#include "common.cfg"

StartCommands +=
	// L5 connect to the shard unifier
	"unifiedNetwork.addService ShardUnifier ( address="+SUAddress+" sendId external autoRetry )",

	// Create a gateway for global interconnection
	// modules from different shard are visible to each other if they connect to
	// this gateway. SU Local module have no interest to be plugged here.
	"moduleManager.createModule StandardGateway glob_gw",
	// add a layer 3 server transport
	"glob_gw.transportAdd L3Client l3c",
	// open the transport
	"glob_gw.transportCmd l3c(connect addr="+SUHost+":"+SUGlobalPort+")",

	// Create a gateway for logger service connection
	"moduleManager.createModule StandardGateway lgs_gw",

	// add a layer 3 server transport for master logger service
	"lgs_gw.transportAdd L3Client masterL3c",
	// open the transport
	"lgs_gw.transportCmd masterL3c(connect addr="+MasterLGSHost+":"+L3MasterLGSPort+")",


StartCommands +=
	// add a layer 3 server transport for slave logger service
	"lgs_gw.transportAdd L3Client slaveL3c",
	// open the transport
	"lgs_gw.transportCmd slaveL3c(connect addr="+SlaveLGSHost+":"+L3SlaveLGSPort+")",


StartCommands +=

	// Create a shard unifier client module
	"moduleManager.createModule ShardUnifierClient suc",
	// Create a client commands forwader module
	"moduleManager.createModule ClientCommandForwader ccf",

	// Create a characer control module
	"moduleManager.createModule CharacterControl cc",

	// Create a guild unifier module
	"moduleManager.createModule GuildUnifier gu",

	//Create a shard unifier name mapper
	"moduleManager.createModule CharNameMapperClient cnmc",

	// Create the logger service client module
	"moduleManager.createModule LoggerServiceClient lsc",

	"suc.plug gw",
	"ccf.plug gw",
	"cc.plug gw",
	"gu.plug glob_gw",
	"cnmc.plug gw",
	"lsc.plug lgs_gw",

/// A list of vars to graph for EGS
GraphVars +=
	"TotalNbItemForSale", 	"60000",	// every minutes
	"NbPlayers", 			"60000",			// every minutes

//min fraction of the total damage done on a creature that a group/player must do to be attributed a kill
KillAttribMinFactor = 1.0;

//max bulk the player can transport * 1000 (*1000 to avoid float operations)
MaxPlayerBulk = 100000;
//max weight in grammes a player can have on him if his strength is 0
BaseMaxCarriedWeight = 100000;

// base bulk of player room
BasePlayerRoomBulk = 1000000;

// if true, every player that was saved with an invalid position will be corrected the next times he logs in.
CorrectInvalidPlayerPositions = 1;

// Create Character Start skills value
//CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue = "SCMM1BS:220:SMLOEFA:235:SFM1BMM:215:SKILL_POINTS:200:MONEY:1000";
//CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue = "SM:20:SMA:50:SMAP:51:SMAE:51:SMT:50:SMTC:51:SMTM:51:SMTO:51:SKILL_POINTS:2550:MONEY:50000";

// Enable caching of ligo primitive in binary files
CachePrims = 1;
// Log to see which primitives where loaded from cache
CachePrimsLog = 0;

//	variable for stop area effect of a gameplay system
FightAreaEffectOn = 1;
MagicAreaEffectOn = 1;
HarvestAreaEffectOn = 1;

//	save period time (ticks).
GuildSavePeriod = 100;
GuildChargeSavePeriod = 99;
GuildMaxMemberCount = 255;

TickFrequencyPCSave = 4800;
// minimum period between 2 consecutive saves of the same character
MinPlayerSavePeriod = 600;

StoreSavePeriod = 10;

// Max duration of death panalty (when you death several times and only style one point in your characteristics due to death penalty
DeathPenaltyMaxDuration = 1000; // 10 ticks per second * 60 for minutes * 30 for 30 minutes	// No more used.
DeathXPFactor = 1;
DeathXPResorptionTime = 60;

// Duration of comma
CommaDelayBeforeDeath = 100; // 10 ticks per second * 60 for minutes * 5 for 5 minutes

// Duration of dead mektoub stay spawned
SpawnedDeadMektoubDelay = 1000; // 10 ticks per second * 60 for minutes * 60 for hours * 24 for days

//	Progression
SkillProgressionFactor 	= 1.0;

SkillFightValueLimiter		= 250; //skill value temporary limited for beta
SkillMagicValueLimiter		= 250; //skill value temporary limited for beta
SkillCraftValueLimiter		= 250; //skill value temporary limited for beta
SkillHarvestValueLimiter	= 250; //skill value temporary limited for beta

NBMeanCraftRawMaterials		= 1; //Mean of raw material used for craft an item, it's used for scale xp win when crafting an item with effective raw material used

// when in a team value of each member above one for XP division among team members
XPTeamMemberDivisorValue = 0.5;
// distance max for an action to be taken into account when in a team
MaxDistanceForXpGain	= 10;
// Max XP gain by any one player on any creature (each team member can gain up to this value)
MaxXPGainPerPlayer	= 10.0;

//	Characteristics parameters
//characteristic brick progression step
CharacteristicBrickStep = 1;
// Maximum value for characteristics (260 because characters begin with 10)
MaxCharacteristicValue = 250;

//	Magic parameters
DefaultCastingTime = 1.0;
RechargeMoneyFactor = 1.0;
CristalMoneyFactor = 1.0;

// int in ticks for following values
NoLinkSurvivalAddTime = 100;
NoLinkTimeFear		= 100;
NoLinkTimeSleep		= 100;
NoLinkTimeStun		= 100;
NoLinkTimeRoot		= 100;
NoLinkTimeSnare		= 100;
NoLinkTimeSlow		= 100;
NoLinkTimeBlind		= 100;
NoLinkTimeMadness	= 100;
NoLinkTimeDot		= 100;
PostCastLatency = 100; // in ticks

TickFrequencyCompassUpdate = 32;

// update period of link spell in ticks
UpdatePeriodFear	= 40;
UpdatePeriodSleep	= 40;
UpdatePeriodStun	= 40;
UpdatePeriodRoot	= 40;
UpdatePeriodSnare	= 40;
UpdatePeriodSlow	= 40;
UpdatePeriodBlind	= 40;
UpdatePeriodMadness	= 40;
UpdatePeriodDot		= 40;
DefaultUpdatePeriod	= 40;

// bonus on resist for each received spell
ResistIncreaseFear		= 10;
ResistIncreaseSleep		= 10;
ResistIncreaseStun		= 10;
ResistIncreaseRoot		= 10;
ResistIncreaseSnare		= 10;
ResistIncreaseSlow		= 10;
ResistIncreaseBlind		= 10;
ResistIncreaseMadness		= 10;

ResistIncreaseAcid		= 0;
ResistIncreaseCold		= 0;
ResistIncreaseElectricity= 0;
ResistIncreaseFire		= 0;
ResistIncreasePoison	= 0;
ResistIncreaseRot		= 0;
ResistIncreaseShockwave	= 0;

