// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "std3d.h" #include "nel/3d/patch.h" #include "nel/3d/tessellation.h" #include "nel/3d/bezier_patch.h" #include "nel/3d/zone.h" #include "nel/3d/landscape.h" #include "nel/3d/landscape_profile.h" #include "nel/3d/patchdlm_context.h" #include "nel/misc/vector.h" #include "nel/misc/common.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; namespace NL3D { // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // Patch Texture computation. // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::computeNewFar(const NLMISC::CBSphere &patchSphere, sint &newFar0, sint &newFar1) { // Classify the patch. //======================== float r= (CLandscapeGlobals::RefineCenter-patchSphere.Center).norm() - patchSphere.Radius; float rr=0.0; if(r-(CLandscapeGlobals::FarTransition+2*patchSphere.Radius)) { newFar1= newFar0+1; } // Update Texture Info. //======================== if(newFar0!=Far0 || newFar1!=Far1) { // Backup old pass0 CPatchRdrPass *oldPass0=_PatchRdrPassFar0; CPatchRdrPass *oldPass1=_PatchRdrPassFar1; // Checks if (oldPass0==NULL) nlassert (Far0<=0); if (oldPass1==NULL) nlassert (Far1<=0); float oldFar0UScale=Far0UScale; float oldFar0VScale=Far0VScale; float oldFar0UBias=Far0UBias; float oldFar0VBias=Far0VBias; uint8 oldFlags=Flags; // Don't delete the pass0 if the new newFar1 will use it if ((newFar1==Far0)&&(Far0>0)) _PatchRdrPassFar0=NULL; // Don't delete the pass1 if the new newFar0 will use it if ((newFar0==Far1)&&(Far1>0)) _PatchRdrPassFar1=NULL; // Pass0 have changed ? if (newFar0!=Far0) { // Compute / get the texture Far. if(newFar0>0) { // Free the old pass, don't used any more if (_PatchRdrPassFar0) Zone->Landscape->freeFarRenderPass (this, _PatchRdrPassFar0, Far0); // Can we use the old pass1 ? if (newFar0==Far1) { // Yes, recycle it! _PatchRdrPassFar0=oldPass1; // Copy uv coordinates Far0UScale=Far1UScale; Far0VScale=Far1VScale; Far0UBias=Far1UBias; Far0VBias=Far1VBias; // Copy rotation flag Flags&=~NL_PATCH_FAR0_ROTATED; // erase it if (Flags&NL_PATCH_FAR1_ROTATED) Flags|=NL_PATCH_FAR0_ROTATED; // copy it } else // get a new render pass { // Rotation boolean bool bRot; _PatchRdrPassFar0=Zone->Landscape->getFarRenderPass(this, newFar0, Far0UScale, Far0VScale, Far0UBias, Far0VBias, bRot); // Flags is set if the far texture is rotated of 90deg to the left if (bRot) Flags|=NL_PATCH_FAR0_ROTATED; else Flags&=~NL_PATCH_FAR0_ROTATED; } } else // no more far pass0 { if (_PatchRdrPassFar0) { Zone->Landscape->freeFarRenderPass (this, _PatchRdrPassFar0, Far0); _PatchRdrPassFar0=NULL; } } } // Pass1 have changed ? if (newFar1!=Far1) { // Now let's go with pass1 if(newFar1>0) { // Delete the pass1 if not used any more if (_PatchRdrPassFar1) Zone->Landscape->freeFarRenderPass (this, _PatchRdrPassFar1, Far1); // Can we use the old pass1 ? if (newFar1==Far0) { // Yes, recycle it! _PatchRdrPassFar1= oldPass0; nlassert (_PatchRdrPassFar1); // Copy uv coordinates Far1UScale=oldFar0UScale; Far1VScale=oldFar0VScale; Far1UBias=oldFar0UBias; Far1VBias=oldFar0VBias; // Copy rotation flag Flags&=~NL_PATCH_FAR1_ROTATED; // erase it if (oldFlags&NL_PATCH_FAR0_ROTATED) Flags|=NL_PATCH_FAR1_ROTATED; // copy it } else // get a new render pass { // Rotation boolean bool bRot; _PatchRdrPassFar1=Zone->Landscape->getFarRenderPass(this, newFar1, Far1UScale, Far1VScale, Far1UBias, Far1VBias, bRot); nlassert (_PatchRdrPassFar1); // Flags is set if the far texture is rotated of 90deg to the left if (bRot) Flags|=NL_PATCH_FAR1_ROTATED; else Flags&=~NL_PATCH_FAR1_ROTATED; } // Compute info for transition. float farDist = 0.f; switch(newFar1) { case 1: farDist= CLandscapeGlobals::TileDistNear; break; case 2: farDist= CLandscapeGlobals::Far0Dist; break; case 3: farDist= CLandscapeGlobals::Far1Dist; break; default: nlstop; }; TransitionSqrMin= sqr(farDist-CLandscapeGlobals::FarTransition); OOTransitionSqrDelta= 1.0f/(sqr(farDist)-TransitionSqrMin); } else // no more far pass1 { if (_PatchRdrPassFar1) { Zone->Landscape->freeFarRenderPass (this, _PatchRdrPassFar1, Far1); _PatchRdrPassFar1=NULL; } } } } // Don't copy Far0 and Far1. } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::updateTextureFarOnly(const NLMISC::CBSphere &patchSphere) { sint newFar0,newFar1; // compute new Far0 and new Far1. computeNewFar(patchSphere, newFar0, newFar1); // Far change. //------------------ // Set new far values Far0= newFar0; Far1= newFar1; } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // Patch / Face rendering. // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::preRender(const NLMISC::CBSphere &patchSphere) { // 0. Classify the patch, and update TextureInfo. //======================= sint newFar0,newFar1; // compute new Far0 and new Far1. computeNewFar(patchSphere, newFar0, newFar1); // 2. Update vertices in VB //======================== sint oldFar0= Far0, oldFar1= Far1; // Test if go in or go out tileMode. bool changeTileMode; // this is true if a change is made, and if old or current is in TileMode. changeTileMode= (newFar0!=oldFar0) && (newFar0==0 || oldFar0==0); // Or this is true if Far0 / Far1 was invalid before. changeTileMode= changeTileMode || oldFar0==-1 || oldFar1==-1; // Pre VB change. //------------------ // In this case, major change: delete all VB, then recreate after. if(changeTileMode) { // delete the old VB (NB: isRenderClipped()==false here). // NB: Far0 and Far1 are still unmodified, so deleteVB() will do the good job. deleteVBAndFaceVector(); } else { // minor change: Far0 UV, or Far1. // Far0 UV: do nothing here. // If change in Far1, must delete Far1 if(newFar1!