2015-11-06 15:24:19 +01:00

446 lines
15 KiB

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_instance_material.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_particle_system_instance.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_instance.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "sky_object.h"
#include "sky.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
// CSkyObject::CColorInfo //
// *************************************************************************************************
void CSkyObject::CColorInfo::init(const CSkyObjectSheet::CColorInfoSheet &ci,
std::map<std::string, CBitmap *> &bitmapByName,
std::vector<CBitmap *> &builtBitmaps)
Mode = ci.Mode;
bool alreadyBuilt;
Map = buildSharedBitmap(ci.MapName, bitmapByName, builtBitmaps, alreadyBuilt);
// *************************************************************************************************
CRGBA CSkyObject::CColorInfo::computeColor(float dayPart, float weatherLevel, CRGBA fogColor)
case Unused: return CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0);
case FogColor: return fogColor;
case BitmapColor:
clamp(dayPart, 0.f, 1.f);
clamp(weatherLevel, 0.f, 1.f);
if (!Map) return CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0);
return Map->getColor(dayPart, weatherLevel, true, false);
case BitmapColorModulatedByFogColor:
clamp(dayPart, 0.f, 1.f);
clamp(weatherLevel, 0.f, 1.f);
if (!Map) return CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0);
CRGBA result = Map->getColor(dayPart, weatherLevel, true, false);
result.modulateFromColor(result, fogColor);
return result;
nlassert(0); // unknwon type
return CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0);
// *************************************************************************************************
// CSkyObject::CColorGradientInfo //
void CSkyObject::CColorGradientInfo::init(const CSkyObjectSheet::CColorGradientInfoSheet &cgis,
std::map<std::string,CBitmap *> &bitmapByName,
std::vector<CBitmap *> &builtBitmaps)
TargetTextureStage = cgis.TargetTextureStage;
CBitmap *lastSeenBitmap = NULL;
for(uint k = 0; k < cgis.WeatherToGradient.size(); ++k)
bool alreadyBuilt;
WeatherToGradient[k] = buildSharedBitmap(cgis.WeatherToGradient[k], bitmapByName, builtBitmaps, alreadyBuilt);
if (WeatherToGradient[k])
if (!WeatherToGradient[k]->convertToType(CBitmap::RGBA))
// can't use bitmap..
WeatherToGradient[k] = NULL; // don't do a delete here because it'is 'builtBitmaps' that has ownership
if (!alreadyBuilt)
// rotate the bitmap because it is faster to blit a row than a column
if (lastSeenBitmap)
if (WeatherToGradient[k]->getWidth() != lastSeenBitmap->getWidth() ||
WeatherToGradient[k]->getHeight() != lastSeenBitmap->getHeight()
nlwarning("All bitmaps must have the same size in the gradient");
lastSeenBitmap = WeatherToGradient[k];
static void dumpGrad(CBitmap &bm)
CRGBA *pixs = (CRGBA *) &bm.getPixels(0)[0];
for(uint k = 0; k < bm.getWidth(); ++k)
nlinfo("(r, g, b, a) = (%d, %d, %d, %d)", pixs[k].R, pixs[k].G, pixs[k].B, pixs[k].A);
// *************************************************************************************************
void CSkyObject::CColorGradientInfo::setup(NL3D::UInstance instance, float dayPart, float weatherLevel, CBitmap &gradientCache, CBitmap &gradientCacheBlurred)
if (instance.empty()) return;
if (WeatherToGradient.empty()) return;
clamp(dayPart, 0.f, 1.f);
clamp(weatherLevel, 0.f, 1.f);
// takes 2 closest bitmaps to do the blend
uint bm0Index = std::min(uint(weatherLevel * WeatherToGradient.size()), uint(WeatherToGradient.size() - 1));
uint bm1Index = std::min(uint(weatherLevel * WeatherToGradient.size() + 1), uint(WeatherToGradient.size() - 1));
CBitmap *bm0 = WeatherToGradient[bm0Index];
CBitmap *bm1 = WeatherToGradient[bm1Index];
if (!bm1 && !bm0) return;
if (!bm1) bm1 = bm0;
if (!bm0) bm0 = bm1;
// make sure that both bitmap have the same size
if (bm0->getWidth() != bm1->getWidth() || bm0->getHeight() != bm1->getHeight()) return;
// extract the 2 slices before to blend