//	Craft parameters
// DURABILITY // some kind of HP
// melee weapons
DaggerDurability			= 100.0;
SwordDurability				= 100.0;
MaceDurability				= 100.0;
AxeDurability				= 100.0;
SpearDurability				= 100.0;
StaffDurability				= 100.0;
MagicianStaffDurability		= 100.0;
TwoHandSwordDurability		= 100.0;
TwoHandAxeDurability		= 100.0;
PikeDurability				= 100.0;
TwoHandMaceDurability		= 100.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchDurability			= 100.0;
BowrifleDurability			= 100.0;
LauncherDurability			= 100.0;
PistolDurability			= 100.0;
BowpistolDurability			= 100.0;
RifleDurability				= 100.0;
HarpoonDurability			= 100.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoDurability	= 100.0;
BowrifleAmmoDurability		= 100.0;
GrenadeAmmoDurability		= 100.0;
LauncherAmmoDurability		= 100.0;
PistolAmmoDurability		= 100.0;
BowpistolAmmoDurability		= 100.0;
RifleAmmoDurability			= 100.0;
HarpoonAmmoDurability		= 100.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldDurability			= 100.0;
BucklerDurability			= 100.0;
LightBootsDurability		= 100.0;
LightGlovesDurability		= 100.0;
LightPantsDurability		= 100.0;
LightSleevesDurability		= 100.0;
LightVestDurability			= 100.0;
MediumBootsDurability		= 100.0;
MediumGlovesDurability		= 100.0;
MediumPantsDurability		= 100.0;
MediumSleevesDurability		= 100.0;
MediumVestDurability		= 100.0;
HeavyBootsDurability		= 100.0;
HeavyGlovesDurability		= 100.0;
HeavyPantsDurability		= 100.0;
HeavySleevesDurability		= 100.0;
HeavyVestDurability			= 100.0;
HeavyHelmetDurability		= 100.0;
// jewel
AnkletDurability			= 100.0;
BraceletDurability			= 100.0;
DiademDurability			= 100.0;
EaringDurability			= 100.0;
PendantDurability			= 100.0;
RingDurability				= 100.0;
// tool
ForageToolDurability		= 100.0;
AmmoCraftingToolDurability	= 100.0;
ArmorCraftingToolDurability	= 100.0;
JewelryCraftingToolDurability	= 100.0;
RangeWeaponCraftingToolDurability	= 100.0;
MeleeWeaponCraftingToolDurability	= 100.0;
ToolCraftingToolDurability	= 100.0;

// WEIGHT // (Max is *2)
// melee weapons
DaggerWeight                        =  1.0; // Dg Type (Pierce)
SwordWeight                         =  1.0; // 1H Type
MaceWeight                          =  1.0; // 1H Type
AxeWeight                           =  1.0; // 1H Type
SpearWeight                         =  1.0; // 1H Type (pierce)
StaffWeight                         =  1.0; // 1H Type
MagicianStaffWeight			=  1.0; // 2H type
TwoHandSwordWeight                  =  1.0; // 2H Type
TwoHandAxeWeight                    =  1.0; // 2H Type
PikeWeight                          =  1.0; // 2H Type (pierce)
TwoHandMaceWeight                   =  1.0; // 2H Type
// range weapon
PistolWeight                        =  1.0;
BowpistolWeight                     =  1.0;
RifleWeight                         =  1.0;
BowrifleWeight                      =  1.0;
AutolauchWeight                     =  1.0;
LauncherWeight                      =  1.0;
HarpoonWeight                       =  1.0;
// ammo
PistolAmmoWeight                    =  1.0;
BowpistolAmmoWeight                 =  1.0;
RifleAmmoWeight                     =  1.0;
BowrifleAmmoWeight                  =  1.0;
AutolaunchAmmoWeight                =  1.0;
LauncherAmmoWeight                  = 1.0;
HarpoonAmmoWeight                   =  1.0;
GrenadeAmmoWeight                   =  1.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldWeight                        =  1.0;
BucklerWeight                       =  1.0;
// Light
LightBootsWeight                    =  1.0;
LightGlovesWeight                   =  1.0;
LightPantsWeight                    =  1.0;
LightSleevesWeight                  =  1.0;
LightVestWeight                     =  1.0;
// Medium
MediumBootsWeight                   =  1.0;
MediumGlovesWeight                  =  1.0;
MediumPantsWeight                   =  1.0;
MediumSleevesWeight                 =  1.0;
MediumVestWeight                    =  1.0;
// Heavy
HeavyBootsWeight                    =  1.0;
HeavyGlovesWeight                   =  1.0;
HeavyPantsWeight                    = 1.0;
HeavySleevesWeight                  =  1.0;
HeavyVestWeight                     = 1.0;
HeavyHelmetWeight                   =  1.0;
// jewel
AnkletWeight                        =  1.0;
BraceletWeight                      =  1.0;
DiademWeight                        =  1.0;
EaringWeight                        =  1.0;
PendantWeight                       =  1.0;
RingWeight                          =  1.0;
// SAP LOAD //
// MIN
// melee weapons
DaggerSapLoad = 0.0;
SwordSapLoad = 0.0;
MaceSapLoad = 0.0;
AxeSapLoad = 0.0;
SpearSapLoad = 0.0;
StaffSapLoad = 0.0;
MagicianStaffSapLoad = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordSapLoad = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeSapLoad = 0.0;
PikeSapLoad = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceSapLoad = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchSapLoad = 0.0;
BowrifleSapLoad = 0.0;
LauncherSapLoad = 0.0;
PistolSapLoad = 0.0;
BowpistolSapLoad = 0.0;
RifleSapLoad = 0.0;
HarpoonSapLoad = 0.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
BowrifleAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
GrenadeAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
LauncherAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
PistolAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
BowpistolAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
RifleAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
HarpoonAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldSapLoad = 0.0;
BucklerSapLoad = 0.0;
LightBootsSapLoad = 0.0;
LightGlovesSapLoad = 0.0;
LightPantsSapLoad = 0.0;
LightSleevesSapLoad = 0.0;
LightVestSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumBootsSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumGlovesSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumPantsSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumSleevesSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumVestSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyBootsSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyGlovesSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyPantsSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavySleevesSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyVestSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyHelmetSapLoad = 0.0;
// jewel
AnkletSapLoad = 0.0;
BraceletSapLoad = 0.0;
DiademSapLoad = 0.0;
EaringSapLoad = 0.0;
PendantSapLoad = 0.0;
RingSapLoad = 0.0;
// MAX
// melee weapons
DaggerSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
SwordSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MaceSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
AxeSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
SpearSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
StaffSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MagicianStaffSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
TwoHandSwordSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
TwoHandAxeSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
PikeSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
TwoHandMaceSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BowrifleSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LauncherSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
PistolSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BowpistolSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
RifleSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HarpoonSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BowrifleAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
GrenadeAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LauncherAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
PistolAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BowpistolAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
RifleAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HarpoonAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BucklerSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightBootsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightGlovesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightPantsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightSleevesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightVestSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumBootsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumGlovesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumPantsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumSleevesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumVestSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyBootsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyGlovesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyPantsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavySleevesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyVestSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyHelmetSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// jewel
AnkletSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BraceletSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
DiademSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
EaringSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
PendantSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
RingSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// melee weapons
DaggerDmg                           = 1.0; // Dg Type (Pierce)
StaffDmg                            = 1.0; // 1H Type
SwordDmg                            = 1.0; // 1H Type
MaceDmg                             = 1.0; // 1H Type
AxeDmg                              = 1.0; // 1H Type
SpearDmg                            = 1.0; // 1H Type (pierce)
TwoHandSwordDmg                     = 1.0; // 2H Type
TwoHandAxeDmg                       = 1.0; // 2H Type
PikeDmg                             = 1.0; // 2H Type (pierce)
TwoHandMaceDmg                      = 1.0; // 2H Type
MagicianStaffDmg                    = 1.0; // 2H Type
// range weapon (modifier)
PistolDmg                           = 0.0;
BowpistolDmg                        = 0.0;
RifleDmg                            = 0.0;
BowrifleDmg                         = 0.0;
AutolauchDmg                        = 0.0;
LauncherDmg                         = 0.0;
HarpoonDmg                          = 0.0;
// ammo
PistolAmmoDmg                       = 1.0;
BowpistolAmmoDmg                    = 1.0;
RifleAmmoDmg                        = 1.0;
BowrifleAmmoDmg                     = 1.0;
AutolaunchAmmoDmg                   = 1.0;
LauncherAmmoDmg                     = 1.0;
HarpoonAmmoDmg                      = 1.0;
GrenadeAmmoDmg                      = 1.0;
// melee weapons
DaggerDmgMax                        = 1.0; // Dg Type (Pierce)
StaffDmgMax                         = 1.0; // 1H Type
SwordDmgMax                         = 1.0; // 1H Type
MaceDmgMax                          = 1.0; // 1H Type
AxeDmgMax                           = 1.0; // 1H Type
SpearDmgMax                         = 1.0; // 1H Type (pierce)
TwoHandSwordDmgMax                  = 1.0; // 2H Type
TwoHandAxeDmgMax                    = 1.0; // 2H Type
PikeDmgMax                          = 1.0; // 2H Type (pierce)
TwoHandMaceDmgMax                   = 1.0; // 2H Type
MagicianStaffDmgMax                 = 1.0;
// range weapon (modifier)
AutolauchDmgMax                     = 0.0;
BowrifleDmgMax                      = 0.0;
LauncherDmgMax                      = 0.0;
PistolDmgMax                        = 0.0;
BowpistolDmgMax                     = 0.0;
RifleDmgMax                         = 0.0;
HarpoonDmgMax                       = 0.0;
// ammo
PistolAmmoDmgMax                    = 1.0;
BowpistolAmmoDmgMax	                = 1.0;
RifleAmmoDmgMax                     = 1.0;
BowrifleAmmoDmgMax                  = 1.0;
AutolaunchAmmoDmgMax                = 1.0;
LauncherAmmoDmgMax                  = 1.0;
HarpoonAmmoDmgMax                   = 1.0;
GrenadeAmmoDmgMax                   = 1.0;

