Drawing1 1. Login to the Ryzom Admin tool. 3.346456692913386 11.318897637795276 Click the 'Main' button at the top right of the screen to get a view something like this: 3.346456692913386 10.925196850393698 3.444881889763779 8.471653543307085 2. Select the shard that you want to restart 3.346456692913386 11.318897637795274 3.343110236220473 8.865354330708659 0.590551181102362 9.566929133858269 3.809004357293814 9.571398391822701 3. Click the 'lock shard' button to take control of the shard that you've selected 4.227356009930337 11.111767279090113 3.343110236220473 8.865354330708659 The pink 'restart sequence' button will appear 3.354717958339129 6.200787401574803 3.349803149606298 3.747244094488188 1.722440944881890 9.999999999999998 4.330657900600900 10.004469257964431 2.283464566929134 4.881889763779529 4.645618530522161 4.886359021743961 4. Click on the 'restart sequence' button 3.346456692913385 11.515748031496063 3.343110236220473 9.055118110236219 You will be prompted to continue: 3.346456692913386 6.387357830271215 2.449803149606299 5.487795275590552 The restart sequence interface will appear below the shard services. It should have the following appearance: 5.216535433070866 4.429133858267717 3.349803149606297 1.961417322834646 2.283464566929134 10.196850393700787 4.645618530522159 10.201319651665219 3.661417322834646 0.866141732283465 6.545224829734759 0.791870832767583 5. Click on the 'Stop the Shard' button 3.346456692913385 11.391951006124234 3.343110236220473 9.055118110236219 You will be prompted to continue 3.344887613645888 6.397637795275591 1.950590551181103 5.487795275590552 WARNING: Pressing this button has a direct effect on the game. Don't press this button unless you are sure of what you're doing. 3.346456692913385 4.330708661417323 3.011811023622047 8.759842519685039 5.492075223435546 8.764311777649471 Pressing OK here will broadcast a message to all players who are logged in telling them that shard will be shut down and will prevent new players from logging in. 3.838582677165354 3.740157480314961 6.215551181102361 8.671259842519685 6.539640283161631 8.517154135620743 Clicking the ‘Cancel’ Button will close the ‘Restart Interface’ without any effect on the shard 8.169291338582674 8.169291338582676 During this time messages are broadcast to the players warning them that the game shard is going to be stopped and that they should log out 6.200787401574803 11.122047244094491 This sequence starts automatically when the 'Step 1' timer reaches zero. During this time persistent data is saved and the game services shut down cleanly 5.413385826771653 7.677165354330715 When the 'Step 2' timer reaches zero, the 'Running State' column should read 'stopped' for all services. 4.291338582677165 4.232283464566931 3.346456692913385 8.654330708661423 3.021653543307086 9.874803149606306 3.444881889763779 5.121456692913391 3.441535433070867 1.835236220472441 6. Wait for the shutdown sequence to begin 4.133858267716535 11.515748031496065 7. Wait for the shutdown sequence to go through. 6.003937007874015 8.169291338582683 If this is not the case then the developers should be contacted and you should click the ‘Give Up, Shard cannot be started’ button. 5.452755905511811 -0.688976377952756 3.349803149606298 -2.319291338582677 5.841535433070866 -2.834645669291338 6.559988609262317 -2.830176411326904 6.235236220472441 9.881889763779526 6.539640283161631 9.716890432038076 5.511760262805623 9.879272407570738 Clicking the ‘Cancel’ Button will abort the shutdown sequence and allow players to login to the shard 8.169291338582676 9.350393700787400 8. Start the start sequence by pressing the '1/4 - Start Low Level' button. 4.232283464566929 11.278433945756781 The services will start launching 4.232283464566929 7.972440944881889 3.349803149606299 9.688582677165352 9. Click on the shard name every few seconds or so to update the view until the 'ts', 'ms' and 'rns' services are all running. 7.244094488188976 2.854330708661416 3.343110236220473 5.518897637795275 2.175196850393701 9.389763779527558 4.684988609262318 9.394233037491990 1.279527559055118 4.694881889763780 4.104279947844995 4.886359021743958 1.269685039370079 3.799212598425196 4.104279947844995 3.803681856389628 1.269685039370079 4.330708661417321 4.104279947844995 4.335177919381754 The 'running state' and 'state' columns for these services should both read 'online' and the 'Report' column should read '01s' This step should only take a few seconds 6.240157480314960 2.362204724409448 If the states don't update correctly then the developers should be contacted and you should click the ‘Give Up, Shard cannot be started’ button. 