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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nel/3d/hrc_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/track.h"
#include "nel/3d/transformable.h"
#include "nel/3d/animated_value.h"
#include "nel/3d/channel_mixer.h"
#include "nel/misc/matrix.h"
#include "nel/misc/matrix.h"
#include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
#include "nel/3d/light_contribution.h"
#include "nel/3d/lighting_manager.h"
#include "nel/misc/class_id.h"
#include "nel/3d/fast_ptr_list.h"
namespace NLMISC
class CAABBox;
namespace NL3D
using NLMISC::CVector;
using NLMISC::CPlane;
using NLMISC::CMatrix;
using NLMISC::CAABBox;
class CSkeletonModel;
class CInstanceGroup;
class ILogicInfo;
class CLoadBalancingGroup;
class CSkinSpecularRdrPass;
class CShadowMap;
class CMaterial;
class IDriver;
class CInstanceUser;
// ***************************************************************************
// ClassIds.
const NLMISC::CClassId TransformId=NLMISC::CClassId(0x174750cb, 0xf952024);
// ***************************************************************************
* A basic node which provide an animatable matrix (ITransformable).
* May be derived for each node who want to support such a scheme (CCamera, CLight, CInstance ... )
* CTransform ALWAYS herit scale from fathers! (joints skeleton may not...) (nbyoyo: else, this breaks the update() system).
* CTransform Default tracks are identity (derived class may change this).
* CTransform by default IS NOT RENDERABLE. ie never inserted in renderList.
* Deriver should call setIsRenderable(true) to make the model renderable
* CTransform by default IS NOT ANIMDETAIL-able. ie never inserted in anim detail list.
* It is automatically inserted in anim detail list if registerToChannelMixer() is called.
* Deriver should call setIsForceAnimdetail(true) to make the model always anim-detail-ed
* CTransform by default IS NOT LOADBALANCE-able. ie never inserted into list for LoadBlancing.
* Deriver should call setIsLoadbalancable(true) to support this traversal.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class CTransform : public ITransformable
/// Call at the begining of the program, to register the model
static void registerBasic();
/// get the scene which has created us
CScene *getOwnerScene() const {return _OwnerScene;}
/// \name Model updating/traversing features
// @{
/** This function update the model (called by CScene::updateModels())
* Deriver Must :
* - call BaseClass::update() (eg: CTransform::update()).
* - test if something is different (eg: animation modification). Then update Model information (eg compute new Matrix).
* The default behavior is to update transform Matrix etc...
virtual void update();
* Extra init for a model. this method is called by the framework at the very end of CScene::createModel()
* Warning! if the model is a CTransformShape, then when initModel() is called, Shape and other related member/setup
* of IShape::createInstance() are not yet done (because createModel() is called at the begining in createInstance()).
* Because initModel() is called at the very end, deriver could implement anything like creating other models,
* but not deleting this model...
* Default behavior is to do nothing.
virtual void initModel();
/// Each method is called in its associated traversal
virtual void traverseHrc();
/** The base traverseClip method.
* The behavior is to:
* - test if _WorldVis is visible.
* - test if is clipped with clip() OR IF SKELETON MODEL, USE SKELETON MODEL clip!!
* - if visible and not clipped, set \c _Visible=true (else false). and
* - add the CTransform* to the ClipTrav list
* - if _Visible==true, and renderable, add it to the RenderTraversal: \c RenderTrav->addRenderModel(model);
* - always traverseSons(), to clip the sons.
virtual void traverseClip();
/// call updateWorldMatrixFromFather(), then traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix()
virtual void traverseAnimDetail();
/// no-op by default
virtual void traverseLoadBalancing();
/// traverse the lightedModel per default: recompute LightContribution is isLightable()
virtual void traverseLight();
/// no-op by default
virtual void traverseRender();
/// clip method called by traverseClip(). deafult is always visible
virtual bool clip()
return true;
/// Called at RenderTrav to profile current render. no-op per default
virtual void profileRender();
// @}
// build matching user interface object (a class derived from CInstanceUser)
virtual class UTransform *buildMatchingUserInterfaceObject ();
/** Accessors for opacity/transparency
void setTransparency(bool v);
void setOpacity(bool v);
// no op for non multi-lod object, else, force the opacity /
void setBypassLODOpacityFlag(bool bypass);
bool getBypassLODOpacityFlag() const{ return getStateFlag(BypassLODOpacity) != 0; }
// return a non-zero value if true
uint32 isOpaque() { return getStateFlag(IsOpaque); }
uint32 isTransparent() { return getStateFlag(IsTransparent); }
/** Set the current layer for this transform.
* Typically, this is used to sort transparent objects. Isn't used with solid objects.
