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Raw Normal View History

2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "std3d.h"
#include "nel/3d/patch.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable_manager.h"
#include "nel/3d/landscape_vegetable_block.h"
#include "nel/3d/landscape.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/misc/common.h"
#include "nel/misc/fast_floor.h"
#include "nel/3d/tile_vegetable_desc.h"
#include "nel/3d/vegetable_light_ex.h"
#include "nel/3d/patchdlm_context.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
void CPatch::generateTileVegetable(CVegetableInstanceGroup *vegetIg, uint distType, uint ts, uint tt,
CLandscapeVegetableBlockCreateContext &vbCreateCtx)
uint i;
// Get tile infos for vegetable
// =========================
// Get the state for this vegetable tile
CTileElement::TVegetableInfo vegetWaterState= Tiles[tt * OrderS + ts].getVegetableState();
// If vegetable disabled, skip!
if(vegetWaterState == CTileElement::VegetableDisabled)
// get the tileId under this tile (<=> the tile material)
uint tileId= Tiles[tt * OrderS + ts].Tile[0];
// get list of vegetable for this tile, and for hist distanceType category.
const CTileVegetableDesc &tileVegetDesc= getLandscape()->getTileVegetableDesc(tileId);
const std::vector<CVegetable> &vegetableList= tileVegetDesc.getVegetableList(distType);
uint distAddSeed= tileVegetDesc.getVegetableSeed(distType);
uint numVegetable= vegetableList.size();
// If no vegetables at all, skip.
// If any layer (2nd or 3rd) is set, but has no vegetable, then skip too
// This is to ensure "no vegetable under buildings".
if( Tiles[tt * OrderS + ts].Tile[1]!=NL_TILE_ELM_LAYER_EMPTY )
uint tileId1= Tiles[tt * OrderS + ts].Tile[1];
uint tileId2= Tiles[tt * OrderS + ts].Tile[2];
// NB: test distType
if(tileId2!=NL_TILE_ELM_LAYER_EMPTY && getLandscape()->getTileVegetableDesc(tileId2).empty())
// compute approximate tile position and normal: get the middle
float tileU= (ts + 0.5f) / (float)OrderS;
float tileV= (tt + 0.5f) / (float)OrderT;
CBezierPatch *bpatch= unpackIntoCache();
// Get approximate position for the tile (useful for noise). NB: eval() is faster than computeVertex().
CVector tilePos= bpatch->eval(tileU, tileV);
// Get also the normal used for all instances on this tile (not precise,
// don't take noise into account, but faster).
CVector tileNormal= bpatch->evalNormal(tileU, tileV);
// Compute also position on middle of 4 edges of this tile, for generateGroupBiLinear().
CVector tilePosBiLinear[4];
float OOos= 1.0f / OrderS;
float OOot= 1.0f / OrderT;
tilePosBiLinear[0]= bpatch->eval( (ts + 0.0f) * OOos, (tt + 0.5f) * OOot);
tilePosBiLinear[1]= bpatch->eval( (ts + 1.0f) * OOos, (tt + 0.5f) * OOot);
tilePosBiLinear[2]= bpatch->eval( (ts + 0.5f) * OOos, (tt + 0.0f) * OOot);
tilePosBiLinear[3]= bpatch->eval( (ts + 0.5f) * OOos, (tt + 1.0f) * OOot);
// compute a rotation matrix with the normal
CMatrix matInstance;
matInstance.setRot(CVector::I, CVector::J, tileNormal);
// must normalize the matrix. use the vector which is the most orthogonal to tileNormal
// If tileNormal is much more a J vector, then use plane (I,tileNormal), and vice-versa
if(fabs(tileNormal.y) > fabs(tileNormal.x))
// prepare color / lighting
// =========================
// say that ambient never change. VegetableManager handle the ambient and diffuse itself (for precomputeLighting)
CRGBAF ambientF= CRGBAF(1,1,1,1);
// Compute the tileLightmap (not modified by tileColor).
static uint8 tileLumelmap[NL_LUMEL_BY_TILE * NL_LUMEL_BY_TILE];
getTileLumelmapPrecomputed(ts, tt, tileLumelmap, NL_LUMEL_BY_TILE);
// compute diffuse color by substracting from ambient.
