// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010  Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
#include <nel/misc/common.h>
#include <nel/misc/debug.h>
#include <nel/misc/eval_num_expr.h>

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>

class ITemplatizerBloc;

const char	EnvSeparator = '/';

 * A Templatizer Env
class CTemplatizerEnv : public NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr

	/// Constructor
	CTemplatizerEnv(CTemplatizerEnv* parent) : Parent(parent), CurrentArrayNode(0)	{ }

	/// Destructor
	virtual ~CTemplatizerEnv();

	/// Clear Env
	virtual void		clear();

	/// Get value
	virtual std::string	get(const std::string& name);

	/// Set value
	template<typename T>
	void		set(const std::string& name, const T& value)
		std::string::size_type dotpos = name.find(EnvSeparator);
		std::string		child = name.substr(0, dotpos);

		if (dotpos == std::string::npos)
			setAsRawText(name, NLMISC::toString(value));
			getEnv(child)->set(name.substr(dotpos+1), value);

	/// Set a Define
	void				define(const std::string& name)
		set(name, 1);

	/// Set a Conditional Define
	void				define(bool isdef, const std::string& name)
		if (isdef)
			set(name, 1);

	/// Does Variable exist?
	virtual bool		exists(const std::string& name) const
		TValueMap::const_iterator	it = Values.find(name);
		if (it == Values.end())
			return (Parent == NULL ? false : Parent->exists(name));
		return true;

	/// Does Sub Environment exist?
	virtual bool		envExists(const std::string& name) const
		std::string::size_type dotpos = name.find(EnvSeparator);
		std::string		child = name.substr(0, dotpos);

		if (child.empty())
			return true;

		TEnvMap::const_iterator	it = Envs.find(child);
		if (it == Envs.end())
			return false;

		return (dotpos == std::string::npos) ? true : (*it).second->envExists(name.substr(dotpos+1));

	/// Enter Sub Env, like getEnv() but it doesn't look in parent, and always goes in current env
	virtual CTemplatizerEnv*	getSubEnv(const std::string& name)
		std::string::size_type dotpos = name.find(EnvSeparator);
		std::string		child = name.substr(0, dotpos);

		if (child.empty())
			return this;

		CTemplatizerEnv*	env = NULL;

		if (child == ".")
			env = this;
		else if (child == "..")
			env = (Parent != NULL ? Parent : this);
		else if (child == "...")
			env = getRootEnv();
			TEnvMap::iterator	it = Envs.find(child);
			if (it != Envs.end())
				env = (*it).second;
				env = new CTemplatizerEnv(this);
				Envs[child] = env;


		return (dotpos == std::string::npos) ? env : env->getSubEnv(name.substr(dotpos+1));

	/// Get Sub Env
	virtual CTemplatizerEnv*	getEnv(const std::string& name)
		std::string::size_type dotpos = name.find(EnvSeparator);
		std::string		child = name.substr(0, dotpos);

		if (child.empty())
			return this;

		if (child == ".")
			return (dotpos == std::string::npos) ? this : this->getSubEnv(name.substr(dotpos+1));
		else if (child == "..")
			CTemplatizerEnv*	env = (Parent != NULL ? Parent : this);
			return (dotpos == std::string::npos) ? env : env->getSubEnv(name.substr(dotpos+1));
		else if (child == "...")
			CTemplatizerEnv*	env = getRootEnv();
			return (dotpos == std::string::npos) ? env : env->getSubEnv(name.substr(dotpos+1));
			TEnvMap::iterator	it = Envs.find(child);
			if (it != Envs.end())
				return (dotpos == std::string::npos) ? (*it).second : (*it).second->getSubEnv(name.substr(dotpos+1));
				return Parent != NULL ? Parent->getEnv(name) : getSubEnv(name);

	/// Get Sub Env
	CTemplatizerEnv*	getEnv(uint node)
		return getEnv(NLMISC::toString("%08X", node));

	/// Evaluate string (string replacement)
	virtual std::string		eval(const std::string& text);

	/// Get Next Array Node
	CTemplatizerEnv*	nextArrayNode(const std::string& array)
		CTemplatizerEnv*	aenv = getSubEnv(array);
		uint				node = (aenv->CurrentArrayNode)++;
		return aenv->getSubEnv(NLMISC::toString("%08X", node));

