// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "nel/gui/dbview_bar.h" #include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h" #include "nel/gui/interface_group.h" #include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h" #include "nel/gui/db_manager.h" using namespace std; using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CDBViewBar, std::string, "bar"); namespace NLGUI { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDBViewBar::parseValProp(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceProperty &dbProp, sint32 &intProp, const char *name) { CXMLAutoPtr prop((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)name )); if (prop) { if ( isdigit(*prop.getDatas()) || *(prop.getDatas())=='-') fromString((const char*)prop, intProp); else dbProp.link(prop); } } std::string CDBViewBar::getProperty( const std::string &name ) const { if( name == "value" ) { if( _Value.getNodePtr() != NULL ) return _Value.getNodePtr()->getFullName(); else return toString( _ValueInt ); } else if( name == "range" ) { if( _Range.getNodePtr() != NULL ) return _Range.getNodePtr()->getFullName(); else return toString( _RangeInt ); } else if( name == "reference" ) { if( _Reference.getNodePtr() != NULL ) return _Reference.getNodePtr()->getFullName(); else return toString( _ReferenceInt ); } else if( name == "color_negative" ) { return toString( _ColorNegative ); } else if( name == "mini" ) { if( _Type == ViewBar_Mini ) return "true"; else return "false"; } else if( name == "ultra_mini" ) { if( _Type == ViewBar_UltraMini ) return "true"; else return "false"; } else if( name == "mini_thick" ) { if( _Type == ViewBar_MiniThick ) return "true"; else return "false"; } else return CViewBitmap::getProperty( name ); } void CDBViewBar::setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value ) { if( name == "value" ) { sint32 i; if( fromString( value, i ) ) _ValueInt = i; else _Value.link( value.c_str() ); return; } else if( name == "range" ) { sint32 i; if( fromString( value, i ) ) _RangeInt = i; else _Range.link( value.c_str() ); return; } else if( name == "reference" ) { sint32 i; if( fromString( value, i ) ) _ReferenceInt = i; else _Reference.link( value.c_str() ); return; } else if( name == "color_negative" ) { CRGBA c; if( fromString( value, c ) ) _ColorNegative = c; return; } else if( name == "mini" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) if( b ) _Type = ViewBar_Mini; return; } else if( name == "ultra_mini" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) if( b ) _Type = ViewBar_UltraMini; return; } else if( name == "mini_thick" ) { bool b; if( fromString( value, b ) ) if( b ) _Type = ViewBar_MiniThick; return; } else CViewBitmap::setProperty( name, value ); } xmlNodePtr CDBViewBar::serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const { xmlNodePtr node = CViewBitmap::serialize( parentNode, type ); if( node == NULL ) return NULL; xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST "bar" ); if( _Value.getNodePtr() != NULL ) xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "value", BAD_CAST _Value.getNodePtr()->getFullName().c_str() ); else xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "value", BAD_CAST toString( _RangeInt ).c_str() ); if( _Range.getNodePtr() != NULL ) xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "range", BAD_CAST _Range.getNodePtr()->getFullName().c_str() ); else xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "range", BAD_CAST toString( _RangeInt ).c_str() ); if( _Reference.getNodePtr() != NULL ) xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "reference", BAD_CAST _Reference.getNodePtr()->getFullName().c_str() ); else xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "reference", BAD_CAST toString( _ReferenceInt ).c_str() ); xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "color_negative", BAD_CAST toString( _ColorNegative ).c_str() ); if( _Type == ViewBar_Mini ) xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "mini", BAD_CAST "true" ); else xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "mini", BAD_CAST "false" ); if( _Type == ViewBar_UltraMini ) xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "ultra_mini", BAD_CAST "true" ); else xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "ultra_mini", BAD_CAST "false" ); if( _Type == ViewBar_MiniThick ) xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "mini_thick", BAD_CAST "true" ); else xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "mini_thick", BAD_CAST "false" ); return node; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CDBViewBar::parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup) { if (!CViewBitmap::parse(cur, parentGroup)) { string tmp = "cannot parse view:"+getId()+", parent:"+parentGroup->getId(); nlinfo(tmp.c_str()); return false; } CXMLAutoPtr prop; // read value, range and reference parseValProp(cur, _Value, _ValueInt, "value"); parseValProp(cur, _Range, _RangeInt, "range"); parseValProp(cur, _Reference, _ReferenceInt, "reference"); // Get Visual props prop= (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"color_negative" ); _ColorNegative = CRGBA(0,0,0,0); if (prop) _ColorNegative = convertColor (prop); // Bar Type _Type = ViewBar_Normal; prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"mini" ); if (prop) if (convertBool(prop)) setType(ViewBar_Mini); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"ultra_mini" ); if (prop) if (convertBool(prop)) setType(ViewBar_UltraMini); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"mini_thick" ); if (prop) if (convertBool(prop)) setType(ViewBar_MiniThick); if (_Type == ViewBar_Normal) setType(ViewBar_Normal); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDBViewBar::setType (TViewBar vb) { _Type = vb; switch(_Type) { case ViewBar_Normal: _Slot.setTexture ("w_slot_jauge_1.tga"); break; case ViewBar_Mini: _Slot.setTexture ("w_slot_jauge_1_mini.tga"); break; case ViewBar_UltraMini: _Slot.setTexture ("w_slot_jauge_1_umin.tga"); break; case ViewBar_MiniThick: _Slot.setTexture ("w_slot_jauge_1_tmin.tga"); break; } _Slot.setPosRef (_PosRef); _Slot.setParentPosRef (_ParentPosRef); _Slot.setX (_X); _Slot.setY (_Y); _Scale = true; switch(_Type) { case ViewBar_Normal: setTexture ("w_jauge_fill.tga"); break; case ViewBar_Mini: setTexture ("w_jauge_fill_mini.tga"); break; case ViewBar_UltraMini: setTexture ("w_jauge_fill_umin.tga"); break; case ViewBar_MiniThick: setTexture ("w_jauge_fill_tmin.tga"); break; } // Get the Height Size. sint32 wBar; CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureSizeFromId(_TextureId, wBar, _HBar); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDBViewBar::updateCoords () { if (_ParentPos == NULL) _Slot.setParentPos (_Parent); else _Slot.setParentPos (_ParentPos); _Slot.updateCoords(); _W = _Slot.getW(); _H = _Slot.getH(); CViewBitmap::updateCoords(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sint64 CDBViewBar::getCurrentValProp(const CInterfaceProperty &dbProp, sint32 intProp) { if(dbProp.getNodePtr()) return dbProp.getSInt64(); else return intProp; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDBViewBar::draw () { float wBar = (float)(_Slot.getWReal()-4); sint64 value= getCurrentValProp(_Value, _ValueInt); sint64 range= getCurrentValProp(_Range, _RangeInt); sint64 reference= getCurrentValProp(_Reference, _ReferenceInt); // remove the reference value-= reference; range-= reference; // draw the bar CRGBA color = _Color; if (range > 0) { float ratio= (float)value / range; if (_ColorNegative.A != 0 && ratio < 0.0f) { ratio = - ratio; color = _ColorNegative; } NLMISC::clamp(ratio, 0.f, 1.f); wBar *= ratio; } else wBar = 0; _WReal = (sint32)wBar; _Slot.draw(); CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance(); color.A = (uint8)(((sint32)color.A*((sint32)CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getGlobalColorForContent().A+1))>>8); // compute the DeltaY: mean of dif. sint32 deltaY= (_H-_HBar)/2; rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal+2, _YReal+deltaY, _WReal, _HBar, 0, false, _TextureId, color); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDBViewBar::setValueDbLink (const std::string &r) { CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(r,false); if (pNL != NULL) _Value.setNodePtr(pNL); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDBViewBar::setRangeDbLink (const std::string &r) { CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(r,false); if (pNL != NULL) _Range.setNodePtr(pNL); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDBViewBar::setReferenceDbLink (const std::string &r) { CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(r,false); if (pNL != NULL) _Reference.setNodePtr(pNL); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- string CDBViewBar::getValueDbLink () const { if (_Value.getNodePtr() == NULL) return ""; return _Value.getNodePtr()->getFullName(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- string CDBViewBar::getRangeDbLink () const { if (_Range.getNodePtr() == NULL) return ""; return _Range.getNodePtr()->getFullName(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- string CDBViewBar::getReferenceDbLink () const { if (_Reference.getNodePtr() == NULL) return ""; return _Reference.getNodePtr()->getFullName(); } }