// List of required privileges for client commands
// If present, the second column may contain a service name between [] to forward the command
// Warning: leaving the second column blank means that everyone can use the command
// R2 Commands
dssTarget :: // ask DSS to perform a GM action on the player's target
// Commands
addGuildMember :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Add a new member to a guild: <guild name> <member name>
addGuildXp :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Add xp to a guild: <guild name> <xp (positive or negative)>
addPetAnimal :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Add pet animal to character: <PetTicket>
addPosFlag :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Add a new position flag: <flag name>
addSkillPoints :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Add skill points of given type (Fight=0, Magic=1, Craft=2, Harvest=3): <SP type [0..3]> <nb SP>
addXPToSkill :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Gain experience in the given skill: <xp> <skill> [<count>]
broadcast :DEV:SGM:GM:EM:VG: // Broadcast a message: [repeat=<num repeat> or during=<time in seconds>] [every=<delay in secondes>] <message>
changeHairCut :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Change the haircut of a player: <sheet name>
changeMode :DEV:SGM:GM: // Change mode of a player: <mode>
changeVar :DEV:SGM:GM: // Change a variable of a player: <var> <val>
checkTargetSP :DEV:SGM:GM: // Check target player skill points
clearEventFaction :DEV:SGM:GM: // Clear the event faction of player: <player name>
clearFriendsList :DEV:SGM:GM: // Clear the friend list of a player
clearGuildMessage // Clear the guild message of the day
clearIgnoreList :DEV:SGM:GM: // Clear the ignore list of a player
clearIsFriendOfList :DEV:SGM:GM: // Clear the "is friend of" list of a player
createItemInBag :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Create an item and put it in the player bag: <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality>
createItemInInv :DEV: // Create an item and put it in the given player inventory: <invId> <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality>
createItemInTmpInv :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Create an item and put it in the player temp inventory: <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality>
createNamedItemInBag :DEV:SGM: // Create a named item and put it in the player bag: <item name> [<quantity>]
createFullArmorSet :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Create and equip player with chosen full armor set: <race (fyros/matis/zorai/tryker)> <type (light/medium/heavy)> <quality>
delPosFlag :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Delete a position flag: <flag name>
dismiss :DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:EM:EG: // Teleport a player back to its former position (before last call to summonPlayer): <player name>
displayForageRM :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Display forageable raw materials near by or at the exact position of a player: <exactPos=1> <extendedInfo=0>
displayInfosOnTarget :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Display infos on entity target
dodge // Set the defense mode to dodge
execPhrase :DEV:SGM:GM: // Execute a phrase with given bricks: <cyclic 0/1> [<brick ids>...]
executeSabrinaPhrase :DEV:SGM:GM: // Execute a sabrina phrase: <cyclic 0/1> <phraseId>
failMission :DEV:SGM:GM: // Force mission failure: <mission idx>
forceTargetToDie :DEV:SGM:GM: // Force entity target to die
getEventFaction :DEV:SGM:GM: // Get the event faction of player: <player name>
giveRespawnPoint :DEV:SGM:GM: // Give a respawn point to a player: <respawn point name>
guildInvite // Send a guild invite to a player character without distance constrainte
savePlayerActiveChar :DEV:SGM: // save immediatly a player active char, a specific filename can enter for backup a character in specific situation/context
reloadPlayer :DEV:SGM: // set next filename used for loading a character (must be offline and log later) or relaod an online character to previous backup or with a specified filename.
farTPPush :DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG: // used to tp on a specific session
farTPReturn :DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG: // used to tp back to your previous session
characterMissionDump :DEV:SGM:GM: //Dump mission list for a character
removeMission :DEV:SGM:GM: //Remove a mission of a character
addMission :DEV:SGM:GM: //add a mission to a character
// Variables
Aggro :DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:EM:EG: // Mobs can aggro a player?
CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Create character start skills, skill point and money
FBT :DEV:SGM:GM:VG:EM: // Is a Focus Beta Tester?
God :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // God mode, invulnerability
Invulnerable :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Invulnerable mode, invulnerability to all
ShowFactionChannels :DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:G: // Show faction channel for moderation
HP :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Hit points of a player
MaxHP :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Max hit points of a bot
Invisible :DEV:SGM:GM:VG:SG:EM:EG: // Invisibility of a player
Money :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Money of a player
Name :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Name of a player
Position :DEV:SGM:GM:VG:PR:OBSERVER:EM:EG: // Position of a player (in meters) <posx>,<posy>[,<posz>]] | <bot name> | <player name> | home
Priv :DEV: // User privilege
PriviledgePVP :DEV:SGM:GM:EM:EG: // Turns PVP on/off on character (blame coder for typo)
RyzomDate :DEV:SGM:GM: // Current ryzom date
RyzomTime :DEV:SGM:GM: // Current ryzom time
// Event commands
eventCreateNpcGroup :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Create a npc group
eventNpcGroupScript :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Execute a script on an event npc group
eventSetBotName :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Set the name of a bot
eventSetBotScale :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Set the scale of a bot
eventSetNpcGroupAggroRange :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: // Set the aggro range of a NPC group