// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "../zone_lib/zone_utility.h" #include "nel/3d/zone.h" #include "nel/3d/quad_grid.h" #include "nel/3d/scene_group.h" #include "nel/3d/shape.h" #include "nel/3d/water_shape.h" #include "nel/3d/register_3d.h" #include "nel/georges/u_form.h" #include "nel/georges/u_form_elm.h" #include "nel/georges/u_form_loader.h" #include "nel/misc/config_file.h" #include "nel/misc/file.h" #include "nel/misc/aabbox.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include #include using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NL3D; typedef pair CZoneDependenciesValue; #define BAR_LENGTH 21 const char *progressbar[BAR_LENGTH]= { "[ ]", "[. ]", "[.. ]", "[... ]", "[.... ]", "[..... ]", "[...... ]", "[....... ]", "[........ ]", "[......... ]", "[.......... ]", "[........... ]", "[............ ]", "[............. ]", "[.............. ]", "[............... ]", "[................ ]", "[................. ]", "[.................. ]", "[................... ]", "[....................]" }; void progress (const char *message, float progress) { // Progress bar char msg[512]; uint pgId= (uint)(progress*(float)BAR_LENGTH); pgId= min(pgId, (uint)(BAR_LENGTH-1)); sprintf (msg, "\r%s: %s", message, progressbar[pgId]); uint i; for (i=strlen(msg); i<79; i++) msg[i]=' '; msg[i]=0; printf (msg); printf ("\r"); } class CZoneDependencies { public: // Default Ctor CZoneDependencies () { // Not loaded Loaded=false; } // Zone coordinates sint X; sint Y; // BBox CAABBoxExt BBox; // Loaded bool Loaded; // List set Dependences; }; class CZoneDescriptorBB { public: // Zone coordinates sint X; sint Y; // BBox CAABBoxExt BBox; }; // a bbox with a 'NULL' flad added class CPotentialBBox { public: CPotentialBBox() : IsVoid(true) {} CPotentialBBox(const CAABBox &b) : Box(b), IsVoid(false) {} CAABBox Box; bool IsVoid; void makeUnion(const CPotentialBBox &other) { if (IsVoid && other.IsVoid) return; if( IsVoid) { Box = other.Box; } else if (!other.IsVoid) { Box = CAABBox::computeAABBoxUnion(Box, other.Box); } IsVoid = false; } void transform(const NLMISC::CMatrix &matrix) { if (!IsVoid) { Box = NLMISC::CAABBox::transformAABBox(matrix, Box); } } // If the bbox has a null size, then mark it void void removeVoid() { if (!IsVoid && Box.getHalfSize() == CVector::Null) { IsVoid = true; } } }; // a couple of bbox to identity occluding / receiving bbox struct CLightingBBox { public: CPotentialBBox OccludingBox; CPotentialBBox ReceivingBox; void makeUnion(const CLightingBBox &other) { OccludingBox.makeUnion(other.OccludingBox); ReceivingBox.makeUnion(other.ReceivingBox); } void transform(const NLMISC::CMatrix &matrix) { OccludingBox.transform(matrix); ReceivingBox.transform(matrix); } // If the bbox has a null size, then mark it void void removeVoid() { OccludingBox.removeVoid(); ReceivingBox.removeVoid(); } }; typedef std::map TString2LightingBBox; /// A map to cache the shapes bbox's typedef TString2LightingBBox TShapeMap; // compute the bbox of the igs in a zone static void computeZoneIGBBox(const char *zoneName, CLightingBBox &result, TShapeMap &shapeMap, const TString2LightingBBox &additionnalIG); // ryzom specific, see definition static void computeIGBBoxFromContinent(NLMISC::CConfigFile ¶meter, TShapeMap &shapeMap, TString2LightingBBox &zone2BBox ); ///========================================================= int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Filter addSearchPath NLMISC::createDebug(); InfoLog->addNegativeFilter ("adding the path"); TShapeMap shapeMap; // Check number of args if (argc<5) { // Help message printf ("zone_dependencies [properties.cfg] [firstZone.zone] [lastzone.zone] [output_dependencies.cfg]\n"); } else { NL3D::registerSerial3d(); // Light direction CVector lightDirection; // Config file handler try { // Read the properties file CConfigFile properties; // Load and parse the properties file properties.load (argv[1]); // Get the light direction CConfigFile::CVar &sun_direction = properties.getVar ("sun_direction"); lightDirection.set (sun_direction.asFloat(0), sun_direction.asFloat(1), sun_direction.asFloat(2)); lightDirection.normalize(); // Get the search pathes CConfigFile::CVar &search_pathes = properties.getVar ("search_pathes"); uint path; for (path = 0; path < (uint)search_pathes.size(); path++) { // Add to search path CPath::addSearchPath (search_pathes.asString(path)); } /* CConfigFile::CVar &ig_path = properties.getVar ("ig_path"); NLMISC::CPath::addSearchPath(ig_path.asString(), true, true); CConfigFile::CVar &shapes_path = properties.getVar ("shapes_path"); NLMISC::CPath::addSearchPath(shapes_path.asString(), true, true); */ CConfigFile::CVar &compute_dependencies_with_igs = properties.getVar ("compute_dependencies_with_igs"); bool computeDependenciesWithIgs = compute_dependencies_with_igs.asInt() != 0; // Get the file extension string ext=getExt (argv[2]); // Get the file directory string dir=getDir (argv[2]); // Get output extension string outExt=getExt (argv[4]); // Get output directory string outDir=getDir (argv[4]); // Get the first and last name string firstName=getName (argv[2]); string lastName=getName (argv[3]); // Get the coordinates uint16 firstX, firstY; uint16 lastX, lastY; if (getZoneCoordByName (firstName.c_str(), firstX, firstY)) { // Last zone if (getZoneCoordByName (lastName.c_str(), lastX, lastY)) { // Take care if (lastX quadGrid; quadGrid.create (256, 100); // The dependencies list vector< CZoneDependencies > dependencies; dependencies.resize ((lastX-firstX+1)*(lastY-firstY+1)); // Ryzom specific: build bbox for villages TString2LightingBBox villagesBBox; computeIGBBoxFromContinent(properties, shapeMap, villagesBBox); // Insert each zone in the quad tree sint y, x; for (y=firstY; y<=lastY; y++) for (x=firstX; x<=lastX; x++) { // Progress progress ("Build bounding boxes", (float)(x+y*lastX)/(float)(lastX*lastY)); // Make a zone file name string zoneName; getZoneNameByCoord (x, y, zoneName); // Open the file CIFile file; if (file.open (dir+zoneName+ext)) { // The zone CZone zone; try { // Serial the zone file.serial (zone); /// get bbox from the ig of this zone CLightingBBox igBBox; if (computeDependenciesWithIgs) { computeZoneIGBBox(zoneName.c_str(), igBBox, shapeMap, villagesBBox); } // Create a zone descriptor NLMISC::CAABBox zoneBox; zoneBox.setCenter(zone.getZoneBB().getCenter()); zoneBox.setHalfSize(zone.getZoneBB().getHalfSize()); CLightingBBox zoneLBox; zoneLBox.OccludingBox = zoneLBox.ReceivingBox = zoneBox; // can't be void zoneLBox.makeUnion(igBBox); nlassert(!zoneLBox.ReceivingBox.IsVoid); // CZoneDescriptorBB zoneDesc; zoneDesc.X=x; zoneDesc.Y=y; zoneDesc.BBox=zoneLBox.ReceivingBox.Box; // if (!zoneLBox.OccludingBox.IsVoid) { quadGrid.insert (zoneLBox.ReceivingBox.Box.getMin(), zoneLBox.ReceivingBox.Box.getMax(), zoneDesc); } // Insert in the dependencies // Index uint index=(x-firstX)+(y-firstY)*(lastX-firstX+1); // Loaded dependencies[index].Loaded=true; dependencies[index].X=x; dependencies[index].Y=y; dependencies[index].BBox=zoneLBox.OccludingBox.Box; // ZMin float newZ=zoneLBox.ReceivingBox.Box.getMin().z; if (newZ::CIterator it=quadGrid.begin(); while (it!=quadGrid.end()) { // Index uint targetIndex=((*it).X-firstX)+((*it).Y-firstY)*(lastX-firstX+1); // Not the same if (targetIndex!=index) { // Target min z float targetMinZ=dependencies[targetIndex].BBox.getMin().z; if (targetMinZ::iterator ite=dependencies[index].Dependences.begin(); while (ite!=dependencies[index].Dependences.end()) { // Name of the dependent zone std::string zoneName; getZoneNameByCoord(ite->first, ite->second, zoneName); // Write it string message="\t\""+zoneName+"\""; fprintf (outputFile, strlwr (message).c_str()); // Next ite; ite++; if (ite!=dependencies[index].Dependences.end()) fprintf (outputFile, ",\n"); } // Close the variable fprintf (outputFile, "\n};\n\n"); } else { nlwarning ("ERROR can't open %s for writing.\n", outputFileName.c_str()); } // Close the file fclose (outputFile); } } } else { // Not valid nlwarning ("ERROR %s is not a valid zone name.\n", lastName.c_str()); } } else { // Not valid nlwarning ("ERROR %s is not a valid zone name.\n", firstName.c_str()); } } catch (Exception &ee) { nlwarning ("ERROR %s\n", ee.what()); } } return 0; } ///=========================================================================== /** Load and compute the bbox of the models that are contained in a given instance group * \return true if the computed bbox is valid */ static void computeIGBBox(const NL3D::CInstanceGroup &ig, CLightingBBox &result, TShapeMap &shapeMap) { result = CLightingBBox(); // starts with void result bool firstBBox = true; /// now, compute the union of all bboxs for (CInstanceGroup::TInstanceArray::const_iterator it = ig._InstancesInfos.begin(); it != ig._InstancesInfos.end(); ++it) { CLightingBBox currBBox; bool validBBox = false; /// get the bbox from file or from map if (shapeMap.count(it->Name)) // already loaded ? { currBBox = shapeMap[it->Name]; validBBox = true; } else // must load