

Special step that initiates a communication process between the NPC and the player. From this point, the script continues on branches based on the different answers proposed to the player.


More information about mission script structure can be found in the script guidelines reference document.


Properties :


name : Name of the step, can be used as Jump_to destination and should thus be named as a C++ object (no blank, no special character …)


npc_name : Tag of the npc that does the chat.


hide_obj (Boolean) : Prevent the step to be displayed in the mission log.


overload_objective : Allow to set a specific a description of the mission to be displayed in the mission log. See text guidelines for the formatting requirements.


roleplay_objective (Optional): Allow to add a description to the step.


phrase : NPC speech that lead to an answer choice. See text guidelines for the formatting requirements.



Also see dyn_answer and no_answer classes.