// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #ifndef NL_INTERFACE_MANAGER_H #define NL_INTERFACE_MANAGER_H #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #include "nel/misc/cdb_manager.h" #include "nel/3d/u_texture.h" #include "nel/3d/u_text_context.h" #include "interface_group.h" #include "interface_link.h" #include "group_list.h" #include "view_base.h" #include "view_pointer.h" #include "ctrl_base.h" #include "ctrl_scroll.h" #include "nel/gui/view_renderer.h" // InterfaceV3 #include "interface_parser.h" #include "ctrl_sheet_selection.h" #include "interface_options.h" #include "interface_config.h" #include "interface_pointer.h" #include "flying_text_manager.h" #include "nel/gui/input_event_listener.h" #include "nel/gui/db_manager.h" // CLIENT #include "../string_manager_client.h" #include "yubo_chat.h" #include "../ingame_database_manager.h" static const float ROLLOVER_MIN_DELTA_PER_MS = 0.28f; static const float ROLLOVER_MAX_DELTA_PER_MS = 0.12f; //the network database node extern CCDBSynchronised IngameDbMngr; ///\todo nico remove that extern bool g_hidden; ///max botchat distance #define MAX_BOTCHAT_DISTANCE_SQUARE 25 #define MAX_NUM_MODES 4 #define RZ_CATEGORY_EDIT "edit" // #define AJM_DEBUG_TRACK_INTERFACE_GROUPS class CGroupContainer; class CInterfaceOptions; class CInterfaceAnim; class CGroupMenu; /** * class managing the interface * \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson * \author Nevrax France * \date 2002 */ class CInterfaceManager : public CInterfaceParser, public NLGUI::IInputEventListener { public: #ifdef AJM_DEBUG_TRACK_INTERFACE_GROUPS void DebugTrackGroupsCreated( CInterfaceGroup *pIG ); void DebugTrackGroupsDestroyed( CInterfaceGroup *pIG ); void DebugTrackGroupsDump(); int DebugTrackGroupsGetId( CInterfaceGroup *pIG ); typedef std::set setInterfaceGroupPtr; typedef std::map mapInterfaceGroupPtr2Int; setInterfaceGroupPtr _DebugTrackGroupSet; mapInterfaceGroupPtr2Int _DebugTrackGroupMap; int _DebugTrackGroupCreateCount; int _DebugTrackGroupDestroyCount; #endif enum TSystemInfoMode { InfoMsg, WarningMsg, ErrorMsg }; // Icon to use for validMessageBox() method enum TValidMessageIcon { NoIconMsg=0, QuestionIconMsg, WarningIconMsg, ErrorIconMsg }; public: /// Singleton method : Get the unique interface loader instance static CInterfaceManager* getInstance() { nlassert( _Instance != NULL ); return _Instance; } /// Create singleton static void create( NL3D::UDriver *driver, NL3D::UTextContext *textcontext ); /// Destroy singleton static void destroy (); /// Destructor ~CInterfaceManager(); /** * High level */ void createLocalBranch (const std::string &fileName, NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progressCallBack); void reset(); // release all of the global db autocopy observers void releaseServerToLocalAutoCopyObservers(); bool isInGame() const { return _InGame; } /// initialize the whole login interface void initLogin(); /// unload login interface void uninitLogin(); /// initialize the whole out game interface void initOutGame(); /// unload out game interface void uninitOutGame(); /// initialize the whole in game interface void initInGame(); /// Part of initInGame() void loadIngameInterfaceTextures(); /// Part of initInGame() void loadUI(); /// Configure the Quit dialog box void configureQuitDialogBox(); /// Part of initInGame() void loadKeys(); /// Part of initInGame() void loadInterfaceConfig(); /// Save the game interface (keys and interface config). Called before continent and entity manager are destroyed. void uninitInGame0(); /// Uninit game interface. Called after continent and entity manager are destroyed. void uninitInGame1(); /// update a frame Event: update the input handler manager void updateFrameEvents(); // force to flush the debug window (also done when calling updateFrameEvents) void flushDebugWindow(); /// update a frame View: check coordinates and draw view. The camera is used to draw in-scene interfaces. Can be NULL. void updateFrameViews(NL3D::UCamera camera); /** * Config file loaders */ /// Load texture grouping a set of small texture void loadTextures (const std::string &textFileName, const std::string &uvFileName, bool uploadDXTC= false); /// Load texts void loadTexts (const std::string &fileName); /// Load a set of xml files bool parseInterface (const std::vector &xmlFileNames, bool reload, bool isFilename = true); // Load/Save position, size, etc.. of windows bool loadConfig (const std::string &filename); bool saveConfig (const std::string &filename); // delete the user config (give the player ident fileName) bool deletePlayerConfig (const std::string &playerFileIdent); // Save the keys config file bool saveKeys (const std::string &filename); // delete the user Keysconfig (give the player ident fileName) bool deletePlayerKeys (const std::string &playerFileIdent); // Log system (all chat/tell void setLogState(bool state) { _LogState = state; } bool getLogState() const { return _LogState; } void log(const ucstring &str); /// Text from here and from server class IStringProcess { public: virtual bool cbIDStringReceived(ucstring &inOut) = 0; // called when string or id is received (return true if valid the change) }; void addServerString (const std::string &sTarget, uint32 id, IStringProcess *cb = NULL); void addServerID (const std::string &sTarget, uint32 id, IStringProcess *cb = NULL); void processServerIDString(); /** * get a window from its Id of its group. * NB: "ctrl_launch_modal" is a special Id which return the last ctrl which has launch a modal. NULL if modal closed. * \param groupId : the Id of the window group */ /// get an element from a define ID. shortcut for getElementFromId(getDefine(define)) CInterfaceElement* getElementFromDefine (const std::string &defineId); /// Control specific /// Enable/Disable window movement //void enableMoveWindow (CInterfaceGroup *pWin); //void disableMoveWindow (); /// Enable/Disable the window resizing (0,TopLeft)(1,T)(2,TR)(3,R)(4,BR)(5,B)(6,BL)(7,L) //void enableResizeWindow (CInterfaceGroup *pWin, uint8 nType, sint32 nMinW, sint32 nMaxW, sint32 nMinH, sint32 nMaxH, // sint32 nStepW, sint32 nStepH); //void disableResizeWindow (); //void moveWindow (CInterfaceGroup *pWin, sint32 dx, sint32 dy); /// Enable/Disbale capture of a control (combo box for example) /// When capture is lost (by clicking outside of the control, the given property is toggled) //void enableCaptureElement(CInterfaceElement *pElem, CInterfaceProperty *captureFlag); //void disableCaptureElement(); /** Enable/Disable a single modal window (pointer cannot get out of the window). * NB : the keyboard capture is released on both calls. * NB : cascaded modal windows are disabled by the call */ /// Handle The Event. return true if the interfaceManager catch it and if must not send to the Game Action Manager bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &eventDesc); bool handleMouseMoveEvent( const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &eventDesc ); // execute a procedure. give a list of parameters. NB: the first param is the name of the proc (skipped)... void runProcedure(const std::string &procName, CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::vector ¶mList); // replace an action in a procedure (if possible) void setProcedureAction(const std::string &procName, uint actionIndex, const std::string &ah, const std::string ¶ms); // get info on procedure. return 0 if procedure not found uint getProcedureNumActions(const std::string &procName) const; // return false if procedure not found, or if bad action index. return false if has some param variable (@0...) bool getProcedureAction(const std::string &procName, uint actionIndex, std::string &ah, std::string ¶ms) const; // Execute a anim void startAnim(const std::string &animId); void stopAnim(const std::string &animId); // InGame ContextMenu void launchContextMenuInGame (const std::string &nameOfCM); /** * Draw views */ void drawViews (NL3D::UCamera camera); void drawAutoAdd (); void drawContextHelp (); //void drawContextMenu (); void setGlobalColor (NLMISC::CRGBA col); NLMISC::CRGBA getGlobalColor() { return _GlobalColor; } void setContentAlpha(uint8 alpha); uint8 getContentAlpha() const { return _ContentAlpha; } void setContainerAlpha(uint8 alpha); uint8 getContainerAlpha() const { return _ContainerAlpha; } NLMISC::CRGBA getGlobalColorForContent() { return _GlobalColorForContent; } // these values are updated from the DB uint8 getGlobalContentAlpha() const { return _GlobalContentAlpha; } uint8 getGlobalContainerAlpha() const { return _GlobalContainerAlpha; } uint8 getGlobalRolloverFactorContent() const { return _GlobalRolloverFactorContent; } uint8 getGlobalRolloverFactorContainer() const { return _GlobalRolloverFactorContainer; } /// Update all the elements void updateAllLocalisedElements (); // display a debug info void displayDebugInfo(const ucstring &str, TSystemInfoMode mode = InfoMsg); // get the color