-------------- -------------- -- GROUPING -- -------------- -------------- -- TODO nico : find a better file organisation for ui & logic handling -- TODO nico : most of these global function should be made class members -- TODO nico : some other part are API to the C++ : these would better fit in a separate, dedicated file. r2.MaxGroupRadius = 20 function r2.checkGroupDistance(instanceId, targetId) assert(instanceId) if not targetId then targetId = instanceId end assert(targetId) local target = r2:getInstanceFromId(targetId) local npc = r2:getInstanceFromId(instanceId) local group = target.ParentInstance assert(group) -- The two npc are not grouped if not group:isKindOf("NpcGrpFeature") then local leader = target local npcPosX = npc.Position.x local npcPosY = npc.Position.y local leaderPosX = leader.Position.x local leaderPosY = leader.Position.y local x = (npcPosX - leaderPosX)^2 --* (npcPosX - leaderPosX) local y = (npcPosY - leaderPosY)^2 --* (npcPosY - leaderPosY) local dist = math.sqrt(x + y) if dist > r2.MaxGroupRadius then return false end return true end local size = table.getn(group.Components) local i = 0 for i = 0, size-1 do local leader = group.Components[i] if npc and leader and npc.Position and leader.Position then local npcPosX = npc.Position.x local npcPosY = npc.Position.y local leaderPosX = leader.Position.x local leaderPosY = leader.Position.y local x = (npcPosX - leaderPosX)^2 --* (npcPosX - leaderPosX) local y = (npcPosY - leaderPosY)^2 --* (npcPosY - leaderPosY) local dist = math.sqrt(x + y) if dist > r2.MaxGroupRadius then return false end end end return true end function r2.checkLeaderDistAndUngroup(instanceId) local ok = r2.checkGroupDistance(instanceId) if not ok then r2:ungroup(movedNpc) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- test if an object can be grouped with 'target' -- 'src' must be a an entity -- 'target' may be another entity or a group function r2:testCanGroup(src, target) if target:isSameObjectThan(src) then return false end -- can't group itself if src:getCategory() ~= target:getCategory() or src:getSubCategory() ~= target:getSubCategory() then return false end if target:isKindOf("Npc") then if target:isBotObject() or target:isPlant() then return false end -- can't group bot objects together -- if instance is in a group, then can't goup with an instance of the same group if not src:isInDefaultFeature() then return target.ParentInstance ~= src.ParentInstance end if r2.checkGroupDistance(src.InstanceId, target.InstanceId) == false then return false end return true elseif target:isKindOf("NpcGrpFeature") then -- can group if src is not already in the same group if not src:isInDefaultFeature() then return target ~= src.ParentInstance end local leader = r2:getInstanceFromId(target.Components[0].InstanceId) assert(leader) if r2.checkGroupDistance(src.InstanceId, leader.InstanceId) == false then return false end return true end end function r2:testCanGroupSelectedInstance(targetInstanceId) return r2:testCanGroup(r2:getSelectedInstance(), r2:getInstanceFromId(targetInstanceId)) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- group an entity with another entity or group -- 'src' must be a an entity -- 'target' may be another entity or a group function r2:group(src, target) r2.requestNewAction(i18n.get("uiR2EDGroupAction")) if target:getParentAct() ~= src:getParentAct() then src:togglePermanentCurrentAct(false) end --debugInfo(colorTag(0, 255, 255) .. "Grouping instance " .. src.InstanceId .. " with instance or group " .. target.InstanceId) -- remove previous behavior (when grouped, only the group has a behavior, not his members) -- if target has no group then create a new group local targetGroup if target:isKindOf("NpcGrpFeature") then targetGroup = target -- recompute relative position src:requestMakePosRelativeTo(targetGroup) elseif target:isInDefaultFeature() then assert(target:isKindOf("Npc")) --r2.requestSetNode(target.Behavior.InstanceId, "Type", "") -- create a new group -- debugInfo(colorTag(255, 255, 0) .. "Creating new group") local newGroup = r2.newComponent("NpcGrpFeature") local uc_groupName = ucstring() uc_groupName:fromUtf8(r2.PaletteIdToGroupTranslation[src.Base].. " " .. i18n.get("uiR2EDNameGroup"):toUtf8()) local groupName = r2:genInstanceName(uc_groupName):toUtf8() newGroup.Name = groupName --r2.requestSetNode(target.Behavior.InstanceId, "Type", "") --newGroup.Behavior.Type = src.Behavior.Type --newGroup.Behavior.ZoneId = src.Behavior.ZoneId __tmpNewGroup = newGroup --runCommand("luaObject", "__tmpNewGroup", maxDepth) __tmpNewGroup = nil -- create new group --r2.requestInsertNode(src:getParentAct().InstanceId, "Features", -1, "", newGroup) r2.requestInsertNode(target:getParentAct().InstanceId, "Features", -1, "", newGroup) -- move the target instance into that group r2.requestMoveNode(target.InstanceId, "", -1, newGroup.InstanceId, "Components", -1) targetGroup = newGroup else --debugInfo(colorTag(255, 0, 255) .. "Group already created") targetGroup = target.ParentInstance -- recompute relative position src:requestMakePosRelativeTo(targetGroup) end -- is src is in a group then ungroup before doing the move if not src:isInDefaultFeature() then r2:ungroup(src) end -- nico patch : locaaly mark the entity so that it can't be grouped again before net msg is received src.User.Grouped = true -- force update of the available options if src == r2:getSelectedInstance() then r2.ContextualCommands:update() end -- move the selected instance into the target group