
833 lines
23 KiB

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Includes //
// Misc.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
// std.
#include <string>
// Game Share
#include "game_share/gender.h"
// Using //
using NLMISC::CVector;
using std::string;
// CClientConfig :
// Struct to manage a config file for the client.
struct CClientConfig
enum TDriver3D { DrvAuto = 0, OpenGL, Direct3D };
enum TDriverSound { SoundDrvAuto = 0, SoundDrvFMod, SoundDrvOpenAL, SoundDrvDirectSound, SoundDrvXAudio2 };
enum TStageLCTUsage { StageUseNoLCT = 0, StageUseAllLCT, StageUsePosOnlyLCT };
// the config file must be always be available
NLMISC::CConfigFile ConfigFile;
void init (const string &configFileName);
bool IsInvalidated;
/// Save the cfg file when exit the client ?
bool SaveConfig;
/// Window position in windowed mode
sint PositionX;
sint PositionY;
/// Window frequency
uint Frequency;
/// Skip introdution to ryzom (before the outgame select character
bool SkipIntro;
/// Select character automatically (dont go to create perso) (-1 if no auto select)
sint SelectCharacter;
/// Selected slot in select char interface
uint8 SelectedSlot;
/// vector of XML file names that describe the interfaces config for login
std::vector<string> XMLLoginInterfaceFiles;
/// vector of XML file names that describe the interfaces config for outgame menus
std::vector<string> XMLOutGameInterfaceFiles;
/// vector of XML file names that describe the interfaces config
std::vector<string> XMLInterfaceFiles;
/// vector of XML file names that describe R2 editor
std::vector<string> XMLR2EDInterfaceFiles;
/// logo that are displayed
std::vector<string> Logos;
/// vector of XML file names that describe input config
std::string XMLInputFile;
/// Application start and just start the outgame web browser
bool TestBrowser;
/// Start URL for testing the browser
std::string TestBrowserUrl;
/// Application start with only the interfaces
bool Light;
/// Is the landscape enabled ?
bool LandscapeEnabled;
/// Is the microlife enabled
bool MicroLifeEnabled;
/// are villages enabled
bool VillagesEnabled;
// is EAM enabled
bool EAMEnabled;
/// is level design mode enabled
bool LevelDesignEnabled;
// Cache result of interface parsing
bool CacheUIParsing;
/// Skip display of EULA (for test purposes)
bool SkipEULA;
/// Direct 3d
TDriver3D Driver3D;
/// Application start in a window or in fullscreen.
bool Windowed;
/// Width for the Application.
uint16 Width;
/// Height for the Application.
uint16 Height;
/// Bit Per Pixel (only used in Fullscreen mode).
uint16 Depth;
/// Monitor Constrast [-1 ~ 1], default 0
float Contrast;
/// Monitor Luminosity [-1 ~ 1], default 0
float Luminosity;
/// Monitor Gamma [-1 ~ 1], default 0
float Gamma;
/// Client in Local mode or not.
bool Local;
/// Host.
string FSHost;
/// Login.
bool DisplayAccountButtons;
string CreateAccountURL;
string EditAccountURL;
string ConditionsTermsURL;
string BetaAccountURL;
string ForgetPwdURL;
string FreeTrialURL;
string LoginSupportURL;
/// User entity Position (in local mode only).
CVector Position;
/// User entity Heading (in local mode only).
CVector Heading;
/// Height for the eyes.
float EyesHeight;
/// Velocity for the Walk.
float Walk;
/// Velocity for the Run.
float Run;
/// Velocity for the Walk in DM ing or editing.
float DmWalk;
/// Velocity for the Run in DM ing or editing.
float DmRun;
/// Velocity for the Fly.
float Fly;
/// Acceleration for the Fly.
float FlyAccel;
/// Allow debug commands
bool AllowDebugCommands;
/// \name Inputs
/// Use a hardware cursor
bool DisableDirectInput;
bool DisableDirectInputKeyboard;
bool HardwareCursor;
float HardwareCursorScale; // scale for hardware cursor bitmap (in ]0, 1])
float CursorSpeed;
uint CursorAcceleration;
float FreeLookSpeed;
uint FreeLookAcceleration;
float FreeLookSmoothingPeriod;
bool FreeLookInverted;
// true if camera is centered when user casts a spell
bool AutomaticCamera;
bool DblClickMode;
bool AutoEquipTool;
/// Time inputs
uint ForceDeltaTime; // 0 to use real delta time
/// Background Color
/// Landscape Tile Near.