	/// Set Sub Env
	virtual void		setSubEnv(const std::string& name, CTemplatizerEnv* subenv)
		Envs[name] = subenv;

	/// Get Parent Env
	virtual CTemplatizerEnv*	getParent()
		return Parent;


	/// Parent Env
	CTemplatizerEnv*	Parent;

	typedef std::map<std::string, ITemplatizerBloc*>	TValueMap;
	typedef std::map<std::string, CTemplatizerEnv*>		TEnvMap;

	/// Contained Values
	TValueMap			Values;

	/// Sub Env
	TEnvMap				Envs;

	/// Get Root Env
	virtual CTemplatizerEnv*	getRootEnv()
		CTemplatizerEnv*	root = this;
		while (root->getParent() != NULL)
			root = root->getParent();

		return root;

	/// Current Array Node
	uint				CurrentArrayNode;

	/// Set As Raw Text
	virtual void		setAsRawText(const std::string& name, const std::string& text);

	/// Set Value Node
	virtual void		setValueNode(const std::string& name, ITemplatizerBloc* bloc)
		Values[name] = bloc;

	/// Get Value Node
	virtual ITemplatizerBloc*	getValueNode(const std::string& name)
		ITemplatizerBloc*	node = NULL;
		CTemplatizerEnv*	env = NULL;
		return getValueNodeAndEnv(name, node, env) ? node : NULL;

	/// Get Value Node
	virtual bool		getValueNodeAndEnv(const std::string& name, ITemplatizerBloc*& node, CTemplatizerEnv*& env)
		std::string::size_type pos = name.find_last_of(EnvSeparator);
		if (pos == std::string::npos)
			node = getNode(name);
			env = this;
			while (node == NULL && env != NULL)
				env = env->getParent();
				if (env != NULL)
					node = env->getNode(name);
			env = getEnv(name.substr(0, pos));
			if (env != NULL)
				node = env->getNode(name.substr(pos+1));

		return node != NULL && env != NULL;

	virtual ITemplatizerBloc*	getNode(const std::string& name)
		TValueMap::iterator	it = Values.find(name);
		return it == Values.end() ? NULL : (*it).second;

	virtual NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState	evalValue (const char *value, double &result, uint32 userData);

 * A Templatizer Env
class CTemplatizerRefEnv : public CTemplatizerEnv

	/// Constructor
	CTemplatizerRefEnv(CTemplatizerEnv* ref) : CTemplatizerEnv(NULL), Reference(ref)	{ }

	/// Clear Env
	virtual void		clear()
		Reference = NULL;

	/// Get value
	virtual std::string	get(const std::string& name)
		return Reference->get(name);

	/// Does Variable exist?
	virtual bool		exists(const std::string& name) const
		return Reference->exists(name);

	/// Does Sub Environment exist?
	virtual bool		envExists(const std::string& name) const
		return Reference->envExists(name);

	/// Get Sub Env
	virtual CTemplatizerEnv*	getEnv(const std::string& name)
		return Reference->getEnv(name);

	/// Evaluate string (string replacement)
	virtual std::string			eval(const std::string& text)
		return Reference->eval(text);

	/// Enter Sub Env, like getEnv() but it doesn't look in parent, and always goes in current env
	virtual CTemplatizerEnv*	getSubEnv(const std::string& name)
		return Reference->getSubEnv(name);

	/// Get Parent Env
	virtual CTemplatizerEnv*	getParent()
		return Reference->getParent();

	CTemplatizerEnv*	Reference;

	/// Get Root Env
	virtual CTemplatizerEnv*	getRootEnv()
		return Reference->getRootEnv();

	/// Set As Raw Text
	virtual void		setAsRawText(const std::string& name, const std::string& text)
		Reference->setAsRawText(name, text);

	/// Set Value Node
	virtual void		setValueNode(const std::string& name, ITemplatizerBloc* bloc)
		Reference->setValueNode(name, bloc);

	/// Get Value Node
	virtual ITemplatizerBloc*	getValueNode(const std::string& name)
		return Reference->getValueNode(name);

	/// Get Value Node
	virtual bool	getValueNodeAndEnv(const std::string& name, ITemplatizerBloc*& node, CTemplatizerEnv*& env)
		return Reference->getValueNodeAndEnv(name, node, env);

	virtual ITemplatizerBloc*	getNode(const std::string& name)
		return Reference->getNode(name);