* For now :
* Layer 0 is for underwater
* Layer 1 is for water surfaces
* Layer 2 is for object above water
void setOrderingLayer(uint layer) { _OrderingLayer = uint8(layer); }
/// Get the ordering layer
uint getOrderingLayer() const { return _OrderingLayer; }
/// Set priority for transparent ordering. When sorting before drawing, priority is taken in account before distance, so
// an object with distance 10 and priority 1 will be displayed before any object with distance 1 and priority 0.
// IMPORTANT : priority is clamped by the number of priorities defined in the scene. By default there's only one priority of 0
// that is possible, so priority ordering doesn't actually occurs.
void setTransparencyPriority(uint8 priority) { _TransparencyPriority = priority; }
uint8 getTransparencyPriority() const { return _TransparencyPriority; }
/// Hide the object and his sons.
void hide();
/// Show the objet and his sons.
void show();
* Enable / disable user clipping. If enable, the transform is not clipped into the engine.
* The user has to use show / hide to clip or not the transform.
void setUserClipping(bool enable);
/// Return the user clipping state
bool getUserClipping() const;
/// herit the visibility from his father. (default behavior).
void heritVisibility();
/// Get the local visibility state.
CHrcTrav::TVisibility getVisibility() {return Visibility;}
/// Get the skeleton model. Returnr NULL in normal mode.
CSkeletonModel* getSkeletonModel () const {return _FatherSkeletonModel;}
// Get the ancestor skeleton, (father skeleton that has the least depth in the model tree), or NULL if none
CSkeletonModel *getAncestorSkeletonModel() const { return _AncestorSkeletonModel; }
/// \name Hierarchy linking
// @{
/** link son to this in Hierarchy traversal
* NB: link does nothing if the son node is HRC frozen */
void hrcLinkSon(CTransform *son);
/** unlink this from any Father in Hrc. No-op if no parent
* NB: unlink does nothing if the node is HRC frozen */
void hrcUnlink();
// get the Hrc parent if any (else NULL)
CTransform *hrcGetParent() const {return _HrcParent;}
// get Sons links. NB: indices are no more valid after an hrcUnlink()
uint hrcGetNumChildren() const {return _HrcSons.size();}
CTransform *hrcGetChild(uint index) const;
// @}
/// \name Clip linking
// @{
// Add a link from me to son for Clip Graph (no-op if son==this)
void clipAddChild(CTransform *son);
// Remove a link from me to son for Clip Graph (no-op if not found)
void clipDelChild(CTransform *son);
// unlink from all parent clip
void clipUnlinkFromAll();
// get Parents links. NB: indices are no more valid after a clipDelChild()
uint clipGetNumParents() const {return (uint)_ClipParents.size();}
CTransform *clipGetParent(uint index) const;
// get Sons links. NB: indices are no more valid after a clipDelChild()
uint clipGetNumChildren() const {return _ClipSons.size();}
CTransform *clipGetChild(uint index) const;
// @}
/// \name Derived from ITransformable.
// @{
/// Default Track Values are identity (pos,pivot= 0, scale= 1, rots=0).
virtual ITrack* getDefaultTrack (uint valueId);
/** register transform channels (in global anim mode).
* \see setChannelMixerOwnerShip
virtual void registerToChannelMixer(CChannelMixer *chanMixer, const std::string &prefix);
// @}
/** This force gives this object ownership of the channel mixer it is registered to, so it will delete it when the dtor is called.
* It should be called AFTER this object has been registered to a channel mixer, because a new registration will broke the ownership.
* This is useful for automatic animations, when there's no owner of the channel mixer that could delete it.
void setChannelMixerOwnerShip(bool enable = true) { setStateFlag(IsDeleteChannelMixer, enable); }
bool getChannelMixerOwnerShip() const { return getStateFlag(IsDeleteChannelMixer)!=0; }
/** freeze the preceding position of the model. Do not use, special code for cluster.
* This inform the scene that preceding position setuped by user is "frozen". ie at next render(), this
* object won't be added to the "object moving list" (useful for cluster mgt).
* The "frozen" state is disabled (at render() time) if:
* - change in position (directly or indireclty, such as animation) is performed after the freeze().
* - the "frozen" state of a father is not enabled (or disabled by a change in position of him :) ).
void freeze();
void setDontUnfreezeChildren(bool val);
/** freeze the HRC so the WorldMatrix computed at next render() will be kept for long, and the model won't
* either be tested in HRC (which is still expensive, even if the worldmatrix doesn't need to be recomputed).
* The model won't either be validated. It is suposed to not change at all. Also, if it is not a son of a CCluster,
* it may be accelerated during Cliping (with CQuadGridClipManager).
* NB: the model won't be tested in HRC anymore.
* calling freezeHRC() on a model in a hierarchy without calling it to the root of the hierarchy
* will result in that the model won't be validated nor be HRC traversed.
* To be simplier, you should freezeHRC() all the models of a hierarchy, from base root to leaves.