=oldFar1) { // NB: Far1 is still unmodified, so deleteVB() will do the good job. deleteVBAndFaceVectorFar1Only(); } } // Far change. //------------------ // Set new far values Far0= newFar0; Far1= newFar1; // Post VB change. //------------------ if(changeTileMode) { // major change: recreate all the VB. allocateVBAndFaceVector(); // Then try to refill if possible. fillVB(); } else { // minor change: Far0 UV, or Far1. // If change in Far0 if(newFar0!=oldFar0) { // Then must recompute VB with good UVs. // An optimisation is to check if UVs had really change (see UScale ...) // but the case they don't change is very rare: 1/16. fillVBFar0Only(); } // If change in Far1, must allcoate and recompute UVs. if(newFar1!=oldFar1) { allocateVBAndFaceVectorFar1Only(); // try to fill if no reallocation problem fillVBFar1Only(); } } // 3. Append patch to renderList. //===================== // This patch is visible. So if good far, append. if(Far0>0) { _PatchRdrPassFar0->appendRdrPatchFar0(this); } // Same for Far1. if(Far1>0) { _PatchRdrPassFar1->appendRdrPatchFar1(this); } // 4. Clip tess blocks. //===================== // If we are in Tile/FarTransition bool doClipFar= Far0==0 && Far1==1; // Parse all TessBlocks. uint nTessBlock= TessBlocks.size(); CTessBlock *pTessBlock= nTessBlock>0? &TessBlocks[0]: NULL ; for(; nTessBlock>0; pTessBlock++, nTessBlock--) { CTessBlock &tblock= *pTessBlock; // bkup the old result for clipping bool oldVisibleFar0= tblock.visibleFar0(); bool oldVisibleTile= tblock.visibleTile(); bool oldVisibleFar1= tblock.visibleFar1(); // If this TessBlock is empty, do not need to clip if(tblock.FaceTileMaterialRefCount==0) { // Simply force the clip. tblock.forceClip(); } else { // clip the tessBlock. tblock.resetClip(); tblock.clip(); // If we are in Tile/FarTransition if(doClipFar) tblock.clipFar(CLandscapeGlobals::RefineCenter, CLandscapeGlobals::TileDistNear, CLandscapeGlobals::FarTransition); // If TileMode, and if tile visible if(Far0==0 && tblock.visibleTile() ) { // Append all tiles (if any) to the renderPass list! for(uint j=0;jappendTileToEachRenderPass(NumRenderableFaces); } } } // If change of clip in tessBlock, must update the tessBlock if( Far0> 0 && oldVisibleFar0 != tblock.visibleFar0() ) { if( tblock.visibleFar0() ) { // allocate updateFar0VBAlloc(tblock.FarVertexList, true); // fill only if possible. if(!CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs()) fillFar0VertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); // rebuild triangles index list. tblock.refillFaceVectorFar0(); } else { // delete updateFar0VBAlloc(tblock.FarVertexList, false); } } if( Far0==0 && oldVisibleTile != tblock.visibleTile() ) { if( tblock.visibleTile() ) { // allocate updateTileVBAlloc(tblock.NearVertexList, true); // fill only if possible. if(!CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator->reallocationOccurs()) fillTileVertexListVB(tblock.NearVertexList); // rebuild triangles index list. tblock.refillFaceVectorTile(); } else { // delete updateTileVBAlloc(tblock.NearVertexList, false); } } if( Far1> 0 && oldVisibleFar1 != tblock.visibleFar1() ) { if( tblock.visibleFar1() ) { // allocate updateFar1VBAlloc(tblock.FarVertexList, true); // fill only if possible. if(!CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs()) fillFar1VertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); // rebuild triangles index list. tblock.refillFaceVectorFar1(); } else { // delete updateFar1VBAlloc(tblock.FarVertexList, false); } } } } // Special profiling. #ifdef NL3D_PROFILE_LAND #define NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD_FACE_VECTOR(_x, _fv) \ if(_fv) \ { \ NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD(_x, *_fv); \ } #else #define NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD_FACE_VECTOR(_x, _fv) #endif // *************************************************************************** static inline void renderFaceVector(TLandscapeIndexType *fv) { /* Remind that structure of fv is: uint32 NumTri uint32 index0Tri0 uint32 index1Tri0 uint32 index2Tri0 uint32 index0Tri1 uint32 index1Tri1 ..... */ // If not NULL (ie not empty). if(fv) { // TestYoyo: Bench. /* extern uint TEMP_NRFV; extern uint TEMP_NRFVTri; extern float TEMP_NRFVMeanTri; extern float TEMP_NRFVDeltaTri; TEMP_NRFV++; TEMP_NRFVTri+= *fv; TEMP_NRFVDeltaTri+= sqr(*fv-TEMP_NRFVMeanTri); */ // here we have NumTri>0, because fv!=NULL. // making lot of render() is slower than copy a block, and render it. //CLandscapeGlobals::PatchCurrentDriver->renderSimpleTriangles(fv+1, *fv); CHECK_IBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::PassTriArrayIBA, NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr, *fv*3 * sizeof(uint32)); #if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(NL_NO_ASM) #ifndef NL_LANDSCAPE_INDEX16 __asm { mov ebx, fv mov edi, NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr mov edx, NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassNTri xor eax, eax // Avoid AGI stall. mov ecx, [ebx] lea esi, [ebx+4] mov eax, ecx // eax= bkup NumTris lea ecx, [ecx + ecx*2] // ecx= nTriIndex= NumTris*3 // copy tri indices rep movsd add edx, eax // edx= NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassNTri + NumTri; // NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr= edi= new ptr after copy mov NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr, edi mov NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassNTri, edx } #else __asm { mov ebx, fv mov edi, NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr mov edx, NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassNTri xor eax, eax // Avoid AGI stall. movzx ecx, word ptr [ebx] lea esi, [ebx+2] mov