// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #if !defined(AFX_OBJECT_VIEWER_H__9B22CB84_1929_11D5_9CD4_0050DAC3A412__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_OBJECT_VIEWER_H__9B22CB84_1929_11D5_9CD4_0050DAC3A412__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #define REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer") #define REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_OPENGL_WND _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\opengl_wnd") #define REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_SCENE_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\scene_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_ANIMATION_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\animation_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_ANIMATION_SET_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\animation_set_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_SLOT_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\slot_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_PARTICLE_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\particle_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_DAYNIGHT_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\daynight_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_WATERPOOL_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\daynight_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_VIEW_VEGETABLE_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\vegetable_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_GLOBAL_WIND_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\global_wind_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_SOUND_ANIM_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\sound_anim_dlg") #define REGKEY_OBJ_LIGHT_GROUP_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\light_group_dlg") #define REGKEY_CHOOSE_FRAME_DELAY_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\choose_frame_delay_dlg") #define REGKEY_CHOOSE_BG_COLOR_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\choose_bg_color_dlg") #define REGKEY_CHOOSE_SUN_COLOR_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\choose_sun_color_dlg") #define REGKEY_SKELETON_SCALE_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\skeleton_scale_dlg") #define REGKEY_TUNE_MRM_DLG _T("Software\\Nevrax\\nel\\object_viewer\\tune_mrm_dlg") #include "resource.h" #include "object_viewer_interface.h" #include "main_dlg.h" #include "animation_set_dlg.h" #include "animation_dlg.h" #include "nel/3d/animation_set.h" #include "nel/3d/channel_mixer.h" #include "nel/3d/shape.h" #include "nel/3d/event_mouse_listener.h" #include "nel/3d/light.h" #include "nel/3d/font_manager.h" #include "nel/3d/cloud_scape.h" #include "nel/misc/event_listener.h" #include "nel/misc/stream.h" #include "nel/3d/logic_info.h" #include "nel/pacs/u_global_position.h" namespace NL3D { class CFontGenerator; class CWaterPoolManager; class CTileVegetableDesc; class CLandscapeModel; class CVisualCollisionManager; class CVisualCollisionEntity; } class CMainFrame; class CParticleDlg; class CDayNightDlg; class CWaterPoolEditor; class CVegetableDlg; class CGlobalWindDlg; class CSoundAnimDlg; class CLightGroupFactor; class CChooseFrameDelay; class CChooseBGColorDlg; class CChooseSunColorDlg; class CSkeletonScaleDlg; class CTuneMrmDlg; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CObject_viewerApp // See object_viewer.cpp for the implementation of this class // class CObject_viewerApp : public CWinApp { public: CObject_viewerApp(); // Overrides // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CObject_viewerApp) //}}AFX_VIRTUAL //{{AFX_MSG(CObject_viewerApp) //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CSlotInfo { public: CSlotInfo (); std::string Animation; std::string Skeleton; sint32 Offset; sint32 StartTime; sint32 EndTime; float StartBlend; float EndBlend; float Smoothness; float SpeedFactor; sint32 ClampMode; bool SkeletonInverted; bool Enable; // Serial void serial (NLMISC::IStream& s); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CInstanceSave { public: CInstanceSave (); // Play list of this object std::vector PlayList; // Slot info for this object CSlotInfo SlotInfo[NL3D::CChannelMixer::NumAnimationSlot]; // Camera info NL3D::CCameraInfo CameraInfo; // Camera ? bool Camera; // Input file std::string ShapeFilename; // Skeleton id uint32 SkeletonId; // Bin bone name std::string BindBoneName; // Is a skeleton bool IsSkeleton; // Animation input file std::vector AnimationFileName; // Skeleton weight input file std::vector SWTFileName; // Serial void serial (NLMISC::IStream& s); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CInstanceInfo { public: CInstanceInfo (); ~CInstanceInfo (); // Camera pointer NL3D::CCamera *Camera; // Transform shape pointer NL3D::CTransformShape *TransformShape; // Animation set of this instance NL3D::CAnimationSet AnimationSet; // Channel mixer of this instance NL3D::CChannelMixer ChannelMixer; // True, must delete this shape bool MustDelete; // Save information CInstanceSave Saved; // The current playlist NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist Playlist; // Set an animation playlist void setAnimationPlaylist (float frameRate); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CObjectViewer : public IObjectViewer { public: // Name of particle workspace, just used to save config file std::string ParticleWorkspaceFilename; friend class CMainFrame; friend class CAnimationSetDlg; public: CObjectViewer ( ); virtual ~CObjectViewer (); // Init the UI bool initUI (HWND parent=NULL); // Go void go (); virtual bool isInstanceRunning() { return _InstanceRunning; } // Release the UI void releaseUI (); // Set single animtion. void setSingleAnimation (NL3D::CAnimation* pAnim, const std::string &name, uint instance); // Set automatic animation void setAutoAnimation (NL3D::CAnimationSet* pAnimSet); // Add a mesh uint addMesh(NL3D::IShape* pMeshShape, const std::string &meshName, uint skelIndex, const char* bindSkelName = NULL, bool createInstance = true); // Add a camera uint addCamera (const NL3D::CCameraInfo &cameraInfo, const std::string &cameraName); // Add a skel uint addSkel (NL3D::IShape* pSkelShape, const std::string &skelName); // remove all instances from the scene void removeAllInstancesFromScene(); // Start / stop fxs (remanence for now..) void enableFXs(bool enabled); /// Force all the instances of the scene to use the given texture set (if available) void activateTextureSet(uint index); /// Select random textures sets void shuffleTextureSet(); // Load a mesh bool loadMesh (std::vector &meshFilename, const std::string &skeleton = ""); // Load an instance group bool loadInstanceGroup(const std::string &igFilename); // Set ambient color void setAmbientColor (const NLMISC::CRGBA& color); // Set ambient color void setLight (unsigned char id, const NL3D::CLight& light); // Get edited object, 0xffffffff if no object edited uint getEditedObject (); // Set edited object, 0xffffffff if no object edited void setEditedObject (uint selected); // Get an instance CInstanceInfo *getInstance (uint instance); // Get the slot dialog CMainDlg *getSlotDlg (); // Get number of instances uint getNumInstance () const; // Add an animation void addAnimation (NL3D::CAnimation* anim, const std::string &filename, const std::string &name, uint instance); // Update all objects that depend on the animation set void refreshAnimationListeners(); // Load a shape void resetCamera (); // get the mouse listener NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener &getMouseListener(void) { return _MouseListener ; } const NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener &getMouseListener(void) const { return _MouseListener ; } // get the particle dialog CParticleDlg *getParticleDialog(void) const { return _ParticleDlg ; } // get the frame delay dialog CChooseFrameDelay *getFrameDelayDlg() const { return _ChooseFrameDelayDlg; } // Load animation void loadAnimation(const std::string &fileName, uint instance); // Load a skeleton template void loadSWT(const std::string &fileName, uint instance); /// Not exported // @{ void setAnimTime (float animStart, float animEnd); // Reset the slots void resetSlots (uint instance); // Reinit and refill the channel mixer channels void reinitChannels (); // Return the frame rate float getFrameRate (); // Serial the config void serial (NLMISC::IStream& f); /// set the backgournd color void setBackGroundColor(const NLMISC::CRGBA& col) { _BackGroundColor = col ; } /// get the background color NLMISC::CRGBA getBackGroundColor(void) { return _BackGroundColor ; } /// Get font manager NL3D::CFontManager *getFontManager () { return &_FontManager; }; /// Get font generator NL3D::CFontGenerator *getFontGenerator () { return _FontGenerator; }; // @} /** an interface for objects that want to be called during the loop * First use : display of an optional bbox for a particle system */ struct IMainLoopCallBack { /// this will be called each time the main loop is processed virtual void goPostRender() = 0; virtual void goPreRender() = 0; } ; /** add an object that will be notified each time a frame is processed * \see removeMainLoopCallBack() */ void registerMainLoopCallBack(IMainLoopCallBack *i) ; /// remove an object that was registered