// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" // Memory #include #include "nel/misc/i_xml.h" #include "nel/misc/o_xml.h" #include "nel/misc/algo.h" #include "nel/net/tcp_sock.h" // Globals #include "interface_manager.h" #include "input_handler_manager.h" #include "interface_config.h" #include "task_bar_manager.h" #include "guild_manager.h" #include "../client_cfg.h" #include "encyclopedia_manager.h" // Expr #include "interface_expr.h" #include "register_interface_elements.h" // Action / Observers #include "action_handler.h" #include "interface_observer.h" #include "interface_anim.h" #include "interface_ddx.h" #include "action_handler_help.h" #include "action_handler_item.h" // View #include "view_bitmap.h" //#include "view_bitmap_progress.h" #include "view_bitmap_faber_mp.h" #include "view_bitmap_combo.h" #include "view_text.h" // Ctrl #include "ctrl_scroll.h" #include "ctrl_button.h" #include "ctrl_text_button.h" // DBCtrl #include "dbctrl_sheet.h" // Group #include "group_list.h" #include "group_menu.h" #include "group_container.h" #include "group_modal.h" #include "group_editbox.h" #include "group_in_scene_bubble.h" #include "group_skills.h" #include "group_compas.h" // Misc #include "../input.h" #include "bot_chat_manager.h" #include "bot_chat_page_all.h" #include "chat_displayer.h" #include "skill_manager.h" #include "../sound_manager.h" #include "../actions.h" #include "../actions_client.h" #include "../weather_manager_client.h" #include "../weather.h" #include "../user_entity.h" #include "../motion/user_controls.h" #include "people_interraction.h" #include "macrocmd_manager.h" #include "inventory_manager.h" #include "../connection.h" // needed for loading config file (PlayerSelectedFileName) #include "sbrick_manager.h" #include "sphrase_manager.h" #include "bar_manager.h" #include "../continent_manager.h" #include "../entity_cl.h" #include "../login.h" #include "../sheet_manager.h" // for emotes #include "../global.h" // for emotes #include "../entity_animation_manager.h" // for emotes #include "../net_manager.h" // for emotes #include "../client_chat_manager.h" // for emotes #include "../entities.h" #include "chat_text_manager.h" #include "../npc_icon.h" #include "lua_helper.h" #include "lua_ihm.h" #include "add_on_manager.h" #include "game_share/r2_share_itf.h" #include "../time_client.h" #include "../r2/editor.h" #include "../r2/dmc/client_edition_module.h" #include "../bg_downloader_access.h" using namespace NLMISC; extern CClientChatManager ChatMngr; extern CContinentManager ContinentMngr; extern CStringMapper *_UIStringMapper; extern bool IsInRingSession; extern CEventsListener EventsListener; namespace R2 { extern bool ReloadUIFlag; } // *************************************************************************** /* Version 11: - Dyn chat in user tab Version 10: - Last screen resolution serialisation Version 9: UI_DB_SAVE_VERSION system Version 8: - serialInSceneBubbleInfo (for ignore context help) Version 7: - serialMacroMemory Version 6: DEPRECATED - Info about friend/ignore list Version 5: - Info Windows pos Version 4: - User landmark serialisation Version 3: - Added a Hack for CInterfaceConfig version miss Version 2: - TaskBar serialisation Version 1: - people interraction Version 0: - base version */ #define ICFG_STREAM_VERSION 11 #ifdef AJM_DEBUG_TRACK_INTERFACE_GROUPS #define FOREACH(__itvar,__conttype,__contvar) \ for (__conttype::iterator __itvar(__contvar.begin()),__itvar##end(__contvar.end()); __itvar!=__itvar##end; ++__itvar) #endif // *************************************************************************** using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NLNET; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ extern NL3D::UDriver *Driver; extern bool loginFinished; // Edit actions CActionsManager EditActions; CInterfaceManager * CInterfaceManager::_Instance = NULL; CChatDisplayer * ChatDisplayer = NULL; void initActions(); void uninitActions(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ string CInterfaceManager::_CtrlLaunchingModalId= "ctrl_launch_modal"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static const uint DOUBLE_CLICK_MIN = 50; static const uint DOUBLE_CLICK_MAX = 750; ///\todo nico: remove this dummy displayer NLMISC::CLog g_log; //////////// // GLOBAL // //////////// // Hierarchical timer H_AUTO_DECL ( RZ_Client_Update_Frame_Events ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // AJM TEMP TEMP TEMP TEMP #ifdef AJM_DEBUG_TRACK_INTERFACE_GROUPS // track creation of an interface group void CInterfaceManager::DebugTrackGroupsCreated( CInterfaceGroup *pIG ) { // add to set _DebugTrackGroupSet.insert( pIG ); // add to map and increment create counter _DebugTrackGroupMap[pIG] = _DebugTrackGroupCreateCount++; } // track destruction of an interface group void CInterfaceManager::DebugTrackGroupsDestroyed( CInterfaceGroup *pIG ) { // lookup id of the group being destroyed (for debugging) int foo = DebugTrackGroupsGetId( pIG ); // remove from set setInterfaceGroupPtr::iterator it = _DebugTrackGroupSet.find( pIG ); if( it == _DebugTrackGroupSet.end() ) { nldebug( "AJM DEBUG: Interface Group %x Destroyed twice", pIG ); return; } _DebugTrackGroupSet.erase( pIG ); // remove from map and increment destroy counter _DebugTrackGroupMap.erase(pIG); _DebugTrackGroupDestroyCount++; } // display the count of undestroyed interface groups void CInterfaceManager::DebugTrackGroupsDump() { // dump groups nldebug( "AJM DEBUG: %d Interface Groups remaining", _DebugTrackGroupCreateCount-_DebugTrackGroupDestroyCount ); FOREACH( itIG, mapInterfaceGroupPtr2Int, _DebugTrackGroupMap ) { nldebug( " %d", itIG->second ); } } // return the index for an interface group int CInterfaceManager::DebugTrackGroupsGetId( CInterfaceGroup *pIG ) { mapInterfaceGroupPtr2Int::iterator it = _DebugTrackGroupMap.find( pIG ); if( it != _DebugTrackGroupMap.end() ) return it->second; return -1; } #endif // AJM_DEBUG_TRACK_INTERFACE_GROUPS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceManager::CInterfaceManager() { _Instance = this; _DbRootNode = new CCDBNodeBranch("ROOT"); _ScreenW = _ScreenH = 0; _LastInGameScreenW = _LastInGameScreenH = 0; _Pointer = NULL; _DescTextTarget = NULL; _GlobalColor = CRGBA(255,255,255,255); _GlobalColorForContent = _GlobalColor; _ContentAlpha = 255; _ContainerAlpha = 255; _GlobalContentAlpha = 255; _GlobalContainerAlpha = 255; _GlobalRolloverFactorContent = 255; _GlobalRolloverFactorContainer = 255; _MouseOverWindow= false; _MouseHandlingEnabled= true; _ConfigLoaded = false; _LogState = false; _KeysLoaded = false; _RProp = NULL; _GProp = NULL; _BProp = NULL; _AProp = NULL; _AlphaRolloverSpeedDB = NULL; _NeutralColor = NULL; _WarningColor = NULL; _ErrorColor = NULL; _EmotesInitialized = false; // context help _DeltaTimeStopingContextHelp= 0; _MaxTimeStopingContextHelp= 0.2f; _LastXContextHelp= -10000; _LastYContextHelp= -10000; // Global initialization // ********************* //init the input handler through the parsing of a config file CInputHandlerManager *InputHandlerManager = CInputHandlerManager::getInstance(); string filename = CPath::lookup(ClientCfg.XMLInputFile, false); if (!filename.empty()) InputHandlerManager->readInputConfigFile(filename); // Interface Manager init _ViewRenderer.checkNewScreenSize(); _ViewRenderer.init(); _CurrentMode = 0; _InGame = false; _LocalSyncActionCounter= 0; // 4Bits counter. _LocalSyncActionCounterMask= 15; for(uint i=0;iresetShardSpecificData(); CBotChatManager::getInstance()->setCurrPage(NULL); CSPhraseManager *pPM= CSPhraseManager::getInstance(); pPM->setEquipInvalidation(0, 0); CGroupContainer *pGC = dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(WIN_TEMPINV)); if (pGC != NULL) pGC->setActive(false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::destroy () { delete _Instance; _Instance = NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::initLogin() { // Init LUA Scripting initLUA(); // Create String mapper if (_UIStringMapper == NULL) _UIStringMapper = CStringMapper::createLocalMapper(); // Clear the action manager Actions.clear(); EditActions.clear(); // Register action in the action manager ActionsContext.addActionsManager(&Actions, ""); ActionsContext.addActionsManager(&EditActions, RZ_CATEGORY_EDIT); if (ClientCfg.XMLLoginInterfaceFiles.size()==0) { nlinfo("no xml login config files in client.cfg"); return; } nldebug("Textures Login Interface"); for (vector::iterator it = ClientCfg.TexturesLoginInterface.begin(), end = ClientCfg.TexturesLoginInterface.end(); it != end; ++it) { nldebug("Textures Login Interface: %s", (*it).c_str()); loadTextures(*it + ".tga", *it + ".txt", false); } for (vector::iterator it = ClientCfg.TexturesLoginInterfaceDXTC.begin(), end = ClientCfg.TexturesLoginInterfaceDXTC.end(); it != end; ++it) { nldebug("Textures Login Interface DXTC: %s", (*it).c_str()); loadTextures(*it + ".tga", *it + ".txt", true); } parseInterface (ClientCfg.XMLLoginInterfaceFiles, false); updateAllLocalisedElements(); activateMasterGroup ("ui:login", true); { initActions(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::uninitLogin() { activateMasterGroup ("ui:login", false); removeAll(); reset(); _Pointer = NULL; CInterfaceLink::removeAllLinks(); ICDBNode::CTextId textId("UI"); _DbRootNode->removeNode(textId); { uninitActions(); } // Close LUA Scripting uninitLUA(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::initOutGame() { // create String mapper if (_UIStringMapper == NULL) _UIStringMapper = CStringMapper::createLocalMapper(); // Clear the action manager Actions.clear(); EditActions.clear(); // Register action in the action manager ActionsContext.addActionsManager(&Actions, ""); ActionsContext.addActionsManager(&EditActions, RZ_CATEGORY_EDIT); if (ClientCfg.SelectCharacter != -1) return; // Init LUA Scripting initLUA(); { if (SoundMngr != NULL) { NLSOUND::UAudioMixer *pMixer = SoundMngr->getMixer(); pMixer->loadSampleBank(false, "ui_outgame"); CVector initpos ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); pMixer->setListenerPos(initpos); } } //NLMEMORY::CheckHeap (true); if (ClientCfg.XMLOutGameInterfaceFiles.size()==0) { nlinfo("no xml outgame config files in client.cfg"); return; } nldebug("Textures OutGame Interface"); for (vector::iterator it = ClientCfg.TexturesOutGameInterface.begin(), end = ClientCfg.TexturesOutGameInterface.end(); it != end; ++it) { nldebug("Textures OutGame Interface: %s", (*it).c_str()); loadTextures(*it + ".tga", *it + ".txt", false); } for (vector::iterator it = ClientCfg.TexturesOutGameInterfaceDXTC.begin(), end = ClientCfg.TexturesOutGameInterfaceDXTC.end(); it != end; ++it) { nldebug("Textures OutGame Interface DXTC: %s", (*it).c_str()); loadTextures(*it + ".tga", *it + ".txt", true); } parseInterface (ClientCfg.XMLOutGameInterfaceFiles, false); updateAllLocalisedElements(); activateMasterGroup ("ui:outgame", true); // if (!ClientCfg.FSHost.empty()) // { // // Hide the Launch Editor button, it works only with a Shard Unifier and web pages // CInterfaceElement *elt = getElementFromId("ui:outgame:edit_session_but"); // elt->setActive(false); // } // Init the action manager { initActions(); } //NLMEMORY::CheckHeap (true); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::uninitOutGame() { if (ClientCfg.SelectCharacter != -1) return; disableModalWindow(); //_DbRootNode->display(""); CBotChatManager::getInstance()->setCurrPage(NULL); CInterfaceItemEdition::getInstance()->setCurrWindow(NULL); NLMISC::TTime initStart; initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime (); if (SoundMngr != NULL) { NLSOUND::UAudioMixer *pMixer = SoundMngr->getMixer(); pMixer->unloadSampleBank("ui_outgame"); } //nlinfo ("%d seconds for uninitOutGame", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime (); activateMasterGroup ("ui:outgame", false); //nlinfo ("%d seconds for activateMasterGroup", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime (); removeAll(); //nlinfo ("%d seconds for removeAll", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime (); reset(); //nlinfo ("%d seconds for reset", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); // reset the mouse pointer to avoid invalid pointer access _Pointer = NULL; initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime (); CInterfaceLink::removeAllLinks(); //nlinfo ("%d seconds for removeAllLinks", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime (); ICDBNode::CTextId textId("UI"); _DbRootNode->removeNode(textId); //nlinfo ("%d seconds for removeNode", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); // Init the action manager { initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime (); uninitActions(); // nlinfo ("%d seconds for uninitActions", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); } // Close LUA Scripting uninitLUA(); //NLMEMORY::CheckHeap (true); } void badXMLParseMessageBox() { NL3D::UDriver::TMessageBoxId ret = Driver->systemMessageBox( "Interface XML reading failed!\n" "Some XML files are corrupted and may have been removed.\n" "Ryzom may need to be restarted to run properly.\n" "Would you like to quit now?", "XML reading failed!", NL3D::UDriver::yesNoType, NL3D::UDriver::exclamationIcon); if (ret == NL3D::UDriver::yesId) { extern void quitCrashReport (); quitCrashReport (); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::initInGame() { loginFinished = true; _LogState = false; // Whole initInGame profile NLMISC::TTime initStart; initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime (); // Init LUA Scripting initLUA(); // create the _UIStringMapper if (_UIStringMapper == NULL) _UIStringMapper = CStringMapper::createLocalMapper(); // Clear the action manager Actions.clear(); EditActions.clear(); // Register action in the action manager ActionsContext.addActionsManager(&Actions, ""); ActionsContext.addActionsManager(&EditActions, RZ_CATEGORY_EDIT); if (SoundMngr != NULL) { NLSOUND::UAudioMixer *pMixer = SoundMngr->getMixer(); pMixer->loadSampleBank(false, "ui_ingame"); } // NLMEMORY::CheckHeap (true); if (ClientCfg.XMLInterfaceFiles.size()==0) { nlinfo("no xml config files in client.cfg"); return; } // Textures loadIngameInterfaceTextures(); // NLMEMORY::CheckHeap (true); // Skill Manager Init CSkillManager *pSM = CSkillManager::getInstance(); pSM->initInGame(); // SBrick Manager Init CSBrickManager *pSBM = CSBrickManager::getInstance(); pSBM->initInGame(); pSM->initTitles(); // SPhrase Manager DB Init (BEFORE loading). Must be init AFTER skill and brick init CSPhraseManager *pPM= CSPhraseManager::getInstance(); pPM->initInGame(); // UI & keys loadUI(); loadKeys(); // Initialize armour color (config.xml) CDBCtrlSheet::initArmourColors(); // Initialize inventory manager : link to DB and to interface element so must be here getInventory().init(); // Same for temp inventory manager CTempInvManager::getInstance(); // Initialize guild manager CGuildManager::getInstance(); // NLMEMORY::CheckHeap (true); //init chat output ChatDisplayer = new CChatDisplayer; g_log.addDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); NLMISC::ErrorLog->addDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); NLMISC::WarningLog->addDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); NLMISC::InfoLog->addDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); NLMISC::DebugLog->addDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); NLMISC::AssertLog->addDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); // load bot chat datas //CBotChat::init(); // init the bot chat nlassert (BotChatPageAll == NULL); BotChatPageAll = new CBotChatPageAll; BotChatPageAll->init(); // NLMEMORY::CheckHeap (true); // init the list of people PeopleInterraction.init(); // flush system msg buffer for( uint i=0; iinitInGame(); { H_AUTO( RZUpdAll ) updateAllLocalisedElements(); // To init all things } // Interface config loadInterfaceConfig(); // Must do extra init for people interaction after load PeopleInterraction.initAfterLoad(); //CBotChatUI::refreshActiveWindows(); // bot chat windows are saved too.. activateMasterGroup ("ui:interface", true); // Update the time in the ui database _CheckMailNode = getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:MAIL_WAITING"); _CheckForumNode = getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:FORUM_UPDATED"); // Init the action manager { initActions(); } _InGame = true; // Init bubble manager InSceneBubbleManager.init(); // Init Memory Bar for phraseManager. DB and ctrl gray state pPM->updateMemoryBar(); // Init emotes _EmotesInitialized = false; initEmotes(); // init chat manager ChatMngr.initInGame(); // Init FlyingText manager FlyingTextManager.initInGame(); // Init Bar Manager (HP, SAP etc... Bars) CBarManager::getInstance()->initInGame(); // Init interface props linked to client time initClientTime(); // Whole initInGame profile nlinfo ("%d seconds for initInGame", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000); // reset the compass target CGroupCompas *gc = dynamic_cast(getElementFromId("ui:interface:compass")); if (gc && gc->isSavedTargetValid()) { gc->setTarget(gc->getSavedTarget()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::loadIngameInterfaceTextures() { nldebug("Textures Ingame Interface"); for (vector::iterator it = ClientCfg.TexturesInterface.begin(), end = ClientCfg.TexturesInterface.end(); it != end; ++it) { nldebug("Textures Ingame Interface: %s", (*it).c_str()); loadTextures(*it + ".tga", *it + ".txt", false); } for (vector::iterator it = ClientCfg.TexturesInterfaceDXTC.begin(), end = ClientCfg.TexturesInterfaceDXTC.end(); it != end; ++it) { nldebug("Textures Ingame Interface DXTC: %s", (*it).c_str()); loadTextures(*it + ".tga", *it + ".txt", true); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::loadUI() { // Copy the array of file to load vector xmlFilesToParse = getInGameXMLInterfaceFiles(); if (!parseInterface (xmlFilesToParse, false)) { badXMLParseMessageBox(); } configureQuitDialogBox(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::configureQuitDialogBox() { // Configure the quit dialog box according to the server CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); string quitDialogMainStr = "ui:interface:quit_dialog"; string quitDialogStr = quitDialogMainStr + ":indent_middle"; CInterfaceGroup *quitDlg = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(quitDialogStr)); if (quitDlg) { CInterfaceElement *eltRet, *eltQuit, *eltQuitNow; eltRet = quitDlg->getElement(quitDialogStr+":return_mainland"); eltQuit = quitDlg->getElement(quitDialogStr+":ryzom"); eltQuitNow = quitDlg->getElement(quitDialogStr+":ryzom_now"); sint buttonDeltaY; fromString(getDefine("quit_button_delta_y"), buttonDeltaY); extern R2::TUserRole UserRoleInSession; bool sessionOwner = (R2::getEditor().getMode() != R2::CEditor::NotInitialized && R2::getEditor().getDMC().getEditionModule().isSessionOwner()); // Show Launch Editor if not in editor mode CInterfaceElement *eltCancel = quitDlg->getElement(quitDialogStr+":cancel"); CInterfaceElement *eltEdit = quitDlg->getElement(quitDialogStr+":launch_editor"); if (eltEdit) { if (UserRoleInSession != R2::TUserRole::ur_editor && !sessionOwner) { eltEdit->setY(buttonDeltaY); eltEdit->setActive(true); if (eltCancel) (safe_cast(eltCancel))->setText(CI18N::get("uittQuitCancel")); } else { eltEdit->setY(0); // prevent from displaying a gap between two shown buttons eltEdit->setActive(false); if (eltCancel) (safe_cast(eltCancel))->setText(sessionOwner ? CI18N::get("uittQuitCancel") : CI18N::get("uittQuitCancelEditor")); } } // Other buttons if (IsInRingSession || (ClientCfg.Local && ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled)) { // display "return to mainland", unless we are the scenario owner (player or 'aventure master') if (eltRet) { if (!sessionOwner || R2::getEditor().getMode()==R2::CEditor::EditionMode) { //eltRet->setY(buttonDeltaY); const char *textLabel = (UserRoleInSession == R2::TUserRole::ur_editor) ? "uittLeaveEditor" : "uittReturnToMainland"; (safe_cast(eltRet))->setText(CI18N::get(textLabel)); eltRet->setY(buttonDeltaY); eltRet->setActive(true); // show Return to Mainland / PLAY } else { eltRet->setY(0); // when an owner of the session, there's an additionnal 'stop' button eltRet->setActive(false); } } if (eltQuit) { eltQuit->setY(0); eltQuit->setActive(false); } if (eltQuitNow) { eltQuitNow->setY(buttonDeltaY); eltQuitNow->setActive(true); // show Quit (Now) } } else { if (eltRet) { eltRet->setY(0); // prevent from displaying a gap between two shown buttons eltRet->setActive(false); } if (eltQuit) { eltQuit->setY(buttonDeltaY); eltQuit->setActive(true); // show Quit (with progress bar) } if (eltQuitNow) { eltQuitNow->setY(0); eltQuitNow->setActive(false); } } } // Make all controls have the same size CInterfaceGroup *quitDlgMain = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(quitDialogMainStr)); if ( quitDlgMain ) { quitDlgMain->invalidateCoords(); for (uint k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { quitDlgMain->updateCoords(); // calculate the width of the text buttons } } const std::vector& controls = quitDlg->getControls(); sint32 biggestWidth = 0; for ( std::vector::const_iterator ic=controls.begin(); ic!