311 lines
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311 lines
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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/object_vector.h"
#include "nel/3d/vertex_buffer.h"
#include "nel/3d/material.h"
#include "nel/3d/texture_blank.h"
#include "nel/3d/vertex_stream_manager.h"
namespace NLMISC
class CMatrix;
class CBitmap;
namespace NL3D
using NLMISC::CMatrix;
using NLMISC::CUV;
class IDriver;
class CLodCharacterShapeBank;
class CLodCharacterShape;
class CLodCharacterInstance;
class CLodCharacterTexture;
// ***************************************************************************
* This bitmap is builded in the Instance texturing build process of CLodCharacterManager
class CLodCharacterTmpBitmap
// free memory. 1*1 pixel with black stored
void reset();
/** build from a bitmap (NB: converted internally). Should be not so big (eg:64*64).
* Width and height must be <=256
void build(const NLMISC::CBitmap &bmp);
// build from a single color (for untextured materials)
void build(CRGBA col);
// get a pixel from this bitmap.
CRGBA getPixel(uint8 U, uint8 V)
U>>= _UShift;
V>>= _VShift;
return _Bitmap[(V<<_WidthPower) + U];
// **************
// The pixels.
NLMISC::CObjectVector<CRGBA> _Bitmap;
// The powerOf2 of the width
uint _WidthPower;
// The shift to apply from uint8 to fit in widht/height texture.
uint _UShift, _VShift;
// ***************************************************************************
* A Manager used to display CLodCharacter instances.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CLodCharacterManager
/// Constructor
/// \name build process
// @{
/// reset the manager.
void reset();
/** create a Shape Bank. NB: a vector of ShapeBank is maintained internally, hence, not so many shapeBank should be
* created at same Time.
* \return id of the shape Bank.
uint32 createShapeBank();
/// get a shape Bank. Useful for serialisation for example. return NULL if not found
const CLodCharacterShapeBank *getShapeBank(uint32 bankId) const;
/// get a shape Bank. Useful for serialisation for example. return NULL if not found
CLodCharacterShapeBank *getShapeBank(uint32 bankId);
/// delete a Shape Bank. No-op if bad id.
void deleteShapeBank(uint32 bankId);
/** Get a shapeId by its name. -1 if not found.
* Call valid only if compile() has been correctly called
sint32 getShapeIdByName(const std::string &name) const;
/// Get a const ref on a shape. Ptr not valid if shape Banks are modfied. NULL if not found
const CLodCharacterShape *getShape(uint32 shapeId) const;
/** re-compile the shape map. This must be called after changing shape bank list.
* It return false if same names have been found, but it is still correctly builded.
bool compile();
// @}
/// \name render process
// @{
/** set the max number of vertices the manager can render in one time. Default is 3000 vertices.
* nlassert if isRendering()
void setMaxVertex(uint32 maxVertex);
/// see setMaxVertex()
uint32 getMaxVertex() const {return _MaxNumVertices;}
/** set the number of vbhard to allocate for the vertexStream. The more, the better (no lock stall).
* Default is 8.
* With MaxVertices==3000 and numVBHard==8, this led us with 576 Ko in AGP. And this is sufficient cause it can
* handle 300 entities of approx 80 vertices each frame with no lock at all.
void setVertexStreamNumVBHard(uint32 numVBHard);
/// see setVertexStreamNumVBHard
uint32 getVertexStreamNumVBHard() const {return _NumVBHard;}
/** Start the rendering process, freeing VBuffer.
* nlassert if isRendering()
* NB: VBhard is locked here, so you must call endRender to unlock him (even if 0 meshes are rendered)
* \param managerPos is to help ZBuffer Precision (see IDriver::setupViewMatrixEx). This vector is removed from
* all instance worldMatrixes, and a IDriver::setupModelMatrix() will be done with this position.
* Hence, whatever value you give, the result will be the same. But if you give a value near the camera position,
* ZBuffer precision will be enhanced.
void beginRender(IDriver *driver, const CVector &managerPos);
/** Add an instance to the render list.
* nlassert if not isRendering()
* initInstance() must have been called before (nlassert)
* \param instance the lod instance information (with precomputed color/Uvs)
* \param worldMatrix is the world matrix, used to display the mesh
* \param ambient is the ambient used to simulate the lighting on the lod.