with registerMainLoopCallBack() void removeMainLoopCallBack(IMainLoopCallBack *i) ; /// set the lag in milliseconds between each frame; 0 is the default void setFrameDelay(uint32 milliSec) { _FrameDelay = milliSec; } /// get the frame delay in milliseconds uint32 getFrameDelay() const { return _FrameDelay; } /// eval sound tracks void evalSoundTrack (float lastTime, float currentTime); /// Setup the playlist with the playlist void setupPlaylist (float time); /// Enable disable channels void enableChannels (); /// Setup transform positions void setupPositions (); /// Manage matrix increment void addTransformation (NLMISC::CMatrix ¤t, NL3D::CAnimation *anim, float begin, float end, NL3D::ITrack *posTrack, NL3D::ITrack *rotquatTrack, NL3D::ITrack *nextPosTrack, NL3D::ITrack *nextRotquatTrack, bool removeLast); /// inherited from CObjectViewerInterface void setWaterPoolManager(NL3D::CWaterPoolManager &wpm) { _Wpm = &wpm; } NL3D::CWaterPoolManager &getWaterPoolManager() const { return *_Wpm; } // Reload textures void reloadTextures (); /** inherited from CObjectViewerInterface */ virtual uint addInstanceGroup(NL3D::CInstanceGroup *ig); /** inherited from CObjectViewerInterface */ virtual void setupSceneLightingSystem(bool enable, const NLMISC::CVector &sunDir, NLMISC::CRGBA sunAmbiant, NLMISC::CRGBA sunDiffuse, NLMISC::CRGBA sunSpecular); /** inherited from CObjectViewerInterface */ virtual void enableDynamicObjectLightingTest(NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever *globalRetriever, NL3D::CInstanceGroup *ig); /// \name Landscape Vegetable Edition // @{ /// true if landscape is created bool isVegetableLandscapeCreated() const {return _VegetableLandscape!=NULL;} /// load the landscape with help of setup in object_viewer.cfg. return true if OK. bool createVegetableLandscape(); /// if created, show the landscape void showVegetableLandscape(); /// if created, hide the landscape void hideVegetableLandscape(); /// display vegetable with landscape void enableLandscapeVegetable(bool enable); /// refresh the vegetables in landscape, with the new vegetableSet void refreshVegetableLandscape(const NL3D::CTileVegetableDesc &tvdesc); /// get vegetable Wind wetup. float getVegetableWindPower() const {return _VegetableWindPower;} float getVegetableWindBendStart() const {return _VegetableWindBendMin;} float getVegetableWindFrequency() const {return _VegetableWindFreq;} /// set vegetable Wind wetup (updat view if possible) void setVegetableWindPower(float w); void setVegetableWindBendStart(float w); void setVegetableWindFrequency(float w); /// if enable, snap the camera to the ground of the landscape. void snapToGroundVegetableLandscape(bool enable); // @} /// Get/Set global Scene wind setup float getGlobalWindPower() const; void setGlobalWindPower(float w); /// Get the scene roor for manip. NL3D::CTransform *getSceneRoot() const {return _SceneRoot;} // Shoot the scene void shootScene (); // Camera methods // Return -1 if no current camera sint getCurrentCamera () const; // -1 If no current camera void setCurrentCamera (sint currentCamera); // Get the instance id of a camera uint getCameraInstance (uint cameraId) const; // Get the camera count uint getNumCamera () const; // Reinit camera void initCamera (); /** popup a dialog to choose a bone in the scene * \return true is a bone has been selected */ bool chooseBone(const std::string &caption, NL3D::CSkeletonModel *&skel, uint &boneIndex, std::string *skelName = NULL, std::string *boneName = NULL); // test if there's a skeleton in the scene bool isSkeletonPresent() const; // get the main frame CMainFrame *getMainFrame() const { return _MainFrame; } const NLMISC::CMatrix &getFXUserMatrix() const { return _FXUserMatrix; } void setFXUserMatrix(const NLMISC::CMatrix &fxUserMatrix) { _FXUserMatrix = fxUserMatrix; } void setSceneMatrixVisible(bool visible) { _SceneMatrixVisible = visible; } bool getSceneMatrixVisible() const { return _SceneMatrixVisible; } void setFXMatrixVisible(bool visible) { _FXMatrixVisible = visible; } bool getFXMatrixVisible() const { return _FXMatrixVisible; } void setFXUserMatrixVisible(bool visible) { _FXUserMatrixVisible = visible; } bool getFXUserMatrixVisible() const { return _FXUserMatrixVisible; } void setOcclusionTestMeshsVisible(bool visible) { _OcclusionTestMeshsVisible = visible; } bool getOcclusionTestMeshsVisible() const { return _OcclusionTestMeshsVisible; } private: CMainFrame *_MainFrame; CAnimationDlg *_AnimationDlg; CMainDlg *_SlotDlg; CAnimationSetDlg *_AnimationSetDlg; CParticleDlg *_ParticleDlg; CDayNightDlg *_DayNightDlg; CWaterPoolEditor *_WaterPoolDlg; CVegetableDlg *_VegetableDlg; CSoundAnimDlg *_SoundAnimDlg; CLightGroupFactor *_LightGroupDlg; CChooseFrameDelay *_ChooseFrameDelayDlg; CChooseBGColorDlg *_ChooseBGColorDlg; CChooseSunColorDlg *_ChooseSunColorDlg; CSkeletonScaleDlg *_SkeletonScaleDlg; CTuneMrmDlg *_TuneMRMDlg; uint32 _SelectedObject; sint _CurrentCamera; // FX user matrix NLMISC::CMatrix _FXUserMatrix; // Vector of camera std::vector _Cameras; // Vector of loaded instance std::vector _ListInstance; CGlobalWindDlg *_GlobalWindDlg; NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener _MouseListener; NLMISC::CRGBA _HotSpotColor; float _HotSpotSize; NLMISC::CRGBA _BackGroundColor; NLMISC::CVector _SceneCenter; // List of static InstanceGroup. std::vector _ListIG; // Font mgt NL3D::CFontManager _FontManager; NL3D::CFontGenerator *_FontGenerator; std::string _FontPath; std::vector _CallBackList; uint32 _FrameDelay; float _CameraFocal; float _LastTime; NL3D::CWaterPoolManager *_Wpm; /// \name Vegetable Edition // @{ /// Our landscape NL3D::CLandscapeModel *_VegetableLandscape; // File info to build it std::string _VegetableLandscapeTileBank; std::string _VegetableLandscapeTileFarBank; std::vector _VegetableLandscapeZoneNames; // Misc. float _VegetableLandscapeThreshold; float _VegetableLandscapeTileNear; NLMISC::CRGBA _VegetableLandscapeAmbient; NLMISC::CRGBA _VegetableLandscapeDiffuse; std::string _VegetableTexture; NLMISC::CRGBA _VegetableAmbient; NLMISC::CRGBA _VegetableDiffuse; NLMISC::CVector _VegetableLightDir; // Vegetable wind. NLMISC::CVector _VegetableWindDir; float _VegetableWindFreq; float _VegetableWindPower; float _VegetableWindBendMin; bool _VegetableEnabled; // Collision bool _VegetableSnapToGround; float _VegetableSnapHeight; NL3D::CVisualCollisionManager *_VegetableCollisionManager; NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntity *_VegetableCollisionEntity; // load cfg. void loadVegetableLandscapeCfg(NLMISC::CConfigFile &cf); // @} // Lightigng Setup (from cfg). bool _SceneLightEnabled; NLMISC::CVector _SceneLightSunDir; NLMISC::CRGBA _SceneLightSunAmbiant; NLMISC::CRGBA _SceneLightSunDiffuse; NLMISC::CRGBA _SceneLightSunSpecular; /// \name dynamic object lighting testing // @{ NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever *_GlobalRetriever; NL3D::CTransformShape *_ObjectLightTest; std::string _ObjectLightTestShape; // The matrix not snapped by pacs. NLMISC::CMatrix _ObjectLightTestMatrix; bool _FXMatrixVisible; bool _FXUserMatrixVisible; bool _SceneMatrixVisible; bool _OcclusionTestMeshsVisible; // the lightInfo linked to the ig. class COVLogicInfo : public NL3D::ILogicInfo { public: NLPACS::UGlobalPosition GPos; NL3D::CInstanceGroup *Ig; NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever *GlobalRetriever; virtual void getStaticLightSetup(NLMISC::CRGBA sunAmbient, std::vector &pointLightList, uint8 &sunContribution, NLMISC::CRGBA &ambient); }; // instnace COVLogicInfo _ObjectLightTestLogicInfo; // @} static bool _InstanceRunning; // Scale the pos of the skeleton float _CharacterScalePos; // Fog bool _Fog; float _FogStart; float _FogEnd; NLMISC::CRGBA _FogColor; // Cloud scape NL3D::SCloudScapeSetup _CSS; NL3D::CCloudScape *_CS; // The root of all objects added to the scene. Rotated for user convenience NL3D::CTransform *_SceneRoot; // load the config file void loadConfigFile(); // get path of the dll std::string getModulePath() const; // load driver name from the config file void loadDriverName(); void drawFXUserMatrix(); void drawFXMatrix(); void drawSceneMatrix(); void drawNamedMatrix(const NLMISC::CMatrix &matrix, const std::string &name, NLMISC::CRGBA color, float textZOffset, float testSize); }; void setRegisterWindowState (const CWnd *pWnd, const TCHAR* keyName); void getRegisterWindowState (CWnd *pWnd, const TCHAR* keyName, bool resize); /** display a localized message box. Caption an message text are retrieved from the string table * \param parentWindow Pointer to initiator of the message box * \param messageStringID ID in string table of the message box content * \param captionStringID ID in string table of the message box caption * \param nType Type of message box (the same as the last parameter of ::MessageBox) * \return Same value than ::MessageBox */ int localizedMessageBox(HWND parentWindow, int messageStringID, int captionStringID, UINT nType); int localizedMessageBox(HWND parentWindow, const TCHAR *message, int captionStringID, UINT nType); // Return a string from the string table CString getStrRsc(uint stringID); bool browseFolder(const CString &caption, CString &destFolder, HWND parent); //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. #endif // !defined(AFX_OBJECT_VIEWER_H__9B22CB84_1929_11D5_9CD4_0050DAC3A412__INCLUDED_)