// HIT RATE // Hits for 10 sec
// melee weapons
DaggerHitRate                       = 1.0;   // Dg Type (Pierce)
StaffHitRate                        = 1.0; // 1H Type (blunt)
SwordHitRate                        = 1.0; // 1H Type
MaceHitRate                         = 1.0; // 1H Type
AxeHitRate                          = 1.0; // 1H Type
SpearHitRate                        = 1.0; // 1H Type (pierce)
TwoHandSwordHitRate                 = 1.0;   // 2H Type
TwoHandAxeHitRate                   = 1.0; // 2H Type
PikeHitRate                         = 1.0; // 2H Type (pierce)
TwoHandMaceHitRate                  = 1.0; // 2H Type
MagicianStaffHitRate                = 1.0;   //
// range weapon
PistolHitRate                       = 1.0;
BowpistolHitRate                    = 1.0;
RifleHitRate                        = 1.0;
BowrifleHitRate                     = 1.0;
AutolauchHitRate                    = 1.0;
LauncherHitRate                     = 1.0;
HarpoonHitRate                      = 1.0;
// ammo (modifier)
AutolaunchAmmoHitRate               = 0.0;
BowrifleAmmoHitRate                 = 0.0;
GrenadeAmmoHitRate                  = 0.0;
LauncherAmmoHitRate                 = 0.0;
PistolAmmoHitRate                   = 0.0;
BowpistolAmmoHitRate                = 0.0;
RifleAmmoHitRate                    = 0.0;
HarpoonAmmoHitRate                  = 0.0;

// Maximum hit rate ( after crafted item parameters applications )
// melee weapons
DaggerHitRateMax                    = 10.0;
StaffHitRateMax                     = 10.0; // 1H Type (blunt)
SwordHitRateMax                     = 10.0;
MaceHitRateMax                      = 10.0;
AxeHitRateMax                       = 10.0;
SpearHitRateMax                     = 10.0;
TwoHandSwordHitRateMax              = 10.0;
TwoHandAxeHitRateMax                = 10.0;
PikeHitRateMax                      = 10.0;
TwoHandMaceHitRateMax               = 10.0;
MagicianStaffHitRateMax             = 10.0;
// range weapon
PistolHitRateMax                    = 1.0;
BowpistolHitRateMax                 = 1.0;
RifleHitRateMax                     = 1.0;
BowrifleHitRateMax                  = 1.0;
AutolauchHitRateMax                 = 1.0;
LauncherHitRateMax                  = 1.0;
HarpoonHitRateMax                   = 1.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoHitRateMax            = 0.0;
BowrifleAmmoHitRateMax              = 0.0;
GrenadeAmmoHitRateMax               = 0.0;
LauncherAmmoHitRateMax              = 0.0;
PistolAmmoHitRateMax                = 0.0;
BowpistolAmmoHitRateMax             = 0.0;
RifleAmmoHitRateMax                 = 0.0;
HarpoonAmmoHitRateMax               = 0.0;