=controls.end(); ++ic ) { CCtrlTextButton *ctb = dynamic_cast(*ic); if ( ! ctb ) continue; if ( ctb->getW() > biggestWidth ) biggestWidth = ctb->getW(); } for ( std::vector::const_iterator ic=controls.begin(); ic!=controls.end(); ++ic ) { CCtrlTextButton *ctb = dynamic_cast(*ic); if ( ! ctb ) continue; ctb->setWMin( biggestWidth ); } if ( quitDlgMain ) { quitDlgMain->invalidateCoords(); for (uint k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { quitDlgMain->updateCoords(); // calculate the width of the text buttons } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::loadKeys() { if (ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled) // in R2ED mode the CEditor class deals with it return; CMacroCmdManager::getInstance()->removeAllMacros(); vector xmlFilesToParse; // Does the keys file exist ? string userKeyFileName = "save/keys_"+PlayerSelectedFileName+".xml"; if (CFile::fileExists(userKeyFileName) && CFile::getFileSize(userKeyFileName) > 0) { // Load the user key file xmlFilesToParse.push_back (userKeyFileName); } // Load the default key (but don't replace existings bounds, see keys.xml "key_def_no_replace") xmlFilesToParse.push_back ("keys.xml"); if (!parseInterface (xmlFilesToParse, true)) { badXMLParseMessageBox(); } _KeysLoaded = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::loadInterfaceConfig() { // Load interface.cfg if (ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled) // in R2ED mode the CEditor class deals with it return; loadConfig ("save/interface_" + PlayerSelectedFileName + ".icfg"); // Invalidate coords of changed groups _ConfigLoaded = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::uninitInGame0 () { // Autosave of the keys if (_KeysLoaded) { if (!ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled) { saveKeys ("save/keys_" + PlayerSelectedFileName + ".xml"); } _KeysLoaded = false; } // Autosave of the interface in interface.cfg if (_ConfigLoaded) { if (!ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled) { saveConfig ("save/interface_" + PlayerSelectedFileName + ".icfg"); } _ConfigLoaded = false; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::uninitInGame1 () { // release Bar Manager (HP, SAP etc... Bars) CBarManager::getInstance()->releaseInGame(); // release FlyingTextManager FlyingTextManager.releaseInGame(); // release chat manager ChatMngr.releaseInGame(); // Reset the chat text manager CChatTextManager::getInstance().reset(); // release emotes uninitEmotes(); // release bubble manager InSceneBubbleManager.release(); // kill chat displayer if( ChatDisplayer ) { DebugLog->removeDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); InfoLog->removeDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); WarningLog->removeDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); ErrorLog->removeDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); AssertLog->removeDisplayer (ChatDisplayer); g_log.removeDisplayer(ChatDisplayer); delete ChatDisplayer; ChatDisplayer = NULL; } // Release inventory manager CInventoryManager::releaseInstance(); // Same for temp inventory manager CTempInvManager::releaseInstance(); // Release guild manager CGuildManager::release(); // release bot chat and manager CBotChatManager::getInstance()->setCurrPage(NULL); delete BotChatPageAll; BotChatPageAll = NULL; CBotChatManager::releaseInstance(); //release CInterfaceItemEdition CInterfaceItemEdition::getInstance()->setCurrWindow(NULL); CInterfaceItemEdition::releaseInstance(); // release task bar manager CTaskBarManager::releaseInstance(); // People inetrraction release PeopleInterraction.release(); if (SoundMngr != NULL) { NLSOUND::UAudioMixer *pMixer = SoundMngr->getMixer(); pMixer->unloadSampleBank("ui_ingame"); } // disable the game_quitting modal window disableModalWindow(); // Remove all interface objects (containers, groups, variables, defines, ...) activateMasterGroup ("ui:interface", false); removeAll(); reset(); CInterfaceLink::removeAllLinks(); // Release DDX manager, before DB remove CDDXManager::getInstance()->release(); // Release client time, before DB remove releaseClientTime(); // remove DB entry ICDBNode::CTextId textId("UI"); _DbRootNode->removeNode(textId); // Uninit the action manager { uninitActions(); } // uninit phrase mgr CSPhraseManager *pPM = CSPhraseManager::getInstance(); pPM->reset(); CSPhraseManager::releaseInstance(); // must release before BrickManager, SkillManager // uninit brick manager // Don't release the instance because must not lost brick map and data CSBrickManager::getInstance()->uninitInGame(); // Uninit skill manager (after phrase mgr) // AJM don't release SkillManager, else impulse msg update guild title will crash :( CSkillManager::getInstance()->uninitTitles(); // Uninit macro manager CMacroCmdManager::getInstance()->uninitInGame(); // Release interface help CInterfaceHelp::release(); // Release guild manager CGuildManager::release(); // Close LUA Scripting uninitLUA(); _InGame = false; _NeutralColor = NULL; _WarningColor = NULL; _ErrorColor = NULL; _AlphaRolloverSpeedDB = NULL; _RProp = NULL; _GProp = NULL; _BProp = NULL; _AProp = NULL; #ifdef AJM_DEBUG_TRACK_INTERFACE_GROUPS CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->DebugTrackGroupsDump(); // NLMEMORY::ReportMemoryLeak(); #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::flushDebugWindow() { if (ChatDisplayer != NULL) ChatDisplayer->update(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::updateFrameEvents() { H_AUTO_USE ( RZ_Client_Update_Frame_Events ) flushDebugWindow(); // Handle anims done in 2 times because some AH can add or remove anims // First ensure we are working on a safe vector and update all anims sint i; vector vTmp = _ActiveAnims; for (i = 0; i < (sint)vTmp.size(); ++i) { CInterfaceAnim *pIA = vTmp[i]; pIA->update(); } CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); // // Next : Test if we have to remove anims for (i = 0; i < (sint)_ActiveAnims.size(); ++i) { CInterfaceAnim *pIA = _ActiveAnims[i]; if (pIA->isFinished()) { _ActiveAnims.erase (_ActiveAnims.begin()+i); --i; } } // CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); // Handle waiting texts from server processServerIDString(); if (_InGame) { // Execute current macro CMacroCmdManager::getInstance()->updateMacroExecution(); // Update guild handling (check if we have to rebuild) CGuildManager::getInstance()->update(); // Update contact list with incoming server string ids PeopleInterraction.updateWaitingContacts(); // Connect and receive/send to the yubo chat checkYuboChat(); // Update string if some waiting CEncyclopediaManager::getInstance()->updateAllFrame(); // Setup the weather setup in the player's map if ((T0 - _UpdateWeatherTime) > (1 * 5 * 1000)) { _UpdateWeatherTime = T0; ucstring str = CI18N::get ("uiTheSeasonIs") + CI18N::get ("uiSeason"+toStringEnum(computeCurrSeason())) + CI18N::get ("uiAndTheWeatherIs") + CI18N::get (WeatherManager.getCurrWeatherState().LocalizedName); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(getElementFromId("ui:interface:map:content:map_content:weather")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(str); // The date feature is temporarily disabled str.clear(); // numeric version //str = CI18N::get("uiDate"); //str += toString("%04d", RT.getRyzomYear()) + "/"; //str += toString("%01d", RT.getRyzomCycle()+1) + " : "; //str += toString("%02d", RT.getRyzomMonthInCurrentCycle()+1) + "/"; //str += toString("%02d", RT.getRyzomDayOfMonth()+1) + " - "; // Start at 1 for January //str += toString("%02d", (sint)RT.getRyzomTime()) + " " + CI18N::get("uiMissionTimerHour"); // literal version // str = CI18N::get("uiDate"); str += toString("%02d", (sint)RT.getRyzomTime()) + CI18N::get("uiMissionTimerHour") + " - "; str += CI18N::get("ui"+WEEKDAY::toString( (WEEKDAY::EWeekDay)RT.getRyzomDayOfWeek() )) + ", "; str += CI18N::get("ui"+MONTH::toString( (MONTH::EMonth)RT.getRyzomMonthInCurrentCycle() )) + " "; str += toString("%02d", RT.getRyzomDayOfMonth()+1) + ", "; str += CI18N::get("uiAtysianCycle" + toString(RT.getRyzomCycle()+1) + "Ordinal") + " " + CI18N::get("uiAtysianCycle") + " "; str += toString("%04d", RT.getRyzomYear()); pVT = dynamic_cast(getElementFromId("ui:interface:map:content:map_content:time")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(str); str.clear(); // Update the clock in the compass if enabled. pVT = dynamic_cast(getElementFromId("ui:interface:compass:clock:time")); if (pVT != NULL) { if (pVT->getActive()) { str = getTimestampHuman("%H:%M"); pVT->setText(str); } } } } // send clock tick msg to ctrl that are captured CEventDescriptorSystem clockTick; clockTick.setEventTypeExtended(CEventDescriptorSystem::clocktick); if (_CapturePointerLeft) { _CapturePointerLeft->handleEvent(clockTick); } if (_CapturePointerRight) { _CapturePointerRight->handleEvent(clockTick); } // and send clock tick msg to ctrl that are registered std::vector clockMsgTarget = _ClockMsgTargets; for(std::vector::iterator it = clockMsgTarget.begin(); it != clockMsgTarget.end(); ++it) { (*it)->handleEvent(clockTick); } CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); // Update SPhrase manager CSPhraseManager *pPM= CSPhraseManager::getInstance(); pPM->update(); // if there's an external lua debugger, update it extern void luaDebuggerMainLoop(); luaDebuggerMainLoop(); // handle gc for lua if (_LuaState) _LuaState->handleGC(); CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance().update(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::updateFrameViews(NL3D::UCamera camera) { H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_updateFrameViews ) if (!camera.empty()) _ViewRenderer.setWorldSpaceFrustum (camera.getFrustum()); checkCoords(); drawViews(camera); // The interface manager may change usual Global setup. reset them. TextContext->setShadeColor(CRGBA::Black); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceOptions *CInterfaceManager::getOptions(const string &name) { map >::iterator it = _OptionsMap.find(name); if (it == _OptionsMap.end()) return NULL; else return it->second; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::runActionHandler (const string &ahCmdLine, CCtrlBase *pCaller, const string &ahUserParams) { if (ahCmdLine.empty()) return; // Special AH form ("ah:params") ? string::size_type i = ahCmdLine.find(':'); string ahName; string ahParams; if(i!=string::npos) { ahName= ahCmdLine.substr(0, i); ahParams= ahCmdLine.substr(i+1); } else { ahName= ahCmdLine; } // Replace params if defined if(!ahUserParams.empty()) ahParams= ahUserParams; // Execute the action hanlder CActionHandlerFactoryManager *pAHFM = CActionHandlerFactoryManager::getInstance(); map::iterator it = pAHFM->FactoryMap.find (ahName); if (it == pAHFM->FactoryMap.end()) { nlwarning ("not found action handler : %s",ahName.c_str()); return; } IActionHandler *pAH = it->second; pAH->execute (pCaller, ahParams); // Quick Help const string submitQuickHelp = "submit_quick_help"; it = pAHFM->FactoryMap.find(submitQuickHelp); if(it == pAHFM->FactoryMap.end()) { nlwarning ("not found action handler : %s", submitQuickHelp.c_str()); return; } pAH = it->second; const std::string event = ahName + ":" + ahParams; pAH->execute(NULL, event); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::runActionHandler (IActionHandler *pAH, CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &Params) { if (pAH == NULL) { nlwarning ("no action handler"); return; } pAH->execute (pCaller, Params); string AHName = getAHName(pAH); // Quick Help const string submitQuickHelp = "submit_quick_help"; CActionHandlerFactoryManager *pAHFM = CActionHandlerFactoryManager::getInstance(); map::iterator it = pAHFM->FactoryMap.find (AHName); it = pAHFM->FactoryMap.find(submitQuickHelp); if(it == pAHFM->FactoryMap.end()) { nlwarning ("not found action handler : %s", submitQuickHelp.c_str()); return; } pAH = it->second; const std::string event = AHName + ":" + Params; pAH->execute(NULL, event); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::setupOptions() { // After parsing options and templates node -> init system options. CInterfaceOptions *opt= getOptions("system"); if(opt) { // List here all Special options _SystemOptions[OptionCtrlSheetGrayColor]= opt->getValue("ctrl_sheet_gray_color"); _SystemOptions[OptionCtrlTextGrayColor]= opt->getValue("ctrl_text_gray_color"); _SystemOptions[OptionCtrlSheetRedifyColor]= opt->getValue("ctrl_sheet_redify_color"); _SystemOptions[OptionCtrlTextRedifyColor]= opt->getValue("ctrl_text_redify_color"); _SystemOptions[OptionCtrlSheetGreenifyColor]= opt->getValue("ctrl_sheet_greenify_color"); _SystemOptions[OptionCtrlTextGreenifyColor]= opt->getValue("ctrl_text_greenify_color"); _SystemOptions[OptionViewTextOverBackColor]= opt->getValue("text_over_back_color"); _SystemOptions[OptionFont]= opt->getValue("font"); _SystemOptions[OptionAddCoefFont]= opt->getValue("add_coef_font"); _SystemOptions[OptionMulCoefAnim]= opt->getValue("mul_coef_anim"); _SystemOptions[OptionTimeoutBubbles]= opt->getValue("bubbles_timeout"); _SystemOptions[OptionTimeoutMessages]= opt->getValue("messages_timeout"); _SystemOptions[OptionTimeoutContext]= opt->getValue("context_timeout"); _SystemOptions[OptionTimeoutContextHtml]= opt->getValue("context_html_timeout"); } // Try to change font if any string sFont = _SystemOptions[OptionFont].getValStr(); if ((!sFont.empty()) && (Driver != NULL)) resetTextContext(sFont.c_str(), true); // Continue to parse the rest of the interface } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceManager::parseInterface (const std::vector &xmlFileNames, bool reload, bool isFilename) { // cache some commonly used db nodes _DBB_UI_DUMMY = getDbBranch( "UI:DUMMY" ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_QUANTITY = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:QUANTITY", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_QUALITY = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:QUALITY", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_SHEET = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:SHEET", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_NAMEID = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:NAMEID", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_ENCHANT = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:ENCHANT", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_SLOT_TYPE = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:SLOT_TYPE", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_PHRASE = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:PHRASE", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_WORNED = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:WORNED", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_PREREQUISIT_VALID = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:PREREQUISIT_VALID", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_FACTION_TYPE = getDbProp( "UI:DUMMY:FACTION_TYPE", true ); _DB_UI_DUMMY_QUANTITY->setValue64(0); _DB_UI_DUMMY_QUALITY->setValue64(0); _DB_UI_DUMMY_SHEET->setValue64(0); _DB_UI_DUMMY_NAMEID->setValue64(0); _DB_UI_DUMMY_ENCHANT->setValue64(0); _DB_UI_DUMMY_SLOT_TYPE->setValue64(0); _DB_UI_DUMMY_PHRASE->setValue64(0); _DB_UI_DUMMY_WORNED->setValue64(0); _DB_UI_DUMMY_PREREQUISIT_VALID->setValueBool(true); _DB_UI_DUMMY_FACTION_TYPE->setValue64(0); return CInterfaceParser::parseInterface (xmlFileNames, reload, isFilename); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::loadTextures (const string &textFileName, const string &uvFileName, bool uploadDXTC) { _ViewRenderer.loadTextures (textFileName, uvFileName, uploadDXTC); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceManager::loadConfig (const string &filename) { // reset the interface vector v; if (ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled) { runProcedure ("proc_reset_r2ed_interface", NULL, v); } else { runProcedure ("proc_reset_interface", NULL, v); } // By default, consider the reset interface has been set with the current resolution { uint32 w,h; // NB: even if minimzed, getScreenSize() no more return 0 values (return the last setuped screen size) _ViewRenderer.getScreenSize(w, h); // Windows are positioned according to resolution, and we must backup W/H for the system that move windows when the resolution change _LastInGameScreenW= w; _LastInGameScreenH= h; } // if the config file doesn't exist,just quit CIFile f; string sFileName; sFileName = NLMISC::CPath::lookup (filename, false); if (sFileName == "" || !f.open(sFileName)) return false; // *** Load the config file uint32 nNbMode; CInterfaceConfig ic; bool lastInGameScreenResLoaded= false; try { sint ver = f.serialVersion(ICFG_STREAM_VERSION); // serial user chats info (serial it before position of windows so that they can be updated properly) if (ver >= 1) { f.serialCheck(uint32('_ICU')); if (!PeopleInterraction.loadUserChatsInfos(f)) { nlwarning("Bad user chat saving"); } } // header f.serialCheck(uint32('GFCI')); f.serial(nNbMode); f.serial(_CurrentMode); if(ver>=10) { f.serial(_LastInGameScreenW); f.serial(_LastInGameScreenH); lastInGameScreenResLoaded= true; } // Load All Window configuration of all Modes for (uint32 i = 0; i < nNbMode; ++i) { NLMISC::contReset(_Modes[i]); // must create a tmp mem stream because desktop image expect its datas to occupy the whole stream // This is because of old system that manipulated desktop image direclty as a mem stream CMemStream ms; if (!ms.isReading()) ms.invert(); uint32 length; f.serial(length); if (length > 0) { // HACK. if the version is <=2, then the CInterfaceConfig has no serialVersion. append here a 0 if(ver<=2) { uint8 *pBuffer = ms.bufferToFill(length+1); pBuffer[0]= 0; f.serialBuffer(pBuffer+1, length); } else { uint8 *pBuffer = ms.bufferToFill(length); f.serialBuffer(pBuffer, length); } } ms.seek(0, NLMISC::IStream::begin); _Modes[i].serial(ms); // build desktop image from stream } // load UI_DB_SAVE_VERSION uint32 uiDbSaveVersion= 0; // default to 0 for old version of .icfg if(ver>=9) { f.serial(uiDbSaveVersion); } // read database ic.streamToDataBase(f, uiDbSaveVersion); // special for in game: backup last mission because of delayed update { CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = getDbProp("UI:SAVE:MISSION_SELECTED", false); if (pNL) { CCDBNodeLeaf *pSelectedMissionBackup = getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:MISSION_SELECTED_PREV_SESSION", true); pSelectedMissionBackup->setValue64(pNL->getValue64()); } } // // Deprecated. for Compatibility purpose: Load TaskBar. if(ver>=2) { CTaskBarManager *pTBM= CTaskBarManager::getInstance(); pTBM->serial(f); } // Load user landmarks ContinentMngr.serialUserLandMarks(f); CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = getDbProp( "SERVER:INTERFACES:NB_BONUS_LANDMARKS" ); if ( pNL ) { ICDBNode::CTextId textId; pNL->addObserver( &_LandmarkObs, textId); } // Info Windows position. if(ver>=5) CInterfaceHelp::serialInfoWindows(f); else // Default pos CInterfaceHelp::resetWindowPos(-100); // Macro On Memory Position CSPhraseManager *pPM = CSPhraseManager::getInstance(); if(ver>=7) pPM->serialMacroMemory(f); if(ver>=8) CGroupInSceneBubbleManager::serialInSceneBubbleInfo(f); if (ver >= 11) { if ( ! PeopleInterraction.loadUserDynChatsInfos(f)) { nlwarning("Bad user dyn chat saving"); } } } catch(NLMISC::EStream &) { f.close(); string sFileNameBackup = sFileName+"backup"; if (CFile::fileExists(sFileNameBackup)) CFile::deleteFile(sFileNameBackup); CFile::moveFile(sFileNameBackup.c_str(), sFileName.c_str()); nlwarning("Config loading failed : restore default"); vector v; if (!ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled) { runProcedure ("proc_reset_interface", NULL, v); } return false; } f.close(); // *** If saved resolution is different from the current one setuped, must fix positions in _Modes if(lastInGameScreenResLoaded) { // NB: we are typically InGame here (even though the _InGame flag is not yet set) // Use the screen size of the config file. Don't update current UI, just _Modes moveAllWindowsToNewScreenSize(ClientCfg.Width, ClientCfg.Height, false); } // *** apply the current mode _Modes[_CurrentMode].toCurrentDesktop(); // *** Apply the NPC icon display mode CNPCIconCache::getInstance().init(!ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled && getDbProp("UI:SAVE:INSCENE:FRIEND:MISSION_ICON")->getValueBool()); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::CDBLandmarkObs::update(ICDBNode *node) { uint nbBonusLandmarks = ((CCDBNodeLeaf*)node)->getValue32(); ContinentMngr.checkNumberOfUserLandmarks( STANDARD_NUM_USER_LANDMARKS + nbBonusLandmarks ); } // visitor to send onQuit msg on all element class CQuitVisitor : public CInterfaceElementVisitor { public: bool IsR2ED; bool BadWindowFound; // uint Desktop; virtual void visit(CInterfaceElement *elem) { elem->onQuit(); } virtual void visitGroup(CInterfaceGroup *group) { if (!IsR2ED) return; if (Desktop != 0) return; if (group->getShortId() == "gestionsets") { if (group->getActive()) { BadWindowFound = true; } } } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceManager::saveConfig (const string &filename) { CQuitVisitor quitVisitor; quitVisitor.IsR2ED = false; if (nlstricmp(NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(filename).substr(0, 5), "r2ed_") == 0) { quitVisitor.IsR2ED = true; } quitVisitor.BadWindowFound = false; nlinfo( "Saving interface config : %s", filename.c_str() ); COFile f; if (!f.open(filename)) return false; CInterfaceConfig ic; // cleanup all desktops for(uint k = 0; k < MAX_NUM_MODES; ++k) { quitVisitor.Desktop = k; setMode(k); visit(&quitVisitor); checkCoords(); } setMode(0); setMode(_CurrentMode); if (quitVisitor.BadWindowFound) { #ifdef NL_DEBUG nlassert(0); #endif // tmp patch : when trying to overwrite the r2ed_ config, if a bad window is found, just do nothing ... return true; } /* _Modes[_CurrentMode].clear(); if (_Modes[_CurrentMode].isReading()) _Modes[_CurrentMode].invert(); clearAllEditBox(); restoreAllContainersBackupPosition(); ic.interfaceManagerToStream(_Modes[_CurrentMode]); */ uint32 i; i = MAX_NUM_MODES; try { f.serialVersion(ICFG_STREAM_VERSION); // serial user chats info (serial it before position of windows so that they can be updated properly) f.serialCheck(uint32('_ICU')); if (!PeopleInterraction.saveUserChatsInfos(f)) { nlwarning("Config saving failed"); // couldn't save result so do not continue f.close(); return false; } // header f.serialCheck(uint32('GFCI')); f.serial(i); f.serial(_CurrentMode); f.serial(_LastInGameScreenW); f.serial(_LastInGameScreenH); // Save All Window configuration of all Modes for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_MODES; ++i) { // must create a tmp mem stream because desktop image expect its datas to occupy the whole stream // This is because of old system that manipulated desktop image direclty as a mem stream CMemStream ms; if (ms.isReading()) ms.invert(); _Modes[i].serial(ms); uint32 length = ms.length(); f.serial(length); if (length > 0) { f.serialBuffer(const_cast(ms.buffer()), length); } } // write UI_DB_SAVE_VERSION uint32 uiDbSaveVersion; fromString(getDefine("UI_DB_SAVE_VERSION"), uiDbSaveVersion); f.serial(uiDbSaveVersion); // write database ic.dataBaseToStream(f); // Deprecated. for Compatibility purpose: Save TaskBar. CTaskBarManager *pTBM= CTaskBarManager::getInstance(); pTBM->serial(f); // Save user landmarks ContinentMngr.serialUserLandMarks(f); // Info Windows position. CInterfaceHelp::serialInfoWindows(f); // Macro On Memory Position CSPhraseManager *pPM = CSPhraseManager::getInstance(); pPM->serialMacroMemory(f); CGroupInSceneBubbleManager::serialInSceneBubbleInfo(f); if ( ! PeopleInterraction.saveUserDynChatsInfos(f)) { nlwarning("Bad user dyn chat saving"); return false; } } catch(NLMISC::EStream &) { f.close(); nlwarning("Config saving failed."); return false; } f.close(); ContinentMngr.serialFOWMaps(); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::checkCoords() { H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_validateCoords ) uint32 nMasterGroup; { H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_checkCoords ) // checkCoords all the windows for (nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = 0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority++) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::const_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.begin(); itw!= rList.end();) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; itw++; // since checkCoords invalidate the iterator, be sure we move to the next one before if (pIG->getActive()) pIG->checkCoords (); } } } } } bool bRecomputeCtrlUnderPtr = false; { H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_updateCoords ) // updateCoords all the needed windows for (nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = 0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority++) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::const_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.begin(); itw!= rList.end(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; bool updateCoordCalled= false; // updateCoords the window only if the master group is his parent and if need it // do it until updateCoords() no more invalidate coordinates!! while (pIG->getParent()==rMG.Group && (pIG->getInvalidCoords()>0)) { bRecomputeCtrlUnderPtr = true; // Update as many pass wanted (3 time for complex resizing, 1 for scroll for example) uint numPass= pIG->getInvalidCoords(); // reset before updateCoords pIG->resetInvalidCoords(); for(uint i=0;iupdateCoords (); } updateCoordCalled= true; } // If the group need to update pos each frame (eg: CGroupInScene), // and updateCoords not called if(pIG->getParent()==rMG.Group && !updateCoordCalled && pIG->isNeedFrameUpdatePos()) { // This Group will compute the delta to apply. pIG->onFrameUpdateWindowPos(0,0); } } } } } if (_Pointer != NULL) { _Pointer->updateCoords(); } } if (bRecomputeCtrlUnderPtr) { H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_RecomputeCtrlUnderPtr ) if (_Pointer) { sint32 mx = _Pointer->getX(); sint32 my = _Pointer->getY(); getViewsUnder (mx, my, _ViewsUnderPointer); getCtrlsUnder (mx, my, _CtrlsUnderPointer); getGroupsUnder (mx, my, _GroupsUnderPointer); CInterfaceGroup *ptr = getWindowUnder (mx, my); _WindowUnder = ptr?ptr->getId():""; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::drawViews(NL3D::UCamera camera) { { H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_DrawViews_Setup ) _ViewRenderer.activateWorldSpaceMatrix (false); CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); // If an element has captured the keyboard, make sure it is alway visible (all parent windows active) if (_CaptureKeyboard != NULL) { CCtrlBase *cb = _CaptureKeyboard; do { if (!cb->getActive()) { setCaptureKeyboard(NULL); break; } cb = cb->getParent(); } while (cb); } // Check if screen size changed uint32 w, h; _ViewRenderer.checkNewScreenSize (); _ViewRenderer.getScreenSize (w, h); if ((w != _ScreenW) || (h != _ScreenH)) { // No Op if screen minimized if(w!=0 && h!=0 && !_ViewRenderer.isMinimized()) { updateAllLocalisedElements (); _ScreenW = w; _ScreenH = h; } } // Update global color from database _GlobalColor = CRGBA ( (uint8)getDbProp("UI:SAVE:COLOR:R")->getValue32(), (uint8)getDbProp("UI:SAVE:COLOR:G")->getValue32(), (uint8)getDbProp("UI:SAVE:COLOR:B")->getValue32(), (uint8)getDbProp("UI:SAVE:COLOR:A")->getValue32() ); _GlobalColorForContent.R = _GlobalColor.R; _GlobalColorForContent.G = _GlobalColor.G; _GlobalColorForContent.B = _GlobalColor.B; _GlobalColorForContent.A = (uint8) (( (uint16) _GlobalColor.A * (uint16) _ContentAlpha) >> 8); // Update global alphaS from database _GlobalContentAlpha = (uint8)getDbProp("UI:SAVE:CONTENT_ALPHA")->getValue32(); _GlobalContainerAlpha = (uint8)getDbProp("UI:SAVE:CONTAINER_ALPHA")->getValue32(); _GlobalRolloverFactorContent = (uint8)getDbProp("UI:SAVE:CONTENT_ROLLOVER_FACTOR")->getValue32(); _GlobalRolloverFactorContainer = (uint8)getDbProp("UI:SAVE:CONTAINER_ROLLOVER_FACTOR")->getValue32(); // Update Player characteristics (for Item carac requirement Redifying) nlctassert(CHARACTERISTICS::NUM_CHARACTERISTICS==8); for (uint i=0; igetActive()) { // Sort world space windows rMG.sortWorldSpaceGroup (); for (uint8 nPriority = 0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; ++nPriority) { if ( (nPriority == WIN_PRIORITY_WORLD_SPACE) && !camera.empty()) { Driver->setViewMatrix(CMatrix::Identity); Driver->setModelMatrix(CMatrix::Identity); Driver->setFrustum(camera.getFrustum()); _ViewRenderer.activateWorldSpaceMatrix (true); } list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::const_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.begin(); itw != rList.end(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; if( pIG ) // TODO: debug null pointer in PrioritizedWindows list { if (pIG->getActive()) { // Draw all the elements of this window in the layers in ViewRendered pIG->draw (); // flush the layers _ViewRenderer.flush (); } } } if ( (nPriority == WIN_PRIORITY_WORLD_SPACE) && !camera.empty()) { Driver->setMatrixMode2D11(); _ViewRenderer.activateWorldSpaceMatrix (false); } } } } } { H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_DrawViews_After ) CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); // draw the special over extend text drawOverExtendViewText(); // draw the context help drawContextHelp (); // Draw the pointer and DND Item if (_Pointer != NULL) { //_Pointer->updateCoords(); if (_Pointer->show()) { CDBCtrlSheet *pCS = dynamic_cast((CCtrlBase*)_CapturePointerLeft); if ((pCS != NULL) && (pCS->isDraging())) { sint x= _Pointer->getX() - pCS->getDeltaDragX(); sint y= _Pointer->getY() - pCS->getDeltaDragY(); pCS->drawSheet (x, y, false, false); // if the control support CopyDrag, and if copy key pressed, display a tiny "+" if(pCS->canDragCopy() && testDragCopyKey()) { CViewRenderer &rVR = getViewRenderer(); sint w= rVR.getSystemTextureW(CViewRenderer::DragCopyTexture); sint h= rVR.getSystemTextureW(CViewRenderer::DragCopyTexture); rVR.draw11RotFlipBitmap (pCS->getRenderLayer()+1, x-w/2, y-h/2, 0, false, rVR.getSystemTextureId(CViewRenderer::DragCopyTexture)); } } } // Even if hardware, Force draw if the cursor is a string (ATTACK etc...) /*if (_Pointer->getActive() && (!IsMouseCursorHardware () || _Pointer->getStringMode()) ) _Pointer->draw ();*/ if (_Pointer->getActive()) _Pointer->draw (); } // flush layers _ViewRenderer.flush(); // todo hulud remove Return in 2d world Driver->setMatrixMode2D11(); // flush obs CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCtrlBase* CInterfaceManager::getNewContextHelpCtrl() { // get the top most ctrl under us CCtrlBase *best = NULL; sint8 bestRenderLayer = -128; for (sint i = (sint32)_CtrlsUnderPointer.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { CCtrlBase *pICL = _CtrlsUnderPointer[i]; if (pICL->getRenderLayer() > bestRenderLayer) { if ((pICL->getActive()) && (!pICL->emptyContextHelp())) { if (!_Pointer) return pICL; sint32 mx, my; _Pointer->getPointerPos(mx, my); if (pICL->preciseHitTest(mx, my)) { best = pICL; bestRenderLayer = pICL->getRenderLayer(); } } } } if (!best) { // if a control was not found, try with the groups sint8 bestRenderLayer = -128; for (sint i = (sint32)_GroupsUnderPointer.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { CCtrlBase *pICL = _GroupsUnderPointer[i]; if (pICL->getRenderLayer() > bestRenderLayer) { if ((pICL->getActive()) && (!pICL->emptyContextHelp())) { if (!_Pointer) return pICL; sint32 mx, my; _Pointer->getPointerPos(mx, my); if (pICL->preciseHitTest(mx, my)) { best = pICL; bestRenderLayer = pICL->getRenderLayer(); } } } } } return best; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CInterfaceGroup *CInterfaceManager::getWindowForActiveMasterGroup(const std::string &window) { // Search for all elements for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { const SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { CInterfaceElement *pEL= getElementFromId( rMG.Group->getId() + ":" + window); if(pEL && pEL->isGroup()) return (CInterfaceGroup*)pEL; } } return NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CInterfaceManager::updateTooltipCoords() { updateTooltipCoords(_CurCtrlContextHelp); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CInterfaceManager::updateTooltipCoords(CCtrlBase *newCtrl) { if (!newCtrl) return; if (!newCtrl->getInvalidCoords()) return; CInterfaceGroup *groupContextHelp = getWindowForActiveMasterGroup(newCtrl->getContextHelpWindowName()); if(groupContextHelp) { CViewText *pTxt = (CViewText*)groupContextHelp->getView("text"); if (pTxt != NULL) { pTxt->setTextFormatTaged(_ContextHelpText); // update only to get correct W/H groupContextHelp->updateCoords (); // **** Compute parent coordinates CCtrlBase::TToolTipParentType parentType= newCtrl->getToolTipParent(); CInterfaceGroup *win= NULL; // adjust to the mouse by default sint32 xParent= _Pointer->getX(); sint32 yParent= _Pointer->getY(); sint32 wParent= 0; sint32 hParent= 0; // adjust to the window if(parentType==CCtrlBase::TTWindow || parentType==CCtrlBase::TTSpecialWindow) { if(parentType==CCtrlBase::TTWindow) win= newCtrl->getRootWindow(); else win= dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(newCtrl->getToolTipSpecialParent())); if(win) { xParent = win->getXReal(); yParent = win->getYReal(); wParent = win->getWReal(); hParent = win->getHReal(); } // Bug...: leave default to pointer } // adjust to the ctrl else if (parentType==CCtrlBase::TTCtrl) { xParent = newCtrl->getXReal(); yParent = newCtrl->getYReal(); wParent = newCtrl->getWReal(); hParent = newCtrl->getHReal(); // Additionaly, must clip this ctrl with its parent // (else animals are buggy for instance) CInterfaceGroup *parent= newCtrl->getParent(); if(parent) { sint32 xClip,yClip,wClip,hClip; parent->getClip(xClip,yClip,wClip,hClip); // clip bottom left xParent= max(xParent, xClip); yParent= max(yParent, yClip); // clip top right sint32 xrParent= min(xParent+ wParent, xClip+wClip); sint32 ytParent= min(yParent+ hParent, yClip+hClip); wParent= max((sint32)0, xrParent-xParent); hParent= max((sint32)0, ytParent-yParent); } } // **** resolve auto posref uint clampCount = adjustTooltipPosition(newCtrl, win, newCtrl->getToolTipParentPosRef(), newCtrl->getToolTipPosRef(), xParent, yParent, wParent, hParent); if (clampCount != 0) { // try to fallback on alternate tooltip posref uint altClampCount = adjustTooltipPosition(newCtrl, win, newCtrl->getToolTipParentPosRefAlt(), newCtrl->getToolTipPosRefAlt(), xParent, yParent, wParent, hParent); if (altClampCount > clampCount) { // worst ? resume to first posref adjustTooltipPosition(newCtrl, win, newCtrl->getToolTipParentPosRef(), newCtrl->getToolTipPosRef(), xParent, yParent, wParent, hParent); } } } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CInterfaceManager::drawContextHelp () { if (!_Pointer || !_ContextHelpActive) return; sint32 x = _Pointer->getX(); sint32 y = _Pointer->getY(); // *************** // **** try to disable // *************** // test disable first, so can recheck asap if another present. see below if(_CurCtrlContextHelp) { if(x!=_LastXContextHelp || y!=_LastYContextHelp) { // May change of ctrl!! => disable context help CCtrlBase *newCtrl= getNewContextHelpCtrl(); if(newCtrl!=_CurCtrlContextHelp) { // disable disableContextHelp(); } } // Check if _CurCtrlContextHelp is visible if (_CurCtrlContextHelp == NULL) { disableContextHelp(); } else { bool bVisible = true; if (_CurCtrlContextHelp->getActive() == false) bVisible = false; CInterfaceGroup *pParent = _CurCtrlContextHelp->getParent(); while (pParent != NULL) { if (pParent->getActive() == false) bVisible = false; pParent = pParent->getParent(); } if (!bVisible) disableContextHelp(); } } // *************** // **** try to acquire // *************** if(!_CurCtrlContextHelp) { // get the ctrl of interset CCtrlBase *newCtrl= getNewContextHelpCtrl(); if(x==_LastXContextHelp && y==_LastYContextHelp) _DeltaTimeStopingContextHelp+= DT; else _DeltaTimeStopingContextHelp= 0; // If reach the time limit if( _DeltaTimeStopingContextHelp > _MaxTimeStopingContextHelp || (newCtrl && newCtrl->wantInstantContextHelp())) { // if present, get the ctx help text. if(newCtrl) { // get the text newCtrl->getContextHelp(_ContextHelpText); // UserDefined context help if( !newCtrl->getContextHelpActionHandler().empty() ) { runActionHandler(newCtrl->getContextHelpActionHandler(), newCtrl, newCtrl->getContextHelpAHParams() ); } // If the text is finally empty (Special AH case), abort if(_ContextHelpText.empty()) newCtrl= NULL; } // not present? wait furthermore to move the mouse. if(!newCtrl) _DeltaTimeStopingContextHelp= 0; else { // enable _CurCtrlContextHelp = newCtrl->getId(); newCtrl->invalidateCoords(); } } } updateTooltipCoords(_CurCtrlContextHelp); // *************** // **** display // *************** if(_CurCtrlContextHelp) { CInterfaceGroup *groupContextHelp = getWindowForActiveMasterGroup(_CurCtrlContextHelp->getContextHelpWindowName()); if(groupContextHelp) { /** If there's a modal box around, should be sure that the context help doesn't intersect it. * If this is the case, we just disable it, unless the tooltip was generated by the current modal window */ if (!