associated with the given system info mode NLMISC::CRGBA getDebugInfoColor(TSystemInfoMode mode); // display a system info string void displaySystemInfo(const ucstring &str, const std::string &Category = "SYS"); NLMISC::CRGBA getSystemInfoColor(const std::string &Category = "SYS"); /// \name Global Interface Options // @{ /// Get options by name CInterfaceOptions *getOptions (const std::string &optName); // List of system options enum TSystemOption { OptionCtrlSheetGrayColor=0, OptionCtrlTextGrayColor, OptionCtrlSheetRedifyColor, OptionCtrlTextRedifyColor, OptionCtrlSheetGreenifyColor, OptionCtrlTextGreenifyColor, OptionViewTextOverBackColor, OptionFont, OptionAddCoefFont, OptionMulCoefAnim, OptionTimeoutBubbles, OptionTimeoutMessages, OptionTimeoutContext, OptionTimeoutContextHtml, NumSystemOptions, }; virtual void setupOptions(); /** Get a system option by its enum (faster than getOptions() and getVal()) * NB: array updated after each parseInterface() */ const CInterfaceOptionValue &getSystemOption(TSystemOption o) const {return _SystemOptions[o];} // @} /** Open a MessageBox. this is a simple ModalWindow with a Ok button * ui:interface:message_box must be defined in xml, with a "text" ViewText son */ void messageBox(const ucstring &text, const std::string &masterGroup="ui:interface", TCaseMode caseMode = CaseFirstSentenceLetterUp); /** Open a MessageBox. this is a simple ModalWindow with a Ok and a HELP button. * The help button with open a browser on ryzom.com faq * ui:interface:message_box_with_help must be defined in xml, with a "text" ViewText son */ void messageBoxWithHelp(const ucstring &text, const std::string &masterGroup="ui:interface", const std::string &ahOnOk = std::string(), const std::string ¶msOnOk= std::string(), TCaseMode caseMode = CaseFirstSentenceLetterUp); /** Open a MessageBox with validation question. this is a simple ModalWindow with a Ok / Cancel button * ui:interface:valid_message_box must be defined in xml, with a "text" ViewText son, and a "ok" button * \param ahOnOk => the action handler to call if ok is pressed. NB: you don't have to call leave_modal in this ah (auto done). * \param paramsOnOk => params passed to ahOnOk. * \param ahOnCancel => the action handler to call if cancel is pressed. NB: you don't have to call leave_modal in this ah (auto done). * \param paramsOnCancel => params passed to ahOnCancel. */ void validMessageBox(TValidMessageIcon icon, const ucstring &text, const std::string &ahOnOk, const std::string ¶msOnOk= std::string(), const std::string &ahOnCancel= std::string(), const std::string ¶msOnCancel= std::string(), const std::string &masterGroup="ui:interface"); /** Get the current running validMessageBox OnOk action. empty if no validMessageBox currently opened * One can use it to know if it match its system and so if it needs to be closed (with disableModalWindow()) */ bool getCurrentValidMessageBoxOnOk(std::string &ahOnOk, const std::string &masterGroup="ui:interface"); /// force disable the context help void disableContextHelp(); /// force disable the context help, if it is issued from the given control void disableContextHelpForControl(CCtrlBase *pCtrl); /// for ContextHelp action handler only: set the result name void setContextHelpText(const ucstring &text); void setContextHelpActive(bool active); bool isMouseOverWindow() const {return _MouseOverWindow;} // Enable mouse Events to interface. if false, release Captures. void enableMouseHandling(bool handle); bool isMouseHandlingEnabled() const { return _MouseHandlingEnabled; } // Modes void setMode(uint8 newMode); uint8 getMode() const { return _CurrentMode; } void resetMode(uint8 newMode); // Update image of a single group container in a virtual desktop. // This is faster than switching to a new desktop using 'setMode' to update the changes // \param mode Index of the virtual desktop void updateGroupContainerImage(CGroupContainer &gc, uint8 mode); // Remove a group container from a virtual desktop image // \param mode Index of the virtual desktop void removeGroupContainerImage(const std::string &groupName, uint8 mode); // debug : dump all the interface windows in the console void dumpUI(bool indent); // debug : display box of all elements in the interface (plus hotspot) void displayUIViewBBoxs(const std::string &uiFilter); void displayUICtrlBBoxs(const std::string &uiFilter); void displayUIGroupBBoxs(const std::string &uiFilter); // Get the User DblClick Delay (according to save...), in