uint slice0 = (uint) (dayPart * bm0->getHeight());
uint slice1 = (uint) (dayPart * bm0->getHeight() + 1) % bm0->getHeight();
//nlinfo("slice0 = %d", slice0);
Slice0[0].resize(bm0->getWidth(), 1);
Slice0[1].resize(bm0->getWidth(), 1);
Slice0[0].blit(*bm0, 0, slice0, bm0->getWidth(), 1, 0, 0);
Slice0[1].blit(*bm0, 0, slice1, bm0->getWidth(), 1, 0, 0);
Slice0[0].blend(Slice0[0], Slice0[1], (uint) (256 * fmodf(dayPart * bm0->getHeight(), 1.f)), true);
Slice1[0].resize(bm0->getWidth(), 1);
Slice1[1].resize(bm0->getWidth(), 1);
Slice1[0].blit(*bm1, 0, slice0, bm1->getWidth(), 1, 0, 0);
Slice1[1].blit(*bm1, 0, slice1, bm1->getWidth(), 1, 0, 0);
Slice1[0].blend(Slice1[0], Slice1[1], (uint) (256 * fmodf(dayPart * bm0->getHeight(), 1.f)), true);
Slice0[0].blend(Slice0[0], Slice1[0], (uint) (256 * fmodf(weatherLevel * WeatherToGradient.size(), 1.f)), true);
// see if blended result differs from cache, if so, update texture of the instance
const uint32 *newGrad = (uint32 *) &Slice0[0].getPixels()[0];
if (gradientCache.getPixels(0).empty())
gradientCache.resize(bm1->getWidth() , 1, CBitmap::RGBA);
const uint32 *oldGrad = (uint32 *) &gradientCache.getPixels()[0];
nlassert(gradientCache.getWidth() == Slice0[0].getWidth());
if (!std::equal(newGrad, newGrad + bm0->getWidth(), oldGrad))
// update the cache
// build a blurred version of the gradient cache (improve quality of gradient)
if (gradientCacheBlurred.getWidth() != gradientCache.getWidth() ||
gradientCacheBlurred.getHeight() != gradientCache.getHeight())
gradientCacheBlurred.resize(gradientCache.getWidth(), 1);
nlassert(gradientCacheBlurred.PixelFormat == gradientCache.PixelFormat);
CRGBA *destPix = (CRGBA *) &gradientCacheBlurred.getPixels()[0];
const CRGBA *srcPix = (const CRGBA *) &gradientCache.getPixels(0)[0];
*destPix++ = *srcPix ++;
const CRGBA *lastSrcPix = srcPix + Slice0[0].getWidth() - 2;
while (srcPix != lastSrcPix)
destPix->R = (uint8) (((uint16) srcPix[- 1].R + (uint16) srcPix->R + (uint16) srcPix[1].R) * (256 / 3) >> 8);
destPix->G = (uint8) (((uint16) srcPix[- 1].G + (uint16) srcPix->G + (uint16) srcPix[1].G) * (256 / 3) >> 8);
destPix->B = (uint8) (((uint16) srcPix[- 1].B + (uint16) srcPix->B + (uint16) srcPix[1].B) * (256 / 3) >> 8);
destPix->A = (uint8) (((uint16) srcPix[- 1].A + (uint16) srcPix->A + (uint16) srcPix[1].A) * (256 / 3) >> 8);
++ destPix;
++ srcPix;
*destPix++ = *srcPix ++;
// set the new texture
uint numMaterials = instance.getNumMaterials();
for(uint k = 0; k < numMaterials; ++k)
// do a free ccw rotate by swapping height & width (because height is 1)
gradientCacheBlurred.getWidth() * gradientCacheBlurred.getHeight() * sizeof(uint32),
// clamp on v coordinate
instance.getMaterial(k).setWrapT(TargetTextureStage, NL3D::UInstanceMaterial::Clamp);
// *************************************************************************************************
// CSkyObject //
void CSkyObject::init(const CSkyObjectSheet::CVersionSheet &sheet,
NL3D::UInstance instance,
std::map<std::string,CBitmap *> &bitmapByName,
std::vector<CBitmap *> &builtBitmaps,
bool visibleInMainScene,
bool visibleInEnvMap
if (instance.empty()) return;
Instance = instance;
// set display priority
DiffuseColor.init(sheet.DiffuseColor, bitmapByName, builtBitmaps);
ParticleEmitters.init(sheet.ParticleEmitters, bitmapByName, builtBitmaps);
for(uint k = 0; k < SKY_MAX_NUM_STAGE; ++k)
ConstantColor[k].init(sheet.ConstantColor[k], bitmapByName, builtBitmaps);
bool alreadyBuilt;
if (!sheet.OffsetUBitmap[k].empty())
OffsetUBitmap[k] = buildSharedBitmap(sheet.OffsetUBitmap[k], bitmapByName, builtBitmaps, alreadyBuilt);
if (!sheet.OffsetVBitmap[k].empty())
OffsetVBitmap[k] = buildSharedBitmap(sheet.OffsetVBitmap[k], bitmapByName, builtBitmaps, alreadyBuilt);
ColorGradient.init(sheet.ColorGradient, bitmapByName, builtBitmaps);
RefColor = sheet.RefColor;
std::copy(sheet.TexPanner, sheet.TexPanner + SKY_MAX_NUM_STAGE, TexPanner);
std::copy(sheet.OffsetFactor, sheet.OffsetFactor + SKY_MAX_NUM_STAGE, OffsetFactor);
for(uint k = 0; k < SKY_MAX_NUM_FX_USER_PARAMS; ++k)
if (!sheet.FXUserParamBitmap[k].empty())
