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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef R2_VISION_H
#define R2_VISION_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "game_share/base_types.h"
#include "game_share/player_vision_delta.h"
#include "r2_variables.h"
namespace R2_VISION
// forward declarations
class CUniverse; // the root container
class CInstance; // an ai instnce container within a CUniverse
class CVisionGroup; // a vision group object within a CInstance
class CViewer; // a viewer entity record within a CVisionGroup (can migrate from one vision group to another)
struct SUniverseEntity; // an entity record within a CUniverse
struct SInstanceEntity; // an entity record within a CInstance
struct SViewedEntity; // an element of the vision descriptions of both CVisionGroup and CViewer
struct SDelayedPlayerPosition; // a teleport position for a player to be applied with a delay
class IVisionDeltaManager; // an interface class for defining a callback object that manages vision deltas
// constants for visibility / invisibility management
// the following invisibility levels are stored in the "WHO_SEES_ME" mirror property
enum TInvisibilityLevel
// the basic invisibility levels
VISIBLE, // for players +(dms, ems, gms, sgms, dev)
INVISIBLE_MOB, // for super players +(dms, ems, gms, sgms, dev)
INVISIBLE_PLAYER, // for dms +(ems, gms, sgms, dev)
INVISIBLE_DM, // for ems +(gms, sgms, dev)
INVISIBLE_EG, // for gms +(sgms, dev)
INVISIBLE_SG, // for gms +(sgms, dev)
INVISIBLE_VG, // for gms +(sgms, dev)
INVISIBLE_EM, // for gms +(sgms, dev)
INVISIBLE_GM, // for sgms +(dev)
INVISIBLE_SGM, // for dev
INVISIBLE_DEV, // for dev
// the number of bits used to store the invisibility level
// presets defining who I can see and who sees me (who I can see * 16 + who sees me)
// STRUCT SInstanceEntity
struct SInstanceEntity
TDataSetRow DataSetRow; // mirror row for this entity
uint32 X; // x coord of this entity
uint32 Y; // y coord of this entity
TInvisibilityLevel InvisibilityLevel; // value used to determine which groups can see me
// ctor
InvisibilityLevel= VISIBLE;
// STRUCT SViewedEntity
struct SViewedEntity
TDataSetRow DataSetRow;
mutable uint32 VisionSlot; // this is mutable to allow for easy use in CViewer::updateVision()
// operator required for std::sort() routine to work
bool operator<(const SViewedEntity& other) const
return DataSetRow.getIndex()< other.DataSetRow.getIndex();
// ctor
// type declarations
// a vector of SInstanceEntity - as managed by a CInstance object
typedef std::vector<SInstanceEntity> TInstanceEntities;
// a vision vector as managed by both CVisionGroup and CViewer objects
typedef std::vector<SViewedEntity> TVision;
inline bool isEntityVisibleToPlayers(const uint64& whoSeesMeVal)
if (IsRingShard)
if ((uint32)whoSeesMeVal==0xffffffffu)
return true;
return (((uint32)whoSeesMeVal)&((1<<NUM_WHOSEESME_BITS)-1))==VISIBLE;
return ((uint32)whoSeesMeVal)!=0;
inline bool isEntityVisibleToMobs(const uint64& whoSeesMeVal)
return (uint32)(whoSeesMeVal>>32)!=0;
inline uint64 buildWhoSeesMe(TInvisibilityLevel playerInvisibiltyLevel,bool visibleToMobs)
return (visibleToMobs?UINT64_CONSTANT(0xffffffff00000000):UINT64_CONSTANT(0x0000000000000000)) | (uint64)playerInvisibiltyLevel;
inline uint32 extractVisionLevel(const uint64& whoSeesMeVal)
return ((uint32)whoSeesMeVal) >> NUM_WHOSEESME_BITS;
inline uint32 extractInvisibilityLevel(const uint64& whoSeesMeVal)
return ((uint32)whoSeesMeVal) & ((1<<NUM_WHOSEESME_BITS)-1);
// STRUCT SUniverseEntity
struct SUniverseEntity
TDataSetRow DataSetRow; // the complete data set row for the entity
uint32 AIInstance; // the id of the instance that we're currently in (~0u by default)
mutable uint32 InstanceIndex; // the index within the instance's _Entities vector
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CViewer> ViewerRecord; // pointer to the CViewer record for viewers (or NULL)
// ctor
// CLASS CUniverse
class CUniverse: public NLMISC::CRefCount
// create a new AIInstance with the given Id
// - instance Id must be a positive number in range 0..65535
// - group id is arbitrary - generally use the id of the service responsible for this instance
// BOMB_IF( the instance already exists )
void createInstance(uint32 aiInstance, uint32 groupId);
// destroy the AIInstance with the given Id
// WARN_IF( the instance doesn't exist )
void removeInstance(uint32 id);
// destroy all AIInstance with the given group Id
// - used generally on serviceDown of a service that manages instances
void removeInsancesByGroup(uint32 groupId);
// add an entity to the universe and assign them to an AIInstance
// create a new viewer record if necessary
// if an entity already existed with the same id it's removed cleanly before the add operation begins
void addEntity(TDataSetRow dataSetRow,uint32 aiInstance,sint32 x,sint32 y,TInvisibilityLevel invisibilityLevel,bool isViewer);
// remove an entity from the universe, whether a viewer or not
void removeEntity(TDataSetRow dataSetRow);
// get hod of a SUniverseEntity record for an entity from its dataset row