milisecond uint getUserDblClickDelay(); // Submit a generic event void submitEvent (const std::string &event); // visit all elements of the interface manager void visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor); // Display the only one web window at end of ryzom void displayWebWindow(const std::string &name, const std::string &url); // Initialize emote from TextEmotListSheet (create command and insert the GCM entry) void initEmotes(); void uninitEmotes(); void updateEmotes(); // For Drag And drop, return true if the "CopyDrag" key is pressed (actually the ctrl key!) bool testDragCopyKey(); // Reset the view text index void resetTextIndex(); // test if the config has been loaded in initInGame() bool isConfigLoaded() const {return _ConfigLoaded;} /** connect or reconnect to the yubo chat (if was kicked for instance). * The YuboChat is a special telnet chat for Game Masters, same channel as the Yubo Klient */ void connectYuboChat(); /// send a string to the yubo chat void sendStringToYuboChat(const ucstring &str); /// Manager for flying text. use it to add CFlyingTextManager FlyingTextManager; /// \name LUA // @{ /// Execute a lua script (smallScript for speed optimisation, see lua_helper). return false if parse/execute error (warning/sysinfo displayed) bool executeLuaScript(const std::string &luaScript, bool smallScript= false); /// Reload all LUA scripts inserted through void reloadAllLuaFileScripts(); /// For debug: dump in the sysinfo and nlwarning state of lua. detail range from 0 to 2 (clamped). void dumpLuaState(uint detail); /// For debug: force a garbage collector void luaGarbageCollect(); // @} // Get the list of InGame XML Interface files, with any AddOn ones static std::vector getInGameXMLInterfaceFiles(); // hide all the windows void hideAllWindows(); void hideAllNonSavableWindows(); /// \name Action Counter sync // @{ void incLocalSyncActionCounter(); uint8 getLocalSyncActionCounter() const {return _LocalSyncActionCounter;} uint8 getLocalSyncActionCounterMask() const {return _LocalSyncActionCounterMask;} bool localActionCounterSynchronizedWith(NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *leaf) { if (!leaf) return false; uint srvVal= leaf->getValue32(); uint locVal= _LocalSyncActionCounter ; srvVal&= _LocalSyncActionCounterMask; locVal&= _LocalSyncActionCounterMask; return srvVal == locVal; } void resetShardSpecificData(); // @} // Get the alpha roll over speed float getAlphaRolloverSpeed() { if (!_AlphaRolloverSpeedDB) _AlphaRolloverSpeedDB = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:SAVE:ALPHA_ROLLOVER_SPEED"); float fTmp = ROLLOVER_MIN_DELTA_PER_MS + (ROLLOVER_MAX_DELTA_PER_MS - ROLLOVER_MIN_DELTA_PER_MS) * 0.01f * (100 - _AlphaRolloverSpeedDB->getValue32()); return fTmp*fTmp*fTmp; } // For single lined ViewText that are clipped: on over of viewText too big, the text is drawn on top. A CRefPtr is kept void setOverExtendViewText(CViewText *vt, NLMISC::CRGBA backGround); // Item Carac Test, get the value bool isItemCaracRequirementMet(CHARACTERISTICS::TCharacteristics type, sint32 value) { // carac requirement? if( type < CHARACTERISTICS::NUM_CHARACTERISTICS) return value <= _CurrentPlayerCharac[type]; // no carac requirement => ok else return true; } // get Player Carac sint32 getCurrentPlayerCarac(CHARACTERISTICS::TCharacteristics type) { if( type < CHARACTERISTICS::NUM_CHARACTERISTICS) return _CurrentPlayerCharac[type]; else return 0; } // Description of the last key event that called an action handler const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorKey& getLastEventKeyDesc() const { return _LastEventKeyDesc; } void notifyMailAvailable(); void notifyForumUpdated(); void updateTooltipCoords(); /** Returns a human readable timestamp with the given format. */ static char* getTimestampHuman(const char* format = "[%H:%M:%S] "); /** Parses any tokens in the ucstring like $t$ or $g()$ */ static bool parseTokens(ucstring& ucstr); /// Sets the current TextContext. void setTextContext( NL3D::UTextContext *textcontext ); /// Retrueves the current TextContext inline NL3D::UTextContext* getTextContext() const{ return textcontext; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private: // Observer for copying db branch changes class CServerToLocalAutoCopy { public: CServerToLocalAutoCopy(); ~CServerToLocalAutoCopy() { release(); } // init the AutoCopy void init(const std::string &dbPath); // unhook from everything we are tangled up in void