* NB: if the hierarchy of this object must change, or if the object must moves, you must call unfreezeHRC() first,
* and you should do this for all the parents of this model.
void freezeHRC();
/** see freezeHRC().
void unfreezeHRC();
/** special feature for CQuadGridClipManager. return a non-zero value if true
uint32 isQuadGridClipEnabled() const {return getStateFlag(QuadGridClipEnabled);}
* Get the worldMatrix that is computed at last Hrc pass
const CMatrix& getWorldMatrix() const {return _WorldMatrix;}
// force the world matrix (could be modified next frame after hrc traversal
void setWorldMatrix(const CMatrix &mat) { _WorldMatrix = mat;}
/** tells if the transform has been determined as visible in the hrc traversal
bool isHrcVisible() const
return _WorldVis;
/** tells if the transform has been clipped in the clip traversal.
bool isClipVisible() const
return _Visible;
// A RefPtr is kept on the clusterSystem, so getClusterSystem() will return NULL if the instance group has been deleted
void setClusterSystem (CInstanceGroup *pCS);
CInstanceGroup* getClusterSystem ();
/// name Lighting Behavior.
// @{
/** reset lights which influence this models. NB: the model is removed from all lights's list (except
* FrozenStaticLightSetup). Called by light rendering.
* NB: the model is NOT removed from LightingManager (with eraseStaticLightedModel()).
void resetLighting();
/** true if the model can be lighted (such as CMeshBaseInstance)
* Default behavior is false.
* Deriver must use setIsLightable(true) method if the instance can be lighted.
* \return 0 if getUserLightable() is false, or if the model can't be lighted at all. else return a non-zero value
uint32 isLightable() const {return getStateFlag(IsFinalLightable);}
/** Set the UserLightable flag. if false, isLightable() will always return false.
* Doing this, user can disable lighting on a model which may be interesting for speed.
* Default behavior is UserLightable==true.
void setUserLightable(bool enable);
/** Get the UserLightable flag.
bool getUserLightable() const {return getStateFlag(IsUserLightable)!=0;}
/** Freeze and set the Static Light Setup. Called by CInstanceGroup::addToScene()
* NB: it calls resetLighting() first.
* NB: nlassert(numPointLights<=NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION)
void freezeStaticLightSetup(CPointLight *pointLight[NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION],
uint numPointLights, uint8 sunContribution, CPointLight *frozenAmbientlight);
/** unFreeze the Static Light Setup. Must be called if static pointLights are deleted.
* NB: it calls resetLighting() first.
* NB: do not need to call it if pointLights and this transform are deleted at same time.
void unfreezeStaticLightSetup();
/** non-zero if the lighting Manager must take into account the bbox of the transform.
* Default behavior is false. Deriver must call setIsBigLightable() at initialisation to change it.
uint32 isBigLightable() const {return getStateFlag(IsBigLightable);}
/** return true if the current light contribution of this model use a MergedPointLight
bool useMergedPointLight() const {return _LightContribution.UseMergedPointLight;}
/** Return the current light contribution of this model
const CLightContribution &getLightContribution() const { return _LightContribution; }
/** get the HotSpot of the model for Light computation. For models with global attenuation, this is
* the point taken for attenuation computes. NB: should return the current world position.
* NB: return also the modelRadius (only for bigLightable)
* Default to NULL.
virtual void getLightHotSpotInWorld(CVector &modelPos, float &modelRadius) const {modelPos= CVector::Null; modelRadius=0;}
// @}
/** Set the LogicInfo for this transfrom, eg to retrieve statc light information, see ILogicInfo.
* Ptr is kept in CTransfrom, so should call setLogicInfo(NULL) before to clean up.
void setLogicInfo(ILogicInfo *logicInfo) {_LogicInfo= logicInfo;}
/** Get the untransformed AABBox of the transform. NULL (gtCenter()= 0, gtSize()==0) by default.
virtual void getAABBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox) const;
/// name Load Balancing Behavior.
// @{
/** Change the load Balancing group of a model. Every models are in a special LoadBalancingGroup.
* NB: the group is created if did not exist.
* NB: if models are skinned, it is their Skeleton which drive the group
* By default, models lies in the "Default" group, but Skeletons for skinning and ParticlesSystems which
* are in "Skin" and "Fx" group respectively.
* The "Default" group is special because it is not balanced (ie models are only degraded from
* their distance to camera)
void setLoadBalancingGroup(const std::string &group);
/** Get the load Balancing group of a model. see setLoadBalancingGroup().
const std::string &getLoadBalancingGroup() const;
// @}
/// \name Skinning Behavior.
