// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" ////////////// // INCLUDES // ////////////// // Misc. #include "nel/misc/debug.h" #include "nel/misc/displayer.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/misc/i18n.h" #include "nel/misc/log.h" #include "nel/misc/sheet_id.h" #include "nel/misc/report.h" #include "nel/misc/class_registry.h" #include "nel/misc/system_info.h" #include "nel/misc/block_memory.h" #include "nel/misc/system_utils.h" #include "nel/misc/cmd_args.h" // 3D Interface. #include "nel/3d/bloom_effect.h" #include "nel/3d/u_driver.h" #include "nel/3d/u_text_context.h" #include "nel/3d/u_shape_bank.h" #include "nel/3d/stereo_hmd.h" // Net. #include "nel/net/email.h" // Ligo. #include "nel/ligo/ligo_config.h" // Std. #include #include // Client #include "init.h" #include "input.h" #include "client_cfg.h" // Configuration of the client. #include "actions_client.h" #include "color_slot_manager.h" #include "movie_shooter.h" #include "continent_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/animal_position_state.h" //#include "osd_client.h" #include "debug_client.h" #include "ingame_database_manager.h" #include "client_chat_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/input_handler_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/interface_manager.h" //#include "crtdbg.h" #include "sound_manager.h" #include "net_manager.h" #include "sheet_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/sbrick_manager.h" #include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h" // #include "gabarit.h" #include "hair_set.h" //#include "starting_roles.h" #include "init_main_loop.h" #include "resource.h" #include "time_client.h" #include "pacs_client.h" #include "interface_v3/music_player.h" #include "input.h" #include "interface_v3/add_on_manager.h" #include "bg_downloader_access.h" #include "user_agent.h" #include "nel/misc/check_fpu.h" #include "login_progress_post_thread.h" #include "browse_faq.h" // XMLLib #include #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS #include extern HINSTANCE HInstance; extern HWND SlashScreen; #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS #ifdef NL_OS_MAC #include #include #include "nel/misc/dynloadlib.h" #endif #include "app_bundle_utils.h" #include /////////// // USING // /////////// using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NLNET; using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLLIGO; using namespace std; // NVIDIA recommanded drivers #define NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS UINT64_CONSTANT(0x0006000e000a1820) #define NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_STRING_TEST "nvidia" #define NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_STRING_NTEST "go" #define NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_VENDOR "NVIDIA" #define NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_URL "http://www.nvidia.com/drivers" // ATI recommanded drivers #define ATI_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS UINT64_CONSTANT(0x0006000e000a191e) #define ATI_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_STRING_TEST "radeon" #define ATI_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_VENDOR "ATI Technologies Inc." #define ATI_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_URL "http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html" // ProgressBar steps in init / connection phase #define BAR_STEP_INIT_CONNECTION 17 ///////////// // GLOBALS // ///////////// // Ligo primitive class CLigoConfig LigoConfig; CClientChatManager ChatMngr; bool LastScreenSaverEnabled = false; extern void registerInterfaceElements(); extern CContinentManager ContinentMngr; // Tips of the day count #define RZ_NUM_TIPS 17 ucstring TipsOfTheDay; uint TipsOfTheDayIndex; // includes for following register classes #include "entities.h" #include "character_cl.h" #include "player_cl.h" #include "user_entity.h" #include "fx_cl.h" #include "item_cl.h" /////////////// // FUNCTIONS // /////////////// // *************************************************************************** // XML allocator functions // Due to Bug #906, we disable the stl xml allocation /* static volatile bool XmlAllocUsesSTL = true; static std::allocator xmlStlAlloc; void XmlFree4NeL (void *ptr) { // if (XmlAllocUsesSTL) { int size = *(((int *) ptr) - 1); xmlStlAlloc.deallocate((uint8 *) ptr - sizeof(int), size + sizeof(int)); } // else // { // MemoryDeallocate (ptr); // } } void *XmlMalloc4NeL (size_t size) { // if (XmlAllocUsesSTL) { int *newB = (int *) xmlStlAlloc.allocate(size + sizeof(int)); *newB = (int)size; return (void *) (newB + 1); } // else // { // return MemoryAllocate(size); // } } void *XmlRealloc4NeL (void *ptr, size_t size) { // if (XmlAllocUsesSTL) { if (ptr == NULL) return XmlMalloc4NeL(size); int oldSize = *(((int *) ptr) - 1); if (oldSize == (int) size) return ptr; void *newB = XmlMalloc4NeL(size); memcpy(newB, ptr, std::min(oldSize, (int) size)); XmlFree4NeL(ptr); return newB; } // else // { // // Get the block size // return MemoryReallocate (ptr, size); // } } char *XmlStrdup4NeL (const char *str) { nlassert (str); char *newStr; // if (XmlAllocUsesSTL) { newStr = (char *) XmlMalloc4NeL(strlen (str)+1); } // else // { // newStr = (char*)MemoryAllocate(strlen (str)+1); // } strcpy (newStr, str); return newStr; } */ #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS static ucstring CurrentErrorMessage; static INT_PTR CALLBACK ExitClientErrorDialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /* lParam */) { switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { if (CI18N::hasTranslation("TheSagaOfRyzom")) { SetWindowTextW(hwndDlg, (WCHAR*)CI18N::get ("TheSagaOfRyzom").c_str ()); } SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_ERROR_MSG_TEXT, (WCHAR*) CurrentErrorMessage.c_str ()); if (CI18N::hasTranslation("uiRyzomErrorMsgBoxExit")) { SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDOK, (WCHAR*)CI18N::get ("uiRyzomErrorMsgBoxExit").c_str ()); } if (CI18N::hasTranslation("uiRyzomErrorMsgBoxHelp")) { SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_RYZOM_ERROR_HELP, (WCHAR*)CI18N::get ("uiRyzomErrorMsgBoxHelp").c_str ()); } RECT rect; RECT rectDesktop; GetWindowRect (hwndDlg, &rect); GetWindowRect (GetDesktopWindow (), &rectDesktop); SetWindowPos (hwndDlg, HWND_TOPMOST, (rectDesktop.right-rectDesktop.left-rect.right+rect.left)/2, (rectDesktop.bottom-rectDesktop.top-rect.bottom+rect.top)/2, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE); HICON exitClientDlgIcon = LoadIcon(HInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAIN_ICON)); ::SendMessageA(hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, (WPARAM) ICON_BIG, (LPARAM) exitClientDlgIcon); } break; case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: EndDialog(hwndDlg, IDOK); break; case IDC_RYZOM_ERROR_HELP: { if (Driver) { HWND wnd = Driver->getDisplay(); ShowWindow(wnd, SW_MINIMIZE); } browseFAQ(ClientCfg.ConfigFile); EndDialog(hwndDlg, IDOK); } break; } break; case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog(hwndDlg, IDOK); break; } return FALSE; } #endif // Use this function to return an error to the final user and exit the client void ExitClientError (const char *format, ...) { char *str; NLMISC_CONVERT_VARGS (str, format, 256/*NLMISC::MaxCStringSize*/); // Driver ? if (Driver) { Driver->release(); } #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS CurrentErrorMessage.fromUtf8(str); DialogBox(HInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ERROR_HELP_MESSAGE_BOX), NULL, ExitClientErrorDialogProc); /* ucstring ucstr; ucstr.fromUtf8 (str); MessageBoxW (NULL, (WCHAR*)ucstr.c_str(), (WCHAR*)CI18N::get ("TheSagaOfRyzom").c_str (), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); */ #else fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", str); #endif // Exit extern void quitCrashReport (); quitCrashReport (); NLMISC::NL3D_BlockMemoryAssertOnPurge = false; // at this point some object may remain allocated // so don't want to fire an assert here exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } // Use this function to return an information to the final user void ClientInfo (const ucstring &message) { #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS MessageBoxW (NULL, (WCHAR*)message.c_str(), (WCHAR*)CI18N::get ("TheSagaOfRyzom").c_str (), MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); #endif } // Use this function to ask a question to the final user bool ClientQuestion (const ucstring &message) { #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS return MessageBoxW (NULL, (WCHAR*)message.c_str(), (WCHAR*)CI18N::get ("TheSagaOfRyzom").c_str (), MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION) != IDNO; #else return false; #endif } void selectTipsOfTheDay (uint /* tips */) { /* todo tips of the day uncomment tips %= RZ_NUM_TIPS; TipsOfTheDayIndex = tips; ucstring title = CI18N::get ("uiTipsTitle"); title += toString (tips+1); title += " : "; TipsOfTheDay = title+CI18N::get ("uiTips"+toString (tips));*/ // todo tips of the day remove //trap TipsOfTheDay = CI18N::get ("uiMessageOfTheDay"); TipsOfTheDay = ""; //trap } // *************************************************************************** // For nel memory void outOfMemory() { nlstopex (("OUT OF MEMORY")); } uint64 Debug_OldCPUMask = 0; uint64 Debug_NewCPUMask = 0; // For multi cpu, active only one CPU for the main thread void setCPUMask(uint64 userCPUMask) { uint64 cpuMask = IProcess::getCurrentProcess()->getCPUMask(); Debug_OldCPUMask = cpuMask; // if user CPU mask is valid if (cpuMask & userCPUMask) { // use it IProcess::getCurrentProcess ()->setCPUMask(cpuMask & userCPUMask); } else { // else get first available CPU // get the processor to allow process uint i = 0; while ((i < 64) && ((cpuMask & (UINT64_CONSTANT(1) << i)) == 0)) i++; // Set the CPU mask if (i < 64) { IProcess::getCurrentProcess ()->setCPUMask(UINT64_CONSTANT(1) << i); } } // check cpuMask = IProcess::getCurrentProcess ()->getCPUMask(); Debug_NewCPUMask = cpuMask; } void displayCPUInfo() { nlinfo("CPUInfo: CPUMask before change: %x, after change: %x, CPUID: %x, hasHyperThreading: %s", (uint32)Debug_OldCPUMask, (uint32)Debug_NewCPUMask, CSystemInfo::getCPUID(), (CSystemInfo::hasHyperThreading()?"YES":"NO")); } string getVersionString (uint64 version) { return toString ("%u.%u.%u.