// logic.h : main header file for the LOGIC DLL // #if !defined(AFX_LOGIC_H__AACA5CA3_6F95_4278_9DF5_6ED0839DBBDC__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_LOGIC_H__AACA5CA3_6F95_4278_9DF5_6ED0839DBBDC__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #ifndef __AFXWIN_H__ #error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH #endif #include "resource.h" // main symbols #include "logic_editor_interface.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLogic_editorApp // See logic.cpp for the implementation of this class // class CLogic_editorApp : public CWinApp { CMultiDocTemplate* _DocTemplate; public: CLogic_editorApp(); void newDoc (); // Overrides // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CLogic_editorApp) public: //virtual BOOL InitInstance(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL virtual BOOL initInstance (int x=0, int y=0, int cx=0, int cy=0); // Implementation //{{AFX_MSG(CLogic_editorApp) //afx_msg void OnAppAbout(); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; /** * CLogicEditor * * \author Stephane Coutelas * \author Nevrax France * \date 2001 */ class CLogicEditor : public ILogicEditor { public: /** * CLogicEditor */ CLogicEditor(); /** * Init the UI */ void initUI (HWND parent=NULL); /** * Init the UI Light version */ virtual void initUILight (int x, int y, int cx, int cy); /** * Go */ void go (); /** * Get the main frame */ virtual void*getMainFrame (); /** * load file */ virtual void loadFile( const char * fileName ); /** * create a default file */ virtual void createDefaultFile( const char * filename = "logic.logic "); /** * Release the UI */ void releaseUI (); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. #endif // !defined(AFX_LOGIC_H__AACA5CA3_6F95_4278_9DF5_6ED0839DBBDC__INCLUDED_)