// NeL - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "driver/source.h"
#include "nel/sound/listener_user.h"
//#include "background_sound_manager.h"
#include "nel/sound/mixing_track.h"
#include "nel/sound/sound.h"
#include "nel/sound/music_channel_fader.h"
#include "nel/sound/group_controller_root.h"
// Current version is 2, Ryzom Live uses 1
// Provided to allow compatibility with old binary files
namespace NLLIGO {
class CLigoConfig;
namespace NLSOUND {
class CSimpleSource;
class CEnvSoundUser;
class CEnvEffect;
class CSampleBankManager;
class CSoundBank;
class CSourceCommon;
class CClusteredSound;
class CBackgroundSoundManager;
class CMusicSoundManager;
class IReverbEffect;
* Implementation of UAudioMixer
* The logical sources (_Sources) are the sources representing all entities in the world, from
* the client's point of view.
* The tracks (_Tracks) are the physical sources played by the sound driver. Their number
* is small.
* When there are more sources than tracks, the process of choosing which sources go into
* the tracks is called "balancing". The source are auto-balanced according to the
* argument passed to init(). The sources are also balanced when
* - Adding a new source
* - Removing a new source
* - Entering/Exiting from an envsound area
* Important: The user is responsible for deleting the sources that have been allocated by
* createSource(), before deleting the audio mixer object.
* \author Olivier Cado
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CAudioMixerUser : public UAudioMixer, public ISoundDriver::IStringMapperProvider, public NLMISC::CManualSingleton
/// Constructor
/// Return the audio mixer object
static CAudioMixerUser *instance() { return getInstance(); }
/// Destructor
virtual ~CAudioMixerUser();
/// @name IStringMapperProvider implementation
/// map a string
NLMISC::TStringId map(const std::string &str) { return NLMISC::CStringMapper::map(str);}
/// unmap a string
const std::string &unmap(const NLMISC::TStringId &stringId) { return NLMISC::CStringMapper::unmap(stringId);}
/** Initialization
* In case of failure, can throw one of these ESoundDriver (Exception) objects:
* ESoundDriverNotFound, ESoundDriverCorrupted, ESoundDriverOldVersion, ESoundDriverUnknownVersion.
* The sources will be auto-balanced every "balance_period" calls to update()
* (set 0 for "never auto-balance")
* Deprecated by initDriver/getDevices/initDevice.
virtual void init(uint maxTrack = 32, bool useEax = true, bool useADPCM = true, NLMISC::IProgressCallback *progressCallBack = NULL, bool autoLoadSample = false, TDriver driverType = DriverAuto, bool forceSoftware = false, bool manualRolloff = true);
/// Initialize the NeL Sound Driver with given driverName.
virtual void initDriver(const std::string &driverName);
/// Get the available devices on the loaded driver.
virtual void getDevices(std::vector &devices);
/// Initialize the selected device on the currently initialized driver. Leave deviceName empty to select the default device.
virtual void initDevice(const std::string &deviceName, const CInitInfo &initInfo, NLMISC::IProgressCallback *progressCallback = NULL);
virtual void initClusteredSound(NL3D::UScene *uscene, float minGain, float maxDistance, float portalInterpolate);
virtual void initClusteredSound(NL3D::CScene *scene, float minGain, float maxDistance, float portalInterpolate);
/** Set the priority channel reserve.
* Each priority channel can be assign a restrictive reserve value.
* This value is used when the number free track available for playing drop
* under the low water mark value (see setLowWaterMark).
* The mixer count the number of playing source in each priority channel.
* A priority channel can orverflow it's reserve value only if the low water
* mark is not reach.
* In other word, when the number of played source increase, you can control
* a 'smooth' cut in priority layer. The idea is to try to keep some free track
* for the HighestPri source.
* By default, reserve are set for each channel to the number of available tracks.
virtual void setPriorityReserve(TSoundPriority priorityChannel, uint reserve);
/** Set the Low water mark.
* This value is use to mute sound source that try to play when there priority
* channel is full (see setPriorityReserve).
* Set a value 1 to 4 to keep some extra track available when a
* HighestPri source need to play.
* By default, the value is set to 0, witch mean no special treatment is done
* and the mixer will mute sound with no user control at all.