%u", (unsigned int) (version >> 48), (unsigned int) ((version >> 32) & 0xffff), (unsigned int) ((version >> 16) & 0xffff), (unsigned int) (version & 0xffff)); } string getSystemInformation() { string s; s += "Memory: " + bytesToHumanReadable(CSystemInfo::availablePhysicalMemory()) + "/" + bytesToHumanReadable(CSystemInfo::totalPhysicalMemory()) + "\n"; s += "Process Virtual Memory: " + bytesToHumanReadable(CSystemInfo::virtualMemory()) + "\n"; s += "OS: " + CSystemInfo::getOS() + "\n"; s += "Processor: " + CSystemInfo::getProc() + "\n"; s += toString("CPUID: %x\n", CSystemInfo::getCPUID()); s += toString("HT: %s\n", CSystemInfo::hasHyperThreading()?"YES":"NO"); s += toString("CpuMask: %x\n", IProcess::getCurrentProcess ()->getCPUMask()); if(Driver) s += "NeL3D: " + string(Driver->getVideocardInformation()) + "\n"; else s += "NeL3D: No driver\n"; // More display info string deviceName; uint64 driverVersion; if (CSystemInfo::getVideoInfo (deviceName, driverVersion)) { s += "3DCard: "; s += deviceName; s += ", version "; s += getVersionString (driverVersion) + "\n"; } if (SoundMngr && SoundMngr->getMixer()) SoundMngr->getMixer()->writeProfile (s); else s += "No sound\n"; return s; } static string crashCallback() { string s = getDebugInformation(); s += getSystemInformation(); #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (Driver) { NL3D::UDriver::CMode mode; Driver->getCurrentScreenMode(mode); if (!mode.Windowed) { HWND wnd = Driver->getDisplay(); ShowWindow(wnd, SW_MINIMIZE); } } #endif return s; } void checkDriverVersion() { string deviceName; uint64 driverVersion; if (CSystemInfo::getVideoInfo (deviceName, driverVersion)) { static uint64 driversVersion[]= { NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS, ATI_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS }; static const char *driversTest[]= { NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_STRING_TEST, ATI_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_STRING_TEST }; static const char *driversNTest[]= { NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_STRING_NTEST, NULL }; static const char *driversURL[]= { NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_URL, ATI_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_URL }; static const char *driversVendor[]= { NVIDIA_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_VENDOR, ATI_RECOMMANDED_DRIVERS_VENDOR, }; uint i; for (i=0; i< sizeofarray(driversVersion); i++) { string lwr = toLower(deviceName); if ((lwr.find (driversTest[i])!=string::npos) && (driversNTest[i]==NULL || lwr.find (driversNTest[i])==string::npos)) { if (driverVersion < driversVersion[i]) { ucstring message = CI18N::get ("uiUpdateDisplayDriversNotUpToDate") + "\n\n"; // message += CI18N::get ("uiUpdateDisplayDriversVendor") + driversVendor[i] + "\n"; message += CI18N::get ("uiUpdateDisplayDriversCard") + deviceName + "\n"; message += CI18N::get ("uiUpdateDisplayDriversCurrent") + getVersionString (driverVersion) + "\n"; message += CI18N::get ("uiUpdateDisplayDriversRecommanded") + getVersionString (driversVersion[i]) + "\n\n"; message += CI18N::get ("uiUpdateDisplayDrivers") + "\n"; if (ClientQuestion (message)) { openURL(driversURL[i]); extern void quitCrashReport (); quitCrashReport (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } break; } } if (i==sizeof (driversVersion)/sizeof(uint)) nlwarning ("Unknown video card : %s", deviceName.c_str()); } else nlwarning ("Can't check video driver version"); } void checkDriverDepth () { // Check desktop is in 32 bit else no window mode allowed. if (ClientCfg.Windowed) { nlassert (Driver); UDriver::CMode mode; Driver->getCurrentScreenMode(mode); #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (mode.Depth != 32) #else if (mode.Depth != 16 && mode.Depth != 24 && mode.Depth != 32) #endif ExitClientError (CI18N::get ("uiDesktopNotIn32").toUtf8().c_str ()); } } void listStereoDisplayDevices(std::vector &devices) { bool cache = VRDeviceCache.empty(); nldebug("VR [C]: List devices"); if (cache) { VRDeviceCache.push_back(std::pair("Auto", "0")); } IStereoDisplay::listDevices(devices); for (std::vector::iterator it(devices.begin()), end(devices.end()); it != end; ++it) { std::stringstream name; name << IStereoDisplay::getLibraryName(it->Library) << " - " << it->Manufacturer << " - " << it->ProductName; std::stringstream fullname; fullname << std::string("[") << name.str() << "] [" << it->Serial << "]"; nlinfo("VR [C]: Stereo Display: %s", name.str().c_str()); if (cache) { VRDeviceCache.push_back(std::pair(name.str(), it->Serial)); // VR_CONFIG } } } void cacheStereoDisplayDevices() // VR_CONFIG { if (VRDeviceCache.empty()) { std::vector devices; listStereoDisplayDevices(devices); } } void initStereoDisplayDevice() { if (ClientCfg.VREnable) { // VR_CONFIG nldebug("VR [C]: Enabled"); std::vector devices; listStereoDisplayDevices(devices); CStereoDeviceInfo *deviceInfo = NULL; if (ClientCfg.VRDisplayDevice == std::string("Auto")) { for (std::vector::iterator it(devices.begin()), end(devices.end()); it != end; ++it) { if ((*it).AllowAuto) { deviceInfo = &(*it); break; } } } else { for (std::vector::iterator it(devices.begin()), end(devices.end()); it != end; ++it) { std::stringstream name; name << IStereoDisplay::getLibraryName(it->Library) << " - " << it->Manufacturer << " - " << it->ProductName; if (name.str() == ClientCfg.VRDisplayDevice) deviceInfo = &(*it); if (ClientCfg.VRDisplayDeviceId == it->Serial) break; } } if (deviceInfo) { nlinfo("VR [C]: Create VR stereo display device"); StereoDisplay = IStereoDisplay::createDevice(*deviceInfo); if (StereoDisplay) { if (deviceInfo->Class == CStereoDeviceInfo::StereoHMD) { nlinfo("VR [C]: Stereo display device is a HMD"); StereoHMD = static_cast(StereoDisplay); } if (Driver) // VR_DRIVER { StereoDisplay->setDriver(Driver); } } } } else { nldebug("VR [C]: NOT Enabled"); } IStereoDisplay::releaseUnusedLibraries(); } // we want to get executable directory extern NLMISC::CCmdArgs Args; static void addPaths(IProgressCallback &progress, const std::vector &paths, bool recurse) { // all prefixes for paths std::vector directoryPrefixes; // current directory has priority everywhere directoryPrefixes.push_back(CPath::standardizePath(CPath::getCurrentPath())); // startup directory directoryPrefixes.push_back(Args.getStartupPath()); #if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS) // check in same directory as executable