r2.requestMoveNode(src.InstanceId, "", -1, targetGroup.InstanceId, "Components", -1) --r2.requestSetNode(src.Behavior.InstanceId, "Type", "") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- group the selected instance with the given instance function r2:groupSelectedInstance(instanceId) r2:group(r2:getSelectedInstance(), r2:getInstanceFromId(instanceId)) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ungroup a npc function r2:ungroup(instance) r2.requestNewAction(i18n.get("uiR2EDUngroupAction")) if instance == nil then debugInfo(colorTag(255, 255, 0) .. "No selected instance") return end local target = instance:getParentAct():getDefaultFeature() --debugInfo(colorTag(255, 255, 0) .. "Parent group size is " .. tostring(instance.Parent.Size)) if instance.Parent.Size <= 2 then -- debugInfo(colorTag(255, 255, 0) .. "Empty group left, removing it") -- this was the last object of the group, so remove the group local groupId = instance.ParentInstance.InstanceId local parentTable = instance.Parent -- must keep pointer on parent because parent will be changed -- a son is moved for i = parentTable.Size - 1, 0, -1 do parentTable[i]:requestMakePosRelativeTo(target) r2.requestMoveNode(parentTable[i].InstanceId, "", -1, instance:getParentAct():getDefaultFeature().InstanceId, "Components", -1) end --debugInfo(colorTag(255, 255, 0) .. "request erase node") r2.requestEraseNode(groupId, "", -1) else -- make pos relative to the new target instance:requestMakePosRelativeTo(target) r2.requestMoveNode(instance.InstanceId, "", -1, target.InstanceId, "Components", -1) --give a new Behavior to the degrouped member --r2.requestSetNode(instance.InstanceId,"Behavior",r2.newComponent("Behavior")) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- set instance as the new leader of its group function r2:setAsGroupLeader(instance) r2.requestNewAction(i18n.get("uiR2EDSetAsLeaderAction")) if instance:isInDefaultFeature() then debugInfo("Instance is not in a group, can't set as leader") return end --local oldLeader = instance.ParentInstance.Components[0] --if (oldLeader:isSameObjectThan(instance)) then return end -- copy behaviour from the entity (becomes the group behavior) --r2:setActivityType(instance.Behavior, oldLeader.Behavior.Type, oldLeader.Behavior.ZoneId) --r2:setActivityType(oldLeader.Behavior, "", "") -- put leader in first position of the group r2.requestMoveNode(instance.InstanceId, "", -1, instance.ParentInstance.InstanceId, "Components", 0) end ------------------- ------------------- -- NPC BEHAVIOR -- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:testCanPickZoneForNPC(instanceId) local targetInstance = r2:getInstanceFromId(instanceId) --if targetInstance:isKindOf("WayPoint") or targetInstance:isKindOf("RegionVertex") or -- targetInstance:isKindOf("Region") or targetInstance:isKindOf("Road") if targetInstance:isKindOf("RegionVertex") or targetInstance:isKindOf("Region") then return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:testCanPickRoadForNPC(instanceId) local targetInstance = r2:getInstanceFromId(instanceId) if targetInstance:isKindOf("WayPoint") or targetInstance:isKindOf("Road") then return true end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --if instance is a grouped npc, return the leader's behavior --else, return the npc's behavior function r2:getBehavior(instance) return r2:getLeader(instance).Behavior end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:getLeader (instance) --local grouped = not instance:isInDefaultFeature() local grouped = instance:isGrouped() if grouped == true then local group = instance.ParentInstance assert(group ~=nil) instance = group.Components[0] elseif instance:isKindOf("NpcGrpFeature") then instance = instance.Components[0] end return instance end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --the arguments must be verified before calling this function --function r2:setActivityType(behaviorObject, activity, zoneInstanceId) -- r2.requestSetNode(behaviorObject.InstanceId, "Type", activity) -- r2.requestSetNode(behaviorObject.InstanceId, "ZoneId", zoneInstanceId) --end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --function r2:affectZoneToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId) -- local npcInstance = r2:getInstanceFromId(npcInstanceId) -- if npcInstance == nil then -- debugInfo("No target npc") -- return -- end -- local behavior = r2:getBehavior(npcInstance) -- local activity -- local targetInstance = r2:getInstanceFromId(zoneInstanceId) -- if targetInstance:isKindOf("WayPoint") or targetInstance:isKindOf("RegionVertex") then -- debugInfo(colorTag(255, 255, 0) .. "Selecting parent from WayPoint of RegionVertex") -- targetInstance = targetInstance.ParentInstance -- end -- r2:blink(targetInstance) -- if targetInstance:isKindOf("Road") then -- activity = "follow_route" -- else -- activity = "wander" -- end -- local act = npcInstance:getParentAct() -- if act~= nil -- then --debugInfo(colorTag(255,0,0).."act class: "..act.Class) -- else -- debugInfo(colorTag(255,0,0).."act niiil!! ") -- end -- r2:setActivityType(behavior,activity,targetInstance.InstanceId) --end function r2:affectZoneToSelectedNPC(zoneInstanceId) local npcInstanceId = r2:getLeader(r2:getSelectedInstance()).InstanceId --r2:affectZoneToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId) r2:setBehaviorToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId, "Wander") end function r2:affectRestZoneToSelectedNPC(zoneInstanceId) local npcInstanceId = r2:getLeader(r2:getSelectedInstance()).InstanceId --r2:affectZoneToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId) r2:setBehaviorToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId, "Rest In Zone") end function r2:affectFeedZoneToSelectedNPC(zoneInstanceId) local npcInstanceId = r2:getLeader(r2:getSelectedInstance()).InstanceId --r2:affectZoneToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId) r2:setBehaviorToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId, "Feed In Zone") end function r2:affectHuntZoneToSelectedNPC(zoneInstanceId) local npcInstanceId = r2:getLeader(r2:getSelectedInstance()).InstanceId --r2:affectZoneToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId) r2:setBehaviorToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId, "Hunt In Zone") end function r2:affectGuardZoneToSelectedNPC(zoneInstanceId) local npcInstanceId = r2:getLeader(r2:getSelectedInstance()).InstanceId --r2:affectZoneToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId) r2:setBehaviorToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId, "Guard Zone") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC(startX, startY, startZ, primLook, primInvalidLook, primCanCloseLook, affectFunction, activity) if affectFunction == nil then dumpCallStack(1) assert(false) end r2.requestNewPendingMultiAction(i18n.get("uiR2EDAddActivityAction"), 3) -- TODO nico : use co-routine here instead of the callback stuff... local npcInstanceId = r2:getSelectedInstance().InstanceId local selectInstance = false local params = { Look = primLook, InvalidLook = primInvalidLook, CanCloseLook = primCanCloseLook, Vertices = { { x = startX, y = startY, z = startZ } }, -- start with single vertex where the user clicked CookieKey = "CreateFunc", -- special function called by the road/region displayer when it is created CookieValue = function(primitive) -- this is a pending action with 3 steps here affectFunction(r2, npcInstanceId, primitive.InstanceId, activity) end, SelectInstance = selectInstance, -- when road or place is created to associate new activity to a NPC, -- it must not be selected OnCancel = function() r2.requestCancelAction() end } if params.CanCloseLook and params.CanCloseLook.Shape == r2.PrimRender.Shape.ClosedPolyLine then params.Type = "Region" else params.Type = "Route" end r2:setCurrentTool("R2::CToolDrawPrim", params) --debugInfo("createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC END") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:createZoneAndAffectZoneToNPC(startX, startY, startZ) r2:createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC(startX, startY, startZ, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateInvalidLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateCanCloseLook, r2.setBehaviorToNPC, "Wander") end function r2:createRestZoneAndAffectZoneToNPC(startX, startY, startZ) r2:createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC(startX, startY, startZ, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateInvalidLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateCanCloseLook, r2.setBehaviorToNPC, "Rest In Zone") end function r2:createFeedZoneAndAffectZoneToNPC(startX, startY, startZ) r2:createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC(startX, startY, startZ, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateInvalidLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateCanCloseLook, r2.setBehaviorToNPC, "Feed In Zone") end function r2:createHuntZoneAndAffectZoneToNPC(startX, startY, startZ) r2:createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC(startX, startY, startZ, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateInvalidLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateCanCloseLook, r2.setBehaviorToNPC, "Hunt In Zone") end function r2:createGuardZoneAndAffectZoneToNPC(startX, startY, startZ) r2:createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC(startX, startY, startZ, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateInvalidLook, r2.PrimRender.RegionCreateCanCloseLook, r2.setBehaviorToNPC, "Guard Zone") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:setBehaviorToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId, activity) local npcInstance = r2:getInstanceFromId(npcInstanceId) if npcInstance == nil then return end local behavior = r2:getBehavior(npcInstance) local targetInstance = r2:getInstanceFromId(zoneInstanceId) if targetInstance:isKindOf("WayPoint") or targetInstance:isKindOf("RegionVertex") then zoneInstanceId = targetInstance.ParentInstance.InstanceId end local act = npcInstance:getParentAct() if act~= nil then --debugInfo(colorTag(255,0,0).."act class: "..act.Class) else debugInfo(colorTag(255,0,0).."act niiil!! ") end r2.activities:initEditorAfterFirstCall() local tableInit = {} tableInit.Activity = activity tableInit.ActivityZoneId = zoneInstanceId if activity=="Follow Route" or activity=="Repeat Road" or activity=="Patrol" then tableInit.TimeLimit = "No Limit" tableInit.TimeLimitValue = "0" else tableInit.TimeLimit = "Few Sec" tableInit.TimeLimitValue = "20" end if activity=="Repeat Road" or activity=="Patrol" then tableInit.RoadCountLimit = "2" end -- if current display mode for prim is 'hide all', then force to 'contextual' at if r2.PrimDisplayVisible == false then r2:primDisplayShowContextual() displaySystemInfo(i18n.get("uiR2EDPrimDisplayModeChangedToContextual"), 'BC') end if not r2.activities:newElementInst(tableInit) then return end end function r2:setBehaviorToSelectedNPC(zoneInstanceId, activity) local npcInstanceId = r2:getLeader(r2:getSelectedInstance()).InstanceId