6.240157480314960 1.870078740157480 3.349803149606299 0.239763779527558 5.841535433070867 -0.275590551181102 6.559988609262317 -0.271121293216669 10. Click on the '2/4 - Start Mid Level' button to continue the start sequence 4.133858267716535 11.278433945756781 3.349803149606299 9.688582677165353 The main game services will be started... they will take a minute or two to initialise so patience is required. 5.708661417322834 8.169291338582678 11. Click on the shard name every few seconds or so to update the view until the 'egs', 'ios' and 'gpms' services are all running. 7.677165354330708 7.578740157480314 2.155511811023622 9.251968503937007 4.675146089577279 9.256437761901440 The 'running state' and 'state' columns for these services should both read 'online' and the 'Report' column should read '01s' This step will generally take one or two minutes but may be a little longer. It should not exceed 5 minutes. 7.775590551181102 7.086614173228346 3.444881889763779 4.520472440944881 If the states don't update correctly then the developers should be contacted and you should click the ‘Give Up, Shard cannot be started’ button. 6.240157480314961 2.066929133858268 3.448228346456693 0.436614173228346 12. Click on the '3/4 - Start High Level' button to continue the start sequence 4.822834645669291 11.318897637795274 3.343110236220473 9.688582677165353 The AI services will be started... they will take a minute or so to initialise 4.960629921259843 7.972440944881889 13. Click on the shard name every few seconds or so to update the view until the 'ais' services are all running. 6.062992125984252 2.854330708661417 3.343110236220472 5.518897637795275 2.155511811023622 9.114173228346456 4.675146089577279 9.118642486310888 1.427165354330709 6.131889763779526 4.281158906272716 6.110971265772092 The 'running state' and 'state' columns for these services should both read 'online' and the 'Report' column should read '01s' This step should take roughly one minute. 6.496062992125983 2.362204724409448 If the states don't update correctly then the developers should be contacted and you should click the ‘Give Up, Shard cannot be started’ button. 6.240157480314960 1.870078740157481 3.448228346456692 0.239763779527558 14. Click on the '4/4 - Start Top Level' button to continue the start sequence 5.669291338582677 11.318897637795276 3.343110236220473 9.688582677165353 The Front end communication services will be started 4.232283464566929 7.972440944881889 15. Click on the shard name every few seconds or so to update the view until ALL services are running. 6.099628492123085 7.381889763779527 2.145669291338582 8.956692913385828 4.675146089577279 8.961162171350260 The 'running state' and 'state' columns for ALL services should both read 'online' and the 'Report' column should read '01s' NOTE: The RWS service state will read ‘open’ when the other services read ‘online’. This step should only take a few seconds. 5.416119539372975 6.786526684164478 If the states don't update correctly then the developers should be contacted and you should click the ‘Give Up, Shard cannot be started’ button. 6.240157480314961 1.476377952755906 3.448228346456693 -0.153937007874017 3.444881889763779 4.047047244094488 16. Click on the 'Hand Over to Customer Support' button to finish the start sequence 4.566929133858268 11.318897637795276 3.343110236220473 9.688582677165353 The shard is now open in restricted mode - the customer support team can log in and check that everything is ok before the shard opens The customer support volunteers can now open the shard to the players when they are ready 4.035433070866141 7.785870516185478 17. Click on the 'Done' button to exit the 'restart sequence' interface 4.232283464566930 6.988188976377953 3.349803149606299 4.591141732283464 2.942913385826772 8.818897637795274 5.472390184065468 8.823366895759707 6.240157480314961 3.011811023622048 6.564909869104838 3.016280281586480 18. Click on the 'Unlock Shard' button to finish 3.346456692913386 11.278433945756781 3.349803149606299 8.921850393700787 You should be back to a view that looks something like this: 3.346456692913386 6.397637795275590 3.349803149606299 4.000590551181102 1.771653543307087 10.019685039370080 4.379870499026097 10.004469257964434