directoryPrefixes.push_back(Args.getProgramPath()); #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) // check in bundle (Installer) directoryPrefixes.push_back(getAppBundlePath() + "/Contents/Resources/"); // check in same directory as bundle (Steam) directoryPrefixes.push_back(CPath::makePathAbsolute(getAppBundlePath() + "/..", ".", true)); #elif defined(NL_OS_UNIX) // check in same directory as executable directoryPrefixes.push_back(Args.getProgramPath()); // check in installed directory if (CFile::isDirectory(getRyzomSharePrefix())) directoryPrefixes.push_back(CPath::standardizePath(getRyzomSharePrefix())); #endif std::map directoriesToProcess; // first pass, build a map with all existing directories to process in second pass for (uint j = 0; j < directoryPrefixes.size(); j++) { std::string directoryPrefix = directoryPrefixes[j]; for (uint i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { std::string directory = NLMISC::expandEnvironmentVariables(paths[i]); // only prepend prefix if path is relative if (!directory.empty() && !directoryPrefix.empty() && !CPath::isAbsolutePath(directory)) directory = directoryPrefix + directory; // only process existing directories if (CFile::isExists(directory)) directoriesToProcess[directory] = 1; } } uint total = (uint)directoriesToProcess.size(); uint current = 0, next = 0; std::map::const_iterator it = directoriesToProcess.begin(), iend = directoriesToProcess.end(); // second pass, add search paths while (it != iend) { // update next progress value ++next; progress.progress((float)current/(float)total); progress.pushCropedValues((float)current/(float)total, (float)next/(float)total); // next is current value current = next; CPath::addSearchPath(it->first, recurse, false, &progress); progress.popCropedValues(); ++it; } } void addSearchPaths(IProgressCallback &progress) { // Add search path of UI addon. Allow only a subset of files. // Must do it first because take precedence other standard files InterfaceAddOnManager.addSearchFiles("uiaddon", "*.xml;*.lua;*.tga", "login_*.xml;out_v2_*.xml", &progress); // Add Standard search paths { H_AUTO(InitRZAddSearchPath2) addPaths(progress, ClientCfg.DataPath, true); CPath::loadRemappedFiles("remap_files.csv"); } addPaths(progress, ClientCfg.DataPathNoRecurse, false); } void addPreDataPaths(NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progress) { NLMISC::TTime initPaths = ryzomGetLocalTime (); H_AUTO(InitRZAddSearchPaths); addPaths(progress, ClientCfg.PreDataPath, true); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds for Add search paths Predata", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initPaths)/1000); } static void addPackedSheetUpdatePaths(NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progress) { for(uint i = 0; i < ClientCfg.UpdatePackedSheetPath.size(); i++) { progress.progress((float)i/(float)ClientCfg.UpdatePackedSheetPath.size()); progress.pushCropedValues ((float)i/(float)ClientCfg.UpdatePackedSheetPath.size(), (float)(i+1)/(float)ClientCfg.UpdatePackedSheetPath.size()); CPath::addSearchPath(NLMISC::expandEnvironmentVariables(ClientCfg.UpdatePackedSheetPath[i]), true, false, &progress); progress.popCropedValues(); } } #if defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC) static bool addRyzomIconBitmap(const std::string &directory, vector &bitmaps) { if (CFile::isDirectory(directory)) { // build filename from directory and default ryzom client icon name std::string filename = NLMISC::toString("%s/%s.png", directory.c_str(), getRyzomClientIcon().c_str()); if (CFile::fileExists(filename)) { CIFile file; if (file.open(filename)) { CBitmap bitmap; if (bitmap.load(file)) { bitmaps.push_back(bitmap); return true; } } } } return false; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------- // initLog : // Initialize the client.log file //--------------------------------------------------- void initLog() { // Add a displayer for Debug Infos. createDebug(); // Client.Log displayer nlassert( !ErrorLog->getDisplayer("CLIENT.LOG") ); CFileDisplayer *ClientLogDisplayer = new CFileDisplayer(getLogDirectory() + "client.log", true, "CLIENT.LOG"); DebugLog->addDisplayer (ClientLogDisplayer); InfoLog->addDisplayer (ClientLogDisplayer); WarningLog->addDisplayer (ClientLogDisplayer); ErrorLog->addDisplayer (ClientLogDisplayer); AssertLog->addDisplayer (ClientLogDisplayer); // Display the client version. nlinfo("RYZOM VERSION : %s", getDebugVersion().c_str()); #ifdef NL_OS_MAC struct rlimit rlp, rlp2, rlp3; getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp); rlim_t value = 1024; rlp2.rlim_cur = std::min(value, rlp.rlim_max); rlp2.rlim_max = rlp.rlim_max; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp2)) { if (errno == EINVAL) { nlwarning("Unable to set rlimit with error: the specified limit is invalid"); } else if (errno == EPERM) { nlwarning("Unable to set rlimit with error: the limit specified would have raised the maximum limit value and the caller is not the super-user"); } else { nlwarning("Unable to set rlimit with error: unknown error"); } } getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp3); nlinfo("rlimit before %llu %llu", (uint64)rlp.rlim_cur, (uint64)rlp.rlim_max); nlinfo("rlimit after %llu %llu", (uint64)rlp3.rlim_cur, (uint64)rlp3.rlim_max); // add the bundle's plugins path as library search path (for nel drivers) if (CFile::isExists(getAppBundlePath() + "/Contents/PlugIns/nel")) { CLibrary::addLibPath(getAppBundlePath() + "/Contents/PlugIns/nel/"); } #endif } //--------------------------------------------------- // prelogInit : // Initialize the application before login // if the init