 * <Class description>
 * \author Benjamin Legros
 * \author Nevrax France
 * \date 2003
class CTemplatizer

	/// Constructor

	/// Destructor

	 * Build templatizer from text
	bool		build(const char* text);

	 * Evaluate template and render to string
	std::string	eval();

	 * Set Value in env
	template<typename T>
	void		set(const std::string& var, const T& value)
		if (RootEnv == NULL)

		std::string::size_type pos = var.find_last_of(EnvSeparator);

		if (pos == std::string::npos)
			RootEnv->set(var, value);
			RootEnv->getEnv(var.substr(0, pos))->set(var.substr(pos+1), value);


	ITemplatizerBloc*		RootBloc;

	CTemplatizerEnv*		RootEnv;


class CTemplatizerParser

	CTemplatizerParser() : _Buffer(NULL), _Line(0), _Valid(false)	{ }
	CTemplatizerParser(const CTemplatizerParser& ptr) : _Buffer(ptr._Buffer), _Line(ptr._Line), _Valid(ptr._Valid)	{ }
	CTemplatizerParser(const char*	buffer, uint linestart = 1) : _Buffer(buffer), _Line(linestart), _Valid(_Buffer != NULL)	{ }

	char	operator * () const			{ return *_Buffer; }
	char	operator [] (int i) const	{ return _Buffer[i]; }

	CTemplatizerParser&	operator = (const CTemplatizerParser& ptr)
		_Buffer = ptr._Buffer;
		_Line = ptr._Line;
		_Valid = ptr._Valid;
		return *this;

	CTemplatizerParser&	operator ++ ()
		if (*_Buffer == '\0')
			return *this;

		if (*_Buffer == '\n')

		return *this;

	CTemplatizerParser	operator ++ (int)
		CTemplatizerParser	ret(*this);
		return ret;

	void	invalidate()	{ _Valid = false; }
	bool	isValid() const	{ return _Valid; }

	uint	getLine() const	{ return _Line; }


	const char*	_Buffer;

	uint	_Line;

	bool	_Valid;


 * A Templatizer node
class ITemplatizerBloc

	/// Constructor

	/// Destructor
	virtual ~ITemplatizerBloc();

	/// Evaluate node
	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	res;
		uint	i;
		for (i=0; i<Blocs.size(); ++i)
			res += Blocs[i]->eval(env);
		return res;

	/// Get Text (assuming this is a raw text bloc)
	virtual std::string	getText(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		return NULL;

	/// Get Actual Bloc (not a reference)
	virtual ITemplatizerBloc*	getActualBloc()
		return this;


	std::string	evalParam(const std::string& param, CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		TParamMap::iterator	it = Params.find(param);
		if (it == Params.end())
			return "";
		return (*it).second->eval(env);


	/// Bloc types
	enum TType

	/// Bloc type
	TType				Type;

	typedef std::vector<ITemplatizerBloc*>				TBlocList;
	typedef std::map<std::string, ITemplatizerBloc*>	TParamMap;

	/// Params
	TParamMap			Params;

	/// Sub blocs
	TBlocList			Blocs;

	/// Parse bloc
	static ITemplatizerBloc*	parseBloc(CTemplatizerParser& ptr);

	/// Parse bloc header
	virtual CTemplatizerParser	parseHeader(CTemplatizerParser ptr);

	/// Parse bloc internal data
	virtual CTemplatizerParser	parseInternal(CTemplatizerParser ptr);

	/// Has A Internal Bloc of data
	virtual bool		hasInternal() const	{ return true; }

/// Root Templatizer
class CTemplatizerRootBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc


/// Reference Node
class CTemplatizerReferenceBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	ITemplatizerBloc*	Reference;

	/// Constructor
	CTemplatizerReferenceBloc(ITemplatizerBloc* ref = NULL) : Reference(ref)	{}

	/// Destructor
	virtual ~CTemplatizerReferenceBloc()
		Reference = NULL;

	/// Evaluate node
	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string			name = evalParam("name", env);
		std::string			ref = evalParam("ref", env);
		ITemplatizerBloc*	refnode = env->getValueNode(ref);
		if (refnode != NULL)
			env->setValueNode(name, new CTemplatizerReferenceBloc(refnode));
			nlwarning("Failed to create reference on '%s', not found", name.c_str());
		return "";

	/// Get Text (assuming this is a raw text bloc)
	virtual std::string	getText(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		return Reference->getText(env);