* Note also that the availability of a track is not guarantie if the sum of
* the priority reserve (see setPriorityReserve) is grater than the number od
* available tracks (witch is almos alwais the case). But this value will help
* the mixer make it's best.
virtual void setLowWaterMark(uint value);
virtual void changeMaxTrack(uint maxTrack);
/// Resets the audio system (deletes all the sources, include envsounds)
virtual void reset();
/// Disables or reenables the sound
virtual void enable( bool b );
/// Load environmental effects
// virtual void loadEnvEffects( const char *filename );
void buildSampleBankList();
bool useAPDCM() { return _UseADPCM;};
/** Load buffers. Returns the number of buffers successfully loaded.
* If you specify a non null notfoundfiles vector, it is filled with the names of missing files if any.
* You can call this method several times, to load several sound banks.
virtual uint32 loadSampleBank(bool async, const std::string &name, std::vector *notfoundfiles=NULL );
/** Unload buffers.
virtual bool unloadSampleBank( const std::string &name);
virtual void reloadSampleBanks(bool async);
virtual uint32 getLoadedSampleSize();
virtual void getLoadedSampleBankInfo(std::vector > &result);
/// Load sounds. Returns the number of sounds successfully loaded.
// virtual void loadSoundBank( const std::string &path );
// Load environment sounds ; treeRoot can be null if you don't want an access to the envsounds
// virtual void loadEnvSounds( const char *filename, UEnvSound **treeRoot=NULL );
/// Get a TSoundId from a name (returns NULL if not found)
virtual TSoundId getSoundId( const NLMISC::CSheetId &name );
/// Gets the group controller for the given group tree path with separator '/', if it doesn't exist yet it will be created.
/// Examples: "music", "effects", "dialog", "music/background", "music/loading", "music/player", etcetera
virtual UGroupController *getGroupController(const std::string &path);
/** Add a logical sound source (returns NULL if name not found).
* If spawn is true, the source will auto-delete after playing. If so, the return USource* pointer
* is valid only before the time when calling play() plus the duration of the sound. You can
* pass a callback function that will be called (if not NULL) just before deleting the spawned
* source.
virtual USource *createSource( const NLMISC::CSheetId &name, bool spawn=false, TSpawnEndCallback cb=NULL, void *cbUserParam = NULL, NL3D::CCluster *cluster = 0, CSoundContext *context = 0, UGroupController *groupController = NULL);
/// Add a logical sound source (by sound id). To remove a source, just delete it. See createSource(const char*)
virtual USource *createSource( TSoundId id, bool spawn=false, TSpawnEndCallback cb=NULL, void *cbUserParam = NULL, NL3D::CCluster *cluster = 0, CSoundContext *context = 0, UGroupController *groupController = NULL);
/// Add a source which was created by an EnvSound
void addSource( CSourceCommon *source );
/** Delete a logical sound source. If you don't call it, the source will be auto-deleted
* when deleting the audio mixer object
virtual void removeSource( CSourceCommon *source );
/// Put source into a track
// void giveTrack( CSimpleSource *source );
/// Release track
// void releaseTrack( CSimpleSource *source );
/** Use this method to set the listener position instead of using getListener->setPos();
* It's because we have to update the background sounds in this case.
virtual void setListenerPos (const NLMISC::CVector &pos);
/// Return the listener interface
virtual UListener *getListener() { return &_Listener; }
/// Choose the environmental effect(s) corresponding to tag
virtual void selectEnvEffects( const std::string &tag );
/// Update audio mixer (call evenly)
virtual void update();
/// Return the names of the sounds (call this method after loadSounds())
virtual void getSoundNames( std::vector &names ) const;
/// Return the number of mixing tracks (voices)
virtual uint getPolyphony() const { return (uint)_Tracks.size(); }
/// Return the number of sources instance.
