// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . global $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS; $publicAccess = false; include('authenticate.php'); // ----------------------------- // page commands unset($error); // remove user, ask for confirmation if (isset($rmUid) && isset($uuid) && $uuid!=$uid) { $result = sqlquery("SELECT login FROM user WHERE uid='$uuid'"); if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { htmlProlog($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "Administration"); $arr = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo "You are about to delete user ".$arr["login"]." ($uid)
\n"; echo "Are you sure ?
\n"; echo "YES | NO\n"; htmlEpilog(); die; } } // remove effectively user else if (isset($confirmRmUid) && $confirmRmUid!=$uid) { sqlquery("DELETE FROM user WHERE uid='$confirmRmUid'"); $numUserDeleted = mysql_affected_rows(); sqlquery("DELETE FROM user_variable WHERE uid='$confirmRmUid'"); $result = sqlquery("SELECT tid FROM view_table WHERE uid='$confirmRmUid'"); sqlquery("DELETE FROM view_table WHERE uid='$confirmRmUid'"); while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { sqlquery("DELETE FROM view_rows WHERE tid='".$arr["tid"]."'"); } $editUsers = true; } // force user password else if (isset($forcePass)) { sqlquery("UPDATE user SET password='".crypt($forcedPass, "NL")."' WHERE uid='$forcePass'"); } // update user variables else if (isset($updVars) && isset($editUser)) { foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $var => $value) { if (strncmp($var, "avv_", 4) != 0) continue; $vid = (int)substr($var, 4); $ovar = "aovv_$vid"; if (!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$ovar])) continue; $ovalue = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$ovar]; if ($value == $ovalue) continue; sqlquery("DELETE FROM user_variable WHERE uid='$editUser' AND vid='$vid'"); if ($value != "inv") sqlquery("INSERT INTO user_variable SET privilege='$value', uid='$editUser', vid='$vid'"); /* // get all $result = sqlquery("SELECT uid FROM user WHERE gid='$editUser' OR uid='$editUser'"); while ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { sqlquery("DELETE FROM user_variable WHERE uid='".$arr["uid"]."' AND vid='$vid'"); if ($value != "inv") sqlquery("INSERT INTO user_variable SET privilege='$value', uid='".$arr["uid"]."', vid='$vid'"); } */ } } // create user else if (isset($createUid) && isset($nulogin) && isset($nupassword) && isset($nuconfirmpassword) && isset($nugroup) && isset($nuallowedIp)) { if ($nupassword != $nuconfirmpassword) { $error = $error."Password is invalid (password confirmation failed)
\n"; } else if (strspn($nulogin, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789") == 0) { $error = $error."Login '$admlogin' contains other characters than alphabetic and digits
\n"; } else { $result = sqlquery("INSERT INTO user SET login='$nulogin', password='".crypt($nupassword, "NL")."', gid='$nugroup', allowed_ip='$nuallowedIp'"); if (mysql_affected_rows() != 1) { $error .= "Can't create user '$nulogin', database request failed (already used login?)
\n"; unset($nupassword); unset($nuconfirmpassword); } else { unset($nulogin); unset($nupassword); unset($nuconfirmpassword); } } $editUsers = true; } // reset user variables else if ($resetVars) { $result = sqlquery("DELETE FROM user_variable WHERE uid='$editUser'"); } // import user var setup /* else if ($impVarSetup && isset($editUser) && isset($impUid)) { $result = sqlquery("SELECT vid, privilege FROM user_variable WHERE uid='$impUid'"); if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result)>0) { $delete_query = "DELETE FROM user_variable WHERE uid='$editUser' AND ("; $copy_query = "INSERT INTO user_variable VALUES"; $first = true; while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $delete_query .= ($first ? "" : " OR ") . "vid='".$arr["vid"]."'"; $copy_query .= ($first ? "" : ",") . " ('$editUser', '".$arr["vid"]."', '".$arr["privilege"]."')"; $first = false; } $delete_query .= ")"; // remove previous variables sqlquery($delete_query); // add new variables sqlquery($copy_query); //echo $delete_query."
".$copy_query; if (mysql_affected_rows == -1) $error .= "Import failed, database query failed
\n"; } }*/ // update user group else if (isset($updUid) && isset($chugroup)) { sqlquery("UPDATE user SET gid='$chugroup' WHERE uid='$updUid'"); $editUsers=true; } // update user cookie else if (isset($updUid) && isset($chucookie)) { sqlquery("UPDATE user SET useCookie='$chucookie' WHERE uid='$updUid'"); $editUsers=true; } // update user allowed ip else if (isset($allowIp) && isset($allowedIp)) { sqlquery("UPDATE user SET allowed_ip='$allowedIp' WHERE uid='$allowIp'"); $editUsers=true; } // remove variable else if (isset($rmVar) && isset($vid)) { $editVariables = true; sqlquery("DELETE FROM variable WHERE vid='$vid'"); if (mysql_affected_rows() != 1) { $error .= "Couldn't remove variable $vid/$chVarName, database request failed.
