
Objective. The player has to kill specific creatures, faction members, NPCs, group members … Specify only one type for a given kill objective. If you want the player to kill different types of target, use several kill objectives.




name: Objective name, only used by the mission designer.


faction/quantity: Faction code name and number of kills needed. See item_guidelines for the formatting requirements.


fauna/quantity: Creature sheets and number of kills needed. See item_guidelines for the formatting requirements.


group: Group name tag. The player needs to kill the whole group.


hide_obj (Boolean): Prevent the step to be displayed in the mission log.


npc: NPC name tag. The player needs to kill all listed NPCs. See item_guidelines for the formatting requirements.


overload_objective (Optional): Allow to set a specific a description of the mission. See text guidelines for the formatting requirements.


roleplay_objective (Optional): Allow to add a description to the step.


place (Optional): Place name where the slaughter has to take place.


race/quantity: Race name and number required. Races are less specific than fauna as the yubo race is more generic than the suckling yubo fauna specie.


Default variables:

place (place):     $p$


If killing creatures

For creature type number X

Variable name

Formal expression


Fauna type (creature_sheet)



Fauna quantity (int)




If killing faction members

Faction name (faction):  $faction$

Quantity (int):                $qt$


If killing NPCs

For NPC number X

Variable name

Formal expression


npc_name (bot)




If killing race members

For race number X

Variable name

Formal expression


Race type (race)



Race quantity (int)