virtual uint getSourcesInstanceCount() const { return (uint)_Sources.size(); }
/// Return the number of playing sources (slow)
virtual uint getPlayingSourcesCount() const;
uint countPlayingSimpleSources() const; // debug
uint countSimpleSources() const; // debug
/// Return the number of available tracks
virtual uint getAvailableTracksCount() const;
/// Return the number of used tracks
virtual uint getUsedTracksCount() const;
/// Return the number muted playing source
virtual uint getMutedPlayingSourcesCount() const { return _PlayingSourcesMuted; }
/// Return a string showing the playing sources (slow)
virtual std::string getSourcesStats() const;
/// Take a listener's move into account
void applyListenerMove( const NLMISC::CVector& listenerpos );
/// Return the root of the envsounds tree
// CEnvSoundUser *getEnvSounds() { return _EnvSounds; }
/// Return the listen pos vector
const NLMISC::CVector& getListenPosVector() const { return _ListenPosition; }
/** Same as removeSource() but does not delete the object (e.g. when not allocated by new,
* as the CAmbiantSource channels)
// void removeMySource( USource *source );
/// Add ambiant sound pointer for later deletion
// void addAmbiantSound( CSound *sound ) { _AmbSounds.insert( sound ); }
// Allow to load sound files (nss) when the corresponding wave file is missing (see CSound)
//static void allowMissingWave( bool b ) { CSound::allowMissingWave( b ); }
/// Set the global path to the sample banks
virtual void setSamplePath(const std::string& path);
virtual void setSamplePaths(const std::string &wavAssetPath, const std::string &bankBuildPath);
virtual void setPackedSheetOption(const std::string &path, bool update);
std::string &getPackedSheetPath() {return _PackedSheetPath; }
bool getPackedSheetUpdate() {return _UpdatePackedSheet; }
CBackgroundSoundManager *getBackgroundSoundManager() { return _BackgroundSoundManager; }
/// Write profiling information about the mixer to the output stream.
virtual void writeProfile(std::string& out);
virtual void setBackgroundFlagName(uint flagIndex, const std::string &flagName);
virtual void setBackgroundFlagShortName(uint flagIndex, const std::string &flagShortName);
virtual const std::string &getBackgroundFlagName(uint flagIndex);
virtual const std::string &getBackgroundFlagShortName(uint flagIndex);
// virtual void loadBackgroundSoundFromRegion (const NLLIGO::CPrimRegion ®ion);
// virtual void loadBackgroundEffectsFromRegion (const NLLIGO::CPrimRegion ®ion);
// virtual void loadBackgroundSamplesFromRegion (const NLLIGO::CPrimRegion ®ion);
virtual void loadBackgroundAudioFromPrimitives(const NLLIGO::IPrimitive &audioRoot);
virtual void loadBackgroundSound (const std::string &continent, NLLIGO::CLigoConfig &config);
virtual void playBackgroundSound ();
virtual void stopBackgroundSound ();
CClusteredSound *getClusteredSound() { return _ClusteredSound; }
// virtual void setBackgroundSoundDayNightRatio (float ratio) { CBackgroundSoundManager::setDayNightRatio(ratio); }
/// Return the sound driver.
ISoundDriver *getSoundDriver();
inline CSoundBank *getSoundBank() { return _SoundBank; }
inline CSampleBankManager *getSampleBankManager() { return _SampleBankManager; }
void registerBufferAssoc(CSound *sound, IBuffer *buffer);
void unregisterBufferAssoc(CSound *sound, IBuffer *buffer);
void bufferUnloaded(IBuffer *buffer);
void setBackgroundFlags(const TBackgroundFlags &backgroundFlags);
void setBackgroundFilterFades(const TBackgroundFilterFades &backgroundFilterFades);
const TBackgroundFlags &getBackgroundFlags();
const TBackgroundFilterFades &getBackgroundFilterFades();
// bool setPlaying(CSimpleSource *source);
// void unsetPlaying(CSimpleSource *source);
/// Get a free track for a CSimpleSource, or steal one if needed.
CTrack *getFreeTrack(CSourceCommon *source);
/// Free a track.
void freeTrack(CTrack *track);
///// Get a free track without a source! Steal one if if you want when no tracks are available! Used by music channel, etc.
//CTrack *getFreeTrackWithoutSource(bool steal);
///// Free a track that has no source. Used by music channel, etc.
//void freeTrackWithoutSource(CTrack *track);
void incPlayingSource() { ++_PlayingSources; };
void decPlayingSource() { --_PlayingSources; };
void incPlayingSourceMuted() { ++_PlayingSourcesMuted; };
void decPlayingSourceMuted() { --_PlayingSourcesMuted; };
void setUserVar(NLMISC::TStringId varName, float value);
float getUserVar(NLMISC::TStringId varName);
// music
virtual bool playMusic(const std::string &fileName, uint xFadeTime= 0, bool async= true, bool loop=true);
virtual void stopMusic(uint xFadeTime= 0);
virtual void pauseMusic();
virtual void resumeMusic();
virtual bool isMusicEnded();
virtual void setMusicVolume(float gain);
virtual float getMusicLength();
virtual bool getSongTitle(const std::string &filename, std::string &result);
virtual void enableBackgroundMusic(bool enable);
virtual void enableBackgroundMusicTimeConstraint(bool enable);
CMusicSoundManager *getBackgroundMusicManager() const {return _BackgroundMusicManager;}
// Event music
virtual bool playEventMusic(const std::string &fileName, uint xFadeTime= 0, bool async= true, bool loop=true);
virtual void stopEventMusic(uint xFadeTime= 0);
virtual void setEventMusicVolume(float gain);
virtual bool isEventMusicEnded();
/// Get audio/container extensions that are currently supported by nel or the used driver implementation.
