2013-11-13 20:31:08 +01:00

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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/3d/transform_shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/material.h"
#include "nel/3d/animated_material.h"
#include "nel/3d/animated_lightmap.h"
#include "nel/3d/animated_morph.h"
#include "nel/3d/async_texture_block.h"
namespace NL3D
class CMeshBase;
class CMesh;
class CMeshMRM;
class CAnimatedLightmap;
class CAsyncTextureManager;
// ***************************************************************************
// ClassIds.
const NLMISC::CClassId MeshBaseInstanceId=NLMISC::CClassId(0xef44331, 0x739f6bcf);
// ***************************************************************************
* An base class for instance of CMesh and CMeshMRM (which derive from CMeshBase).
* NB: this class is a model but is not designed to be instanciated in CMOT.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CMeshBaseInstance : public CTransformShape
/// Call at the beginning of the program, to register the model
static void registerBasic();
/** The list of materials, copied from the mesh.
* Each CMeshBaseInstance has those materials, so they can be animated or modified for each instance.
* By default, they are copied from the Mesh.
std::vector<CMaterial> Materials;
/** For Aynsc Texture Loading. This has the same size as Materials.
* User can fill here the name of the texture he want to async load.
* WARNING: once AsyncTextureMode is set, Material's Texture fields should not be modified, else
* undefined results
std::vector<CAsyncTextureBlock> AsyncTextures;
/// \name IAnimatable Interface (registering only IAnimatable sons).
// @{
enum TAnimValues
OwnerBit= CTransformShape::AnimValueLast,
virtual void registerToChannelMixer(CChannelMixer *chanMixer, const std::string &prefix);
// @}
/// \name Derived from CTransformShape.
// @{
virtual uint getNumMaterial () const;
virtual const CMaterial *getMaterial (uint materialId) const;
virtual CMaterial *getMaterial (uint materialId);
// @}
/// \name Derived from ITransformable.
// @{
/// Default Track Values.
virtual ITrack* getDefaultTrack (uint valueId);
// @}
/// \name LightMap properties
// @{
uint32 getNbLightMap();
void getLightMapName( uint32 nLightMapNb, std::string &LightMapName );
// @}
// To init lightmap information
void initAnimatedLightIndex (const CScene &scene);
/// \name BlendShape properties
// @{
// Interface
uint32 getNbBlendShape();
void getBlendShapeName (uint32 nBlendShapeNb, std::string &BlendShapeName );
void setBlendShapeFactor (const std::string &BlendShapeName, float rFactor);
// Internal
std::vector<CAnimatedMorph>* getBlendShapeFactors()
return &_AnimatedMorphFactor;
// @}
/** Change MRM Distance setup. Only for mesh which support MRM. NB MeshMultiLod apply it only on Lod0.
* NB: This apply to the shape direclty!! ie All instances using same shape will be affected
* NB: no-op if distanceFinest<0, distanceMiddle<=distanceFinest or if distanceCoarsest<=distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceFinest The MRM has its max faces when dist<=distanceFinest.
* \param distanceMiddle The MRM has 50% of its faces at dist==distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceCoarsest The MRM has faces/Divisor (ie near 0) when dist>=distanceCoarsest.
virtual void changeMRMDistanceSetup(float /* distanceFinest */, float /* distanceMiddle */, float /* distanceCoarsest */) {}
/** If there are selectable texture in this mesh shape, this replace the matching material instances with the right texture
* If getAsyncTextureMode()==true, then this replace the AsyncTexture fileNames, instead of the Materials file Names.
void selectTextureSet(uint id);
/// \name Async Texture Loading
// @{
/** if true, the instance is said in "AsyncTextureMode". Ie user must fill AsyncTextures field with name of the
* textures to load. At each startAsyncTextureLoading(), the system start to load async them.
* Then, isAsyncTextureReady() should be test each frame, to know if loading has completed.
* By default, AsyncTextureMode=false.
* When it swap from false to true, each texture file in Materials are replaced with
* "blank.tga", and true fileNames are copied into AsyncTextures.
* When it swap from true to false, the inverse is applied.
* NB: calling enableAsyncTextureMode(true) calls setAsyncTextureDirty(true)
void enableAsyncTextureMode(bool enable);
bool getAsyncTextureMode() const {return _AsyncTextureMode;}
/** Start to load all textures in AsyncTextures array (if needed)
* NB: old setup is kept in Material => instance is still rendered with "coherent" textures, until new textures
* are ready
* no op if not in async texture mode.
void startAsyncTextureLoading(const NLMISC::CVector &position);
/** return true if all the async textures of the instances are uploaded.
* if was not ready before, this swap the
* return always true if not in async texture mode, or if startAsyncTextureLoading() has not been called
* since last enableAsyncTextureMode(true)
bool isAsyncTextureReady();
/** For Lod of texture, and load balancing, set the approximate distance of the instance to the camera.
void setAsyncTextureDistance(float dist) {_AsyncTextureDistance= dist;}
float getAsyncTextureDistance() const {return _AsyncTextureDistance;}
/** User is free to flag this state, to know if startAsyncTextureLoading() should be called.
* Internal system don't use this flag.
* Default is false
void setAsyncTextureDirty(bool flag) {_AsyncTextureDirty= flag;}
/// see dirtAsyncTextureState()
bool isAsyncTextureDirty() const {return _AsyncTextureDirty;}
/** Get an AynscTextureId. ret -1 if not found, or not a textureFile.
* NB: the id returned is the one in _CurrentAsyncTexture it the valid ones (thoses loaded or being loaded)
* Can be used for some (non deleting) request to the AsyncTextureManager
sint getAsyncTextureId(uint matId, uint stage) const;
// @}
/// \name CTransform traverse specialisation
// @{
/** this do :
* - animate channel mixer for pos, rot, scale etc..
* - call standard CTransform::traverseHrc()
virtual void traverseHrc();
/** this do :
* - call CTransformShape::traverseAnimDetail()
* - update animated materials.
virtual void traverseAnimDetail();
// @}
/// \name Misc
// @{
/// see CTransform::fastIntersect()
virtual bool fastIntersect(const NLMISC::CVector &p0, const NLMISC::CVector &dir, float &dist2D, float &distZ, bool computeDist2D);
// @}
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~CMeshBaseInstance();
static CTransform *creator() {return new CMeshBaseInstance;}
friend class CMeshBase;
/** The list of animated materials, instanciated from the mesh.
std::vector<CAnimatedMaterial> _AnimatedMaterials;
// Index of the Animated lightmap in the scene
std::vector<sint> _AnimatedLightmap;
std::vector<CAnimatedMorph> _AnimatedMorphFactor;
/// \name Async Texture Loading
// @{
/// 0 if all the texture are async loaded. Setup by the CAsyncTextureManager
friend class CAsyncTextureManager;
sint _AsyncTextureToLoadRefCount;
bool _AsyncTextureDirty;
bool _AsyncTextureMode;
bool _AsyncTextureReady;
// A copy of AsyncTextures done at each startAsyncTextureLoading().
std::vector<CAsyncTextureBlock> _CurrentAsyncTextures;
// distance for texture load balancing
float _AsyncTextureDistance;
void releaseCurrentAsyncTextures();
// @}
/// public only for IMeshVertexProgram classes.
/// CMeshVPWindTree instance specific part.
float _VPWindTreePhase; // Phase time of the wind animation. 0-1
bool _VPWindTreeFixed; // Enable lighting for mesh vp wind tree material when no vp are available (else vertex color is used to tint the object ...)
} // NL3D
/* End of mesh_base_instance.h */