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name", "ref" };
		return (const char**)args;

	/// Get Actual Bloc (not a reference)
	virtual ITemplatizerBloc*	getActualBloc()
		return Reference->getActualBloc();

	/// Has A Internal Bloc of data
	virtual bool		hasInternal() const	{ return false; }

/// RefEnv Bloc
class CTemplatizerRefEnvBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	/// Evaluate node
	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string			name = evalParam("name", env);
		std::string			ref = evalParam("ref", env);

		CTemplatizerEnv*	refenv = env->getEnv(ref);
		if (refenv != NULL)
			env->setSubEnv(name, new CTemplatizerRefEnv(refenv));
			nlwarning("Failed to create reference on env '%s', not found", name.c_str());
		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name", "ref" };
		return (const char**)args;

	/// Has A Internal Bloc of data
	virtual bool		hasInternal() const	{ return false; }

 * Comment Bloc
class CTemplatizerCommentBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		return "";

	/// Parse bloc internal data
	virtual CTemplatizerParser	parseInternal(CTemplatizerParser ptr);


 * Raw Text Bloc
class CTemplatizerRawTextBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	std::string		Text;

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		return Text;

	virtual std::string	getText(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		return Text;

// Set As Raw Text
inline void	CTemplatizerEnv::setAsRawText(const std::string& name, const std::string& text)
	CTemplatizerRawTextBloc*	bloc = new CTemplatizerRawTextBloc();
	bloc->Text = text;
	setValueNode(name, bloc);

// Get value
inline std::string	CTemplatizerEnv::get(const std::string& name)
	ITemplatizerBloc*	bloc = getValueNode(name);

	return (bloc == NULL) ? std::string("") : bloc->getText(this);

// eval num expr override
inline NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState	CTemplatizerEnv::evalValue (const char *value, double &result, uint32 userData)
	if (*value != '$')
		return NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::ValueError;

	std::string	strvalue = get(value+1);

	if (sscanf(strvalue.c_str(), "%lf", &result) != 1)
		result = (strvalue.empty() ? 0.0 : 1.0);

	return NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::NoError;

 * Text Bloc
class CTemplatizerTextBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	std::string		Text;

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		return env->eval(Text);

	virtual std::string	getText(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		return env->eval(Text);

	/// Parse bloc internal data
	virtual CTemplatizerParser	parseInternal(CTemplatizerParser ptr);

 * Sub bloc
class CTemplatizerSubBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string			subname = evalParam("name", env);
		CTemplatizerEnv*	subenv = env->getSubEnv(subname);

		return ITemplatizerBloc::eval(subenv);

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * Loop bloc
class CTemplatizerLoopBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string			subname = evalParam("name", env);
		CTemplatizerEnv*	subenv = env->getSubEnv(subname);

		std::string			res;

		CTemplatizerEnv::TEnvMap::iterator	it;
		for (it=subenv->Envs.begin(); it!=subenv->Envs.end(); ++it)
			res += ITemplatizerBloc::eval((*it).second);

		return res;

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * IfDefEnv bloc
class CTemplatizerIfDefEnvBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string			subname = evalParam("name", env);
		std::string			evalinsub = evalParam("evalinsub", env);

		if (env->envExists(subname))
			sint eval;
			NLMISC::fromString(evalinsub, eval);
			CTemplatizerEnv*	subenv = (eval ? env->getEnv(subname) : env);
			return ITemplatizerBloc::eval(subenv);

		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name", "evalinsub" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * IfDef bloc
class CTemplatizerIfDefBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string			varname = evalParam("name", env);

		if (env->exists(varname))
			return ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);

		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * IfDefEnv bloc
class CTemplatizerIfNotDefEnvBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string			subname = evalParam("name", env);

		if (!env->envExists(subname))
			return ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);

		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * IfDef bloc
class CTemplatizerIfNotDefBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string			varname = evalParam("name", env);

		if (!env->exists(varname))
			return ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);

		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * Switch bloc
class CTemplatizerSwitchBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string			switchvalue = evalParam("value", env);

		uint	i;
		for (i=0; i<Blocs.size(); ++i)
			if (Blocs[i]->evalParam("case", env) == switchvalue)
				return Blocs[i]->eval(env);

		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "value" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * File bloc
class CTemplatizerFileBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	clearfile = evalParam("clear", env);
		std::string	filename = evalParam("name", env);

		std::string	result = ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);