// Range // for ammo, range weapon (modifier) (max = *2)
// range weapon
AutolauchRange                  = 10000.0;	// Gat
BowrifleRange                   = 10000.0;
LauncherRange                   = 10000.0;	// Rocket Launcher
PistolRange                     = 10000.0;
BowpistolRange                  = 10000.0;
RifleRange                      = 10000.0;
HarpoonRange                    = 10000.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoRange             = 0.0;
BowrifleAmmoRange               = 0.0;
GrenadeAmmoRange                = 0.0;
LauncherAmmoRange               = 0.0;
PistolAmmoRange                 = 0.0;
BowpistolAmmoRange              = 0.0;
RifleAmmoRange                  = 0.0;
HarpoonAmmoRange                = 0.0;
// DODGE MODIFIER // not for ammo and jewel, but for armor too
// melee weapons & armor
DaggerDodgeMinModifier         = 0.0;
DaggerDodgeMaxModifier         = 0.0;
SwordDodgeMinModifier          = 0.0;
SwordDodgeMaxModifier          = 0.0;
MaceDodgeMinModifier           = 0.0;
MaceDodgeMaxModifier           = 0.0;
AxeDodgeMinModifier            = 0.0;
AxeDodgeMaxModifier            = 0.0;
SpearDodgeMinModifier          = 0.0;
SpearDodgeMaxModifier          = 0.0;
StaffDodgeMinModifier          = 0.0;
StaffDodgeMaxModifier          = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordDodgeMinModifier   = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordDodgeMaxModifier   = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeDodgeMinModifier     = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeDodgeMaxModifier     = 0.0;
PikeDodgeMinModifier           = 0.0;
PikeDodgeMaxModifier           = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceDodgeMinModifier    = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceDodgeMaxModifier    = 0.0;
MagicianStaffDodgeMinModifier  = 0.0;
MagicianStaffDodgeMaxModifier  = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchDodgeMinModifier      = 0.0;
AutolauchDodgeMaxModifier      = 0.0;
BowrifleDodgeMinModifier       = 0.0;
BowrifleDodgeMaxModifier       = 0.0;
LauncherDodgeMinModifier       = 0.0;
LauncherDodgeMaxModifier       = 0.0;
PistolDodgeMinModifier         = 0.0;
PistolDodgeMaxModifier         = 0.0;
BowpistolDodgeMinModifier      = 0.0;
BowpistolDodgeMaxModifier      = 0.0;
RifleDodgeMinModifier          = 0.0;
RifleDodgeMaxModifier          = 0.0;
HarpoonDodgeMinModifier        = 0.0;
HarpoonDodgeMaxModifier        = 0.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldDodgeMinModifier         =  0.0;
ShieldDodgeMaxModifier         =  0.0;
BucklerDodgeMinModifier        =  0.0;
BucklerDodgeMaxModifier        =  0.0;
LightBootsDodgeMinModifier     =  0.0;
LightBootsDodgeMaxModifier     =  0.0;
LightGlovesDodgeMinModifier    =  0.0;
LightGlovesDodgeMaxModifier    =  0.0;
LightPantsDodgeMinModifier     =  0.0;
LightPantsDodgeMaxModifier     =  0.0;
LightSleevesDodgeMinModifier   =  0.0;
LightSleevesDodgeMaxModifier   =  0.0;
LightVestDodgeMinModifier      =  0.0;
LightVestDodgeMaxModifier      =  0.0;
MediumBootsDodgeMinModifier    =  0.0;
MediumBootsDodgeMaxModifier    =  0.0;
MediumGlovesDodgeMinModifier   =  0.0;
MediumGlovesDodgeMaxModifier   =  0.0;
MediumPantsDodgeMinModifier    =  0.0;
MediumPantsDodgeMaxModifier    =  0.0;
MediumSleevesDodgeMinModifier  =  0.0;
MediumSleevesDodgeMaxModifier  =  0.0;
MediumVestDodgeMinModifier     =  0.0;
MediumVestDodgeMaxModifier     =  0.0;
HeavyBootsDodgeMinModifier     =  0.0;
HeavyBootsDodgeMaxModifier     =  0.0;
HeavyGlovesDodgeMinModifier    =  0.0;
HeavyGlovesDodgeMaxModifier    =  0.0;
HeavyPantsDodgeMinModifier     =  0.0;
HeavyPantsDodgeMaxModifier     =  0.0;
HeavySleevesDodgeMinModifier   =  0.0;
HeavySleevesDodgeMaxModifier   =  0.0;
HeavyVestDodgeMinModifier      =  0.0;
HeavyVestDodgeMaxModifier      =  0.0;
HeavyHelmetDodgeMinModifier    =  0.0;
HeavyHelmetDodgeMaxModifier    =  0.0;
// PARRY MODIFIER //    not for ammo and jewel, but for armor too
// melee weapons
DaggerParryMinModifier         = 0.0;
DaggerParryMaxModifier         = 0.0;
SwordParryMinModifier          = 0.0;
SwordParryMaxModifier          = 0.0;
MaceParryMinModifier           = 0.0;
MaceParryMaxModifier           = 0.0;
AxeParryMinModifier            = 0.0;
AxeParryMaxModifier            = 0.0;
SpearParryMinModifier          = 0.0;
SpearParryMaxModifier          = 0.0;
StaffParryMinModifier          = 0.0;
StaffParryMaxModifier          = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordParryMinModifier   = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordParryMaxModifier   = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeParryMinModifier     = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeParryMaxModifier     = 0.0;
PikeParryMinModifier           = 0.0;
PikeParryMaxModifier           = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceParryMinModifier    = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceParryMaxModifier    = 0.0;
MagicianStaffParryMinModifier  = 0.0;
MagicianStaffParryMaxModifier  = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchParryMinModifier      = 0.0;
AutolauchParryMaxModifier      = 0.0;
BowrifleParryMinModifier       = 0.0;
BowrifleParryMaxModifier       = 0.0;
LauncherParryMinModifier       = 0.0;
LauncherParryMaxModifier       = 0.0;
PistolParryMinModifier         = 0.0;
PistolParryMaxModifier         = 0.0;
BowpistolParryMinModifier      = 0.0;
BowpistolParryMaxModifier      = 0.0;
RifleParryMinModifier          = 0.0;
RifleParryMaxModifier          = 0.0;
HarpoonParryMinModifier        = 0.0;
HarpoonParryMaxModifier        = 0.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldParryMinModifier         = 0.0;
ShieldParryMaxModifier         = 0.0;
BucklerParryMinModifier        = 0.0;
BucklerParryMaxModifier        = 0.0;
LightBootsParryMinModifier     = 0.0;
LightBootsParryMaxModifier     = 0.0;
LightGlovesParryMinModifier    = 0.0;
LightGlovesParryMaxModifier    = 0.0;
LightPantsParryMinModifier     = 0.0;
LightPantsParryMaxModifier     = 0.0;
LightSleevesParryMinModifier   = 0.0;
LightSleevesParryMaxModifier   = 0.0;
LightVestParryMinModifier      = 0.0;
LightVestParryMaxModifier      = 0.0;
MediumBootsParryMinModifier    = 0.0;
MediumBootsParryMaxModifier    =  0.0;
MediumGlovesParryMinModifier   = 0.0;
MediumGlovesParryMaxModifier   =  0.0;
MediumPantsParryMinModifier    =  0.0;
MediumPantsParryMaxModifier    =  0.0;
MediumSleevesParryMinModifier  =  0.0;
MediumSleevesParryMaxModifier  =  0.0;
MediumVestParryMinModifier     =  0.0;
MediumVestParryMaxModifier     =  0.0;
HeavyBootsParryMinModifier     =  0.0;
HeavyBootsParryMaxModifier     =  0.0;
HeavyGlovesParryMinModifier    =  0.0;
HeavyGlovesParryMaxModifier    =  0.0;
HeavyPantsParryMinModifier     =  0.0;
HeavyPantsParryMaxModifier     =  0.0;
HeavySleevesParryMinModifier   =  0.0;
HeavySleevesParryMaxModifier   =  0.0;
HeavyVestParryMinModifier      =  0.0;
HeavyVestParryMaxModifier      =  0.0;
HeavyHelmetParryMinModifier    = 0.0;
HeavyHelmetParryMaxModifier    =  0.0;
// ADVERSARY DODGE MODIFIER // not for ammo, jewel and armor
// melee weapons
DaggerAdversaryDodgeMinModifier        = 0.0;
DaggerAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier        = 0.0;
SwordAdversaryDodgeMinModifier         = 0.0;
SwordAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier         = 0.0;
MaceAdversaryDodgeMinModifier          = 0.0;
MaceAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier          = 0.0;
AxeAdversaryDodgeMinModifier           = 0.0;
AxeAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier           = 0.0;
SpearAdversaryDodgeMinModifier         = 0.0;
SpearAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier         = 0.0;
StaffAdversaryDodgeMinModifier         = 0.0;
StaffAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier         = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordAdversaryDodgeMinModifier  = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier  = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeAdversaryDodgeMinModifier    = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier    = 0.0;
PikeAdversaryDodgeMinModifier          = 0.0;
PikeAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier          = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceAdversaryDodgeMinModifier   = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier   = 0.0;
MagicianStaffAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchAdversaryDodgeMinModifier     = 0.0;
AutolauchAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier     = 0.0;
BowrifleAdversaryDodgeMinModifier      = 0.0;
BowrifleAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier      = 0.0;
LauncherAdversaryDodgeMinModifier      = 0.0;
LauncherAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier      = 0.0;
PistolAdversaryDodgeMinModifier        = 0.0;
PistolAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier        = 0.0;
BowpistolAdversaryDodgeMinModifier     = 0.0;
BowpistolAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier     = 0.0;
RifleAdversaryDodgeMinModifier         = 0.0;
RifleAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier         = 0.0;
HarpoonAdversaryDodgeMinModifier       = 0.0;
HarpoonAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier       = 0.0;
// ADVERSARY PARRY MODIFIER // not for ammo, jewel and armor
// melee weapons
DaggerAdversaryParryMinModifier        = 0.0;
DaggerAdversaryParryMaxModifier        = 0.0;
SwordAdversaryParryMinModifier         = 0.0;
SwordAdversaryParryMaxModifier         = 0.0;
MaceAdversaryParryMinModifier          = 0.0;
MaceAdversaryParryMaxModifier          = 0.0;
AxeAdversaryParryMinModifier           = 0.0;
AxeAdversaryParryMaxModifier           = 0.0;
SpearAdversaryParryMinModifier         = 0.0;
SpearAdversaryParryMaxModifier         = 0.0;
StaffAdversaryParryMinModifier         = 0.0;
StaffAdversaryParryMaxModifier         = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordAdversaryParryMinModifier  = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordAdversaryParryMaxModifier  = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeAdversaryParryMinModifier    = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeAdversaryParryMaxModifier    = 0.0;
PikeAdversaryParryMinModifier          = 0.0;
PikeAdversaryParryMaxModifier          = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceAdversaryParryMinModifier   = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceAdversaryParryMaxModifier   = 0.0;
MagicianStaffAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchAdversaryParryMinModifier     = 0.0;
AutolauchAdversaryParryMaxModifier     = 0.0;
BowrifleAdversaryParryMinModifier      = 0.0;
BowrifleAdversaryParryMaxModifier      = 0.0;
LauncherAdversaryParryMinModifier      = 0.0;
LauncherAdversaryParryMaxModifier      = 0.0;
PistolAdversaryParryMinModifier        = 0.0;
PistolAdversaryParryMaxModifier        = 0.0;
BowpistolAdversaryParryMinModifier     = 0.0;
BowpistolAdversaryParryMaxModifier     = 0.0;
RifleAdversaryParryMinModifier         = 0.0;
RifleAdversaryParryMaxModifier         = 0.0;
HarpoonAdversaryParryMinModifier       = 0.0;
HarpoonAdversaryParryMaxModifier       = 0.0;

// Cast Modifiers		 // for melee weapons
//Elemental casting time factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerElementalCastingTimeFactor                        = 0.0;
SwordElementalCastingTimeFactor                         = 0.0;
AxeElementalCastingTimeFactor                           = 0.0;
MaceElementalCastingTimeFactor                          = 0.0;
SpearElementalCastingTimeFactor                         = 0.0;
StaffElementalCastingTimeFactor                         = 0.0;
MagicianStaffElementalCastingTimeFactor                 = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeElementalCastingTimeFactor                    = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordElementalCastingTimeFactor                  = 0.0;
PikeElementalCastingTimeFactor                          = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceElementalCastingTimeFactor                   = 0.0;
// max
DaggerElementalCastingTimeFactorMax                     = 1.0;
SwordElementalCastingTimeFactorMax                      = 1.0;
AxeElementalCastingTimeFactorMax                        = 1.0;
MaceElementalCastingTimeFactorMax                       = 1.0;
SpearElementalCastingTimeFactorMax                      = 1.0;
StaffElementalCastingTimeFactorMax                      = 1.0;
MagicianStaffElementalCastingTimeFactorMax              = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeElementalCastingTimeFactorMax                 = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordElementalCastingTimeFactorMax               = 1.0;
PikeElementalCastingTimeFactorMax                       = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceElementalCastingTimeFactorMax                = 1.0;