r2:setBehaviorToNPC(npcInstanceId, zoneInstanceId, activity) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:setBehaviorFollowRouteToNPC(roadInstanceId) r2:setBehaviorToSelectedNPC(roadInstanceId, "Follow Route") end function r2:createRouteAndSetBehaviorFollowRouteToNPC(startX, startY, startZ) r2:createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC(startX, startY, startZ, r2.PrimRender.RoadCreateLook, r2.PrimRender.RoadCreateInvalidLook, nil, self.setBehaviorToNPC, "Follow Route") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:setBehaviorPatrolRouteToNPC(roadInstanceId) r2:setBehaviorToSelectedNPC(roadInstanceId, "Patrol") end function r2:createRouteAndSetBehaviorPatrolRouteToNPC(startX, startY, startZ) r2:createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC(startX, startY, startZ, r2.PrimRender.RoadCreateLook, r2.PrimRender.RoadCreateInvalidLook, nil, self.setBehaviorToNPC, "Patrol") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:setBehaviorRepeatRoadToNPC(roadInstanceId) r2:setBehaviorToSelectedNPC(roadInstanceId, "Repeat Road") end function r2:createRoadAndSetBehaviorRepeatRoadToNPC(startX, startY, startZ) r2:createZoneAndAffectBehaviorToNPC(startX, startY, startZ, r2.PrimRender.RoadCreateLook, r2.PrimRender.RoadCreateInvalidLook, nil, self.setBehaviorToNPC, "Repeat Road") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:setNPCStandInPlace(instance) r2.activities:initEditorAfterFirstCall() local tableInit = {} tableInit.Activity = "Stand Still" tableInit.ActivityZoneId = "" tableInit.TimeLimit = "Few Sec" tableInit.TimeLimitValue = "20" if not r2.activities:newElementInst(tableInit) then return end end ---------------- ---------------- -- MENU SETUP -- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:selectParent(index) local parent = r2:getSelectedInstance() for i = 1,index do parent = parent.ParentInstance if parent == nil then return end end r2:setSelectedInstanceId(parent.InstanceId) end ------------------- ------------------- -- COPY AND PASTE -- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called by C++ when copy has been pressed (key or ui button) function r2:copy() local selection = r2:getSelectedInstance() if selection == nil then displaySystemInfo(i18n.get("uiR2EDCantCopyEmptySelection"), "BC") return end if not selection:isCopyable() then displaySystemInfo(i18n.get("uiR2EDSelectionDoNotSupportCopy"), "BC") return end r2.ClipBoard = selection:copy() r2.ClipBoardSrcInstanceId = selection.InstanceId r2.ClipBoardDisplayName = selection:getDisplayName() displaySystemInfo(concatUCString(selection:getDisplayName(), i18n.get("uiR2EDSelectionCopied")), "BC") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called by C++ when copy has been pressed (key or ui button) function r2:paste() r2.requestNewAction(concatUCString(i18n.get("uiR2EDPasteAction"), r2.ClipBoardDisplayName)) if r2.ClipBoard == nil then displaySystemInfo(i18n.get("uiR2EDEmptyClipBoard"), "BC") return end -- call the paste function (not a method here) local newCopy = r2.Classes[r2.ClipBoard.Class].newCopy(r2.ClipBoard) r2.requestNewAction(concatUCString(i18n.get("uiR2EDPasteAction"), r2.ClipBoardDisplayName)) r2.Classes[r2.ClipBoard.Class].paste(newCopy, true, r2.ClipBoardSrcInstanceId) r2.requestEndAction() end -- tmp tmp for debug function doublePaste() debugInfo("1 " .. tostring(r2.UIMainLoop.LeftQuotaModified)) r2:paste() debugInfo("2 " .. tostring(r2.UIMainLoop.LeftQuotaModified)) r2:paste() debugInfo("3 " .. tostring(r2.UIMainLoop.LeftQuotaModified)) end -- tmp tmp for debug function testPaste() for k = 1, 99 do r2:paste() end end --r2.CuttedSelectionId = "" -- instance id for the selection to be cutted -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --function r2:getCuttedSelection() -- return r2:getInstanceFromId(self.CuttedSelectionId) -- end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --function r2:cut(instance) -- local oldSelection = r2:getCuttedSelection() -- if oldSelection and oldSelection.DisplayerUI then -- oldSelection.DisplayerUI:onCut(oldSelection, false) -- not cut anymore -- end -- if instance then -- r2.CuttedSelectionId = instance.InstanceId -- else -- r2.CuttedSelectionId = "" -- end -- local newSelection = r2:getCuttedSelection() -- if newSelection and newSelection.DisplayerUI then -- newSelection.DisplayerUI:onCut(newSelection, true) -- new instance being cut -- end --end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --function r2:paste() -- local target = r2:getSelectedInstance() -- local src = r2:getCuttedSelection() -- assert(target) -- assert(src) -- r2:cut(nil) -- -- check that target accept the paste -- assert(target.accept) -- local destArray = target:accept(src) -- -- do the move -- if target.insert ~= nil then -- -- if an 'insert' then use it to do the insertion -- target:insert(src) -- else -- -- else just move the node at the end of the array -- assert(type(destArray) == "string") -- r2.requestMoveNode(src.InstanceId, "", -1, target.InstanceId, destArray, -1) -- end --end ------------------------ ------------------------ -- INSTANCE SELECTION -- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called by the framework when an instance is selected function r2:onSelectInstance(instance) --local st = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime() if instance then instance:onSelect() -- reset slect bar type r2.SelectBar.InstancesType = instance:getSelectBarType() end if r2.isPropertyWindowVisible() then r2:showProperties(instance) end