2010-05-06 02:08:41 +02:00

872 lines
28 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "std3d.h"
#include "nel/3d/material.h"
#include "nel/3d/cloud.h"
#include "nel/3d/cloud_scape.h"
#include "nel/3d/noise_3d.h"
#include "nel/3d/scissor.h"
#include "nel/3d/viewport.h"
#include "nel/3d/driver.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NL3D
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCloud::CCloud (CCloudScape *pCloudScape)
_CloudScape = pCloudScape;
_Driver = _CloudScape->_Driver;
CloudPower = 255; // Max Power
LastCloudPower = 255;
CloudDistAtt = 0;
CloudDiffuse = CRGBA(255,255,255,255);
CloudAmbient = CRGBA(120,140,160,255);
_WaitState = 0;
_BillSize = 0;
_OldBillSize = 0;
_UStart = _VStart = _WStart = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete _UStart;
delete _VStart;
delete _WStart;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCloud::init (uint32 nVoxelW, uint32 nVoxelH, uint32 nVoxelD, float rBaseFreq, uint32 nNbOctave)
if (_UStart != NULL)
_BaseFreq = rBaseFreq;
_BillSize = 0;
_OldBillSize = 0;
_NbOctave = nNbOctave;
_UStart = new double[_NbOctave];
_VStart = new double[_NbOctave];
_WStart = new double[_NbOctave];
uint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < _NbOctave; ++i)
_UStart[i] = ((double)rand())/RAND_MAX;
_VStart[i] = ((double)rand())/RAND_MAX;
_WStart[i] = ((double)rand())/RAND_MAX;
_Width = raiseToNextPowerOf2 (nVoxelW);
_Height = raiseToNextPowerOf2 (nVoxelH);
_Depth = raiseToNextPowerOf2 (nVoxelD);
uint32 vdpo2 = getPowerOf2(_Depth);
_NbW = 1 << (vdpo2 / 2);
if ((vdpo2 & 1) != 0)
_NbH = 2 << (vdpo2 / 2);
_NbH = 1 << (vdpo2 / 2);
_MemBill = NULL;
_MemOldBill = NULL;
float scale = 20.0f + 10.0f*((float)rand())/RAND_MAX;;
_Size.x = scale * _Width/_Depth;
scale = 20.0f + 10.0f*((float)rand())/RAND_MAX;;
_Size.y = scale * _Height/_Depth;
scale = 20.0f + 10.0f*((float)rand())/RAND_MAX;;
_Size.z = scale * _Depth/_Depth;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCloud::generate (CNoise3d &noise)
float dU, dV, dW;
uint32 nOct;
CQuadUV qc;
//nldebug("calling CCloud::generate(...)");
// Active the render target
_Driver->setRenderTarget (_CloudTexTmp->Tex, 0, 0, _Width*_NbW, _Height*_NbH);
_Driver->setFrustum (0, (float)_CloudTexTmp->Tex->getWidth(), 0, (float)_CloudTexTmp->Tex->getHeight(), -1, 1, false);
// Setup the matrices view&model, viewport and frustum
setMode2D ();
// Clear background
CVertexBuffer &rVB = _CloudScape->_VertexBuffer;
uint32 nVSize = rVB.getVertexSize ();
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
CVector *pVertices = vba.getVertexCoordPointer (0);
*pVertices = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector((float)_NbW*_Width,0.0f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector((float)_NbW*_Width,(float)_NbH*_Height,0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(0.0f, (float)_NbH*_Height,0.0f);
_CloudScape->_MatClear.setColor (CRGBA(0,0,0,0));
_Driver->activeVertexBuffer (rVB);
_Driver->renderRawQuads (_CloudScape->_MatClear, 0, 1);
// Create cloud from noise
for (nOct = 0; nOct < _NbOctave; ++nOct)
dU = (_BaseFreq*((float)_Width)/noise.getWidth())*(1<<nOct);
dV = (_BaseFreq*((float)_Height)/noise.getHeight())*(1<<nOct);
dW = (_BaseFreq*((float)_Depth)/noise.getDepth())*(1<<nOct);
noise.renderGrid (_NbW, _NbH, _Width, _Height,
(float)_UStart[nOct], (float)_VStart[nOct], (float)_WStart[nOct], dU, dV, dW,