eax, ecx // eax= bkup NumTris lea ecx, [ecx + ecx*2] // ecx= nTriIndex= NumTris*3 test ecx, 1 jne odd_number shr ecx, 1 // for alignment, first copy a single word movsw dec ecx rep movsd movsw jmp even_number_done odd_number: shr ecx, 1 // for alignment, first copy a single word movsw rep movsd even_number_done: add edx, eax // edx= NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassNTri + NumTri; // NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr= edi= new ptr after copy mov NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr, edi mov NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassNTri, edx } #endif #else uint nTriIndex= *fv*3; // Fill and increment the array. #ifndef NL_LANDSCAPE_INDEX16 memcpy( NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr, fv+1, nTriIndex * sizeof(uint32) ); NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr= (uint32*)NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr + nTriIndex; #else memcpy( NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr, fv+1, nTriIndex * sizeof(uint16) ); NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr= (uint16*)NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr + nTriIndex; #endif NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassNTri+= *fv; #endif } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::renderFar0() { NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD(ProfNPatchRdrFar0, 1); #ifdef NL_DEBUG // Must be visible, and must be called only if the RdrPass is enabled. nlassert(!isRenderClipped() && _PatchRdrPassFar0); #endif // Render tris of MasterBlock. renderFaceVector(MasterBlock.Far0FaceVector); // profile NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD_FACE_VECTOR(ProfNRdrFar0, MasterBlock.Far0FaceVector); // Render tris of TessBlocks. uint nTessBlock= TessBlocks.size(); CTessBlock *pTessBlock= nTessBlock>0? &TessBlocks[0]: NULL ; for(; nTessBlock>0; pTessBlock++, nTessBlock--) { CTessBlock &tblock= *pTessBlock; // if block visible, render if( tblock.visibleFar0() ) { renderFaceVector(tblock.Far0FaceVector); // profile NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD_FACE_VECTOR(ProfNRdrFar0, tblock.Far0FaceVector); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::renderFar1() { NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD(ProfNPatchRdrFar1, 1); #ifdef NL_DEBUG // Must be visible, and must be called only if the RdrPass is enabled. nlassert(!isRenderClipped() && _PatchRdrPassFar1); #endif // Render tris of MasterBlock. renderFaceVector(MasterBlock.Far1FaceVector); // profile. NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD_FACE_VECTOR(ProfNRdrFar1, MasterBlock.Far1FaceVector); // Render tris of TessBlocks. uint nTessBlock= TessBlocks.size(); CTessBlock *pTessBlock= nTessBlock>0? &TessBlocks[0]: NULL ; for(; nTessBlock>0; pTessBlock++, nTessBlock--) { CTessBlock &tblock= *pTessBlock; // if block visible, render if( tblock.visibleFar1() ) { renderFaceVector(tblock.Far1FaceVector); // profile. NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD_FACE_VECTOR(ProfNRdrFar1, tblock.Far1FaceVector); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CTileMaterial::renderTile(uint pass) { // because precisely inserted in preRender(), and correctly tested, this tile is to be rendered, // If the pass is enabled. if(Pass[pass].PatchRdrPass) { // render tris of the good faceList. renderFaceVector(TileFaceVectors[pass]); // profile. NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD_FACE_VECTOR(ProfNRdrTile[pass], TileFaceVectors[pass]); } } // *************************************************************************** void CTileMaterial::renderTilePassRGB0() { // because precisely inserted in preRender(), and correctly tested, this tile is to be rendered, // this pass must be enabled! nlassert(Pass[NL3D_TILE_PASS_RGB0].PatchRdrPass); // render tris of the good faceList. renderFaceVector(TileFaceVectors[NL3D_TILE_PASS_RGB0]); // profile. NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD_FACE_VECTOR(ProfNRdrTile[NL3D_TILE_PASS_RGB0], TileFaceVectors[NL3D_TILE_PASS_RGB0]); } // *************************************************************************** void CTileMaterial::renderTilePassLightmap() { // because precisely inserted in preRender(), and correctly tested, this tile is to be rendered, // this pass must be enabled! nlassert(Pass[NL3D_TILE_PASS_LIGHTMAP].PatchRdrPass); // render tris of the good faceList, ie the one of PassRGB0, because vertices are reused. renderFaceVector(TileFaceVectors[NL3D_TILE_PASS_RGB0]); // profile. NL3D_PROFILE_LAND_ADD_FACE_VECTOR(ProfNRdrTile[NL3D_TILE_PASS_LIGHTMAP], TileFaceVectors[NL3D_TILE_PASS_RGB0]); } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // FaceVector Allocation // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::createFaceVectorFar1() { if(Far1>0) { // Create the face for all TessBlocks. MasterBlock.createFaceVectorFar1(getLandscape()->_FaceVectorManager); for(uint i=0; i_FaceVectorManager); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::deleteFaceVectorFar1() { if(Far1>0) { // delete the face for all TessBlocks. MasterBlock.deleteFaceVectorFar1(getLandscape()->_FaceVectorManager); for(uint i=0; i_FaceVectorManager); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::createFaceVectorFar0OrTile() { // If Far Mode. if(Far0>0) { // Create the face for all TessBlocks. MasterBlock.createFaceVectorFar0(getLandscape()->_FaceVectorManager); for(uint i=0; i_FaceVectorManager); } // Or If Tile Mode. else if(Far0==0) { // Create the face for all TessBlocks. // No tiles in MasterBlock! for(uint