// @{
/// return non-zero if I am a skeleton. if yes, static_cast<CSkeletonModel*> may be used
uint32 isSkeleton() const {return getStateFlag(IsSkeleton);}
/// non-zero if the model is skinned onto a skeleton.
uint32 isSkinned() const {return getStateFlag(IsSkinned);}
/** Called for edition purpose (slow call O(NVertex))
* It return the BBox (local to the Bone at its bind pos) of all of the vertices
* of this mesh that are bound to this bone
* NB: the instance must be skinned to the skeleton instance, BUT the result is not modified
* by current bone world matrix (eg: no current scale influence)
* \param boneId: the id of the skeleton's bone (which the instance is skinned to)
* \param bbox: the bbox (in bone basis) filled if return is true
* \return false if no vertices are bound to
virtual bool getSkinBoneBBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &/* bbox */, uint /* boneId */) {return false;}
// @}
/// name Misc
// @{
/** set the Mean color of the transform. The mean color can be used for many purpose, such as drawing
* objects if the textures are not loaded. It is used also for Lod Character.
* Default color is (255,255,255)
void setMeanColor(CRGBA color);
/// see setMeanColor()
CRGBA getMeanColor() const {return _MeanColor;}
/// non-zero if the model is animDetailable (ie added to the animDetail list if visible)
uint32 isAnimDetailable() const {return getStateFlag(IsAnimDetailable);}
/// non-zero if the model is loadBalancable (ie added to the loadBalancing list if visible)
uint32 isLoadBalancable() const {return getStateFlag(IsLoadBalancable);}
/// non-zero if the model is renderable (ie something may appear on screen)
uint32 isRenderable() const {return getStateFlag(IsRenderable);}
/// non-zero if the CTransform can be casted to a CMeshBaseInstance
uint32 isMeshBaseInstance() const {return getStateFlag(IsMeshBaseInstance);}
/// non-zero if the CTransform can be casted to a CTransformShape
uint32 isTransformShape() const {return getStateFlag(IsTransformShape);}
/// non-zero if the CTransform can be casted to a CCluster
uint32 isCluster() const {return getStateFlag(IsCluster);}
/** true if the transform support fast intersection (fastIntersect() works)
* For now, supports
* - skeleton with ALL skins that are shadowSkined (w or wo MRM)
* - mesh that are not skinned (Standard/MRM/MultiLod), and that have been flagged through
* CShapeBank::buildSystemGeometryForshape()
bool supportFastIntersect() const {return _SupportFastIntersect;}
/** test if the transform intersect the ray (p0, dir).
* \return false if not supported/no triangles, else true if can do the test (even if don't intersect!)
* if intersect, dist2D=0, and distZ= Depth Distance
* if don't intersect, dist2D="nearest distance to the ray", and distZ=0
* \param computeDist2D if false and don't intersect, then return dist2D=FLT_MAX, and distZ=0
virtual bool fastIntersect(const NLMISC::CVector &/* p0 */, const NLMISC::CVector &/* dir */, float &/* dist2D */, float &/* distZ */, bool /* computeDist2D */) {return false;}
/// internal only: used by CMeshBase
void enableFastIntersectSupport(bool enable) {_SupportFastIntersect= enable;}
// @}
/** \name ShadowMapping
* NB: It is the deriver work to call CRenderTrav::getShadowMapManager().addShadowReceiver() or
* CRenderTrav::getShadowMapManager().addShadowCaster(), typically in traverseHRC() or in traverseRender()
* NB: when _AncestorSkeletonModel!=NULL, the shadowMapCaster should not be Added.
* NB: Deriver must also implement createShadowMap() and deleteShadowMap() protected callBacks,
* if it supports CastShadowMaping
// @{
/** By default, map shadow casting is disabled. This enabled shadow for this model.
* Fails if the model don't support dynamic Map Shadow Casting (eg landscape)
* Dervier note: createShadowMap() and deleteShadowMap() is called here.
void enableCastShadowMap(bool state);
/// true if the instance cast shadow. By default false
bool canCastShadowMap() const {return getStateFlag(IsFinalShadowMapCaster)!=0;}
/** By default, map shadow receiving is disabled. This enabled shadow for this model.
* Fails if the model don't support dynamic Map Shadow Receiving (eg Particle system)
void enableReceiveShadowMap(bool state) {if(modelCanReceiveShadowMap()) setStateFlag(IsFinalShadowMapReceiver, state);}
/// true if the instance receive shadow. By default false
bool canReceiveShadowMap() const {return getStateFlag(IsFinalShadowMapReceiver)!=0;}
/// true if the model provide a method to support shadowMap generation
uint32 modelCanCastShadowMap() const {return getStateFlag(IsShadowMapCaster);}
/// true if the model provide a method to support shadowMap receiving
uint32 modelCanReceiveShadowMap() const {return getStateFlag(IsShadowMapReceiver);}
/** For Casters. Display the Shadow to the "Auxiliary Driver".
* This method should only write to AlphaBuffer (since RGB may be the current rendered scene!),
* with Alpha==1 when pixel is shadowed.
