2012-07-02 22:49:24 +02:00

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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/matrix.h"
#include "nel/misc/uv.h"
#include "nel/misc/bsphere.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector_2f.h"
#include "nel/3d/tess_list.h"
#include "nel/3d/tess_face_priority_list.h"
#include "nel/3d/landscape_def.h"
namespace NL3D
using NLMISC::CVector;
using NLMISC::CPlane;
using NLMISC::CMatrix;
using NLMISC::CUV;
class CPatch;
class CTessFace;
class CLandscapeVBAllocator;
class CTessBlock;
class CPatchRdrPass;
struct CTileMaterial;
// ***************************************************************************
const float OO32768= 1.0f/0x8000;
// ***************************************************************************
* The parametric coordinates of the patch. 0x0000<=>0.0f. 0x8000<=> 1.0f.
class CParamCoord
uint16 S,T;
CParamCoord() {}
CParamCoord(uint16 s, uint16 t) {S=s; T=t;}
// Create at middle.
CParamCoord(CParamCoord a, CParamCoord b)
S= (uint16) (((uint16)a.S + (uint16)b.S)>>1);
T= (uint16) (((uint16)a.T + (uint16)b.T)>>1);
// Get s,t as floats. returned s,t E [0,1].
float getS() const {return S*OO32768;}
float getT() const {return T*OO32768;}
// Set s,t as float. s,t E [0,1].
void setST(float s, float t) {S= (uint16)(s*32768);T= (uint16)(t*32768);}
// vertex on the border?
bool onBorder() const {return (S==0 || S==0x8000 || T==0 || T==0x8000);}
// ***************************************************************************
* A Landscape Vertex
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class CTessVertex
// The current position, + geomorph.
CVector Pos;
CVector StartPos, EndPos;
// Geomorph Information, for VertexProgram geomorph. NB: no RefineThreshold dependency here.
float MaxFaceSize; // max(SizeFaceA, SizeFaceB)
float MaxNearLimit; // max(NearLimitFaceA, NearLimitFaceB) with NearLimitFace= (1<<Patch->TileLimitLevel) / (1<<Level);
// init to 0, so max always() works.
MaxFaceSize= 0;
MaxNearLimit= 0;
// Compute the geomorphed position, with MaxFaceSize, MaxNearLimit ..., and current globals.
void computeGeomPos();
// ***************************************************************************
struct CTessFarVertex : public CTessNodeList
CTessBlock *OwnerBlock;
sint32 Index0; // The index of Far0 in the Far VB.
sint32 Index1; // The index of Far1 in the Far VB.
CTessVertex *Src; // The src vertex to copy Pos, and compute alpha.
CParamCoord PCoord; // The patch coord, to compute far UV.
// ***************************************************************************
struct CTessNearVertex : public CTessNodeList
CTessBlock *OwnerBlock;
sint32 Index; // The index in the Tile VB.
CTessVertex *Src; // The src vertex to copy Pos.
// Uv For dynamic lightmap
// Init this near vertex UVs, at middle of a and b.
void initMiddleUv(CTessNearVertex &a, CTessNearVertex &b)
PUv0= (a.PUv0+b.PUv0)*0.5;
PUv1= (a.PUv1+b.PUv1)*0.5;
PUv2= (a.PUv2+b.PUv2)*0.5;
// ***************************************************************************
class CRdrTileId
CPatchRdrPass *PatchRdrPass;
CTileMaterial *TileMaterial;
// For list reading.
CRdrTileId *getNext() {return _Next;}
friend class CPatchRdrPass;
CRdrTileId *_Next;
// ***************************************************************************
/** A tileface. There is one TileFace per pass (BUT Lightmap PASS!! same used for RGB0 and LIGHTMAP).
struct CTileFace : public CTessNodeList
CTessNearVertex *V[3];
// ***************************************************************************
struct CTileMaterial
// The coordinates of the tile in the patch.
uint8 TileS, TileT;
// The rendering passes materials.
// Pass are:
// 0: RGB general Tile.
// 1: 1st alpha tile. 0: RGB. 1: Alpha.
// 2: 2nd alpha tile. 0: RGB. 1: Alpha.
// 3: additive pass.
// 4: Cloud*Lightmap.
// NB: BIG TRICK: the pass 0 has 2 Uvs: Uv0: RGB, and Uv1: Lightmap!!!! even, if they are not used at the same pass :o).
// This simplifies, save memory, and save from copies of v3f.
// The list of faces, for each pass. NB: no faces for lightmaps!! since share same face/vertices from RGB0.