i=0; i_FaceVectorManager); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::deleteFaceVectorFar0OrTile() { // If Far Mode. if(Far0>0) { // delete the face for all TessBlocks. MasterBlock.deleteFaceVectorFar0(getLandscape()->_FaceVectorManager); for(uint i=0; i_FaceVectorManager); } // Or If Tile Mode. else if(Far0==0) { // delete the face for all TessBlocks. // No tiles in MasterBlock! for(uint i=0; i_FaceVectorManager); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::recreateTessBlockFaceVector(CTessBlock &block) { // Do it Only if patch is visible. if(!isRenderClipped()) { // Far0. // If Far Mode. if(Far0>0) { // Create the face for this TessBlock only. block.createFaceVectorFar0(getLandscape()->_FaceVectorManager); } // Or If Tile Mode. else if(Far0==0) { // No tiles in MasterBlock! So no need to call createFaceVectorTile(), if this block is the MasterBlock. if(&block != &MasterBlock) block.createFaceVectorTile(getLandscape()->_FaceVectorManager); } // Far1. if(Far1>0) { // Create the face for this TessBlock only. block.createFaceVectorFar1(getLandscape()->_FaceVectorManager); } } } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // VB Allocation // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::updateFar0VBAlloc(CTessList &vertList, bool alloc) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { if(alloc) pVert->Index0= CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->allocateVertex(); else CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->deleteVertex(pVert->Index0); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::updateFar1VBAlloc(CTessList &vertList, bool alloc) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { if(alloc) pVert->Index1= CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->allocateVertex(); else CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->deleteVertex(pVert->Index1); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::updateTileVBAlloc(CTessList &vertList, bool alloc) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessNearVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessNearVertex*)pVert->Next) { if(alloc) pVert->Index= CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator->allocateVertex(); else CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator->deleteVertex(pVert->Index); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::updateVBAlloc(bool alloc) { // update Far0. //======= if(Far0>0) { // alloc Far0 VB. updateFar0VBAlloc(MasterBlock.FarVertexList, alloc); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // need update VB only if tessBlock is visible. if( tblock.visibleFar0() ) updateFar0VBAlloc(tblock.FarVertexList, alloc); } } else if (Far0==0) { // alloc Tile VB. // No Tiles in MasterBlock!! // Traverse the TessBlocks to add vertices. for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // Add the vertices. // need update VB only if tessBlock is visible. if( tblock.visibleTile() ) updateTileVBAlloc(tblock.NearVertexList, alloc); } } // update Far1. //======= if(Far1>0) { // alloc VB. updateFar1VBAlloc(MasterBlock.FarVertexList, alloc); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // need update VB only if tessBlock is visible. if( tblock.visibleFar1() ) updateFar1VBAlloc(tblock.FarVertexList, alloc); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::deleteVBAndFaceVector() { updateVBAlloc(false); deleteFaceVectorFar1(); deleteFaceVectorFar0OrTile(); } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::allocateVBAndFaceVector() { updateVBAlloc(true); createFaceVectorFar1(); createFaceVectorFar0OrTile(); } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::deleteVBAndFaceVectorFar1Only() { if(Far1>0) { // alloc VB. updateFar1VBAlloc(MasterBlock.FarVertexList, false); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // need update VB only if tessBlock is visible. if( tblock.visibleFar1() ) updateFar1VBAlloc(tblock.FarVertexList, false); } } deleteFaceVectorFar1(); } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::allocateVBAndFaceVectorFar1Only() { if(Far1>0) { // alloc VB. updateFar1VBAlloc(MasterBlock.FarVertexList, true); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // need update VB only if tessBlock is visible. if( tblock.visibleFar1() ) updateFar1VBAlloc(tblock.FarVertexList, true); } } createFaceVectorFar1(); } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::debugAllocationMarkIndicesFarList(CTessList &vertList, uint marker) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { pVert->Index0= marker; pVert->Index1= marker; } } void CPatch::debugAllocationMarkIndicesNearList(CTessList &vertList, uint marker) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessNearVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessNearVertex*)pVert->Next) { pVert->Index= marker; } } void CPatch::debugAllocationMarkIndices(uint marker) { sint i; // Do it For Far. debugAllocationMarkIndicesFarList(MasterBlock.FarVertexList, marker); for(i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; debugAllocationMarkIndicesFarList(tblock.FarVertexList, marker); } // Do it For Near. // No Tiles in MasterBlock!! for(i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; debugAllocationMarkIndicesNearList(tblock.NearVertexList, marker); } } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // VB Filling. // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // NB: need to be inlined only for fillFar0VB() in this file. inline void CPatch::fillFar0VertexVB(CTessFarVertex *pVert) { // The Buffers must have been locked nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator); nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->bufferLocked()); // VBInfo