************************************************ * NeL plug-ins for 3DSMAX 3.1 compilation notes ************************************************ * $Id: compilation_notes.txt,v 1.6 2001/10/05 14:56:45 corvazier Exp $ ** DISTRIBUTION NOTES ** Given that Max plug-ins are linked to the 3DSMax SDK (which is not Gnu GPL) and to NeL (which is Gnu GPL), anyone distributing plug-ins in binary form will be in breach of the Gnu GPL. In English than means that you shouldn't distribute the plug-ins as binaries. You are, of course, free to distribute the source code. THIS PLUGIN HAVE BEEN TESTED ON 3DSMAX3.1 WITH CHARACTER STUDIO 3. ** VISUAL CONFIGURATION ** This projects have been compiled with MS Visual c++ 6. You must have the 3dsmax 3.1 SDK installed (by default, it is not). You must have the Character Studio 3 SDK installed. You must configure your compiler and add the following pathes: /MAXSDK/lib to the lib search path /MAXSDK/include to the include search path /MAXSDK/include/maxscrpt to the include search path /CHARACTER_STUDIO_SDK to the include search path The maxsdk is "c:\3dsmax3_1\maxsdk" on a standard installation. Put the 3dsmax sdk include directories before the Visual studio ones because there is some conflicts between them. ** PROJECTS ** There is three plug-ins in this package: 1) nel_export : an export / view utility plug-in for NeL. 2) nel_patch_converted : a patch converter to translate max patches in NeL patches. 3) tile_utility : an utility plug-in to load tile banks in 3dsmax. ** DEPENDENCIES ** Thoses plug-ins need some sub projects to work with: 1) NeL 3d library 2) NeL misc library 3) NeL openGL driver 4) nel_mesh_lib : library of functions to convert max Meshes and animation data in NeL format. 5) nel_patch_lib : library of functions to convert max patches in NeL format. 6) object_viewer : the common NeL tool to watch nel objects and animations. 7) nel_3dsmax_shared : shared dll for NeL plug-ins ** INSTALL ** Once all those projects are compiled you should have: * nelexport.dlu * neltileutility.dlu * nelconvertpatch.dlm. Thoses dll must go in a plugins directory of 3dsmax. (ex: c:/3dsmax3_1/plugins) * nel_3dsmax_shared.dll * object_viewer.dll * object_viewer.cfg * nel_drv_opengl_win.dll Thoses dll must go in the 3dsmax root directory. (ex: c:/3dsmax3_1) * nel_light.ms * nel_material.ms * nel_swt.ms * nel_flare.ms * nel_ps.ms Thoses scripts must go in the startup script dirctory. (ex: c:/3dsmax3_1/scripts/startup) ** FUTURE WORKS ** * We will add a macro define to remove the need of character studio to complile the plugins * Support for 3dsmax 4. If you compile succefully the plugin under the 4 version, write to us. ** HAVE SOME FUN **