* The ShadowMapManager has already cleared the AlphaBuffer to black, and has already enabled alpha write only.
* The ShadowMapManager has already setuped Viewport/Scissor as its convenience.
* The extra blurring is a work of the ShadowMapManager (which blurs multiple shadows in a same pass)
* NB: you can overwrite the current driver frustum/ViewMatrix/modelMatrix without backuping it (ShadowMapManager work)
virtual void generateShadowMap(const CVector &/* lightDir */) { }
/** get The shadow Map result for receveing. If NULL, nothing is displayed.
virtual CShadowMap *getShadowMap() {return NULL;}
/** For receivers. get the World Instance bbox that includes the receiver.
virtual void getReceiverBBox(CAABBox &bbox);
/** For receivers. Modulate the Object with a ShadowMap. The model shoud render in the scene driver a version
* of its geometry simplified, and modulate the background with shadowColor.
* \param casterPos the world position of the caster model.
* \param shadowMat a correclty setuped material with good ShadowColor, ready to be rendered.
virtual void receiveShadowMap(CShadowMap * /* shadowMap */, const CVector &/* casterPos */, const CMaterial &/* shadowMat */) { }
/** For receivers. Retrieve the WorldMatrix of the model used for IDriver::render(). By default it returns getWorldMatrix().
* The exception is the Landscape and his "ZBuffer Problem" management.
virtual const CMatrix &getReceiverRenderWorldMatrix() const {return getWorldMatrix();}
/// For ShadowMapManager. true if the model is rendering its ShadowMap this frame.
void setGeneratingShadowMap(bool state) {if(canCastShadowMap()) setStateFlag(IsGeneratingShadowMap, state);}
bool isGeneratingShadowMap() const {return getStateFlag(IsGeneratingShadowMap)!=0;}
/** Special For Skeleton Caster. When Skeletons cast shadows, they first compute the WorldBBox.
* The model should compute its bbox in World (best fit).
* \return false if the model don't support it (default), or if hidden in HRC!!
virtual bool computeWorldBBoxForShadow(NLMISC::CAABBox &/* worldBB */) {return false;}
/** Special For Skeleton Caster. Render into the AuxDriver the mesh, within the current
* setuped Frustum/ViewMatrix.
* no-op by default, or if hidden in HRC!!
* \param rootSkeleton the skeleton which is currently rendering its shadowMap
virtual void renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap(CSkeletonModel * /* rootSkeleton */, CMaterial &/* castMat */) { }
/** To limit some problems when the light direction is too on the XY axis.
* This method set an "angle" threshold for the shadow direction
* Actually, you give the minimum negative Z (not ang angle) the normalized shadow direction must have
* \param zthre possible values are in [-1,1].
* -1 force the direction to be (0,0,-1) in all case
* 0 means the z may be 0 (the direction is totaly XY), but at least the direction must go downward
* 1 means there is no restriction, the shadow direction can either be upward
* default is -0.5 (this implies a minimum angle of 30 degrees with the XY plane)
void setShadowMapDirectionZThreshold(float zthre);
float getShadowMapDirectionZThreshold() const {return _ShadowMapDirectionZThreshold;}
/** To limit some problems with interior, a limit of shadow depth by caster can be given.
* This is the length in the lightDir direction where the shadow can touch receivers.
* Can be used also to have some big objects that cast shadows further.
* Default to 8.0.
void setShadowMapMaxDepth(float depth);
float getShadowMapMaxDepth() const {return _ShadowMapMaxDepth;}
// @}
/** Force the transform to always be attached to the root
* As a consequence, it can't be inserted into a cluster system (even the root cluster)
* and is thus always visible when in the frustum (not clusterized)
* NB : any call to setClusterSystem will cause an assertion when the flag is set
* NB : any call to hrcUnlink will cause an assertion when the flag is set (must remain linked to the root)
void setForceClipRoot(bool forceClipRoot);
bool getForceClipRoot() const { return getStateFlag(ForceClipRoot) != 0; }
// test if the model is a flare
virtual bool isFlare() const { return false; }
/// Don't use, used by CSkeletonSpawnScript to indicate that the WorldMatrix of this object is special
void setSSSWO(bool state) {setStateFlag(SSSWO, state);}
bool getSSSWO() const {return getStateFlag(SSSWO)!=0;}
// ********
CHrcTrav::TVisibility Visibility;
static CTrackDefaultVector DefaultPos;
static CTrackDefaultVector DefaultPivot;
static CTrackDefaultVector DefaultRotEuler;
static CTrackDefaultQuat DefaultRotQuat;
static CTrackDefaultVector DefaultScale;
/** Constructor
* The deriver \b should do a \c TouchObs.resize(Last), to ensure he resize the BitSet correctly.
* The dervier \b should keep/declare ctor and dtor protected, to avoid user error (new and delete).