must be OK. nlassert(!CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs()); static uint8 *CurVBPtr; // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index0 * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.VertexSize; // NB: the filling order of data is important, for AGP write combiners. // compute Uvs. static CUV uv; CParamCoord pc= pVert->PCoord; if (Flags&NL_PATCH_FAR0_ROTATED) { uv.U= pc.getT()* Far0UScale + Far0UBias; uv.V= (1.f-pc.getS())* Far0VScale + Far0VBias; } else { uv.U= pc.getS()* Far0UScale + Far0UBias; uv.V= pc.getT()* Far0VScale + Far0VBias; } // compute Dynamic lightmap Uv. static CUV uvDLM; if(_DLMContext) // (NB: Suppose BTB kill this test). { // compute UV with DLM context info. uvDLM.U= pc.getS()* _DLMContext->DLMUScale + _DLMContext->DLMUBias; uvDLM.V= pc.getT()* _DLMContext->DLMVScale + _DLMContext->DLMVBias; } else { // just set UV so the vertex point to a black pixel (see CTextureDLM). uvDLM.U= 1; uvDLM.V= 1; } // If not VertexProgram (NB: Suppose BTB kill this test). if( !CLandscapeGlobals::VertexProgramEnabled ) { // Set Pos. Set it local to the current center of landscape CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr, sizeof(CVector)); *(CVector*)CurVBPtr= pVert->Src->Pos - CLandscapeGlobals::PZBModelPosition; // Set Uvs. CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff0, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff0)= uv; CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= uvDLM; } else { // Else must setup Vertex program inputs // v[0]== StartPos. CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr, sizeof(CVector)); *(CVector*)CurVBPtr= pVert->Src->StartPos; // v[8]== Tex0 CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff0, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff0)= uv; // v[9]== Tex1 CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= uvDLM; // v[10]== GeomInfo. static CUV geomInfo; geomInfo.U= pVert->Src->MaxFaceSize * CLandscapeGlobals::OORefineThreshold; geomInfo.V= pVert->Src->MaxNearLimit; CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.GeomInfoOff, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.GeomInfoOff)= geomInfo; // v[11]== EndPos - StartPos CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.DeltaPosOff, sizeof(CVector)) *(CVector*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.DeltaPosOff)= pVert->Src->EndPos - pVert->Src->StartPos; } } // *************************************************************************** // NB: need to be inlined only for fillFar1VB() in this file. inline void CPatch::fillFar1VertexVB(CTessFarVertex *pVert) { // The Buffers must have been locked nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator); nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->bufferLocked()); // VBInfo must be OK. nlassert(!CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs()); static uint8 *CurVBPtr; // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index1 * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.VertexSize; // NB: the filling order of data is important, for AGP write combiners. // compute Uvs. static CUV uv; CParamCoord pc= pVert->PCoord; if (Flags&NL_PATCH_FAR1_ROTATED) { uv.U= pc.getT()* Far1UScale + Far1UBias; uv.V= (1.f-pc.getS())* Far1VScale + Far1VBias; } else { uv.U= pc.getS()* Far1UScale + Far1UBias; uv.V= pc.getT()* Far1VScale + Far1VBias; } // compute Dynamic lightmap Uv. static CUV uvDLM; if(_DLMContext) // (NB: Suppose BTB kill this test). { // compute UV with DLM context info. uvDLM.U= pc.getS()* _DLMContext->DLMUScale + _DLMContext->DLMUBias; uvDLM.V= pc.getT()* _DLMContext->DLMVScale + _DLMContext->DLMVBias; } else { // just set UV so the vertex point to a black pixel (see CTextureDLM). uvDLM.U= 1; uvDLM.V= 1; } // If not VertexProgram (NB: Suppose BTB kill this test). if( !CLandscapeGlobals::VertexProgramEnabled ) { // Set Pos. Set it local to the current center of landscape CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr, sizeof(CVector)); *(CVector*)CurVBPtr= pVert->Src->Pos - CLandscapeGlobals::PZBModelPosition; // Set Uvs. CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff0, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff0)= uv; CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= uvDLM; // Set default color. static CRGBA col(255,255,255,255); CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.ColorOff, sizeof(CRGBA)); *(CRGBA*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.ColorOff)= col; } else { // Else must setup Vertex program inputs // v[0]== StartPos. CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr, sizeof(CVector)); *(CVector*)CurVBPtr= pVert->Src->StartPos; // v[8]== Tex0 CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff0, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff0)= uv; // v[9]== Tex1 CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= uvDLM; // v[10]== GeomInfo. static CUV geomInfo; geomInfo.U= pVert->Src->MaxFaceSize * CLandscapeGlobals::OORefineThreshold; geomInfo.V= pVert->Src->MaxNearLimit; CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.GeomInfoOff, sizeof(CUV)); *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.GeomInfoOff)= geomInfo; // v[11]== EndPos - StartPos CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.DeltaPosOff, sizeof(CVector)) *(CVector*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.DeltaPosOff)= pVert->Src->EndPos - pVert->Src->StartPos; // v[12]== Alpha information // Hopefully, fillVBFar1Only() is called each Time the Far1 change, in preRender(). // So TransitionSqrMin and OOTransitionSqrDelta in CPath are