		FILE*	f;
		f = NLMISC::nlfopen(filename, (clearfile == "true" ? "w" : "a"));
		if (f != NULL)
			fwrite(result.c_str(), 1, result.size(), f);

		return result;

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * Set bloc
class CTemplatizerSetBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	var = evalParam("name", env);
		std::string	result = ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);

		env->set(var, result);

		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * Append bloc
class CTemplatizerAppendBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	var = evalParam("name", env);
		std::string	result = ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);

		ITemplatizerBloc*	bloc = env->getValueNode(var);
		if (bloc == NULL)
			return "";

		CTemplatizerRawTextBloc*	text = dynamic_cast<CTemplatizerRawTextBloc*>(bloc->getActualBloc());
		if (text == NULL)
			return "";

		text->Text += result;

		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * Define Bloc
class CTemplatizerDefineBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	name = evalParam("name", env);
		env->setValueNode(name, new CTemplatizerReferenceBloc(this));
		return "";

	virtual std::string	getText(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		return ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * If Bloc
class CTemplatizerIfBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	value = evalParam("cond", env);
		double		result;
		NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::TReturnState	res = env->evalExpression(value.c_str(), result, NULL);

		if (res == NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr::NoError && result != 0.0)
			return ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);
			return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "cond" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * If Not Bloc
class CTemplatizerIfNotBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	value = evalParam("cond", env);

		if (value.empty())
			return ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);
			return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "cond" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * Join bloc
class CTemplatizerJoinBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	sep = evalParam("separator", env);

		std::string	res;
		uint	i;
		for (i=0; i<Blocs.size(); ++i)
			std::string	token = Blocs[i]->eval(env);

			if (token.empty())

			if (!res.empty())
				res += sep;

			res += token;
		return res;

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "separator" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * User Defined function call
class CTemplatizerUserFunctionBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	CTemplatizerUserFunctionBloc(const std::string& name) : Name(name)	{}

	std::string		Name;

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		ITemplatizerBloc*	func = NULL;
		CTemplatizerEnv*	fenv = NULL;
		if (!env->getValueNodeAndEnv(Name, func, fenv))
			nlwarning("Unknown user function '%s'", Name.c_str());
			return "";

		// subenv is child of object env, not of current env
		CTemplatizerEnv*	subenv = new CTemplatizerEnv(fenv);

		// deport params in subenv
		// \todo : eval param in current env
		TParamMap::iterator	it;
		for (it=Params.begin(); it!=Params.end(); ++it)
			subenv->setAsRawText((*it).first, (*it).second->getText(env));
			//subenv->setValueNode((*it).first, new CTemplatizerReferenceBloc((*it).second));

		std::string	res = func->getText(subenv);

		delete subenv;

		return res;

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		return NULL;

	/// Has A Internal Bloc of data
	virtual bool		hasInternal() const
		return false;

 * Class
class CTemplatizerClassBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	name = evalParam("name", env);
		env->setValueNode(name, new CTemplatizerReferenceBloc(this));
		return "";

	virtual std::string	instantiate(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		return ITemplatizerBloc::eval(env);

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

 * Class
class CTemplatizerObjectBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	classname = evalParam("class", env);
		std::string	name = evalParam("name", env);

		ITemplatizerBloc*	bloc = env->getValueNode(classname);
		if (bloc == NULL)
			nlwarning("Unknown class '%s'", classname.c_str());
			return "";

		CTemplatizerClassBloc*	classbloc = dynamic_cast<CTemplatizerClassBloc*>(bloc->getActualBloc());
		if (classbloc == NULL)
			nlwarning("object '%s' is not a class", classname.c_str());
			return "";

		CTemplatizerEnv* objectenv = env->getSubEnv(name);

		return classbloc->instantiate(objectenv);

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "class", "name" };
		return (const char**)args;

	/// Has A Internal Bloc of data
	virtual bool		hasInternal() const	{ return false;	}

 * Breakpoint
class CTemplatizerBreakpointBloc : public ITemplatizerBloc

	virtual std::string	eval(CTemplatizerEnv* env)
		std::string	value = evalParam("name", env);
		return "";

	/// Get Param list
	virtual const char**	getDefParamList()
		static const char*	args[] = { "name" };
		return (const char**)args;


/* End of templatizer.h */