\n"; } else { sqlquery("DELETE FROM user_variable WHERE vid='$vid'"); sqlquery("DELETE FROM view_row WHERE vid='$vid'"); $error .= "Removed effectively variable $vid/$chVarName/$chVarPath/$chVarState
\n"; } } // create variable else if (isset($createVid) && isset($nvname) && isset($nvpath) && isset($nvstate) && isset($chVarGroup) && isset($nvgraphupdate)) { $editVariables = true; $result = sqlquery("INSERT INTO variable SET name='$nvname', vgid='$chVarGroup', path='$nvpath', state='$nvstate', warning_bound='$nvwarning', error_bound='$nverror', alarm_order='$nvorder', graph_update='$nvgraphupdate', command=".(isset($nvvartype) ? "'variable'" : "'command'")); if (mysql_affected_rows() != 1) { $error .= "Can't create variable '$nvname', database request failed (already used variable name?)
\n"; unset($nvpath); unset($nvstate); } else { $error .= "Effectively created variable '$nvname'
\n"; $result = sqlquery("SELECT vid FROM variable WHERE name='$nvname' AND vgid='$chVarGroup' AND path='$nvpath' AND state='$nvstate'"); if ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { $vid = $arr["vid"]; foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $var => $value) { if (strncmp($var, "setgroup_", 9) != 0) continue; $id = (int)substr($var, 9); $priv = $value; if ($nvstate == 'rd' && $priv == 'rw') $priv = 'rd'; if ($priv == '') continue; $error .= "Set right '$priv' to users of group '$id':"; //$result = sqlquery("SELECT uid, login FROM user WHERE gid='$id'"); $query = "INSERT INTO user_variable VALUES ('$id', '$vid', '$priv')"; /*$first = true; while ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { $query .= (!$first ? "," : "")." ('".$arr["uid"]."', '$vid', '$priv')"; $error .= (!$first ? "," : "")." ".$arr["login"]; $first = false; }*/ sqlquery($query); $error .= "
\n"; } } unset($nvname); unset($nvpath); unset($nvstate); } } // update variable else if (isset($chVar) && isset($vid) && isset($chVarName) && isset($chVarPath) && isset($chVarState) && isset($chVarGraphUpdate)) { $editVariables = true; $result = sqlquery("UPDATE variable SET name='$chVarName', vgid='$chVarGroup', path='$chVarPath', state='$chVarState', warning_bound='$chVarWarning', error_bound='$chVarError', alarm_order='$chVarOrder', graph_update='$chVarGraphUpdate', command=".(isset($chVarType) ? "'variable'" : "'command'")." WHERE vid='$vid'"); if (mysql_affected_rows() == -1) { $error .= "Can't update variable $vid properties, database query failed (name changed to already used?)
\n"; } else if ($chVarState == "rd") { sqlquery("UPDATE user_variable SET privilege='rd' WHERE privilege='rw' AND vid='$vid'"); } } // create var group else if (isset($createVarGroup)) { sqlquery("INSERT INTO variable_group SET name='$createVarGroup'"); } // remove var group else if (isset($rmVarGroup) && $rmVarGRoup!='1') { sqlquery("DELETE FROM variable_group WHERE vgid='$rmVarGroup'"); sqlquery("UPDATE variable SET vgid='1' WHERE vgid='$rmVarGroup'"); } // add shard access else if (isset($nshardaccess) && isset($editUser)) { sqlquery("INSERT INTO shard_access SET uid='$editUser', shard='$nshardaccess'"); } // remove shard access else if (isset($rmShardAccess) && isset($editUser)) { sqlquery("DELETE FROM shard_access WHERE uid='$editUser' AND shard='$rmShardAccess'"); } // update shard access else if (isset($chShardAccess) && isset($editUser)) { sqlquery("DELETE FROM shard_access WHERE uid='$editUser'"); $query = "INSERT INTO shard_access VALUES"; $first = true; if (isset($shardAccesses)) { foreach($shardAccesses as $shard) { if (!$first) $query .= ", "; $first = false; $query .= "('$editUser', '$shard')"; } sqlquery($query); } } else if (isset($crViewCommand) && isset($nViewCommand) && isset($nViewCommandName) && isset($editTid)) { sqlquery("INSERT INTO view_command SET name='$nViewCommandName', command='$nViewCommand', tid='$editTid'"); } else if (isset($rmViewCommand) && isset($viewCommand) && isset($editTid)) { sqlquery("DELETE FROM view_command WHERE name='$viewCommand' AND tid='$editTid'"); } // create server else if (isset($createServer) && isset($serverName) && isset($serverIP)) { sqlquery("INSERT INTO server SET name='$serverName', address='$serverIP'"); } // delete server else if (isset($rmServer) && isset($serverName)) { sqlquery("DELETE FROM server WHERE name='$serverName'"); } // update server name else if (isset($updServerName) && isset($newServerName)) { sqlquery("UPDATE server SET name='$newServerName' WHERE name='$updServerName'"); sqlquery("UPDATE service SET server='$newServerName' WHERE server='$updServerName'"); } // update server ip else if (isset($updServerIP) && isset($newServerIP)) { sqlquery("UPDATE server SET address='$newServerIP' WHERE name='$updServerIP'"); } // create service else if (isset($createService) && isset($shardName) && isset($serverName) && isset($serviceName)) { sqlquery("INSERT INTO service SET shard='$shardName', server='$serverName', name='$serviceName'"); } // delete service else if (isset($rmService) && isset($serviceId)) { sqlquery("DELETE FROM service WHERE service_id='$serviceId'"); } // update shard name else if (isset($newShardName) && isset($serviceId)) { sqlquery("UPDATE service SET shard='$newShardName' WHERE service_id='$serviceId'"); } // update server name else if (isset($newServerName) && isset($serviceId)) { sqlquery("UPDATE service SET server='$newServerName' WHERE service_id='$serviceId'"); } // update service name else if (isset($newServiceName) && isset($serviceId)) { sqlquery("UPDATE service SET name='$newServiceName' WHERE service_id='$serviceId'"); } else if ($editServices == 'update' && isset($updateList)) { unset($services); $services = explode("\r", $updateList); $editServiceError = ''; $editServiceLog = ''; $insertList = array(); $success = true; $lineCount; foreach ($services as $line) { ++$lineCount; $l = trim($line); if ($l == '' || $l[0] == '*') continue; if (!ereg("^[[:space:]]*([^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]+([^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]+([^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]*$", $l, $regs)) { $editServiceError = "Malformed string '$l' at line $lineCount"; $success = false; break; } list($reg, $shard, $server, $service) = $regs; $insertList[] = array( 'shard' => $shard, 'server' => $server, 'service' => $service); } if ($success) { $updateLog = ''; $updateCount = 0; if (count($insertList) > 0) { foreach ($insertList as $l) { $query = "SELECT * FROM service WHERE shard='".$l['shard']."' AND server='".$l['server']."' AND name='".$l['service']."'"; $result = sqlquery($query); if ($result && sqlnumrows($result) == 0) { $updateLog .= '
  • updated/inserted service '.$l['shard'].'.'.$l['server'].'.'.$l['service']."
  • \n"; ++$updateCount; } } } $query = 'DELETE FROM service'; //echo $query."
    \n"; $result = sqlquery($query); if ($result) { $insertSuccess = 0; if (count($insertList) > 0) { foreach ($insertList as $l) { $query = "INSERT INTO service SET shard='".$l['shard']."', server='".$l['server']."', name='".$l['service']."'"; //echo $query."
    \n"; sqlquery($query); ++$insertSuccess; } } $editServiceLog .= "Successfully updated $insertSuccess services in database:\n"; $editServiceError = ''; } else { $editServiceError = 'Failed to delete all services from database'; } } } else if ($editServers == 'update' && isset($updateList)) { unset($servers); $servers = explode("\r", $updateList); $editServerError = ''; $editServerLog = ''; $insertList = array(); $success = true; $lineCount; foreach ($servers as $line) { ++$lineCount; $l = trim($line); if ($l == '' || $l[0] == '*') continue; if (!ereg("^[[:space:]]*([^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]+([^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]*$", $l, $regs)) { $editServiceError = "Malformed string '$l' at line $lineCount"; $success = false; break; } list($reg, $server, $ip) = $regs; $insertList[] = array( 'server' => $server, 'ip' => $ip); } if ($success) { $updateLog = ''; $updateCount = 0; if (count($insertList) > 0) { foreach ($insertList as $l) { $query = "SELECT * FROM server WHERE name='".$l['server']."' AND address='".$l['ip']."'"; $result = sqlquery($query); if ($result && sqlnumrows($result) == 0) { $updateLog .= '
  • updated/inserted server '.$l['server'].' at '.$l['ip']."
  • \n"; ++$updateCount; } } } $query = 'DELETE FROM server'; //echo $query."
    \n"; $result=true; $result = sqlquery($query); if ($result) { $insertSuccess = 0; if (count($insertList) > 0) { foreach ($insertList as $l) { $query = "INSERT INTO server SET name='".$l['server']."', address='".$l['ip']."'"; //echo $query."
    \n"; sqlquery($query); ++$insertSuccess; } } $editServerLog .= "Successfully updated $insertSuccess servers in database:\n"; $editServerError = ''; } else { $editServerError = 'Failed to delete all servers from database'; } } } // ----------------------------- // page display htmlProlog($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "Administration"); subBar( array( "Users" => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?editUsers=true", "Variables" => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?editVariables=true", "Services" => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?editServices=true", "Servers" => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?editServers=true", "Shards" => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?editShards=true" )); echo "Administration tools
    \n"; if ($error) echo "Reported errors:
    "; if (!$editUser && !$editUsers && !$editVariables && !$editShards && !$editServices && !$editServers) $editUsers = true; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // edit a single user // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($editUser) { $resURL = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?editUser=$editUser&selGroup=$selGroup"; $result = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid='$editUser'"); if ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $editLogin = $arr["login"]; $defaultView = $arr["default_view"]; $userGroup = $arr["gid"]; echo "$editLogin variables/views setup edit