fails, call nlerror //--------------------------------------------------- void prelogInit() { try { H_AUTO ( RZ_Client_Init ); // Assert if no more memory set_new_handler(outOfMemory); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CStage); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CStageSet); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CEntityManager); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CCharacterCL); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CPlayerCL); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CUserEntity); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CFxCL); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CItemCL); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CNamedEntityPositionState); NLMISC_REGISTER_CLASS(CAnimalPositionState); // Progress bar for init() and connection() ProgressBar.reset (BAR_STEP_INIT_CONNECTION); // save screen saver state and disable it LastScreenSaverEnabled = CSystemUtils::isScreensaverEnabled(); if (LastScreenSaverEnabled) CSystemUtils::enableScreensaver(false); // Random init srand ((uint)CTime::getLocalTime()); // Set FPU exceptions #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS _control87 (_EM_INVALID|_EM_DENORMAL/*|_EM_ZERODIVIDE|_EM_OVERFLOW*/|_EM_UNDERFLOW|_EM_INEXACT, _MCW_EM); #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS FPU_CHECKER_ONCE NLMISC::TTime initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime (); // _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_CHECK_CRT_DF ); // Init XML Lib allocator // Due to Bug #906, we disable the stl xml allocation // nlverify (xmlMemSetup (XmlFree4NeL, XmlMalloc4NeL, XmlRealloc4NeL, XmlStrdup4NeL) == 0); // Init the debug memory initDebugMemory(); // Load the application configuration. ucstring nmsg("Loading config file..."); ProgressBar.newMessage (nmsg); ClientCfg.init(ConfigFileName); CLoginProgressPostThread::getInstance().init(ClientCfg.ConfigFile); sint cpuMask; if (ClientCfg.CPUMask < 1) { CTime::CTimerInfo timerInfo; NLMISC::CTime::probeTimerInfo(timerInfo); cpuMask = timerInfo.RequiresSingleCore ? 1:0; } else { cpuMask = ClientCfg.CPUMask; } if (cpuMask) setCPUMask(cpuMask); setCrashCallback(crashCallback); // Display Some Info On CPU displayCPUInfo(); FPU_CHECKER_ONCE // create the save dir. if (!CFile::isExists("save")) CFile::createDirectory("save"); // create the user dir. if (!CFile::isExists("user")) CFile::createDirectory("user"); #if !FINAL_VERSION // if we're not in final version then start the file access logger to keep track of the files that we read as we play //ICommand::execute("iFileAccessLogStart",*NLMISC::InfoLog); #endif // check "BuildName" in ClientCfg //nlassert(!ClientCfg.BuildName.empty()); // TMP comment by nico do not commit // Start memory allocation log // if (ClientCfg.LogMemoryAllocation) // NLMEMORY::StartAllocationLog ("alloc.memlog", ClientCfg.LogMemoryAllocationSize); // Remap tga files on dds files. CPath::remapExtension ("dds", "tga", true); CPath::remapExtension ("dds", "png", true); CPath::remapExtension ("png", "tga", true); FPU_CHECKER_ONCE addPreDataPaths(ProgressBar); FPU_CHECKER_ONCE { H_AUTO(InitRZUIStr) FPU_CHECKER_ONCE // Set the data path for the localisation. const ucstring nmsg("Loading I18N..."); ProgressBar.newMessage ( nmsg ); FPU_CHECKER_ONCE STRING_MANAGER::CLoadProxy loadProxy; CI18N::setLoadProxy(&loadProxy); CI18N::load(ClientCfg.LanguageCode); CI18N::setLoadProxy(NULL); FPU_CHECKER_ONCE // Yoyo: Append the skills and Bricks to the I18N STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::initI18NSpecialWords(ClientCfg.LanguageCode); FPU_CHECKER_ONCE } FPU_CHECKER_ONCE // Check driver version checkDriverVersion(); // Initialize the VR devices (even more important than the most important part of the client) nmsg = "Initializing VR devices..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); initStereoDisplayDevice(); // VR_CONFIG // Create the driver (most important part of the client). nmsg = "Creating 3d driver..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); UDriver::TDriver driver = UDriver::OpenGl; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS uintptr_t icon = (uintptr_t)LoadIcon(HInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAIN_ICON)); #else uintptr_t icon = 0; #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS switch(ClientCfg.Driver3D) { #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS case CClientConfig::Direct3D: driver = UDriver::Direct3d; break; #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS case CClientConfig::DrvAuto: case CClientConfig::OpenGL: driver = UDriver::OpenGl; break; case CClientConfig::OpenGLES: driver = UDriver::OpenGlEs; break; default: break; } Driver = UDriver::createDriver(icon, driver); if(Driver == NULL) { ExitClientError (CI18N::get ("Can_t_load_the_display_driver").toUtf8().c_str ()); // ExitClientError() call exit() so the code after is never called return; } // used to determine screen default resolution if (ClientCfg.Width < 800 || ClientCfg.Height < 600) { UDriver::CMode mode; CConfigFile::CVar *varPtr = NULL; if (!ClientCfg.Windowed && Driver->getCurrentScreenMode(mode)) { ClientCfg.Width = mode.Width; ClientCfg.Height = mode.Height; ClientCfg.Depth = mode.Depth; ClientCfg.Frequency = mode.Frequency; // update client.cfg with detected depth and frequency varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr("Depth"); if(varPtr) varPtr->forceAsInt(ClientCfg.Depth); varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr("Frequency"); if(varPtr) varPtr->forceAsInt(ClientCfg.Frequency); } else { ClientCfg.Width = 1024; ClientCfg.Height = 768; } // update client.cfg with detected resolution varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr("Width"); if(varPtr) varPtr->forceAsInt(ClientCfg.Width); varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr("Height"); if(varPtr) varPtr->forceAsInt(ClientCfg.Height); } CLoginProgressPostThread::getInstance().step(CLoginStep(LoginStep_VideoModeSetup, "login_step_video_mode_setup")); FPU_CHECKER_ONCE // Check the driver is not is 16 bits checkDriverDepth (); UDriver::CMode mode; bool forceWindowed1024x768 = true; if (Driver->getCurrentScreenMode(mode)) { // if screen mode lower than 1024x768, use same mode in fullscreen if (mode.Width <= 1024 && mode.Height <= 768) { mode.Windowed = false; forceWindowed1024x768 = false; } } if (forceWindowed1024x768) { mode.Width = 1024; mode.Height = 768; mode.Windowed = true; } // Disable Hardware Vertex Program. if(ClientCfg.DisableVtxProgram) Driver->disableHardwareVertexProgram(); // Disable Hardware Vertex AGP. if(ClientCfg.DisableVtxAGP) Driver->disableHardwareVertexArrayAGP(); // Disable Hardware Texture Shader. if(ClientCfg.DisableTextureShdr) Driver->disableHardwareTextureShader(); // Enable or disable VSync if(ClientCfg.WaitVBL) Driver->setSwapVBLInterval(1); else Driver->setSwapVBLInterval(0); if (StereoDisplay) // VR_CONFIG // VR_DRIVER { // override mode TODO } // Set the mode of the window. if (!Driver->setDisplay (mode, false)) { string msg; if (mode.Windowed) { msg = CI18N::get ("can_t_create_a_window_display").toUtf8(); } else { msg = CI18N::get ("can_t_create_a_fullscreen_display").toUtf8(); } msg += " (%dx%d %d "; msg += CI18N::get ("bits").toUtf8 (); msg += ")"; ExitClientError (msg.c_str (), mode.Width, mode.Height, mode.Depth); // ExitClientError() call exit() so the code after is never called return; } // initialize system utils class CSystemUtils::init(); CSystemUtils::setWindow(Driver->getDisplay()); CLoginProgressPostThread::getInstance().step(CLoginStep(LoginStep_VideoModeSetupHighColor, "login_step_video_mode_setup_high_color")); #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance().init(); if (SlashScreen) DestroyWindow (SlashScreen); #endif // NL_OS_WINDOW // Set the title Driver->setWindowTitle(CI18N::get("TheSagaOfRyzom")); #if defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC) // add all existing directory prefixes vector directoryPrefixes; // user local directory prefix (~/.local) const char* homeDirectory = getenv("HOME"); if (homeDirectory) directoryPrefixes.push_back(CPath::standardizePath(homeDirectory) + ".local"); // system local directory prefix (/usr/local) directoryPrefixes.push_back("/usr/local"); // system directory prefix (/usr) directoryPrefixes.push_back("/usr"); // all supported icon sizes vector iconSizes; iconSizes.push_back(512); iconSizes.push_back(256); iconSizes.push_back(128); iconSizes.push_back(96); iconSizes.push_back(64); iconSizes.push_back(48); iconSizes.push_back(32); iconSizes.push_back(24); iconSizes.push_back(22); iconSizes.push_back(16); vector bitmaps; // process all icon sizes for(size_t j = 0; j < iconSizes.size(); ++j) { // process all directory prefixes for(size_t i = 0; i < directoryPrefixes.size(); ++i) { uint size = iconSizes[j]; // build directory where to look for icon std::string directory = toString("%s/share/icons/hicolor/%ux%u/apps", directoryPrefixes[i].c_str(), size, size); // if found, skip other directories for this icon size if (addRyzomIconBitmap(directory, bitmaps)) break; } } if (bitmaps.empty()) { // check if an icon is present in current directory addRyzomIconBitmap(".", bitmaps); } Driver->setWindowIcon(bitmaps); #endif sint32 posX = 0, posY = 0; if (ClientCfg.Windowed) { // use position saved in config posX = ClientCfg.PositionX; posY = ClientCfg.PositionY; } else { // position is not saved in config so center the window if (Driver->getCurrentScreenMode(mode)) { posX = (mode.Width - Driver->getWindowWidth())/2; posY = (mode.Height - Driver->getWindowHeight())/2; } } // Set the window position Driver->setWindowPos(posX, posY); // Show the window Driver->showWindow(); // for background downloader : store this window handle in shared memory for later access // (we use SendMessage to communicate with the background downloader) // Enough AGP for vertices ? if (Driver->getAvailableVertexAGPMemory () == 0) { /* std::string deviceName; uint64 driverVersion; CSystemInfo::getVideoInfo(deviceName, driverVersion); deviceName = NLMISC::toLower(deviceName); // for radeon 7200, patch because agp crash with agp with OpenGL -> don't display the message if (!(Driver->getNbTextureStages() <= 3 && strstr(deviceName.c_str(), "radeon"))) {*/ if (ClientQuestion (CI18N::get ("agp_trouble"))) { openDoc ("client_troubles.html"); extern void quitCrashReport (); quitCrashReport (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } //} } FPU_CHECKER_ONCE // Set the monitor color properties CMonitorColorProperties monitorColor; for (uint i=0; i<3; i++) { monitorColor.Contrast[i] = ClientCfg.Contrast; monitorColor.Luminosity[i] = ClientCfg.Luminosity; monitorColor.Gamma[i] = ClientCfg.Gamma; } if (!Driver->setMonitorColorProperties (monitorColor)) { nlwarning("init : setMonitorColorProperties fails"); } // The client require at least 2 textures. if(Driver->getNbTextureStages() < 2) throw Exception("Application require at least 2 textures stages !!"); Driver->enableUsedTextureMemorySum(true); // Initialize the font manager. Driver->setFontManagerMaxMemory(2000000); // Init the DXTCCompression. Driver->forceDXTCCompression(ClientCfg.ForceDXTC); // Set