config = $cryptinfo; } /** * encrypts by using the given enc_method and hash_method. * It will first check if the methods are supported, if not it will throw an error, if so it will encrypt the $data * @param $data the string that we want to encrypt. * @return the encrypted string. */ public function encrypt($data) { self::check_methods($this->config['enc_method'], $this->config['hash_method']); $iv = self::hashIV($this->config['key'], $this->config['hash_method'], openssl_cipher_iv_length($this->config['enc_method'])); $infostr = sprintf('$%s$%s$', $this->config['enc_method'], $this->config['hash_method']); return $infostr . openssl_encrypt($data, $this->config['enc_method'], $this->config['key'], false, $iv); } /** * decrypts by using the given enc_method and hash_method. * @param $edata the encrypted string that we want to decrypt * @return the decrypted string. */ public function decrypt($edata) { $e_arr = explode('$', $edata); if( count($e_arr) != 4 ) { Throw new Exception('Given data is missing crucial sections.'); } $this->config['enc_method'] = $e_arr[1]; $this->config['hash_method'] = $e_arr[2]; self::check_methods($this->config['enc_method'], $this->config['hash_method']); $iv = self::hashIV($this->config['key'], $this->config['hash_method'], openssl_cipher_iv_length($this->config['enc_method'])); return openssl_decrypt($e_arr[3], $this->config['enc_method'], $this->config['key'], false, $iv); } /** * hashes the key by using a hash method specified. * @param $key the key to be hashed * @param $method the metho of hashing to be used * @param $iv_size the size of the initialization vector. * @return return the hashed key up till the size of the iv_size param. */ private static function hashIV($key, $method, $iv_size) { $myhash = hash($method, $key, TRUE); while( strlen($myhash) < $iv_size ) { $myhash .= hash($method, $myhash, TRUE); } return substr($myhash, 0, $iv_size); } /** * checks if the encryption and hash methods are supported * @param $enc the encryption method. * @param $hash the hash method. * @throw Exception in case a method is not supported. */ private static function check_methods($enc, $hash) { if( ! function_exists('openssl_encrypt') ) { Throw new Exception('openssl_encrypt() not supported.'); } else if( ! in_array($enc, openssl_get_cipher_methods()) ) { Throw new Exception('Encryption method ' . $enc . ' not supported.'); } else if( ! in_array(strtolower($hash), hash_algos()) ) { Throw new Exception('Hashing method ' . $hash . ' not supported.'); } } }