valid. geomInfo.U= TransitionSqrMin; geomInfo.V= OOTransitionSqrDelta; CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.AlphaInfoOff, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.AlphaInfoOff)= geomInfo; } } // *************************************************************************** // NB: need to be inlined only for fillTileVB() in this file. inline void CPatch::fillTileVertexVB(CTessNearVertex *pVert) { // The Buffers must have been locked nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator); nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator->bufferLocked()); // VBInfo must be OK. nlassert(!CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator->reallocationOccurs()); static uint8 *CurVBPtr; // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.VertexSize; // NB: the filling order of data is important, for AGP write combiners. // If not VertexProgram (NB: Suppose BTB kill this test). if( !CLandscapeGlobals::VertexProgramEnabled ) { // Set Pos. Set it local to the current center of landscape CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr, sizeof(CVector)) *(CVector*)CurVBPtr= pVert->Src->Pos - CLandscapeGlobals::PZBModelPosition; // Set Uvs. CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff0, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff0)= pVert->PUv0; CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= pVert->PUv1; CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff2, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff2)= pVert->PUv2; } else { // Else must setup Vertex program inputs // v[0]== StartPos. CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr, sizeof(CVector)) *(CVector*)CurVBPtr= pVert->Src->StartPos; // v[8]== Tex0 CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff0, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff0)= pVert->PUv0; // v[9]== Tex1 CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= pVert->PUv1; // v[12]== Tex2 CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff2, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.TexCoordOff2)= pVert->PUv2; // v[10]== GeomInfo. static CUV geomInfo; geomInfo.U= pVert->Src->MaxFaceSize * CLandscapeGlobals::OORefineThreshold; geomInfo.V= pVert->Src->MaxNearLimit; CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.GeomInfoOff, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.GeomInfoOff)= geomInfo; // v[11]== EndPos - StartPos CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.DeltaPosOff, sizeof(CVector)) *(CVector*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.DeltaPosOff)= pVert->Src->EndPos - pVert->Src->StartPos; } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillFar0VertexListVB(CTessList &vertList) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { fillFar0VertexVB(pVert); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillFar1VertexListVB(CTessList &vertList) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { fillFar1VertexVB(pVert); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillTileVertexListVB(CTessList &vertList) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessNearVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessNearVertex*)pVert->Next) { fillTileVertexVB(pVert); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillVB() { // Fill Far0. //======= // fill only if no reallcoation occurs if(Far0>0 && !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) { // Fill Far0 VB. fillFar0VertexListVB(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // fill only if tblock visible. if( tblock.visibleFar0() ) fillFar0VertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); } } else if(Far0==0 && !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) { // Fill Tile VB. // No Tiles in MasterBlock!! // Traverse the TessBlocks to add vertices. for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // fill only if tblock visible. if( tblock.visibleTile() ) fillTileVertexListVB(tblock.NearVertexList); } } // Fill Far1. //======= if(Far1>0 && !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) { // Fill VB. fillFar1VertexListVB(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // fill only if tblock visible. if( tblock.visibleFar1() ) fillFar1VertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillVBIfVisible() { if(isRenderClipped()==false) fillVB(); } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillVBFar0Only() { if(Far0>0 && !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) { // Fill Far0 VB. fillFar0VertexListVB(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // fill only if tblock visible. if( tblock.visibleFar0() ) fillFar0VertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillVBFar1Only() { if(Far1>0 && !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) { // Fill VB. fillFar1VertexListVB(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // fill only if tblock visible. if( tblock.visibleFar1() ) fillFar1VertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); } } } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // VB Software Geomorph / Alpha. // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::computeGeomorphVertexList(CTessList &vertList) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { // compute geomorph. pVert->Src->computeGeomPos(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::computeGeomorphFar0VertexListVB(CTessList &vertList) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { static uint8 *CurVBPtr; // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index0 * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.VertexSize; // Set Geomorphed Position. Set it local to the current center of