// short name of the frontend service FrontendServiceName = "FS"; // in ring architecture, we no more use the legacy LS DontUseLS = 1; // if any of this services is not connected, the WS is closed. ExpectedServices = { "FS", "MS", "EGS", "GPMS", "IOS", "TICKS" }; // Access level to shard // 0: only dev // 1: dev + privileged users (see also OpenGroups variable) // 2: open for all ShardOpen = 2; // File that contains the ShardOpen value (used to override ShardOpen value through AES' command createFile) // For instance, ShardOpen default value is 0, then AES creates a file to set ShardOpen to 2. If WS crashes, // ShardOpen is still set to 2 when it relaunches... // ShardOpenStateFile = "/tmp/shard_open_state"; // Privileged Groups OpenGroups = ":GM:SGM:G:SG:GUEST:"; UsePatchMode = 0; // create welcome service module StartCommands += { // create the service "moduleManager.createModule WelcomeService ws", // plug it in the gateway "ws.plug gw", // add the SU service "unifiedNetwork.addService ShardUnifier ( address="+SUAddress+" sendId external autoRetry )", };