/// Destructor
virtual ~CTransform();
/// special feature for CQuadGridClipManager. called at unfreezeHRC(). Used by CTransformShape.
virtual void unlinkFromQuadCluster() {}
/// \name Skinning Behavior.
// @{
/// Deriver must change this method if the model can be skinned. called rarely
virtual bool isSkinnable() const {return false;}
/** Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). called by CSkeletonModel::bindSkin()
* NB: _FatherSkeletonModel is valid when setApplySkin() is called
* The default behavior must be called: it sets the flag so isSkinned() return the good thing
virtual void setApplySkin(bool state);
/** Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It return the list of bone (correct skeleton index)
* used by the skins (NB: without the parents of the bone).
* NB: if an index is -1, it means that the skin bone has not been found in the skeleton (skip it)
* default is to return NULL.
virtual const std::vector<sint32> *getSkinBoneUsage() const {return NULL;}
/** Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It return a list of sphere relative to each bone
* of the father skeleton. Use with getSkinBoneUsage() to know to which bone this sphere apply
* NB: if a sphere radius is -1, it means that the bone is not used (for any reason...)
* default is to return NULL.
virtual const std::vector<NLMISC::CBSphere> *getSkinBoneSphere() const {return NULL;}
/** Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It renders the skin with current ctx of the skeletonModel
* SkeletonModel has already setuped the Light and the modelMatrix in the driver.
* If the skin is a MRM, it is the skeleton which drives the MRM level with alphaMRM: [0,1]
* default is nop
virtual void renderSkin(float /* alphaMRM */) { }
/** Deriver may support SkinGrouping if isSkinnable().
* It renders the skin with current ctx of the skeletonModel, but torn in 2 pass: fillVB,a nd renderPrimitives
virtual bool supportSkinGrouping() const {return false;}
/** if supportSkinGrouping(), called to transform the VBuffer, and store it into dest.
* \return number of vertices added to the VBuffer, or -1 if > reaminingVertices
virtual sint renderSkinGroupGeom(float /* alphaMRM */, uint /* remainingVertices */, uint8 * /* dest */) {return 0;}
/** if supportSkinGrouping(), called to render the primitives of the already skinned vertices (VB activated in the driver)
* Optionally, fill specRdrPasses with specular rdrPass to sort (used for specular grouping).
* \param baseVertex value to add to each PBlock index.
virtual void renderSkinGroupPrimitives(uint /* baseVertex */, std::vector<CSkinSpecularRdrPass> &/* specularRdrPasses */, uint /* skinIndex */) { }
/// Render a specific specular renderPass returned by renderSkinGroupPrimitives
virtual void renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass(uint /* rdrPass */) { }
/// Special Skinning For ShadowMapping
virtual bool supportShadowSkinGrouping() const {return false;}
virtual sint renderShadowSkinGeom(uint /* remainingVertices */, uint8 * /* vbDest */) {return 0;}
virtual void renderShadowSkinPrimitives(CMaterial &/* castMat */, IDriver * /* drv */, uint /* baseVertex */) { }
/** Special use of skinning to compute intersection of a ray with it.
* \return false if not supported/no triangles, else true if can do the test (even if don't intersect!)
* if intersect, dist2D=0, and distZ= Depth Distance
* if don't intersect, dist2D="nearest distance to the ray", and distZ=0
* \param computeDist2D if false and don't intersect, then return dist2D=FLT_MAX, and distZ=0
virtual bool supportIntersectSkin() const {return false;}
virtual bool intersectSkin(const CMatrix &/* toRaySpace */, float &/* dist2D */, float &/* distZ */, bool /* computeDist2D */) {return false;}
// The SkeletonModel, root of us (skinning or sticked object). NULL , if normal mode.
CSkeletonModel *_FatherSkeletonModel;
// If sticked object, id of the bone in the _FatherSkeletonModel.
uint _FatherBoneId;
// @}
/// name Lighting Behavior.
// @{
/// The contribution of all lights. This enlarge the struct only of approx 15%
CLightContribution _LightContribution;
/// non-zero if the object needs to updatelighting.
uint32 isNeedUpdateLighting() const {return getStateFlag(IsNeedUpdateLighting);}
/// non-zero if the object has a FrozenStaticLightSetup not correclty updated.
uint32 isNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup() const {return getStateFlag(IsNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup);}
/// each transform may be in a quadGird of lighted models (see CLightingManager)
CLightingManager::CQGItLightedModel _LightedModelIt;
// @}
/** get the channelMixer owned by the transform. return result of a refPtr => may be NULL.
CChannelMixer *getChannelMixer() const {return _ChannelMixer;}
/// \name Model Feature initialisation.
// @{
/// Deriver must use this method with true to indicate the model support lighting.
void setIsLightable(bool val);
/** Deriver must use this method with true to indicate the model can be rendered.
