

Properties :

General rule : All property beginning with ‘bot_’ are field that are default value for all the bots in the group. In certain case, they can be replaced or merged in the bot definition.


autoSpawn : if checked, the bots of the group are automatically spawn when the group is spawned. Otherwise, you must run an explicit ‘spawn’ action to spawn the bots.


bot_chat_parameters : Describe the reference chat for the bots. Chat is specified with a series of keywords followed by a colon then by parameter(s).



NB: the negator keyword (-shop, -item and –mission) are more used in npc_state_chat nodes to dynamically change the content of the shop/chat.


bot_equipment : Describe the equipment for the bots. Equipment is specified with a series of keywords followed by a colon then by parameter(s). Keywords are case insensitive and must be placed one by line.


·        RI : define weapon in right hand. The only one parameter is the weapon sheet name (including filename extension) or writenone” to remove the item in hand.

·        LI : define weapon in left hand. The only one parameter is the weapon sheet name (including filename extension) or writenone” to remove the item in hand.

·        HAT or IH : flag the presence of a hat. No parameter.


New detailed coloration:

·        CHEAD : set the head color (used either for hair or for hat). Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated (e.g. 1 2 3 4).

·        CARMS : set the arms color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.

·        CHANDS : set the hands color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.

·        CBODY : set the body color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.

·        CLEGS : set the legs color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.

·        CFEETS : set the foots color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.


Old commands (keep for compatibility and usefulness)

·        UPPER or CU : set the head, arms, hands and body color at once. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.

·        LOWER or CL : set the legs and foots color at once. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.

·        HAIR or CH : set the hair (aka head) color. Parameter is a list of randomly chosen color index space separated.


bot_keywords : This is a set of keywords for the bots.


bot_level : This is the level of the generated bot for ‘unamed’ bots. The level is appended to the end of the bot_sheet_server to obtain the server_sheet name.


bot_sheet_client : This is the ‘visual’ sheet for the bots. All visual information are extracted from this sheet (e.g. sex, race, clothes…).


count : This is the number of bots to generate. This should be 0 for named bots (i.e. explicit bot created under the npc_group).


grp_keyword : This is the set of keywords that belong to this group.


See also npc_group_parameter.