#include "vertex_tree_paint.h" #include "../nel_3dsmax_shared/nel_3dsmax_shared.h" #include #include "nel/misc/sheet_id.h" HINSTANCE hInstance; BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,ULONG fdwReason,LPVOID lpvReserved) { // initialize nel context if (!NLMISC::INelContext::isContextInitialised()) { new NLMISC::CLibraryContext(GetSharedNelContext()); nldebug("NeL Vertex Tree Paint: DllMain"); NLMISC::CSheetId::initWithoutSheet(); } hInstance = hinstDLL; // Hang on to this DLL's instance handle. switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: #if MAX_VERSION_MAJOR < 14 InitCustomControls(hInstance); // Initialize MAX's custom controls #endif InitCommonControls(); // Initialize Win95 controls break; } return (TRUE); } __declspec( dllexport ) const TCHAR* LibDescription() { return GetString(IDS_LIBDESCRIPTION); } __declspec( dllexport ) int LibNumberClasses() { return 1; } __declspec( dllexport ) ClassDesc* LibClassDesc(int i) { switch(i) { case 0: return GetVertexPaintDesc(); default: return 0; } } __declspec( dllexport ) ULONG LibVersion() { return VERSION_3DSMAX; } // Let the plug-in register itself for deferred loading __declspec( dllexport ) ULONG CanAutoDefer() { return 1; } TCHAR *GetString(int id) { static TCHAR buf[256]; if (hInstance) return LoadString(hInstance, id, buf, sizeof(buf)) ? buf : NULL; return NULL; }