// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/> // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #include <nel/misc/common.h> #include <nel/misc/path.h> #include <nel/misc/debug.h> #include <nel/misc/file.h> #include <nel/misc/sha1.h> using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; //----------------------------------------------- // main // //----------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { if( argc < 3 || argc > 4 ) { printf("Build a listing of the diff of two path contents and copy new files in <dest_path>\n"); printf("usage: path_content <ref_path> <new_path> [<dest_path>]\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } string DestPath; if( argc == 4 ) { DestPath = CPath::standardizeDosPath(argv[3]); if(CFile::isExists(DestPath)) { if(!CFile::isDirectory(DestPath)) { printf("'%s' is not a directory\n", DestPath.c_str()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { if (!CFile::createDirectory(DestPath)) { printf("Can't create directory: '%s'\n", DestPath.c_str()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } // content of new path string newPath(argv[2]); vector<string> newPathContent; CPath::getPathContent(newPath, true, false, true, newPathContent); string outputFileName = CFile::findNewFile("path_content_diff.txt"); FILE *output = nlfopen(outputFileName, "wt"); if( output == NULL ) { nlwarning("Can't open output file %s",outputFileName.c_str()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // add ref path in search paths string refPath(argv[1]); CPath::addSearchPath(refPath, true, false); map<string,CHashKey> refSHAMap; CIFile refSHAFile; if( refSHAFile.open(refPath +".sha1key") ) { // load the map of SHA hash key for the ref files refSHAFile.serialCont( refSHAMap ); refSHAFile.close(); } else { // build the map of SHA hash key for the ref files string extension; vector<string> refPathContent; CPath::getFileList(extension, refPathContent); vector<string>::const_iterator itFile; for( itFile = refPathContent.begin(); itFile != refPathContent.end(); ++itFile ) { refSHAMap.insert( make_pair(*itFile,getSHA1(*itFile)) ); } COFile refSHAFile(refPath + ".sha1key"); refSHAFile.serialCont( refSHAMap ); } // build the map of SHA hash key for new files map<string,CHashKey> newSHAMap; vector<string>::const_iterator itFile; for( itFile = newPathContent.begin(); itFile != newPathContent.end(); ++itFile ) { newSHAMap.insert( make_pair(*itFile,getSHA1(*itFile)) ); } // display (debug) map<string,CHashKey>::iterator itSHA; /* for( itSHA = refSHAMap.begin(); itSHA != refSHAMap.end(); ++itSHA ) { nlinfo("(ref) %s : %s",(*itSHA).first.c_str(),(*itSHA).second.toString().c_str()); } for( itSHA = newSHAMap.begin(); itSHA != newSHAMap.end(); ++itSHA ) { nlinfo("(new) %s : %s",(*itSHA).first.c_str(),(*itSHA).second.toString().c_str()); } */ // uint32 LastDisplay = 0, curFile = 0; // get the list of new or modified files vector<string> differentFiles; for( itFile = newPathContent.begin(); itFile != newPathContent.end(); ++itFile ) { string newFileName = *itFile; string newFileNameShort = CFile::getFilename(newFileName); curFile++; if (CTime::getSecondsSince1970() > LastDisplay + 5) { printf("%d on %d files, %d left\n", curFile, newPathContent.size(), newPathContent.size() - curFile); LastDisplay = CTime::getSecondsSince1970(); } if( CFile::getExtension(newFileNameShort) == "bnp" ) { nlwarning ("BNP PROBLEM: %s is a big file, content of big files is not managed", newFileName.c_str()); nlwarning ("The <new_path> must *not* contains .bnp files"); } bool keepIt = false; string refFileName = CPath::lookup(strlwr(newFileNameShort), false, false, false); if( refFileName.empty() ) { keepIt = true; nlinfo ("new file : %s",newFileNameShort.c_str()); } else { itSHA = refSHAMap.find( newFileNameShort ); CHashKey refSHA; if( itSHA != refSHAMap.end() ) { refSHA = (*itSHA).second; } itSHA = newSHAMap.find( newFileName ); CHashKey newSHA; if( itSHA != newSHAMap.end() ) { newSHA = (*itSHA).second; } if( !(refSHA==newSHA) ) { keepIt = true; nlinfo("file : %s , key : %s(%s), size : %d(%d)",newFileNameShort.c_str(), newSHA.toString().c_str(),refSHA.toString().c_str(),CFile::getFileSize(newFileName),CFile::getFileSize(refFileName)); } /* uint32 refModificationDate = CFile::getFileModificationDate( refFileName ); uint32 newModificationDate = CFile::getFileModificationDate( newFileName ); if( newModificationDate > refModificationDate ) { keepIt = true; nlinfo ("DATE CHANGED: %s", newFileName.c_str()); } else { // same date, must be same size uint32 refSize = CFile::getFileSize( refFileName ); uint32 newSize = CFile::getFileSize( newFileName ); if( refSize != newSize ) { nlwarning ("DATE PROBLEM: file '%s' have the same date but not the same size than '%s'", newFileName.c_str(), refFileName.c_str()); } } */ } if( keepIt ) { differentFiles.push_back( newFileName ); //uint32 newCreationDate = CFile::getFileCreationDate( newFileName ); //string outputLine = newFileName + "\t\t"+toString(newSize) + "\t" + toString(newModificationDate) + "\t" + toString(newCreationDate) + "\n"; string outputLine = newFileName + "\n"; fprintf (output, outputLine.c_str()); if( !DestPath.empty() ) { string systemStr = "copy /Y " + CPath::standardizeDosPath(newFileName) + " " + DestPath; //nlinfo("System call '%s'",systemStr.c_str()); system( systemStr.c_str() ); } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }