// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "nel/gui/group_container.h" #include "nel/gui/group_header.h" #include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h" #include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h" using namespace NLMISC; namespace NLGUI { ////////////////// // CGroupHeader // ////////////////// // ***************************************************************************************************************** CGroupHeader::CGroupHeader(const TCtorParam ¶m) : CGroupList(param), _HeaderMaxSize(32767) { } // ***************************************************************************************************************** void CGroupHeader::enlargeColumns(sint32 margin) { std::vector entries; getEntries(entries); sint32 totalWidth = 0; for (uint k = 0; k < entries.size(); ++k) { CInterfaceGroup *colEnclosing = entries[k]->getTargetColumn(); if (colEnclosing && !colEnclosing->getGroups().empty()) { CInterfaceGroup *col = colEnclosing->getGroups()[0]; if (col) { // enlarge to the max to be able to measure the sub text (they may clamp themselves based // on their first non-"child resizing" parent (see CViewText::updateCoords) colEnclosing->setW(16384); colEnclosing->invalidateCoords(); colEnclosing->updateCoords(); // assume that first child is resizing from its children width (either 'child_resize_w=true' or a CGroupList) entries[k]->setW(std::max(entries[k]->getMinSize(), col->getW() + margin)); entries[k]->invalidateCoords(); totalWidth += entries[k]->getW(); } } } // if total width bigger than allowed, reduce proportionnally if (totalWidth > _HeaderMaxSize) { while (totalWidth > _HeaderMaxSize) { bool adjusted = false; // stupid algo here, but ponctual ... for (uint k = 0; k < entries.size() && totalWidth > _HeaderMaxSize; ++k) { if (entries[k]->getW() > entries[k]->getMinSize()) { entries[k]->setW(entries[k]->getW() - 1); entries[k]->invalidateCoords(); --totalWidth; adjusted = true; } } // if all at min size, just exit ... if (!adjusted) break; } } else { // search first parent that limit size, if it is larger then enlarge to fit size CInterfaceGroup *limitingParent = getParent(); while (limitingParent && (limitingParent->getResizeFromChildW() || dynamic_cast(limitingParent))) { // NB nico : the dynamic_cast for CGroupList is bad!! // can't avoid it for now, because, CGroupList implicitly does a "resize from child" in its update coords // ... limitingParent = limitingParent->getParent(); } if (limitingParent && limitingParent->getWReal() > totalWidth) { while (limitingParent->getWReal() > totalWidth && totalWidth < _HeaderMaxSize) { // enlarge to matche parent size // stupid algo here, but ponctual ... for (uint k = 0; k < entries.size(); ++k) { entries[k]->setW(entries[k]->getW() + 1); entries[k]->invalidateCoords(); ++totalWidth; if (limitingParent->getWReal() <= totalWidth || totalWidth >= _HeaderMaxSize) break; } } } } invalidateCoords(); } // ***************************************************************************************************************** void CGroupHeader::resizeColumnsAndContainer(sint32 margin) { std::vector entries; getEntries(entries); sint32 totalWidth = 0; for (uint k = 0; k < entries.size(); ++k) { CInterfaceGroup *colEnclosing = entries[k]->getTargetColumn(); if (colEnclosing && !colEnclosing->getGroups().empty()) { CInterfaceGroup *col = colEnclosing->getGroups()[0]; if (col) { // enlarge to the max to be able to measure the sub text (they may clamp themselves based // on their first non-"child resizing" parent (see CViewText::updateCoords) colEnclosing->setW(16384); colEnclosing->invalidateCoords(); colEnclosing->updateCoords(); // assume that first child is resizing from its children width (either 'child_resize_w=true' or a CGroupList) entries[k]->setW(std::max(entries[k]->getMinSize(), col->getW() + margin)); entries[k]->invalidateCoords(); totalWidth += entries[k]->getW(); } } } // resize W if (totalWidth <= _HeaderMaxSize) { // search first parent that limit size, if it is larger then enlarge to fit size CInterfaceGroup *limitingParent = getParent(); while (limitingParent && (limitingParent->getResizeFromChildW() || dynamic_cast(limitingParent))) { // NB nico : the dynamic_cast for CGroupList is bad!! // can't avoid it for now, because, CGroupList implicitly does a "resize from child" in its update coords // ... limitingParent = limitingParent->getParent(); } getParentContainer()->setW(totalWidth + getParentContainer()->getWReal() - limitingParent->getWReal()); } // resize H if(entries.size()>0) { CInterfaceGroup *colEnclosing = entries[0]->getTargetColumn(); if (colEnclosing && !colEnclosing->getGroups().empty()) { CInterfaceGroup *col = colEnclosing->getGroups()[0]; if (col) { // search first parent that limit size, if it is larger then enlarge to fit size CInterfaceGroup *limitingParent = colEnclosing->getParent(); while (limitingParent && (limitingParent->getResizeFromChildH() || dynamic_cast(limitingParent))) limitingParent = limitingParent->getParent(); getParentContainer()->setH(col->getH() + getParentContainer()->getHReal() - limitingParent->getHReal()); } } } invalidateCoords(); } // ***************************************************************************************************************** void CGroupHeader::getEntries(std::vector &dest) { dest.clear(); const std::vector &groups = getGroups(); for (uint k = 0; k < groups.size(); ++k) { CGroupHeaderEntry *entry = dynamic_cast(groups[k]); if (entry) { dest.push_back(entry); } } } // ***************************************************************************************************************** int CGroupHeader::luaEnlargeColumns(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "enlargeColumns"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 1); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TNUMBER); enlargeColumns((sint32) ls.toNumber(1)); return 0; } // ***************************************************************************************************************** int CGroupHeader::luaResizeColumnsAndContainer(CLuaState &ls) { const char *funcName = "resizeColumnsAndContainer"; CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 1); CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TNUMBER); resizeColumnsAndContainer((sint32) ls.toNumber(1)); return 0; } // ***************************************************************************************************************** bool CGroupHeader::parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup) { if(!CGroupList::parse(cur, parentGroup)) return false; CXMLAutoPtr prop((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"header_max_size" )); if (prop) fromString((const char*)prop, _HeaderMaxSize); return true; } ///////////////////////// // CHeaderEntryResizer // ///////////////////////// class CHeaderEntryResizer : public CCtrlBase { public: CHeaderEntryResizer(bool rightSide, sint32 wMin) : CCtrlBase(TCtorParam()), _RightSide(rightSide), _Moving(false), _StartX(0), _OffsetX(0), _WMin(wMin) {} void release() { if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() == this) { _Moving = false; CWidgetManager::getInstance()->setCapturePointerLeft(NULL); } } virtual uint getDeltaDepth() const { return 100; } CInterfaceGroup *getTargetGroup() { if (_RightSide) return _Parent; if (getParent()->getParent() == _Parent->getParentPos()) return NULL; // leftmost header return dynamic_cast(getParent()->getParentPos()); } bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event) { if (_Parent) { if (event.getType() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptor::system) { const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem &eds = (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem &) event; if (eds.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem::setfocus) { const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSetFocus &edsf = (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSetFocus &) eds; if (edsf.hasFocus() == false) { release(); return CCtrlBase::handleEvent(event); } } } if (event.getType() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptor::mouse) { const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &eventDesc = (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &)event; if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftdown) { if (!this->isIn(eventDesc.getX(), eventDesc.getY())) return false; _TargetGroup = getTargetGroup(); if (!_TargetGroup) return false; CWidgetManager::getInstance()->setCapturePointerLeft(this); _Moving = true; _OffsetX = _TargetGroup->getW() - eventDesc.getX(); return true; } if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftup) { release(); } if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mousemove) { if (_Moving && CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() == this) { if (!_TargetGroup) { release(); return false; } sint32 newW = eventDesc.getX() + _OffsetX; // compute width of all header entries but this one CGroupHeader *header = dynamic_cast(getParent()->getParent()); if (header) { sint32 w = 0; for (uint k = 0; k < header->getNumChildren(); ++k) { if (header->getChild(k) != _TargetGroup) { w += header->getChild(k)->getW(); } } sint32 excess = w + newW - header->getHeaderMaxSize(); if (excess) { // try to diminish the size of all headers starting from the last for (sint k = header->getNumChildren() - 1; k >= 0 && excess > 0; --k) { if (header->getChild(k) == _TargetGroup) break; CGroupHeaderEntry *ghe = dynamic_cast(header->getChild(k)); sint32 wGain = std::min(excess, std::max((sint32) 0, ghe->getW() - ghe->getMinSize())); if (wGain > 0) { ghe->setW(ghe->getW() - wGain); ghe->invalidateCoords(); excess -= wGain; } } } newW -= std::max((sint32) 0, excess); } _TargetGroup->setW(std::max(_WMin, newW)); _TargetGroup->invalidateCoords(); CGroupHeaderEntry *ghe = dynamic_cast((CInterfaceGroup *) _TargetGroup); if (ghe) { ghe->setW(_TargetGroup->getW()); ghe->invalidateCoords(); CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler(ghe->getAHOnResize(), ghe, ghe->getAHOnResizeParams()); } return true; } _Moving = false; } } } return CCtrlBase::handleEvent(event); } virtual void draw () { // no-op } virtual bool getMouseOverShape(std::string &texName, uint8 &rot, NLMISC::CRGBA &col) { if (!getTargetGroup()) return false; texName = "curs_resize_LR.tga"; rot = 0; col = CRGBA::White; return true; } private: NLMISC::CRefPtr _TargetGroup; // group for which w is modified bool _RightSide; // right or left side mover ? bool _Moving; sint32 _StartX; // value to add to mouse to get local x pos of target group sint32 _OffsetX; sint32 _WMin; }; // ***************************************************************************************************************** CGroupHeaderEntry::CGroupHeaderEntry(const TCtorParam ¶m) : CInterfaceGroup(param) { _MinSize = 4; } // ***************************************************************************************************************** bool CGroupHeaderEntry::parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup) { if (!CInterfaceGroup::parse(cur, parentGroup)) return false; // left mover CXMLAutoPtr prop((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"wmin" )); if (prop) fromString((const char*)prop, _MinSize); sint32 resizerSize = 4; prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"resizer_size" ); if (prop) fromString((const char*)prop, resizerSize); prop = (char*) xmlGetProp(cur, (xmlChar*) "target"); if (prop) _TargetColumnId = (const char *) prop; prop = (char*) xmlGetProp(cur, (xmlChar*) "on_resize"); if (prop) _AHOnResize = (const char *) prop; prop = (char*) xmlGetProp(cur, (xmlChar*) "on_resize_params"); if (prop) _AHOnResizeParams = (const char *) prop; CHeaderEntryResizer *hm = new CHeaderEntryResizer(false, _MinSize); addCtrl(hm); hm->setW(resizerSize); hm->setSizeRef(2); hm->setParent(this); hm->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_TL); hm->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); // right mover hm = new CHeaderEntryResizer(true, _MinSize); addCtrl(hm); hm->setW(resizerSize); hm->setSizeRef(2); hm->setParent(this); hm->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_TR); hm->setPosRef(Hotspot_TR); // return true; } // ***************************************************************************************************************** CInterfaceGroup *CGroupHeaderEntry::getTargetColumn() const { return dynamic_cast(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(_TargetColumnId)); } // ***************************************************************************************************************** void CGroupHeaderEntry::updateCoords() { CInterfaceGroup::updateCoords(); CInterfaceGroup *targetColumn = getTargetColumn(); if (targetColumn) { if (targetColumn->getW() != getW()) { targetColumn->setW(getW()); targetColumn->invalidateCoords(); } } } NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CGroupHeader, std::string, "header"); NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CGroupHeaderEntry, std::string, "header_entry"); }