

Action that destroys the items that match the given filters:


Note: the system selects first the lowest quality of the item possible

Note: the system search in the player inventory (bag or mektoubs)




name: Action name, only used by the mission designer.


npc_name (Optional): NPC tag name. Used to write in the sys info who destroyed the items


Item/quantity/quality: Array containing given item description. See item_guidelines for the formatting requirements.


guild (Boolean): This parameter is only for guild missions. If it is set to true the action is done for the guild (not for the players that completed the mission).


Default variables:

npc_name (bot):          if not specified, the giver name is used in the destruction message in sys info

item_type (item):           must be specified

item_quantity (int):        1

item_quality (int):          1