landscape CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr, sizeof(CVector)) *(CVector*)CurVBPtr= pVert->Src->Pos - CLandscapeGlobals::PZBModelPosition; } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::computeGeomorphAlphaFar1VertexListVB(CTessList &vertList) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { static uint8 *CurVBPtr; // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index1 * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.VertexSize; // NB: the filling order of data is important, for AGP write combiners. // Set Geomorphed Position. Set it local to the current center of landscape CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr, sizeof(CVector)) *(CVector*)CurVBPtr= pVert->Src->Pos - CLandscapeGlobals::PZBModelPosition; // Set Alpha color. static CRGBA col(255,255,255,255); // For Far1, use alpha fro transition. // Prefer Use Pos, because of caching. So little difference between Soft and VertexProgram mode. float f= (pVert->Src->Pos - CLandscapeGlobals::RefineCenter).sqrnorm(); f= (f-TransitionSqrMin) * OOTransitionSqrDelta; clamp(f,0,1); col.A= (uint8)(f*255); CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.ColorOff, sizeof(CRGBA)) *(CRGBA*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.ColorOff)= col; } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::computeGeomorphTileVertexListVB(CTessList &vertList) { // Traverse the vertList. CTessNearVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessNearVertex*)pVert->Next) { static uint8 *CurVBPtr; // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.VertexSize; // Set Geomorphed Position. Set it local to the current center of landscape CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr, sizeof(CVector)) *(CVector*)CurVBPtr= pVert->Src->Pos - CLandscapeGlobals::PZBModelPosition; } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::computeSoftwareGeomorphAndAlpha() { if(isRenderClipped()) return; // Compute Geomorph. //======= // Need only to fill CTessVertex, so do it only for FarVertices // Hence Geomorph is done twice on edges of patches!!. // If not too near for precise, fast compute of geomorph. if( TessBlocks.size()==0 ) { // Just update all vertices of master block. computeGeomorphVertexList(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); } else { // update all vertices of master block. computeGeomorphVertexList(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); // update vertices of others block. for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // Precise Clip. if(!tblock.getClipped()) { // compute the geomorph of the vertices in the tessblock. computeGeomorphVertexList(tblock.FarVertexList); } } } // Fill Far0. //======= if(Far0>0) { // Fill Far0 VB. computeGeomorphFar0VertexListVB(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // Precise Clip. if( tblock.visibleFar0() ) computeGeomorphFar0VertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); } } else if(Far0==0) { // Fill Tile VB. // No Tiles in MasterBlock!! // Traverse the TessBlocks to compute vertices. for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // Precise Clip. if( tblock.visibleTile() ) computeGeomorphTileVertexListVB(tblock.NearVertexList); } } // Fill Far1. //======= if(Far1>0) { // Fill VB. computeGeomorphAlphaFar1VertexListVB(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // Precise Clip. if( tblock.visibleFar1() ) computeGeomorphAlphaFar1VertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); } } } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // VB clip Allocate/Filling. // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::updateClipPatchVB(bool renderClipped) { // If now the patch is invisible if(renderClipped) { // Then delete vertices. deleteVBAndFaceVector(); // Now, all vertices in VB are deleted. // Force clip state of all TessBlocks, so no allocation will be done on Vertices in VB. if(!TessBlocks.empty()) { for(uint i=0; i0 because vertices are reallocated in preRender() if a change of Far occurs. if(!isRenderClipped() && Far0>0 && pVert->OwnerBlock->visibleFar0() ) { pVert->Index0= CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->allocateVertex(); } // Idem for Far1 if(!isRenderClipped() && Far1>0 && pVert->OwnerBlock->visibleFar1()) { pVert->Index1= CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->allocateVertex(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::checkFillVertexVBFar(CTessFarVertex *pVert) { nlassert(pVert); // If visible, and Far0 in !Tile Mode, try to fill. // NB: must test Far0>0 because vertices are reallocated in preRender() if a change of Far occurs. if(!isRenderClipped() && Far0>0 && pVert->OwnerBlock->visibleFar0()) { if( !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) fillFar0VertexVB(pVert); } // Idem for Far1 if(!isRenderClipped() && Far1>0 && pVert->OwnerBlock->visibleFar1()) { if( !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) fillFar1VertexVB(pVert); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::checkCreateVertexVBNear(CTessNearVertex *pVert) { nlassert(pVert); // If visible, and Far0 in Tile Mode, allocate. // NB: must test Far0==0 because vertices are reallocated in preRender() if a change of Far occurs. if(!isRenderClipped() && Far0==0 && pVert->OwnerBlock->visibleTile()) { pVert->Index= CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator->allocateVertex(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::checkFillVertexVBNear(CTessNearVertex *pVert) { nlassert(pVert); // If visible, and Far0 in Tile Mode, try to fill. // NB: must test Far0==0 because vertices are reallocated in preRender() if a change of Far occurs. if(!isRenderClipped()&& Far0==0 && pVert->OwnerBlock->visibleTile() ) { // try to fill. if( !