float LandscapeTileNear;
/** Landscape Threshold. NB: threshold is inverted ULandscape::setThreshold(), to be more intelligible in client.cfg
* MUST USE getActualLandscapeThreshold() to get the real value
float LandscapeThreshold;
/// Vision.
float Vision;
float Vision_min;
float Vision_max;
/// Number poly max for LOD Balancing. Fx and Skin
uint FxNbMaxPoly;
// Is cloud displayed
bool Cloud;
float CloudQuality;
uint CloudUpdate;
uint SkinNbMaxPoly;
uint NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod;
float CharacterFarClip;
/// ScreenAspectRatio
float ScreenAspectRatio;
/// Field of View (FoV)
float FoV;
/// Force the DXTC Compression.
bool ForceDXTC;
/// Divide texture size by 2
bool DivideTextureSizeBy2;
/// Disable Hardware Vertex Program.
bool DisableVtxProgram;
/// Disable Hardware Vertex AGP.
bool DisableVtxAGP;
/// Disable Hardware Texture Shader.
bool DisableTextureShdr;
/// Enable/Disable MicroVeget.
bool MicroVeget;
/// Density of microvegetation in %
float MicroVegetDensity;
/// Enable/Disable High Def Entity Texture quality. By default its false
bool HDEntityTexture;
/// True if the client has HD Texture installed 512*512)
bool HDTextureInstalled;
/// Enable/Disable Fog
bool Fog;
/// Enable/Disable VSync
bool WaitVBL;
/// Timer mode. 0 : QueryPerformanceCounter, 1 : timeGetTime.
uint TimerMode;
/// Global Wind Setup
float GlobalWindPower;
CVector GlobalWindDirection;
// Is bloom effect activated
bool Bloom;
bool SquareBloom;
float DensityBloom;
/// Movie Shooter
uint MovieShooterMemory;
string MovieShooterPath;
string MovieShooterPrefix;
float MovieShooterFramePeriod;
bool MovieShooterBlend;
uint MovieShooterFrameSkip;
// Camera recorder
string CameraRecorderPath;
string CameraRecorderPrefix;
bool CameraRecorderBlend;
/// Screen shot
uint ScreenShotWidth; // If 0 : normal screen shot, else custom screen shot without interface
uint ScreenShotHeight;
bool ScreenShotFullDetail; // If set to true, then load balancing will be disabled for the duration of the screenshot
bool PatchWanted;
std::string PatchUrl;
std::string PatchVersion;
std::string RingReleaseNotePath;
std::string ReleaseNotePath;
// With a bigger angle, rotation is animated.
double AnimatedAngleThreshold;
uint BlendFrameNumber;
/// Shout color.
CRGBA ColorShout;
/// Talk color.
CRGBA ColorTalk;
/// Sound or not?
bool SoundOn;
/// Sound Driver
TDriverSound DriverSound;
/// SoundForceSoftwareBuffer
bool SoundForceSoftwareBuffer;
/// The outgmae music file
string SoundOutGameMusic;
/// The Sound SFX Volume (0-1) (ie all but music)
float SoundSFXVolume;
/// This is volume for "InGame" music. Does not affect the MP3 player volume
float SoundGameMusicVolume;
/// Time in ms of sound to be faded in/out when the user is teleported
sint32 SoundTPFade;
/// For Dev only
bool EnableBackgroundMusicTimeConstraint;
/// Directory where to generate the sound packed sheets
string SoundPackedSheetPath;
/// the directory where the sample banks are stored (.wav)
string SampleBankDir;
/// The audio gain for user entity sound
float UserEntitySoundLevel;
/// A flag that indicated if we use EAX
bool UseEax;
/// A flag the indicate we whant ADPCM sample (reduce memory by 1/4, but lower quality)
bool UseADPCM;
/// The max number of track we want to use.
uint MaxTrack;
/// Pre Data Path.
std::vector<string> PreDataPath;
/// Data Path.
std::vector<string> DataPath;
/// Data Path no recurse.
std::vector<string> DataPathNoRecurse;
/// Update packed sheet Path.
std::vector<string> UpdatePackedSheetPath;
/// True if we want the packed sheet to be updated if needed
bool UpdatePackedSheet;
/// TIme before exiting the application (in sec).
float EndScreenTimeOut;
/// Texture file name for the loading Background.
string Loading_BG;
string LoadingFreeTrial_BG;
/// Texture file name for the launch Background.
