// Use with commandline: frontend_service -C. -L. --nobreak --writepid // ---- config local variables // Client bandwidth ratio, set to 1 for standard opration, more than one allocate more bandwidth BandwidthRatio = 1; FSUDPPort = 47851; FSListenHost = "open.ryzom.com"; #include "frontend_service_default.cfg" // ---- service NeL variables (used by ConfigFile class) AESAliasName= "fes"; GraphVars += { "TickSpeedLoop", "0" }; GraphVars += { "TickSpeedLoop", "60000" }; GraphVars += { "L5CallbackCount", "0" }; GraphVars += { "L5CallbackCount", "60000" }; GraphVars += { "L5CallbackTime", "0" }; GraphVars += { "L5CallbackTime", "60000" }; GraphVars += { "MirrorCallbackCount", "0" }; GraphVars += { "MirrorCallbackCount", "60000" }; GraphVars += { "MirrorCallbackTime", "0" }; GraphVars += { "MirrorCallbackTime", "60000" }; Paths = { "../common/data_common", ".", "../common/data_leveldesign", }; // ---- service NeL variables (used by CVariable class) // ---- service custom variables (used by ConfigFile class) //AcceptInvalidCookie = 1; ClientLimit = 1000; // Mirror limits DatasetSizefe_temp = 600000; DatasetSizefame = 26000; // ---- service custom variables (used by CVariable class) // Disable ryzom verbose logging VerboseMIRROR = 0; // Root directory where data from shards are stored into SaveShardRoot = "save_shard/";