_ModalStack.empty()) { CInterfaceGroup *mw = _ModalStack.back().ModalWindow; if (mw && mw->isIn(*groupContextHelp)) { if (_CurCtrlContextHelp->isSonOf(mw)) { groupContextHelp->executeLuaScriptOnDraw(); groupContextHelp->draw (); // flush layers _ViewRenderer.flush(); } } else { groupContextHelp->executeLuaScriptOnDraw(); groupContextHelp->draw (); // flush layers _ViewRenderer.flush(); } } else { groupContextHelp->executeLuaScriptOnDraw(); groupContextHelp->draw (); // flush layers _ViewRenderer.flush(); } } } // Bkup movement _LastXContextHelp= x; _LastYContextHelp= y; } void CInterfaceManager::setContextHelpActive(bool active) { if (!active) { disableContextHelp(); } _ContextHelpActive = active; } uint CInterfaceManager::adjustTooltipPosition(CCtrlBase *newCtrl, CInterfaceGroup *win, THotSpot ttParentRef, THotSpot ttPosRef, sint32 xParent, sint32 yParent, sint32 wParent, sint32 hParent ) { CCtrlBase::TToolTipParentType parentType= newCtrl->getToolTipParent(); CInterfaceGroup *groupContextHelp = getWindowForActiveMasterGroup(newCtrl->getContextHelpWindowName()); if(ttPosRef==Hotspot_TTAuto || ttParentRef==Hotspot_TTAuto) { // NB: keep the special window if type is specialwindow (defined above) if(!win) win= newCtrl->getRootWindow(); sint32 xWin= 0; sint32 yWin= 0; sint32 wWin= 0; sint32 hWin= 0; if(win) { xWin = win->getXReal(); yWin = win->getYReal(); wWin = win->getWReal(); hWin = win->getHReal(); } // for Window, display top or bottom according to window pos/size if(parentType==CCtrlBase::TTWindow || parentType==CCtrlBase::TTSpecialWindow) { sint32 top= (sint32)_ScreenH - (yWin+hWin); sint32 bottom= yWin; if(top>bottom) { ttParentRef= Hotspot_TL; ttPosRef= Hotspot_BL; } else { ttParentRef= Hotspot_BL; ttPosRef= Hotspot_TL; } } // for Ctrl, display top, left or right according to window pos/size else if(parentType==CCtrlBase::TTCtrl) { sint32 right= (sint32)_ScreenW - (xWin+wWin); sint32 left= xWin; if(right>left) { ttParentRef= Hotspot_TR; ttPosRef= Hotspot_BL; } else { ttParentRef= Hotspot_TL; ttPosRef= Hotspot_BR; } } else { // default (mouse) ttParentRef= Hotspot_BL; ttPosRef= Hotspot_BL; } } // **** compute coordinates of the tooltip sint32 x= xParent; sint32 y= yParent; if (ttParentRef & Hotspot_Mx) y += hParent/2; if (ttParentRef & Hotspot_Tx) y += hParent; if (ttParentRef & Hotspot_xM) x += wParent/2; if (ttParentRef & Hotspot_xR) x += wParent; // adjust according to self posref if (ttPosRef & Hotspot_Mx) y -= groupContextHelp->getHReal()/2; if (ttPosRef & Hotspot_Tx) y -= groupContextHelp->getHReal(); if (ttPosRef & Hotspot_xM) x -= groupContextHelp->getWReal()/2; if (ttPosRef & Hotspot_xR) x -= groupContextHelp->getWReal(); // **** clamp to screen coords, and set uint clampCount = 0; if ((x+groupContextHelp->getW()) > groupContextHelp->getParent()->getWReal()) { ++ clampCount; x = groupContextHelp->getParent()->getWReal() - groupContextHelp->getW(); } if (x < 0) { x = 0; ++ clampCount; } if ((y+groupContextHelp->getH()) > groupContextHelp->getParent()->getHReal()) { y = groupContextHelp->getParent()->getHReal() - groupContextHelp->getH(); ++ clampCount; } if (y < 0) { y = 0; ++ clampCount; } // update coords 3 times is required groupContextHelp->setX (x); groupContextHelp->setY (y); groupContextHelp->updateCoords (); groupContextHelp->updateCoords (); groupContextHelp->updateCoords (); return clampCount; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::setGlobalColor (NLMISC::CRGBA col) { if (!_RProp) { _RProp = getDbProp("UI:SAVE:COLOR:R"); _GProp = getDbProp("UI:SAVE:COLOR:G"); _BProp = getDbProp("UI:SAVE:COLOR:B"); _AProp = getDbProp("UI:SAVE:COLOR:A"); } _RProp ->setValue32 (col.R); _GProp ->setValue32 (col.G); _BProp ->setValue32 (col.B); _AProp ->setValue32 (col.A); _GlobalColor = col; // set the global color for content (the same with modulated alpha) _GlobalColorForContent = _GlobalColor; _GlobalColorForContent.A = (uint8) (( (uint16) _GlobalColorForContent.A * (uint16) _ContentAlpha) >> 8); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceManager::isControlInWindow (CCtrlBase *ctrl, CInterfaceGroup *pNewCurrentWnd) { // We don't want to capture control if they are not owned by the top most window selected. // Check all the parent of the control, one must be pNewCurrentWnd, else NULL CInterfaceGroup *parent= ctrl->getParent(); while(parent!=NULL) { if(parent==pNewCurrentWnd) return true; else parent= parent->getParent(); } // not found => must not capture it return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uint CInterfaceManager::getDepth (CCtrlBase *ctrl, CInterfaceGroup *pNewCurrentWnd) { uint depth = 1; CInterfaceGroup *parent= ctrl->getParent(); while (parent != NULL) { if (parent == pNewCurrentWnd) break; else parent = parent->getParent(); depth++; } // The Resizer Ctrls take the precedence over Sons controls. return depth + ctrl->getDeltaDepth(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceManager::handleEvent (const CEventDescriptor& event) { bool handled= false; // Check if we can receive events (no anims!) for (uint i = 0; i < _ActiveAnims.size(); ++i) if (_ActiveAnims[i]->isDisableButtons()) return false; if (event.getType() == CEventDescriptor::key) { CEventDescriptorKey &eventDesc = (CEventDescriptorKey&)event; _LastEventKeyDesc = eventDesc; // Any Key event disable the ContextHelp disableContextHelp(); // Hide menu if the key is pushed // if ((eventDesc.getKeyEventType() == CEventDescriptorKey::keydown) && !_ModalStack.empty() && !eventDesc.getKeyAlt() && !eventDesc.getKeyCtrl() && !eventDesc.getKeyShift()) // Hide menu (or popup menu) is ESCAPE pressed if( eventDesc.getKeyEventType() == CEventDescriptorKey::keychar && eventDesc.getChar() == KeyESCAPE ) { if(_ModalStack.size() > 0) { CModalWndInfo mwi = _ModalStack.back(); if (mwi.ModalExitKeyPushed) disableModalWindow(); } } // Manage "quit window" If the Key is ESCAPE, no captureKeyboard if( eventDesc.getKeyEventType() == CEventDescriptorKey::keychar && eventDesc.getChar() == KeyESCAPE ) { // Get the last escapable active top window. NB: this is ergonomically better. CInterfaceGroup *win= getLastEscapableTopWindow(); if( win ) { // If the window is a modal, must pop it. if( dynamic_cast(win) ) { if(!win->getAHOnEscape().empty()) runActionHandler(win->getAHOnEscape(), win, win->getAHOnEscapeParams()); popModalWindow(); handled= true; } // else just disable it. // Special case: leave the escape Key to the CaptureKeyboard . else if(!_CaptureKeyboard ) { if(!win->getAHOnEscape().empty()) runActionHandler(win->getAHOnEscape(), win, win->getAHOnEscapeParams()); win->setActive(false); handled= true; } } } // Manage complex "Enter" if (eventDesc.getKeyEventType() == CEventDescriptorKey::keychar && eventDesc.getChar() == KeyRETURN) { // If the top window has Enter AH CInterfaceGroup *tw= getTopWindow(); if(tw && !tw->getAHOnEnter().empty()) { // if the captured keyboard is in this Modal window, then must handle him in priority if(_CaptureKeyboard && _CaptureKeyboard->getRootWindow()==tw) { bool result = _CaptureKeyboard->handleEvent(event); CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); return result; } else { // The window or modal control the OnEnter. Execute, and don't go to the chat. runActionHandler(tw->getAHOnEnter(), tw, tw->getAHOnEnterParams()); handled= true; } } // else the 'return' key bring back to the last edit box (if possible) CCtrlBase *oldCapture = _OldCaptureKeyboard ? _OldCaptureKeyboard : _DefaultCaptureKeyboard; if (_CaptureKeyboard == NULL && oldCapture && !handled) { /* If the editbox does not want to recover focus, then abort. This possibility is normaly avoided through setCaptureKeyboard() which already test getRecoverFocusOnEnter(), but it is still possible for the default capture (main chat) or the old captured window to not want to recover (temporary Read Only chat for instance) */ if(!dynamic_cast(oldCapture) || dynamic_cast(oldCapture)->getRecoverFocusOnEnter()) { _CaptureKeyboard = oldCapture; notifyElementCaptured(_CaptureKeyboard); // make sure all parent windows are active CCtrlBase *cb = _CaptureKeyboard; CGroupContainer *lastContainer = NULL; for(;;) { CGroupContainer *gc = dynamic_cast(cb); if (gc) lastContainer = gc; cb->forceOpen(); if (cb->getParent()) { cb = cb->getParent(); } else { cb->invalidateCoords(); break; } } if (lastContainer) { setTopWindow(lastContainer); lastContainer->enableBlink(1); } handled= true; } } } // General case: handle it in the Captured keyboard if (_CaptureKeyboard != NULL && !handled) { bool result = _CaptureKeyboard->handleEvent(event); CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); return result; } } else if (event.getType() == CEventDescriptor::mouse && _MouseHandlingEnabled ) { CEventDescriptorMouse &eventDesc = (CEventDescriptorMouse&)event; // First thing to do : Capture handling if (_CapturePointerLeft != NULL) handled|= _CapturePointerLeft->handleEvent(event); if (_CapturePointerRight != NULL && _CapturePointerRight!=_CapturePointerLeft) handled|= _CapturePointerRight->handleEvent(event); CInterfaceGroup *ptr = getWindowUnder (eventDesc.getX(), eventDesc.getY()); _WindowUnder = ptr?ptr->getId():""; // Any Mouse event but move disable the ContextHelp if(eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() != CEventDescriptorMouse::mousemove) { disableContextHelp(); } // get the group under the mouse CInterfaceGroup *pNewCurrentWnd = _WindowUnder; _MouseOverWindow= pNewCurrentWnd!=NULL; NLMISC::CRefPtr clickedOutModalWindow; // modal special features if (!_ModalStack.empty()) { CModalWndInfo mwi = _ModalStack.back(); if(mwi.ModalWindow) { // If we are not in "click out" mode so we dont handle controls other than those of the modal if (pNewCurrentWnd != mwi.ModalWindow && !mwi.ModalExitClickOut) { pNewCurrentWnd = NULL; } else { // If there is a handler on click out launch it if (pNewCurrentWnd != mwi.ModalWindow) if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftdown || (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouserightdown)) if (!mwi.ModalHandlerClickOut.empty()) runActionHandler(mwi.ModalHandlerClickOut,NULL,mwi.ModalClickOutParams); // If the current window is not the modal and if must quit on click out if(pNewCurrentWnd != mwi.ModalWindow && mwi.ModalExitClickOut) { // NB: don't force handle==true because to quit a modal does not avoid other actions // quit if click outside if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftdown || (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouserightdown)) { clickedOutModalWindow = dynamic_cast((CInterfaceGroup*)mwi.ModalWindow); // disable the modal popModalWindow(); if (!_ModalStack.empty()) { // don't handle event unless it is a previous modal window uint k = 0; for(k = 0; k < _ModalStack.size(); ++k) { if (_ModalStack[k].ModalWindow == pNewCurrentWnd) { break; } } if (k == _ModalStack.size()) { pNewCurrentWnd = NULL; // can't handle event before we have left all modal windows } } movePointer (0,0); // Reget controls under pointer } } } } } // Manage LeftClick. if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftdown) { if ((pNewCurrentWnd != NULL) && (_ModalStack.empty()) && (pNewCurrentWnd->getOverlappable())) { CGroupContainer *pGC = dynamic_cast(pNewCurrentWnd); if (pGC != NULL) { if (!pGC->isGrayed()) setTopWindow(pNewCurrentWnd); } else { setTopWindow(pNewCurrentWnd); } } // must not capture a new element if a sheet is currentlty being dragged. // This may happen when alt-tab has been used => the sheet is dragged but the left button is up if (!CDBCtrlSheet::getDraggedSheet()) { // Take the top most control. uint nMaxDepth = 0; for (sint32 i = (sint32)_CtrlsUnderPointer.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { CCtrlBase *ctrl= _CtrlsUnderPointer[i]; if (ctrl && ctrl->isCapturable() && isControlInWindow(ctrl, pNewCurrentWnd)) { uint d = getDepth(ctrl, pNewCurrentWnd); if (d > nMaxDepth) { nMaxDepth = d; _CapturePointerLeft = ctrl; } } } notifyElementCaptured(_CapturePointerLeft); if (clickedOutModalWindow && !clickedOutModalWindow->OnPostClickOut.empty()) { runActionHandler(clickedOutModalWindow->OnPostClickOut, _CapturePointerLeft, clickedOutModalWindow->OnPostClickOutParams); } } //if found if (_CapturePointerLeft != NULL) { // consider clicking on a control implies handling of the event. handled= true; // handle the capture _CapturePointerLeft->handleEvent(event); } } // Manage RightClick if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouserightdown) { if ((pNewCurrentWnd != NULL) && (_ModalStack.empty()) && (pNewCurrentWnd->getOverlappable())) { CGroupContainer *pGC = dynamic_cast(pNewCurrentWnd); if (pGC != NULL) { if (!pGC->isGrayed()) setTopWindow(pNewCurrentWnd); } else { setTopWindow(pNewCurrentWnd); } } // Take the top most control. { uint nMaxDepth = 0; for (sint32 i = (sint32)_CtrlsUnderPointer.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { CCtrlBase *ctrl= _CtrlsUnderPointer[i]; if (ctrl && ctrl->isCapturable() && isControlInWindow(ctrl, pNewCurrentWnd)) { uint d = getDepth(ctrl , pNewCurrentWnd); if (d > nMaxDepth) { nMaxDepth = d; _CapturePointerRight = ctrl; } } } notifyElementCaptured(_CapturePointerRight); if (clickedOutModalWindow && !clickedOutModalWindow->OnPostClickOut.empty()) { runActionHandler(clickedOutModalWindow->OnPostClickOut, _CapturePointerRight, clickedOutModalWindow->OnPostClickOutParams); } } //if found if (_CapturePointerRight != NULL) { // handle the capture handled |= _CapturePointerRight->handleEvent(event); } } if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouserightup) { if (!handled) if (pNewCurrentWnd != NULL) pNewCurrentWnd->handleEvent(event); if (_CapturePointerRight != NULL) { EventsListener.addUIHandledButtonMask(rightButton); // prevent 'click in scene' as mouse was previously captured // (more a patch that anything, but 'UserControls' test for 'mouse up' // directly later in the main loop (not through message queue), so it has no way of knowing that the event was handled... setCapturePointerRight(NULL); handled= true; } } // window handling. if not handled by a control if (!handled) { if (((pNewCurrentWnd != NULL) && _ModalStack.empty()) || ((!_ModalStack.empty() && _ModalStack.back().ModalWindow == pNewCurrentWnd))) { CEventDescriptorMouse ev2 = eventDesc; sint32 x= eventDesc.getX(), y = eventDesc.getY(); if (pNewCurrentWnd) { pNewCurrentWnd->absoluteToRelative (x, y); ev2.setX (x); ev2.setY (y); handled|= pNewCurrentWnd->handleEvent (ev2); } // After handle event of a left click, may set window Top if movable (infos etc...) //if( (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftdown) && pNewCurrentWnd->isMovable() ) // setTopWindow(pNewCurrentWnd); } } // Put here to let a chance to the window to handle if the capture dont if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftup) { if (_CapturePointerLeft != NULL) { EventsListener.addUIHandledButtonMask (leftButton); // prevent 'click in scene' as mouse was previously captured // (more a patch that anything, but 'UserControls' test for 'mouse up' // directly later in the main loop (not through message queue), so it has no way of knowing that the event was handled... setCapturePointerLeft(NULL); //handled= true; } } // If the current window is the modal, may Modal quit. Do it after standard event handle if(!_ModalStack.empty() && pNewCurrentWnd == _ModalStack.back().ModalWindow) { // NB: don't force handle==true because to quit a modal does not avoid other actions CModalWndInfo mwi = _ModalStack.back(); // and if must quit on click right if(mwi.ModalExitClickR) { // quit if click right if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouserightup) // disable the modal disableModalWindow(); } // and if must quit on click left if(mwi.ModalExitClickL) { // quit if click right if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftup) // disable the modal disableModalWindow(); } } // If the mouse is over a window, always consider the event is taken (avoid click behind) handled|= _MouseOverWindow; } CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); // event handled? return handled; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::movePointer (sint32 dx, sint32 dy) { if (!_Pointer) return; uint32 nScrW, nScrH; sint32 oldpx, oldpy, newpx, newpy, disppx, disppy, olddisppx, olddisppy; _ViewRenderer.getScreenSize (nScrW, nScrH); _Pointer->getPointerPos (oldpx, oldpy); olddisppx = oldpx; olddisppy = oldpy; newpx = oldpx + dx; newpy = oldpy + dy; if (newpx < 0) newpx = 0; if (newpy < 0) newpy = 0; if (newpx > (sint32)nScrW) newpx = nScrW; if (newpy > (sint32)nScrH) newpy = nScrH; dx = newpx - oldpx; dy = newpy - oldpy; disppx = newpx; disppy = newpy; _Pointer->setPointerPos (newpx, newpy); _Pointer->setPointerDispPos (disppx, disppy); // must get back coordinates because of snapping sint32 mx = _Pointer->getX(); sint32 my = _Pointer->getY(); getViewsUnder (mx, my, _ViewsUnderPointer); getCtrlsUnder (mx, my, _CtrlsUnderPointer); getGroupsUnder (mx, my, _GroupsUnderPointer); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::movePointerAbs(sint32 px, sint32 py) { if (!_Pointer) return; uint32 nScrW, nScrH; _ViewRenderer.getScreenSize (nScrW, nScrH); clamp(px, 0, (sint32) nScrW); clamp(py, 0, (sint32) nScrH); // _Pointer->setPointerPos (px, py); _Pointer->setPointerDispPos (px, py); // getViewsUnder (px, py, _ViewsUnderPointer); getCtrlsUnder (px, py, _CtrlsUnderPointer); getGroupsUnder (px, py, _GroupsUnderPointer); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::getNewWindowCoordToNewScreenSize(sint32 &x, sint32 &y, sint32 w, sint32 h, sint32 newScreenW, sint32 newScreenH) const { // NB: x is relative to Left of the window (and Left of screen) // NB: y is relative to Top of the window (but Bottom of screen) /* The goal here is to move the window so it fit the new resolution But we don't want to change its size (because somes windows just can't) We also cannot use specific code according to each window because user may completly modify his interface So the strategy is to dectect on which "side" (or center) the window is the best sticked, and then just move the window according to this position */ // *** First detect from which screen position the window is the more sticked (borders or center) // In X: best hotspot is left, middle or right? sint32 posXToLeft= x; sint32 posXToMiddle= x+w/2-_LastInGameScreenW/2; sint32 posXToRight= _LastInGameScreenW-(x+w); sint32 bestXHotSpot= Hotspot_xL; sint32 bestXPosVal= posXToLeft; if(abs(posXToMiddle) < bestXPosVal) { bestXHotSpot= Hotspot_xM; bestXPosVal= abs(posXToMiddle); } if(posXToRight < bestXPosVal) { bestXHotSpot= Hotspot_xR; bestXPosVal= posXToRight; } // Same In Y: best hotspot is bottom, middle or top? // remember here that y is the top of window (relative to bottom of screen) sint32 posYToBottom= y-h; sint32 posYToMiddle= y-h/2-_LastInGameScreenH/2; sint32 posYToTop= _LastInGameScreenH-y; sint32 bestYHotSpot= Hotspot_Bx; sint32 bestYPosVal= posYToBottom; const sint32 middleYWeight= 6; // Avoid default Mission/Team/Map/ContactList positions to be considered as "middle" if(abs(posYToMiddle)*middleYWeight < bestYPosVal) { bestYHotSpot= Hotspot_Mx; bestYPosVal= abs(posYToMiddle)*middleYWeight; } if(posYToTop < bestYPosVal) { bestYHotSpot= Hotspot_Tx; bestYPosVal= posYToTop; } // *** According to best matching hotspot, and new screen resolution, move the window // x if(bestXHotSpot==Hotspot_xL) x= x; else if(bestXHotSpot==Hotspot_xM) x= newScreenW/2 + posXToMiddle - w/2; else if(bestXHotSpot==Hotspot_xR) x= newScreenW - posXToRight - w; // y if(bestYHotSpot==Hotspot_Bx) y= y; else if(bestYHotSpot==Hotspot_Mx) y= newScreenH/2 + posYToMiddle + h/2; else if(bestYHotSpot==Hotspot_Tx) y= newScreenH - posYToTop; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::moveAllWindowsToNewScreenSize(sint32 newScreenW, sint32 newScreenH, bool fixCurrentUI) { // If resolutions correctly setuped, and really different from new setup if( _LastInGameScreenW >0 && _LastInGameScreenH>0 && newScreenW >0 && newScreenH>0 && (_LastInGameScreenW != newScreenW || _LastInGameScreenH != newScreenH) ) { // *** Do it for the Active Desktop (if wanted) if(fixCurrentUI) { // only for ui:interface (not login, nor outgame) for (uint nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if(!rMG.Group || rMG.Group->getId()!="ui:interface") continue; // For all priorities, but the worldspace one for (uint8 nPriority = 0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority++) { if(nPriority==WIN_PRIORITY_WORLD_SPACE) continue; // For All windows (only layer 0 group container) list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::const_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.begin(); itw != rList.end(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; if(!pIG->isGroupContainer()) continue; CGroupContainer *gc= safe_cast(pIG); if(gc->getLayerSetup()!