/* This is the same thing as a renderGrid which is optimized to do that
qc.Uv0 = CUV((float)_UStart[nOct], (float)_VStart[nOct]);
qc.Uv1 = CUV((float)_UStart[nOct]+dU, (float)_VStart[nOct]);
qc.Uv2 = CUV((float)_UStart[nOct]+dU, (float)_VStart[nOct]+dV);
qc.Uv3 = CUV((float)_UStart[nOct], (float)_VStart[nOct]+dV);
uint32 i,j;
for (j = 0; j < _NbH; ++j)
for (i = 0; i < _NbW; ++i)
qc.V0 = CVector((float)i*_Width, (float)j*_Height, 0.0f);
qc.V1 = CVector((float)(i+1)*_Width, (float)j*_Height, 0.0f);
qc.V2 = CVector((float)(i+1)*_Width, (float)(j+1)*_Height, 0.0f);
qc.V3 = CVector((float)i*_Width, (float)(j+1)*_Height, 0.0f);
noise.render (qc, (float)_WStart[nOct]+dW*(i+(float)j*_NbW)/(((float)_NbW)*_NbH), 1.0f/(2<<nOct));
noise.flush ();
// Apply attenuation texture (not needed to resetup position again (done when clearing to black))
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
CUV *pUV = vba.getTexCoordPointer (0, 0);
pUV->U = 0.0f; pUV->V = 0.0f; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 1.0f; pUV->V = 0.0f; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 1.0f; pUV->V = 1.0f; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 0.0f; pUV->V = 1.0f;
uint8 colpow = (uint8)(255-(((uint32)CloudPower*(255-(uint32)CloudDistAtt)) / 255));
_CloudTexClamp->ToClamp.setColor (CRGBA(255, 255, 255, colpow));
_Driver->activeVertexBuffer (rVB);
_Driver->renderRawQuads (_CloudTexClamp->ToClamp, 0, 1);
// Restaure render target
_Driver->setRenderTarget (NULL);
_CloudTexTmp->Tex->setFilterMode (ITexture::Nearest, ITexture::NearestMipMapOff);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCloud::light ()
uint32 i, j;
// Destination position for lighting accumulation buffer from (0, 0) size (_Width, _Height)
CVertexBuffer &rVB = _CloudScape->_VertexBuffer;
uint32 nVSize = rVB.getVertexSize ();
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
CVector *pVertices = vba.getVertexCoordPointer (0);
*pVertices = CVector((float)0.0f, (float)0.0f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector((float)1.f, (float)0.0f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector((float)1.f, (float)1.f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector((float)0.0f, (float)1.f, 0.0f);
// Active the render target
_Driver->setRenderTarget (_CloudTexTmp->TexBuffer, 0, 0, _Width, _Height);
// Setup the matrices view&model, viewport and frustum
setMode2D ();
// Set the frustum and viewport on all the billboards to clear them
_Driver->setFrustum (0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, false);
CViewport viewport;
viewport.init (0, 0, 1, 1);
_Driver->setupViewport (viewport);
// Clear the screen accumulator for lighting
CloudDiffuse.A = 255;
// _CloudScape->_MatClear.setColor (CloudDiffuse);
_Driver->activeVertexBuffer (rVB);
_Driver->clear2D (CloudDiffuse);
// Lighting : render the alpha of one layer into rgb of the screen
float oneOverNbW = 1.0f/_NbW;
float oneOverNbH = 1.0f/_NbH;
uint32 previ = 0, prevj = 0;
_Driver->activeVertexBuffer (rVB);
for (j = 0; j < _NbH; ++j)
for (i = 0; i < _NbW; ++i)
// Active the render target
_Driver->setRenderTarget (_CloudTexTmp->TexBuffer, 0, 0, _Width, _Height);
// Set the frustum and viewport on the current billboard
viewport.init (0, 0, 1, 1);
_Driver->setupViewport (viewport);
// Add the alpha of the previous layer into the RGB of the destination
if ((i+j) > 0)
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