// TODO_VEGET_OPTIM: optimize this.
// For all lumel of this tile.
// mul by 2, because shade is done twice here: by vertex, and by landscape.
sint tileLumel= 2*tileLumelmap[i];
tileLumel= min(tileLumel, 255);
float tlf= tileLumel / 255.f;
diffuseColorF[i].R= tlf;
diffuseColorF[i].G= tlf;
diffuseColorF[i].B= tlf;
diffuseColorF[i].A= 1;
// Compute The CVegetableLightEx, adding pointLight effect to vegetation
// First get pointLight at this tiles.
static vector<CPointLightInfluence> lightList;
appendTileLightInfluences( CUV(tileU, tileV), lightList);
// for each light, modulate the factor of influence
for(i=0; i<lightList.size();i++)
CPointLight *pl= lightList[i].PointLight;
// compute the attenuation to the pos of the tile
float att= pl->computeLinearAttenuation(tilePos);
// modulate the influence with this factor
lightList[i].BkupInfluence= lightList[i].Influence;
lightList[i].Influence*= att;
// sort the light by influence
sort(lightList.begin(), lightList.end());
// Setup the vegetLex directly in the ig.
CVegetableLightEx &vegetLex= vegetIg->VegetableLightEx;
// take only 2 first, computing direction to tilePos and computing attenuation.
vegetLex.NumLights= min((uint)CVegetableLightEx::MaxNumLight, (uint)lightList.size());
// WARNING: can C cast to CPointLightNamed here because comes from CPatch::appendTileLightInfluences() only!
CPointLightNamed *pl= (CPointLightNamed*)(lightList[i].PointLight);
// copy to vegetLex.
vegetLex.PointLight[i]= pl;
// get the attenuation
vegetLex.PointLightFactor[i]= (uint)(256* lightList[i].Influence);
// Setup the direction from pointLight.
vegetLex.Direction[i]= tilePos - pl->getPosition();
// compute now the current colors of the vegetLex.
// Compute Dynamic Lightmap UV for this tile.
CUV dlmUV;
// get coordinate in 0..1 in texture.
dlmUV.U= _DLMContext->DLMUBias + _DLMContext->DLMUScale * tileU;
dlmUV.V= _DLMContext->DLMVBias + _DLMContext->DLMVScale * tileV;
// get coordinate in 0..255.
CVegetableUV8 dlmUV8;
dlmUV8.U= (uint8)NLMISC::OptFastFloor(dlmUV.U * 255 + 0.5f);
dlmUV8.V= (uint8)NLMISC::OptFastFloor(dlmUV.V * 255 + 0.5f);
// bound them, ensuring 8Bits UV "uncompressed" by driver are in the lightmap area.
clamp(dlmUV8.U, _DLMContext->MinU8, _DLMContext->MaxU8);
clamp(dlmUV8.V, _DLMContext->MinV8, _DLMContext->MaxV8);
// for all vegetable of this list, generate instances.
// =========================
// Get an array for each vegetable (static for speed).
typedef std::vector<NLMISC::CVector2f> TPositionVector;
static std::vector<TPositionVector> instanceUVArray;
// realloc if necessary.
if(instanceUVArray.size() < numVegetable)
// clean.
// realloc.
// First, for each vegetable, generate the number of instance to create, and their relative position.
for(i= 0; i<numVegetable; i++)
// get the vegetable
const CVegetable &veget= vegetableList[i];
// generate instance for this vegetable.
veget.generateGroupBiLinear(tilePos, tilePosBiLinear, tileNormal, NL3D_PATCH_TILE_AREA, i + distAddSeed, instanceUVArray[i]);
// Then, now that we kno how many instance to generate for each vegetable, reserve space.
CVegetableInstanceGroupReserve vegetIgReserve;
for(i= 0; i<numVegetable; i++)
// get the vegetable
const CVegetable &veget= vegetableList[i];
// reseve instance space for this vegetable.