virtual void getMusicExtensions(std::vector &extensions);
inline IReverbEffect *getReverbEffect() { return _ReverbEffect; }
inline bool useEnvironmentEffects() const { return _UseEax; }
//\name Reverb environment functions
/// Add a reverb environment.
void addEnvironment(const std::string &name, const IReverbEffect::CEnvironment &environment);
/// Set the current reverb environment.
void setEnvironment(NLMISC::TStringId environmentName, float roomSize);
/// Set the current reverb environment.
inline void setEnvironment(const std::string &environmentName, float roomSize) { setEnvironment(NLMISC::CStringMapper::map(environmentName), roomSize); }
/// Get a reverb environment
const IReverbEffect::CEnvironment & getEnvironment(NLMISC::TStringId environmentName);
/// Get a reverb environment
inline const IReverbEffect::CEnvironment & getEnvironment(const std::string &environmentName) { return getEnvironment(NLMISC::CStringMapper::map(environmentName)); }
enum TMusicChannel
GeneralMusicChannel= 0,
EventMusicChannel= 1
bool playMusicChannel(TMusicChannel chan, const std::string &fileName, uint xFadeTime, bool async, bool loop);
/// Interface for registering object in the mixer update.
class IMixerUpdate : public NLMISC::CDbgRefCount
virtual void onUpdate() =0;
virtual ~IMixerUpdate()
//nldebug("Destroying IMixerUpdate %p", this);
/// Register an object in the update list.
void registerUpdate(IMixerUpdate *pmixerUpdate);
/// Unregister an object from the update list.
void unregisterUpdate(IMixerUpdate *pmixerUpdate);
/// Intergace for registering object in the mixer eventlist.
class IMixerEvent : public NLMISC::CDbgRefCount
virtual void onEvent() =0;
virtual ~IMixerEvent()
// nldebug("Destroying IMixerEvent %p", this);
/// Add an event in the future.
void addEvent(IMixerEvent *pmixerEvent, const NLMISC::TTime &date);
/// Remove any event programmed for this object.
void removeEvents(IMixerEvent *pmixerEvent);
/// Add a source for play as possible (for non discadable sound)
void addSourceWaitingForPlay(CSourceCommon *source);
void removeSourceWaitingForPlay(CSourceCommon *source);
/// Read all user controled var sheets
void initUserVar();
void addUserControledSource(CSourceCommon *source, NLMISC::TStringId varName);
void removeUserControledSource(CSourceCommon *source, NLMISC::TStringId varName);
virtual void startDriverBench();
virtual void endDriverBench();
virtual void displayDriverBench(NLMISC::CLog *log);
// utility function for automatic sample bank loading.
bool tryToLoadSampleBank(const std::string &sampleName);
typedef CHashSet > TMixerUpdateContainer;
typedef CHashMap, THashPtr > TBufferToSourceContainer;
// typedef std::multimap TTimedEventContainer;
typedef std::multimap > TTimedEventContainer;
typedef std::multimap TEventContainer;
/// Identify the parameter controled by user var.
enum TControledParamId
struct CControledSources
/// The user var name
NLMISC::TStringId Name;
/// Witch parameter to control
TControledParamId ParamId;
/// The controled sounds names.
std::vector SoundNames;
/// Current parameter value
float Value;
/// All the sources controled by this variable
std::set Sources;
void serial (NLMISC::IStream &s);
friend struct CControledSources;
friend class CUserVarSerializer;
/// List of object to update.
TMixerUpdateContainer _UpdateList;
/// List of update to add or remove (bool param of the pair).
std::vector > _UpdateEventList;
/// List of event ordered by time.
TTimedEventContainer _EventList;
/// List of event ordered by event ptr with there respective multimap iterator.