r2.CustomBBox:updateUI() r2.ContextualCommands:setupToolbar(instance) r2.MiniToolbar:setupToolbar(instance) if not instance then r2.ContextualCommands:setupMenu(nil) end r2.SelectBar:touch() r2.SelectBar:getBar().active = (instance ~= nil and not instance.Ghost)-- ensure that 'active' is properly set for the select bar -- (do not wait per frame update) getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_select_bar"):updateCoords() getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_contextual_toolbar_new"):updateCoords() getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_mini_activity_view"):updateCoords() --local et = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime() --debugInfo("select instance : " .. tostring(1000 * (et - st)) .." ms") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --function r2:showEditOrTestButton(isEdition) -- if isEdition == nil then -- debugInfo(debug.traceback()) -- end -- local editButton = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_toolbar_admin:r2ed_tool_go_edition") -- if editButton then editButton.active = not isEdition end -- local testButton = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_toolbar_admin:r2ed_tool_go_test") -- if testButton then testButton.active = isEdition end --end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --function r2:setEditorMode(isEdition) -- -- tmp hack here to know what is the current mode -- if isEdition then -- r2:setupUIForEdition() -- else -- r2:setupUIForTest() -- end -- --r2:showEditOrTestButton(isEdition) -- r2.IsEdition = isEdition --end --------------- --------------- -- MAIN MENU -- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function r2:popMainMenu() r2:setCurrentTool('') local menuName = select(r2.Mode == "Edit", "ui:interface:r2ed_main_menu", "ui:interface:r2ed_main_menu_animation") --runAH(nil, "active_menu", "menu=" .. menuName) launchContextMenuInGame(menuName) local menu = getUI(menuName) assert(menu) local function buildKeyName(action, params) local keyName = ucstring(runExpr(string.format("getKey('%s', '%s')", action, params))) assert(isUCString(keyName)) if keyName == i18n.get("uiNotAssigned") then -- no associated key... return keyName else local result = concatUCString(ucstring("(") , keyName, ucstring(")")) --debugInfo(result:toUtf8()) return result end end -- fill menu entries common to edition & test menu:find("preferences_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("show_hide", "game_config") menu:find("keys_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("show_hide", "keys") --menu:find("debug_console_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("show_hide", "debug_info") menu:find("chat_window_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("show_hide", "main_chat") menu:find("quit_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("quit_ryzom_now", "") menu:find("mail_box_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("show_hide", "mailbox") menu:find("guild_forum_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("show_hide", "guild_forum") -- fill name of key for each menu entry if r2.Mode == "Edit" then menu:find("go_test_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("r2ed_try_go_test", "") menu:find("palette_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("show_hide", "r2ed_palette") menu:find("scenario_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("show_hide", "r2ed_scenario") menu:find("cust_bbox").active = (config.R2EDExtendedDebug == 1) else menu:find("stop_test_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("r2ed_stop_test", "") menu:find("stop_test").active = (r2.AccessMode == "Editor") end if r2.Mode ~= "Edit" then menu:find("live").active = not (r2.AccessMode == "Editor") menu:find("stop_live").active = not (r2.AccessMode == "Editor") menu:find("player_admin").active = not (r2.AccessMode == "Editor") end menu:find("map_key").t.uc_hardtext = buildKeyName("show_hide", "map") menu:find("debug_console").active = (config.R2EDExtendedDebug == 1) menu:find("fixed_lighting_bm").bm.texture = select(r2:getFixedLighting(), "r2_icon_light_on_small.tga", "r2_icon_light_off_small.tga") menu:find("toggle_fixed_lighting").hardtext = select(r2:getFixedLighting(), "uiR2EDTurnLightOff", "uiR2EDTurnLightOn") -- setup position local scrW, scrH = getWindowSize() menu:updateCoords() menu.x = scrW - menu.w_real menu.y = 28 menu:updateCoords() end -- called by main menu in edition mode to go to test mode function r2:tryGoTest() -- remove any keyboard focus so that any editbox properties will be updated correctly resetCaptureKeyboard() r2.acts.deleteOldScenario = true r2:defaultUIDisplayer():storeClosedTreeNodes() if r2:getLeftQuota() < 0 then messageBox(i18n.get("uiR2EDCantGoTest")) return end -- freeze go test in menu & button local goTestButton = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_toolbar"):find("r2ed_tool_start").unselected.button local goTestMenu = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_main_menu"):find("go_test") if not goTestButton.frozen or goTest.grayed then goTestButton.frozen = true goTestMenu.grayed = true runAH(nil, "r2ed_go_test", "") end end ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -- NO MORE ROOM IN SCENARIO -- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -- called by C++ (or lua) to signal that there's no more room to create new entities function r2:makeRoomMsg() displaySystemInfo(i18n.get("uiR2EDMakeRoom"), "BC") end local instanceTrees = nil -- private to r2:getInstanceFromUIUnderMouse -- test if mouse is currently over a widget in the ui that represents an entity in the scenario (used by the pick tool) -- TODO nico : put this in the cpp API !!! function r2:getInstanceIdFromUIUnderMouse() -- implemented for the scenario tree only for now ... -- build pointers on all tree if not already done if instanceTrees == nil then instanceTrees = {} table.insert(instanceTrees, getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_scenario"):find("content_tree_list")) local maxNumActs = getDefine('r2ed_max_num_additionnal_acts') for i = 0, r2:getMaxNumberOfAdditionnalActs() - 1 do table.insert(instanceTrees, getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_scenario"):find("act_tree_" .. tostring(i))) table.insert(instanceTrees, getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_scenario"):find("macro_act_tree_" .. tostring(i))) end end -- look in all scenario trees .... for k, v in pairs(instanceTrees) do if v and v.active then local node = v:getNodeUnderMouse() if node then return node.Id end end end return nil end ---------- ---------- -- ACTS -- ---------- ---------- -- called by C++ when a new act has been selected function r2:onActChanged(previousAct, currentAct) -- update the scenario window r2.ScenarioWindow:updateUIFromCurrentAct() -- update the select bar r2.SelectBar:touch() if r2:isScenarioUpdating() then return end -- tp if change location local baseAct = r2.Scenario:getBaseAct() -- change position if previousAct and currentAct and baseAct then local previousActInstanceId = tostring(r2.Scenario.User.SelectedActInstanceId); local previousLocationInstanceId = tostring(r2.Scenario.User.SelectedLocationInstanceId) local currentActInstanceId = tostring(currentAct.InstanceId) local currentActLocationInstanceId = tostring(currentAct.LocationId) if currentAct.InstanceId ~= tostring(baseAct.InstanceId) then r2.Scenario.User.SelectedActInstanceId = tostring(currentAct.InstanceId) r2.Scenario.User.SelectedLocationInstanceId = tostring(currentAct.LocationId) debugInfo("Location id: " ..tostring(currentAct.LocationId)) if ( r2.Scenario.User.SelectedLocationInstanceId ~= previousLocationInstanceId) then local actIndex = 0 local k,v = next(r2.Scenario.Acts) while k do if tostring(v.InstanceId) == tostring(currentAct.InstanceId) then debugInfo("::BEFORE TP::Location id: " ..tostring(currentAct.LocationId)) r2.requestSetStartingAct(actIndex) r2.requestTpToEntryPoint(actIndex) end actIndex = actIndex + 1 k,v = next(r2.Scenario.Acts, k) end end end end end ------------------ ------------------ -- EDITOR MODES -- ------------------ ------------------ -- called by C ++ : cleanup tasks when the editor is released function r2:onFinalRelease() r2.DMGift:cancel() -- if a dm gift was current, cancel it end -- called by C ++ when current mode of the editor is about to change function r2:onPreModeChanged() r2.DMGift:cancel() -- if a dm gift was current, cancel it end -- Called by the C++ framework when there's a mode change between editing, dm etc -- the r2.Mode variable is changed to one of the following: -- 'Edit' for editing mode -- 'Test' for test mode -- 'DM' for DM mode -- 'GoingToDM' when switching from editing to dm mode (when the transition screen is displayed) -- 'BackToEditing' when switching from dm/test mode to editing (when the transition screen is displayed) function r2:onModeChanged() -- if a form was displayed, just cancel it if r2.CurrentForm and r2.CurrentForm.active then r2:cancelForm(r2.CurrentForm) end -- if we're back in edition and there's an error message left, display it now if r2.Mode == "Edit" and r2.LastTranslationErrorMsg ~= nil then local str = r2.LastTranslationErrorMsg assert(type(str) == "string") local ucStringMsg = ucstring("Translation Error") --ucStringMsg:fromUtf8(r2.LastTranslationErrorMsg) displaySystemInfo(ucStringMsg, "BC") messageBox(str) r2.LastTranslationErrorMsg = nil end -- reset the list af acts and triggers until they are received if mode == "Edit" then r2.AnimGlobals:reset() end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- -- WEATHER -- ------------- ------------- -- pop the weather edition dialog in test mode function r2:changeWeatherDialog() local function onOk(form) setWeatherValue(true) -- back to auto weather -- send request message to dss local newWeatherValue = select(form.ManualWeather == 1, form.WeatherValue + 1, 0) if newWeatherValue ~= getDbProp("SERVER:WEATHER:VALUE") then r2.requestSetWeather(newWeatherValue) -- predicted weather end --if form.Season ~= getDbProp("SERVER:SEASON:VALUE") then -- r2.requestSetSeason(form.Season) --end end local function onCancel(form) setWeatherValue(true) -- back to auto weather end local params = { WeatherValue = getWeatherValue() * 1022, ManualWeather = select(getDbProp("SERVER:WEATHER:VALUE") ~= 0, 1, 0), --Season = getServerSeason() } r2:doForm("ChangeWeatherForm", params, onOk, onCancel) end -- teleport -- tpPosition when player click on the minimap -- Whe can not use the /a Position command because we need admin power to do it function r2:activeTeleportTool() local function posOk(x, y, z) if config.Local == 1 then runCommand("pos", x, y, z); else r2.requestTpPosition(x, y, z) end end local function posCancel() debugInfo("Cancel teleport pos") end r2:choosePos("", posOk, posCancel, "teleport", "r2ed_tool_can_pick.tga", "r2ed_tool_pick.tga") end -- teleport -- tpPosition when player click on the minimap -- Whe can not use the /a Position command because we need admin power to do it function r2:teleportToTarget() local