// The only thing not shared is the renderpass (Pass[0] and Pass[3] are different).
CTessList<CTileFace> TileFaceList[NL3D_MAX_TILE_FACE];
// FaceVectors.
TLandscapeIndexType *TileFaceVectors[NL3D_MAX_TILE_FACE];
// The global id of the little lightmap part for this tile.
uint LightMapId;
// ptrs are Null by default.
// For fast Tile clipping, may add only tiles which are visibles in RenderPass. (see preRender()).
void appendTileToEachRenderPass(uint patchNumRenderableFaces);
// Render of this tile. code in patch_render.cpp. use pass to acces both Pass[] and TileFaceVectors[].
// So don't work for lightmap.
void renderTile(uint pass);
// For faster render of Pass RGB0 and Lightmap which are always setuped.
void renderTilePassRGB0();
void renderTilePassLightmap();
// ***************************************************************************
* A Landscape Triangle.
* MemSize: 28*4 octets. => for 100K faces, it takes 11.2 Mo.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class CTessFace : public CTessNodeList, public CTessFacePListNode
/// \name geometric tesselation.
// Can't be global, because of propagated splits.
CPatch *Patch;
CTessVertex *VBase, *VLeft, *VRight;
CTessFace *FBase, *FLeft, *FRight;
CTessFace *Father, *SonLeft, *SonRight;
// The parametric coordinates of the patch.
CParamCoord PVBase, PVLeft, PVRight;
// To know if we can split or not, and to compute tile errormetric.
uint8 Level; // Level of Detail of this face. (++ at each split).
// Mark of recursion (see canMerge() ...).
bool RecursMarkCanMerge;
bool RecursMarkForceMerge;
/// \name Tile Material Infos (uvs...).
// @{
// The number of the tile relatively to the patch TileMap.
// We CANNOT store this into CTileMaterial, because of sameTile() test.
uint8 TileId;
// The multi-pass tile Material.
CTileMaterial *TileMaterial;
// The Tile Faces. There is no Face for lightmap, since use the one from RGB0.
CTileFace *TileFaces[NL3D_MAX_TILE_FACE];
// Enum for UVs V[] array in TileFaces
enum TTileUvId {IdUvBase=0, IdUvLeft, IdUvRight};
// @}
/// \name Error metric.
// @{
// Size could be computed from TileSize: Size= Patch->BaseSize / (1<<(TileSize-Patch->BaseTileSize)). (or optimized)
// But used by updateErrorMetric(), and must be as fast as possible.
sint ErrorMetricDate; // The date of errormetric update.
float Size; // /2 at each split.
CVector SplitPoint; // Midle of VLeft/VRight. Used to compute the errorMetric.
float ErrorMetric; // equal to projected size of face, but greater for the transition Far-Near.
float MaxDistToSplitPoint; // Max Dist from SplitPoint to each of 3 vertices.
// @}
// For Render.
CTessFarVertex *FVBase, *FVLeft, *FVRight;
// NB: herit from CTessNodeList to use Prec and Next ptrs.
// Id For ShadowMap
sint ShadowMapTriId;
// do nothing dtor.
// Utilities.
bool isLeaf() const {return SonLeft==NULL;}
bool isRectangular() const;
bool hasVertex(CTessVertex *v) const {return VBase==v || VLeft==v || VRight==v;}
bool hasEdge(CTessVertex *v0, CTessVertex *v1) const {return hasVertex(v0) && hasVertex(v1);}
void changeNeighbor(CTessFace *from, CTessFace *to)
if(FBase==from) FBase=to;
if(FLeft==from) FLeft=to;
if(FRight==from) FRight=to;
// Fill all Tile Material infos (id, type...), according to CPatch tilemap, and CTessFace paramcoord.
void computeTileMaterial();
// Release Tile Uvs.
void releaseTileMaterial();
// compute the NearLimit for this face. NearLimit= (1<<Patch->TileLimitLevel) / (1<<Level)
float computeNearLimit();
// update the error metric
void updateErrorMetric();
// can split leaf only.
void split(bool propagateSplit=true);
// can merge "short roots" only (roots which have leafs).
bool merge();
/// refine the node, and his sons. Refine all nodes.
void refineAll();
// update the refinement of the node, split if necessary (and then updateRefine() his splitted sons),
// Then re-insert this face in the appropriate CLandscape priority list.
void updateRefineSplit();
// Same for merge.
void updateRefineMerge();
/** compute the SplitPoint. VBase / VLeft and VRight must be valid.
