// ---- config local variables

// Used by ConfigFile in EGS and WS
ShardId = 302; 

// Used by CVariable in WS
PlayerLimit = 5000;

// Used to connect to AES (this file) and to set up AES service (admin_executor_service.cfg)

// ---- service NeL variables (used by ConfigFile class)

WindowStyle = "WIN";

// don't connect to the old NeLNS AES
DontUseAES = 1;

// Configure module gateway for layer 5 module comm
StartCommands +=
	// Create a gateway module
	"moduleManager.createModule StandardGateway gw",
	// add a layer 5 transport
	"gw.transportAdd L5Transport l5",
	// open the transport
	"gw.transportCmd l5(open)",

	/// Create default connection with admin executor service
	// Create a gateway module
	"moduleManager.createModule StandardGateway gw_aes",
	// create the admin executor service module
	"moduleManager.createModule AdminExecutorServiceClient aes_client",
	"aes_client.plug gw_aes",

	// create a layer 3 client to connect to aes gateway
	"gw_aes.transportAdd L3Client aes_l3c",
	"gw_aes.transportCmd aes_l3c(connect addr="+AESHost+":"+AESPort+")",

NSHost = "localhost";

// A list of vars to graph for any service
GraphVars +=
	"ProcessUsedMemory", "60000",	// every minute

IgnoredFiles = { "continent.cfg", "__read_me.txt", "bandit.html", "flora_primr.primitive" };

// Set a mainland SessionId.
// Live: Must be 0 for ring shards, non-zero (usually ShardId) for mainland shards
// Dev: Can be non-zero to initially connect a client to a ring shard
NoWSShardId = ShardId;

// ---- service NeL variables (used by CVariable class)

// Disable generation / display of nldebug messages
DisableNLDebug = 1;

// Disable nel net verbose logging
VerboseNETTC = 0;
VerboseLNETL0 = 0;
VerboseLNETL1 = 0;
VerboseLNETL2 = 0;
VerboseLNETL3 = 0;
VerboseLNETL4 = 0;
VerboseLNETL5 = 0;
VerboseLNETL6 = 0;

// If the update loop is too slow, a thread will produce an assertion.
// By default, the value is set to 10 minutes.
// Set to 0 for no assertion.
UpdateAssertionThreadTimeout = 6000000;

// how to sleep between 2 network updates
// 0 = pipe
// 1 = usleep
// 2 = nanosleep
// 3 = sched_yield
// 4 = nothing
UseYieldMethod = 0;

DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize = 200000000; // 200 M !
DefaultMaxSentBlockSize = 200000000; // 200 M !

// Will SaveFilesDirectory will be converted to a full path?
ConvertSaveFilesDirectoryToFullPath = 0;

// Where to save specific shard data (ie: player backup), relatively to SaveShardRoot
SaveFilesDirectory	= "";

// where to save generic shard data (ie: packed_sheet)
WriteFilesDirectory	= "data_shard";

// ---- service custom variables (used by ConfigFile class)

// ---- service custom variables (used by CVariable class)