_Driver->setColorMask (true, true, true, false);
pUV = vba.getTexCoordPointer (0, 0);
pUV->U = previ*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = prevj*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = (previ+1)*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = prevj*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = (previ+1)*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = (prevj+1)*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = previ*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = (prevj+1)*oneOverNbH;
_Driver->renderRawQuads (_CloudTexTmp->ToLightRGB, 0, 1);
// Replace the alpha of the destination by the alpha of the current layer
_Driver->setColorMask (false, false, false, true);
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
pUV = vba.getTexCoordPointer (0, 0);
pUV->U = i*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = j*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = (i+1)*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = j*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = (i+1)*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = (j+1)*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = i*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = (j+1)*oneOverNbH;
_Driver->renderRawQuads (_CloudTexTmp->ToLightAlpha, 0, 1);
// Copy the billboard
_Driver->setColorMask (true, true, true, true);
/* The copy target trick. If not available, render the temporary texture in Tex2 */
if (!_Driver->copyTargetToTexture (_CloudTexTmp->Tex2, i*_Width, j*_Height, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
_Driver->setRenderTarget (_CloudTexTmp->Tex2, i*_Width, j*_Height, _Width, _Height);
viewport.init ((float)i*oneOverNbW, (float)j*oneOverNbH, oneOverNbW, oneOverNbH);
_Driver->setupViewport (viewport);
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
pUV = vba.getTexCoordPointer (0, 0);
pUV->U = 0; pUV->V = 0; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 1; pUV->V = 0; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 1; pUV->V = 1; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 0; pUV->V = 1;
_Driver->renderRawQuads (_CloudTexTmp->MatCopy, 0, 1);
previ = i;
prevj = j;
_Driver->setRenderTarget (NULL);
_CloudTexTmp->Tex->setFilterMode (ITexture::Linear, ITexture::LinearMipMapOff);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCloud::reset (NL3D::CCamera *pViewer)
if (_BillSize != 4)
_BillSize = 4;
_MemBill = new uint8[4*_BillSize*_BillSize];
_TexBill = new CTextureMem (_MemBill, 4*_BillSize*_BillSize, true, false, _BillSize, _BillSize);
_TexBill->setWrapS (ITexture::Clamp);
_TexBill->setWrapT (ITexture::Clamp);
_TexBill->setFilterMode (ITexture::Linear, ITexture::LinearMipMapOff);
_TexBill->setReleasable (false);
_TexBill->setRenderTarget (true);
if (_OldBillSize != 4)
_OldBillSize = 4;
_MemOldBill = new uint8[4*_OldBillSize*_OldBillSize];
_TexOldBill = new CTextureMem (_MemOldBill, 4*_OldBillSize*_OldBillSize, true, false, _OldBillSize, _OldBillSize);
_TexOldBill->setWrapS (ITexture::Clamp);
_TexOldBill->setWrapT (ITexture::Clamp);
_TexOldBill->setFilterMode (ITexture::Linear, ITexture::LinearMipMapOff);
_TexOldBill->setReleasable (false);
_TexOldBill->setRenderTarget (true);
// Clear background
CVertexBuffer &rVB = _CloudScape->_VertexBuffer;
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
uint32 nVSize = rVB.getVertexSize ();
