// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "nel/gui/group_table.h" #include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h" #include "nel/gui/interface_element.h" #include "nel/gui/view_bitmap.h" #include "nel/gui/view_text_id.h" #include "nel/gui/group_container.h" #include "nel/misc/i_xml.h" #include "nel/misc/i18n.h" #include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; namespace NLGUI { bool CGroupCell::DebugUICell = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGroupCell::CGroupCell(const TCtorParam ¶m) : CInterfaceGroup(param), BgColor (0,0,0,0) { NewLine = false; TableRatio = 0.f; WidthWanted = 0; Height = 0; Group = new CInterfaceGroup(CViewBase::TCtorParam()); Align = Left; VAlign = Top; LeftMargin = 0; NoWrap = false; IgnoreMaxWidth = false; IgnoreMinWidth = false; AddChildW = false; _UserTexture = false; _TextureTiled = false; _TextureScaled = false; setEnclosedGroupDefaultParams(); addGroup (Group); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGroupCell::setEnclosedGroupDefaultParams() { nlassert(Group); // Cells are moved and resized by the table Group->setParent(this); Group->setParentPos(this); Group->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); Group->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_TL); Group->setResizeFromChildW(false); Group->setResizeFromChildH(true); } std::string CGroupCell::getProperty( const std::string &name ) const { if( name == "align" ) { switch( Align ) { case Right: return "right"; break; case Center: return "center"; break; } return "left"; } else if( name == "valign" ) { switch( VAlign ) { case Middle: return "middle"; break; case Bottom: return "bottom"; break; } return "top"; } else if( name == "left_margin" ) { return toString( LeftMargin ); } else if( name == "nowrap" ) { return toString( NoWrap ); } else if( name == "bgcolor" ) { return toString( BgColor ); } else if( name == "width" ) { if( WidthWanted != 0 ) return toString( WidthWanted ); else return toString( TableRatio * 100.0f ); } else if( name == "height" ) { return toString( Height ); } else if( name == "ignore_max_width" ) { return toString( IgnoreMaxWidth ); } else if( name == "ignore_min_width" ) { return toString( IgnoreMinWidth ); } else if( name == "add_child_w" ) { return toString( AddChildW ); } else return CInterfaceGroup::getProperty( name ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CGroupCell::parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, uint columnIndex, uint rowIndex) { CXMLAutoPtr ptr; ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"id"); if (!ptr) { // no id was given, so create one std::string newId = NLMISC::toString("cell_%d_%d", (int) columnIndex, (int) rowIndex); xmlSetProp(cur, (const xmlChar*) "id", (const xmlChar*) newId.c_str()); } // parse enclosed group if (!Group->parse(cur, this)) return false; Group->setId(parentGroup->getId() + Group->getId()); setEnclosedGroupDefaultParams(); // parse the children bool ok = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getParser()->parseGroupChildren(cur, Group, false); if (!ok) return false; // align ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"align" ); if (ptr) { if (strcmp((const char *) ptr, "left") == 0) { Align = Left; } else if (strcmp((const char *) ptr, "right") == 0) { Align = Right; } else if (strcmp((const char *) ptr, "center") == 0) { Align = Center; } else { nlwarning(" Unknwown or unsupported align mode : %s", (const char *) ptr); } } // v-align ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"valign" ); if (ptr) { if (strcmp((const char *) ptr, "top") == 0) { VAlign = Top; } else if (strcmp((const char *) ptr, "middle") == 0) { VAlign = Middle; } else if (strcmp((const char *) ptr, "bottom") == 0) { VAlign = Bottom; } else { nlwarning(" Unknwown or unsupported valign mode : %s", (const char *) ptr); } } // left margin ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"left_margin" ); if (ptr) { fromString((const char*)ptr, LeftMargin); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"nowrap" ); if (ptr) { NoWrap = convertBool(ptr); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"bgcolor" ); if (ptr) { BgColor = convertColor(ptr); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"width" ); if (ptr) { convertPixelsOrRatio((const char *) ptr, WidthWanted, TableRatio); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"height" ); if (ptr) { fromString((const char*)ptr, Height); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"ignore_max_width" ); if (ptr) { IgnoreMaxWidth = convertBool(ptr); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"ignore_min_width" ); if (ptr) { IgnoreMinWidth = convertBool(ptr); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"add_child_w" ); if (ptr) { AddChildW = convertBool(ptr); } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGroupCell::draw () { if ( CGroupCell::DebugUICell ) { // Draw cell CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance(); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal, _WReal, 1, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), CRGBA(0,255,255,255) ); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal, 1, _HReal, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), CRGBA(0,255,255,255) ); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+_HReal-1, _WReal, 1, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), CRGBA(0,255,255,255) ); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_WReal-1, _YReal, 1, _HReal, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), CRGBA(0,255,255,255) ); } // Draw the background if (_UserTexture || BgColor.A != 0) { CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance(); if (_UserTexture) { CRGBA col; if (BgColor.A == 0 ) col = CRGBA(255,255,255,255); else col = BgColor; if (_TextureScaled && !_TextureTiled) { rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal, _WReal, _HReal, 0, false, _TextureId, col ); } else { if (!_TextureTiled) { rVR.draw11RotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal, 0, false, _TextureId, col); } else { rVR.drawRotFlipBitmapTiled(_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal, _WReal, _HReal, 0, false, _TextureId, 0, col); } } } else { CRGBA finalColor; finalColor.modulateFromColor (BgColor, CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getGlobalColor()); // Get the parent table if (getParent ()) { CGroupTable *table = static_cast (getParent ()); finalColor.A = (uint8) (((uint16) table->CurrentAlpha * (uint16) finalColor.A) >> 8); } //nlinfo("Blank Texture"); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal, _WReal, _HReal, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), finalColor); } } CInterfaceGroup::draw (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sint32 CGroupCell::getMaxUsedW() const { return Group->getMaxUsedW(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sint32 CGroupCell::getMinUsedW() const { return Group->getMinUsedW(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGroupCell::setTexture(const std::string & TxName) { if (TxName.empty() || TxName == "none") { _UserTexture = false; nlinfo("Set no texture"); } else { nlinfo("Set texture to cell : %s", TxName.c_str()); _UserTexture = true; _TextureId.setTexture (TxName.c_str (), 0, 0, -1, -1, false); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGroupCell::setTextureTile(bool tiled) { if (tiled) nlinfo("Set texture is Tiled"); _TextureTiled = tiled; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGroupCell::setTextureScale(bool scaled) { if (scaled) nlinfo("Set texture is Scaled : %s"); _TextureScaled = scaled; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CGroupTable, std::string, "table"); CGroupTable::CGroupTable(const TCtorParam ¶m) : CInterfaceGroup(param), BgColor(0,0,0,255) { _ContentValidated = false; TableRatio = 0.f; ForceWidthMin = 0; Border=0; CellPadding=0; CellSpacing=0; ContinuousUpdate = false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGroupTable::addChild (CGroupCell* child) { // Cell empty ? if (_Cells.empty()) // New line child->NewLine = true; // Cells are moved and resized by the table child->setParent(this); child->setParentPos(this); child->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); child->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_TL); child->setResizeFromChildW(false); // Child resize H for cells child->setResizeFromChildH(false); /* // New line ? if (child->NewLine) { // First element if (_Cells.empty()) { child->setParentPos(NULL); child->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); child->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_TL); } // New line else { // Look for previous new line uint i; for (i=_Cells.size()-1; i>0; i--) if (_Cells[i]->NewLine) break; child->setParentPos(_Cells[i]); child->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); child->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_BL); } } else { nlassert(!