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) fillTileVertexVB(pVert); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::checkDeleteVertexVBFar(CTessFarVertex *pVert) { nlassert(pVert); // If visible, and Far0 in !Tile Mode, ok, the vertex exist in VB, so delete. // NB: must test Far0>0 because vertices are deleted in preRender() if a change of Far occurs. if(!isRenderClipped() && Far0>0 && pVert->OwnerBlock->visibleFar0() ) { CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->deleteVertex(pVert->Index0); } // Idem for Far1 if(!isRenderClipped() && Far1>0 && pVert->OwnerBlock->visibleFar1() ) { CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->deleteVertex(pVert->Index1); } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::checkDeleteVertexVBNear(CTessNearVertex *pVert) { nlassert(pVert); // If visible, and Far0 in Tile Mode, ok, the vertex exist in VB, so delete. // NB: must test Far0==0 because vertices are deleted in preRender() if a change of Far occurs. if(!isRenderClipped() && Far0==0 && pVert->OwnerBlock->visibleTile() ) { CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentTileVBAllocator->deleteVertex(pVert->Index); } } // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // VB DLM Filling // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillFar0DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(CTessList &vertList) { // The Buffers must have been locked nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator); nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->bufferLocked()); // VBInfo must be OK. nlassert(!CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs()); static uint8 *CurVBPtr; static CUV uvDLM; // If the DLMContext exist if(_DLMContext) { // Traverse the vertList, to compute new uvDLM CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index0 * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.VertexSize; // compute Uvs. CParamCoord pc= pVert->PCoord; // compute Dynamic lightmap Uv with DLM context info. uvDLM.U= pc.getS()* _DLMContext->DLMUScale + _DLMContext->DLMUBias; uvDLM.V= pc.getT()* _DLMContext->DLMVScale + _DLMContext->DLMVBias; // Set Uv DLM only (NB: same code for VertexProgram or not, only TexCoordOff1 may change). CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= uvDLM; } } // else, reset all Uvs else { // just set UV so the vertex point to a black pixel (see CTextureDLM). uvDLM.U= 1; uvDLM.V= 1; // Traverse the vertList, to reset uv CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index0 * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.VertexSize; // Set Uv DLM only (NB: same code for VertexProgram or not, only TexCoordOff1 may change). CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= uvDLM; } } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillFar1DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(CTessList &vertList) { // The Buffers must have been locked nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator); nlassert(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->bufferLocked()); // VBInfo must be OK. nlassert(!CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs()); static uint8 *CurVBPtr; static CUV uvDLM; // If the DLMContext exist if(_DLMContext) { // Traverse the vertList, to compute new uvDLM CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index1 * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.VertexSize; // compute Uvs. CParamCoord pc= pVert->PCoord; // compute Dynamic lightmap Uv with DLM context info. uvDLM.U= pc.getS()* _DLMContext->DLMUScale + _DLMContext->DLMUBias; uvDLM.V= pc.getT()* _DLMContext->DLMVScale + _DLMContext->DLMVBias; // Set Uv DLM only (NB: same code for VertexProgram or not, only TexCoordOff1 may change). CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= uvDLM; } } // else, reset all Uvs else { // just set UV so the vertex point to a black pixel (see CTextureDLM). uvDLM.U= 1; uvDLM.V= 1; // Traverse the vertList, to reset uv CTessFarVertex *pVert; for(pVert= vertList.begin(); pVert; pVert= (CTessFarVertex*)pVert->Next) { // Compute/build the new vertex. CurVBPtr= (uint8*)CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.VertexCoordPointer; CurVBPtr+= pVert->Index1 * CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.VertexSize; // Set Uv DLM only (NB: same code for VertexProgram or not, only TexCoordOff1 may change). CHECK_VBA_RANGE(CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.Accessor, CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff1, sizeof(CUV)) *(CUV*)(CurVBPtr + CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBInfo.TexCoordOff1)= uvDLM; } } } // *************************************************************************** void CPatch::fillVBFarsDLMUvOnly() { // Do it for Far0. if(Far0>0 && !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar0VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) { // Fill Far0 VB. fillFar0DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // fill only if tblock visible. if( tblock.visibleFar0() ) fillFar0DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); } } // Do it for Far1. if(Far1>0 && !CLandscapeGlobals::CurrentFar1VBAllocator->reallocationOccurs() ) { // Fill VB. fillFar1DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(MasterBlock.FarVertexList); for(sint i=0; i<(sint)TessBlocks.size(); i++) { CTessBlock &tblock= TessBlocks[i]; // fill only if tblock visible. if( tblock.visibleFar1() ) fillFar1DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(tblock.FarVertexList); } } } } // NL3D