*HASH_VALUE job ID name * noms français ia da p pia pda _7B0C6949087BEF17 IreFighter Berserker guerrier fou a the Berserkers the _DA264262C82FA5E4 Swashbuckler Swashbuckler bretteur a the Swashbucklers the _FF1001FD1B8460C5 KamicFist Kamic Fist poing kamique a the Kamic Fists the _E9959ADC3E303D21 BladeBearer Blade Bearer porte lame a the Blade Bearers the _AF5E35F1250C04D2 WindChild Wind Child enfant des vents a the Wind Children the _2F47F87A6F381C99 Runner Runner courreur a the Runners the _73AAF09AE4B710A3 Scout Scout éclaireur a the Scouts the _C66185C2249CA8A6 FireLance Fire Lancer lance-feu a the Fire Lancers the _296AE474AB790894 Witherer Witherer fletrisseur a the Witherers the _AD68C069ED7714A0 Fouler Fouler pestilent a the Foulers the _B290F10227B8C8B3 Disturber Disturber troubleur d'esprit a the Disturbers the _0250C5039B06F5C8 KamicFury Kamic Fury furie kamique a the Kamic Furies the _757B279C53FC9BAB SpiritualShield Spiritual Shield bouclier spirituel a the Spiritual Shields the _EE4990771C86D494 Faker Faker trompeur a the Fakers the _A045250E026EC63E WindGuardian Wind Guardian gardien des vents a the Wind Guardians the _0B806EC710885A48 KamicGuardian Kamic Guardian bouclier kamique a the Kamic Guardians the _C4438A71C41C6642 SecondBreath Second Breath second souffle a the Second Breaths the _2FE51E469C502DFD LifeStealer Life Stealer voleur de vie a the Life Stealers the _FEBE4D8AEEBD5D18 SecondLife Second Life seconde vie a the Second Lives the _B7AF21058A5F88E1 SapCristal Sap Crystal cristal de sève a the Sap Crystals the _DE48CAEB05734249 ScarletHunter Scarlet Hunter chasseur écarlate a the Scarlet Hunters the _31D7E2E30551753A GreenHunter Green Hunter chasseur vert a the Green Hunters the _06635A6B444DEE4C ShadowHunter Shadow Hunter chasseur de l'ombre a the Shadow Hunters the _99D26A1506D4F24B AtysGuardian Atys Guardian gardien d'atys an the Atys Guardians the _2BB7F7E25BC3D54D SandCaravanner Sand Caravaneer caravanier des sables a the Sand Caravaneers the _7CD608D036D57BF2 ImperialSupplier Imperial Supplier pourvoyeur impérial an the Imperial Suppliers the _6C49C893E6B9849D Steward Steward intendants a the Stewards the _A8C84C6F6A9710A2 Hawker Hawker colporteurs a the Hawkers the _44BE25E43BDAF009 FireMaster Fire Master maitre du feu a the Fire Masters the _0BF32E6C860E7A26 FlowerMaster Flower Master maitre des fleurs a the Flower Masters the _802D1DEA3BDAF002 LakeMaster Lake Master maitre des lacs a the Lake Masters the _348DF50C62FA70BB SapMaster Sap Master maitre de la sève a the Sap Masters the