// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #include "nel/misc/file.h" #include "nel/misc/bitmap.h" #include "nel/misc/event_server.h" #include "nel/misc/event_listener.h" #include "nel/misc/events.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/misc/time_nl.h" #include "nel/3d/driver.h" #include "nel/3d/nelu.h" #include "nel/3d/scene_group.h" #include "nel/3d/transform_shape.h" #include "nel/3d/event_mouse_listener.h" #include "nel/3d/text_context.h" #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS # define NOMINMAX # include #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS using namespace std; using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SDispCS { string Name; CInstanceGroup *pIG; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- char *readLine (char*out, char*in) { out[0] = 0; while ((*in != '\r') && (*in != '\n') && (*in != 0)) { *out = *in; ++out; ++in; *out = 0; } while ((*in == '\r') || (*in == '\n')) ++in; return in; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CInstanceGroup* LoadInstanceGroup(const char* sFilename) { CIFile file; CInstanceGroup *newIG = new CInstanceGroup; if( file.open( CPath::lookup( string(sFilename) ) ) ) { try { // Serial the skeleton newIG->serial (file); // All is good } catch (Exception &) { // Cannot save the file delete newIG; return NULL; } } return newIG; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LoadSceneScript (const char *ScriptName, CScene* pScene, vector &DispCS, CVector &CameraStart) { char nameIG[256]; float posx, posy, posz; float roti, rotj, rotk; FILE *f = fopen (ScriptName,"rb"); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END); int file_size = ftell (f); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET); char *file_buf = (char*)malloc(file_size+1); fread (file_buf, 1, file_size, f); file_buf[file_size] = 0; ++file_size; fclose (f); char *buf_ptr = file_buf; int nLastNbPlus = 0; vector pile; pile.clear (); do { char Line[256], *line_ptr; int nNbPlus = 0; line_ptr = &Line[0]; buf_ptr = readLine (line_ptr, buf_ptr); while ((*line_ptr == '\t') || (*line_ptr == ' ') || (*line_ptr == '+')) { if (*line_ptr == '+') ++nNbPlus; ++line_ptr; } if (strlen (line_ptr) == 0) break; if (*line_ptr == '/') continue; posx = posy = posz = roti = rotj = rotk = 0.0f; sscanf (line_ptr, "%s %f %f %f %f %f %f", nameIG, &posx, &posy, &posz, &roti, &rotj, &rotk); if (stricmp (nameIG, "CAMERA_START") == 0) { CameraStart = CVector(posx, posy, posz); } else { if (nLastNbPlus >= nNbPlus) for (int i = 0; i < ((nLastNbPlus-nNbPlus)+1); ++i) if (pile.size() > 0) pile.pop_back(); nLastNbPlus = nNbPlus; CInstanceGroup *father = pScene->getGlobalInstanceGroup(); if (pile.size() > 0) father = pile.back(); CInstanceGroup *ITemp = LoadInstanceGroup (nameIG); if (ITemp != NULL) { SDispCS dcsTemp; dcsTemp.Name = ""; for (sint32 i = 0; i < (1+nNbPlus); ++i) dcsTemp.Name += " "; dcsTemp.Name += nameIG; dcsTemp.pIG = ITemp; DispCS.push_back (dcsTemp); ITemp->createRoot (*pScene); ITemp->setPos (CVector(posx, posy, posz)); ITemp->setRotQuat (ITemp->getRotQuat() * CQuat(CVector::I, roti)); ITemp->setRotQuat (ITemp->getRotQuat() * CQuat(CVector::J, rotj)); ITemp->setRotQuat (ITemp->getRotQuat() * CQuat(CVector::K, rotk)); ITemp->setClusterSystemForInstances (father); ITemp->addToScene (*pScene); } pile.push_back (ITemp); } } while (strlen(buf_ptr) > 0); free (file_buf); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS int CALLBACK WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) #else // NL_OS_WINDOWS int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS { double rGlobalTime = 0; double rOldGlobalTime = 0; double rDeltaTime = 0; double rMoveTime = 0; vector DispCS; bool bAutoDetect = true; bool bDisplay = true; sint32 nSelected = 0; SDispCS dcsTemp; CNELU::init (800, 600, CViewport(), 32, true); CPath::addSearchPath("shapes/"); CPath::addSearchPath("groups/"); CPath::addSearchPath("maps/"); CPath::addSearchPath("lightmaps/"); CPath::addSearchPath("anims/"); ///// CPath::addSearchPath("fonts/"); CFontManager FontManager; CTextContext TextContext; TextContext.init (CNELU::Driver, &FontManager); TextContext.setFontGenerator ("fonts/n019003l.pfb"); TextContext.setHotSpot (CComputedString::TopLeft); TextContext.setColor (CRGBA(255,255,255)); TextContext.setFontSize (20); CEvent3dMouseListener MouseListener; MouseListener.addToServer (CNELU::EventServer); MouseListener.setFrustrum (CNELU::Camera->getFrustum()); MouseListener.setMouseMode (CEvent3dMouseListener::firstPerson); CNELU::Camera->setTransformMode (ITransformable::DirectMatrix); // Force to automatically find the cluster system CNELU::Camera->setClusterSystem ((CInstanceGroup*)-1); CClipTrav *pClipTrav = &CNELU::Scene->getClipTrav(); dcsTemp.Name = "Root"; dcsTemp.pIG = NULL; DispCS.push_back (dcsTemp); // Add all instance that create the scene // -------------------------------------- // Begining of script reading CVector CameraStart; LoadSceneScript ("view_cs.txt", CNELU::Scene, DispCS, CameraStart); CNELU::Scene->enableLightingSystem(true); CMatrix m = MouseListener.getViewMatrix(); m.setPos (CameraStart); MouseListener.setMatrix (m); // End of script reading // Main loop do { rGlobalTime = CTime::ticksToSecond(CTime::getPerformanceTime()); rDeltaTime = rGlobalTime - rOldGlobalTime; rOldGlobalTime = rGlobalTime; CNELU::Scene->animate ((float)rGlobalTime); CNELU::EventServer.pump(); CNELU::clearBuffers (CRGBA(0,0,0)); CNELU::Scene->render (); // ----------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------- if (bDisplay) { vector vCluster; DispCS[0].pIG = pClipTrav->RootCluster->Group; TextContext.setColor (CRGBA(255,255,255,255)); if (bAutoDetect) { TextContext.printfAt (0, 1, "AutoDetect : ON"); pClipTrav->fullSearch (vCluster, pClipTrav->CamPos); for (uint32 i = 0; i < DispCS.size(); ++i) { TextContext.setColor (CRGBA(255,255,255,255)); for( uint32 j = 0; j < vCluster.size(); ++j) { if (DispCS[i].pIG == vCluster[j]->Group) { TextContext.setColor (CRGBA(255,0,0,255)); break; } } TextContext.printfAt (0, 1-(i+2)*0.028f, DispCS[i].Name.c_str()); } } else { TextContext.printfAt (0, 1, "AutoDetect : OFF"); CInstanceGroup *pCurIG = CNELU::Camera->getClusterSystem(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < DispCS.size(); ++i) { if (DispCS[i].pIG == pCurIG) TextContext.setColor (CRGBA(255,0,0,255)); else TextContext.setColor (CRGBA(255,255,255,255)); TextContext.printfAt (0, 1-(i+2)*0.028f, DispCS[i].Name.c_str()); } TextContext.setColor (CRGBA(255,255,255,255)); pClipTrav->Accel.select (pClipTrav->CamPos, pClipTrav->CamPos); CQuadGrid::CIterator itAcc = pClipTrav->Accel.begin(); while (itAcc != pClipTrav->Accel.end()) { CCluster *pCluster = *itAcc; if (pCluster->Group == pClipTrav->Camera->getClusterSystem()) if (pCluster->isIn (pClipTrav->CamPos)) { vCluster.push_back (pCluster); } ++itAcc; } if ((vCluster.size() == 0) && (DispCS[0].pIG == pCurIG)) { vCluster.push_back (pClipTrav->RootCluster); } } TextContext.setColor (CRGBA(255,255,255,255)); string sAllClusters = ""; for( uint32 j = 0; j < vCluster.size(); ++j) { sAllClusters += vCluster[j]->Name; if (j < (vCluster.size()-1)) sAllClusters += ", "; } TextContext.printfAt (0, 1-0.028f, sAllClusters.c_str()); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------- CNELU::Driver->swapBuffers (); // Keys management // --------------- if (CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyDown (KeySHIFT)) MouseListener.setSpeed (10.0f); else MouseListener.setSpeed (2.0f); CNELU::Camera->setMatrix (MouseListener.getViewMatrix()); if (CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed(KeyL)) { CNELU::Driver->setPolygonMode (IDriver::Line); } if (CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed (KeyP)) { CNELU::Driver->setPolygonMode (IDriver::Filled); } if (CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed (KeyTAB)) bDisplay = !bDisplay; if (CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed (KeyA)) { if (bAutoDetect) { bAutoDetect = false; CNELU::Camera->setClusterSystem (NULL); nSelected = 0; } else { bAutoDetect = true; CNELU::Camera->setClusterSystem ((CInstanceGroup*)-1); } } if (!bAutoDetect) { if (CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed (KeyZ)) { nSelected--; if(nSelected == -1) nSelected = DispCS.size()-1; } if (CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed (KeyS)) { nSelected++; if(nSelected == (sint32)DispCS.size()) nSelected = 0; } CNELU::Camera->setClusterSystem (DispCS[nSelected].pIG); } } while (!CNELU::AsyncListener.isKeyPushed (KeyESCAPE)); return 0; }