CVector *pVertices = vba.getVertexCoordPointer (0);
*pVertices = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(5.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f);
_CloudScape->_MatClear.setColor (CRGBA(0,0,0,0));
_Driver->activeVertexBuffer (rVB);
_Driver->setRenderTarget (_TexBill, 0, 0, 4, 4);
setMode2D ();
_Driver->setFrustum (0, 4, 0, 4, -1, 1, false);
_Driver->renderRawQuads (_CloudScape->_MatClear, 0, 1);
_Driver->setRenderTarget (_TexOldBill, 0, 0, 4, 4);
setMode2D ();
_Driver->renderRawQuads (_CloudScape->_MatClear, 0, 1);
_Driver->setRenderTarget (NULL);
// CMatrix CamMat = pViewer->getMatrix();
// CVector Viewer = CamMat.getPos();
CVector Viewer = CVector(0,0,0);
CVector Center = CVector (_Pos.x+_Size.x/2, _Pos.y+_Size.y/2, _Pos.z+_Size.z/2);
CVector Size = _Size;
CVector I, J, K;
float Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far;
calcBill (Viewer, Center, Size, I, J, K, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far);
_BillOldCenter = _BillCenter;
_BillViewer = Viewer;
_BillCenter = Center;
calcBill (Viewer, Center, Size, I, J, K, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far);
_BillOldCenter = _BillCenter;
_BillViewer = Viewer;
_BillCenter = Center;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCloud::anim (double dt, double dt2)
for (uint32 nOct = 0; nOct < _NbOctave; ++nOct)
_UStart[nOct] += dt*(1<<nOct) / 5000.0;
_VStart[nOct] += dt*(1<<nOct) / 5000.0;
_WStart[nOct] += dt*(1<<nOct) / 5000.0;
//_Pos.x += dt2;
//Time += dt2;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCloud::disp ()
CQuadUV qc;
qc.Uv0 = CUV(0.0f, 0.0f);
qc.Uv1 = CUV(1.0f, 0.0f);
qc.Uv2 = CUV(1.0f, 1.0f);
qc.Uv3 = CUV(0.0f, 1.0f);
CScissor s;
_Driver->setupScissor (s);
_Driver->setupViewport (CViewport());
_Driver->setFrustum (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, false);
CVector I(1,0,0);
CVector J(0,0,1);
CVector K(0,-1,0);
CMatrix ViewMatrix;
ViewMatrix.setRot(I,J,K, true);
uint32 w = _NbW*_Width;
uint32 h = _NbH*_Height;
qc.V0 = CVector(0.0f/800.0f, 0.0f/600.0f, 0.0f);
qc.V1 = CVector(w/800.0f, 0.0f/600.0f, 0.0f);
qc.V2 = CVector(w/800.0f, h/600.0f, 0.0f);
qc.V3 = CVector(0.0f/800.0f, h/600.0f, 0.0f);
static CMaterial *dispMat = NULL;
if (dispMat == NULL)
dispMat = new CMaterial;
dispMat->setTexture(0, _CloudTexTmp->Tex);
dispMat->texEnvOpRGB(0, CMaterial::Replace);
//dispMat->texEnvArg0RGB(0, CMaterial::Texture, CMaterial::SrcAlpha);
dispMat->texEnvArg0RGB(0, CMaterial::Texture, CMaterial::SrcColor);
dispMat->setBlend (false);
CVertexBuffer &rVB = _CloudScape->_VertexBuffer;
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
vba.setVertexCoord (0, qc.V0);
vba.setVertexCoord (1, qc.V1);
vba.setVertexCoord (2, qc.V2);
vba.setVertexCoord (3, qc.V3);
vba.setTexCoord (0, 0, qc.Uv0);
vba.setTexCoord (1, 0, qc.Uv1);
vba.setTexCoord (2, 0, qc.Uv2);
vba.setTexCoord (3, 0, qc.Uv3);
_Driver->activeVertexBuffer (rVB);
_Driver->renderRawQuads (*dispMat, 0, 1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCloud::dispXYZ (CMaterial *pMat)
CQuadUV qc;
uint32 i,j;
float oneOverNbW = 1.0f / _NbW;
float oneOverNbH = 1.0f / _NbH;
float oneOverNbWNbH = 1.0f / (_NbW*_NbH);
CVertexBuffer &rVB = _CloudScape->_VertexBuffer;
uint32 nVSize = rVB.getVertexSize ();
CVector *pVertices;
_Driver->activeVertexBuffer (rVB);
if (pMat == NULL)
for (j = 0; j < _NbH; ++j)
for (i = 0; i < _NbW; ++i)
uint32 d = i+j*_NbW;