//Elemental power factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerElementalPowerFactor                              = 0.0;
SwordElementalPowerFactor                               = 0.0;
AxeElementalPowerFactor                                 = 0.0;
MaceElementalPowerFactor                                = 0.0;
SpearElementalPowerFactor                               = 0.0;
StaffElementalPowerFactor                               = 0.0;
MagicianStaffElementalPowerFactor                       = 0.2;
TwoHandAxeElementalPowerFactor                          = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordElementalPowerFactor                        = 0.0;
PikeElementalPowerFactor                                = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceElementalPowerFactor                         = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerElementalPowerFactorMax                           = 1.0;
SwordElementalPowerFactorMax                            = 1.0;
AxeElementalPowerFactorMax                              = 1.0;
MaceElementalPowerFactorMax                             = 1.0;
SpearElementalPowerFactorMax                            = 1.0;
StaffElementalPowerFactorMax                            = 1.0;
MagicianStaffElementalPowerFactorMax                    = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeElementalPowerFactorMax                       = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordElementalPowerFactorMax                     = 1.0;
PikeElementalPowerFactorMax                             = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceElementalPowerFactorMax                      = 1.0;

//OffensiveAffliction casting time factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor              = 0.0;
SwordOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor               = 0.0;
AxeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor                 = 0.0;
MaceOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor                = 0.0;
SpearOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor               = 0.0;
StaffOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor               = 0.0;
MagicianStaffOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor       = 0.2;
TwoHandAxeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor          = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor        = 0.0;
PikeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor                = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor         = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax           = 1.0;
SwordOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax            = 1.0;
AxeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax              = 1.0;
MaceOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax             = 1.0;
SpearOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax            = 1.0;
StaffOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax            = 1.0;
MagicianStaffOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax    = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax       = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax     = 1.0;
PikeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax             = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax      = 1.0;

//OffensiveAffliction power factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                    = 0.0;
SwordOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                     = 0.0;
AxeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                       = 0.0;
MaceOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                      = 0.0;
SpearOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                     = 0.0;
StaffOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                     = 0.0;
MagicianStaffOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor             = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor              = 0.0;
PikeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                      = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor               = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                 = 1.0;
SwordOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                  = 1.0;
AxeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                    = 1.0;
MaceOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                   = 1.0;
SpearOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                  = 1.0;
StaffOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                  = 1.0;
MagicianStaffOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax          = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax             = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax           = 1.0;
PikeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                   = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax            = 1.0;

//Heal casting time factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerHealCastingTimeFactor                             = 0.0;
SwordHealCastingTimeFactor                              = 0.0;
AxeHealCastingTimeFactor                                = 0.0;
MaceHealCastingTimeFactor                               = 0.0;
SpearHealCastingTimeFactor                              = 0.0;
StaffHealCastingTimeFactor                              = 0.0;
MagicianStaffHealCastingTimeFactor                      = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeHealCastingTimeFactor                         = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordHealCastingTimeFactor                       = 0.0;
PikeHealCastingTimeFactor                               = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceHealCastingTimeFactor                        = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerHealCastingTimeFactorMax                          = 1.0;
SwordHealCastingTimeFactorMax                           = 1.0;
AxeHealCastingTimeFactorMax                             = 1.0;
MaceHealCastingTimeFactorMax                            = 1.0;
SpearHealCastingTimeFactorMax                           = 1.0;
StaffHealCastingTimeFactorMax                           = 1.0;
MagicianStaffHealCastingTimeFactorMax                   = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeHealCastingTimeFactorMax                      = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordHealCastingTimeFactorMax                    = 1.0;
PikeHealCastingTimeFactorMax                            = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceHealCastingTimeFactorMax                     = 1.0;

//Heal power factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerHealPowerFactor                                   = 0.0;
SwordHealPowerFactor                                    = 0.0;
AxeHealPowerFactor                                      = 0.0;
MaceHealPowerFactor                                     = 0.0;
SpearHealPowerFactor                                    = 0.0;
StaffHealPowerFactor                                    = 0.0;
MagicianStaffHealPowerFactor                            = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeHealPowerFactor                               = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordHealPowerFactor                             = 0.0;
PikeHealPowerFactor                                     = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceHealPowerFactor                              = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerHealPowerFactorMax                                = 1.0;
SwordHealPowerFactorMax                                 = 1.0;
AxeHealPowerFactorMax                                   = 1.0;
MaceHealPowerFactorMax                                  = 1.0;
SpearHealPowerFactorMax                                 = 1.0;
StaffHealPowerFactorMax                                 = 1.0;
MagicianStaffHealPowerFactorMax                         = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeHealPowerFactorMax                            = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordHealPowerFactorMax                          = 1.0;
PikeHealPowerFactorMax                                  = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceHealPowerFactorMax                           = 1.0;

//DefensiveAffliction casting time factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor              = 0.0;
SwordDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor               = 0.0;
AxeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor                 = 0.0;
MaceDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor                = 0.0;
SpearDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor               = 0.0;
StaffDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor               = 0.0;
MagicianStaffDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor       = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor          = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor        = 0.0;
PikeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor                = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor         = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax           = 1.0;
SwordDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax            = 1.0;
AxeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax              = 1.0;
MaceDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax             = 1.0;
SpearDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax            = 1.0;
StaffDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax            = 1.0;
MagicianStaffDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax    = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax       = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax     = 1.0;
PikeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax             = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax      = 1.0;

//DefensiveAffliction power factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                    = 0.0;
SwordDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                     = 0.0;
AxeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                       = 0.0;
MaceDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                      = 0.0;
SpearDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                     = 0.0;
StaffDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                     = 0.0;
MagicianStaffDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor             = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor              = 0.0;
PikeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor                      = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor               = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                 = 1.0;
SwordDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                  = 1.0;
AxeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                    = 1.0;
MaceDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                   = 1.0;
SpearDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                  = 1.0;
StaffDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                  = 1.0;
MagicianStaffDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax          = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax             = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax           = 1.0;
PikeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax                   = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax            = 1.0;