// instanceUVArray[i].size() is the number of instances to create.
veget.reserveIgAddInstances(vegetIgReserve, (CVegetable::TVegetableWater)vegetWaterState, instanceUVArray[i].size());
// actual reseve memory of the ig.
getLandscape()->_VegetableManager->reserveIgCompile(vegetIg, vegetIgReserve);
// generate the instances for all the vegetables.
for(i= 0; i<numVegetable; i++)
// get the vegetable
const CVegetable &veget= vegetableList[i];
// get the relatives position of the instances
std::vector<CVector2f> &instanceUV= instanceUVArray[i];
// For all instance, generate the real instances.
for(uint j=0; j<instanceUV.size(); j++)
// generate the position in world Space.
// instanceUV is in [0..1] interval, which maps to a tile, so explode to the patch
CVector instancePos;
vbCreateCtx.eval(ts, tt, instanceUV[j].x, instanceUV[j].y, instancePos);
// NB: use same normal for rotation for all instances in a same tile.
matInstance.setPos( instancePos );
// peek color into the lightmap.
sint lumelS= NLMISC::OptFastFloor(instanceUV[j].x * NL_LUMEL_BY_TILE);
sint lumelT= NLMISC::OptFastFloor(instanceUV[j].y * NL_LUMEL_BY_TILE);
clamp(lumelS, 0, NL_LUMEL_BY_TILE-1);
clamp(lumelT, 0, NL_LUMEL_BY_TILE-1);
// generate the instance of the vegetable
veget.generateInstance(vegetIg, matInstance, ambientF,
diffuseColorF[ (lumelT<<NL_LUMEL_BY_TILE_SHIFT) + lumelS ],
(distType+1) * NL3D_VEGETABLE_BLOCK_ELTDIST, (CVegetable::TVegetableWater)vegetWaterState, dlmUV8);
// ***************************************************************************
void CPatch::recreateAllVegetableIgs()
// For all TessBlocks, try to release their VegetableBlock
for(uint numtb=0; numtb<TessBlocks.size(); numtb++)
// if the vegetableBlock is deleted, and if there is at least one Material in the tessBlock, and if possible
if( TessBlocks[numtb].VegetableBlock==NULL && TessBlocks[numtb].TileMaterialRefCount>0
&& getLandscape()->isVegetableActive())
// compute tessBlock coordinate
uint tbWidth= OrderS>>1;
uint ts= numtb&(tbWidth-1);
uint tt= numtb/tbWidth;
// crate the vegetable with tilecooridante (ie tessBlock coord *2);
createVegetableBlock(numtb, ts*2, tt*2);
// ***************************************************************************
void CPatch::deleteAllVegetableIgs()
// For all TessBlocks, try to release their VegetableBlock
for(uint i=0; i<TessBlocks.size(); i++)
// ***************************************************************************
void CPatch::createVegetableBlock(uint numTb, uint ts, uint tt)
// TessBlock width
uint tbWidth= OrderS >> 1;
// clipBlock width
// compute tessBlock coordinate.
uint tbs ,tbt;
tbs= ts >> 1;
tbt= tt >> 1;
// compute clipBlock coordinate.
uint cbs,cbt;
// create the vegetable block.
CLandscapeVegetableBlock *vegetBlock= new CLandscapeVegetableBlock;
// Init / append to list.
// compute center of the vegetableBlock (approx).
CBezierPatch *bpatch= unpackIntoCache();
CVector center= bpatch->eval( (float)(tbs*2+1)/OrderS, (float)(tbt*2+1)/OrderT );
// Lower-Left tile is (tbs*2, tbt*2)
vegetBlock->init(center, getLandscape()->_VegetableManager, VegetableClipBlocks[cbt *cbWidth + cbs], this, tbs*2, tbt*2, getLandscape()->_VegetableBlockList);
// set in the tessBlock
TessBlocks[numTb].VegetableBlock= vegetBlock;
// ***************************************************************************
void CPatch::releaseVegetableBlock(uint numTb)
// if exist, must delete the VegetableBlock.
// delete Igs, and remove from list.
TessBlocks[numTb].VegetableBlock->release(getLandscape()->_VegetableManager, getLandscape()->_VegetableBlockList);
// delete.
delete TessBlocks[numTb].VegetableBlock;
TessBlocks[numTb].VegetableBlock= NULL;
} // NL3D