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
pVertices = vba.getVertexCoordPointer (0);
*pVertices = CVector(_Pos.x, _Pos.y, _Pos.z+_Size.z*(_NbW*_NbH-d)*oneOverNbWNbH); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(_Pos.x+_Size.x, _Pos.y, _Pos.z+_Size.z*(_NbW*_NbH-d)*oneOverNbWNbH); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(_Pos.x+_Size.x, _Pos.y+_Size.y, _Pos.z+_Size.z*(_NbW*_NbH-d)*oneOverNbWNbH); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(_Pos.x, _Pos.y+_Size.y, _Pos.z+_Size.z*(_NbW*_NbH-d)*oneOverNbWNbH);
pUV = vba.getTexCoordPointer (0, 0);
pUV->U = i*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = j*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = (i+1)*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = j*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = (i+1)*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = (j+1)*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = i*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = (j+1)*oneOverNbH;
pUV = vba.getTexCoordPointer (0, 1);
pUV->U = i*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = j*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = (i+1)*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = j*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = (i+1)*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = (j+1)*oneOverNbH; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = i*oneOverNbW; pUV->V = (j+1)*oneOverNbH;
_Driver->renderRawQuads (*pMat, 0, 1);
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
CVector *pVertices = vba.getVertexCoordPointer (0);
*pVertices = CVector((float)0.25f, 0, (float)0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector((float)0.75f, 0, (float)0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector((float)0.75f, 0, (float)0.75f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector((float)0.25f, 0, (float)0.75f);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// in ; viewer, center
// out I,J,K, left,right,top,bottom,near,far
void CCloud::calcBill (const CVector &Viewer, const CVector &Center, const CVector &Size, CVector &I, CVector &J, CVector &K,
float &Left, float &Right, float &Top, float &Bottom, float &Near, float &Far)
CVector ViewDir = Center - Viewer;
Left = 1000.0f;
Right = -1000.0f;
Top = -1000.0f;
Bottom = 1000.0f;
Near = 1000.0f;
Far = -1000.0f;
if (fabsf(Center.y-Viewer.y) > fabsf(Center.z-Viewer.z))
K.set(0, 0, 1);
J= ViewDir;
I= J^K;
K= I^J;
K.set(0, 1, 0);
J= ViewDir;
I= J^K;
K= I^J;
CMatrix mat;
mat.setRot(I,J,K, true);
mat.setPos(CVector(Viewer.x, Viewer.y, Viewer.z));
uint32 i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
CVector v;
if (i == 0) v.x = Center.x-Size.x/2; else v.x = Center.x+Size.x/2;
if (j == 0) v.y = Center.y-Size.y/2; else v.y = Center.y+Size.y/2;
if (k == 0) v.z = Center.z-Size.z/2; else v.z = Center.z+Size.z/2;
v = mat.mulPoint(v);
if (v.y < Near) Near = v.y;
if (v.y > Far) Far = v.y;
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
CVector v;
if (i == 0) v.x = Center.x-Size.x/2; else v.x = Center.x+Size.x/2;
if (j == 0) v.y = Center.y-Size.y/2; else v.y = Center.y+Size.y/2;
if (k == 0) v.z = Center.z-Size.z/2; else v.z = Center.z+Size.z/2;
v = mat.mulPoint(v);
v.x = v.x / (v.y/Near);
v.z = v.z / (v.y/Near);
if (v.x < Left) Left = v.x;
if (v.x > Right) Right = v.x;
if (v.z < Bottom) Bottom = v.z;