release(); // When something in the SERVER DB changes void onServerChange(NLMISC::ICDBNode *serverNode); // When something in the LOCAL DB changes void onLocalChange(NLMISC::ICDBNode *localNode); private: class CLocalDBObserver : public NLMISC::ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver { public: CServerToLocalAutoCopy &_Owner; CLocalDBObserver(CServerToLocalAutoCopy &owner) : _Owner(owner) {} virtual void update(NLMISC::ICDBNode *node) {_Owner.onLocalChange(node);} }; class CServerDBObserver : public NLMISC::ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver { public: CServerToLocalAutoCopy &_Owner; CServerDBObserver(CServerToLocalAutoCopy &owner) : _Owner(owner) {} virtual void update(NLMISC::ICDBNode *node) {_Owner.onServerChange(node);} }; // A node here is a pair Server<->Local struct CNode { NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *ServerNode; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *LocalNode; bool InsertedInUpdateList; CNode() { ServerNode= NULL; LocalNode= NULL; InsertedInUpdateList= false; } }; // Struct for comparing nodes, by either Local or Server pointer struct CNodeLocalComp { CNode *Node; bool operator<=(const CNodeLocalComp &o) const {return Node->LocalNode <= o.Node->LocalNode;} bool operator<(const CNodeLocalComp &o) const {return Node->LocalNode < o.Node->LocalNode;} }; struct CNodeServerComp { CNode *Node; bool operator<=(const CNodeServerComp &o) const {return Node->ServerNode <= o.Node->ServerNode;} bool operator<(const CNodeServerComp &o) const {return Node->ServerNode < o.Node->ServerNode;} }; private: // Counter Node NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_ServerCounter; // updaters CLocalDBObserver _LocalObserver; CServerDBObserver _ServerObserver; // avoid reentrance bool _LocalUpdating; // Array of Nodes that have to be synchronized std::vector _Nodes; // Sorting of Nodes, by Server Node std::vector _ServerNodeMap; // Sorting of Nodes, by Local Node std::vector _LocalNodeMap; // List of nodes to update until next synchonized client-server counter std::vector _UpdateList; void buildRecursLocalLeaves(NLMISC::CCDBNodeBranch *branch, std::vector &leaves); }; // Database management stuff class CDBLandmarkObs : public NLMISC::ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver { public: virtual void update(NLMISC::ICDBNode *node); }; // EMOTES // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CEmoteCmd : public NLMISC::ICommand { public: CEmoteCmd(const char *cmdName, const char *cmdHelp, const char *cmdArgs) : NLMISC::ICommand("emotes", cmdName, cmdHelp, cmdArgs) { } bool execute(const std::string &rawCommandString, const std::vector &args, NLMISC::CLog &log, bool quiet, bool human=true); uint32 Behaviour; // State id from list.emot uint32 EmoteNb; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public: // cache and expose some commonly used db nodes NLMISC::CCDBNodeBranch *_DBB_UI_DUMMY; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_QUANTITY; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_QUALITY; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_SHEET; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_NAMEID; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_ENCHANT; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_SLOT_TYPE; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_PHRASE; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_WORNED; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_PREREQUISIT_VALID; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DB_UI_DUMMY_FACTION_TYPE; private: NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_CheckMailNode; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_CheckForumNode; sint64 _UpdateWeatherTime; // @} /// \name Check Yubo Chat (special telnet chat for Game Masters, same channel as the Yubo Klient) // @{ CYuboChat _YuboChat; void checkYuboChat(); // @} /** This is the GLOBAL Action counter used to synchronize some systems (including INVENTORY) with the server. */ uint8 _LocalSyncActionCounter; /// This is the Mask (4bits) uint8 _LocalSyncActionCounterMask; uint8 _ContentAlpha; uint8 _ContainerAlpha; NLMISC::CRGBA _GlobalColorForContent; // uint8 _GlobalContentAlpha; uint8 _GlobalContainerAlpha; uint8 _GlobalRolloverFactorContent; uint8 _GlobalRolloverFactorContainer; /// Constructor CInterfaceManager( NL3D::UDriver *driver, NL3D::UTextContext *textcontext ); ///the singleton's instance static