* Also compute MaxDistToSplitPoint.
void computeSplitPoint();
// Used by CPatch::unbind(). isolate the tesselation from other patchs.
void unbind();
// Used by CPatch::unbind(). force the merging of face.
void forceMerge();
// Used by CPatch::linkTessFaceWithEdge(). See it. NB: it assert if the link is NULL.
CTessFace *linkTessFaceWithEdge(const NLMISC::CVector2f &uv0, const NLMISC::CVector2f &uv1, CTessFace *linkTo);
// Used by CPatch::bind(). Split if necessary, according to neighbors.
bool updateBindEdge(CTessFace *&edgeFace, bool &splitWanted);
void updateBind();
void updateBindAndSplit();
// Used by CPatch::forceMergeAtTileLevel(). force the merging of face (as possible).
void forceMergeAtTileLevel();
// Used by CPatch::averageTesselationVertices(). See CLandscape doc. recurs call.
void averageTesselationVertices();
// For CZone::refreshTesselationGeometry() only. recurs call.
void refreshTesselationGeometry();
// Used by CZone::changePatchTexture().
void deleteTileUvs();
void recreateTileUvs();
// Used by CPatch::getTesselatedPos(). recurs call.
void getTesselatedPos(const CUV &uv, bool verifInclusion, CVector &ret);
// Used by CPatch::appendTessellationLeaves(). recurs call.
void appendTessellationLeaves(std::vector<const CTessFace*> &leaves) const;
// Faces have the same tile???
static bool sameTile(const CTessFace *a, const CTessFace *b)
// WE CANNOT do this test, testing TileMaterial, because this one may be releleased by releaseMaterial() !!
return (a->Patch==b->Patch && a->TileId==b->TileId);
/// \name UV mgt.
// @{
// Allocate a CTessNearVertex "id" (base, left or right) for each not NULL TileFace of "this" face.
// Init with good CTessVertex::Src, and then, insert it into Patch RenderList.
void allocTileUv(TTileUvId id);
// delete a CTessNearVertex "id", removing it from Patch RenderList, for each not NULL TileFace of "this" face.
void deleteTileUv(TTileUvId id);
// Just ptr-copy a CTessNearVertex "id" from another face/vertex id. Do this for each not NULL TileFace.
void copyTileUv(TTileUvId id, CTessFace *srcFace, TTileUvId srcId);
// The Base NearVertex must be allocated before.
// for each not NULL TileFace of "this" face, make the Base NearVertex the middle of baseFace TileUvLeft, and
// baseFace TileUvRight.
void heritTileUv(CTessFace *baseFace);
// If patch !isRenderClipped(), and other state, create and fill VB for the vertex id of all faces of this tileFace.
void checkCreateFillTileVB(TTileUvId id);
// If patch !isRenderClipped(), and other state, fill VB only for the vertex id of all faces of this tileFace.
void checkFillTileVB(TTileUvId id);
// create The TileFaces, according to the TileMaterial passes. NO INSERTION IN RENDERLIST!!
void buildTileFaces();
// delete The TileFaces, according to the TileMaterial passes. NO REMOVAL FROM RENDERLIST!!
void deleteTileFaces();
// return true iff TileFaces are all NULL.
bool emptyTileFaces();
// @}
// see updateErrorMetric.
void computeTileErrorMetric();
// see updateRefine().
float computeTileEMForUpdateRefine(float distSplitPoint, float distMinFace, float nearLimit);
// See updateRefine() and merge().
bool canMerge(bool testEm);
// see split().
void splitRectangular(bool propagateSplit);
void doMerge();
void heritTileMaterial();
// see computeTileMaterial().
void initTileUvRGBA(sint pass, bool alpha, CParamCoord pointCoord, CParamCoord middleCoord, CUV &uv);
// The same, but for the lightmap pass.
void initTileUvLightmap(CParamCoord pointCoord, CParamCoord middleCoord, CUV &uv);
// The same, but for the dynamic lightmap (DLM) pass.
void initTileUvDLM(CParamCoord pointCoord, CUV &uv);
// Far Vertices: update info (ptr, and PCoord).
void updateNearFarVertices();
// Final copmute the 3D pos in a face, according to UV (with gradients).
void computeTesselatedPos(const CUV &uv, CVector &ret);
// Fake face are the only ones which have a NULL patch ptr (with mult face).
// The fake face which indicates a "can't merge". Useful for bind 2/4 or 1/4.
static CTessFace CantMergeFace;
// The fake face which indicates a multiple patch face. Used in updateBind(), for multiple bind.
static CTessFace MultipleBindFace;
} // NL3D
/* End of tessellation.h */