the anisotropic filter Driver->setAnisotropicFilter(ClientCfg.AnisotropicFilter); // Divide the texture size. if (ClientCfg.DivideTextureSizeBy2) Driver->forceTextureResize(2); else Driver->forceTextureResize(1); // Create a generic material. GenericMat = Driver->createMaterial(); if(GenericMat.empty()) nlerror("init: Cannot Create the generic material."); // Create a text context. We need to put the full path because we not already add search path // resetTextContext ("bremenb.ttf", false); resetTextContext ("ryzom.ttf", false); CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // Yoyo: initialize NOW the InputHandler for Event filtering. CInputHandlerManager *InputHandlerManager = CInputHandlerManager::getInstance(); InputHandlerManager->addToServer (&Driver->EventServer); std::string filename = CPath::lookup( ClientCfg.XMLInputFile, false ); if( !filename.empty() ) InputHandlerManager->readInputConfigFile( filename ); ProgressBar.setFontFactor(0.85f); nmsg = "Loading background..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); // Choose a tips of the day selectTipsOfTheDay (rand()); // Create the loading texture. We can't do that before because we need to add pre search path first and driver //UseEscapeDuringLoading = USE_ESCAPE_DURING_LOADING; UseEscapeDuringLoading = false; beginLoading (StartBackground); //put here intro Gameforge if wanted FPU_CHECKER_ONCE // Define the root path that contains all data needed for the application. nmsg = "Adding search paths..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); if(!ClientCfg.TestBrowser) { NLMISC::TTime initPaths = ryzomGetLocalTime (); addSearchPaths(ProgressBar); if (ClientCfg.UpdatePackedSheet) { addPackedSheetUpdatePaths(ProgressBar); } //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds for Add search paths Data", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initPaths)/1000); } // Register the reflected classes registerInterfaceElements(); // set driver used by bloom (must be called before init) CBloomEffect::getInstance().setDriver(Driver); // init bloom effect CBloomEffect::getInstance().init(); if (StereoDisplay) // VR_CONFIG { // Init stereo display resources StereoDisplay->setDriver(Driver); // VR_DRIVER } nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds for prelogInit", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); FPU_CHECKER_ONCE } catch (const Exception &e) { ExitClientError (e.what()); } } // *************************************************************************** void initBotObjectSelection() { // Get the driver shape bank UShapeBank *shapeBank= Driver->getShapeBank(); if(!shapeBank) return; // Parse all .creature const CSheetManager::TEntitySheetMap &sheets= SheetMngr.getSheets(); CSheetManager::TEntitySheetMap::const_iterator it= sheets.begin(); for(;it!=sheets.end();it++) { CEntitySheet *entitySheet= it->second.EntitySheet; if(entitySheet->Type!=CEntitySheet::FAUNA) continue; const CCharacterSheet *sheet= dynamic_cast(entitySheet); if(sheet) { // If the entity define no Skeleton, it is not skinned // thus we must force the shape to bkup the geometry in RAM, for fast selection if(sheet->IdSkelFilename==CStaticStringMapper::emptyId()) { // For all equipement (yoyo: Body is theorically the only one bound) std::vector equipList; sheet->getWholeEquipmentList(equipList); for(uint i=0;igetItem(); // if some item bound if(!strShape.empty()) { // If this is a reference on an item string ext = CFile::getExtension(strShape); if((ext == "item") || (ext == "sitem")) { // IS the item a valid one ? CSheetId itemId; if(itemId.buildSheetId(NLMISC::toLower(strShape))) { // Get this item sheet ? CItemSheet *itemSheet= dynamic_cast(SheetMngr.get(itemId)); if(itemSheet) { // and so get the actual shape name strShape= itemSheet->getShape(); } } } // If ok (after possible .sitem translation) if(!strShape.empty()) { shapeBank->buildSystemGeometryForshape(strShape); } } } } } } } // *************************************************************************** //--------------------------------------------------- // postlogInit : // Initialize the application after login // if the init fails, call nlerror //--------------------------------------------------- void postlogInit() { Driver->clearBuffers(CRGBA::Black); Driver->swapBuffers(); CNiceInputAuto niceInputs; ucstring nmsg; try { NLMISC::TTime initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime(); NLMISC::TTime initLast = initStart; NLMISC::TTime initCurrent = initLast; { H_AUTO(InitRZNetwk) // Initialize the Generic Message Header Manager. nmsg = "Initializing network..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); std::string msgXMLPath = CPath::lookup("msg.xml"); GenericMsgHeaderMngr.init(msgXMLPath); initializeNetwork(); initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Initializing network", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } { H_AUTO(InitRZChat) // init the chat manager nmsg = "Initializing chat manager..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); ChatMngr.init( CPath::lookup("chat_static.cdb") ); initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Initializing chat manager", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } { H_AUTO(InitRZLigo) // Read the ligo primitive class file nmsg = "Initializing primitive classes..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); if (!LigoConfig.readPrimitiveClass (ClientCfg.LigoPrimitiveClass.c_str(), false)) { nlwarning ("Can't load primitive class file %s", ClientCfg.LigoPrimitiveClass.c_str()); } initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Initializing primitive classes", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } // set the primitive context CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentLigoConfig = &LigoConfig; { H_AUTO(InitRZShIdI) nmsg = "Initializing sheets..