    \n"; echo "User variables setup
    "; echo ""; echo "\n"; if (count($vars)>0) { foreach ($vars as $var => $state) { $vid = $state["vid"]; $usrVar = $usrVarRights[$vid]; $vinherit = $usrVar[0]; $vstate = $usrVar[$vinherit]; echo "". "". "". "\n"; /* "". "". "". "\n"; } } */ echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; // User variables state display/modify $editUsers = false; $vars = false; unset($vars); unset($groups); $result = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM variable_group ORDER BY name"); while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { if ((!isset($selGroup) || $selGroup == "") && $arr["name"] == "NoGroup") $selGroup = $arr["vgid"]; $groups[$arr["vgid"]] = $arr["name"]; } $result = sqlquery("SELECT vid, variable.name AS name, path, state, variable.vgid AS vgid, variable_group.name AS group_name FROM variable, variable_group WHERE variable.vgid=variable_group.vgid".($selGroup>0 ? " AND variable.vgid='$selGroup'" : "")." ORDER BY group_name, name"); while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $arr["priv"] = "inv"; $vars[] = $arr; } $result = sqlquery("SELECT vid, privilege FROM user_variable WHERE uid='$editUser'"); while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { for ($i=0; $i\n"; echo "
    "; echo ""; echo "PathRights

