menu = $menu; //read all recent perks of user //make distinct achievement list $res = $DBc->sqlQuery("SELECT DISTINCT aa_id,ach.*,(SELECT aal_name FROM ach_achievement_lang WHERE aal_lang='".$_USER->getLang()."' AND aal_achievement=ach.aa_id) as aal_name FROM ach_achievement as ach,ach_perk,ach_player_perk WHERE ap_achievement=aa_id AND app_player='".$_USER->getID()."' AND app_perk=ap_id ORDER by app_date DESC LIMIT 0,".($size-1)); $sz = sizeof($res); for($i=0;$i<$sz;$i++) { $tmp = $this->makeChild($res[$i]); $this->child_done[] = sizeof($this->nodes); $this->nodes[] = $tmp; } } function makeChild(&$a) { return new AchAchievement($a); } function getSummary() { if(!is_array($this->stats)) { // only load if needed //now we have to find the # of perks for each main menu entry //and also sum up how many have been completed $this->stats = array(); // [][name,done,total] $tmp = $this->menu->getChildren(); foreach($tmp as $elem) { if($elem->getID() == 0 || $elem->inDev()) { continue; // skip summary page } $res = $this->sumStats($elem); $this->stats[] = array($elem->getName(),$res[0],$res[1]); } } return $this->stats; } private function sumStats(&$node) { global $DBc,$_USER; $done = 0; $total = 0; //read for current ID //sum $res = $DBc->sqlQuery("SELECT count(ap_id) as anz FROM ach_perk,ach_achievement,ach_player_perk WHERE aa_category='".$node->getID()."' AND ap_achievement=aa_id AND app_player='".$_USER->getID()."' AND app_perk=ap_id"); $done += $res[0]["anz"]; $res = $DBc->sqlQuery("SELECT count(ap_id) as anz FROM ach_perk,ach_achievement WHERE aa_category='".$node->getID()."' AND ap_achievement=aa_id AND aa_dev='0' AND ap_dev='0'"); $total += $res[0]["anz"]; $tmp = $node->getChildren(); foreach($tmp as $elem) { $res = $this->sumStats($elem); $done += $res[0]; $total += $res[1]; } return array($done,$total); } function isTiedCult() { return false; } function isTiedCiv() { return false; } function getCurrentCiv() { return "c_neutral"; } function getCurrentCult() { return "c_neutral"; } } ?>