#!/usr/bin/python # # \file 2_build.py # \brief Build ig # \date 2010-05-24 13:42GMT # \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi) # Python port of game data build pipeline. # Build ig # # NeL - MMORPG Framework # Copyright (C) 2009-2014 by authors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util sys.path.append("../../configuration") if os.path.isfile("log.log"): os.remove("log.log") log = open("log.log", "w") from scripts import * from buildsite import * from process import * from tools import * from directories import * printLog(log, "") printLog(log, "-------") printLog(log, "--- Build ig") printLog(log, "-------") printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time()))) printLog(log, "") # Find tools ExecTimeout = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, ExecTimeoutTool, ToolSuffix) PrimExport = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, PrimExportTool , ToolSuffix) IgElevation = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, IgElevationTool, ToolSuffix) IgAdd = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, IgAddTool, ToolSuffix) configDir = ActiveProjectDirectory + "/generated" mkPath(log, configDir) def igElevation(inputIgDir, outputIgDir): printLog(log, ">>> IG Elevation <<<") needUpdateIg = needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, inputIgDir, ".ig", outputIgDir, ".ig") if needUpdateIg: printLog(log, "DETECT UPDATE IG->Elevated") else: printLog(log, "DETECT SKIP IG->Elevated") needUpdateHeightMap = needUpdateFileDirNoSubdir(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/" + LigoExportHeightmap1, outputIgDir) or needUpdateFileDirNoSubdir(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/" + LigoExportHeightmap2, outputIgDir) if needUpdateHeightMap: printLog(log, "DETECT UPDATE HeightMap->Elevated") else: printLog(log, "DETECT SKIP HeightMap->Elevated") needUpdateLand = needUpdateFileDirNoSubdir(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/" + LigoExportLand, outputIgDir) if needUpdateLand: printLog(log, "DETECT UPDATE Land->Elevated") else: printLog(log, "DETECT SKIP Land->Elevated") if needUpdateIg or needUpdateHeightMap or needUpdateLand: printLog(log, "DETECT DECIDE UPDATE") mkPath(log, inputIgDir) mkPath(log, outputIgDir) mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoBaseSourceDirectory) configFile = configDir + "/ig_elevation.cfg" if os.path.isfile(configFile): os.remove(configFile) printLog(log, "CONFIG " + configFile) cf = open(configFile, "w") cf.write("// ig_elevation.cfg\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("InputIGDir = \"" + inputIgDir + "\";\n") cf.write("OutputIGDir = \"" + outputIgDir + "\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("CellSize = 160.0;") cf.write("\n") cf.write("HeightMapFile1 = \"" + DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/" + LigoExportHeightmap1 + "\";\n") cf.write("ZFactor1 = " + LigoExportZFactor1 + ";\n") cf.write("HeightMapFile2 = \"" + DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/" + LigoExportHeightmap2 + "\";\n") cf.write("ZFactor2 = " + LigoExportZFactor2 + ";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("LandFile = \"" + DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/" + LigoExportLand + "\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.close() subprocess.call([ IgElevation, configFile ]) os.remove(configFile) # Copy remaining IG files copyFilesLogless(log, inputIgDir, outputIgDir) else: printLog(log, "DETECT DECIDE SKIP") printLog(log, "SKIP *") # Build process if (ContinentLeveldesignWorldDirectory != "") or (len(IgOtherSourceDirectories) > 0): printLog(log, ">>> Prim IG: ON <<<") configFile = configDir + "/prim_export.cfg" if os.path.isfile(configFile): os.remove(configFile) outIgDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandPrimBuildDirectory mkPath(log, outIgDir) zoneWDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneWeldBuildDirectory mkPath(log, zoneWDir) smallBank = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + TileRootSourceDirectory + "/" + BankTileBankName + ".bank" farBank = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + FarbankBuildDirectory + "/" + BankTileBankName + MultipleTilesPostfix[0] + ".farbank" displaceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + DisplaceSourceDirectory continentDir = LeveldesignWorldDirectory + "/" + ContinentLeveldesignWorldDirectory mkPath(log, continentDir) formDir = LeveldesignDirectory mkPath(log, LeveldesignDirectory) worldEditorFiles = WorldEditorFilesDirectory mkPath(log, WorldEditorFilesDirectory) printLog(log, "CONFIG " + configFile) cf = open(configFile, "w") cf.write("// prim_export.cfg\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("OutIGDir = \"" + outIgDir + "\";\n") cf.write("ZoneWDir = \"" + zoneWDir + "\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("SmallBank = \"" + smallBank + "\";\n") cf.write("FarBank = \"" + farBank + "\";\n") cf.write("DisplaceDir = \"" + displaceDir + "\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("CellSize = 160.0;") cf.write("\n") cf.write("PrimDirs = {\n") cf.write("\t\"" + continentDir + "\", \n") for dir in IgPrimitiveSourceDirectories: mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir) cf.write("\t\"" + DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir + "\", \n") cf.write("};\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("FormDir = \"" + formDir + "\";\n") cf.write("WorldEditorFiles = \"" + worldEditorFiles + "\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.close() subprocess.call([ PrimExport, configFile ]) os.remove(configFile) igElevation(ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + LigoIgLandBuildDirectory, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandLigoBuildDirectory) igElevation(ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgStaticLandExportDirectory, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandStaticBuildDirectory) printLog(log, ">>> Merge land IGs <<<") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgTempLandMergeBuildDirectory) removeFilesRecursive(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgTempLandMergeBuildDirectory) mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory) mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandPrimBuildDirectory) mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandLigoBuildDirectory) mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandStaticBuildDirectory) igFilesPrim = findFiles(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandPrimBuildDirectory, "", ".ig") igFilesLigo = findFiles(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandLigoBuildDirectory, "", ".ig") igFilesStatic = findFiles(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandStaticBuildDirectory, "", ".ig") igFilesAll = [ ] for igFile in igFilesPrim: if not igFile in igFilesAll: igFilesAll += [ igFile ] for igFile in igFilesLigo: if not igFile in igFilesAll: igFilesAll += [ igFile ] for igFile in igFilesStatic: if not igFile in igFilesAll: igFilesAll += [ igFile ] igFilesAll.sort() for igFile in igFilesAll: primIgFile = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandPrimBuildDirectory + "/" + igFile ligoIgFile = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandLigoBuildDirectory + "/" + igFile staticIgFile = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgElevLandStaticBuildDirectory + "/" + igFile tempIgFile = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgTempLandMergeBuildDirectory + "/" + igFile outIgFile = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory + "/" + igFile activeFile = "" needsUpdate = 0 sourceTools = "" if igFile in igFilesPrim: if needUpdate(log, primIgFile, outIgFile): needsUpdate = 1 if not needsUpdate == 1 and igFile in igFilesLigo: if needUpdate(log, ligoIgFile, outIgFile): needsUpdate = 1 if not needsUpdate == 1 and igFile in igFilesStatic: if needUpdate(log, staticIgFile, outIgFile): needsUpdate = 1 if needsUpdate == 1: if os.path.isfile(outIgFile): os.remove(outIgFile) if igFile in igFilesPrim: sourceTools += " [Prim]" activeFile = primIgFile if igFile in igFilesLigo: if activeFile == "": activeFile = ligoIgFile else: sourceTools += " [Ligo]" subprocess.call([ IgAdd, tempIgFile, ligoIgFile, activeFile ]) activeFile = tempIgFile if igFile in igFilesStatic: if activeFile == "": activeFile = staticIgFile else: sourceTools += " [Static]" subprocess.call([ IgAdd, outIgFile, staticIgFile, activeFile ]) activeFile = outIgFile else: shutil.copy(activeFile, outIgFile) printLog(log, "MERGE " + igFile + sourceTools) else: printLog(log, "SKIP " + igFile) # Remove temporary land IGs printLog(log, ">>> Remove temporary land IGs <<<") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgTempLandMergeBuildDirectory) removeFilesRecursive(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgTempLandMergeBuildDirectory) # Remove outdated land IGs printLog(log, ">>> Remove outdated land IGs <<<") igFilesOut = findFiles(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory, "", ".ig") for igFile in igFilesOut: if not igFile in igFilesAll: printLog(log, "RM " + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory + "/" + igFile) os.remove(ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory + "/" + igFile) # Verify land IGs printLog(log, ">>> Verify land IGs <<<") for igFile in igFilesAll: if not igFile in igFilesOut: printLog(log, "MISSING " + igFile) # Write land IGs TXT printLog(log, ">>> Write land IGs TXT <<<") igTxtFile = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory + "/" + LandscapeName + "_ig.txt" if needUpdateDirNoSubdirFile(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory, igTxtFile): printLog(log, "WRITE " + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory + "/" + LandscapeName + "_ig.txt") if os.path.isfile(igTxtFile): os.remove(igTxtFile) igTxt = open(igTxtFile, "w") for igFile in igFilesAll: igTxt.write(igFile + "\n") igTxt.close() else: printLog(log, "SKIP *") # Merge other IGs printLog(log, ">>> Merge other IGs <<<") # (not true merge, since not necesserary) mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgStaticOtherExportDirectory) mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + LigoIgOtherBuildDirectory) mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgOtherBuildDirectory) copyFilesExtNoTreeIfNeeded(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgStaticOtherExportDirectory, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgOtherBuildDirectory, ".ig") copyFilesExtNoTreeIfNeeded(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + LigoIgOtherBuildDirectory, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgOtherBuildDirectory, ".ig") log.close() # end of file