* \param diffuse is the diffuse used to simulate the lighting on the lod.
* \param lightDir is the diffuse used to simulate the lighting on the lod (should be the bigger light influence)
* Don't need to be normalized (must do it internally)
* \return false if the key can't be added to this pass BECAUSE OF TOO MANY VERTICES reason. If the shapeId or animId
* are bad id, it return true!! You may call endRender(), then restart a block. Or you may just stop the process
* if you want.
bool addRenderCharacterKey(CLodCharacterInstance &instance, const CMatrix &worldMatrix,
CRGBA ambient, CRGBA diffuse, const CVector &lightDir);
/** compile the rendering process, effectively rendering into driver the lods.
* nlassert if not isRendering().
* The VBHard is unlocked here.
void endRender();
/// tells if we are beetween a beginRender() and a endRender()
bool isRendering() const {return _Rendering;}
/** Setup a correction matrix for Lighting. Normals are multiplied with this matrix before lighting.
* This is important in Ryzom because models (and so Lods) are building with eye looking in Y<0.
* But they are animated with eye looking in X>0.
* The default setup is hence a matrix which do a RotZ+=90.
* \see addRenderCharacterKey
void setupNormalCorrectionMatrix(const CMatrix &normalMatrix);
// @}
/// \name Instance texturing.
// @{
/// Init the instance texturing with this manager. A texture space is reserved (if possible), and UVs are generated.
void initInstance(CLodCharacterInstance &instance);
/// Release a lod instance. Free texture space.
void releaseInstance(CLodCharacterInstance &instance);
/// reset the textureSpace. Instance must have been inited (nlassert). return false if no more texture space available
bool startTextureCompute(CLodCharacterInstance &instance);
/// get a tmp bitmap for a special slot. caller can fill RGBA texture for the associated material Id in it.
CLodCharacterTmpBitmap &getTmpBitmap(uint8 id) {return _TmpBitmaps[id];}
/// add a texture from an instance. Texture Lookup are made in _TmpBitmaps
void addTextureCompute(CLodCharacterInstance &instance, const CLodCharacterTexture &lodTexture);
/// end and compile. reset/free memory of _TmpBitmaps up to numBmpToReset.
void endTextureCompute(CLodCharacterInstance &instance, uint numBmpToReset);
// @}
/// \name Misc
// @{
/** test if the CLod intersect the ray (0, K) (after mul vertices by toRaySpace)
* \return false if not supported/no triangles, else true if can do the test (even if don't intersect!)
* if intersect, dist2D=0, and distZ= Depth Distance
* if don't intersect, dist2D="nearest distance to the ray", and distZ=0
* \param computeDist2D if false and don't intersect, then return dist2D=FLT_MAX, and distZ=0
bool fastIntersect(const CLodCharacterInstance &instance, const NLMISC::CMatrix &toRaySpace, float &dist2D, float &distZ, bool computeDist2D);
// @}
// ******************************
/// Map name To Id.
typedef std::map<std::string, uint32> TStrIdMap;
typedef TStrIdMap::iterator ItStrIdMap;
typedef TStrIdMap::const_iterator CstItStrIdMap;
/// Array of shapeBank
std::vector<CLodCharacterShapeBank*> _ShapeBankArray;
/// Map of shape id
TStrIdMap _ShapeMap;
/// \name render process
// @{
CVector _ManagerMatrixPos;
// The material.
CMaterial _Material;
uint _CurrentVertexId;
uint _MaxNumVertices;
uint _NumVBHard;
CVertexStreamManager _VertexStream;
uint8 *_VertexData;
uint _VertexSize;
bool _Rendering;
bool _LockDone;
// list of triangles
uint _CurrentTriId;
CIndexBuffer _Triangles;
// The inverse of the normal correction matrix.
CMatrix _LightCorrectionMatrix;
// @}
/// \name Instance texturing.
// @{
// The Lod texture block. Can have 256 Lods in it.
CSmartPtr<CTextureBlank> _BigTexture;
// Free texture space Ids;
std::vector<uint> _FreeIds;
// The TMP Textures for build.
CLodCharacterTmpBitmap _TmpBitmaps[256];
// return NULL if can't.
CRGBA *getTextureInstance(CLodCharacterInstance &instance);
// @}
} // NL3D
/* End of lod_character_manager.h */