_Cells.empty()); child->setParentPos(_Cells.back()); child->setPosRef(Hotspot_TL); child->setParentPosRef(Hotspot_TR); }*/ // Add the child addGroup(child); _Cells.push_back(child); invalidateContent(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGroupTable::~CGroupTable() { /* uint i; for (i=0; i<_Cells.size(); i++) delete _Cells[i]; _Cells.clear ();*/ } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGroupTable::updateCoords() { if (_Parent) { if (ContinuousUpdate) { sint parentWidth = std::min(_Parent->getMaxWReal(), _Parent->getWReal()); if (_LastParentW != (sint) parentWidth) { _LastParentW = parentWidth; _ContentValidated = false; } } if (!_ContentValidated) { // Update W and XReal CInterfaceElement::updateCoords(); // *** For each children, update coords, gets min and max values // *** Get the column sizes, we need to know min for the table uint i; uint column = 0; _Columns.clear (); for (i=0; i<_Cells.size(); i++) { // Update coords to get XReal CGroupCell *cell = _Cells[i]; cell->checkCoords(); cell->updateCoords(); sint32 additionnalWidth = 0; if (cell->AddChildW) { sint width, height; cell->Group->evalChildrenBBox(true, false, width, height); additionnalWidth = (sint32) width; } // Get width min and max if( !cell->IgnoreMaxWidth) { cell->WidthMax = cell->getMaxUsedW() + cell->LeftMargin; } else { cell->WidthMax = cell->WidthWanted + additionnalWidth + cell->LeftMargin; } sint32 cellWidth; if(!cell->IgnoreMinWidth) { cellWidth = cell->NoWrap ? cell->WidthMax : cell->getMinUsedW() + cell->LeftMargin; } else { cellWidth = cell->NoWrap ? cell->WidthMax : cell->LeftMargin; } // New cell ? if (cell->NewLine) column = 0; // Resize the array if (column>=_Columns.size()) _Columns.resize(column+1); // Update sizes if (cellWidth > _Columns[column].Width) _Columns[column].Width = cellWidth; if (cell->WidthMax > _Columns[column].WidthMax) _Columns[column].WidthMax = cell->WidthMax; if (cell->TableRatio > _Columns[column].TableRatio) _Columns[column].TableRatio = cell->TableRatio; if (cell->WidthWanted + additionnalWidth > _Columns[column].WidthWanted) _Columns[column].WidthWanted = cell->WidthWanted + additionnalWidth; if (cell->Height > _Columns[column].Height) _Columns[column].Height = cell->Height; if (_Columns[column].WidthWanted + additionnalWidth) _Columns[column].WidthMax = _Columns[column].WidthWanted + additionnalWidth; if (_Columns[column].WidthWanted > _Columns[column].Width) _Columns[column].Width = _Columns[column].WidthWanted; // Next column column++; } // Width of cells and table borders sint32 borderWidth = 2*Border + ((sint32)_Columns.size()+1) * CellSpacing + ((sint32)_Columns.size()*2) * CellPadding; // Get the width sint32 tableWidthMax = ForceWidthMin?ForceWidthMin:_LastParentW; // getWReal(); sint32 tableWidthMin = std::max(ForceWidthMin, (sint32)((float)tableWidthMax*TableRatio)); tableWidthMax = std::max ((sint32)0, tableWidthMax-borderWidth); tableWidthMin = std::max ((sint32)0, tableWidthMin-borderWidth); // Get the width of the table and normalize percent of the cell (sum of TableRatio must == 1) sint32 tableWidth = 0; sint32 tableMaxContentWidth = 0; float ratio = 1; for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { tableWidth += _Columns[i].Width; tableMaxContentWidth += _Columns[i].WidthMax; _Columns[i].TableRatio = std::min(_Columns[i].TableRatio, ratio); ratio -= _Columns[i].TableRatio; } // Eval table size with all percent cells resized sint32 tableWidthSizeAfterPercent = tableWidth; for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { if (_Columns[i].TableRatio > 0) { // Size of the cell with its percent sint32 me = (sint32)((float)_Columns[i].Width / _Columns[i].TableRatio); tableWidthSizeAfterPercent = std::min(tableWidthMax, std::max(tableWidthSizeAfterPercent, me)); } } for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { if (_Columns[i].TableRatio > 0) { // Size of the other cells sint32 cellSize; if (_Columns[i].TableRatio < 1.f) cellSize = (sint32)((float)tableWidthSizeAfterPercent*_Columns[i].TableRatio) + 1; else cellSize = 10000; sint32 diff = std::min(tableWidthMax, (std::max(_Columns[i].Width, cellSize) - _Columns[i].Width)+tableWidth) - tableWidth; tableWidth += diff; _Columns[i].Width += diff; // tableMaxContentWidth = std::max(tableMaxContentWidth, (sint32)((float)_Columns[i].WidthMax / _Columns[i].TableRatio)); } } sint32 space = tableWidthMax - tableWidth; // Normalize percent window for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { // Width for the cell sint32 diff = (sint32)((float)tableWidth*_Columns[i].TableRatio) - _Columns[i].Width; diff = std::min(diff, space); if (diff > 0) { _Columns[i].Width += diff; tableWidth += diff; space -= diff; } } // Ok, now percent window are nomralized // Evaluate space to put in windows sint32 finalWidth = std::max(tableWidthMin, std::min(std::max(tableWidth, tableMaxContentWidth), tableWidthMax)); space = finalWidth - tableWidth; if (space > 0) { // First give to percent cells for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { // Width for the cell sint32 dif = (sint32)((float)space*_Columns[i].TableRatio); _Columns[i].Width += dif; tableWidth += dif; } // Some space ? space = finalWidth - tableWidth; if (space > 0) { // Then add in wanted Width cells for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { // Width for the cell if (_Columns[i].Width < _Columns[i].WidthWanted) { sint32 dif = std::min(space, _Columns[i].WidthWanted-_Columns[i].Width); _Columns[i].Width += dif; space -= dif; } } if (space > 0) { // All cells with sizewanted are full // Distribute remaining space in resizable cells that have a WidthMax sint32 sumDeltaWidth = 0; for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { if ((_Columns[i].TableRatio == 0) && (_Columns[i].WidthWanted == 0)) sumDeltaWidth += std::max ((sint32)0, _Columns[i].WidthMax - _Columns[i].Width); } if (sumDeltaWidth) { sint32 toDistribute = space; for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { if ((_Columns[i].TableRatio == 0) && (_Columns[i].WidthWanted == 0)) { sint32 marge = std::max ((sint32)0, _Columns[i].WidthMax - _Columns[i].Width); sint32 cellPart = std::min(marge, std::min(space, 1 + marge * toDistribute / sumDeltaWidth)); if (cellPart) { _Columns[i].Width += cellPart; space -= cellPart; } } } } if (space > 0) { // All cells with sizemax are full // Distribute remaining space in others resizable cells sumDeltaWidth = 0; for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { if ((_Columns[i].TableRatio == 0) && (_Columns[i].WidthWanted == 0)) sumDeltaWidth++; } if (sumDeltaWidth) { sint32 toDistribute = space; for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { if ((_Columns[i].TableRatio == 0) && (_Columns[i].WidthWanted == 0)) { sint32 cellPart = std::min(space, 1 + toDistribute / sumDeltaWidth); _Columns[i].Width += cellPart; space -= cellPart; } } } if (space > 0) { // No cells with sizemax not sizewanted, resize size wanted // Distribute remaining space in others resizable cells sumDeltaWidth = 0; for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { if ((_Columns[i].TableRatio == 0) && (_Columns[i].WidthWanted != 0)) sumDeltaWidth++; } if (sumDeltaWidth) { sint32 toDistribute = space; for (i=0; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { if ((_Columns[i].TableRatio == 0) && (_Columns[i].WidthWanted != 0)) { sint32 cellPart = std::min(space, 1 + toDistribute / sumDeltaWidth); _Columns[i].Width += cellPart; space -= cellPart; } } } } } } } } // *** Now we know each column width, resize cells and get the height for each row column = 0; sint32 row = 0; sint32 currentX = Border + CellSpacing + CellPadding; _Rows.clear (); for (i=0; i<_Cells.size(); i++) { CGroupCell *cell = _Cells[i]; // New cell ? if (cell->NewLine) { column = 0; currentX = Border + CellSpacing + CellPadding; _Rows.push_back(CRow()); } // Set the x and width // Check align sint32 alignmentX = 0; sint32 widthReduceX = 0; if (cell->WidthMax < _Columns[column].Width) { switch (cell->Align) { case CGroupCell::Center: alignmentX = (_Columns[column].Width - cell->WidthMax) / 2; widthReduceX = alignmentX * 2; break; case CGroupCell::Right: alignmentX = _Columns[column].Width - cell->WidthMax; widthReduceX = alignmentX; break; default: break; } } cell->setX(currentX); cell->setW(_Columns[column].Width); cell->Group->setX(alignmentX+cell->LeftMargin); cell->Group->setW(_Columns[column].Width - widthReduceX); cell->Group->CInterfaceElement::updateCoords(); // Update coords to get H cell->Group->checkCoords(); cell->Group->updateCoords(); // Resize the row array _Rows.back().Height = std::max(cell->Height, std::max(_Rows.back().Height, (sint32)cell->Group->getH())); // Next column currentX += _Columns[column].Width + 2*CellPadding + CellSpacing; column ++; } // Set cell Y row = 0; sint32 currentY = -(Border + CellSpacing + CellPadding); for (i=0; i<_Cells.size(); i++) { // New cell ? CGroupCell *cell = _Cells[i]; if ((i != 0) && (cell->NewLine)) { if (_Rows[row].Height != 0) { currentY -= _Rows[row].Height + 2*CellPadding + CellSpacing; } row++; } // Check align sint32 alignmentY = 0; if ((sint32)cell->Group->getH() < _Rows[row].Height) { switch (cell->VAlign) { case CGroupCell::Middle: alignmentY = (_Rows[row].Height - (sint32)cell->Group->getH()) / 2; break; case CGroupCell::Bottom: alignmentY = _Rows[row].Height - (sint32)cell->Group->getH(); break; default: break; } } cell->setY(currentY); cell->setH (_Rows[row].Height); cell->Group->setY(-alignmentY); } // Resize the table setW(finalWidth+borderWidth-_LastParentW); if (!_Rows.empty()) currentY -= _Rows[row].Height + CellPadding + CellSpacing + Border; setH(-currentY); // All done } } CInterfaceGroup::updateCoords(); // Validated _ContentValidated = true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGroupTable::checkCoords () { if (_Parent != NULL) { sint parentWidth = std::min(_Parent->getMaxWReal(), _Parent->getWReal()); if (_LastParentW != (sint) parentWidth) { if (ContinuousUpdate) { _LastParentW = parentWidth; invalidateContent(); } else { CCtrlBase *pCB = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft(); if (pCB != NULL) { CCtrlResizer *pCR = dynamic_cast(pCB); if (pCR != NULL) { // We are resizing !!!! } else { _LastParentW = parentWidth; invalidateContent(); } } else { _LastParentW = parentWidth; invalidateContent(); } } } } CInterfaceGroup::checkCoords(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGroupTable::onInvalidateContent() { _ContentValidated = false; invalidateCoords(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sint32 CGroupTable::getMaxUsedW() const { uint i; uint column = 0; vector columns; columns.clear (); for (i=0; i<_Cells.size(); i++) { // Update coords to get XReal CGroupCell *cell = _Cells[i]; cell->checkCoords(); cell->updateCoords(); // Get width min and max sint32 cellWidthMax = cell->getMaxUsedW(); // New cell ? if (cell->NewLine) column = 0; // Resize the array if (column>=columns.size()) columns.resize(column+1, 0); // Update sizes if (cellWidthMax > columns[column]) columns[column] = cellWidthMax; if (cell->WidthWanted) columns[column] = cell->WidthWanted; // Hack to force a table with ratio to be large sint32 cellRatio = (sint32)ceil(cell->TableRatio * 1024.f); if (cellRatio > columns[column]) columns[column] = cellRatio; // Next column column++; } // Sum sint32 maxWidth = 0; for (i=0; i columns; columns.clear (); for (i=0; i<_Cells.size(); i++) { // Update coords to get XReal CGroupCell *cell = _Cells[i]; cell->checkCoords(); cell->updateCoords(); // Get width min and max sint32 cellWidthMin = cell->getMinUsedW(); // New cell ? if (cell->NewLine) column = 0; // Resize the array if (column>=columns.size()) columns.resize(column+1, 0); // Update sizes if (cellWidthMin > columns[column]) columns[column] = cellWidthMin; if (cell->WidthWanted) columns[column] = cell->WidthWanted; // Next column column++; } // Sum sint32 maxWidth = 0; for (i=0; iisGroupContainer()) { CGroupContainer *gc = static_cast(gr); CurrentAlpha = gc->getCurrentContainerAlpha(); break; } gr = gr->getParent(); } // Not found ? if (gr == NULL) CurrentAlpha = 255; if (!