* "can be rendered" means if object has to be inserted in RenderTrav list.
* eg: a mesh must be inserted in a render list, but not a light, or a NULL transform.
* The default is false.
void setIsRenderable(bool val);
/// Deriver must use this method with true to indicate the model is a big lightable.
void setIsBigLightable(bool val);
/// For CSkeletonModel only.
void setIsSkeleton(bool val);
/** Deriver must use this method with true if the model must be AnimDetail-ed whatever
* registerToChannelMixer() has been called or not
void setIsForceAnimDetail(bool val);
/// Deriver must use this method with true to indicate the model support loadBalancing.
void setIsLoadbalancable(bool val);
/// For CMeshBaseInstance only
void setIsMeshBaseInstance(bool val) {setStateFlag(IsMeshBaseInstance, val);}
/// For CTransformShape only.
void setIsTransformShape(bool val) {setStateFlag(IsTransformShape, val);}
/// For CCluster only.
void setIsCluster(bool val) {setStateFlag(IsCluster, val);}
/// ShadowMap
void setIsShadowMapCaster(bool val) {setStateFlag(IsShadowMapCaster, val);}
void setIsShadowMapReceiver(bool val) {setStateFlag(IsShadowMapReceiver, val);}
// @}
/// Test if obj must be displayed when sticked to an object displayed as a LOD (example: sword in hand of a character displayed as a LOD state)
bool getShowWhenLODSticked() const { return _ForceCLodSticked; }
// force to compute that transform matrix (useful if matrix needed but clipped because sticked to a clipped skeleton for example)
void forceCompute();
static CTransform *creator() {return new CTransform;}
friend class CSkeletonModel;
friend class CScene;
friend class CClipTrav;
friend class CAnimDetailTrav;
friend class CRenderTrav;
// The Scene which owns us
CScene *_OwnerScene;
/// \name Hrc / Clip hierarchy.
// @{
// Hrc hierarchy. One parent and possible multiple sons
CFastPtrListNode _HrcNode;
CFastPtrList<CTransform> _HrcSons;
CTransform *_HrcParent;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CTransform> _HrcParentUnfreeze;
/* Clip Graph. DAG (Direct Acyclic Graph)
* NB: implementation optmized for Low number of parent. clipAddChild() and clipDelChild() is in O(numParents).
struct CClipNode
CFastPtrListNode ClipNode;
CTransform *Parent;
CFastPtrList<CTransform> _ClipSons;
std::vector<CClipNode*> _ClipParents;
bool clipHasParent(CTransform *parent);
void clipDelFromParent(CTransform *parent);
// @}
/// \name Model updating/traversing features
// @{
// linked list of models to update.
CTransform *_PrecModelToUpdate;
CTransform *_NextModelToUpdate;
// for CScene::createModel() and for CTransform::freezeHRC() only.
void linkToUpdateList();
void unlinkFromUpdateList();
// @}
// For anim detail.
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CChannelMixer> _ChannelMixer;
// Last date of ITransformable matrix.
uint64 _LastTransformableMatrixDate;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CInstanceGroup> _ClusterSystem;
enum TFreezeHRCState { FreezeHRCStateDisabled=0, FreezeHRCStateRequest, FreezeHRCStateReady, FreezeHRCStateEnabled};
TFreezeHRCState _FreezeHRCState;
uint8 _OrderingLayer;
uint8 _TransparencyPriority;
// For stickObjectEx(). with forceCLod==true
bool _ForceCLodSticked : 1;
/// true if need to compute transform
bool _TransformDirty : 1;
// see supportFastIntersect. Filled by CSkeletonModel
bool _SupportFastIntersect : 1;
/// See ILogicInfo. Used for lighting. default is NULL.
ILogicInfo *_LogicInfo;
/// see setMeanColor()
CRGBA _MeanColor;
/// For Shadow Caster registration to list
std::list<CTransform*>::iterator _ItShadowCasterInScene;
/// For Shadow Casters
float _ShadowMapDirectionZThreshold;
float _ShadowMapMaxDepth;
/// \name State Flag mgt (boolean compression)
// @{
/// State Flags.
enum TState {
// Post-clipping Traversal flags. If set, then the object is inserted into traversal list.
IsAnimDetailable= 0x0001,
IsLoadBalancable= 0x0002,
IsLightable= 0x0004,
IsRenderable= 0x0008,
// Transparency Flags.
IsTransparent= 0x0010,
IsOpaque= 0x0020,
// For fast clip.
QuadGridClipEnabled= 0x0040,
// Lighting.