the shape to get its bbox { std::string shapePathName; std::string toLoad = it->Name; if (getExt(toLoad).empty()) toLoad += ".shape"; shapePathName = NLMISC::CPath::lookup(toLoad, false, false); if (shapePathName.empty()) { nlwarning("Unable to find shape %s", it->Name.c_str()); } else { CIFile shapeInputFile; if (shapeInputFile.open (shapePathName.c_str())) { NL3D::CShapeStream shapeStream; try { shapeStream.serial (shapeInputFile); // NB Nico : // Deal with water shape -> their 'Receiving' box is set to 'void' // this prevent the case where a huge surface of water will cause the zone it is attached to (the 'Zone' // field in the villages sheets) to load all the zones that the water surface cover. (This caused // an 'out of memory error' in the zone lighter due to too many zone being loaded) // FIXME : test for water case hardcoded for now CWaterShape *ws = dynamic_cast(shapeStream.getShapePointer()); if (ws) { CAABBox bbox; shapeStream.getShapePointer()->getAABBox(bbox); currBBox.OccludingBox = CPotentialBBox(bbox); // occluding box is used, though the water shape // doesn't cast shadow -> the tiles flag ('above', 'intersect', 'below water') // are updated inside the zone_lighter currBBox.ReceivingBox.IsVoid = true; // no lighted by the zone lighter !!! currBBox.removeVoid(); shapeMap[it->Name] = currBBox; } else { CAABBox bbox; shapeStream.getShapePointer()->getAABBox(bbox); currBBox.OccludingBox = CPotentialBBox(bbox); currBBox.ReceivingBox = CPotentialBBox(bbox); currBBox.removeVoid(); shapeMap[it->Name] = currBBox; } validBBox = true; } catch (NLMISC::Exception &e) { nlwarning("Error while loading shape %s. \n\t Reason : %s ", it->Name.c_str(), e.what()); } } else { nlwarning("Unable to open shape file %s to get its bbox", it->Name.c_str()); } } } if (validBBox) { /// build the model matrix NLMISC::CMatrix mat; mat.scale(it->Scale); NLMISC::CMatrix rotMat; rotMat.setRot(it->Rot); mat = rotMat * mat; mat.setPos(it->Pos); /// transform the bbox currBBox.transform(mat); currBBox.removeVoid(); if (firstBBox) { result = currBBox; firstBBox = false; } else // add to previous one { result.makeUnion(currBBox); } } } } ///=========================================================================== /** Load and compute the bbox of the models that are located in a given zone * \param the zone whose bbox must be computed * \param result the result bbox * \param shapeMap for speedup (avoid loading the same shape twice) * \param additionnalIG a map that gives an additionnal ig for a zone from its name (ryzom specific : used to compute village bbox) * \return true if the computed bbox is valid */ static void computeZoneIGBBox(const char *zoneName, CLightingBBox &result, TShapeMap &shapeMap, const TString2LightingBBox &additionnalIG) { result = CLightingBBox(); // starts with a void box std::string lcZoneName = NLMISC::strlwr(std::string(zoneName)); TString2LightingBBox::const_iterator zoneIt = additionnalIG.find(lcZoneName); if (zoneIt != additionnalIG.end()) { result = zoneIt->second; } std::string igFileName = zoneName + std::string(".ig"); std::string pathName = CPath::lookup(igFileName, false, false); if (pathName.empty()) { // nlwarning("unable to find instance group of zone : %s", zoneName); return; } /// Load the instance group of this zone CIFile igFile; if (!igFile.open(pathName)) { nlwarning("unable to open file : %s", pathName.c_str()); return; } NL3D::CInstanceGroup ig; try { ig.serial(igFile); } catch (NLMISC::Exception &e) { nlwarning("Error while reading an instance group file : %s \n reason : %s", pathName.c_str(), e.what()); return; } CLightingBBox tmpBBox; computeIGBBox(ig, tmpBBox, shapeMap); result.makeUnion(tmpBBox); } //======================================================================================= // ryzom specific build bbox of a village in a zone static void computeBBoxFromVillage(const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *villageItem, const std::string &continentName, uint villageIndex, TShapeMap &shapeMap, CLightingBBox &result ) { result = CLightingBBox(); const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *igNamesItem; if (! (villageItem->getNodeByName (&igNamesItem, "IgList") && igNamesItem) ) { nlwarning("No list of IGs was found in the continent form %s, village #%d", continentName.c_str(), villageIndex); return; } // Get number of village uint numIgs; nlverify (igNamesItem->getArraySize (numIgs)); const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *currIg; for(uint l = 0; l < numIgs; ++l) { if (!