_Columns.empty() && !_Rows.empty() && BgColor.A) { sint32 border = Border + CellSpacing + CellPadding; if (border) { CRGBA finalColor; finalColor.modulateFromColor (BgColor, CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getGlobalColor()); finalColor.A = CurrentAlpha; // Draw the top and bottom lines CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance(); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal, _WReal, border, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), finalColor); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal-border+_HReal, _WReal, border, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), finalColor); // Draw the left and right lines sint32 insideHeight = std::max((sint32)0, (sint32)_HReal - (sint32)2*border); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal, _YReal+border, border, insideHeight, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), finalColor); rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, _XReal+_WReal-border, _YReal+border, border, insideHeight, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), finalColor); // Draw the inside borders sint32 insideWidth = 2*CellPadding + CellSpacing; if (insideWidth) { // Draw the inside verticals uint i; sint32 x = _XReal + _Columns[0].Width + border; for (i=1; i<_Columns.size(); i++) { rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, x, _YReal+border, insideWidth, insideHeight, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), finalColor); x += _Columns[i].Width + insideWidth; } // Draw the inside horizontals sint32 y = _YReal + _HReal - border - _Rows[0].Height; if (_Rows[0].Height != 0) { y -= insideWidth; } for (i=1; i<_Rows.size(); i++) { uint j; x = _XReal + border; if (_Rows[i].Height != 0) { for (j=0; j<_Columns.size(); j++) { rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap (_RenderLayer, x, y, _Columns[j].Width, insideWidth, 0, false, rVR.getBlankTextureId(), finalColor); x += _Columns[j].Width + insideWidth; } y -= _Rows[i].Height+ insideWidth; } } } } } CInterfaceGroup::draw (); } std::string CGroupTable::getProperties( const std::string &name ) const { if( name == "border" ) { return toString( Border ); } else if( name == "cellpadding" ) { return toString( CellPadding ); } else if( name == "cellspacing" ) { return toString( CellSpacing ); } else if( name == "bgcolor" ) { return toString( BgColor ); } else if( name == "width" ) { if( ForceWidthMin != 0 ) return toString( ForceWidthMin ); else return toString( TableRatio * 100.0f ); } else return CInterfaceGroup::getProperty( name ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CGroupTable::parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup) { if (!CInterfaceGroup::parse(cur, parentGroup)) return false; // CXMLAutoPtr ptr; ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"border" ); if (ptr) { fromString((const char*)ptr, Border); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"cellpadding" ); if (ptr) { fromString((const char*)ptr, CellPadding); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"cellspacing" ); if (ptr) { fromString((const char*)ptr, CellSpacing); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"bgcolor" ); if (ptr) { BgColor = convertColor((const char *) ptr); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"width" ); if (ptr) { convertPixelsOrRatio(ptr, ForceWidthMin, TableRatio); } // ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"continuous_update" ); if (ptr) { ContinuousUpdate = convertBool(ptr); } // parse cells uint row = 0; xmlNodePtr currRow = cur->children; while (currRow != NULL) { // look for 'TR' markup if (strcmp((char*)currRow->name,"TR") == 0) { // found a row, parse cells inside xmlNodePtr currCol = currRow->children; bool newLine = true; uint column = 0; while (currCol != NULL) { // look for 'TR' markup if (strcmp((char*)currCol->name,"TD") == 0) { CGroupCell *cell = new CGroupCell(CViewBase::TCtorParam()); if (cell->parse(currCol, this, column, row)) { cell->NewLine = newLine; newLine = false; addChild(cell); } else { delete cell; } ++ column; } currCol = currCol->next; } ++ row; } currRow = currRow->next; } return true; } }