// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // authenticate function auth(&$error) { global $command, $sessionAuth, $admcookielogin, $admcookiepassword, $sessionAuth; global $admlogin, $admpassword, $uid, $gid, $useCookie, $group, $HTTP_POST_VARS; unset($error); switch($HTTP_POST_VARS["command"]) { case "logout": addToLog("Logout!"); $uid = $sessionAuth["uid"]; logUser($uid, "LOGOUT"); //session_unregister("sessionAuth"); unset($_SESSION["sessionAuth"]); session_destroy(); // erases cookies eraseCookies(); unset($admlogin); unset($admpassword); unset($admcookielogin); unset($admcookiepassword); unset($uid); htmlProlog($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "Logout", false); echo "
\n"; echo "You are not logged any more
\n"; echo "Click here to login
\n"; echo "
\n"; htmlEpilog(); die(); break; case "chPassword": addToLog("Change pass!"); global $chOldPass, $chNewPass, $chConfirmNewPass; if (!($uid = validateId($admlogin, $admpassword, $useCookie, $gid, $group))) { $error = "Invalid login '$admlogin'"; eraseCookies(); return 0; } if (crypt($chOldPass, "NL") == $admpassword && $chNewPass == $chConfirmNewPass) { sqlquery("UPDATE user SET password='".crypt($chNewPass, "NL")."' WHERE uid='$uid'"); $admpassword = $chNewPass; addToLog("Changed password to '$chNewPass':'".crypt($chNewPass, "NL")."'"); //session_unregister("sessionAuth"); unset($_SESSION["sessionAuth"]); session_destroy(); } case "login": $admpassword = crypt($admpassword, "NL"); addToLog("Login! -- admlogin='$admlogin', admpassword='$admpassword'"); if (!($uid = validateId($admlogin, $admpassword, $useCookie, $gid, $group))) { $error = "Invalid login '$admlogin'"; print $error; eraseCookies(); return 0; } $sessionAuth = array ("admlogin" => $admlogin, "admpassword" => $admpassword, "uid" => $uid); //session_register("sessionAuth"); $_SESSION["sessionAuth"] = $sessionAuth; if ($useCookie) setupCookies($admlogin, $admpassword); logUser($uid, "LOGIN"); return 1; break; default: if (!isset($sessionAuth) || $sessionAuth["admlogin"] == "") { print "no sessionauth or admlogin is blank"; if (!isset($admcookielogin)) { addToLog("cookie not set"); return false; } else { $admlogin = $admcookielogin; $admpassword = $admcookiepassword; } } else { $admlogin = $sessionAuth["admlogin"]; $admpassword = $sessionAuth["admpassword"]; $uid = $sessionAuth["uid"]; } if (!($uid = validateId($admlogin, $admpassword, $useCookie, $gid, $group))) { if (!$uid) { $error = "Invalid login '$admlogin'"; eraseCookies(); return false; } } $sessionAuth = array ("admlogin" => $admlogin, "admpassword" => $admpassword, "uid" => $uid); //session_register("sessionAuth"); $_SESSION["sessionAuth"] = $sessionAuth; if ($useCookie) setupCookies($admlogin, $admpassword); else eraseCookies(); //logUser($uid, "BROWSE"); return 1; break; } } // validate id function validateId($admlogin, $admpassword, &$useCookies, &$gid, &$group) { global $REMOTE_ADDR; if (!ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', $admlogin)) { //echo "DETECTED potential hacking login='$admlogin'
\n"; return false; } addToLog("Validate login: '$admlogin'/'$admpassword'..."); $res = mysql_query("SELECT auth.password AS password, auth.uid AS uid, auth.useCookie AS useCookie, auth.gid AS gid, ugroup.login AS gname, auth.allowed_ip AS allowed_ip FROM user AS auth, user AS ugroup WHERE BINARY auth.login='$admlogin' AND auth.gid=ugroup.uid"); if (!$res || !($arr=mysql_fetch_array($res)) || !($arr["uid"]) || $admpassword != $arr["password"]) { addToLog("failed !!"); return false; } $allowed_ip = $arr["allowed_ip"]; if ($allowed_ip != "" && strstr($REMOTE_ADDR, $allowed_ip) == FALSE) return false; addToLog("success"); $useCookies = ($arr["useCookie"] == "yes"); $gid = $arr["gid"]; $group = $arr["gname"]; return $arr["uid"]; } // setup cookies function setupCookies($admlogin, $admpassword) { /* setcookie("admcookielogin", $admlogin, time()+3600*24*15); setcookie("admcookiepassword", $admpassword, time()+3600*24*15); */ addToLog("cookies set to admlogin=$admlogin admpassword=$admpassword"); } // erase cookies function eraseCookies() { setcookie("admcookielogin"); setcookie("admcookiepassword"); addToLog("cookies reset"); } // log user function logUser($uid, $act, $prefix="") { global $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $REMOTE_ADDR, $userlogpath; $result = sqlquery("SELECT login FROM user WHERE uid='$uid'"); if ($result && ($result=sqlfetch($result))) { $login = $result["login"]; $filename = $userlogpath."/".$login.".log"; $file = fopen($filename, "a"); if ($file) { fwrite($file, ($prefix!="" ? $prefix." " : "").date("Y/m/d H:i:s")." $uid:$login:$HTTP_USER_AGENT:$REMOTE_ADDR $act\n"); fclose($file); } } else { $filename = $userlogpath."/unreferenced_user.log"; $file = fopen($filename, "a"); if ($file) { fwrite($file, date("Y/m/d H:i:s")." $uid::$HTTP_USER_AGENT:$REMOTE_ADDR $act\n"); fclose($file); } } /* $result = sqlquery("SELECT http_agent, remote_address, act FROM user_log WHERE uid='$uid' ORDER BY log_date DESC LIMIT 1"); if (!$result || !($arr=mysql_fetch_array($result)) || $arr["http_agent"]!=$HTTP_USER_AGENT || $arr["remote_address"]!=$REMOTE_ADDR || $arr["act"]!=$act) { sqlquery("INSERT INTO user_log SET uid='$uid', http_agent='$HTTP_USER_AGENT', remote_address='$REMOTE_ADDR', log_date=NOW(), act='$act'"); } */ } ?>