string Launch_BG;
/// Texture file name
string TeleportKami_BG;
string TeleportKaravan_BG;
/// Texture file name
string Elevator_BG;
/// Texture file name
string ResurectKami_BG;
string ResurectKaravan_BG;
/// Texture file name for the last Background.
string End_BG;
string IntroNevrax_BG;
string IntroNVidia_BG;
/// Message screen position
float TipsY;
float TeleportInfoY;
/// Name of the scene to play.
string SceneName;
/// Path for the Id file.
string IdFilePath;
// directories where pacs primitive can be found
std::vector<string> PacsPrimDir;
/// Vector with some entities to spawn at the beginning.
std::vector<string> StartCommands;
/// Display or not the shadows.
bool Shadows;
/// Shadows are disabled after this distance.
float ShadowsClipFar;
/// Shadows draw with just 1 part after this distance.
float ShadowsLodDist;
/// ShadowMap Z Direction Clamping when player is on landscape/interior
float ShadowZDirClampLandscape;
float ShadowZDirClampInterior;
float ShadowZDirClampSmoothSpeed;
/// ShadowMap Max Depth when player is on landscape/interior
float ShadowMaxDepthLandscape;
float ShadowMaxDepthInterior;
float ShadowMaxDepthSmoothSpeed;
/// Prim file to load
std::vector<string> PrimFiles;
/// Display or not the Names.
bool Names;
/// To force the client to sleep a bit (in ms).
sint Sleep;
/// Force process priority
sint ProcessPriority;
// To show/hide the entities path
bool ShowPath;
/// Draw the Boxes used for the selection.
bool DrawBoxes;
/// The Sheet used by the user.
std::string UserSheet;
/// (only use in local mode) User Sex.
GSGENDER::EGender Sex;
/// height added to character primitive
float PrimitiveHeightAddition;
/// Distance between 2 attackers.
float AttackDist;
/// Day at the beginning (in local mode only)
uint32 RyzomDay;
/// Time at the beginning (in local mode only)
float RyzomTime;
/// Temp for test : manual setup of the weather function
bool ManualWeatherSetup;
float ChaseReactionTime;
/// Time allowed to adjust the camera from 1st to 3rd person view (in ms).
double TimeToAdjustCamera;
/// Change the direction once this angle is reached.
double ChangeDirAngle;
/// Guild Symbol Size
float GuildSymbolSize;
/// Distance Maximum to be able to select an entity.
float SelectionDist;
/// For fair selection of entity, relative to center of bbox.
float SelectionOutBBoxWeight;
/// Distance Maximum to be able to loot/harvest a corpse.
float LootDist;
/// Space Selection: Max distance for space selection.
float SpaceSelectionDist;
/// Space Selection: max number of entities to cycle through
uint32 SpaceSelectionMaxCycle;
// TUNING //
/// Water Offset
float WaterOffset;
/// Water Offset
float FyrosWaterOffset;
float MatisWaterOffset;
float TrykerWaterOffset;
float ZoraiWaterOffset;
/// Water Offset for creature (mektoubs)
float WaterOffsetCreature;
/// Time before removing entities collisions from entities with the user in MS.
uint32 TimeToRemoveCol;
/// Time before stoping running to 0.5m to an entity for executing an action
uint32 MoveToTimeToStopStall;
/// Third Person View Min Pitch.
float TPVMinPitch;
/// Third Person View Max Pitch.
float TPVMaxPitch;
/// Max Head Targeting distance
float MaxHeadTargetDist;
/// Name of the FX played when dead
std::string DeadFXName;
/// Name of the FX played for each impact.
std::string ImpactFXName;
/// Name of the FX played when Skill Up.
std::string SkillUpFXName;
/// Factor of the walk animation distance after which the entity will start moving.
double MinDistFactor;
/// Scale used to display names.
float NameScale;
/// Distance between the name and the extended name (this value is multiply with the name scale).
float NamePos;
/// Name Font Size (above entities).
uint32 NameFontSize;
/// Names will be hidden after this Value.
float MaxNameDist;
/// Before this Value, the name size is constant.
float ConstNameSizeDist;
/// If true names won't move all the time over entities
bool StaticNameHeight;
/// Bars Height / 2
float BarsHeight;
/// Bars Width / 2
float BarsWidth;
/// Fight Area Size
double FightAreaSize;
/// Destination Threshold
double DestThreshold;
/// Radius of the Position Limiter (Useful to avoid some Noise on Positions).