=0) continue; // should all be BL / TL if(gc->getParentPosRef()!=Hotspot_BL || gc->getPosRef()!=Hotspot_TL) continue; // Get current window coordinates sint32 x= pIG->getX(); // x is relative to Left of the window sint32 y= pIG->getY(); // y is relative to Top of the window sint32 w= pIG->getW(false); // the window may be hid, still get the correct(or estimated) W sint32 h= pIG->getH(false); // the window may be hid, still get the correct(or estimated) H // Compute the new coordinate getNewWindowCoordToNewScreenSize(x, y, w, h, newScreenW, newScreenH); // Change pIG->setX(x); pIG->setY(y); } } } } // *** Do it for All Backuped Desktops for(uint md=0;md0 && newScreenH>0) { _LastInGameScreenW= newScreenW; _LastInGameScreenH= newScreenH; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::updateAllLocalisedElements() { uint32 nMasterGroup; uint32 w, h; _ViewRenderer.checkNewScreenSize (); _ViewRenderer.getScreenSize (w, h); // Update ui:* (limit the master containers to the height of the screen) for (nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; rMG.Group->setW (w); rMG.Group->setH (h); } _ViewRenderer.setClipWindow(0, 0, w, h); // If all conditions are OK, move windows so they fit correctly with new screen size // Do this work only InGame when Config is loaded if( _InGame && _ConfigLoaded ) moveAllWindowsToNewScreenSize(w,h,true); // Invalidate coordinates of all Windows of each MasterGroup for (nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; rMG.Group->invalidateTexts (false); rMG.Group->invalidateCoords (); for (uint8 nPriority = 0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority++) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::const_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.begin(); itw != rList.end(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; pIG->invalidateTexts (false); pIG->invalidateCoords (); } } } // setup for all for (nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; bool bActive = rMG.Group->getActive (); rMG.Group->setActive (true); rMG.Group->updateCoords (); rMG.Group->setActive (bActive); } // update coords one checkCoords(); // Action by default (container opening for (nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; rMG.Group->launch (); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceManager::addDBObserver (ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver* observer, ICDBNode::CTextId id) { return _DbRootNode->addObserver(observer, id); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceManager::removeDBObserver (ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver* observer, ICDBNode::CTextId id) { return _DbRootNode->removeObserver(observer, id); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::addServerString (const std::string &sTarget, uint32 id, IStringProcess *cb) { if (id == 0) { CInterfaceExprValue val; val.setUCString (ucstring("")); CInterfaceLink::setTargetProperty (sTarget, val); return; } SIDStringWaiter *pISW = new SIDStringWaiter; pISW->Id = id; pISW->IdOrString = false; pISW->Target = sTarget; pISW->Cb = cb; _IDStringWaiters.push_back(pISW); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::addServerID (const std::string &sTarget, uint32 id, IStringProcess *cb) { if (id == 0) { CInterfaceExprValue val; val.setUCString (ucstring("")); CInterfaceLink::setTargetProperty (sTarget, val); return; } SIDStringWaiter *pISW = new SIDStringWaiter; pISW->Id = id; pISW->IdOrString = true; pISW->Target = sTarget; pISW->Cb = cb; _IDStringWaiters.push_back(pISW); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::processServerIDString() { STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient *pSMC = STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::instance(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < _IDStringWaiters.size(); ++i) { bool bAffect = false; ucstring ucstrToAffect; SIDStringWaiter *pISW = _IDStringWaiters[i]; if (pISW->IdOrString == true) // ID ! { if (pSMC->getString (pISW->Id, ucstrToAffect)) bAffect = true; } else // String ! { if (pSMC->getDynString (pISW->Id, ucstrToAffect)) bAffect = true; } if (bAffect) { CInterfaceExprValue val; bool bValid = true; if (pISW->Cb != NULL) { bValid = pISW->Cb->cbIDStringReceived(ucstrToAffect); delete pISW->Cb; } if (bValid) { val.setUCString (ucstrToAffect); CInterfaceLink::setTargetProperty (pISW->Target, val); } // Remove entry _IDStringWaiters.erase (_IDStringWaiters.begin()+i); i--; delete pISW; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sint32 CInterfaceManager::getDbValue32 (const std::string & name) { CCDBNodeLeaf *node= getDbProp(name, false); if(node) return node->getValue32(); else return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCDBNodeLeaf* CInterfaceManager::getDbProp(const std::string & name, bool bCreate) { if (name.empty()) return NULL; CCDBNodeLeaf *pDBNL = NULL; pDBNL = dynamic_cast(_DbRootNode->getNode( ICDBNode::CTextId(name), bCreate )); return pDBNL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCDBNodeBranch *CInterfaceManager::getDbBranch(const std::string &name) { if (name.empty()) return NULL; CCDBNodeBranch *nodeBranch; nodeBranch = dynamic_cast(_DbRootNode->getNode( ICDBNode::CTextId(name), false )); return nodeBranch; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceGroup* CInterfaceManager::getWindowUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y) { H_AUTO (RZ_Interface_Window_Under ) for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority > 0; nPriority--) { const list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority-1]; list::const_reverse_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.rbegin(); itw != rList.rend(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; if (pIG->getActive() && pIG->getUseCursor()) { if (pIG->isWindowUnder (x, y)) return pIG; } } } } } return NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceGroup* CInterfaceManager::getGroupUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y) { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority > 0; nPriority--) { const list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority-1]; list::const_reverse_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.rbegin(); itw != rList.rend(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; if (pIG->getActive() && pIG->getUseCursor()) { CInterfaceGroup *pIGunder = pIG->getGroupUnder (x ,y); if (pIGunder != NULL) return pIGunder; } } } } } return NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::getViewsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, std::vector &vVB) { vVB.clear (); // No Op if screen minimized if(_ViewRenderer.isMinimized()) return; uint32 sw, sh; _ViewRenderer.getScreenSize(sw, sh); for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority > 0; nPriority--) { const list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority-1]; list::const_reverse_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.rbegin(); itw != rList.rend(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; // Accecpt if not modal clip if (pIG->getActive() && pIG->getUseCursor()) { if (pIG->getViewsUnder (x, y, 0, 0, (sint32) sw, (sint32) sh, vVB)) return ; } } } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::getCtrlsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, std::vector &vICL) { vICL.clear (); // No Op if screen minimized if(_ViewRenderer.isMinimized()) return; uint32 sw, sh; _ViewRenderer.getScreenSize(sw, sh); for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority > 0 ; nPriority--) { const list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority-1]; list::const_reverse_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.rbegin(); itw != rList.rend(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; // Accecpt if not modal clip if (_ModalStack.empty() || _ModalStack.back().ModalWindow == pIG || _ModalStack.back().ModalExitClickOut) if (pIG->getActive() && pIG->getUseCursor()) { if (pIG->getCtrlsUnder (x, y, 0, 0, (sint32) sw, (sint32) sh, vICL)) return; } } } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::getGroupsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, std::vector &vIGL) { vIGL.clear (); // No Op if screen minimized if(_ViewRenderer.isMinimized()) return; uint32 sw, sh; _ViewRenderer.getScreenSize(sw, sh); for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority > 0 ; nPriority--) { const list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority-1]; list::const_reverse_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.rbegin(); itw != rList.rend(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; // Accecpt if not modal clip if (_ModalStack.empty() || _ModalStack.back().ModalWindow == pIG || _ModalStack.back().ModalExitClickOut) if (pIG->getActive() && pIG->getUseCursor()) { if (pIG->isIn(x, y)) { vIGL.push_back(pIG); pIG->getGroupsUnder (x, y, 0, 0, (sint32) sw, (sint32) sh, vIGL); return; } } } } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::activateMasterGroup (const std::string &sMasterGroupName, bool bActive) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = getMasterGroupFromId (sMasterGroupName); if (pIG != NULL) { pIG->setActive(bActive); pIG->invalidateCoords(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceGroup* CInterfaceManager::getWindow(CInterfaceElement *pIE) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = pIE->getParent(); if (pIG == NULL) return NULL; if (pIG->getParent() == NULL) return NULL; while (pIG->getParent()->getParent() != NULL) { pIG = pIG->getParent(); } return pIG; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceElement* CInterfaceManager::getElementFromId (const std::string &sEltId) { // System special if(sEltId == _CtrlLaunchingModalId) return getCtrlLaunchingModal(); // Search for all elements for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; CInterfaceElement *pIEL = rMG.Group->getElement (sEltId); if (pIEL != NULL) return pIEL; } return NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceElement* CInterfaceManager::getElementFromDefine (const std::string &defineId) { return getElementFromId(getDefine(defineId)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceElement* CInterfaceManager::getElementFromId (const std::string &sStart, const std::string &sEltId) { CInterfaceElement *pIEL = getElementFromId (sEltId); if (pIEL == NULL) { string sZeStart = sStart, sTmp; if (sZeStart[sZeStart.size()-1] == ':') sZeStart = sZeStart.substr(0, sZeStart.size()-1); while (sZeStart != "") { if (sEltId[0] == ':') sTmp = sZeStart + sEltId; else sTmp = sZeStart + ":" + sEltId; pIEL = getElementFromId (sTmp); if (pIEL != NULL) return pIEL; string::size_type nextPos = sZeStart.rfind(':'); if (nextPos == string::npos) break; sZeStart = sZeStart.substr(0, nextPos); } } return pIEL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::setTopWindow (CInterfaceGroup* win) { //find the window in the window list for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { rMG.setTopWindow(win); /* for (list::iterator it = rMG.Windows.begin(); it != rMG.Windows.end() ;it++) { if (win == *it) { CInterfaceGroup* buf = *it; CInterfaceGroup* pIGLast = rMG.Windows.back(); if (pIGLast != NULL) { CGroupContainer *pGC = dynamic_cast(pIGLast); if (pGC != NULL) { pGC->setHighLighted(false,0); } } rMG.Windows.erase(it); rMG.Windows.push_back(buf); break; } } */ } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::setBackWindow(CInterfaceGroup* win) { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { rMG.setBackWindow(win); /* //find the window in the window list for (list::iterator it = rMG.Windows.begin(); it != rMG.Windows.end() ;it++) { if (win == *it) { CInterfaceGroup* buf = *it; rMG.Windows.erase(it); rMG.Windows.push_front(buf); break; } } */ } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceGroup *CInterfaceManager::getTopWindow (uint8 nPriority) const { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { const SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { // return the first. if(rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority].empty()) return NULL; else return rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority].back(); } } return NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CInterfaceGroup *CInterfaceManager::getBackWindow (uint8 nPriority) const { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { const SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { // return the first. if(rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority].empty()) return NULL; else return rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority].front(); } } return NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::enableModalWindow (CCtrlBase *ctrlLaunchingModal, CInterfaceGroup *pIG) { // disable any modal before. release keyboard disableModalWindow(); pushModalWindow(ctrlLaunchingModal, pIG); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::enableModalWindow (CCtrlBase *CtrlLaunchingModal, const std::string &groupName) { CInterfaceGroup *group= dynamic_cast( getElementFromId(groupName) ); if(group) { // enable the modal enableModalWindow(CtrlLaunchingModal, group); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::disableModalWindow () { while (!_ModalStack.empty()) { CModalWndInfo winInfo = _ModalStack.back(); _ModalStack.pop_back(); // must pop back as early as possible because 'setActive' may trigger another 'popModalWindow', leading to a crash // disable old modal window if(winInfo.ModalWindow) { setBackWindow(winInfo.ModalWindow); winInfo.ModalWindow->setActive(false); } } // disable any context help _CurCtrlContextHelp = ""; _DeltaTimeStopingContextHelp = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::pushModalWindow(CCtrlBase *ctrlLaunchingModal, CInterfaceGroup *pIG) { // enable the wanted modal if(pIG) { CModalWndInfo mwi; mwi.ModalWindow = pIG; mwi.CtrlLaunchingModal = ctrlLaunchingModal; // setup special group CGroupModal *groupModal= dynamic_cast(pIG); if(groupModal) { mwi.ModalExitClickOut = groupModal->ExitClickOut; mwi.ModalExitClickL = groupModal->ExitClickL; mwi.ModalExitClickR = groupModal->ExitClickR; mwi.ModalHandlerClickOut = groupModal->OnClickOut; mwi.ModalClickOutParams = groupModal->OnClickOutParams; mwi.ModalExitKeyPushed = groupModal->ExitKeyPushed; // update coords of the modal if(groupModal->SpawnOnMousePos) { groupModal->SpawnMouseX = _Pointer->getX(); groupModal->SpawnMouseY = _Pointer->getY(); } } else { // default for group not modal. Backward compatibility mwi.ModalExitClickOut = false; mwi.ModalExitClickL = false; mwi.ModalExitClickR = false; mwi.ModalExitKeyPushed = false; } _ModalStack.push_back(mwi); // update coords and activate the modal mwi.ModalWindow->invalidateCoords(); mwi.ModalWindow->setActive(true); setTopWindow(mwi.ModalWindow); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::pushModalWindow(CCtrlBase *ctrlLaunchingModal, const std::string &groupName) { CInterfaceGroup *group= dynamic_cast( getElementFromId(groupName) ); if(group) { // enable the modal enableModalWindow(ctrlLaunchingModal, group); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::popModalWindow() { if (!_ModalStack.empty()) { CModalWndInfo winInfo = _ModalStack.back(); _ModalStack.pop_back(); // must pop back as early as possible because 'setActive' may trigger another 'popModalWindow', leading to a crash if(winInfo.ModalWindow) { setBackWindow(winInfo.ModalWindow); winInfo.ModalWindow->setActive(false); } if (!_ModalStack.empty()) { if(_ModalStack.back().ModalWindow) { _ModalStack.back().ModalWindow->setActive(true); setTopWindow(_ModalStack.back().ModalWindow); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::popModalWindowCategory(const std::string &category) { for(;;) { if (_ModalStack.empty()) break; if (!_ModalStack.back().ModalWindow) break; CGroupModal *gm = dynamic_cast((CInterfaceGroup*)(_ModalStack.back().ModalWindow)); if (gm && gm->Category == category) { _ModalStack.back().ModalWindow->setActive(false); _ModalStack.pop_back(); } else { break; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::setCaptureKeyboard(CCtrlBase *c) { CGroupEditBox *oldEb= dynamic_cast((CCtrlBase*)_CaptureKeyboard); CGroupEditBox *newEb= dynamic_cast(c); if (_CaptureKeyboard && _CaptureKeyboard != c) { _CaptureKeyboard->onKeyboardCaptureLost(); } // If the old capturedKeyboard is an editBox and allow recoverFocusOnEnter if ( oldEb && oldEb->getRecoverFocusOnEnter() ) { _OldCaptureKeyboard = _CaptureKeyboard; } if ( newEb ) { CGroupEditBox::disableSelection(); if (!newEb->getAHOnFocus().empty()) { runActionHandler(newEb->getAHOnFocus(), newEb, newEb->getAHOnFocusParams()); } } _CaptureKeyboard = c; notifyElementCaptured(c); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::resetCaptureKeyboard() { CCtrlBase *captureKeyboard = _CaptureKeyboard; _OldCaptureKeyboard = NULL; _CaptureKeyboard = NULL; if (captureKeyboard) { captureKeyboard->onKeyboardCaptureLost(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::runProcedure (const string &procName, CCtrlBase *pCaller, const vector ¶mList) { CstItProcedureMap it= _ProcedureMap.find(procName); if(it!=_ProcedureMap.end()) { // TMP TMP /*std::string params; for(uint k = 0; k < paramList.size(); ++k) { params += paramList[k] + " "; } nlinfo("runProcedure : %s : %s",procName.c_str(), params.c_str());*/ const CProcedure &proc= it->second; // Run all actions for(uint i=0;i 0) { CInterfaceExprValue result; result.setBool(false); string cond; action.buildCond(paramList, cond); CInterfaceExpr::eval(cond, result, NULL); if (result.toBool()) { if (!result.getBool()) continue; } } // build the params sting string params; action.buildParams(paramList, params); // run //nlwarning("step %d : %s, %s", (int) i, action.Action.c_str(), params.c_str()); runActionHandler(action.Action, pCaller, params); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::setProcedureAction(const std::string &procName, uint actionIndex, const std::string &ah, const std::string ¶ms) { ItProcedureMap it= _ProcedureMap.find(procName); if(it!=_ProcedureMap.end()) { CProcedure &proc= it->second; // set wanted action if(actionIndexsecond; return (uint)proc.Actions.size(); } else return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceManager::getProcedureAction(const std::string &procName, uint actionIndex, std::string &ah, std::string ¶ms) const { CstItProcedureMap it= _ProcedureMap.find(procName); if(it!