bool alreadyBuilt;
FXUserParams[k] = buildSharedBitmap(sheet.FXUserParamBitmap[k], bitmapByName, builtBitmaps, alreadyBuilt);
Name = sheet.ShapeName;
VisibleInMainScene = visibleInMainScene;
VisibleInEnvMap = visibleInEnvMap;
// *************************************************************************************************
bool CSkyObject::setup(const CClientDate &date, const CClientDate &animationDate, float numHoursInDay, float weatherLevel, CRGBA fogColor, bool envMapScene)
if (Instance.empty()) return false;
Active = true;
nlassert(numHoursInDay > 0.f);
float dayPart = date.Hour / numHoursInDay;
clamp(dayPart, 0.f, 1.f);
clamp(weatherLevel, 0.f, 1.f);
if (DiffuseColor.Mode != Unused)
CRGBA newDiffuseColor = DiffuseColor.computeColor(dayPart, weatherLevel, fogColor);
if (newDiffuseColor != LastDiffuseColor)
// is it a particle system
if (!PS.empty())
// PS are hiden / shown, so must unfreeze hrc. (adding an isntance group causes hrc to be frozen)
// set diffuse color for each material with normal shader
uint numMaterials = Instance.getNumMaterials();
for(uint k = 0; k < numMaterials; ++k)
UInstanceMaterial im = Instance.getMaterial(k);
if (im.isLighted())
// set mean color for other objects (lens flares...)
LastDiffuseColor = newDiffuseColor;
if (RefColor == DiffuseColorRef) // if this is the ref color, then the object is not visible if alpha is 0
if (newDiffuseColor.A == 0)
Active = false;
// is it a particle system
if (ParticleEmitters.Mode != Unused)
CRGBA newParticleEmittersColor = ParticleEmitters.computeColor(dayPart, weatherLevel, fogColor);
if (newParticleEmittersColor != LastParticleEmittersColor)
if (!PS.empty())
// emitters are on is any of the components is not 0
PS.activateEmitters(newParticleEmittersColor != CRGBA::Black);
LastParticleEmittersColor = newParticleEmittersColor;
if (RefColor == ParticleEmittersColorRef) // if this is the ref color, then the object is not visible if alpha is 0
if (LastParticleEmittersColor == CRGBA::Black)
if (!PS.hasParticles()) // can deactivate PS only when all particles are off
Active = false;
uint numMaterials = Instance.getNumMaterials();
for(uint k = 0; k < SKY_MAX_NUM_STAGE; ++k)
if (ConstantColor[k].Mode != Unused)
CRGBA newConstantColor = ConstantColor[k].computeColor(dayPart, weatherLevel, fogColor);
if (newConstantColor != LastConstantColor[k])
for(uint l = 0; l < numMaterials; ++l)
Instance.getMaterial(l).setConstantColor(k, newConstantColor);
LastConstantColor[k] = newConstantColor;
if (RefColor == (TSkyRefColor) (ConstantColor0Ref + k))
if (newConstantColor.A == 0)
Active = false;
bool draw = Active;
if (envMapScene && !VisibleInEnvMap)
draw = false;
else if (!envMapScene && !VisibleInMainScene)
draw = false;
if (draw)
double animTime = animationDate.Hour + (double) animationDate.Day * (double) numHoursInDay;
if (PS.empty())
// gradient setup //
ColorGradient.setup(Instance, dayPart, weatherLevel, GradientCache, GradientCacheBlurred);
// tex panning setup //
for(uint k = 0; k < SKY_MAX_NUM_STAGE; ++k)
if (TexPanner[k].U != 0.f || TexPanner[k].V != 0.f ||
OffsetUBitmap[k] != NULL || OffsetVBitmap[k] != NULL )
//nlinfo("global date = %f", animTime);
// there's tex panning for that stage
double u = TexPanner[k].U * animTime;
u = fmod(u, 1);
double v = TexPanner[k].V * animTime;
v = fmod(v, 1);
CVector offset((float) u, (float) v, 0.f);
// apply scaling if needed
if (OffsetUBitmap[k])
offset.x += OffsetFactor[k].U * OffsetUBitmap[k]->getColor(dayPart, weatherLevel, true, false).R;
if (OffsetVBitmap[k])
offset.y += OffsetFactor[k].V * OffsetVBitmap[k]->getColor(dayPart, weatherLevel, true, false).R;
CMatrix mat;
for(uint l = 0; l < numMaterials; ++l)
Instance.getMaterial(l).setUserTexMat(k, mat);
// user params setup
for(uint k = 0; k < SKY_MAX_NUM_FX_USER_PARAMS; ++k)
if (FXUserParams[k])
CRGBA color = FXUserParams[k]->getColor(dayPart, weatherLevel, true, false);
PS.setUserParam(k, color.R / 255.f);
return Active;
// *************************************************************************************************