double PositionLimiterRadius;
/// Significant Distance
double SignificantDist;
/// ZBias for InScene bubble
float BubbleZBias;
/// ZBias for InScene Forage Interface
float ForageInterfaceZBias;
/// visual scale
float FyrosScale;
float MatisScale;
float TrykerScale;
float ZoraiScale;
/// Racial Animation
bool EnableRacialAnimation;
/// Right click select too.
bool SelectWithRClick;
/// Walk/Run at the beginning
bool RunAtTheBeginning;
/// Rotation Velocity
float RotKeySpeedMax;
float RotKeySpeedMin;
/// Rotation Acceleration
float RotAccel;
/// Put Back Items after use
bool PutBackItems;
/// Display the name of the entity under the cursor.
bool ShowNameUnderCursor;
/// Display the name of the entity selected.
bool ShowNameSelected;
/// Force display of names under this distance
float ShowNameBelowDistanceSqr;
/// Force the FPV when the user is indoor.
bool ForceIndoorFPV;
/// Follow on Attack
bool FollowOnAtk;
/// Attack on Select
bool AtkOnSelect;
/// Makes entities transparent if they are under cursor
bool TransparentUnderCursor;
/// First Person View or Not.
bool FPV;
/// Distance of the camera from the user.
float CameraHeight;
float CameraDistance;
float CameraDistStep;
float CameraDistMin; // Last distance before FirstPersonView
float CameraDistMax; // distance max of the camera for ryzom player and ring tester player
float DmCameraDistMax; // distance max of the camera for ring/dm
float CameraAccel;
float CameraSpeedMin;
float CameraSpeedMax;
float CameraResetSpeed;
bool VerboseVP;
bool VerboseAnimUser;
bool VerboseAnimSelection;
bool VerboseAllTraffic;
// LIGO //
std::string LigoPrimitiveClass;
// DEBUG //
// Display names of missing animation files
bool DisplayMissingAnimFile;
// Default creature spawned when the entity do not exist
std::string DefaultEntity;
// Restrain the predicted interval
bool RestrainPI;
// Dump Visual Slot IDs.
bool DumpVSIndex;
// Font size for Help infos.
uint32 HelpFontSize;
// Color for the Help Font.
CRGBA HelpFontColor;
// Line step for Help infos.
float HelpLineStep;
// Font size for debug infos.
uint32 DebugFontSize;
// Color for the Debug Font.
CRGBA DebugFontColor;
// Line step for debug infos.
float DebugLineStep;
CVector HeadOffset;
// Enable/disable Floating Point Exceptions
bool FPExceptions;
// Use to launch exceptions when there is something wrong
bool Check;
// Use PACS collision for all (Work In Progress).
bool UsePACSForAll;
bool DisplayWeapons;
bool NeedComputeVS;
bool BlendForward;
bool ForceLanguage;
std::string LanguageCode;
bool DebugStringManager;
bool PreCacheShapes;
bool ResetShapeBankOnRetCharSelect;
uint32 SimulatePacketLossRatio;
// Parameters for colors of messages in system info
// Mode is the display settings :
// Normal : just display in the system info window
// Over : must be displayed at bottom of the screen and in system info window
// Center ; must be displayed at the center of the screen and in system info window
struct SSysInfoParam
CRGBA Color;
std::string SysInfoFxName;
enum TMode { Normal, Over, OverOnly, Center, Around };
TMode Mode;
Color= CRGBA::Black;
Mode= Normal;
std::map<std::string, SSysInfoParam> SystemInfoParams;
// printf commands to display localized strings in loading screen
struct SPrintfCommand
uint X;
uint Y;
CRGBA Color;
uint FontSize;
std::string Text;
std::vector<SPrintfCommand> PrintfCommands;
std::vector<SPrintfCommand> PrintfCommandsFreeTrial;
// funny loading messages count
uint16 LoadingStringCount;
int CheckMemoryEveryNFrame; // -1 no check (default) else number frame to skip before a memory checking
bool LogMemoryAllocation; // false no log (default) else log each memory allocation in the file "alloc.memlog"
int LogMemoryAllocationSize; // Size of the block to log (default : 8)
// ground FXs
float GroundFXMaxDist; // max dist for ground fxs
uint GroundFXMaxNB; // max number of ground fxs
uint GroundFXCacheSize; // max number of cached ground fxs
// TEMP //
// Array with the name of all offensive impact FXs.