    \n"; echo "\n\n"; if ($editUser != $uid) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; // get user accesses $res = sqlquery("SELECT shard FROM shard_access WHERE uid='$editUser'"); unset($shards); while ($res && ($arr=sqlfetch($res))) $shards[$arr["shard"]] = true; // get all shards $result = sqlquery("SELECT DISTINCT shard FROM service"); echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "
    Shard accesses
    "; echo "

    \n"; } echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; // Variable setup import form echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo"
    Import variables setup from user 

    \n"; echo "\n"; // user views setup echo "User views setup\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "\n"; $result = sqlquery("SELECT name, tid FROM view_table WHERE uid='$editUser' ORDER BY ordering"); while ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { $disp = "".$arr["name"].""; $bgcolor = ($editTid == $arr["tid"] ? " bgcolor=#eeeeee" : ""); if ($arr["tid"] == $defaultView) echo " $disp \n"; else echo " $disp \n"; } echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "\n"; if (isset($editTid) && $editTid != "") { echo "Variables
    \n"; echo "\n"; $result = sqlquery("SELECT view_row.name AS name, variable.name AS sname, path, filter FROM view_row, variable WHERE tid='$editTid' AND view_row.vid=variable.vid ORDER BY ordering"); while ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { echo "\n"; } echo "
    User nameSystem namePathUser filter

    \n"; echo "Commands
    \n"; echo "\n"; $result = sqlquery("SELECT name, command FROM view_command WHERE tid='$editTid' ORDER BY name"); while ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    NameService command

    \n"; } echo "

    \n"; // user activity display echo "User activity
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; } else { echo "User $editUser not found in database.

    "; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // edit users // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($editUsers) { echo "Users setup

    \n"; unset($groupNames); unset($actualGroups); $result = sqlquery("SELECT login AS gname, uid, gid FROM user"); while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $groupNames[$arr["gname"]] = $arr["uid"]; if ($arr["gid"] == $arr["uid"]) $actualGroups[$arr["gname"]] = $arr["uid"]; } echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; if (!isset($uViewGroups) || $uViewGroups == '') $query = "SELECT uuser.login AS login, uuser.uid AS uid, uuser.useCookie AS useCookie, uuser.gid AS gid, ugroup.login AS gname, uuser.allowed_ip AS allowed_ip FROM user AS uuser, user AS ugroup WHERE uuser.gid=ugroup.uid ORDER BY uid"; else $query = "SELECT uuser.login AS login, uuser.uid AS uid, uuser.useCookie AS useCookie, uuser.gid AS gid, ugroup.login AS gname, uuser.allowed_ip AS allowed_ip FROM user AS uuser, user AS ugroup WHERE uuser.gid=ugroup.uid AND uuser.gid='$uViewGroups' ORDER BY uid"; $result = sqlquery($query); while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $ulogin = $arr["login"]; $uuid = $arr["uid"]; $ugid = $arr["gid"]; $ugname = $arr["gname"]; $uallowedip = $arr["allowed_ip"]; $uuseCookie = ($arr["useCookie"] == "yes"); echo "". "\n". "\n". "". "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; } echo "
    CookieForce passwordAllowed IP maskCommands

    \n"; $result = sqlquery("SELECT login, uid FROM user"); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    Create a new user
    Allowed IP mask
    Renter password
    \n"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // edit variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($editVariables) { echo "Variables setup".help("Variables")."