=_ProcedureMap.end()) { const CProcedure &proc= it->second; if(actionIndexsecond; stopAnim (animId); pIT->start(); _ActiveAnims.push_back (pIT); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::stopAnim (const string &animId) { TAnimMap::iterator it = _AnimMap.find(animId); if (it == _AnimMap.end()) { nlwarning ("anim %s not found", animId.c_str()); return; } CInterfaceAnim *pIT = it->second; for (uint i = 0; i < _ActiveAnims.size(); ++i) if (_ActiveAnims[i] == pIT) { _ActiveAnims.erase (_ActiveAnims.begin()+i); if (!pIT->isFinished()) pIT->stop(); return; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::messageBoxInternal(const string &msgBoxGroup, const ucstring &text, const string &masterGroup, TCaseMode caseMode) { CInterfaceGroup *group= dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(masterGroup+":" + msgBoxGroup)); CViewText *viewText= dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(masterGroup+":" + msgBoxGroup + ":text")); if (group && viewText) { viewText->setCaseMode(caseMode); viewText->setText(text); enableModalWindow(NULL, group); // don't understand why but need to update coords here group->updateCoords(); group->updateCoords(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::messageBox(const ucstring &text, const string &masterGroup, TCaseMode caseMode) { messageBoxInternal("message_box", text, masterGroup, caseMode); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::messageBoxWithHelp(const ucstring &text, const std::string &masterGroup, const std::string &ahOnOk, const std::string ¶msOnOk, TCaseMode caseMode) { // replace the procedure "proc_valid_message_box_ok" action setProcedureAction("proc_message_box_with_help_ok", 1, ahOnOk, paramsOnOk); const char *mbName = "message_box_with_help"; // if no action handler is wanted, then assume that // clicking 'ok' do not have any consequence, so allow exiting the message box by clicking // outside of it (this behavior is wanted on the login page, to allow to reclick on 'login' without // having to click 'ok' in the message box each time) CInterfaceGroup *group= dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(masterGroup+":" + mbName)); CGroupModal *gm = dynamic_cast(group); if (gm) { gm->ExitClickOut = ahOnOk.empty(); } messageBoxInternal(mbName, text, masterGroup, caseMode); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::validMessageBox(TValidMessageIcon icon, const ucstring &text, const std::string &ahOnOk, const std::string ¶msOnOk, const std::string &ahOnCancel, const std::string ¶msOnCancel, const string &masterGroup) { CInterfaceGroup *group= dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(masterGroup+":valid_message_box")); CViewText *viewText= dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(masterGroup+":valid_message_box:text")); CViewBitmap *viewBitmap= dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(masterGroup+":valid_message_box:icon_group:icon")); if (group && viewText) { // replace the procedure "proc_valid_message_box_ok" action setProcedureAction("proc_valid_message_box_ok", 1, ahOnOk, paramsOnOk); // replace the procedure "proc_valid_message_box_cancel" action setProcedureAction("proc_valid_message_box_cancel", 1, ahOnCancel, paramsOnCancel); // set text and icon viewText->setText(text); if(viewBitmap) { bool active= true; if(icon==QuestionIconMsg) viewBitmap->setTexture("brick_default.tga"); else if(icon==WarningIconMsg) viewBitmap->setTexture("W_warning.tga"); else if(icon==ErrorIconMsg) viewBitmap->setTexture("No_Action.tga"); else active= false; viewBitmap->setActive(active); } // Go enableModalWindow(NULL, group); // don't understand why but need to update coords here group->updateCoords(); group->updateCoords(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CInterfaceManager::getCurrentValidMessageBoxOnOk(string &ahOnOk, const std::string &masterGroup) { // any modal window opened? CInterfaceGroup *mw= getModalWindow(); if(!mw) return false; // Is this modal window the valid_message_box window? CInterfaceGroup *group= dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(masterGroup+":valid_message_box")); if(mw==group) { // Ok, get the current procedure OnOk action string dummyParams; if(getProcedureAction("proc_valid_message_box_ok", 1, ahOnOk, dummyParams)) return true; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::setContextHelpText(const ucstring &text) { _ContextHelpText = text; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::disableContextHelp() { _CurCtrlContextHelp = ""; _DeltaTimeStopingContextHelp = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::disableContextHelpForControl(CCtrlBase *pCtrl) { if(!pCtrl) return; if(_CurCtrlContextHelp == pCtrl ) disableContextHelp(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::makeWindow(CInterfaceGroup *group) { if (!group) return; uint32 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < _MasterGroups.size(); ++i) { if (_MasterGroups[i].Group == group->getParent()) break; } if (i == _MasterGroups.size()) { string stmp = string("not found master group for window: ")+group->getId(); nlwarning (stmp.c_str()); return; } else { // check if group hasn't been inserted twice. if (_MasterGroups[i].isWindowPresent(group)) { nlwarning("Window inserted twice"); } else { _MasterGroups[i].addWindow(group,group->getPriority()); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::unMakeWindow(CInterfaceGroup *group, bool noWarning) { if (!group) return; uint32 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < _MasterGroups.size(); ++i) { if (_MasterGroups[i].Group == group->getParent()) break; } if (i == _MasterGroups.size()) { if (!noWarning) { string stmp = string("not found master group for window: ")+group->getId(); nlwarning (stmp.c_str()); } return; } else { // check if group hasn't been inserted twice. if (!_MasterGroups[i].isWindowPresent(group)) { if (!noWarning) nlwarning("Window not inserted in master group"); } else { _MasterGroups[i].delWindow(group); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::notifyElementCaptured(CCtrlBase *c) { std::set seen; CCtrlBase *curr = c; while (curr) { seen.insert(curr); curr->elementCaptured(c); curr = curr->getParent(); } // also warn the ctrl under the pointer for (uint i = 0; i < (uint) _CtrlsUnderPointer.size(); ++i) { if (!seen.count(_CtrlsUnderPointer[i])) { _CtrlsUnderPointer[i]->elementCaptured(c); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::enableMouseHandling(bool handle) { _MouseHandlingEnabled= handle; if(!handle) { if(!_Pointer) return; // If Left captured, reset if( _CapturePointerLeft ) { setCapturePointerLeft(NULL); } // Same for Right if( _CapturePointerRight ) { setCapturePointerRight(NULL); } // Avoid any problem with modals disableModalWindow(); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::displayDebugInfo(const ucstring &str, TSystemInfoMode mode /*=InfoMsg*/) { if (PeopleInterraction.DebugInfo) PeopleInterraction.ChatInput.DebugInfo.displayMessage(str, getDebugInfoColor(mode), 2); } // *************************************************************************** NLMISC::CRGBA CInterfaceManager::getDebugInfoColor(TSystemInfoMode mode) { if (_NeutralColor == NULL) // not initialised ? { #define SYSTEM_INFO_COLOR_DB_PATH "UI:VARIABLES:SYSTEM_INFOS:COLORS" _NeutralColor = getDbProp(SYSTEM_INFO_COLOR_DB_PATH ":NEUTRAL"); _WarningColor = getDbProp(SYSTEM_INFO_COLOR_DB_PATH ":WARNING"); _ErrorColor = getDbProp(SYSTEM_INFO_COLOR_DB_PATH ":ERROR"); } NLMISC::CRGBA color; switch(mode) { case InfoMsg: color.setPacked(_NeutralColor->getValue32()); break; case WarningMsg: color.setPacked(_WarningColor->getValue32()); break; case ErrorMsg: color.setPacked(_ErrorColor->getValue32()); break; default: color = CRGBA::White; break; } return color; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::displaySystemInfo(const ucstring &str, const string &cat) { CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam::TMode mode = CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam::Normal; CRGBA color = CRGBA::White; map::const_iterator it = ClientCfg.SystemInfoParams.find(strlwr(cat)); if (it != ClientCfg.SystemInfoParams.end()) { mode = it->second.Mode; color = it->second.Color; } if (mode != CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam::OverOnly && mode != CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam::Around) { if (PeopleInterraction.SystemInfo) PeopleInterraction.ChatInput.SystemInfo.displayMessage(str, color, 2); else { CPeopleInterraction::CSysMsg sysMsg; sysMsg.Str = str; sysMsg.Cat = cat; PeopleInterraction.SystemMessageBuffer.push_back( sysMsg ); } } // If over popup a string at the bottom of the screen if ((mode == CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam::Over) || (mode == CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam::OverOnly)) InSceneBubbleManager.addMessagePopup(str, color); else if (mode == CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam::Center) InSceneBubbleManager.addMessagePopupCenter(str, color); else if (mode == CClientConfig::SSysInfoParam::Around && PeopleInterraction.AroundMe.Window) PeopleInterraction.ChatInput.AroundMe.displayMessage(str, color, 2); } // *************************************************************************** CRGBA CInterfaceManager::getSystemInfoColor(const std::string &cat) { CRGBA col = CRGBA::White; map::const_iterator it = ClientCfg.SystemInfoParams.find(strlwr(cat)); if (it != ClientCfg.SystemInfoParams.end()) col = it->second.Color; return col; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::launchContextMenuInGame (const std::string &nameOfCM) { // Launch the context menu in-game: can't appear while dragging an item if (CDBCtrlSheet::getDraggedSheet() == NULL) { if (_ModalStack.empty()) { // We must be in-game ! CInterfaceGroup *pMG = getMasterGroupFromId("ui:interface"); // TMP nico : try with login screen: if (!pMG) { pMG = getMasterGroupFromId("ui:login"); } if (!pMG) { pMG = getMasterGroupFromId("ui:outgame"); } if ((pMG != NULL) && (pMG->getActive())) { CInterfaceElement *pIE = getElementFromId(nameOfCM); CInterfaceGroup *pIG = dynamic_cast(pIE); if (pIG != NULL) { enableModalWindow (NULL, pIG); } } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::registerClockMsgTarget(CCtrlBase *vb) { if (!vb) return; if (isClockMsgTarget(vb)) { nlwarning(" Element %s is already registered", vb->getId().c_str()); return; } _ClockMsgTargets.push_back(vb); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::unregisterClockMsgTarget(CCtrlBase *vb) { if (!vb) return; std::vector::iterator it = std::find(_ClockMsgTargets.begin(), _ClockMsgTargets.end(), vb); if (it != _ClockMsgTargets.end()) { _ClockMsgTargets.erase(it); } } // *************************************************************************** bool CInterfaceManager::isClockMsgTarget(CCtrlBase *vb) const { std::vector::const_iterator it = std::find(_ClockMsgTargets.begin(), _ClockMsgTargets.end(), vb); return it != _ClockMsgTargets.end(); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::setContentAlpha(uint8 alpha) { _ContentAlpha = alpha; // update alpha of global color _GlobalColorForContent.A = alpha;/*(uint8) (( (uint16) _GlobalColor.A * (uint16) _ContentAlpha) >> 8);*/ } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::setContainerAlpha(uint8 alpha) { _ContainerAlpha = alpha; // update alpha of global color _GlobalColor.A = alpha;/*(uint8) (( (uint16) _GlobalColor.A * (uint16) _ContainerAlpha) >> 8); */ } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::updateGroupContainerImage(CGroupContainer &gc, uint8 mode) { if (mode >= MAX_NUM_MODES) { nlwarning("wrong desktop"); return; } _Modes[mode].updateGroupContainerImage(gc); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::removeGroupContainerImage(const std::string &groupName, uint8 mode) { if (mode >= MAX_NUM_MODES) { nlwarning("wrong desktop"); return; } _Modes[mode].removeGroupContainerImage(groupName); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::setMode(uint8 newMode) { if (newMode >= MAX_NUM_MODES) return; if (newMode == _CurrentMode) return; // Check if we can change vdesk ! for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority=0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; ++nPriority) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::const_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.begin(); itw!= rList.end(); itw++) { CGroupContainer *pGC = dynamic_cast(*itw); if ((pGC != NULL)&&(pGC->getActive())) { // if this GC is a Full modal window, or if it is a modal son of another GC, if (pGC->isModal() || pGC->isModalSon()) { setTopWindow(pGC); pGC->enableBlink(2); return; } else if (pGC->isGrayed()) { // Make the corresponding child blink pGC->blinkAllSons(); return; } } } } } } // check if there's a special behaviour with current captured ctrl that prevent from changing desktop if (_CapturePointerLeft != NULL) { if (!_CapturePointerLeft->canChangeVirtualDesktop()) return; } if (_CapturePointerRight != NULL) { if (!_CapturePointerRight->canChangeVirtualDesktop()) return; } _Modes[_CurrentMode].fromCurrentDesktop(); _Modes[newMode].toCurrentDesktop(); //CBotChatUI::refreshActiveWindows(); _CurrentMode = newMode; checkCoords(); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::resetMode(uint8 newMode) { if (newMode >= MAX_NUM_MODES) return; NLMISC::contReset(_Modes[newMode]); } // for dump of interface content struct CDumpedGroup { CInterfaceGroup *Group; uint Depth; // depth in the tree }; // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::dumpUI(bool /* indent */) { std::vector left; left.resize(_MasterGroups.size()); for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { left[nMasterGroup].Group = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup].Group; left[nMasterGroup].Depth = 0; } while (!left.empty()) { CInterfaceGroup *ig = left.back().Group; if (ig) { uint currDepth = left.back().Depth; std::string id = ig->getId(); std::string::size_type pos = id.find_last_of(':'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { id = id.substr(pos + 1); } std::string info(currDepth * 4, ' '); info += id; info += toString(", address=0x%p", ig); nlinfo(info.c_str()); // dump view & controls for this group for(uint k = 0; k < ig->getViews().size(); ++k) { std::string info(currDepth * 4, ' '); info += toString("View %d / %d : ", (int) k + 1, (int) ig->getViews().size()); if (ig->getViews()[k]) { info += id; info += toString(", type = %s, address=0x%p", typeid(*ig->getViews()[k]).name(), ig->getViews()[k]); } else { info += ""; } nlinfo(info.c_str()); } // for(uint k = 0; k < ig->getControls().size(); ++k) { std::string info(currDepth * 4, ' '); info += toString("Ctrl %d / %d : ", (int) k + 1, (int) ig->getControls().size()); if (ig->getControls()[k]) { info += id; info += toString(", type = %s, address=0x%p", typeid(*ig->getControls()[k]).name(), ig->getControls()[k]); } else { info += ""; } nlinfo(info.c_str()); } // left.pop_back(); for(uint k = 0; k < ig->getNumGroup(); ++k) { CDumpedGroup dg; dg.Group = ig->getGroup(k); dg.Depth = currDepth + 1; left.push_back(dg); } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::displayUIViewBBoxs(const std::string &uiFilter) { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; for (uint8 nPriority=0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; ++nPriority) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::iterator it; for(it = rList.begin(); it != rList.end(); ++it) { if (*it) (*it)->renderWiredQuads(CInterfaceElement::RenderView, uiFilter); } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::displayUICtrlBBoxs(const std::string &uiFilter) { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; for (uint8 nPriority=0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; ++nPriority) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::iterator it; for(it = rList.begin(); it != rList.end(); ++it) { if (*it) (*it)->renderWiredQuads(CInterfaceElement::RenderCtrl, uiFilter); } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::displayUIGroupBBoxs(const std::string &uiFilter) { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; for (uint8 nPriority=0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; ++nPriority) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::iterator it; for(it = rList.begin(); it != rList.end(); ++it) { if (*it) (*it)->renderWiredQuads(CInterfaceElement::RenderGroup, uiFilter); } } } } // *************************************************************************** void writeComboActionMap (const CActionsManager &actions, xmlNodePtr node, const string &context) { // Get the combo defined const CActionsManager::TComboActionMap &combos = actions.getComboActionMap (); CActionsManager::TComboActionMap::const_iterator ite = combos.begin (); while (ite != combos.end ()) { // Key node xmlNodePtr keyNode = xmlNewChild ( node, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"key", NULL ); // Props xmlSetProp (keyNode, (const xmlChar*)"name", (const xmlChar*)CEventKey::getStringFromKey(ite->first.Key).c_str()); if (ite->first.KeyButtons&shiftKeyButton) xmlSetProp (keyNode, (const xmlChar*)"shift", (const xmlChar*)"1"); if (ite->first.KeyButtons&ctrlKeyButton) xmlSetProp (keyNode, (const xmlChar*)"ctrl", (const xmlChar*)"1"); if (ite->first.KeyButtons&altKeyButton) xmlSetProp (keyNode, (const xmlChar*)"menu", (const xmlChar*)"1"); xmlSetProp (keyNode, (const xmlChar*)"action", (const xmlChar*)ite->second.Name.c_str()); if (!(const xmlChar*)ite->second.Argu.empty()) xmlSetProp (keyNode, (const xmlChar*)"params", (const xmlChar*)ite->second.Argu.c_str()); // Context if (!context.empty ()) xmlSetProp (keyNode, (const xmlChar*)"context", (const xmlChar*)context.c_str()); ite++; } } // *************************************************************************** void writeMacros (xmlNodePtr node) { const std::vector ¯os = CMacroCmdManager::getInstance()->getMacros(); for (uint i = 0; i < macros.size(); ++i) { macros[i].writeTo(node); } } // *************************************************************************** bool CInterfaceManager::saveKeys(const std::string &filename) { bool ret = false; try { COFile file; if (file.open (filename)) { COXml xmlStream; xmlStream.init (&file); xmlDocPtr doc = xmlStream.getDocument (); xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"interface_config", NULL); xmlDocSetRootElement (doc, node); writeComboActionMap (Actions, node, ""); writeComboActionMap (EditActions, node, RZ_CATEGORY_EDIT); writeMacros (node); // Flush the stream xmlStream.flush(); // Close the stream file.close (); // Done ret = true; } else { nlwarning ("Can't open the file %s", filename.c_str()); } } catch (Exception &e) { nlwarning ("Error while writing the file %s : %s. Remove it.", filename.c_str(), e.what ()); CFile::deleteFile(filename); } return ret; } // *************************************************************************** CInterfaceGroup *CInterfaceManager::getLastEscapableTopWindow() const { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { const SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority > 0; nPriority--) { const list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority-1]; list::const_reverse_iterator it; it= rList.rbegin(); for(;it!