// armor and shield
// Min
BucklerProtectionFactor             = 0.10;
ShieldProtectionFactor              = 0.10;
LightBootsProtectionFactor          = 0.10;
LightGlovesProtectionFactor         = 0.10;
LightPantsProtectionFactor          = 0.10;
LightSleevesProtectionFactor        = 0.10;
LightVestProtectionFactor           = 0.10;
MediumBootsProtectionFactor         = 0.10;
MediumGlovesProtectionFactor        = 0.10;
MediumPantsProtectionFactor         = 0.10;
MediumSleevesProtectionFactor       = 0.10;
MediumVestProtectionFactor          = 0.10;
HeavyBootsProtectionFactor          = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesProtectionFactor         = 0.10;
HeavyPantsProtectionFactor          = 0.10;
HeavySleevesProtectionFactor        = 0.10;
HeavyVestProtectionFactor           = 0.10;
HeavyHelmetProtectionFactor         = 0.10;
// Max
BucklerProtectionFactorMax          = 0.10;
ShieldProtectionFactorMax           = 0.10;
LightBootsProtectionFactorMax       = 0.10;
LightGlovesProtectionFactorMax      = 0.10;
LightPantsProtectionFactorMax       = 0.10;
LightSleevesProtectionFactorMax     = 0.10;
LightVestProtectionFactorMax        = 0.10;
MediumBootsProtectionFactorMax      = 0.10;
MediumGlovesProtectionFactorMax     = 0.10;
MediumPantsProtectionFactorMax      = 0.10;
MediumSleevesProtectionFactorMax    = 0.10;
MediumVestProtectionFactorMax       = 0.10;
HeavyBootsProtectionFactorMax       = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesProtectionFactorMax      = 0.10;
HeavyPantsProtectionFactorMax       = 0.10;
HeavySleevesProtectionFactorMax     = 0.10;
HeavyVestProtectionFactorMax        = 0.10;
HeavyHelmetProtectionFactorMax      = 0.10;
// MAX SLASHING PROTECTION // value to multiply with the item level.
// armor and shield
BucklerMaxSlashingProtection        = 0.10;
ShieldMaxSlashingProtection         = 0.10;
LightBootsMaxSlashingProtection     = 0.10;
LightGlovesMaxSlashingProtection    = 0.10;
LightPantsMaxSlashingProtection     = 0.10;
LightSleevesMaxSlashingProtection   = 0.10;
LightVestMaxSlashingProtection      = 0.10;
MediumBootsMaxSlashingProtection    = 0.10;
MediumGlovesMaxSlashingProtection   = 0.10;
MediumPantsMaxSlashingProtection    = 0.10;
MediumSleevesMaxSlashingProtection  = 0.10;
MediumVestMaxSlashingProtection     = 0.10;
HeavyBootsMaxSlashingProtection     = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesMaxSlashingProtection    = 0.10;
HeavyPantsMaxSlashingProtection     = 0.10;
HeavySleevesMaxSlashingProtection   = 0.10;
HeavyVestMaxSlashingProtection      = 0.33;
HeavyHelmetMaxSlashingProtection    = 0.33;
// armor and shield
BucklerMaxBluntProtection           = 0.10;
ShieldMaxBluntProtection            = 0.10;
LightBootsMaxBluntProtection        = 0.10;
LightGlovesMaxBluntProtection       = 0.10;
LightPantsMaxBluntProtection        = 0.10;
LightSleevesMaxBluntProtection      = 0.10;
LightVestMaxBluntProtection         = 0.10;
MediumBootsMaxBluntProtection       = 0.10;
MediumGlovesMaxBluntProtection      = 0.10;
MediumPantsMaxBluntProtection       = 0.10;
MediumSleevesMaxBluntProtection     = 0.10;
MediumVestMaxBluntProtection        = 0.10;
HeavyBootsMaxBluntProtection        = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesMaxBluntProtection       = 0.10;
HeavyPantsMaxBluntProtection        = 0.10;
HeavySleevesMaxBluntProtection      = 0.10;
HeavyVestMaxBluntProtection         = 0.10;
HeavyHelmetMaxBluntProtection       = 0.10;
// armor and shield
BucklerMaxPiercingProtection        = 0.10;
ShieldMaxPiercingProtection         = 0.10;
LightBootsMaxPiercingProtection     = 0.10;
LightGlovesMaxPiercingProtection    = 0.10;
LightPantsMaxPiercingProtection     = 0.10;
LightSleevesMaxPiercingProtection   = 0.10;
LightVestMaxPiercingProtection      = 0.10;
MediumBootsMaxPiercingProtection    = 0.10;
MediumGlovesMaxPiercingProtection   = 0.10;
MediumPantsMaxPiercingProtection    = 0.10;
MediumSleevesMaxPiercingProtection  = 0.10;
MediumVestMaxPiercingProtection     = 0.10;
HeavyBootsMaxPiercingProtection     = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesMaxPiercingProtection    = 0.10;
HeavyPantsMaxPiercingProtection     = 0.10;
HeavySleevesMaxPiercingProtection   = 0.10;
HeavyVestMaxPiercingProtection      = 0.10;
HeavyHelmetMaxPiercingProtection    = 0.10;
AcidJewelProtection		    = 0.01001; // de 0 � 1.0 (1.0 = 100% de protection)
ColdJewelProtection	    	    = 0.01001;
FireJewelProtection		    = 0.01001;
RotJewelProtection		    = 0.01001;
ShockWaveJewelProtection	    = 0.01001;
PoisonJewelProtection		    = 0.01001;
ElectricityJewelProtection	    = 0.01001;

MaxMagicProtection		    = 10; // Maximum protection can be gived by jewelry (clamp value), de 0 � 100 (pourcentage)
HominBaseProtection		    = 10; // Homin base protection in generic magic damage type
HominRacialProtection		    = 10; // Homin base protection in racial magic damage type
MaxAbsorptionFactor		    = 10; // Factor used for compute maximum absorption gived by all jewel (100 = 1.0 factor (100%)) (Max absorbtion = sum(equiped jewels recommandeds) * factor)
DesertResistance		    = 1; // In skill points bonus
ForestResistance		    = 1;
LacustreResistance		    = 1;
JungleResistance		    = 1;
PrimaryRootResistance		    = 1;

HominRacialResistance		    = 10;// Homin racial magic resistance to magic racial spell type
MaxMagicResistanceBonus		    = 10;// clamp value of resistance bonus resistance after all bonus/malus applied
EcosystemResistancePenalty	    = 10;// ecosystem resistance penalty value
//	regen speed parameters
RegenDivisor		= 1.0;
RegenReposFactor	= 1.0;
RegenOffset		= 1.0;

// weapon damage table config
MinDamage = 10;
DamageStep = 1;
ExponentialPower = 1;
SmoothingFactor = 0;

// hand to hand combat config
HandToHandDamageFactor = 0.10;
HandToHandLatency = 25; // 25 ticks = 2.5s

// combat config
BotDamageFactor = 1; // factor applied on npc and creature damage
// special effects when hit to localisation
HitChestStaLossFactor = 0.1;
HitHeadStunDuration = 1;
HitArmsSlowDuration = 1;
HitArmsSlowFactor = 10;
HitLegsSlowDuration = 1;
HitLegsSlowFactor = -10;
HitHandsDebuffDuration = 1;
HitHandsDebuffValue = -10;
HitFeetDebuffDuration = 1;
HitFeetDebuffValue = -10;
NbOpponentsBeforeMalus = 1;
ModPerSupernumeraryOpponent = -1;
MinTwoWeaponsLatency = 10;

ShieldingRadius = 1;
CombatFlagLifetime = 10; // (in ticks) used for openings

DodgeFactorForMagicSkills = 1.0;
DodgeFactorForForageSkills = 1.0;

MagicResistFactorForCombatSkills = 1.0;
MagicResistFactorForMagicSkills = 1.0;
MagicResistFactorForForageSkills = 1.0;
MagicResistSkillDelta = -10;

// Price parameters ( price formula is ItemPriceCoeff2 * x2 + ItemPriceCoeff1 * x + ItemPriceCoeff0 )
// polynom coeff of degree 0 in the price formula
ItemPriceCoeff0 = 100.0;
// polynom coeff of degree 1 in the price formula
ItemPriceCoeff1 = 0.1;
// polynom coeff of degree 2 in the price formula
ItemPriceCoeff2 = 0.01;
// factor to apply on non raw maetrial items to compute their price
ItemPriceFactor = 1.0;
// factor to apply on animal price to get the price a user can buy them
AnimalSellFactor = 0.1;
// factor to apply on teleport price to get the price a user can buy them
TeleportSellFactor = 0.1;
// this factor is applied to all faction point prices
GlobalFactionPointPriceFactor = 1.0;

// this factor is applied to all faction point prices
GlobalFactionPointPriceFactor = 1.0;

// Max quality of Raw Material Npc item selled by NPC
MaxNPCRawMaterialQualityInSell = 100;

// Sell store parameters
// an item can stay 7 days in a sale store (total cumulated time in game cycle)
MaxGameCycleSaleStore = 6048000;

NBMaxItemPlayerSellDisplay = 128; //NB max item can be displayed for player item list selled
NBMaxItemNpcSellDisplay = 128; //NB max item can be displayed for npc item list selled
NBMaxItemYoursSellDisplay = 128; //NB max item can be displayed for your item list selled, it's also the max items player can put in sale store

// Factor for apply malus wear equipment to craft ( Recommended max = Recommended - (Recommanded * malus wear * WearMalusCraftFactor )
WearMalusCraftFactor = 0.1;

// Item wear config
//MeleeWeaponWearPerAction	= 0.01;
//RangeWeaponWearPerAction	= 0.01;

// now we base wear factor for weapons on the ration (WeaponLatency / ReferenceWeaponLatencyForWear)
// MUST be > 0
ReferenceWeaponLatencyForWear = 10;

