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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
#include "u_transform.h"
#include "animation_time.h"
namespace NL3D
class UInstance;
class UBone;
class UPlayList;
class IAnimCtrl;
// ***************************************************************************
* Game interface for manipulating Skeleton.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class USkeleton : public UTransform
/// \name Skin operation.
// @{
/** bind a MeshInstance skin to the skeleton. NB: ~UTransform() and ~USkeleton() call detachSkeletonSon().
* NB: nlerror() if mi is not a UInstance. (ie a mesh instance).
* NB: an object can't be skinned and sticked at same time :)
* NB: replaced if already here.
* NB: when a skin is binded, the command hide(), show(), ... have no effect on it, until it is detachSkeletonSon()-ed
* \return false if mi is NULL or not skinnable, true otherwise
bool bindSkin(UInstance mi);
/** parent a CTransform to a bone of the skeleton. NB: ~CTransform() calls detachSkeletonSon().
* This object will be visible only when the Skeleton is not clipped.
* NB: an object can't be skinned and sticked at same time :)
* NB: replaced if already here.
void stickObject(UTransform mi, uint boneId);
/** same method as stickObject(), but if you set forceCLod as true, then this object will be visible
* even if the skeleton father is in CLod state (ie displayed with a CLodCharacterShape)
* NB: if "mi" is a skeleton model, forceCLod is considerer true, whatever the value passed in.
void stickObjectEx(UTransform mi, uint boneId, bool forceCLod);
/** unparent a CTransform from a bone of the skeleton, or unbind a skin. No-op if not here.
* NB: mi is placed at root of hierarchy.
void detachSkeletonSon(UTransform mi);
/** Get the array of sticked objects
void getStickedObjects(std::vector<UTransform> &sticks);
// @}
/// \name Bone access.
// @{
/// retrieve the number of bones.
uint getNumBones() const;
/// retrieve the bone. nlerror if not here. (>=getNumBones())
UBone getBone(uint boneId) const;
/// retrieve the bone Id, by his name. -1 if not found.
sint getBoneIdByName(const std::string &boneName) const;
/// Tell if a bone has been computed in the last frame or not. false if boneId is invalid
bool isBoneComputed(uint boneId) const;
/// Force to compute a bone, even if object clipped. false if boneId is invalid
bool forceComputeBone(uint boneId);
// @}
/// \name Bone Lod interaction / MRM
// @{
/// return the number of bones currently animated/computed (because of bindSkin()/stickObject() / Lod system).
uint getNumBoneComputed() const;
/** change the Lod Bone interpolation distance (in meters). If 0, interpolation is disabled.
* The smaller this value is, the more Lod skeleton system will "pop". Default is 0.5 meters.
void setInterpolationDistance(float dist);
/// see setInterpolationDistance()
float getInterpolationDistance() const;
/** Change Max Display Skeleton distance. After this distance the shape won't be displayed.
* setting <0 means -1 and so means DistMax = infinite (default in meshs but multilod meshes).
* NB: This apply to the shape direclty!! ie All instances using same shape will be affected
* Note: If the skeleton himself is sticked to another skeleton, this setup is not taken into account.
* ie the skeleton clip follow the ancestor skeleton clip result (ie the first skeleton in hierarchy
* which is not sticked).
* Note (complex): same remark for QuadGridClipManager interaction with this function as in
* UInstance::setShapeDistMax()
void setShapeDistMax(float distMax);
/// see setShapeDistMax()
float getShapeDistMax() const;
/** Special version for skins. NB: skins never follow their original MRM distance setup, but follow
* this skeleton MRM setup. Default is 3-10-50.
* NB: Unlike UInstance::changeMRMDistanceSetup(), this setup applies to the SkeletonModel, not the shape.
* NB: no-op if distanceFinest<0, distanceMiddle<=distanceFinest or if distanceCoarsest<=distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceFinest The MRM has its max faces when dist<=distanceFinest.
* \param distanceMiddle The MRM has 50% of its faces at dist==distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceCoarsest The MRM has faces/Divisor (ie near 0) when dist>=distanceCoarsest.
void changeMRMDistanceSetup(float distanceFinest, float distanceMiddle, float distanceCoarsest);
// @}
/// \name CLod / Character Lod
/** At a certain distance, the whole skeleton and all its skins may be replaced with a small Lod, animated
* with a CLodCharacterManager.