IsUserLightable= 0x0080,
IsFinalLightable= 0x0100, // IsLightable && IsUserLightable
IsBigLightable= 0x0200,
IsNeedUpdateLighting= 0x0400,
// Skinning
IsSkeleton= 0x1000, // set if the model is a skeleton (faster than dynamic_cast)
IsSkinned= 0x2000, // true if the model is isSkinnable() and if currently skinned
// Misc
IsDeleteChannelMixer= 0x4000,
IsForceAnimDetail= 0x8000,
IsMeshBaseInstance= 0x10000,
IsTransformShape= 0x20000, // set if the model is a transform_shape (faster than dynamic_cast)
IsCluster= 0x40000, // set if the model is a cluster (faster than dynamic_cast)
UserClipping= 0x80000, // set if the user provide a clip method, don't call clip() in ClipTrav
// ShadowMap
IsShadowMapCaster= 0x100000, // set if the model can cast ShadowMap
IsFinalShadowMapCaster= 0x200000, // set if the model can cast ShadowMap AND the user want it
IsShadowMapReceiver= 0x400000, // set if the model can receive ShadowMap
IsFinalShadowMapReceiver= 0x800000, // set if the model can receive ShadowMap AND the user want it
IsGeneratingShadowMap= 0x1000000, // temp set if the model is asked to render its shadowMap this frame.
ForceClipRoot = 0x2000000,// Force the object to always be attached to the root
// As a consequence, it can't be inserted into a cluster system (even the root cluster)
// and is thus always visible when in the frustum
ClusterSystemAuto = 0x4000000,
SSSWO = 0x8000000, // Special for SkeletonSpawnScript. if set, the WorldMatrix is special
BypassLODOpacity = 0x10000000 // for mesh multi lod : do not use the LOD opacity / transparency, but the parent one (overwritten at traversal, else ...)
// NB: may continue on >=0x20000000
/// Flags for the General State of the Transform. They are both static or dynamic flags.
uint32 _StateFlags;
/// This is used to set Static or dynamic flags. val must take 0 or 1.
void setStateFlag(uint32 mask, bool val)
// reset the state.
_StateFlags&= ~mask;
// set the state
_StateFlags|= ( 0- ((uint32)val) ) & mask;
/// return a non zero-value if state is set.
uint32 getStateFlag(uint32 mask) const
return _StateFlags&mask;
// @}
/** State for renderFiltering. Default is 0xFFFFFFFF (always displayed)
* Deriver work to change this value
uint32 _RenderFilterType;
/// \name Hrc Traversal
// @{
/// Hrc IN variables.
CMatrix _LocalMatrix;
CHrcTrav::TVisibility _LocalVis; // The visibility state of the node.
sint64 _LocalDate; // The update date of the LocalMatrix.
/// Hrc OUT variables.
CMatrix _WorldMatrix;
sint64 _WorldDate; // The update date of the WorldMatrix.
bool _WorldVis; // Is the node visible? (enabled?)
// Transform Specicic Hrc
bool _Frozen;
bool _DontUnfreezeChildren; // Useful when cluster system move to not test instance again
bool _ClipLinkedInSonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup;
// !NULL if any skeleton is an ancestor in hierarchy. Updated at each Hrc traversal!!
CSkeletonModel *_AncestorSkeletonModel;
/// Update the world state according to the parent world state and the local states.
void updateWorld();
// according to _AncestorSkeletonModel, link clipTrav.
void updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton();
// @}
/// \name Clip Traversal
// @{
/// date of last traverseClip()
sint64 _ClipDate;
// The index of the Observer in the _VisibleList; -1 (default) means not in
sint _IndexInVisibleList;
/// set to true is the object is visible (not clipped).
bool _Visible;
// @}
/// \name Render Traversal
// @{
// Used by CRenderTrav. see CRenderTrav::removeRenderModel() implementation
uint8 _IndexLSBInRenderList;
// @}
/// \name AnimDetail Traversal
// @{
/** For Skeleton Object Stick.
* update the wolrd matrix. no-op if skinned. no-op if no AcnestorSkeletonModel.
* use standard father WorldMatrix if !_FatherSkeletonModel else get the correct boneId
* WorldMatrix from _FatherSkeletonModel
void updateWorldMatrixFromFather();
/** traverse without updatin WorldMatrixFromFather:
* - animdetail if the model channelmixer is not NULL, and if model not clipped
void traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix();
// @}
/// \name LoadBalancing Traversal
// @{
// Which group owns this model
CLoadBalancingGroup *_LoadBalancingGroup;
// @}
/// \name ShadowMap
// @{
/** To implement for ShadowCaster support. typically allocate a CShadowMap and store
* NB: the texture doesn't have to be inited at this time. Update it each frame in generateShadowMap()
* MUST call registerShadowCasterToList()
virtual void createShadowMap() {}
/// To implement for ShadowCaster support. typically free the shadowMap + MUST call unregisterShadowCasterToList()
virtual void deleteShadowMap() {}
// @}
} // namespace NL3D
#endif // NL_TRANSFORM_H
/* End of transform.h */