(igNamesItem->getArrayNode (&currIg, l) && currIg)) { nlwarning("Couldn't get ig #%d in the continent form %s, in village #%d", l, continentName.c_str(), villageIndex); continue; } const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *igNameItem; currIg->getNodeByName (&igNameItem, "IgName"); std::string igName; if (!igNameItem->getValue (igName)) { nlwarning("Couldn't get ig name of ig #%d in the continent form %s, in village #%d", l, continentName.c_str(), villageIndex); continue; } if (igName.empty()) { nlwarning("Ig name of ig #%d in the continent form %s, in village #%d is an empty string", l, continentName.c_str(), villageIndex); continue; } igName = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(igName) + ".ig"; string nameLookup = CPath::lookup (igName, false, true); if (!nameLookup.empty()) { CIFile inputFile; // Try to open the file if (inputFile.open (nameLookup)) { CInstanceGroup group; try { CLightingBBox currBBox; group.serial (inputFile); computeIGBBox(group, currBBox, shapeMap); result.makeUnion(currBBox); } catch(NLMISC::Exception &) { nlwarning ("Error while loading instance group %s\n", igName.c_str()); continue; } inputFile.close(); } else { // Error nlwarning ("Can't open instance group %s\n", igName.c_str()); } } } } //======================================================================================= /** Load additionnal ig from a continent (ryzom specific) * \param parameter a config file that contains the name of the continent containing the zones we are processing * \param zone2bbox This will be filled with the name of a zone and the bbox of the village it contains * \param a map of shape * \param a vector that will be filled with a zone name and the bbox of the village it contains */ static void computeIGBBoxFromContinent(NLMISC::CConfigFile ¶meter, TShapeMap &shapeMap, TString2LightingBBox &zone2BBox ) { try { CConfigFile::CVar &continent_name_var = parameter.getVar ("continent_name"); CConfigFile::CVar &level_design_directory = parameter.getVar ("level_design_directory"); CConfigFile::CVar &level_design_world_directory = parameter.getVar ("level_design_world_directory"); CConfigFile::CVar &level_design_dfn_directory = parameter.getVar ("level_design_dfn_directory"); CPath::addSearchPath(level_design_dfn_directory.asString(), true, false); CPath::addSearchPath(level_design_world_directory.asString(), true, false); std::string continentName = continent_name_var.asString(); if (CFile::getExtension(continentName).empty()) continentName += ".continent"; // Load the form NLGEORGES::UFormLoader *loader = NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::createLoader(); // std::string pathName = level_design_world_directory.asString() + "/" + continentName; if (pathName.empty()) { nlwarning("Can't find continent form : %s", continentName.c_str()); return; } NLGEORGES::UForm *villageForm; villageForm = loader->loadForm(pathName.c_str()); if(villageForm != NULL) { NLGEORGES::UFormElm &rootItem = villageForm->getRootNode(); // try to get the village list // Load the village list NLGEORGES::UFormElm *villagesItem; if(!(rootItem.getNodeByName (&villagesItem, "Villages") && villagesItem)) { nlwarning("No villages where found in %s", continentName.c_str()); return; } // Get number of village uint numVillage; nlverify (villagesItem->getArraySize (numVillage)); // For each village for(uint k = 0; k < numVillage; ++k) { NLGEORGES::UFormElm *currVillage; if (!(villagesItem->getArrayNode (&currVillage, k) && currVillage)) { nlwarning("Couldn't get village %d in continent %s", continentName.c_str(), k); continue; } // check that this village is in the dependency zones NLGEORGES::UFormElm *zoneNameItem; if (!currVillage->getNodeByName (&zoneNameItem, "Zone") && zoneNameItem) { nlwarning("Couldn't get zone item of village %d in continent %s", continentName.c_str(), k); continue; } std::string zoneName; if (!zoneNameItem->getValue(zoneName)) { nlwarning("Couldn't get zone name of village %d in continent %s", continentName.c_str(), k); continue; } zoneName = NLMISC::strlwr(CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(zoneName)); CLightingBBox result; // ok, it is in the dependant zones computeBBoxFromVillage(currVillage, continentName, k, shapeMap, result); if (!result.OccludingBox.IsVoid || result.ReceivingBox.IsVoid) { zone2BBox[zoneName] = result; } } } else { nlwarning("Can't load continent form : %s", continentName.c_str()); } } catch (NLMISC::EUnknownVar &e) { nlinfo(e.what()); } }