if (v.z > Top) Top = v.z;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create the billboard (in the screen at pos (NbW*Width, 0)
void CCloud::genBill (CCamera *pCam, uint32 nBillSize)
// Render target
// Compute the Bill
uint32 sizeTMP = _OldBillSize;
uint8 *MemTMP = _MemOldBill;
CSmartPtr<CTextureMem> TexTMP = _TexOldBill;
_OldBillSize = _BillSize;
_MemOldBill = _MemBill;
_TexOldBill = _TexBill;
_BillSize = sizeTMP;
_MemBill = MemTMP;
_TexBill = TexTMP;
// Check the new size of the billboard
if (nBillSize != _BillSize)
_BillSize = nBillSize;
_MemBill = new uint8[4*_BillSize*_BillSize];
_TexBill = new CTextureMem (_MemBill, 4*_BillSize*_BillSize, true, false, _BillSize, _BillSize);
//for (i = 0; i < 4*_BillSize*_BillSize; ++i) _MemBill[i] = (uint8)i;
_TexBill->setWrapS (ITexture::Clamp);
_TexBill->setWrapT (ITexture::Clamp);
_TexBill->setFilterMode (ITexture::Linear, ITexture::LinearMipMapOff);
_TexBill->setReleasable (false);
_TexBill->setRenderTarget (true);
// Render target size
uint32 textureW = _TexBill->getWidth();
uint32 textureH = _TexBill->getHeight();
_Driver->setRenderTarget (_TexBill, 0, 0, _BillSize, _BillSize);
CViewport viewport, viewportOLD;
viewport.init(0.0f, 0.0f, ((float)_BillSize+1)/((float)textureW), ((float)_BillSize+1)/((float)textureH));
_Driver->setupViewport (viewport);
//CMatrix CamMat = pCam->getMatrix();
//CVector Viewer = CamMat.getPos();
CVector Viewer = CVector (0,0,0);
CVector Center = CVector (_Pos.x+_Size.x/2, _Pos.y+_Size.y/2, _Pos.z+_Size.z/2);
CVector Size = _Size;
CVector I, J, K;
float Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far;
calcBill (Viewer, Center, Size, I, J, K, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far);
CMatrix mat;
mat.setRot(I,J,K, true);
mat.setPos(CVector(Viewer.x, Viewer.y, Viewer.z));
// Clear background for cloud creation
_Driver->setFrustum(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, false);
_Driver->setupViewMatrix (CMatrix::Identity);
_Driver->setupModelMatrix (CMatrix::Identity);
CVertexBuffer &rVB = _CloudScape->_VertexBuffer;
uint32 nVSize = rVB.getVertexSize ();
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
CVector *pVertices = vba.getVertexCoordPointer (0);
*pVertices = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
_CloudScape->_MatClear.setColor (CRGBA(0,0,0,0));
_Driver->activeVertexBuffer (rVB);
_Driver->renderRawQuads (_CloudScape->_MatClear, 0, 1);
// Render
_Driver->setFrustum(Left, Right, Bottom, Top, Near, Far);
_Driver->setupModelMatrix (CMatrix::Identity);
_CloudTexTmp->ToBill.setColor (CloudAmbient);
dispXYZ (&_CloudTexTmp->ToBill);
// Restaure render target
_Driver->setRenderTarget (NULL);
// This is the end of render to texture like so reset all stuff
_Driver->setupViewport (viewportOLD);
_BillOldCenter = _BillCenter;
_BillViewer = Viewer;
_BillCenter = Center;
if (_WaitState > 0)
_WaitState = _WaitState - 1;
_LastX = _Pos.x;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCloud::dispBill (CCamera *pCam)
// CMatrix CamMat = pCam->getMatrix();
// CVector Viewer = CamMat.getPos();
CVector Viewer = CVector (0,0,0);
CVector Center = CVector (_Pos.x+_Size.x/2, _Pos.y+_Size.y/2, _Pos.z+_Size.z/2);
CVector Size = _Size;
// Prepare vertices.
CQuadUV qc;
CVector I, J, K;
float Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far;
if ((_MemBill == NULL) || (_MemOldBill == NULL))
if (_WaitState > 0)
if (Time > FuturTime)
Time = FuturTime;
// take old computed bill.