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); // Initialize Sheet IDs. CSheetId::init (ClientCfg.UpdatePackedSheet); initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); } { H_AUTO(InitRZSound) // Init the sound manager nmsg = "Initializing sound manager..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); if(ClientCfg.SoundOn) { // tmp fix : it seems that, at this point, if the bg downloader window has focus and // not the Ryzom one, then sound init fails /*#ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS HWND hWnd = Driver->getDisplay (); nlassert (hWnd); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); #endif*/ // bg downloader not used anymore anyways SoundMngr = new CSoundManager(&ProgressBar); try { SoundMngr->init(&ProgressBar); } catch(const Exception &e) { nlwarning("init : Error when creating 'SoundMngr' : %s", e.what()); // leak the alocated sound manager... SoundMngr = 0; } // Play Music just after the SoundMngr is inited if(SoundMngr) { // init the SoundMngr with backuped volume SoundMngr->setSFXVolume(ClientCfg.SoundSFXVolume); SoundMngr->setGameMusicVolume(ClientCfg.SoundGameMusicVolume); // no fadein, and not async because don't work well because of loading in the main thread // Force use GameMusic volume const uint fadeInTime= 500; SoundMngr->playMusic(ClientCfg.SoundOutGameMusic, fadeInTime, false, true, true); // Because of blocking loading, force the fadeIn TTime t0= ryzomGetLocalTime(); TTime t1; while((t1=ryzomGetLocalTime())updateAudioMixerOnly(); } } } CPath::memoryCompress(); // Because sound call addSearchPath initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Initializing sound manager", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } { H_AUTO(InitRZSheetL) // load packed sheets nmsg = "Loading sheets..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); SheetMngr.setOutputDataPath("../../client/data"); SheetMngr.load (ProgressBar, ClientCfg.UpdatePackedSheet, ClientCfg.NeedComputeVS, ClientCfg.DumpVSIndex); initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Initializing sheets", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } { nmsg = "Initializing bricks..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); CSBrickManager::getInstance()->init(); // Must be done after sheet loading //STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::specialWordsMemoryCompress(); // Must be done after brick manager init initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Initializing bricks", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } if (!ClientCfg.Light) { H_AUTO(InitRZCh) nmsg = "Initializing Color Slot..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); // Initialize the color slot manager initColorSlotManager(); nmsg = "Initializing Gabarit Set..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); // Initialize the set of gabarit GabaritSet.loadGabarits (ProgressBar); nmsg = "Initializing Hair Set..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); // Initialize the hair sets HairSet.init (ProgressBar); nmsg = "Initializing Starting Role Set..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); // Init all BotObjects for fast selection nmsg = "Initializing Bot Objects..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); initBotObjectSelection(); initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Initializing Color Slot etc.", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } else { // To have the same number of newMessage in client light nmsg = ""; ProgressBar.newMessage (nmsg); ProgressBar.newMessage (nmsg); ProgressBar.newMessage (nmsg); ProgressBar.newMessage (nmsg); ProgressBar.newMessage (nmsg); } // Initialize MovieShooter { nmsg = "Initializing Movie Shooter ..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); if(ClientCfg.MovieShooterMemory>0) { MovieShooter.init(ClientCfg.MovieShooterMemory); MovieShooter.setFrameSkip(ClientCfg.MovieShooterFrameSkip); } initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Initializing Movie Shooter", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } { nmsg = "Initializing primitives..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); // Register the ligo primitives for .primitive sheets NLLIGO::Register (); // Load PACS primitive initPrimitiveBlocks(); initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Initializing primitives", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } { nmsg = "Executing cfg file start commands..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); // Call the user commands from the config file if any CConfigFile::CVar *var; if ((var = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr ("StartCommands")) != NULL) { for (uint i = 0; i < var->size(); i++) { ICommand::execute (var->asString(i), *InfoLog); } } initLast = initCurrent; initCurrent = ryzomGetLocalTime(); //nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds (%d total) for Executing cfg file start commands", (uint32)(initCurrent-initLast)/1000, (uint32)(initCurrent-initStart)/1000); } // Next step will be the connection with the server. nmsg = "Connecting..."; ProgressBar.newMessage ( ClientCfg.buildLoadingString(nmsg) ); nlinfo ("PROFILE: %d seconds for postlogInit", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); } catch (const Exception &e) { ExitClientError (e.what()); } }// init //