CraftingToolWearPerAction	= 0.01;
ForageToolWearPerAction		= 0.01;
ArmorWearPerAction			= 0.01;
ShieldWearPerAction			= 0.01;
JewelryWearPerAction		= 0.01;

// melee weapons
DaggerWearPerAction			= 0.01;
SwordWearPerAction			= 0.01;
MaceWearPerAction			= 0.01;
AxeWearPerAction			= 0.01;
SpearWearPerAction			= 0.01;
StaffWearPerAction			= 0.01;
MagicianStaffWearPerAction	= 0.01;
TwoHandSwordWearPerAction	= 0.01;
TwoHandAxeWearPerAction		= 0.01;
PikeWearPerAction			= 0.01;
TwoHandMaceWearPerAction	= 0.01;
// range weapon
AutolauchWearPerAction		= 0.01;
BowrifleWearPerAction		= 0.01;
LauncherWearPerAction		= 0.01;
PistolWearPerAction			= 0.01;
BowpistolWearPerAction		= 0.01;
RifleWearPerAction			= 0.01;

// Fame Variables
// Fame memory interpolation periode
FameMemoryInterpolation = 1220000;
// Fame trend reset delay
FameTrendResetDelay = 10000;
// Point of fame lost with the faction of a killed bot
FameByKill = -1000;
// Minimum Fame To Buy a Guild Building
MinFameToBuyGuildBuilding = 0;
// Minimum Fame To Buy a Player Building
MinFameToBuyPlayerBuilding = 0;
// maximum price variation ( in absolute value ) that can be due to fame
MaxFamePriceVariation = 0.1;
// Maximum fame value taken in account in trade
MaxFameToTrade = 100000;
// Minimum fame value taken in account in trade, under this value, the merchant refuse to sell
MinFameToTrade = -100000;

// Guild Variables
//fame to buy a guild building
MinFameToBuyGuildBuilding = 0;
// cost of the guild building in money
MoneyToBuyGuildBuilding	= 10;
// base bulk of the guild building
BaseGuildBulk = 10000000;
// cost in money to create a guild
GuildCreationCost = 100000;
// max number of charges a guild can apply for
MaxAppliedChargeCount = 3;

// Animals
AnimalHungerFactor = 0.01;
AnimalStopFollowingDistance = 100;
AllowAnimalInventoryAccessFromAnyStable = 0;

// PVP
DuelQueryDuration = 600;
ChallengeSpawnZones =

PVPMeleeCombatDamageFactor = 1.0;
PVPRangeCombatDamageFactor = 1.0;
PVPMagicDamageFactor	   = 1.0;

TimeForSetPVPFlag = 1000;
TimeForResetPVPFlag = 1000;
TimeForPVPFlagOff = 1000;
PVPActionTimer = 1000;

TotemBuildTime = 1000;
TotemRebuildWait = 1000;

ResPawnPVPInSameRegionForbiden = 1; // 1 is player character can't respawn in same region of there death in faction PvP.

BuildSpireActive = 1;

// max distance from PvP combat to gain PvP points (faction and HoF points) from team PvP kills (in meters)
MaxDistanceForPVPPointsGain = 5.0;
// minimum delta level used to compute the faction points gain
MinPVPDeltaLevel = -5;
// maximum delta level used to compute the faction points gain
MaxPVPDeltaLevel = 5;
// for team PvP progression add this value to the faction points divisor for each team member above one
PVPTeamMemberDivisorValue = 1.0;
// it is the base used in faction point gain formula
PVPFactionPointBase = 5.0;
// it is the base used in HoF point gain formula
PVPHoFPointBase = 5.0;
// in faction PvP the killed players loses the faction points gained per killer multiplied by this factor
PVPFactionPointLossFactor = 0.5;
// in faction PvP the killed players loses the HoF points gained per killer multiplied by this factor
PVPHoFPointLossFactor = 0.5;
// players will not get any point for the same PvP kill for this time in seconds
TimeWithoutPointForSamePVPKill = 100;

VerboseFactionPoint = 0;

// Outpost
// Global flag to activate outpost challenge system
LoadOutposts = 1;
// Outpost saving period in tick (1 outpost saved at a time)
OutpostSavingPeriod = 10;
// Period in ticks between 2 updates of the same outpost
OutpostUpdatePeriod = 10;
// Set if the outpost drillers generate mps or not
EnableOutpostDrillerMPGeneration = 1;
// Production time of mp in the driller (in seconds)
OutpostDrillerTimeUnit = 10*60*24;	// per day
// Delay in ticks used to check if 2 actions for editing an outpost are concurrent
OutpostEditingConcurrencyCheckDelay = 10;
// Period in seconds between 2 updates of outpost timers on clients
OutpostClientTimersUpdatePeriod = 10;
// Number of rounds in an outpost fight
OutpostFightRoundCount = 10;
// Time of a round in an outpost fight, in seconds
OutpostFightRoundTime = 1*60;
// Time to decrement an outpost level in seconds (in peace time)
OutpostLevelDecrementTime = 60*60*24*1;
// Delay in ticks used to check if 2 actions for editing an outpost are concurrent
OutpostEditingConcurrencyCheckDelay = 10;
// Time of each outpost state (challenge, beforeAttack, afterAttack, beforeDefense, afterDefense), in seconds. If 0 default computed value is used.
OutpostStateTimeOverride = 0;
// Max time the player has to answer the JoinPvp Window, in seconds
OutpostJoinPvpTimer = 10;
// Time range before next attack period in which a service reboot will cancel the challenge, in seconds
OutpostRangeForCancelOnReset = 60*60*1;
// Max number of outposts per guild (DO NOT exceed outpost count in database.xml)
GuildMaxOutpostCount = 10;

MonoMissionTimout = 144000;
VerboseMissions = 0;
MissionLogFile = "egs_missions.log";
MissionPrerequisitsEnabled = 1;
CheckCharacterVisitPlacePeriodGC = 64;

// This icon will be used for missions with an invalid mission icon. If
// default icon is invalid too mission will not be displayed at all on client.
DefaultMissionIcon = "generic_rite";

// Mission states is read from file mission_validation.cfg. The EGS will load
// only the files which state is in ValidMissionStates list. If that list
// contains the keyword "All" all missions will be loaded.
ValidMissionStates = {
//	"Disabled",
//	"Test",
//	"Valid",

StoreBotNames = 1;

Tocking = 1;

// unlimited death pact for internal testing
UnlimitedDeathPact = 1;

//ignore race prerequisits for missions
IgnoreMissionRacePrerequisits = 1;

// Max distance allowed for bot chat & dyn chat
MaxBotChatDistanceM = 5;

//zone types that must be set as triggers
TriggerZoneTypes = { "place","region" };

// PeopleAutorized 1:fyros 2:matis 4:tryker 8:zorai

StartCommandsWhenMirrorReady =
	"PeopleAutorized 255",

// set the world instance activity verbosity
VerboseWorldInstance = 0;

// set the shop category parser verbosity
VerboseShopParsing = 0;

// Checking coherency between saved players and CEntityIdTranslator map, may be slow, so put to 0 if you want
CheckEntityIdTranslatorCoherency = 0;

// Filename that contains the list of invalid entity names
InvalidEntityNamesFilename = "invalid_entity_names.txt";

ForageKamiAngerThreshold1 = 10000;
ForageKamiAngerThreshold2 = 10000;
ForageKamiAngerDecreasePerHour = 900.0;
ForageKamiAngerPunishDamage = 5000;

