189 lines
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189 lines
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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Includes //
// Misc.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
//#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
// std.
#include <string>
// Game Share
//#include "game_share/gender.h"
// Using //
//using NLMISC::CVector;
using std::string;
// CClientConfig :
// Struct to manage a config file for the client.
struct CClientConfig
// the config file must be always be available
NLMISC::CConfigFile ConfigFile;
bool IsInvalidated;
/// Select character automatically (dont go to create perso) (-1 if no auto select)
sint SelectCharacter;
/// Host.
string FSHost;
bool Local;
/// Number of simulated clients
// uint NbConnections;
/// Time inputs
//uint ForceDeltaTime; // 0 to use real delta time
/// Pre Data Path.
//std::vector<string> PreDataPath;
/// Data Path.
// std::vector<string> DataPath;
/// Data Path no recurse.
// std::vector<string> DataPathNoRecurse;
/// Update packed sheet Path.
//std::vector<string> UpdatePackedSheetPath;
/// True if we want the packed sheet to be updated if needed
//bool UpdatePackedSheet;
/// Path for the Id file.
//string IdFilePath;
/// Vector with some entities to spawn at the beginning.
//std::vector<string> StartCommands;
/// Prim file to load
//std::vector<string> PrimFiles;
/// To force the client to sleep a bit (in ms).
//sint Sleep;
/// Force process priority
//sint ProcessPriority;
/// The Sheet used by the user.
//std::string UserSheet;
/// Distance between 2 attackers.
//float AttackDist;
/// Change the direction once this angle is reached.
//double ChangeDirAngle;
/// Distance Maximum to be able to select an entity.
//float SelectionDist;
/// Distance Maximum to be able to loot/harvest a corpse.
//float LootDist;
// bool VerboseVP;
// bool VerboseAllTraffic;
// LIGO //
//std::string LigoPrimitiveClass;
// Default creature spawned when the entity do not exist
//std::string DefaultEntity;
// Restrain the predicted interval
// bool RestrainPI;
// Dump Visual Slot IDs.
//bool DumpVSIndex;
// Font size for Help infos.
// Enable/disable Floating Point Exceptions
//bool FPExceptions;
// Use to launch exceptions when there is something wrong
// bool Check;
// Use PACS collision for all (Work In Progress).
//bool UsePACSForAll;
//float ImpactTriggerTime;
//bool NeedComputeVS;
//bool ForceLanguage;
std::string LanguageCode;
//bool DebugStringManager;
//bool PreCacheShapes;
uint32 SimulatePacketLossRatio;
//int CheckMemoryEveryNFrame; // -1 no check (default) else number frame to skip before a memory checking
//bool LogMemoryAllocation; // false no log (default) else log each memory allocation in the file "alloc.memlog"
//int LogMemoryAllocationSize; // Size of the block to log (default : 8)
// Reload config files, teleport list and sheet_id.bin
// bool AutoReloadFiles;
// SimulateServerTick
//bool SimulateServerTick;
// bool RequestQuit;
/// Constructor.
void init (const string &configFileName);
static void setValues (); // Set the values of the ClientCfg instance
static void setValuesOnFileChange (); // called when cfg modified
/// End process
void release ();
bool readBool (const std::string &varName);
void writeBool (const std::string &varName, bool val);
sint32 readInt (const std::string &varName);
void writeInt (const std::string &varName, sint32 val);
double readDouble (const std::string &varName);
void writeDouble (const std::string &varName, double val);
void writeString (const std::string &varName, const std::string &bVal);
// return 0 / false if not succeed
bool readBoolNoWarning (const std::string &varName);
sint32 readIntNoWarning (const std::string &varName);
double readDoubleNoWarning (const std::string &varName);
std::string readString (const std::string &varName);
// Return LanguageCode but if "wk", then return "en"
//string getHtmlLanguageCode() const;
};// CClientConfig //
// GLOBAL //
extern CClientConfig ClientCfg;
extern const std::string ConfigFileName;
#endif // CL_CLIENT_CFG_H
/* End of client_cfg.h */