=rList.rend();it++) { if((*it)->getActive() && (*it)->getEscapable()) return *it; } } } } return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::setWindowPriority (CInterfaceGroup *pWin, uint8 nNewPriority) { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { if (rMG.isWindowPresent(pWin)) { rMG.delWindow(pWin); rMG.addWindow(pWin, nNewPriority); } } } } // *************************************************************************** bool CInterfaceManager::deletePlayerConfig (const std::string &playerFileIdent) { string fileName= "save/interface_" + playerFileIdent + ".icfg"; return CFile::deleteFile(fileName); } // *************************************************************************** bool CInterfaceManager::deletePlayerKeys (const std::string &playerFileIdent) { string fileName = "save/keys_"+playerFileIdent+".xml"; string fileNameEditor = "save/keys_r2ed_"+playerFileIdent+".xml"; return CFile::deleteFile(fileName) && CFile::deleteFile(fileNameEditor); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::log(const ucstring &str) { if (_LogState) { // Open file with the name of the player const string fileName= "save/log_" + PlayerSelectedFileName + ".txt"; FILE *f = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "at"); if (f != NULL) { const string finalString = string(NLMISC::IDisplayer::dateToHumanString()) + " * " + str.toUtf8(); fprintf(f, "%s\n", finalString.c_str()); } fclose(f); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::clearAllEditBox() { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; for (uint8 nPriority=0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; ++nPriority) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::iterator it; for(it = rList.begin(); it != rList.end(); ++it) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *it; if (pIG != NULL) pIG->clearAllEditBox(); } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::restoreAllContainersBackupPosition() { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; for (uint8 nPriority=0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; ++nPriority) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::iterator it; for(it = rList.begin(); it != rList.end(); ++it) { if (*it) (*it)->restoreAllContainersBackupPosition(); } } } } // *************************************************************************** uint8 CInterfaceManager::getLastTopWindowPriority() const { for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { const SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { return rMG.LastTopWindowPriority; } } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::removeRefOnCtrl (CCtrlBase *ctrlBase) { if (_CurCtrlContextHelp == ctrlBase) _CurCtrlContextHelp = ""; if (getCapturePointerLeft() == ctrlBase) setCapturePointerLeft(NULL); if (getCapturePointerRight() == ctrlBase) setCapturePointerRight (NULL); if (getCaptureKeyboard() == ctrlBase) setCaptureKeyboard(NULL); if (getOldCaptureKeyboard() == ctrlBase) setOldCaptureKeyboard(NULL); if (getDefaultCaptureKeyboard() == ctrlBase) setDefaultCaptureKeyboard(NULL); uint i; for (i=0; i<_CtrlsUnderPointer.size(); i++) { if (_CtrlsUnderPointer[i] == ctrlBase) { _CtrlsUnderPointer.erase (_CtrlsUnderPointer.begin()+i); i--; } } // Unregister from ClockMsgTargets unregisterClockMsgTarget (ctrlBase); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::removeRefOnView (CViewBase *viewBase) { uint i; for (i=0; i<_ViewsUnderPointer.size(); i++) { if (_ViewsUnderPointer[i] == viewBase) { _ViewsUnderPointer.erase (_ViewsUnderPointer.begin()+i); i--; } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::removeRefOnGroup (CInterfaceGroup *group) { uint i; for (i=0; i<_GroupsUnderPointer.size(); i++) { if (_GroupsUnderPointer[i] == group) { _GroupsUnderPointer.erase (_GroupsUnderPointer.begin()+i); i--; } } } // *************************************************************************** uint CInterfaceManager::getUserDblClickDelay() { uint nVal = 50; CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = getDbProp("UI:SAVE:DOUBLE_CLICK_SPEED"); if (pNL != NULL) nVal = pNL->getValue32(); uint dbclickDelay = (uint)(DOUBLE_CLICK_MIN + (DOUBLE_CLICK_MAX-DOUBLE_CLICK_MIN) * (float)nVal / 100.0f); return dbclickDelay; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::submitEvent (const std::string &event) { // Submit the event to the quick help system runActionHandler("submit_quick_help", NULL, event); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor) { nlassert(visitor); for (uint nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { if (_MasterGroups[nMasterGroup].Group) { _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup].Group->visit(visitor); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::incLocalSyncActionCounter() { _LocalSyncActionCounter++; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::setOverExtendViewText(CViewText *vt, CRGBA backGround) { _OverExtendViewText= vt; _OverExtendViewTextBackColor= backGround; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::drawOverExtendViewText() { // CViewRenderer &rVR= getViewRenderer(); if(_OverExtendViewText) { CViewText *vtSrc= safe_cast((CInterfaceElement*)_OverExtendViewText); CInterfaceGroup *groupOver = getWindowForActiveMasterGroup("over_extend_view_text"); if(groupOver) { CViewText *vtDst = dynamic_cast(groupOver->getView("text")); if (vtDst != NULL) { // Copy all aspects to the view vtDst->setText (vtSrc->getText()); vtDst->setFontSize (vtSrc->getFontSize()); vtDst->setColor (vtSrc->getColor()); vtDst->setModulateGlobalColor(vtSrc->getModulateGlobalColor()); vtDst->setShadow(vtSrc->getShadow()); vtDst->setShadowColor(vtSrc->getShadowColor()); vtDst->setCaseMode(vtSrc->getCaseMode()); vtDst->setUnderlined(vtSrc->getUnderlined()); // setup background CViewBitmap *pBack= dynamic_cast(groupOver->getView("midback")); CViewBitmap *pOutline= dynamic_cast(groupOver->getView("midoutline")); if(pBack) pBack->setColor(_OverExtendViewTextBackColor); if(pOutline) { pOutline->setColor(vtSrc->getColor()); pOutline->setModulateGlobalColor(vtSrc->getModulateGlobalColor()); } // the group is the position of the overed text, but apply the delta of borders (vtDst X/Y) sint32 x = vtSrc->getXReal() - vtDst->getX(); sint32 y = vtSrc->getYReal() - vtDst->getY(); // update one time only to get correct W/H groupOver->updateCoords (); if(!vtSrc->isClampRight()) { // clamped from the left part x += vtSrc->getWReal() - vtDst->getWReal(); } // clamp to screen coords, and set if ((x+groupOver->getW()) > groupOver->getParent()->getWReal()) x = groupOver->getParent()->getWReal() - groupOver->getW(); if (x < 0) x = 0; if ((y+groupOver->getH()) > groupOver->getParent()->getHReal()) y = groupOver->getParent()->getHReal() - groupOver->getH(); if (y < 0) y = 0; // set pos groupOver->setX (x); groupOver->setY (y); // update coords 3 times is required groupOver->updateCoords (); groupOver->updateCoords (); groupOver->updateCoords (); // draw groupOver->draw (); // flush layers _ViewRenderer.flush(); } } // Reset the ptr so at next frame, won't be rendered (but if reset) _OverExtendViewText= NULL; } } #if !FINAL_VERSION // *************************************************************************** NLMISC_COMMAND( localCounter, "Get value of local counter", "" ) { if (args.size() != 0) return false; CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); im->displaySystemInfo(ucstring(toString(im->getLocalSyncActionCounter()))); return true; } #endif // *************************************************************************** NLMISC_COMMAND(loadui, "Load an interface file", "") { if (args.size() != 1) return false; CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); std::vector xmlFileNames; if (args[0] == "all") xmlFileNames = CInterfaceManager::getInGameXMLInterfaceFiles(); else xmlFileNames.push_back (args[0]); bool result = im->parseInterface (xmlFileNames, true); #if !FINAL_VERSION if (result) CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->displaySystemInfo("File "+xmlFileNames.back()+" loaded successfully."); else CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->displaySystemInfo("File "+xmlFileNames.back()+" NOT loaded successully."); #endif // Invalidate the texts im->updateAllLocalisedElements(); // reset captures im->setCapturePointerLeft(NULL); im->setCapturePointerRight(NULL); im->setOldCaptureKeyboard(NULL); im->setCaptureKeyboard(NULL); return result; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::displayWebWindow(const string & name, const string & url) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = dynamic_cast(getElementFromId(name)); if (pIG != NULL) { pIG->setActive(true); pIG->updateCoords(); pIG->center(); } runActionHandler("browse", NULL, "name="+name+":content:html|url="+url); } /* // *************************************************************************** class CHandlerDispWebOnQuit : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const string &Params) { if (ClientCfg.Local) CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler("enter_modal", pCaller, "group=ui:interface:quit_dialog"); else CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->displayWebWindow("ui:interface:web_on_quit", ""); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CHandlerDispWebOnQuit, "disp_web_on_quit"); // *************************************************************************** class CHandlerExitWebOnQuit : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const string &Params) { CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler("quit_ryzom", pCaller); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CHandlerExitWebOnQuit, "exit_web_on_quit"); */ // *************************************************************************** // EMOTES // *************************************************************************** struct CEmoteEntry { uint32 EmoteId; string Path; string Anim; bool UsableFromClientUI; bool operator< (const CEmoteEntry & entry) const { string path1 = Path; string path2 = entry.Path; for(;;) { string::size_type pos1 = path1.find('|'); string::size_type pos2 = path2.find('|'); ucstring s1 = toUpper(CI18N::get(path1.substr(0, pos1))); ucstring s2 = toUpper(CI18N::get(path2.substr(0, pos2))); sint result = s1.compare(s2); if (result != 0) return (result < 0); if (pos1 == string::npos) return (pos2 != string::npos); if (pos2 == string::npos) return false; path1 = path1.substr(pos1 + 1); path2 = path2.substr(pos2 + 1); } return false; } }; // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::initEmotes() { _EmotesInitialized = true; CTextEmotListSheet *pTELS = dynamic_cast(SheetMngr.get(CSheetId("list.text_emotes"))); if (pTELS == NULL) return; static list entries; if (entries.empty()) { for (uint i = 0; i < pTELS->TextEmotList.size(); i++) { CEmoteEntry entry; entry.EmoteId = i; entry.Path = pTELS->TextEmotList[i].Path; entry.Anim = pTELS->TextEmotList[i].Anim; entry.UsableFromClientUI = pTELS->TextEmotList[i].UsableFromClientUI; entries.push_back(entry); } entries.sort(); } // The list of behaviour missnames emotList CEmotListSheet *pEmotList = dynamic_cast(SheetMngr.get(CSheetId("list.emot"))); nlassert (pEmotList != NULL); nlassert (pEmotList->Emots.size() <= 255); // Get the focus beta tester flag bool betaTester = false; CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CSkillManager *pSM = CSkillManager::getInstance(); betaTester = pSM->isTitleUnblocked(CHARACTER_TITLE::FBT); string previousMind = ""; CGroupSubMenu *pFirstMenu = 0; for (list::const_iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); it++) { uint32 nEmoteNb = (*it).EmoteId; string sState = (*it).Anim; string sName = (*it).Path; // Check that the emote can be added to UI // --------------------------------------- if( (*it).UsableFromClientUI == false ) { continue; } // Check the emote reserved for FBT (hardcoded) // -------------------------------------------- if (sState == "FBT" && !betaTester) continue; // Get the behaviour from the list of emotes // ----------------------------------------- uint8 nBehav = 255; uint32 i, j; for (i = 0; i < pEmotList->Emots.size(); ++i) if (CAnimationStateSheet::getAnimationStateName(pEmotList->Emots[i]) == sState) { nBehav = (uint8)i; break; } // Add to the game context menu // ---------------------------- uint32 nbToken = 1; for (i = 0; i < sName.size(); ++i) if (sName[i] == '|') nbToken++; CGroupMenu *pRootMenu = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:interface:user_chat_emote_menu")); nlassert(pRootMenu); CGroupSubMenu *pMenu = pRootMenu->getRootMenu(); nlassert(pMenu); // Add to the game context menu // ---------------------------- for (i = 0; i < nbToken; ++i) { string sTmp; if (i != (nbToken-1)) sTmp = sName.substr(0,sName.find('|')); else sTmp = sName; // Look if this part of the path is already present bool bFound = false; for (j = 0; j < pMenu->getNumLine(); ++j) { if (sTmp == pMenu->getLineId(j)) { bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) // Create it { if (i != (nbToken-1)) { pMenu->addLine (CI18N::get(sTmp), "", "", sTmp); // Create a sub menu CGroupSubMenu *pNewSubMenu = new CGroupSubMenu(CViewBase::TCtorParam()); pMenu->setSubMenu(j, pNewSubMenu); if (pFirstMenu == 0) pFirstMenu = pNewSubMenu; } else { // Create a line pMenu->addLine ("/" + CI18N::get(sTmp), "emote", "nb="+toString(nEmoteNb)+"|behav="+toString(nBehav), sTmp); } } // Jump to sub menu if (i != (nbToken-1)) { pMenu = pMenu->getSubMenu(j); sName = sName.substr(sName.find('|')+1,sName.size()); } } // Create new command // ------------------ if (CI18N::hasTranslation(sName)) { CGroupSubMenu *pMenu = pRootMenu->getRootMenu(); // convert command to utf8 since emote translation can have strange chars string cmdName = (toLower(CI18N::get(sName))).toUtf8(); if(ICommand::exists(cmdName)) { nlwarning("Translation for emote %s already exist: '%s' exist twice", sName.c_str(), cmdName.c_str()); } else { CEmoteCmd *pNewCmd = new CEmoteCmd(cmdName.c_str(), "", ""); pNewCmd->EmoteNb = nEmoteNb; pNewCmd->Behaviour = nBehav; _EmoteCmds.push_back(pNewCmd); // Quick-Emote too ? for (i = 0; i< pMenu->getNumLine (); i++) { if (sName == pMenu->getLineId (i)) { // Yeah that's a quick emote too; set command pMenu->addLineAtIndex (i, "@{FFFF}/" + toLower(CI18N::get(sName)), "emote", "nb="+toString(nEmoteNb)+"|behav="+toString(nBehav), "", "", "", false, false, true); pMenu->removeLine (i+1); break; } } } } else { nlwarning("No translation for emote %s", sName.c_str()); } } // Insert separators if (pFirstMenu) { pFirstMenu->addSeparatorAtIndex (0, "Positive"); pFirstMenu->addSeparatorAtIndex (4, "Neutral"); pFirstMenu->addSeparatorAtIndex (8, "Negative"); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::uninitEmotes() { if( !_EmotesInitialized ) return; _EmotesInitialized = false; // reset the emotes menu CTextEmotListSheet *pTELS = dynamic_cast(SheetMngr.get(CSheetId("list.text_emotes"))); if (pTELS != NULL && pTELS->TextEmotList.size() > 0) { // get the emotes menu id string sPath = pTELS->TextEmotList[0].Path; string sId = sPath.substr(0, sPath.find('|')); // get the emotes menu CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CGroupMenu *pRootMenu = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:interface:game_context_menu")); if( pRootMenu ) { CGroupSubMenu *pMenu = pRootMenu->getRootMenu(); for (uint i = 0; i < pMenu->getNumLine(); ++i) { if (pMenu->getLineId(i) == sId) { pMenu = pMenu->getSubMenu(i); pMenu->reset(); break; } } } } // clear commands for (uint32 i = 0; i < _EmoteCmds.size(); ++i) delete _EmoteCmds[i]; _EmoteCmds.clear(); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::updateEmotes() { uninitEmotes(); initEmotes(); } // *************************************************************************** // Just call the action handler with good params bool CInterfaceManager::CEmoteCmd::execute(const std::string &/* rawCommandString */, const vector &args, CLog &/* log */, bool /* quiet */, bool /* human */) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); string customPhrase; if( args.size() > 0 ) { customPhrase = args[0]; } for(uint i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i ) { customPhrase += " "; customPhrase += args[i]; } pIM->runActionHandler("emote", NULL, "nb="+toString(EmoteNb)+"|behav="+toString(Behaviour)+"|custom_phrase="+customPhrase); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool isSwimming() { if (UserEntity != NULL) return (UserEntity->mode() == MBEHAV::SWIM || UserEntity->mode() == MBEHAV::MOUNT_SWIM); else return false; } static bool isStunned() { if (UserEntity != NULL) return (UserEntity->behaviour() == MBEHAV::STUNNED); else return false; } static bool isDead() { if (UserEntity != NULL) return (UserEntity->mode() == MBEHAV::DEATH); else return false; } // *************************************************************************** class CHandlerEmote : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams) { // An emote is 2 things : a phrase and an animation // Phrase is the phrase that server returns in chat system // Behav is the animation played // CustomPhrase is an user phrase which can replace default phrase string sPhraseNb = getParam(sParams, "nb"); string sBehav = getParam(sParams, "behav"); string sCustomPhrase = getParam(sParams, "custom_phrase"); uint32 phraseNb; fromString(sPhraseNb, phraseNb); uint8 behaviour; fromString(sBehav, behaviour); MBEHAV::EBehaviour behavToSend = (MBEHAV::EBehaviour)(MBEHAV::EMOTE_BEGIN + behaviour); uint16 phraseNbToSend = (uint16)phraseNb; if (EAM) { const uint nbBehav = EAM->getNbEmots(); // Miscalled: this is the number of behaviour for all emotes if ((behaviour >= nbBehav) || (behaviour == 255)) behavToSend = MBEHAV::IDLE; } else { if (behaviour == 255) behavToSend = MBEHAV::IDLE; } /* Emotes forbidden when dead, emotes with behav forbidden when * stunned or swimming */ if ( ( behavToSend != MBEHAV::IDLE && (isSwimming() || isStunned() || isDead() ) ) ) { return; } if( sCustomPhrase.empty() ) { // Create the message and send. const string msgName = "COMMAND:EMOTE"; CBitMemStream out; if(GenericMsgHeaderMngr.pushNameToStream(msgName, out)) { out.serialEnum(behavToSend); out.serial(phraseNbToSend); NetMngr.push(out); //nlinfo("impulseCallBack : %s %d %d sent", msgName.c_str(), (uint32)behavToSend, phraseNbToSend); } else nlwarning("command 'emote': unknown message named '%s'.", msgName.c_str()); } else { // Create the message and send. const string msgName = "COMMAND:CUSTOM_EMOTE"; CBitMemStream out; if(GenericMsgHeaderMngr.pushNameToStream(msgName, out)) { ucstring ucstr; ucstr.fromUtf8(sCustomPhrase); if( sCustomPhrase == "none" ) { if( behavToSend == MBEHAV::IDLE ) { // display "no animation for emote" CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); ucstring msg = CI18N::get("msgCustomizedEmoteNoAnim"); string cat = getStringCategory(msg, msg); pIM->displaySystemInfo(msg, cat); return; } } else { ucstr = ucstring("&EMT&") + UserEntity->getDisplayName() + ucstring(" ") + ucstr; } out.serialEnum(behavToSend); out.serial(ucstr); NetMngr.push(out); //nlinfo("impulseCallBack : %s %d %s sent", msgName.c_str(), (uint32)behavToSend, sCustomPhrase.c_str()); } else nlwarning("command 'emote': unknown message named '%s'.", msgName.c_str()); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER( CHandlerEmote, "emote"); // *************************************************************************** bool CInterfaceManager::testDragCopyKey() { // hardcoded for now return Driver->AsyncListener.isKeyDown(KeyCONTROL) || Driver->AsyncListener.isKeyDown(KeyLCONTROL) || Driver->AsyncListener.isKeyDown(KeyRCONTROL); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::setCapturePointerLeft(CCtrlBase *c) { // additionally, abort any dragging if(CDBCtrlSheet::getDraggedSheet()) { CDBCtrlSheet::getDraggedSheet()->abortDraging(); } _CapturePointerLeft = c; notifyElementCaptured(c); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::setCapturePointerRight(CCtrlBase *c) { _CapturePointerRight = c; notifyElementCaptured(c); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::notifyMailAvailable() { if (_CheckMailNode != NULL) _CheckMailNode->setValue32(1); } void CInterfaceManager::notifyForumUpdated() { if (_CheckForumNode != NULL) _CheckForumNode->setValue32(1); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::resetTextIndex() { uint32 nMasterGroup; for (nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; rMG.Group->invalidateTexts (true); for (uint8 nPriority = 0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority++) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::const_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.begin(); itw != rList.end(); itw++) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; pIG->invalidateTexts (true); } } } } // *************************************************************************** CInterfaceElement *getInterfaceResource(const std::string &key) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); return pIM->getElementFromId (key); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::sendStringToYuboChat(const ucstring &str) { // If the yubo chat really connected if(_YuboChat.connected()) { _YuboChat.send(str); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::checkYuboChat() { // flush the receive queue if(_YuboChat.connected()) { std::list toReceive; _YuboChat.receive(toReceive); while(!toReceive.empty()) { PeopleInterraction.ChatInput.YuboChat.displayMessage(toReceive.front(), CRGBA::White, 2, NULL); toReceive.pop_front(); } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::connectYuboChat() { // force disconnection if was connected _YuboChat.disconnect(); uint32 KlientChatPort = 0; extern TSessionId HighestMainlandSessionId; switch(HighestMainlandSessionId.asInt()) { case 101: KlientChatPort = 6002; break; // fr case 102: KlientChatPort = 6003; break; // de case 103: KlientChatPort = 6001; break; // en case 301: KlientChatPort = 4000; break; // yubo default: if(!ClientCfg.KlientChatPort.empty()) fromString(ClientCfg.KlientChatPort, KlientChatPort); break; } // check if must reconnect if(KlientChatPort != 0 && !