endBloom();
// In OpenGL, the use of FBO implies that Z buffer values of scene render have been stored in
// a depth render target. Then, to display 3D interfaces, we must display them in the same FBO,
// to keep Z tests correct.
// This method is called at the end of interfaces display in the main loop, to display final render target
// (with added interfaces) in the color frame buffer.
// NB : In Direct3D, the final render target is displayed at the end of endBloom call.
// void endInterfacesDisplayBloom();
// Initialize a bloom texture with new dimensions.
// void initTexture(NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NL3D::ITexture> & tex, bool isMode2D, uint32 width, uint32 height);
// Called in endBloom method to build a blurred texture. Two passes (then two calls)
// are necessary : horizontal and vertical.
// For the first pass, blur is applied horizontally to stretched texture _BlurFinalTex and recover in
// _BlurHorizontalTex render target texture.
// For the second pass, blur is applied vertically to precedent _BlurHorizontalTex texture and recover
// in _BlurFinalTex render target texture.
// For each pass, thanks to a vertex program, first texture is displayed with several little decals
// in order to obtain in the render target texture a mix of color of a texel and its neighboured texels
// on the axis of the pass.
void doBlur(bool horizontalBlur);
// Called in endBloom method after the both doBlur passes. Apply blend operation between initial render target
// texture _InitText of scene and the blurred texture _BlurFinalTex.
void applyBlur();
// the driver to use
UDriver* _Driver;
// the scene to use
UScene* _Scene;
// use square bloom
bool _SquareBloom;
// density of bloom
uint8 _DensityBloom;
// render target textures
// used to display scene
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NL3D::ITexture> _InitText;
// used as stretched texture from _InitText, as displayed texture in first blur pass,
// and as render target in second blur pass.
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NL3D::ITexture> _BlurFinalTex;
// used as render target in first blur pass, and as displayed texture on second blur pass.
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NL3D::ITexture> _BlurHorizontalTex;
// original render target
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NL3D::ITexture> _OriginalRenderTarget;
// materials
// used to display first texture in doBlur passes.
NL3D::UMaterial _BlurMat;
// used to blend initial scene render target texture and blur texture according to a
// dest+src - dest*src blend operation.
NL3D::UMaterial _DisplayBlurMat;
// used to blend initial scene render target texture and blur texture according to a
// dest+src - dest*src blend operation, with a square stage operation.
NL3D::UMaterial _DisplaySquareBlurMat;
// quads
NLMISC::CQuadUV _BlurQuad;
// textures and materials already initialized?
bool _Init;
// current window dimensions
/*uint32 _WndWidth;
uint32 _WndHeight;*/
// Temporary variables used during applyBloom(...) ->
// current blur texture dimensions
uint32 _BlurWidth;
uint32 _BlurHeight;
// used as stretched texture from _InitText, as displayed texture in first blur pass,
// and as render target in second blur pass.
CTextureUser *_BlurFinalTex;
// used as render target in first blur pass, and as displayed texture on second blur pass.
CTextureUser *_BlurHorizontalTex;
// <-
} // NL3D
/* End of bloom_effect.h */