    \n"; echo "
    \n"; if ($importVarSetup && $importedVarSetup) { $result = sqlquery("SELECT name, vgid FROM variable_group"); unset($groups); while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { if ((!isset($varGroup) || $varGroup=="") && $arr["name"] == "NoGroup") $varGroup = $arr["vgid"]; $groups[$arr["vgid"]] = $arr["name"]; } $array = explode("\n", $importedVarSetup); if (count($array) > 0) { unset($groupnames); foreach ($groups as $vgid => $vgname) $groupnames[$vgname] = $vgid; foreach ($array as $varSetup) { if ($varSetup == '') continue; list($vname, $vpath, $vstate, $vgname, $vwarn, $verr, $valarm, $vgraph, $vcmd) = explode("|", $varSetup); $result = sqlquery("SELECT count(*) as count FROM variable WHERE name='$vname'"); if ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result)) && $arr["count"] == 0) { if (!isset($groupnames[$vgname])) { sqlquery("INSERT INTO variable_group SET name='$vgname'"); $result = sqlquery("SELECT vgid FROM variable_group WHERE name='$vgname'"); if ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { $vgid = $arr["vgid"]; $groupnames[$vgname] = $vgid; } else { $vgid = -1; } } else $vgid = $groupnames[$vgname]; if ($vgid != -1) { sqlquery("INSERT INTO variable SET name='$vname', path='$vpath', state='$vstate', vgid='$vgid', warning_bound='$vwarn', error_bound='$verr', alarm_order='$valarm', graph_update='$vgraph', command='$vcmd'"); } } } } } $result = sqlquery("SELECT name, vgid FROM variable_group"); unset($groups); while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { if ((!isset($varGroup) || $varGroup=="") && $arr["name"] == "NoGroup") { print "ERG! VARGROUP GUNNA BE: ".$arr["vgid"]; $varGroup = $arr["vgid"]; } $groups[$arr["vgid"]] = $arr["name"]; } if ($varGroup=="-1") $result = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM variable ORDER BY vgid, name"); else $result = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM variable WHERE vgid='$varGroup' ORDER BY name"); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $lastGroup = -1; while ($result && ($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $name = $arr["name"]; $vid = $arr["vid"]; $vgid = $arr["vgid"]; $path = $arr["path"]; $state = $arr["state"]; $warn_bound = $arr["warning_bound"]; $err_bound = $arr["error_bound"]; $alarm_order = $arr["alarm_order"]; $graph_update = $arr["graph_update"]; $var_type = $arr["command"]; if ($lastGroup != -1 && $lastGroup != $vgid) echo "\n"; $lastGroup = $vgid; echo "". "\n". "\n"; echo "\n". "\n". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "\n"; } echo "\n"; if (!isset($nvpath)) $nvpath = "*.*.*.*[.*]"; if (!isset($nvstate)) $nvstate = "rd"; echo "". "\n". "\n"; echo "\n". "\n". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    ".help("Create Variable")."
    \n"; echo "\n"; $result = sqlquery("SELECT uid, login FROM user WHERE uid=gid ORDER BY uid"); while ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; } echo "
    Read WriteRead onlyInvisible
    \n"; echo "

    \n"; echo "
     \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    View by variable group

    Create a variable group

    Delete a variable group
    \n"; echo "

    Export variables setup
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "Import/Exported setup (use this to export to another admin tool):
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // edit shard organization // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($editShards) { echo "Shards setup".help("Shards")."

    \n"; echo "
    \n"; if (!isset($serverOrder)) $serverOrder = "name"; if (!isset($serviceOrder)) $serviceOrder = "shard, server, name"; unset($servers); $result = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM server ORDER BY $serverOrder"); echo "\n"; while ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; $servers[] = $arr["name"]; } echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
     \n"; echo "\n"; if ($fshard == "") unset($result); else if ($fshard == "*") $result = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM service ORDER BY $serviceOrder"); else $result = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM service WHERE shard LIKE '%$fshard%' ORDER BY $serviceOrder"); echo "\n"; while ($result && ($arr=sqlfetch($result))) { echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; } echo ""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "
    Shard "; echo ""; echo "ServerServiceCommand
    "; echo ""; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; } if ($editServices) { echo "Services setup".help("Services")."

    \n"; if ($editServiceError != '') { echo "WARNING: failed to rebuild services list: error '$editServiceError'. List is kept unmodified.

    \n"; } if ($editServiceLog != '') { echo "RESULT: $editServiceLog
    \n"; } echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; } if ($editServers) { echo "Servers setup".help("Servers")."

    \n"; if ($editServerError != '') { echo "WARNING: failed to rebuild servers list: error '$editServerError'. List is kept unmodified.

    \n"; } if ($editServerLog != '') { echo "RESULT: $editServerLog
    \n"; } echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; } htmlEpilog(); ?>