_YuboChat.connected()) { // NB: hard code url, to avoid "client.cfg trojan" // (a client.cfg with an url pointing to a hacker site, to grab login/password) extern std::string LoginLogin, LoginPassword; _YuboChat.connect(string("chat.ryzom.com:")+toString(KlientChatPort), LoginLogin, LoginPassword); // Inform the interface that the chat is present getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:YUBO_CHAT_PRESENT")->setValue32(1); } } // *************************************************************************** bool CInterfaceManager::executeLuaScript(const std::string &luaScript, bool smallScript) { H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_executeLuaScript ) nlassert(_LuaState); try { if(smallScript) _LuaState->executeSmallScript(luaScript); else _LuaState->executeScript(luaScript); } catch(ELuaError &e) { std::string msg = e.luaWhat(); char filename[MAX_PATH]; char exceptionName[MAX_PATH]; int line; // Hamster: quick fix on AJM code but sscanf is still awfull if (sscanf(msg.c_str(), "%s: %s.lua:%d:",exceptionName, filename, &line) == 3) // NB: test not exact here, but should work in 99,9 % of cases { msg = CLuaIHM::createGotoFileButtonTag(filename, line) + msg; nlwarning(formatLuaErrorNlWarn(msg).c_str()); displaySystemInfo(formatLuaErrorSysInfo(msg)); } else // AJM: handle the other 0.1% of cases { // Yoyo: seems that previous test doesn't work.... btw, must still print the message please... nlwarning(formatLuaErrorNlWarn(msg).c_str()); displaySystemInfo(formatLuaErrorSysInfo(msg)); } return false; } return true; } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::reloadAllLuaFileScripts() { std::set::const_iterator it= _LuaFileScripts.begin(); for(;it!=_LuaFileScripts.end();it++) { string error; // if fail to reload a script, display the error code if(!loadLUA(*it, error)) { displaySystemInfo(formatLuaErrorSysInfo(error)); } } } // *************************************************************************** std::vector CInterfaceManager::getInGameXMLInterfaceFiles() { // Original Files vector ret; ret= ClientCfg.XMLInterfaceFiles; // Resolve any conflict (with CPath scheme, AddOn Should take the precedence) // But still preserve order given in XMLInterfaceFiles (important for config.xml for instance) set fileSet; for(uint i=0;i adds; InterfaceAddOnManager.getFiles("*.xml", adds); // Add them to 'ret', only if not already inserted for(uint i=0;i0 && ls.type(-1)==LUA_TTABLE) { ls.pushNil(); // first key while (ls.next(-2)) { // display the key value pair of this table (recurs) dumpLuaKeyValueInfo(recursTableLevel-1, tabLevel+1); ls.pop(); // remove 'value'; keeps `key' for next iteration } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::dumpLuaState(uint detail) { if(!_LuaState) { dumpLuaString("LUA State not created"); return; } // clamp detailed info to 2 (display at max content of eaxh Env of each group) clamp(detail, 0U, 2U); // Dump the Memory State dumpLuaString(NLMISC::toString("Memory Used : %d Kb", _LuaState->getGCCount())); dumpLuaString(NLMISC::toString("GC Threshold: %d Kb", _LuaState->getGCThreshold())); // If want to display some detailed info if(detail>0) { CLuaState &ls= *_LuaState; CLuaStackChecker lsc(&ls); // *** Dump all Lua Env Tables ls.push(IHM_LUA_ENVTABLE); ls.getTable(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // __ui_envtable ls.pushNil(); // first key uint count= 0; while (ls.next(-2)) { // `key' is at index -2 and `value' at index -1 dumpLuaKeyValueInfo(detail-1, 1); ls.pop(); // remove 'value'; keeps `key' for next iteration count++; } // pop table ls.pop(); dumpLuaString(NLMISC::toString("Number of EnvTable for ui groups: %d", count)); } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::luaGarbageCollect() { if(!_LuaState) return; dumpLuaString("Collecting Garbaged LUA variables"); _LuaState->setGCThreshold(0); dumpLuaString(NLMISC::toString("Memory Used : %d Kb", _LuaState->getGCCount())); } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::hideAllWindows() { for (uint nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = 0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority++) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::const_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.begin(); itw!= rList.end();) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; itw++; // since setActive invalidate the iterator, be sure we move to the next one before pIG->setActive(false); } } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CInterfaceManager::hideAllNonSavableWindows() { for (uint nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < _MasterGroups.size(); nMasterGroup++) { SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[nMasterGroup]; if (rMG.Group->getActive()) { for (uint8 nPriority = 0; nPriority < WIN_PRIORITY_MAX; nPriority++) { list &rList = rMG.PrioritizedWindows[nPriority]; list::const_iterator itw; for (itw = rList.begin(); itw!= rList.end();) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itw; CGroupContainer *cont = dynamic_cast(pIG); itw++; // since setActive invalidate the iterator, be sure we move to the next one before if (!cont || !cont->isSavable()) { pIG->setActive(false); } } } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::createLocalBranch(const std::string &fileName, NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progressCallBack) { try { CIFile file; if (file.open (fileName)) { // Init an xml stream CIXml read; read.init (file); //Parse the parser output!!! CCDBNodeBranch *localNode = new CCDBNodeBranch("LOCAL"); localNode->init( read.getRootNode (), progressCallBack ); _DbRootNode->attachChild(localNode,"LOCAL"); // Create the observers for auto-copy SERVER->LOCAL of inventory ServerToLocalAutoCopyInventory.init("INVENTORY"); // Create the observers for auto-copy SERVER->LOCAL of exchange ServerToLocalAutoCopyExchange.init("EXCHANGE"); // Create the observers for auto-copy SERVER->LOCAL of dm (animator) gift ServerToLocalAutoCopyDMGift.init("DM_GIFT"); // Create the observers for auto-copy SERVER->LOCAL of context menu ServerToLocalAutoCopyContextMenu.init("TARGET:CONTEXT_MENU"); // Create the observers for auto-copy SERVER->LOCAL of Skill Points ServerToLocalAutoCopySkillPoints.init("USER"); } } catch (Exception &e) { // Output error nlwarning ("CFormLoader: Error while loading the form %s: %s", fileName.c_str(), e.what()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS # pragma warning (push) # pragma warning (disable : 4355) // 'this' used in base member initializer list #endif CInterfaceManager::CServerToLocalAutoCopy::CServerToLocalAutoCopy() : _LocalObserver(*this), _ServerObserver(*this) { _ServerCounter= NULL; _UpdateList.reserve(300); _LocalUpdating= false; } #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS # pragma warning (pop) #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unhook from everything we are tangled up in void CInterfaceManager::CServerToLocalAutoCopy::release() { _Nodes.clear(); _ServerCounter = NULL; _ServerNodeMap.clear(); _LocalNodeMap.clear(); _UpdateList.clear(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::CServerToLocalAutoCopy::buildRecursLocalLeaves(CCDBNodeBranch *branch, std::vector &leaves) { for(uint i=0;igetNbNodes();i++) { ICDBNode *node= branch->getNode(i); if(node) { CCDBNodeLeaf *leaf= dynamic_cast(node); if(leaf) { // just append to list leaves.push_back(leaf); } else { // recurs if a branch (should be...) CCDBNodeBranch *sonBranch= dynamic_cast(node); if(sonBranch) buildRecursLocalLeaves(sonBranch, leaves); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::CServerToLocalAutoCopy::init(const std::string &dbPath) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // Get the synchronisation Counter in Server DB _ServerCounter= pIM->getDbProp(string("SERVER:") + dbPath + ":COUNTER", false); // if found if(_ServerCounter) { // **** Add Observers on all nodes // add the observers when server node change pIM->addDBObserver(&_ServerObserver, string("SERVER:") + dbPath); // add the observers when local node change pIM->addDBObserver(&_LocalObserver, string("LOCAL:") + dbPath); // **** Init the Nodes shortcut // Parse all Local Nodes CCDBNodeBranch *localBranch= pIM->getDbBranch(string("LOCAL:") + dbPath); if(localBranch) { uint i; std::vector leaves; buildRecursLocalLeaves(localBranch, leaves); // --- build _Nodes _Nodes.reserve(leaves.size()); for(i=0;igetName(); CCDBNodeBranch* parent= localLeaf->getParent(); while( *parent->getName()!="LOCAL" ) { serverLeafStr= *parent->getName()+":"+serverLeafStr; parent= parent->getParent(); } serverLeafStr= "SERVER:" + serverLeafStr; // try then to get this server node CCDBNodeLeaf *serverLeaf= pIM->getDbProp(serverLeafStr, false); if(serverLeaf) { // Both server and local leaves exist, ok, append to _Nodes CNode node; node.ServerNode= serverLeaf; node.LocalNode= localLeaf; _Nodes.push_back(node); } } // --- Init the maps _ServerNodeMap.reserve(leaves.size()); _LocalNodeMap.reserve(leaves.size()); // For all valid _Nodes, insert in "map" for(i=0;i<_Nodes.size();i++) { CNodeLocalComp lc; CNodeServerComp sc; lc.Node= &_Nodes[i]; sc.Node= &_Nodes[i]; _LocalNodeMap.push_back(lc); _ServerNodeMap.push_back(sc); } // then sort sort(_LocalNodeMap.begin(), _LocalNodeMap.end()); sort(_ServerNodeMap.begin(), _ServerNodeMap.end()); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::CServerToLocalAutoCopy::onServerChange(ICDBNode *serverNode) { if(_Nodes.empty()) return; CCDBNodeLeaf *serverLeaf = safe_cast(serverNode); CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // Add the leaf to the update list. only if not the counter if(serverLeaf != _ServerCounter) { // build the map key CNode nodeComp; CNodeServerComp sc; nodeComp.ServerNode= serverLeaf; sc.Node= &nodeComp; // try to find the node associated to this server leaf uint index= searchLowerBound(_ServerNodeMap, sc); // if found if( index>0 || _ServerNodeMap[0].Node->ServerNode==serverLeaf ) { CNode *node= _ServerNodeMap[index].Node; // if this node is not already inserted if(!node->InsertedInUpdateList) { // insert node->InsertedInUpdateList= true; _UpdateList.push_back(node); } } } // if the client and server are synchonized. if( ClientCfg.Local || pIM->localActionCounterSynchronizedWith(_ServerCounter) ) { // update all leaves for(uint i=0;i<_UpdateList.size();i++) { CNode *node= _UpdateList[i]; _LocalUpdating= true; node->LocalNode->setValue64(node->ServerNode->getValue64()); _LocalUpdating= false; // reset inserted flag node->InsertedInUpdateList= false; } // clear update list _UpdateList.clear(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CInterfaceManager::CServerToLocalAutoCopy::onLocalChange(ICDBNode *localNode) { if(_Nodes.empty()) return; // if the local changes because of localLeaf->setValue64() in onServerChange(), no-op !!! if(_LocalUpdating) return; CCDBNodeLeaf *localLeaf = safe_cast(localNode); // Add the leaf to the update list // build the map key CNode nodeComp; CNodeLocalComp lc; nodeComp.LocalNode= localLeaf; lc.Node= &nodeComp; // try to find the node associated to this local leaf uint index= searchLowerBound(_LocalNodeMap, lc); // if found if( index>0 || _LocalNodeMap[0].Node->LocalNode==localLeaf ) { CNode *node= _LocalNodeMap[index].Node; // if this node is not already inserted if(!node->InsertedInUpdateList) { // insert node->InsertedInUpdateList= true; _UpdateList.push_back(node); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char* CInterfaceManager::getTimestampHuman(const char* format /* "[%H:%M:%S] " */) { static char cstime[25]; time_t date; time (&date); struct tm *tms = localtime(&date); if (tms) { strftime(cstime, 25, format, tms); } else { strcpy(cstime, ""); } return cstime; } /* * Parse tokens in a chatmessage or emote * * Valid subjects: * $me$ * $t$ * $tt$ * $tm1$..$tm8$ * * Valid parameters: * $.name$ * $.title$ * $.race$ * $.guild$ * $.gs(m/f/n)$ * * Default parameter if parameter result is empty: * $./$ * * All \d's in default parameter remove a following character. */ bool CInterfaceManager::parseTokens(ucstring& ucstr) { ucstring str = ucstr; ucstring start_token("$"); ucstring end_token("$"); size_t start_pos = 0; size_t end_pos = 1; sint endless_loop_protector = 0; while ((start_pos < str.length() - 1) && ((start_pos = str.find(start_token, start_pos)) != string::npos)) { endless_loop_protector++; if (endless_loop_protector > 100) { break; } // Get the whole token substring first end_pos = str.find(end_token, start_pos + 1); if ((start_pos == ucstring::npos) || (end_pos == ucstring::npos) || (end_pos <= start_pos + 1)) { // Wrong formatting; give up on this one. start_pos = max(start_pos, end_pos); continue; } // Get everything between the two "$" size_t token_start_pos = start_pos + start_token.length(); size_t token_end_pos = end_pos - end_token.length(); if (token_start_pos < token_end_pos) { // Wrong formatting; give up on this one. start_pos = end_pos; continue; } ucstring token_whole = str.luabind_substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos + 1); ucstring token_string = token_whole.luabind_substr(1, token_whole.length() - 2); ucstring token_replacement = token_whole; ucstring token_default = token_whole; ucstring token_subject; ucstring token_param; // Does the token have a parameter? // If not it is 'name' by default vector token_vector; vector param_vector; splitUCString(token_string, ucstring("."), token_vector); if (token_vector.size() == 0) { // Wrong formatting; give up on this one. start_pos = end_pos; continue; } token_subject = token_vector[0]; if (token_vector.size() == 1) { splitUCString(token_subject, ucstring("/"), param_vector); token_subject = (param_vector.size() > 0) ? param_vector[0] : ucstring(""); token_param = ucstring("name"); } else if (token_vector.size() > 1) { token_param = token_vector[1]; if (token_param.luabind_substr(0, 3) != ucstring("gs(")) { splitUCString(token_vector[1], ucstring("/"), param_vector); token_param = (param_vector.size() > 0) ? param_vector[0] : ucstring(""); } } // Get any default value, if not gs sint extra_replacement = 0; if (token_param.luabind_substr(0, 3) != ucstring("gs(")) { if (param_vector.size() == 2) { // Set default value token_replacement = param_vector[1]; // Delete following chars for every '\d' in default string::size_type token_replacement_pos; while ((token_replacement_pos = token_replacement.find(ucstring("\\d"))) != string::npos) { token_replacement.replace(token_replacement_pos, 2, ucstring("")); extra_replacement++; } token_default = token_replacement; } } CEntityCL *pTokenSubjectEntity = NULL; if (token_subject == ucstring("me")) { pTokenSubjectEntity = static_cast(UserEntity); } else if (token_subject == ucstring("t")) { // Target uint targetSlot = UserEntity->targetSlot(); pTokenSubjectEntity = EntitiesMngr.entity(targetSlot); } else if (token_subject == ucstring("tt")) { // Target's target uint targetSlot = UserEntity->targetSlot(); CEntityCL *target = EntitiesMngr.entity(targetSlot); if (target) { // Check the new slot. CLFECOMMON::TCLEntityId newSlot = target->targetSlot(); CEntityCL* pE = EntitiesMngr.entity(newSlot); if (pE) { pTokenSubjectEntity = pE; } } } else if ((token_subject.length() == 3) && (token_subject.luabind_substr(0, 2) == ucstring("tm"))) { // Teammate uint indexInTeam = 0; fromString(token_subject.luabind_substr(2, 1).toString(), indexInTeam); // Make 0-based --indexInTeam; if (indexInTeam < PeopleInterraction.TeamList.getNumPeople() ) { // Index is the database index (serverIndex() not used for team list) CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbProp( NLMISC::toString(TEAM_DB_PATH ":%hu:NAME", indexInTeam ), false); if (pNL && pNL->getValueBool() ) { // There is a character corresponding to this index pNL = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbProp( NLMISC::toString( TEAM_DB_PATH ":%hu:UID", indexInTeam ), false ); if (pNL) { CLFECOMMON::TClientDataSetIndex compressedIndex = pNL->getValue32(); // Search entity in vision CEntityCL *entity = EntitiesMngr.getEntityByCompressedIndex( compressedIndex ); if (entity) { pTokenSubjectEntity = entity; } } } } } else { // Unknown token subject, skip it start_pos = end_pos; continue; } if (pTokenSubjectEntity != NULL) { // Parse the parameter if (token_param == ucstring("name")) { ucstring name = pTokenSubjectEntity->getDisplayName(); // special case where there is only a title, very rare case for some NPC if (name.empty()) { name = pTokenSubjectEntity->getTitle(); } token_replacement = name.empty() ? token_replacement : name; } else if (token_param == ucstring("title")) { ucstring title = pTokenSubjectEntity->getTitle(); token_replacement = title.empty() ? token_replacement : title; } else if (token_param == ucstring("race")) { CCharacterCL *pC = dynamic_cast(pTokenSubjectEntity); if (pC) { EGSPD::CPeople::TPeople race = pC->people(); if (race >= EGSPD::CPeople::Playable && race <= EGSPD::CPeople::EndPlayable) { ucstring srace = NLMISC::CI18N::get("io" + EGSPD::CPeople::toString(race)); token_replacement = srace.empty() ? token_replacement : srace; } } } else if (token_param == ucstring("guild")) { STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient *pSMC = STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::instance(); ucstring ucGuildName; if (pSMC->getString(pTokenSubjectEntity->getGuildNameID(), ucGuildName)) { token_replacement = ucGuildName.empty() ? token_replacement : ucGuildName; } } else if (token_param.luabind_substr(0, 3) == ucstring("gs(") && token_param.luabind_substr(token_param.length() - 1 , 1) == ucstring(")")) { // Gender string vector strList; ucstring gender_string = token_param.luabind_substr(3, token_param.length() - 4); splitUCString(gender_string, ucstring("/"), strList); if (strList.size() <= 1) { start_pos = end_pos; continue; } // We only care about the gender if the subject is humanoid. GSGENDER::EGender gender = GSGENDER::neutral; if (pTokenSubjectEntity->isUser() || pTokenSubjectEntity->isPlayer() || pTokenSubjectEntity->isNPC()) { CCharacterCL *pC = dynamic_cast(pTokenSubjectEntity); if (pC) { gender = pC->getGender(); } } // The neuter part is optional. Fallback to male if something is wrong. GSGENDER::EGender g = ((uint)gender >= strList.size()) ? GSGENDER::male : gender; token_replacement = strList[g]; } } if (token_whole == token_replacement) { // Nothing to replace; show message and exit CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); ucstring message = ucstring(CI18N::get("uiUntranslatedToken")); message.replace(message.find(ucstring("%s")), 2, token_whole); im->displaySystemInfo(message); return false; } // Replace token size_t token_whole_pos = str.find(token_whole); // Only do extra replacement spaces if using default extra_replacement = (token_replacement == token_default) ? extra_replacement : 0; if (str.find(token_whole, start_pos) != string::npos) { str = str.replace(token_whole_pos, token_whole.length() + extra_replacement, token_replacement); start_pos = token_whole_pos + token_replacement.length(); } } ucstr = str; return true;; }