TEventContainer _Events;
/// List of update for the event list.
std::list > _EventListUpdate;
/// Returns nb available tracks (or NULL)
void getFreeTracks( uint nb, CTrack **tracks );
/// Fill a vector of position and mute flag for all playing sound source.
virtual void getPlayingSoundsPos(bool virtualPos, std::vector > &pos);
typedef CHashMap TUserVarControlsContainer;
/// Container for all user controler and currently controled playing source
TUserVarControlsContainer _UserVarControls;
/// flag for automatic sample bank loading.
bool _AutoLoadSample;
/// flag for usage of ADPCM mixing
bool _UseADPCM;
/// flag for usage of eax
bool _UseEax;
/// The vector of curently free tracks.
std::vector _FreeTracks;
/// The list of non discardable sound to play as soon as possible in order of arrival.
std::list _SourceWaitingForPlay;
/// Table of track reserve for each priority
uint32 _PriorityReserve[NbSoundPriorities];
/// Table of current playing source for each priority
uint32 _ReserveUsage[NbSoundPriorities];
/// Low water mark. After this number of free voice is reach, reserve can't be overloaded.
uint32 _LowWaterMark;
/// The sound driver instance
ISoundDriver *_SoundDriver;
/// The sound bank used, contains georges sound sheets
CSoundBank *_SoundBank;
/// Sample bank manager, contains loaded sample banks
CSampleBankManager *_SampleBankManager;
/// The number of music fading channels
static const uint _NbMusicChannelFaders = 2;
/// Music channel faders
CMusicChannelFader _MusicChannelFaders[_NbMusicChannelFaders];
/// Intance of the background sound manager.
CBackgroundSoundManager *_BackgroundSoundManager;
/// Array of filter name
std::string _BackgroundFilterNames[TBackgroundFlags::NB_BACKGROUND_FLAGS];
/// Array of filter short names
std::string _BackgroundFilterShortNames[TBackgroundFlags::NB_BACKGROUND_FLAGS];
/// Instance of the clustered sound system
CClusteredSound *_ClusteredSound;
/// The listener instance
CListenerUser _Listener;
/// The reverb effect
IReverbEffect *_ReverbEffect;
/// The default reverb environment
IReverbEffect::CEnvironment _DefaultEnvironment;
/// The default reverb room size
float _DefaultRoomSize;
/// Available reverb environments
typedef std::map TEnvironments;
TEnvironments _Environments;
/// Listener position vector
NLMISC::CVector _ListenPosition;
/// The path to the sample banks. This should be specified in the config file.
std::string _SampleBankPath;
std::string _SampleWavPath;
/// The path to the packed sheet files
std::string _PackedSheetPath;
/// A flag to update or not the packed sheet
bool _UpdatePackedSheet;
/// Assoc between buffer and source. Used when buffers are unloaded.
TBufferToSourceContainer _BufferToSources;
// For debug purpose only (not called)
void debugLogEvent(const char *reason);
// Instance of the background music manager
CMusicSoundManager *_BackgroundMusicManager;
/// Group controller
CGroupControllerRoot _GroupController;
struct TSampleBankHeader
// Mind to increment the version number each time the format change
sample_bank_header_version = 7,
uint32 Version;
std::vector Name;
std::vector NbSample;
std::vector Freq;
std::vector OffsetMono16;
std::vector OffsetAdpcm;
std::vector SizeMono16;
std::vector SizeAdpcm;
Version = sample_bank_header_version;
void addSample(const std::string &name, uint32 frequency, uint32 nbSample, uint32 sizeMono16, uint32 sizeAdpcm)
uint32 off16;
uint32 offAdpcm;
off16 = std::accumulate(SizeMono16.begin(), SizeMono16.end(), 0);
off16 = std::accumulate(SizeAdpcm.begin(), SizeAdpcm.end(), off16);
offAdpcm = std::accumulate(SizeMono16.begin(), SizeMono16.end(), 0);
offAdpcm = std::accumulate(SizeAdpcm.begin(), SizeAdpcm.end(), offAdpcm);
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &s)
/// Extension for sample bank list file
// static const std::string SampleBankListExt;
/// All Logical sources
TSourceContainer _Sources;
/// Number of source currently playing
uint32 _PlayingSources;
/// Number of source doing muted play
uint32 _PlayingSourcesMuted;
public: // Temp (EDIT)
/// Physical sources array
std::vector _Tracks;
/// Flag set in destructor
bool _Leaving;
NLMISC::TTicks _StartTime;
uint32 curTime() { return (uint32) (NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime() - _StartTime); }
double _UpdateTime;
double _CreateTime;
uint32 _UpdateCount;
uint32 _CreateCount;
friend struct displaySoundInfoClass;
/// Return the priority cstring (debug info)
const char *getPriorityStr( TSoundPriority p );
/* End of audio_mixer_user.h */