target = r2:getSelectedInstance() if not target then return end local pos = r2.getWorldPos(target) local x = pos.x local y = pos.y local z = pos.z local x2, y2, z2 = r2:getUserEntityPosition() local dx = (x - x2)^2 --* (npcPosX - leaderPosX) local dy = (y - y2)^2 --* (npcPosY - leaderPosY) local dist = math.sqrt(dy + dx) if dist > 300 then return end if config.Local == 1 then runCommand("pos", x, y, z); else r2.requestTpPosition(x, y, z) end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -- TOOLS CONTEXT HELP -- ------------------------ ------------------------ -- call by C++ to change the context help that is displayed for the current tool function r2:setToolContextHelp(ucHelp) --debugInfo(tostring(ucHelp)) local helpGroup = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_tool_context_help") helpGroup.t.uc_hardtext = ucHelp helpGroup.t:updateCoords() helpGroup.w = helpGroup.t.w helpGroup:invalidateCoords() end -- call by C++ to display a message saying that the max number of points has been reached -- while drawing a primitive function r2:noMoreRoomLeftInPrimitveMsg() local keyName = ucstring(runExpr("getKey('r2ed_context_command', 'commandId=delete')")) local msg = concatUCString(i18n.get("uiR2EDNoMoreRoomInPrimStart"), keyName, i18n.get("uiR2EDNoMoreRoomInPrimEnd")) displaySystemInfo(msg, "TAGBC") end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -- ANIMATION TIME -- -------------------- -------------------- function r2:updateAnimBarActions(...) local arg = {...} -- forward to the real anim bar r2.ui.AnimBar:updateActions(arg) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -- UNDO / REDO EVENTS -- ------------------------ ------------------------ -- called by C++ when an action has been undone function r2:onUndo(actionUCName) debugInfo("*undo*") displaySystemInfo(concatUCString(i18n.get("uiR2EDUndoing"), actionUCName), "BC") r2.ToolUI:updateUndoRedo() end -- called by C++ when an action has been redone function r2:onRedo(actionUCName) debugInfo("*redo*") displaySystemInfo(concatUCString(i18n.get("uiR2EDRedoing"), actionUCName), "BC") r2.ToolUI:updateUndoRedo() end -- called by C++ when a new action has been added in the action historic function r2:onNewActionAddedInHistoric() debugInfo("*new action*") r2.ToolUI:updateUndoRedo() end -- called by C++ when an action new pending action has begun function r2:onCancelActionInHistoric() r2.ToolUI:updateUndoRedo() end -- called by C++ when a new pending action has begun function r2:onPendingActionBegin() r2.ToolUI:updateUndoRedo() end -- called by C++ when an undo was attempted but failed because there were no actions left in the historic function r2:onCantUndo(actionUCName) displaySystemInfo(i18n.get("uiR2EDCantUndo"), "BC") end -- called by C++ when a redo was attempted but failed because there are no more actions at the end of the historic function r2:onCantRedo(actionUCName) displaySystemInfo(i18n.get("uiR2EDCantRedo"), "BC") end -- called by C++ when the action historic has been cleared -- this may happen after scenario version update function r2:onClearActionHistoric() r2.ToolUI:updateUndoRedo() end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -- DISPLAY MODE MENU -- ------------------------ ------------------------ -- call by the toolabr button to pop the 'display mode' menu function r2:popDisplayModeMenu() local menuName = "ui:interface:r2ed_primitive_display" local menu = getUI(menuName) launchContextMenuInGame(menuName) -- setup position local parentIcon = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_toolbar:r2ed_tool_display_mode") local scrW, scrH = getWindowSize() -- menu:find("freeze_all").grayed = not r2.PrimDisplayVisible menu:find("freeze_all").checked = r2.PrimDisplayFrozen menu:find("unfreeze_all").grayed = not r2.PrimDisplayVisible menu:find("unfreeze_all").checked = not r2.PrimDisplayFrozen menu:find("hide_all").checked = not r2.PrimDisplayVisible menu:find("show_contextual").checked = (r2.PrimDisplayVisible and r2.PrimDisplayContextualVisibility) menu:find("show_all").checked = (r2.PrimDisplayVisible and not r2.PrimDisplayContextualVisibility) -- menu:setPosRef("TL TL") menu:updateCoords() menu.x = parentIcon.x_real menu.y = parentIcon.y_real - scrH menu:updateCoords() end local scratchDisplayModeTableSrc = {} -- 'reserve' for list of objects we want to change display mode local scratchDisplayModeTableDest = {} -- reset the display mode to 'Visibl' for all objects in all acts function r2:resetDisplayModeForAllObjects() local objList = scratchDisplayModeTableSrc -- alias table.clear(objList) r2.Scenario:getSons(objList) r2.requestNewAction(i18n.get("uiR2EDChangeDisplayAction")) for k, v in pairs(objList) do if v:isKindOf("WorldObject") then v.DisplayerVisual.DisplayMode = 0 end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- primitive display mode menu handlers -- current display mode for primitive -- NB : these flags may be accessed by C++ when a new route or zone is drawn, to switch 'to display all' mode -- which isdone by calling 'r2:primDisplayShowAll' r2.PrimDisplayMode = 0 -- Visible -- is contextual selection on for primitives ? r2.PrimDisplayFrozen = false r2.PrimDisplayVisible = true r2.PrimDisplayContextualVisibility = false -- 0, Visible -- 1, Hidden -- 2, Frozen -- 3, Locked function r2:getPrimDisplayMode() if not r2.PrimDisplayVisible then return 1 else if r2.PrimDisplayFrozen then return 2 else return 0 end end end function r2:updatePrimDisplayMode() r2:setDisplayMode("places", r2:getPrimDisplayMode(), r2.PrimDisplayContextualVisibility) end