SUniverseEntity* getEntity(TDataSetRow dataSetRow);
SUniverseEntity* getEntity(uint32 row);
// set the coordinates of a pre-existing entity
void setEntityPosition(TDataSetRow dataSetRow,sint32 x,sint32 y);
void setEntityPositionDelayed(TDataSetRow dataSetRow,sint32 x,sint32 y,uint32 ticks);
// set the coordinates and change the aiInstance assignment for a pre-existing entity
void teleportEntity(TDataSetRow dataSetRow,uint32 aiInstance,sint32 x,sint32 y,TInvisibilityLevel invisibilityLevel);
// set the 'whoSeesMe property for an entity
void setEntityInvisibilityInfo(TDataSetRow dataSetRow,uint32 whoSeesMe);
// register an object to manage vision deltas
void registerVisionDeltaManager(IVisionDeltaManager* manager);
// add a vision delta record to the messages to be sent to the front ends
void addVisionDelta(const CPlayerVisionDelta& visionDelta);
// perform an update cycle, recalculate a sub-set of the universe's viewers' visions
void update();
// dump state info to the given log for debugging purposes
void dump(NLMISC::CLog& log);
// force the refresh of the vision
void forceRefreshVision(TDataSetRow dataSetRow);
// clear out the vision for an entity for a certain number of iterations to allow FES to clean vision buffers
void forceResetVision(TDataSetRow dataSetRow);
// private implementations of above public routines - validity checks on parameters are skipped
// as they are assumed to have been carried out in the public interface
void _addEntity(TDataSetRow dataSetRow,uint32 aiInstance,sint32 x,sint32 y,TInvisibilityLevel invisibilityLevel,bool isViewer);
void _removeEntity(TDataSetRow dataSetRow);
void _setEntityPosition(TDataSetRow dataSetRow,sint32 x,sint32 y);
void _teleportEntity(TDataSetRow dataSetRow,uint32 aiInstance,sint32 x,sint32 y,TInvisibilityLevel invisibilityLevel);
std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CInstance> > _Instances; // the instances in the service (vector index corresponds to AIInstance ids)
std::vector<SUniverseEntity> _Entities; // basic info for all of the entities in the universe
typedef std::list<SDelayedPlayerPosition> TDelayedPositions;
TDelayedPositions _DelayedPositions;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<IVisionDeltaManager> _VisionDeltaManager; // a callback object used to treat vision deltas
// CLASS CInstance
class CInstance: public NLMISC::CRefCount
// ctor
CInstance(CUniverse* theUniverse,uint32 groupId);
// read accessor for group Id
uint32 getGroupId() const;
// add an entity to this instance (either a new entity or a move from another instance)
// if the entity was attached to another instance on entry to this routine it is detached cleanly
void addEntity(TDataSetRow dataSetRow,uint32 x,uint32 y,TInvisibilityLevel invisibilityLevel,const SUniverseEntity& entity);
// remove an entity from this instance (either to add to another instance or to destroy)
void removeEntity(SUniverseEntity& entity);
// remove a viewer from their current vision group and create a new vision group for them to use
// this method is used after viewer visionLevel changes
void isolateViewer(SUniverseEntity& entity);
// set the position of an entity already assigned to this instance
void setEntityPosition(uint32 entityIndex,uint32 x,uint32 y);
// set the invisibility level of an entity already assigned to this instance
void setEntityInvisibility(uint32 entityIndex,TInvisibilityLevel invisibilityLevel);
// update the vision of all of the viewers in this instance
void updateVision();
// release method for doing house keeping before destruction of the instance
void release();
// dump state info to the given log for debugging purposes
void dump(NLMISC::CLog& log);
uint32 _GroupId; // id of group to which instance belongs
CUniverse* _TheUniverse; // pointer to our parent object
TInstanceEntities _Entities; // the positions cache for all of the entities in the instance
std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CVisionGroup> > _VisionGroups; // all of the vision records in the instance
// CLASS CVisionGroup
class CVisionGroup: public NLMISC::CRefCount
// ctor
// release - called just before instance destruction to allow us to clear out player visions
void release(CUniverse* theUniverse);
// add a viewer to the vision group
void addViewer(CViewer* viewer);
// remove a viewer from the vision group
void removeViewer(const CViewer* viewer);
// merge the viewers from another vision group into this one
void merge(CVisionGroup* other);
// split the viewers from this group into 2, the second part going into the 'other' CVisionGroup object
void split(CVisionGroup* other);
// rebuild the vision list for this vision group
void buildVision(const TInstanceEntities& entities);
// update the visions of all viewers
void updateViewers(CUniverse* theUniverse);
// accessors for X and Y values
void updateBoundingCoords();
uint32 xMin() const;
uint32 xMax() const;
uint32 yMin() const;
uint32 yMax() const;
// we use a distance from the origin to the centre of the vision unit as a sort key for update() operations
// a few accessors...