ForageValidateSourcesSpawnPos = 1;
AutoSpawnForageSourcePeriodOverride = 0;
ForageKamiAngerOverride = 0;
ForageSiteStock = 100;
ForageSiteNbUpdatesToLive = 10;
ForageSiteRadius = 10.0;
ForageExtractionTimeMinGC = 230.0;
ForageExtractionTimeSlopeGC = 2.0;
ForageQuantityBaseRate = 0;
ForageQuantityBrick1 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick2 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick3 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick4 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick5 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick6 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick7 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick8 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick9 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick10 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick11 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick12 = 0.5;
ForageQuantitySlowFactor = 0.5;
ForageQualitySlowFactor = 1.50;
ForageQualitySlowFactorQualityLevelRatio = 0.1;
ForageQualitySlowFactorDeltaLevelRatio = 0.1;
ForageQualitySlowFactorMatSpecRatio = 0.1;
ForageQualityCeilingFactor = 1.0;
ForageQualityCeilingClamp = 1;
ForageQuantityImpactFactor = 20.0;
ForageQualityImpactFactor = 1.5;
ForageExtractionAbsorptionMatSpecFactor = 5.0;
ForageExtractionAbsorptionMatSpecMax = 1.0;
ForageExtractionCareMatSpecFactor = 1.0;
ForageExtractionAbsorptionEcoSpecFactor = 5.0;
ForageExtractionAbsorptionEcoSpecMax = 1.0;
ForageExtractionCareEcoSpecFactor = 1.0;
ForageExtractionNaturalDDeltaPerTick = 0.1;
ForageExtractionNaturalEDeltaPerTick = 0.1;
ForageCareFactor = 5.0;
ForageCareBeginZone = 5.0;
ForageHPRatioPerSourceLifeImpact = 0.005;
ForageExplosionDamage = 5000.0;
ToxicCloudDamage = 500.0;
ForageCareSpeed = 0.05;
ForageKamiOfferingSpeed = 0.01;
ForageDebug = 0;
ForageSourceSpawnDelay = 50;
ForageFocusRatioOfLocateDeposit = 10;
ForageFocusAutoRegenRatio = 1.0;
ForageReduceDamageTimeWindow = 50;
ForageExtractionXPFactor = 10.0;
ForageQuantityXPDeltaLevelBonusRate = 1.0;
ForageProspectionXPBonusRatio = 0.1;
ForageExtractionNbParticipantsXPBonusRatio = 0.1;
ForageExtractionNastyEventXPMalusRatio = 0.1;

QuarteringQuantityAverageForCraftHerbivore = 2.0;
QuarteringQuantityAverageForCraftCarnivore = 5.0;
QuarteringQuantityAverageForMissions = 1.0;
QuarteringQuantityAverageForBoss5 = 10;
QuarteringQuantityAverageForBoss7 = 50;
QuarteringQuantityForInvasion5 = 50;
QuarteringQuantityForInvasion7 = 100;

LootMoneyAmountPerXPLevel = 10.0;

VerboseQuartering = 0;

// Shutdown handling

// Time to shutdown server in minutes
ShutdownCounter = 5;

// Time between to shutdown messages in seconds
BroadcastShutdownMessageRate = 30;

// Time to shutdown to close access to welcome service, in seconds
CloseShardAccessAt = 300;

// Persistent Logging

DatabaseId = 0;

// delay during character stay in game after disconnection
TimeBeforeDisconnection = 300;

// File that contains the privileges for client commands
ClientCommandsPrivilegesFile = "client_commands_privileges.txt";

// File that contains the info on the current event on the server
GameEventFile = "game_event.txt";

// Privilege needed for banner
BannerPriv = ":G:SG:GM:SGM:";
// Privilege that never aggro the bots
NeverAggroPriv = ":OBSERVER:G:SG:GM:SGM:EM:";
// Privilege always invisible
AlwaysInvisiblePriv = ":OBSERVER:EM:";
// Privilege to teleport with a mektoub
TeleportWithMektoubPriv = ":GM:SGM:DEV:";
// Privilege that forbid action execution
NoActionAllowedPriv = ":OBSERVER";
// Privilege that bypass value and score checking
NoValueCheckingPriv = ":GM:SGM:DEV:EM:EG:";
// Privilege that prevent being disconnected in case of shard closing for technical problem
NoForceDisconnectPriv = ":GM:SGM:DEV:";

// File used to save position flags
PositionFlagsFile = "position_flags.xml";

// load PVP zones from primitives?
LoadPVPFreeZones = 1;
LoadPVPVersusZones = 1;
LoadPVPGuildZones = 1;

// buffer time in ticks used when entering/leaving a PVP zone
PVPZoneEnterBufferTime = 300;
PVPZoneLeaveBufferTime = 1200;
PVPZoneWarningRepeatTime = 50;
PVPZoneWarningRepeatTimeL = 3000;

// If 1, use the Death Penalty factor from the PVPZone primitive, else no death penalty
PVPZoneWithDeathPenalty = 1;

// if 1, pvp duel/challenge will be disabled
DisablePVPDuel = 0;
DisablePVPChallenge = 1;

// Fame Variables
// All values are multiplied by 6000 compared to values displayed on the client.
FameMinToDeclare	= 100000;
FameWarningLevel	= 10000;
FameMinToRemain		= 0;
FameMinToTrade		= -100000;
FameMinToKOS		= -100000;
FameMaxDefault		= 100000;
FameAbsoluteMin		= -100000;
FameAbsoluteMax		= 100000;

FameStartFyrosvFyros	= 100000;
FameStartFyrosvMatis	= -100000;
FameStartFyrosvTryker	= -10000;
FameStartFyrosvZorai	= 10000;
FameStartMatisvFyros	= -100000;
FameStartMatisvMatis	= 100000;
FameStartMatisvTryker	= 10000;
FameStartMatisvZorai	= -10000;
FameStartTrykervFyros	= -10000;
FameStartTrykervMatis	= 10000;
FameStartTrykervTryker	= 100000;
FameStartTrykervZorai	= -100000;
FameStartZoraivFyros	= 10000;
FameStartZoraivMatis	= -10000;
FameStartZoraivTryker	= -100000;
FameStartZoraivZorai	= 100000;
FameStartFyrosvKami	= 10000;
FameStartFyrosvKaravan	= -10000;
FameStartMatisvKami	= -100000;
FameStartMatisvKaravan	= 100000;
FameStartTrykervKami	= -10000;
FameStartTrykervKaravan	= 10000;
FameStartZoraivKami	= 100000;
FameStartZoraivKaravan	= -100000;

FameMaxNeutralvFyros	= 100000;
FameMaxNeutralvMatis	= 100000;
FameMaxNeutralvTryker	= 100000;
FameMaxNeutralvZorai	= 100000;
FameMaxFyrosvFyros	= 100000;
FameMaxFyrosvMatis	= 0;
FameMaxFyrosvTryker	= 100000;
FameMaxFyrosvZorai	= 100000;
FameMaxMatisvFyros	= 0;
FameMaxMatisvMatis	= 100000;
FameMaxMatisvTryker	= 100000;
FameMaxMatisvZorai	= 100000;
FameMaxTrykervFyros	= 100000;
FameMaxTrykervMatis	= 100000;
FameMaxTrykervTryker	= 100000;
FameMaxTrykervZorai	= 0;
FameMaxZoraivFyros	= 100000;
FameMaxZoraivMatis	= 100000;
FameMaxZoraivTryker	= 0000;
FameMaxZoraivZorai	= 100000;
FameMaxNeutralvKami	= 100000;
FameMaxNeutralvKaravan	= 100000;
FameMaxKamivKami	= 100000;
FameMaxKamivKaravan	= -100000;
FameMaxKaravanvKami	= -100000;
FameMaxKaravanvKaravan	= 100000;

// Log switches, turns nlinfo on/off
NameManagerLogEnabled                 = 1;
GameItemLogEnabled                    = 1;
EntityCallbacksLogEnabled             = 1;
EntityManagerLogEnabled               = 1;
GuildManagerLogEnabled                = 1;
ForageExtractionLogEnabled            = 0;
PhraseManagerLogEnabled               = 1;
CharacterLogEnabled                   = 1;
PlayerLogEnabled                      = 1;
ShoppingLogEnabled                    = 0;
PVPLogEnabled                         = 1;
PersistentPlayerDataLogEnabled        = 0;

DailyShutdownSequenceTime = "";
DailyShutdownBroadcastMessage = "The shard will be shut down in 1 minute";
DailyShutdownCounterMinutes = 1;
CheckShutdownPeriodGC = 50;

PlayerChannelHistoricSize = 50;

FlushSendingQueuesOnExit = 1;
NamesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending = "BS";

// stat database save period in ticks
StatDBSavePeriod = 20;

// New Newbieland
UseNewNewbieLandStartingPoint= 1;

// The domain mainlands configuration
Mainlands = {
	"302", "Open", "(Open Developer Community)", "en",