function r2:primDisplayFreezeAll() r2.PrimDisplayFrozen = true r2:updatePrimDisplayMode() end -- function r2:primDisplayUnfreezeAll() r2.PrimDisplayFrozen = false r2:updatePrimDisplayMode() end -- function r2:primDisplayHideAll() r2.PrimDisplayVisible = false r2.PrimDisplayContextualVisibility = false r2:updatePrimDisplayMode() end -- function r2:primDisplayShowContextual() r2.PrimDisplayVisible = true r2.PrimDisplayContextualVisibility = true r2:updatePrimDisplayMode() end -- function r2:primDisplayShowAll() r2.PrimDisplayVisible = true r2.PrimDisplayContextualVisibility = false r2:updatePrimDisplayMode() end -- function r2:notifyPrimDisplayShowAll() displaySystemInfo(i18n.get("uiR2EDPrimDisplayModeChangedToShowAll"), 'BC') r2:primDisplayShowAll() end -- change display mode for all objects of the given category -- filter may be : -- 'all' -- 'places' : roads and regions -- "bot_objects' : pieces of furniture, buildings ... function r2:setDisplayMode(filter, displayMode, contextualVisibility) local objList = scratchDisplayModeTableSrc -- alias local finalObjList = scratchDisplayModeTableDest -- alias table.clear(objList) table.clear(finalObjList) -- operate in all acts for k, v in specPairs(r2.Scenario.Acts) do v:getSons(objList) end for k,v in pairs(objList) do if v:isKindOf("WorldObject") then if filter == "all" then if v:canChangeDisplayMode() then table.insert(finalObjList, v) end elseif filter == "places" then if v:isKindOf("Region") or v:isKindOf("Road") then table.insert(finalObjList, v) end elseif filter == "bot_objects" then if v:isKindOf("Npc") and v:isBotObject() then table.insert(finalObjList, v) end end end end if table.getn(finalObjList) == 0 then --displaySystemInfo(i18n.get("uiR2EDNoTargetForDisplayModeChange"), "BC") return end -- change display mode only for object that need it --r2.requestNewAction(i18n.get("uiR2EDChangeDisplayAction")) for k, v in pairs(finalObjList) do v.DisplayerVisual.DisplayMode = displayMode if v:isKindOf("BasePrimitive") then v.DisplayerVisual.ContextualVisibilityActive = contextualVisibility end --if v.DisplayMode == srcDisplayMode or (srcDisplayMode == nil and v.DisplayMode ~= displayModeValue) then --debugInfo("Changing display mode for " .. v:getDisplayName():toUtf8()) --r2.requestSetNode(v.InstanceId, "DisplayMode", displayModeValue) -- now a local property --end end end r2.BotObjectsFrozen = false function r2:setupFreezeBotObjectButton() getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_toolbar"):find("r2ed_freeze_bot_objects").active = not r2.BotObjectsFrozen getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_toolbar"):find("r2ed_unfreeze_bot_objects").active = r2.BotObjectsFrozen end function r2:freezeUnfreezeBotObjects() if r2.BotObjectsFrozen then r2:unfreezeBotObjects() else r2:freezeBotObjects() end end function r2:freezeBotObjects() r2.BotObjectsFrozen = true r2:setDisplayMode("bot_objects", 2, false) r2:setupFreezeBotObjectButton() end function r2:unfreezeBotObjects() r2.BotObjectsFrozen = false r2:setDisplayMode("bot_objects", 0, false) r2:setupFreezeBotObjectButton() end function r2:setUndoRedoInstances(instanceId) if instanceId then r2.logicComponents.undoRedoInstances[tostring(instanceId)] = true end end --- --Called by C++ when upload message are send -- local lastMessage = {MessageName="", Size=0, Received=0 } function r2:onMessageSendingStart(messageName, nbPacket, size) debugInfo("--- Start "..messageName.. " " .. tostring(nbPacket).. " " ..tostring(size)) lastMessage.MessageName = messageName lastMessage.Size = size lastMessage.Received =0 local msg = nil if lastMessage.MessageName == "SSUA" then msg = i18n.get("uiR2EDUploadScenario"):toUtf8() elseif lastMessage.MessageName == "RSS2" then msg = i18n.get("uimR2EDGoToDMMode"):toUtf8() else return end local ui = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_uploading_bar") if not ui then return end local bar = ui:find("uploading_bar") if not bar then return end bar.hardtext = msg .. " 0%" ui.active = true end function r2:onMessageSendingUpdate(packetId, packetSize) debugInfo("--- Update " .. tostring(packetId) .. " " .. tostring(packetSize) ) lastMessage.Received = lastMessage.Received + packetSize if lastMessage.Size and lastMessage.Size ~= 0 then debugInfo("--- " .. tostring( math.floor( (100*lastMessage.Received) / lastMessage.Size) ) ) if lastMessage.MessageName == "SSUA" then msg = i18n.get("uiR2EDUploadScenario"):toUtf8() elseif lastMessage.MessageName == "RSS2" then msg = i18n.get("uimR2EDGoToDMMode"):toUtf8() else return end local ui = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_uploading_bar") if not ui then return end local bar = ui:find("uploading_bar") if not bar then return end bar.hardtext = msg .. " ".. tostring( math.floor( (100*lastMessage.Received) / lastMessage.Size ) ) .."%" ui.active = true end end function r2:onMessageSendingFinish() debugInfo("--- Finish ") debugInfo(lastMessage.MessageName) local ui = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_uploading_bar") if not ui then return end local bar = ui:find("uploading_bar") if not bar then return end bar.hardtext = "" ui.active = true end -- called by C++ to signal that there are too many entity displayed simultaneously function r2:setMaxVisibleEntityExceededFlag(tooMany) local msgGroup = getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_max_visible_entity_count_exceeded") msgGroup.active = tooMany if tooMany then msgGroup.t:updateCoords() msgGroup.w = msgGroup.t.w msgGroup:invalidateCoords() end end