std::vector<string> OffImpactFX;
// Pacs prim used for ZC
std::string ZCPacsPrim;
// Reload config files, teleport list and sheet_id.bin
bool AutoReloadFiles;
// Use new version of the blend shapes (if true) new version with min,max in race_stats
bool BlendShapePatched;
// Not secure boolean to disable some commands on client side
bool ExtendedCommands;
// Timed FXs
sint MaxNumberOfTimedFXInstances;
// Selection FXs
std::string SelectionFX;
std::string MouseOverFX;
float SelectionFXSize;
// Time to update water envmap
float WaterEnvMapUpdateTime;
// number of frames to profile (0 for start/stop scheme)
uint NumFrameForProfile;
// KlientChatPort
std::string KlientChatPort;
// SimulateServerTick
bool SimulateServerTick;
// usage of LCT in _Stages of CCharacterCL
TStageLCTUsage StageLCTUsage;
// TMP : for integration of damage shield
bool DamageShieldEnabled;
// R2ED //
/// Activate R2 login behavior
bool R2Mode;
/// Force direct R2 editor jumpstart
bool R2EDEnabled;
bool R2EDVerboseParseTime;
bool R2EDDontReparseUnchangedUIFiles;
std::vector<string> R2EDReloadFiles;
bool R2EDExtendedDebug;
bool R2EDLightPalette;
uint32 R2EDAutoSaveWait; // wait between 2 autosave in second
uint32 R2EDAutoSaveSlot; // number of autosave file
uint32 R2EDLoadDynamicFeatures;
bool R2EDMustVerifyRingAccessWhileLoadingAnimation;
bool R2EDUseVerboseRingAccess;
float R2EDClippedEntityBlendTime;
//0: direct send packet to DSS <=> for not breaking thing
//1: cut packet send to DSS <=> for local or SBS less shard (dev)
//2: cut packet, simulate SBS <=> debug
//3: cut packet, send to SBS <=> will be the final value
uint32 R2EDDssNetwork;
// LUA //
/// Allow Lua commands (commands begining with Lua)
bool AllowDebugLua;
bool LoadLuaDebugger;
bool LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonEnabled;
std::string LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonTemplate;
std::string LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonCaption;
std::string LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonFunction;
/// Display additional Lua DebugInfo
bool DisplayLuaDebugInfo;
bool BeepWhenLaunched; // beep when the client is launched
// R2 Gw
std::string R2ClientGw;
float FogDistAndDepthLookupBias;
// name of the files for hardware cursors
std::set<std::string> HardwareCursors;
bool CheckR2ScenarioMD5;
// vector of languages avoidable in Ring scenari
std::vector<string> ScenarioLanguages;
// vector of types avoidable in Ring scenari
std::vector<string> ScenarioTypes;
// build name
std::string BuildName;
bool DisplayTPReason;
//uint32 TPCancelButtonX;
//uint32 TPCancelButtonY;
//uint32 TPQuitButtonX;
//uint32 TPQuitButtonY;
uint32 TPButtonW;
uint32 TPButtonH;
std::string ScenarioSavePath;
// tmp for background downloader integration
bool BackgroundDownloader;
/// Constructor.
static void setValues (); // Set the values of the ClientCfg instance
static void setValuesOnFileChange (); // called when cfg modified
/// Serialize CFG.
virtual void serial(class NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// End process
void release ();
bool readBool (const std::string &varName);
void writeBool (const std::string &varName, bool val);
sint32 readInt (const std::string &varName);
void writeInt (const std::string &varName, sint32 val);
double readDouble (const std::string &varName);
void writeDouble (const std::string &varName, double val);
void writeString (const std::string &varName, const std::string &bVal);
// return 0 / false if not succeed
bool readBoolNoWarning (const std::string &varName);
sint32 readIntNoWarning (const std::string &varName);
double readDoubleNoWarning (const std::string &varName);
std::string readString (const std::string &varName);
// NB: threshold is inverted ULandscape::setThreshold(), to be more intelligible in client.cfg
float getActualLandscapeThreshold() const;
// Return LanguageCode but if "wk", then return "en"
string getHtmlLanguageCode() const;
// return a random loading tip or, if there are not, return the string in argument
ucstring buildLoadingString( const ucstring& ucstr ) const;
};// CClientConfig //
// GLOBAL //
extern CClientConfig LastClientCfg;
extern CClientConfig ClientCfg;
extern const std::string ConfigFileName;
#endif // CL_CLIENT_CFG_H
/* End of client_cfg.h */