// object_viewer_exe.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application. // #include "std_afx.h" //#include "nel/3d/register_3d.h" //#include "nel/3d/scene.h" #include "../object_viewer/object_viewer_interface.h" //#include "nel/3d/init_3d.h" //using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace std; int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // Register 3d // vl: the init doesn't seem to be important here // registerSerial3d (); // CScene::registerBasics (); // init3d (); // Remove command line "" char commandLine[512]; char *commandLinePtr=commandLine; strcpy (commandLine, lpCmdLine); if (commandLine[0]=='"') commandLinePtr++; if (commandLinePtr[strlen (commandLinePtr)-1]=='"') commandLinePtr[strlen (commandLinePtr)-1]=0; // Create a object viewer IObjectViewer *objectViewer=IObjectViewer::getInterface(); if (objectViewer) { // Init ui if (objectViewer->initUI ()) { // Argument ? if (strcmp (commandLinePtr, "")!=0) { // Make a string vector vector strVector; strVector.push_back (commandLinePtr); // Try to load a shape if (objectViewer->loadMesh (strVector, "")) { // Reset the camera objectViewer->resetCamera (); } else return 1; } // Go objectViewer->go (); // Release ui objectViewer->releaseUI (); } // Delete the pointer IObjectViewer::releaseInterface (objectViewer); } return 0; }