Viewer= _BillViewer;
/* Center= _BillCenter*((float)(Trans)/(float)TransTotal) +
calcBill (Viewer, Center, Size, I, J, K, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far);
CVector lct = Viewer + J*Near;
qc.V0 = lct + I*Left + K*Bottom;
qc.V1 = lct + I*Right + K*Bottom;
qc.V2 = lct + I*Right + K*Top;
qc.V3 = lct + I*Left + K*Top;*/
Center= _BillCenter;
calcBill (Viewer, Center, Size, I, J, K, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far);
CVector lct = Viewer + J*Near;
CQuadUV qc0;
qc0.V0 = lct + I*Left + K*Bottom;
qc0.V1 = lct + I*Right + K*Bottom;
qc0.V2 = lct + I*Right + K*Top;
qc0.V3 = lct + I*Left + K*Top;
Center= _BillOldCenter;
calcBill (Viewer, Center, Size, I, J, K, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far);
lct = Viewer + J*Near;
CQuadUV qc1;
qc1.V0 = lct + I*Left + K*Bottom;
qc1.V1 = lct + I*Right + K*Bottom;
qc1.V2 = lct + I*Right + K*Top;
qc1.V3 = lct + I*Left + K*Top;
float a0= ((float)(Time)/(float)FuturTime);
float a1= (float)(FuturTime-Time)/(float)FuturTime;
qc.V0= qc0.V0*a0 + qc1.V0*a1;
qc.V1= qc0.V1*a0 + qc1.V1*a1;
qc.V2= qc0.V2*a0 + qc1.V2*a1;
qc.V3= qc0.V3*a0 + qc1.V3*a1;
qc.Uv0 = CUV(0, 0);
qc.Uv1 = CUV(1, 0);
qc.Uv2 = CUV(1, 1);
qc.Uv3 = CUV(0, 1);
// Display TexBill with intensity : Trans / TransTotal
// and TexOldBill with intensity : (TransTotal-Trans) / TransTotal
_CloudScape->_MatBill.setTexture (0, _TexOldBill);
_CloudScape->_MatBill.setTexture (1, _TexBill);
_CloudScape->_MatBill.setColor (CRGBA(255, 255, 255, (uint8)(255*((float)Time/(float)FuturTime))));
CVertexBuffer &rVB = _CloudScape->_VertexBuffer;
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba;
rVB.lock (vba);
uint32 nVSize = rVB.getVertexSize ();
CVector *pVertices = vba.getVertexCoordPointer (0);
*pVertices = qc.V0; pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = qc.V1; pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = qc.V2; pVertices = (CVector*)( ((uint8*)pVertices) + nVSize );
*pVertices = qc.V3;
CUV *pUV = vba.getTexCoordPointer (0, 0);
pUV->U = 0; pUV->V = 0; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 1; pUV->V = 0; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 1; pUV->V = 1; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 0; pUV->V = 1;
pUV = vba.getTexCoordPointer (0, 1);
pUV->U = 0; pUV->V = 0; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 1; pUV->V = 0; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 1; pUV->V = 1; pUV = (CUV*)( ((uint8*)pUV) + nVSize );
pUV->U = 0; pUV->V = 1;
_Driver->activeVertexBuffer (rVB);
_Driver->renderRawQuads (_CloudScape->_MatBill, 0, 1);
//nlinfo ("ok");
// Debug
if (_CloudScape->isDebugQuadEnabled())
static CMaterial *mTmp = NULL;
if (mTmp == NULL)
mTmp = new CMaterial();
/*if (_BillSize <= 4)
else if (_BillSize == 8)
else if (_BillSize == 16)
else if (_BillSize == 32)
else if (_BillSize == 64)
else if (_BillSize == 128)
else if (_BillSize == 256)
if (FuturTime <= 4)
else if (FuturTime <= 8)
else if (FuturTime <= 12)
else if (FuturTime <= 16)
else if (FuturTime <= 20)
_Driver->renderRawQuads (*mTmp, 0, 1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCloud::setMode2D ()
CVector I(1,0,0), J(0,0,1), K(0,-1,0);
CMatrix ViewMatrix;
ViewMatrix.identity ();
ViewMatrix.setRot (I,J,K, true);
CScissor Scissor;
_Driver->setupScissor (Scissor);
_Driver->setupViewport (CViewport());
_Driver->setupViewMatrix (ViewMatrix);
_Driver->setupModelMatrix (CMatrix::Identity);
} // namespace NL3D