// @{
/** Change the Character Lod shape Id. set -1 if want to disable the feature (default)
void setLodCharacterShape(sint shapeId);
/// see setLodCharacterShape
sint getLodCharacterShape() const;
/// enable/disable LOD
void enableLOD(bool isEnable);
/// Change/get the Character Lod anim setup.
void setLodCharacterAnimId(uint animId);
uint getLodCharacterAnimId() const;
void setLodCharacterAnimTime(TGlobalAnimationTime time);
TGlobalAnimationTime getLodCharacterAnimTime() const;
/// tells if the animation must loop or clamp.
void setLodCharacterWrapMode(bool wrapMode);
bool getLodCharacterWrapMode() const;
/** True if the skeleton model and his skins have been displayed with a CLodCharacterShape at last scene render
bool isDisplayedAsLodCharacter() const;
/** This is the distance at which the skeleton use a CLodCharacterShape to display himself
* if 0, never display the skeleton as a CLodCharacterShape
void setLodCharacterDistance(float dist);
/// see setLodCharacterDistance. 0 if disabled
float getLodCharacterDistance() const;
/** Call it when you want the system to recompute the Lod texture
* NB: Lod texturing is possible only in conjunction with AsyncTextureManager. Hence, instances skinned
* to the skeleton should be in AsyncTextureMode.
* For best result, you should wait that each of these instances are isAsyncTextureReady() (texture loaded)
void computeLodTexture();
/// Set the emissive of the skeleton model, when it is rendered in CLod form. Default to Black
void setLodEmit(NLMISC::CRGBA emit);
NLMISC::CRGBA getLodEmit() const;
// @}
/// \name Misc.
// @{
/** Retrieve the current approx BBox around the skeleton, computed in the last USene::render().
* for all computed bones, extend the bbox with their pos
* \param bbox return the bbox of the skinned skeleton, local to the skeleton. If the skeleton was clipped, the bbox
* is not modified.
* \param computeInWorld true if want to get the bbox in world.
* \return true if the bbox is computed, false otherwise.
bool computeRenderedBBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox, bool computeInWorld= false);
/** same as computeRenderedBBox(), always in world, but use the bone max sphere to enlarge the bbox
* NB: sticked objects don't influence the result
bool computeRenderedBBoxWithBoneSphere(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox, bool computeInWorld= true);
/** same as computeRenderedBBox() but force animation and compute of all bones => don't need render(), but slower.
* for all used bones, extend the bbox with their pos
* \param bbox return the bbox of the skinned skeleton, local to the skeleton. If the skeleton is not skinned/sticked
* at all, bbox is not modified.
* \param playList set NULL if no one, else this playList will be played at the time playTime
* \param forceCompute force evaluation of bbox even if not skinned
* \param computeInWorld true if want to get the bbox in world.
* \return true if the bbox is computed, false otherwise.
bool computeCurrentBBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox, UPlayList *playList, double playTime=0, bool forceCompute = false, bool computeInWorld= false);
/// SkeletonSpawnScript (SSS) special: World Spawned objects are still relative to this position (default: Null)
void setSSSWOPos(const NLMISC::CVector &pos);
const NLMISC::CVector &getSSSWOPos() const;
/// SkeletonSpawnScript special: World Spawned objects are still relative to this direction (default: J)
void setSSSWODir(const NLMISC::CVector &dir);
const NLMISC::CVector &getSSSWODir() const;
// get the shape name. empty if no instance bound
const std::string &getShapeName() const;
// @}
/// \name AnimCtrl (IK...)
// @{
/** Set a special ctrl on a bone. see IAnimCtrl.
* set to NULL if you want to reset this bone AnimCtrl.
* No-op if Bad BoneId.
void setBoneAnimCtrl(uint boneId, IAnimCtrl *ctrl);
/// return NULL if bad BoneId
IAnimCtrl *getBoneAnimCtrl(uint boneId) const;
// @}
// dynamic cast from a transform. empty if cast fail
void cast(UTransform object);
/// Proxy interface
/// Constructors
USkeleton() { _Object = NULL; }
USkeleton(class CSkeletonModel *object) { _Object = (ITransformable*)object; };
/// Attach an object to this proxy
void attach(class CSkeletonModel *object) { _Object = (ITransformable*)object; }
/// Detach the object
void detach() { _Object = NULL; }
/// Return true if the proxy is empty() (not attached)
bool empty() const {return _Object==NULL;}
/// For advanced usage, get the internal object ptr
class CSkeletonModel *getObjectPtr() const {return (CSkeletonModel*)_Object;}
} // NL3D
#endif // NL_U_SKELETON_H
/* End of u_skeleton.h */