CInterfaceManager* _Instance; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_DescTextTarget; bool _MouseOverWindow; // Context Help bool _ContextHelpActive; //CCtrlBasePtr _CurCtrlContextHelp; //Delay before displaying ContextHelp on a ctrl having wantInstantContextHelp set to false (in seconds) float _MaxTimeStopingContextHelp; sint _LastXContextHelp; sint _LastYContextHelp; ucstring _ContextHelpText; CCtrlBase *getNewContextHelpCtrl(); /// Current waiting id and string from server struct SIDStringWaiter { STRING_MANAGER::IStringWaiterRemover SWR; bool IdOrString; // true == id, false == string uint32 Id; std::string Target; IStringProcess *Cb; }; std::vector _IDStringWaiters; uint32 _ScreenW, _ScreenH; // Change res detection NLMISC::CRGBA _GlobalColor; sint32 _LastInGameScreenW, _LastInGameScreenH; // Resolution used for last InGame interface // List of active Anims std::vector _ActiveAnims; bool isControlInWindow (CCtrlBase *ctrl, CInterfaceGroup *pNewCurrentWnd); uint getDepth (CCtrlBase *ctrl, CInterfaceGroup *pNewCurrentWnd); // System Options CInterfaceOptionValue _SystemOptions[NumSystemOptions]; bool _MouseHandlingEnabled; // Modes CInterfaceConfig::CDesktopImage _Modes[MAX_NUM_MODES]; uint8 _CurrentMode; // true when interface manager is running 'ingame' content bool _InGame; // Does the interface config file as been loaded ? bool _ConfigLoaded; bool _LogState; // Does the keys config file for as been loaded ? bool _KeysLoaded; // clear all edit box in the ui void clearAllEditBox(); // restore all backuped positions for containers void restoreAllContainersBackupPosition(); // Some Node leaf NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_NeutralColor; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_WarningColor; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_ErrorColor; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_RProp; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_GProp; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_BProp; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_AProp; NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_AlphaRolloverSpeedDB; // The next ViewText to draw for Over NLMISC::CRefPtr _OverExtendViewText; NLMISC::CRGBA _OverExtendViewTextBackColor; void drawOverExtendViewText(); CInterfaceGroup *getWindowForActiveMasterGroup(const std::string &windowName); CDBLandmarkObs _LandmarkObs; /// \name LUA // @{ // str= printable version of value at stack index void getLuaValueInfo(std::string &str, sint index); // display a string in SysInfo and nlinfo void dumpLuaString(const std::string &str); // dump printable version of pair key-index in top of stack. if value is a table, recurs (up to recursTableLevel times) void dumpLuaKeyValueInfo(uint recursTableLevel, uint tabLevel); // @} bool _EmotesInitialized; std::vector _EmoteCmds; // Item Carac requirement sint32 _CurrentPlayerCharac[CHARACTERISTICS::NUM_CHARACTERISTICS]; // Description of the last key event that called an action handler NLGUI::CEventDescriptorKey _LastEventKeyDesc; // observers for copying database branch changes CServerToLocalAutoCopy ServerToLocalAutoCopyInventory; CServerToLocalAutoCopy ServerToLocalAutoCopyExchange; CServerToLocalAutoCopy ServerToLocalAutoCopyContextMenu; CServerToLocalAutoCopy ServerToLocalAutoCopySkillPoints; CServerToLocalAutoCopy ServerToLocalAutoCopyDMGift; // move windows according to new screen size void moveAllWindowsToNewScreenSize(sint32 newScreenW, sint32 newScreenH, bool fixCurrentUI); void getNewWindowCoordToNewScreenSize(sint32 &x, sint32 &y, sint32 w, sint32 h, sint32 newW, sint32 newH) const; // Pop a new message box. If the message box was found, returns a pointer on it void messageBoxInternal(const std::string &msgBoxGroup, const ucstring &text, const std::string &masterGroup, TCaseMode caseMode); // Internal : adjust a tooltip with respect to its parent. Returns the number of coordinate that were clamped // against the screen border uint adjustTooltipPosition(CCtrlBase *newCtrl, CInterfaceGroup *win, THotSpot ttParentRef, THotSpot ttPosRef, sint32 xParent, sint32 yParent, sint32 wParent, sint32 hParent ); // Update tooltip coordinate if they need to be (getInvalidCoords() returns a value != 0) void updateTooltipCoords(CCtrlBase *newCtrl); NL3D::UDriver *driver; NL3D::UTextContext *textcontext; CInterfaceLink::CInterfaceLinkUpdater *interfaceLinkUpdater; }; #endif // NL_INTERFACE_MANAGER_H /* End of interface_manager.h */