uint32 getSortKey() const;
void setSortKey(uint32 sortKey);
void recalcSortKey();
// accessors for the viewers list
uint32 numViewers() const;
// accessor to get the vision level used for invisibility evaluation
TInvisibilityLevel getVisionLevel() const;
// accessors for vision id
void setVisionId(uint32 visionId);
uint32 getVisionId() const;
// dump state info to the given log for debugging purposes
void dump(NLMISC::CLog& log);
// bounding coordinates for viewers
uint32 _XMin;
uint32 _XMax;
uint32 _YMin;
uint32 _YMax;
uint32 _SortKey; // calculated as quickDist from 0,0 to vision group center
// the index of this object within it's parent vector
uint32 _VisionId;
// the vector of viewers
typedef std::vector<NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CViewer> > TViewers;
TViewers _Viewers;
// a sorted vector of ids of entities in vision
TVision _Vision;
// CLASS CViewer
class CViewer: public NLMISC::CRefCount
// ctor
// set the dataSetRow for the viewer - required for generating vision delta packets
void init(TDataSetRow viewerId,CUniverse* theUniverse);
// update the vision of this entity from the vision defined in visionGroup
void updateVision(const TVision& vision,CUniverse* theUniverse,bool firstTime);
// read accessor for _ViewerId
TDataSetRow getViewerId() const;
uint32 getViewerIdx() const;
// position accessors
void setEntityPosition(uint32 x, uint32 y);
uint32 getX() const;
uint32 getY() const;
// utility method to force vision reset at next update - used to re-initialise vision after editing
inline void forceResetVision();
// vision level accessors
void setVisionLevel(TInvisibilityLevel visionLevel);
TInvisibilityLevel getVisionLevel() const;
// dump state info to the given log for debugging purposes
void dump(NLMISC::CLog& log);
// index variables manipulated by external classes to assist in rapid management of deletion operations
mutable uint32 VisionId; // the id of the Instance's vision group to which you're assigned
mutable uint32 VisionIndex; // the index within the vision group's _Viewers vector
// private methods called by updateVision()
void _updateVisionBlind(CUniverse* theUniverse,CPlayerVisionDelta& result);
void _updateVisionNormal(const TVision& vision,CUniverse* theUniverse,bool firstTime,CPlayerVisionDelta& result);
// private types
typedef std::vector<uint32> TFreeVisionSlots;
// private data
uint32 _X;
uint32 _Y;
TDataSetRow _ViewerId; // this is a datasetrow value used to compose vision messages
uint32 _VisionResetCount; // flag meaning that at next update vision should be reset
TInvisibilityLevel _VisionLevel; // value used to determine which entities are too invisible to see
TVision _Vision; // a sorted vector of ids of entities in vision
TFreeVisionSlots _FreeVisionSlots; // a vector of unused vision slots
// STRUCT SDelayedPlayerPosition
struct SDelayedPlayerPosition
NLMISC::TGameCycle GameCycle;
TDataSetRow DataSetRow;
sint32 X;
sint32 Y;
// ctor - default
X= Y= 0;
// ctor - parameterised
SDelayedPlayerPosition(NLMISC::TGameCycle gameCycle,TDataSetRow dataSetRow, sint32 x, sint32 y)
X= x;
Y= y;
DataSetRow= dataSetRow;
GameCycle= gameCycle;
// CLASS IVisionDeltaManager
class IVisionDeltaManager: public NLMISC::CRefCount
// a virtual destructor (for good practice)
virtual ~IVisionDeltaManager() {}
// this method is called back each time a new vision delta record is generated
virtual void addVisionDelta(const CPlayerVisionDelta& visionDelta) =0;
} // namespace R2_VISION